P2p_maintenance: improve 'try_to_contact' and 'connectable'
To avoid eventual infinite loops in 'try_to_contact', we accumulate the set of points that have been seen to discard them during recursive calls.
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ type 'meta t = {
failed after [start_time] and the pointes that are banned. It
first selects points with the oldest last tentative.
Non-trusted points are also ignored if option --closed is set. *)
let connectable st start_time expected =
let connectable st start_time expected seen_points =
let Pool pool = st.pool in
let now = Time.now () in
let module Bounded_point_info =
@ -47,37 +47,49 @@ let connectable st start_time expected =
end) in
let acc = Bounded_point_info.create expected in
let closed = (P2p_pool.config pool).P2p_pool.closed_network in
P2p_pool.Points.fold_known pool ~init:()
~f:begin fun point pi () ->
(* consider the point only if --closed is not set, or if pi is
trusted *)
if not closed || P2p_point_state.Info.trusted pi then
match P2p_point_state.get pi with
| Disconnected -> begin
match P2p_point_state.Info.last_miss pi with
| Some last when Time.(start_time < last)
|| P2p_point_state.Info.greylisted ~now pi -> ()
| _ when (P2p_pool.Points.banned pool point) -> ()
| last ->
Bounded_point_info.insert (last, point) acc
| _ -> ()
end ;
List.map snd (Bounded_point_info.get acc)
let seen_points =
P2p_pool.Points.fold_known pool ~init:seen_points
~f:begin fun point pi seen_points ->
(* consider the point only if:
- it is not in seen_points and
- it is not banned, and
- it is trusted if we are in `closed` mode
if P2p_point.Set.mem point seen_points ||
P2p_pool.Points.banned pool point ||
(closed && not (P2p_point_state.Info.trusted pi))
let seen_points = P2p_point.Set.add point seen_points in
match P2p_point_state.get pi with
| Disconnected -> begin
match P2p_point_state.Info.last_miss pi with
| Some last when Time.(start_time < last)
|| P2p_point_state.Info.greylisted ~now pi ->
| last ->
Bounded_point_info.insert (last, point) acc ;
| _ -> seen_points
List.map snd (Bounded_point_info.get acc), seen_points
(** Try to create connections to new peers. It tries to create at
least [min_to_contact] connections, and will never creates more
than [max_to_contact]. But, if after trying once all disconnected
peers, it returns [false]. *)
let rec try_to_contact
st ?(start_time = Time.now ())
st ?(start_time = Time.now ()) ~seen_points
min_to_contact max_to_contact =
let Pool pool = st.pool in
if min_to_contact <= 0 then
let contactable =
connectable st start_time max_to_contact in
let contactable, seen_points =
connectable st start_time max_to_contact seen_points in
if contactable = [] then
Lwt_unix.yield () >>= fun () ->
@ -89,7 +101,7 @@ let rec try_to_contact
| Error _ -> acc)
(Lwt.return 0)
contactable >>= fun established ->
try_to_contact st ~start_time
try_to_contact st ~start_time ~seen_points
(min_to_contact - established) (max_to_contact - established)
(** Do a maintenance step. It will terminate only when the number
@ -121,7 +133,9 @@ and too_few_connections st n_connected =
lwt_log_notice "Too few connections (%d)" n_connected >>= fun () ->
let min_to_contact = st.bounds.min_target - n_connected in
let max_to_contact = st.bounds.max_target - n_connected in
try_to_contact st min_to_contact max_to_contact >>= fun success ->
st min_to_contact max_to_contact ~seen_points:P2p_point.Set.empty >>=
fun success ->
if success then begin
maintain st
end else begin
Reference in New Issue
Block a user