Alpha, Michelson: thread the gas directly in the context
This commit is contained in:
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit '""' '"_abc"'
assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit '"test"' '"test_abc"'
# Get current steps to quota
assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit Unit 39973
assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit Unit 39968
# Get the current balance of the contract
assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit Unit '"4,000,000"'
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ let typecheck_program ?gas (program : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) block cctxt =
Alpha_services.Helpers.typecheck_code cctxt block (program.expanded, gas)
let print_typecheck_result
~emacs ~show_types ~print_source_on_error ~original_gas
~emacs ~show_types ~print_source_on_error
program res (cctxt : #Client_context.printer) =
if emacs then
let type_map, errs, _gas = match res with
@ -154,8 +154,7 @@ let print_typecheck_result
match res with
| Ok (type_map, gas) ->
let program = Michelson_v1_printer.inject_types type_map program in
cctxt#message "@[<v 0>Well typed@,Gas used: %a@,Gas remaining: %a@]"
Gas.pp (Gas.used ~original:original_gas ~current:gas)
cctxt#message "@[<v 0>Well typed@,Gas remaining: %a@]"
Gas.pp gas >>= fun () ->
if show_types then
cctxt#message "%a" Micheline_printer.print_expr program >>= fun () ->
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ val print_trace_result :
tzresult -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val hash_and_sign :
?gas:Gas.t ->
?gas:int ->
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
Client_keys.sk_uri ->
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ val hash_and_sign :
(string * string * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_data :
?gas:Proto_alpha.Gas.t ->
?gas:int ->
data:Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
ty:Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
'a ->
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ val typecheck_data :
Gas.t tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_program :
?gas:Gas.t ->
?gas:int ->
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
Block_services.block ->
#Proto_alpha.rpc_context ->
@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ val print_typecheck_result :
emacs:bool ->
show_types:bool ->
print_source_on_error:bool ->
original_gas:Gas.t ->
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
(Script_tc_errors.type_map * Gas.t) tzresult ->
#Client_context.printer ->
@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ let commands () =
(fun _ctx str ->
return @@ Proto_alpha.Gas.of_int @@ int_of_string str
return (int_of_string str)
with _ ->
failwith "Invalid gas literal: '%s'" str)) in
let resolve_max_gas ctxt block = function
| None -> Alpha_services.Constants.max_gas ctxt block >>=? fun gas ->
return @@ Proto_alpha.Gas.of_int gas
return gas
| Some gas -> return gas in
let data_parameter =
Clic.parameter (fun _ data ->
@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ let commands () =
resolve_max_gas cctxt cctxt#block original_gas >>=? fun original_gas ->
typecheck_program ~gas:original_gas program cctxt#block cctxt >>= fun res ->
~print_source_on_error:(not no_print_source)
@ -164,9 +163,8 @@ let commands () =
resolve_max_gas cctxt cctxt#block custom_gas >>=? fun original_gas ->
Client_proto_programs.typecheck_data ~gas:original_gas ~data ~ty cctxt#block cctxt >>= function
| Ok gas ->
cctxt#message "@[<v 0>Well typed@,Gas used: %a@,Gas remaining: %a@]"
Proto_alpha.Gas.pp (Proto_alpha.Gas.used ~original:original_gas ~current:gas)
Proto_alpha.Gas.pp gas >>= fun () ->
cctxt#message "@[<v 0>Well typed@,Gas remaining: %a@]"
Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Gas.pp gas >>= fun () ->
return ()
| Error errs ->
cctxt#warning "%a"
@ -193,8 +191,8 @@ let commands () =
Alpha_services.Helpers.hash_data cctxt
cctxt#block (data.expanded, typ.expanded, Some original_gas) >>= function
| Ok (hash, remaining_gas) ->
cctxt#message "%S@,Gas used: %a" hash
Proto_alpha.Gas.pp (Proto_alpha.Gas.used ~original:original_gas ~current:remaining_gas) >>= fun () ->
cctxt#message "%S@,Gas remaining: %a" hash
Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Gas.pp remaining_gas >>= fun () ->
return ()
| Error errs ->
cctxt#warning "%a"
@ -225,10 +223,9 @@ let commands () =
resolve_max_gas cctxt cctxt#block gas >>=? fun gas ->
Client_proto_programs.hash_and_sign ~gas data typ sk cctxt#block cctxt >>= begin function
| Ok (hash, signature, current_gas) ->
cctxt#message "@[<v 0>Hash: %S@,Signature: %S@,Gas used: %a@,Remaining gas: %a@]"
cctxt#message "@[<v 0>Hash: %S@,Signature: %S@,Remaining gas: %a@]"
hash signature
Proto_alpha.Gas.pp (Proto_alpha.Gas.used ~original:gas ~current:current_gas)
Proto_alpha.Gas.pp current_gas
Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Gas.pp current_gas
| Error errs ->
cctxt#warning "%a"
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
@ -55,7 +56,6 @@
@ -61,6 +61,13 @@ end
module Voting_period = Voting_period_repr
module Gas = struct
include Gas_repr
let set_limit = Raw_context.set_gas_limit
let set_unlimited = Raw_context.set_gas_unlimited
let consume = Raw_context.consume_gas
let level = Raw_context.gas_level
module Level = struct
include Level_repr
include Level_storage
@ -106,6 +106,36 @@ module Cycle : sig
module Gas : sig
type t = private
| Unaccounted
| Limited of { remaining : int }
val encoding : t Data_encoding.encoding
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
type cost
val cost_encoding : cost Data_encoding.encoding
val pp_cost : Format.formatter -> cost -> unit
type error += Quota_exceeded
val free : cost
val step_cost : int -> cost
val alloc_cost : int -> cost
val alloc_bytes_cost : int -> cost
val alloc_bits_cost : int -> cost
val ( *@ ) : int -> cost -> cost
val ( +@ ) : cost -> cost -> cost
val set_limit: context -> int -> context
val set_unlimited: context -> context
val consume: context -> cost -> context tzresult
val level: context -> t
module Script_int : module type of Script_int_repr
module Script_timestamp : sig
@ -371,67 +371,67 @@ let apply_amendment_operation_content ctxt delegate = function
let apply_manager_operation_content
ctxt origination_nonce source = function
| Reveal _ -> return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None)
| Transaction { amount ; parameters ; destination } -> begin
Contract.spend ctxt source amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
|||| ctxt destination amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.get_script ctxt destination >>=? function
| None -> begin
match parameters with
| None ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None)
| Some arg ->
match Micheline.root arg with
| Prim (_, D_Unit, [], _) ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None)
| _ -> fail (Bad_contract_parameter (destination, None, parameters))
| Some script ->
let gas = Gas.of_int (Constants.max_gas ctxt) in
let call_contract argument gas =
source destination ctxt script amount argument
>>= function
| Ok (storage_res, _res, gas, ctxt, origination_nonce, maybe_big_map_diff) ->
begin match maybe_big_map_diff with
| None -> return (None, gas)
| Some map ->
Script_ir_translator.to_serializable_big_map gas map >>=? fun (diff, gas) ->
return (Some diff, gas) end >>=? fun (diff, _gas) ->
ctxt destination
storage_res diff >>=? fun ctxt ->
Fees.update_script_storage ctxt ~source
destination Script_interpreter.dummy_storage_fee >>=? fun ctxt ->
| Transaction { amount ; parameters ; destination } ->
let ctxt = Gas.set_limit ctxt (Constants.max_gas ctxt) in
Contract.spend ctxt source amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
|||| ctxt destination amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.get_script ctxt destination >>=? function
| None -> begin
match parameters with
| None ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None)
| Error err ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, Some err) in
Lwt.return @@ Script_ir_translator.parse_toplevel gas script.code >>=? fun ((arg_type, _, _, _), gas) ->
let arg_type = Micheline.strip_locations arg_type in
match parameters, Micheline.root arg_type with
| None, Prim (_, T_unit, _, _) ->
call_contract (Micheline.strip_locations (Prim (0, Script.D_Unit, [], None))) gas
| Some parameters, _ -> begin
Script_ir_translator.typecheck_data ctxt gas (parameters, arg_type) >>= function
| Ok gas -> call_contract parameters gas
| Error errs ->
let err = Bad_contract_parameter (destination, Some arg_type, Some parameters) in
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, Some ((err :: errs)))
| None, _ -> fail (Bad_contract_parameter (destination, Some arg_type, None))
| Some arg ->
match Micheline.root arg with
| Prim (_, D_Unit, [], _) ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None)
| _ -> fail (Bad_contract_parameter (destination, None, parameters))
| Some script ->
let call_contract ctxt argument =
source destination ctxt script amount argument
>>= function
| Ok (storage_res, _res, ctxt, origination_nonce, maybe_big_map_diff) ->
begin match maybe_big_map_diff with
| None -> return (None, ctxt)
| Some map ->
Script_ir_translator.to_serializable_big_map ctxt map >>=? fun (diff, ctxt) ->
return (Some diff, ctxt) end >>=? fun (diff, ctxt) ->
ctxt destination
storage_res diff >>=? fun ctxt ->
Fees.update_script_storage ctxt ~source
destination Script_interpreter.dummy_storage_fee >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None)
| Error err ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, Some err) in
Lwt.return @@ Script_ir_translator.parse_toplevel ctxt script.code >>=? fun ((arg_type, _, _, _), ctxt) ->
let arg_type = Micheline.strip_locations arg_type in
match parameters, Micheline.root arg_type with
| None, Prim (_, T_unit, _, _) ->
call_contract ctxt (Micheline.strip_locations (Prim (0, Script.D_Unit, [], None)))
| Some parameters, _ -> begin
Script_ir_translator.typecheck_data ctxt (parameters, arg_type) >>= function
| Ok ctxt -> call_contract ctxt parameters
| Error errs ->
let err = Bad_contract_parameter (destination, Some arg_type, Some parameters) in
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, Some ((err :: errs)))
| None, _ -> fail (Bad_contract_parameter (destination, Some arg_type, None))
| Origination { manager ; delegate ; script ;
spendable ; delegatable ; credit } ->
let gas = Gas.of_int (Constants.max_gas ctxt) in
let ctxt = Gas.set_limit ctxt (Constants.max_gas ctxt) in
begin match script with
| None -> return (None, None, gas)
| None -> return (None, None, ctxt)
| Some script ->
Script_ir_translator.parse_script ctxt gas script >>=? fun (_, gas) ->
Script_ir_translator.erase_big_map_initialization ctxt gas script >>=? fun (script, big_map_diff, gas) ->
Script_ir_translator.parse_script ctxt script >>=? fun (_, ctxt) ->
Script_ir_translator.erase_big_map_initialization ctxt script >>=? fun (script, big_map_diff, ctxt) ->
return (Some (script, (Script_interpreter.dummy_code_fee, Script_interpreter.dummy_storage_fee)),
big_map_diff, gas)
end >>=? fun (script, big_map, _gas) ->
big_map_diff, ctxt)
end >>=? fun (script, big_map, ctxt) ->
Contract.spend ctxt source credit >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.originate ctxt
@ -488,6 +488,7 @@ let apply_sourced_operation
ctxt origination_nonce source content)
(ctxt, origination_nonce, None) contents
>>=? fun (ctxt, origination_nonce, err) ->
let ctxt = Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, err)
| Consensus_operation content ->
apply_consensus_operation_content ctxt
@ -615,6 +616,7 @@ let apply_anonymous_operation ctxt _delegate origination_nonce kind =
let apply_operation
ctxt delegate pred_block block_prio hash operation =
let ctxt = Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in
match operation.contents with
| Anonymous_operations ops ->
let origination_nonce = Contract.initial_origination_nonce hash in
@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type t = { remaining : int } [@@unboxed]
type cost =
{ allocations : int ;
steps : int }
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { remaining } ->
(fun (remaining) ->
{ remaining })
let pp ppf { remaining } =
Format.pp_print_int ppf remaining
let of_int remaining = { remaining }
let remaining { remaining } = remaining
(* Maximum gas representable on a 64 bit system *)
let max_gas = of_int 4611686018427387903
let encoding_cost =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { allocations ; steps } ->
(allocations, steps))
(fun (allocations, steps) ->
{ allocations ; steps })
(req "allocations" int31)
(req "steps" int31))
let pp_cost ppf { allocations ; steps } =
Format.fprintf ppf
"(steps: %d, allocs: %d)"
steps allocations
type error += Quota_exceeded
let check_error gas =
if Compare.Int.(gas.remaining <= 0)
then error Quota_exceeded
else ok ()
let check gas =
Lwt.return @@ check_error gas
let used ~original ~current =
{ remaining = original.remaining - current.remaining }
let consume t cost =
{ remaining =
- 2 * cost.allocations
- 1 * cost.steps }
let consume_check gas cost =
let gas = consume gas cost in
check gas >>|? fun () ->
let consume_check_error gas cost =
let gas = consume gas cost in
check_error gas >|? fun () ->
(* Cost for heap allocating n words of data. *)
let alloc_cost n =
{ allocations = n + 1 ;
steps = 0 }
let alloc_bytes_cost n =
alloc_cost (n / 8)
let alloc_bits_cost n =
alloc_cost (n / 64)
(* Cost for one computation step. *)
let step_cost n =
{ allocations = 0 ;
steps = n }
let free =
{ allocations = 0 ;
steps = 0 }
let ( +@ ) x y =
{ allocations = x.allocations + y.allocations ;
steps = x.steps + y.steps }
let ( *@ ) x y =
{ allocations = x * y.allocations ;
steps = x * y.steps }
(* f should fail if it does not receive sufficient gas *)
let rec fold_left ~cycle_cost gas f acc l =
consume_check gas cycle_cost >>=? fun gas ->
match l with
| [] -> return (acc, gas)
| hd :: tl -> f gas hd acc >>=? fun (acc, gas) ->
fold_left ~cycle_cost gas f acc tl
(* f should fail if it does not receive sufficient gas *)
let rec fold_right ~cycle_cost gas f base l =
consume_check gas cycle_cost >>=? fun gas ->
match l with
| [] -> return (base, gas)
| hd :: tl ->
fold_right ~cycle_cost gas f base tl >>=? fun (acc, gas) ->
f gas hd acc
(* f should fail if it does not receive sufficient gas *)
let rec fold_right_error ~cycle_cost gas f base l =
consume_check_error gas cycle_cost >>? fun gas ->
match l with
| [] -> ok (base, gas)
| hd :: tl ->
fold_right_error ~cycle_cost gas f base tl >>? fun (acc, gas) ->
f gas hd acc
(* f should fail if it does not receive sufficient gas *)
let rec fold_left_error ~cycle_cost gas f acc l =
consume_check_error gas cycle_cost >>? fun gas ->
match l with
| [] -> ok (acc, gas)
| hd :: tl -> f gas hd acc >>? fun (acc, gas) ->
fold_left_error ~cycle_cost gas f acc tl
let () =
let open Data_encoding in
~title: "Quota exceeded (runtime script error)"
"A script or one of its callee took too much \
time or storage space"
(function Quota_exceeded -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Quota_exceeded) ;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type t =
| Unaccounted
| Limited of { remaining : int }
type cost =
{ allocations : int ;
steps : int }
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
[ case (Tag 0) int31
(function Limited { remaining } -> Some remaining | _ -> None)
(fun remaining -> Limited { remaining }) ;
case (Tag 1) (constant "unaccounted")
(function Unaccounted -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Unaccounted) ]
let pp ppf = function
| Unaccounted ->
Format.fprintf ppf "unaccounted"
| Limited { remaining } ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%d units remaining" remaining
let cost_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { allocations ; steps } ->
(allocations, steps))
(fun (allocations, steps) ->
{ allocations ; steps })
(req "allocations" int31)
(req "steps" int31))
let pp_cost ppf { allocations ; steps } =
Format.fprintf ppf
"(steps: %d, allocs: %d)"
steps allocations
type error += Quota_exceeded
let consume t cost = match t with
| Unaccounted -> ok Unaccounted
| Limited { remaining } ->
let remaining =
- 2 * cost.allocations
- 1 * cost.steps in
if Compare.Int.(remaining <= 0)
then error Quota_exceeded
else ok (Limited { remaining })
let alloc_cost n =
{ allocations = n + 1 ;
steps = 0 }
let alloc_bytes_cost n =
alloc_cost (n / 8)
let alloc_bits_cost n =
alloc_cost (n / 64)
let step_cost n =
{ allocations = 0 ;
steps = n }
let free =
{ allocations = 0 ;
steps = 0 }
let ( +@ ) x y =
{ allocations = x.allocations + y.allocations ;
steps = x.steps + y.steps }
let ( *@ ) x y =
{ allocations = x * y.allocations ;
steps = x * y.steps }
let () =
let open Data_encoding in
~title: "Quota exceeded (runtime script error)"
"A script or one of its callee took too much \
time or storage space"
(function Quota_exceeded -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Quota_exceeded) ;
@ -7,30 +7,21 @@
(* *)
type t
type cost
val consume : t -> cost -> t
type t =
| Unaccounted
| Limited of { remaining : int }
val encoding : t Data_encoding.encoding
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val encoding_cost : cost Data_encoding.encoding
type cost
val cost_encoding : cost Data_encoding.encoding
val pp_cost : Format.formatter -> cost -> unit
val check : t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val consume_check : t -> cost -> t tzresult Lwt.t
val check_error : t -> unit tzresult
val consume_check_error : t -> cost -> t tzresult
type error += Quota_exceeded
val of_int : int -> t
val remaining : t -> int
val ( *@ ) : int -> cost -> cost
val ( +@ ) : cost -> cost -> cost
val used : original:t -> current:t -> t
val consume : t -> cost -> t tzresult
val free : cost
val step_cost : int -> cost
@ -38,24 +29,5 @@ val alloc_cost : int -> cost
val alloc_bytes_cost : int -> cost
val alloc_bits_cost : int -> cost
val max_gas : t
val fold_left : cycle_cost:cost ->
t ->
(t -> 'a -> 'b -> ('b * t) tzresult Lwt.t) ->
'b -> 'a list -> ('b * t) tzresult Lwt.t
val fold_right : cycle_cost:cost ->
t ->
(t -> 'a -> 'b -> ('b * t) tzresult Lwt.t) ->
'b -> 'a list -> ('b * t) tzresult Lwt.t
val fold_right_error : cycle_cost:cost ->
t ->
(t -> 'a -> 'b -> ('b * t) tzresult) ->
'b -> 'a list -> ('b * t) tzresult
val fold_left_error : cycle_cost:cost ->
t ->
(t -> 'a -> 'b -> ('b * t) tzresult) ->
'b -> 'a list -> ('b * t) tzresult
val ( *@ ) : int -> cost -> cost
val ( +@ ) : cost -> cost -> cost
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ module S = struct
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj2
(req "program" Script.expr_encoding)
(opt "gas" Gas.encoding))
(opt "gas" int31))
~output: (obj2
(req "type_map" Script_tc_errors_registration.type_map_enc)
(req "gas" Gas.encoding))
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ module S = struct
~input: (obj3
(req "data" Script.expr_encoding)
(req "type" Script.expr_encoding)
(opt "gas" Gas.encoding))
(opt "gas" int31))
~output: (obj1 (req "gas" Gas.encoding))
RPC_path.(custom_root / "typecheck_data")
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ module S = struct
~input: (obj3
(req "data" Script.expr_encoding)
(req "type" Script.expr_encoding)
(opt "gas" Gas.encoding))
(opt "gas" int31))
~output: (obj2
(req "hash" string)
(req "gas" Gas.encoding))
@ -178,53 +178,53 @@ let () =
register0 S.run_code begin fun ctxt () parameters ->
let (code, storage, input, amount, contract, gas, origination_nonce) =
I.run_parameters ctxt parameters in
let ctxt = if Compare.Int.(gas > 0) then Gas.set_limit ctxt gas else Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in
contract (* transaction initiator *)
contract (* script owner *)
ctxt { storage ; code } amount input
(Gas.of_int gas) >>=? fun (sto, ret, _gas, _ctxt, _, maybe_big_map_diff) ->
ctxt { storage ; code } amount input >>=? fun (sto, ret, _ctxt, _, maybe_big_map_diff) ->
return (sto, ret,
|||| maybe_big_map_diff
~f:(Script_ir_translator.to_printable_big_map ctxt))
end ;
register0 S.trace_code begin fun ctxt () parameters ->
let (code, storage, input, amount, contract, gas, origination_nonce) =
I.run_parameters ctxt parameters in
let ctxt = if Compare.Int.(gas > 0) then Gas.set_limit ctxt gas else Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in
contract (* transaction initiator *)
contract (* script owner *)
ctxt { storage ; code } amount input
(Gas.of_int gas) >>=? fun ((sto, ret, _gas, _ctxt, _, maybe_big_map_diff), trace) ->
>>=? fun ((sto, ret, _ctxt, _, maybe_big_map_diff), trace) ->
return (sto, ret, trace,
|||| maybe_big_map_diff
~f:(Script_ir_translator.to_printable_big_map ctxt))
end ;
register0 S.typecheck_code begin fun ctxt () (expr, maybe_gas) ->
Script_ir_translator.typecheck_code ctxt
(match maybe_gas with
| None -> Gas.of_int (Constants.max_gas ctxt)
| Some gas -> gas)
let ctxt = match maybe_gas with
| None -> Gas.set_unlimited ctxt
| Some gas -> Gas.set_limit ctxt gas in
Script_ir_translator.typecheck_code ctxt expr >>=? fun (res, ctxt) ->
return (res, Gas.level ctxt)
end ;
register0 S.typecheck_data begin fun ctxt () (data, ty, maybe_gas) ->
Script_ir_translator.typecheck_data ctxt
(match maybe_gas with
| None -> Gas.of_int (Constants.max_gas ctxt)
| Some gas -> gas)
(data, ty)
let ctxt = match maybe_gas with
| None -> Gas.set_unlimited ctxt
| Some gas -> Gas.set_limit ctxt gas in
Script_ir_translator.typecheck_data ctxt (data, ty) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (Gas.level ctxt)
end ;
register0 S.hash_data begin fun ctxt () (expr, typ, maybe_gas) ->
let open Script_ir_translator in
Lwt.return @@
(match maybe_gas with
| None -> Gas.of_int (Constants.max_gas ctxt)
| Some gas -> gas)
false (Micheline.root typ) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty typ, _), gas) ->
parse_data ctxt gas typ (Micheline.root expr) >>=? fun (data, gas) ->
Lwt.return @@ Script_ir_translator.hash_data gas typ data
let ctxt = match maybe_gas with
| None -> Gas.set_unlimited ctxt
| Some gas -> Gas.set_limit ctxt gas in
Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false (Micheline.root typ)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty typ, _), ctxt) ->
parse_data ctxt typ (Micheline.root expr) >>=? fun (data, ctxt) ->
Lwt.return (Script_ir_translator.hash_data ctxt typ data) >>=? fun (hash, ctxt) ->
return (hash, Gas.level ctxt)
end ;
register1 S.level begin fun ctxt raw () offset ->
return (Level.from_raw ctxt ?offset raw)
@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ val trace_code:
val typecheck_code:
'a #RPC_context.simple ->
'a -> (Script.expr * Gas.t option) ->
'a -> (Script.expr * int option) ->
(Script_tc_errors.type_map * Gas.t) shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_data:
'a #RPC_context.simple ->
'a -> Script.expr * Script.expr * (Gas.t option) -> Gas.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
'a -> Script.expr * Script.expr * int option -> Gas.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val hash_data:
'a #RPC_context.simple ->
'a -> Script.expr * Script.expr * (Gas.t option) -> (string * Gas.t) shell_tzresult Lwt.t
'a -> Script.expr * Script.expr * int option -> (string * Gas.t) shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val level:
'a #RPC_context.simple ->
@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ module Cost_of = struct
(* TODO: This needs to be a function of the data being hashed *)
let hash _data = step_cost 3
let steps_to_quota = step_cost 1
let get_steps_to_quota gas = Script_int.abs (Script_int.of_int (remaining gas))
let source = step_cost 3
let self = step_cost 3
let amount = step_cost 1
@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ module Cost_of : sig
val check_signature : Gas.cost
val hash_key : Gas.cost
val hash : 'a -> Gas.cost
val get_steps_to_quota : Gas.t -> Script_int.n Script_int.num
val steps_to_quota : Gas.cost
val source : Gas.cost
val self : Gas.cost
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ type t = {
endorsements_received: Int_set.t;
fees: Tez_repr.t ;
rewards: Tez_repr.t ;
gas: Gas_repr.t;
type context = t
@ -47,6 +48,14 @@ let add_rewards ctxt rewards =
let get_rewards ctxt = ctxt.rewards
let get_fees ctxt = ctxt.fees
let set_gas_limit ctxt remaining = { ctxt with gas = Limited { remaining } }
let set_gas_unlimited ctxt = { ctxt with gas = Unaccounted }
let consume_gas ctxt cost =
Gas_repr.consume ctxt.gas cost >>? fun gas ->
ok { ctxt with gas }
let gas_level ctxt = ctxt.gas
type storage_error =
| Incompatible_protocol_version of string
| Missing_key of string list * [`Get | `Set | `Del | `Copy]
@ -263,6 +272,7 @@ let prepare ~level ~timestamp ~fitness ctxt =
endorsements_received = Int_set.empty ;
fees = ;
rewards = ;
gas = Unaccounted ;
let check_first_block ctxt =
@ -307,6 +317,7 @@ let register_resolvers enc resolve =
endorsements_received = Int_set.empty ;
fees = ;
rewards = ;
gas = Unaccounted ;
} in
resolve faked_context str in
Context.register_resolver enc resolve
@ -73,6 +73,11 @@ val add_rewards: context -> Tez_repr.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val get_fees: context -> Tez_repr.t
val get_rewards: context -> Tez_repr.t
val set_gas_limit: t -> int -> t
val set_gas_unlimited: t -> t
val consume_gas: t -> Gas_repr.cost -> t tzresult
val gas_level: t -> Gas_repr.t
(** {1 Generic accessors} *************************************************)
type key = string list
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ val execute:
Contract.origination_nonce ->
Contract.t -> Contract.t -> Alpha_context.t ->
Script.t -> Tez.t ->
Script.expr -> Gas.t ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr * Gas.t * context * Contract.origination_nonce *
Script.expr ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr * context * Contract.origination_nonce *
Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map option) tzresult Lwt.t
val trace:
Contract.origination_nonce ->
Contract.t -> Contract.t -> Alpha_context.t ->
Script.t -> Tez.t ->
Script.expr -> Gas.t ->
((Script.expr * Script.expr * Gas.t * context * Contract.origination_nonce * Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map option) *
Script.expr ->
((Script.expr * Script.expr * context * Contract.origination_nonce * Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map option) *
(Script.location * Gas.t * Script.expr list) list) tzresult Lwt.t
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ val map_key_ty : ('a, 'b) -> 'a Script_typed_ir.comparable_t
val map_size : ('a, 'b) -> Script_int.n Script_int.num
val big_map_mem :
context -> Gas.t -> Contract.t -> 'key ->
context -> Contract.t -> 'key ->
('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map ->
(bool * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
(bool * context) tzresult Lwt.t
val big_map_get :
context -> Gas.t ->
context ->
Contract.t -> 'key ->
('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map ->
('value option * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
('value option * context) tzresult Lwt.t
val big_map_update :
'key -> 'value option -> ('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map ->
('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map
@ -57,42 +57,42 @@ val ty_eq :
val parse_data :
?type_logger: (int -> Script.expr list -> Script.expr list -> unit) ->
context -> Gas.t -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> Script.node -> ('a * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
context -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> Script.node -> ('a * context) tzresult Lwt.t
val unparse_data :
Gas.t -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> (Script.node * Gas.t) tzresult
context -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> (Script.node * context) tzresult
val parse_ty :
Gas.t -> bool -> Script.node ->
((ex_ty * Script_typed_ir.annot) * Gas.t) tzresult
context -> bool -> Script.node ->
((ex_ty * Script_typed_ir.annot) * context) tzresult
val unparse_ty :
string option -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> Script.node
val parse_toplevel
: Gas.t -> Script.expr -> ((Script.node * Script.node * Script.node * Script.node) * Gas.t) tzresult
: context -> Script.expr -> ((Script.node * Script.node * Script.node * Script.node) * context) tzresult
val typecheck_code :
context -> Gas.t -> Script.expr -> (type_map * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
context -> Script.expr -> (type_map * context) tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_data :
?type_logger: (int -> Script.expr list -> Script.expr list -> unit) ->
context -> Gas.t -> Script.expr * Script.expr -> Gas.t tzresult Lwt.t
context -> Script.expr * Script.expr -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val parse_script :
?type_logger: (int -> Script.expr list -> Script.expr list -> unit) ->
context -> Gas.t -> Script.t -> (ex_script * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
context -> Script.t -> (ex_script * context) tzresult Lwt.t
val hash_data : Gas.t -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> (string * Gas.t) tzresult
val hash_data : context -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> (string * context) tzresult
val extract_big_map : 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map option
val to_serializable_big_map :
Gas.t -> Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map ->
(Contract_storage.big_map_diff * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
context -> Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map ->
(Contract_storage.big_map_diff * context) tzresult Lwt.t
val to_printable_big_map :
Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map ->
context -> Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr option) list
val erase_big_map_initialization :
context -> Gas.t -> Script.t ->
(Script.t * Contract_storage.big_map_diff option * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
context -> Script.t ->
(Script.t * Contract_storage.big_map_diff option * context) tzresult Lwt.t
@ -29,10 +29,12 @@ let type_map_enc =
let ex_ty_enc =
(fun (Ex_ty ty) -> strip_locations (unparse_ty None ty))
(fun expr ->
match parse_ty (Gas.of_int 10000000000) true (root expr) with
| Ok ((Ex_ty ty, _), _) -> Ex_ty ty
| _ -> Ex_ty Unit_t (* FIXME: ? *))
(fun _expr ->
(* (* code temporarily deactivated *)
match parse_ty (Gas.of_int 10000000000) true (root expr) with
| Ok ((Ex_ty ty, _), _) -> Ex_ty ty
| _ -> *)
Ex_ty Unit_t (* FIXME: ? *))
(* main registration *)
@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ let execute_code_pred
let hash = Operation.hash apply_op in
let dummy_nonce = Contract.initial_origination_nonce hash in
let amount = in
let gaz = Gas.of_int (Alpha_context.Constants.max_gas tc) in
let gas = Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Constants.max_gas tc in
let tc = Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Gas.set_limit tc gas in
let return = Script_interpreter.execute
dummy_nonce op.contract dst
tc script amount argument gaz in
tc script amount argument in
@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ open Alpha_context
val init_amount : int
val execute_code_pred :
?tc:Alpha_context.t -> Helpers_block.result -> Script.t -> Script.expr ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr * Gas.t * context * Contract.origination_nonce * Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map option)
(Script.expr * Script.expr * context * Contract.origination_nonce * Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map option)
proto_tzresult Lwt.t
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ let code = {|
let storage = {| Pair { Elt "A" 1 ; Elt "B" 2 } Unit |}
let expect_big_map tc contract print_key ?(gas=Proto_alpha.Gas.max_gas) key_type print_data data_type contents =
let expect_big_map tc contract print_key key_type print_data data_type contents =
let open Proto_alpha.Error_monad in
(fun (n, exp) ->
Lwt.return @@ Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.hash_data gas key_type n >>=? fun (key, gas) ->
Lwt.return @@ Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.hash_data tc key_type n >>=? fun (key, _tc) ->
Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Contract.Big_map.get_opt tc contract key >>=? fun data ->
match data, exp with
| None, None ->
@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ let expect_big_map tc contract print_key ?(gas=Proto_alpha.Gas.max_gas) key_type
debug " - big_map[%a] is not defined (error)" print_key n ;
Helpers_assert.fail_msg "Wrong big map contents"
| Some data, None ->
Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.parse_data tc gas data_type (Micheline.root data) >>=? fun (data, _gas) ->
Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.parse_data tc data_type (Micheline.root data) >>=? fun (data, _tc) ->
debug " - big_map[%a] = %a (error)" print_key n print_data data ;
Helpers_assert.fail_msg "Wrong big map contents"
| Some data, Some exp ->
Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.parse_data tc gas data_type (Micheline.root data) >>=? fun (data, _gas) ->
Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.parse_data tc data_type (Micheline.root data) >>=? fun (data, _tc) ->
debug " - big_map[%a] = %a (expected %a)" print_key n print_data data print_data exp ;
Helpers_assert.equal data exp ;
return ())
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ let quote s = "\"" ^ s ^ "\""
let parse_execute sb ?tc code_str param_str storage_str =
let param = parse_param param_str in
let script = parse_script code_str storage_str in
Script.execute_code_pred ?tc sb script param >>=?? fun (ret, st, _, tc, nonce, bgm) ->
Script.execute_code_pred ?tc sb script param >>=?? fun (ret, st, tc, nonce, bgm) ->
let contracts = Contract.originated_contracts nonce in
return (ret, st, tc, contracts, bgm)
@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ let test_print ctxt fn s i =
return ()
let test_output ctxt ?location (file_name: string) (storage: string) (input: string) (expected_output: string) =
test ctxt file_name storage input >>=? fun (_storage_prim, output_prim, _tc, _contracts, _bgm) ->
let test_output ctxt ?tc ?location (file_name: string) (storage: string) (input: string) (expected_output: string) =
test ?tc ctxt file_name storage input >>=? fun (_storage_prim, output_prim, _tc, _contracts, _bgm) ->
let output = string_of_canon output_prim in
let msg = Option.unopt ~default:"strings aren't equal" location in
Assert.equal_string ~msg expected_output output ;
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ let test_example () =
test_output ~location: __LOC__ "exec_concat" "Unit" "\"test\"" "\"test_abc\"" >>=? fun _ ->
(* Get current steps to quota *)
test_output ~location: __LOC__ "steps_to_quota" "Unit" "Unit" "39973" >>=? fun _ ->
test_output ~location: __LOC__ "steps_to_quota" "Unit" "Unit" "39968" >>=? fun _ ->
let bootstrap_0 = List.nth Account.bootstrap_accounts 0 in
get_balance_res bootstrap_0 sb >>=?? fun _balance ->
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ let test_example () =
let contract = List.hd cs in
Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Contract.get_script tc contract >>=?? fun res ->
let script = Option.unopt_exn (Failure "get_script") res in
Script.execute_code_pred ~tc sb script (parse_param "\"abc\"") >>=?? fun (_, ret, _, _, _, _) ->
Script.execute_code_pred ~tc sb script (parse_param "\"abc\"") >>=?? fun (_, ret, _, _, _) ->
Assert.equal_string ~msg: __LOC__ "\"abc\"" @@ string_of_canon ret ;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user