Alpha/Baker: Use state_module to avoid double baking
This commit is contained in:
@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ let error_of_op (result: error Preapply_result.t) op =
try Some (Failed_to_preapply (op, snd @@ Operation_hash.Map.find h result.branch_delayed))
with Not_found -> None
let forge_block cctxt ?(chain = `Main) block
?operations ?(best_effort = operations = None) ?(sort = best_effort)
@ -309,6 +310,7 @@ let forge_block cctxt ?(chain = `Main) block
decode_priority cctxt chain block priority >>=? fun (priority, minimal_timestamp) ->
unopt_timestamp timestamp minimal_timestamp >>=? fun timestamp ->
(* get basic building blocks *)
let protocol_data = forge_faked_protocol_data ~priority ~seed_nonce_hash in
classify_operations operations_arg >>=? fun operations ->
@ -346,65 +348,13 @@ let forge_block cctxt ?(chain = `Main) block
(** Worker *)
module State : sig
(* TODO: only [record_block] is ever used, and only once. Simplify. *)
module State = Daemon_state.Make(struct let name = "baking" end)
val get_block:
#Client_context.wallet ->
Raw_level.t -> Block_hash.t list tzresult Lwt.t
val record_block:
#Client_context.wallet ->
Raw_level.t -> Block_hash.t -> Nonce.t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
end = struct
module LevelMap = Map.Make(Raw_level)
type t = Block_hash.t list LevelMap.t
let encoding : t Data_encoding.t =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun x -> LevelMap.bindings x)
(fun l ->
(fun x (y, z) -> LevelMap.add y z x)
LevelMap.empty l)
(list (obj2
(req "level" Raw_level.encoding)
(req "blocks" (list Block_hash.encoding))))
let name = "blocks"
let load (wallet : #Client_context.wallet) =
wallet#load name ~default:LevelMap.empty encoding
let save (wallet : #Client_context.wallet) map =
wallet#write name map encoding
let lock = Lwt_mutex.create ()
let get_block (cctxt : #Client_context.wallet) level =
Lwt_mutex.with_lock lock
(fun () ->
load cctxt >>=? fun map ->
let blocks = LevelMap.find level map in
return blocks
with Not_found -> return [])
let record_block cctxt level hash nonce =
Lwt_mutex.with_lock lock
(fun () ->
load cctxt >>=? fun map ->
let previous =
try LevelMap.find level map
with Not_found -> [] in
save cctxt
(LevelMap.add level (hash :: previous) map)) >>=? fun () ->
Client_baking_nonces.add cctxt hash nonce
let previously_baked_level cctxt pkh new_lvl =
State.get cctxt pkh >>=? function
| None -> return false
| Some last_lvl ->
return (Raw_level.(last_lvl >= new_lvl))
let get_baking_slot cctxt
?max_priority (bi: Client_baking_blocks.block_info) delegates =
@ -704,9 +654,10 @@ let fit_enough (state: state) (shell_header: Block_header.shell_header) =
|| ( = 0
&& shell_header.timestamp < 0)
let record_nonce_hash cctxt level block_hash seed_nonce seed_nonce_hash =
let record_nonce_hash cctxt level block_hash seed_nonce seed_nonce_hash pkh =
if seed_nonce_hash <> None then
State.record_block cctxt level block_hash seed_nonce
State.record cctxt pkh level >>=? fun () ->
Client_baking_nonces.add cctxt block_hash seed_nonce
|> trace_exn (Failure "Error while recording block")
return ()
@ -742,8 +693,16 @@ let bake (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) state =
Fitness.pp >>= fun () ->
(* core function *)
Client_keys.get_key cctxt delegate >>=? fun (_,_,src_sk) ->
Client_keys.get_key cctxt delegate >>=? fun (_,src_pk,src_sk) ->
let src_pkh = Signature.Public_key.hash src_pk in
let chain = `Hash bi.Client_baking_blocks.chain_id in
(* avoid double baking *)
previously_baked_level cctxt src_pkh level >>=? function
| true -> lwt_log_error "Level %a : previously baked"
Raw_level.pp level >>= return
| false ->
inject_block cctxt
~force:true ~chain
~shell_header ~priority ?seed_nonce_hash ~src_sk
@ -751,7 +710,7 @@ let bake (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) state =
(* /core function; back to logging and info *)
|> trace_exn (Failure "Error while injecting block") >>=? fun block_hash ->
record_nonce_hash cctxt level block_hash seed_nonce seed_nonce_hash >>=? fun () ->
record_nonce_hash cctxt level block_hash seed_nonce seed_nonce_hash src_pkh >>=? fun () ->
|||| cctxt delegate >>=? fun name ->
"Injected block %a for %s after %a (level %a, slot %d, fitness %a, operations %a)"
@ -68,12 +68,17 @@ val forge_block:
module State : sig
val get_block:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
Raw_level.t -> Block_hash.t list tzresult Lwt.t
val record_block:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
Raw_level.t -> Block_hash.t -> Nonce.t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val get:
#Client_context.wallet ->
Signature.Public_key_hash.t ->
Raw_level.t option tzresult Lwt.t
val record:
#Client_context.wallet ->
Signature.Public_key_hash.t ->
Raw_level.t ->
unit tzresult Lwt.t
val create:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ open Alpha_context
let bake_block (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
?(chain = `Main) block
?force ?max_priority ?(minimal_timestamp=false)
?src_sk delegate =
?src_sk ?src_pk delegate =
match src_sk with
| None ->
@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ let bake_block (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
return src_sk
| Some sk -> return sk
end >>=? fun src_sk ->
match src_pk with
| None ->
Client_keys.get_key cctxt delegate >>=? fun (_, src_pk, _) ->
return src_pk
| Some pk -> return pk
end >>=? fun src_pk ->
cctxt ~offset:1l (chain, block) >>=? fun level ->
let seed_nonce, seed_nonce_hash =
@ -36,10 +43,13 @@ let bake_block (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
?seed_nonce_hash ~src_sk block
~priority:(`Auto (delegate, max_priority)) () >>=? fun block_hash ->
let src_pkh = Signature.Public_key.hash src_pk in
match seed_nonce with
| None -> return ()
| Some seed_nonce ->
Client_baking_forge.State.record_block cctxt level.level block_hash seed_nonce
Client_baking_forge.State.record cctxt src_pkh level.level
>>=? fun () ->
Client_baking_nonces.add cctxt block_hash seed_nonce
|> trace_exn (Failure "Error while recording block")
end >>=? fun () ->
cctxt#message "Injected block %a" Block_hash.pp_short block_hash >>= fun () ->
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ val bake_block:
?max_priority: int ->
?minimal_timestamp: bool ->
?src_sk:Client_keys.sk_uri ->
?src_pk:Signature.public_key ->
public_key_hash ->
unit tzresult Lwt.t
Reference in New Issue
Block a user