Proto: prepare protocol interface for multipass validation
This commit is contained in:
@ -93,6 +93,17 @@ let begin_application
Fitness.to_int64 >>=? fun fitness ->
return { context ; fitness }
let begin_partial_application
raw_block =
let begin_construction
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ done
sleep 2
# autogenerated from the demo source
$admin_client inject protocol "$test_dir/demo"
$admin_client list protocols
@ -138,12 +138,17 @@ module type PROTOCOL = sig
function should run quickly, as its main use is to reject bad
blocks from the chain as early as possible. The input context
is the one resulting of an ancestor block of same protocol
version, not necessarily the one of its predecessor. *)
val precheck_block:
version. This ancestor of the current head is guaranteed to be
more recent than `last_allowed_fork_level`.
The resulting `validation_state` will be used for multi-pass
validation. *)
val begin_partial_application:
ancestor_context: Context.t ->
ancestor_timestamp: Time.t ->
predecessor_timestamp: Time.t ->
predecessor_fitness: Fitness.t ->
block_header ->
unit tzresult Lwt.t
validation_state tzresult Lwt.t
(** The first step in a block validation sequence. Initializes a
validation context for validating a block. Takes as argument the
@ -81,11 +81,12 @@ module Make (Context : CONTEXT) = struct
val compare_operations: operation -> operation -> int
type validation_state
val current_context: validation_state -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val precheck_block:
val begin_partial_application:
ancestor_context: context ->
ancestor_timestamp: Time.t ->
predecessor_timestamp: Time.t ->
predecessor_fitness: Fitness.t ->
block_header ->
unit tzresult Lwt.t
validation_state tzresult Lwt.t
val begin_application:
predecessor_context: context ->
predecessor_timestamp: Time.t ->
@ -631,11 +632,11 @@ module Make (Context : CONTEXT) = struct
module Lift(P : Updater.PROTOCOL) = struct
include P
let precheck_block
~ancestor_context ~ancestor_timestamp
let begin_partial_application
~ancestor_context ~predecessor_timestamp ~predecessor_fitness
raw_block =
~ancestor_context ~ancestor_timestamp
~ancestor_context ~predecessor_timestamp ~predecessor_fitness
raw_block >|= wrap_error
let begin_application
~predecessor_context ~predecessor_timestamp
@ -74,11 +74,12 @@ module Make (Context : CONTEXT) : sig
val compare_operations: operation -> operation -> int
type validation_state
val current_context: validation_state -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val precheck_block:
val begin_partial_application:
ancestor_context: context ->
ancestor_timestamp: Time.t ->
predecessor_timestamp: Time.t ->
predecessor_fitness: Fitness.t ->
block_header ->
unit tzresult Lwt.t
validation_state tzresult Lwt.t
val begin_application:
predecessor_context: context ->
predecessor_timestamp: Time.t ->
@ -324,7 +324,10 @@ let inject_operation
~confirmations cctxt ~chain oph >>=? fun (h, i , j) ->
cctxt ~block:(`Hash (h, 0)) i j >>=? fun op' ->
let Operation_metadata receipt = op'.receipt in
match op'.receipt with
| No_operation_metadata ->
failwith "Internal error: unexpected receipt."
| Operation_metadata receipt ->
match Apply_operation_result.kind_equal_list contents receipt.contents
| Some Apply_operation_result.Eq ->
@ -897,6 +897,7 @@ module Operation : sig
proto: MBytes.t ;
val raw_encoding: raw Data_encoding.t
val contents_list_encoding: packed_contents_list Data_encoding.t
type 'kind t = 'kind operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ let contents_and_result_list_encoding =
| Manager_operation _, Cons_and_result (_, _, _) ->
Contents_and_result_list (Cons_and_result (op, res, rest))
| _ -> Pervasives.failwith "cannot decode ill-formed combined operation result" in
conv to_list of_list (list contents_and_result_encoding)
conv to_list of_list (Variable.list contents_and_result_encoding)
type 'kind operation_metadata = {
contents: 'kind contents_result_list ;
@ -710,13 +710,27 @@ type 'kind operation_metadata = {
type packed_operation_metadata =
| Operation_metadata : 'kind operation_metadata -> packed_operation_metadata
| No_operation_metadata : packed_operation_metadata
let operation_metadata_encoding =
def "operation.alpha.result" @@
(fun (Operation_metadata { contents }) -> Contents_result_list contents)
(fun (Contents_result_list contents) -> Operation_metadata { contents })
union [
case (Tag 0)
| Operation_metadata { contents } ->
Some (Contents_result_list contents)
| _ -> None)
(fun (Contents_result_list contents) -> Operation_metadata { contents }) ;
case (Tag 1)
| No_operation_metadata -> Some ()
| _ -> None)
(fun () -> No_operation_metadata) ;
type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
@ -850,18 +864,36 @@ let rec unpack_contents_list :
let operation_data_and_metadata_encoding =
def "operation.alpha.operation_with_metadata" @@
(fun (Operation_data op, Operation_metadata res) ->
union [
case (Tag 0)
(req "contents" (dynamic_size contents_and_result_list_encoding))
(opt "signature" Signature.encoding))
| (Operation_data _, No_operation_metadata) -> None
| (Operation_data op, Operation_metadata res) ->
match kind_equal_list op.contents res.contents with
| None -> Pervasives.failwith "cannot decode inconsistent combined operation result"
| Some Eq ->
(pack_contents_list op.contents res.contents),
(fun (Contents_and_result_list contents, signature) ->
let op_contents, res_contents = unpack_contents_list contents in
(Operation_data { contents = op_contents ; signature },
Operation_metadata { contents = res_contents }))
Operation_metadata { contents = res_contents })) ;
case (Tag 1)
(req "contents" contents_and_result_list_encoding)
(varopt "signature" Signature.encoding))
(req "contents" (dynamic_size Operation.contents_list_encoding))
(opt "signature" Signature.encoding))
| (Operation_data op, No_operation_metadata) ->
Some (Contents_list op.contents, op.signature)
| (Operation_data _, Operation_metadata _) ->
(fun (Contents_list contents, signature) ->
(Operation_data { contents ; signature }, No_operation_metadata))
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ type 'kind operation_metadata = {
and packed_operation_metadata =
| Operation_metadata : 'kind operation_metadata -> packed_operation_metadata
| No_operation_metadata : packed_operation_metadata
(** Result of applying a {!Operation.contents_list}. Follows the same structure. *)
and 'kind contents_result_list =
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ let operation_data_encoding = Alpha_context.Operation.protocol_data_encoding
type operation_receipt = Apply_operation_result.packed_operation_metadata =
| Operation_metadata : 'kind Apply_operation_result.operation_metadata -> operation_receipt
| No_operation_metadata: operation_receipt
let operation_receipt_encoding =
@ -62,6 +63,10 @@ type validation_mode =
block_header : Alpha_context.Block_header.t ;
baker : Alpha_context.public_key_hash ;
| Partial_application of {
block_header : Alpha_context.Block_header.t ;
baker : Alpha_context.public_key_hash ;
| Partial_construction of {
predecessor : Block_hash.t ;
@ -80,24 +85,33 @@ type validation_state =
let current_context { ctxt ; _ } =
return (Alpha_context.finalize ctxt).context
let precheck_block
_block_header =
(* TODO: decide what properties should be checked *)
return ()
let begin_application
let begin_partial_application
(block_header : Alpha_context.Block_header.t) =
let level = in
let fitness = pred_fitness in
let fitness = predecessor_fitness in
let timestamp = in
Alpha_context.prepare ~level ~timestamp ~fitness ctxt >>=? fun ctxt ->
ctxt block_header pred_timestamp >>=? fun (ctxt, baker) ->
ctxt block_header predecessor_timestamp >>=? fun (ctxt, baker) ->
let mode =
{ block_header ; baker = Signature.Public_key.hash baker } in
return { mode ; ctxt ; op_count = 0 }
let begin_application
(block_header : Alpha_context.Block_header.t) =
let level = in
let fitness = predecessor_fitness in
let timestamp = in
Alpha_context.prepare ~level ~timestamp ~fitness ctxt >>=? fun ctxt ->
ctxt block_header predecessor_timestamp >>=? fun (ctxt, baker) ->
let mode = Application { block_header ; baker = Signature.Public_key.hash baker } in
return { mode ; ctxt ; op_count = 0 }
@ -133,10 +147,21 @@ let begin_construction
let apply_operation
({ mode ; ctxt ; op_count ; _ } as data)
(operation : Alpha_context.packed_operation) =
match mode with
| Partial_application _ when
not (List.exists
(Compare.Int.equal 0)
(Alpha_context.Operation.acceptable_passes operation)) ->
(* Multipass validation only considers operations in pass 0. *)
let op_count = op_count + 1 in
return ({ data with ctxt ; op_count }, No_operation_metadata)
| _ ->
let { shell ; protocol_data = Operation_data protocol_data } = operation in
let operation : _ Alpha_context.operation = { shell ; protocol_data } in
let predecessor =
match mode with
| Partial_application
{ block_header = { shell = { predecessor ; _ } ; _ } ; _ }
| Partial_construction { predecessor }
| Application
{ block_header = { shell = { predecessor ; _ } ; _ } ; _ }
@ -163,6 +188,12 @@ let finalize_block { mode ; ctxt ; op_count } =
let ctxt = Alpha_context.finalize ctxt in
return (ctxt, { Alpha_context.Block_header.baker ; level ;
voting_period_kind })
| Partial_application { baker ; _ } ->
let level = Alpha_context. Level.current ctxt in
Alpha_context.Vote.get_current_period_kind ctxt >>=? fun voting_period_kind ->
let ctxt = Alpha_context.finalize ctxt in
return (ctxt, { Alpha_context.Block_header.baker ; level ;
voting_period_kind })
| Application
{ baker ; block_header = { protocol_data = { contents = protocol_data ; _ } ; _ } }
| Full_construction { protocol_data ; baker ; _ } ->
@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ type validation_mode =
block_header : Alpha_context.Block_header.t ;
baker : Alpha_context.public_key_hash ;
| Partial_application of {
block_header : Alpha_context.Block_header.t ;
baker : Alpha_context.public_key_hash ;
| Partial_construction of {
predecessor : Block_hash.t ;
@ -592,6 +592,7 @@ end
let encoding = Encoding.operation_encoding
let contents_encoding = Encoding.contents_encoding
let contents_list_encoding = Encoding.contents_list_encoding
let protocol_data_encoding = Encoding.protocol_data_encoding
let unsigned_operation_encoding = Encoding.unsigned_operation_encoding
let internal_operation_encoding = Encoding.internal_operation_encoding
@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ val manager_kind: 'kind manager_operation -> 'kind Kind.manager
val encoding: packed_operation Data_encoding.t
val contents_encoding: packed_contents Data_encoding.t
val contents_list_encoding: packed_contents_list Data_encoding.t
val protocol_data_encoding: packed_protocol_data Data_encoding.t
val unsigned_operation_encoding: (Operation.shell_header * packed_contents_list) Data_encoding.t
@ -80,13 +80,6 @@ module Fitness = struct
let precheck_block
(raw_block: block_header) =
Fitness.to_int64 >>=? fun _ ->
return ()
let begin_application
@ -95,6 +88,17 @@ let begin_application
Fitness.to_int64 >>=? fun fitness ->
return { context ; fitness }
let begin_partial_application
block_header =
let begin_construction
@ -92,14 +92,9 @@ type validation_state = Updater.validation_result
let current_context ({ context ; _ } : validation_state) =
return context
let precheck_block
_block_header =
return ()
(* temporary hardcoded key to be removed... *)
let protocol_parameters_key = [ "protocol_parameters" ]
let prepare_application ctxt command level timestamp fitness =
match command with
| Data.Command.Activate { protocol = hash ; fitness ; protocol_parameters } ->
@ -131,6 +126,17 @@ let begin_application
prepare_application ctxt block_header.protocol_data.command
let begin_partial_application
block_header =
let begin_construction
Reference in New Issue
Block a user