Michelson: also display types inside lambdas.
This commit is contained in:
@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ let unexpand_macros type_map (program : Script.code) =
(fun (loc, _) -> not (List.mem loc locs))
type_map in
let type_map = (loc, (before, after)):: type_map in
let type_map = (loc, (before, after)) :: type_map in
type_map, Prim (loc, name, [])
| oth -> type_map, oth in
@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ let commands () =
(fun (n, loc) ->
let bef, aft = List.assoc (n + 1) type_map in
let bef, aft = List.assoc n type_map in
Some (loc, bef, aft)
Not_found -> None)
@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ let commands () =
(report_typechecking_errors cctxt [ Ecoproto_error errs ] >>= fun () ->
let (types, _) = emacs_type_map type_map in
let loc = match collect_error_locations errs with
| hd :: _ -> hd - 1
| hd :: _ -> hd
| [] -> 0 in
Lwt.return (types, [ List.assoc loc (List.assoc "code" program.loc_table), Buffer.contents msg ]))
| _ -> Lwt.return ([], [])
@ -713,8 +713,10 @@ let commands () =
{ Script_located_ir.point = e }),
bef, aft) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "(%d %d \"%s\")" (s + 1) (e + 1)
(Format.asprintf "@[<v 0>%a@, \\u2B87@,%a@]"
print_stack bef print_stack aft)))
(String.concat "\\n"
(String.split_on_char '\n'
(Format.asprintf "@[<v 0>%a@, \\u2B87@,%a@]"
print_stack bef print_stack aft)))))
(fun ppf (({ Script_located_ir.point = s },
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ exception Missing_program_field of string
(*-- Converters between IR and Located IR -----------------------------------*)
let strip_locations root =
let id = let id = ref (-1) in fun () -> incr id ; !id in
let id = let id = ref 0 in fun () -> incr id ; !id in
let loc_table = ref [] in
let rec strip_locations l =
let id = id () in
@ -1455,41 +1455,82 @@ let type_map_enc =
(list Script.expr_encoding)))
let type_map descr =
let rec type_map
let rec instr_type_map
: type bef aft. type_map -> (bef, aft) descr -> type_map
= fun acc { loc ; instr ; bef ; aft } ->
let self acc =
(loc, (unparse_stack bef, unparse_stack aft)) :: acc in
match instr with
| If_none (dbt, dbf) ->
let acc = type_map acc dbt in
let acc = type_map acc dbf in
match instr, aft with
| If_none (dbt, dbf), _ ->
let acc = instr_type_map acc dbt in
let acc = instr_type_map acc dbf in
self acc
| If_left (dbt, dbf) ->
let acc = type_map acc dbt in
let acc = type_map acc dbf in
| If_left (dbt, dbf), _ ->
let acc = instr_type_map acc dbt in
let acc = instr_type_map acc dbf in
self acc
| If_cons (dbt, dbf) ->
let acc = type_map acc dbt in
let acc = type_map acc dbf in
| If_cons (dbt, dbf), _ ->
let acc = instr_type_map acc dbt in
let acc = instr_type_map acc dbf in
self acc
| Seq (dl, dr) ->
let acc = type_map acc dl in
let acc = type_map acc dr in
| Seq (dl, dr), _ ->
let acc = instr_type_map acc dl in
let acc = instr_type_map acc dr in
| If (dbt, dbf) ->
let acc = type_map acc dbt in
let acc = type_map acc dbf in
| If (dbt, dbf), _ ->
let acc = instr_type_map acc dbt in
let acc = instr_type_map acc dbf in
self acc
| Loop body ->
let acc = type_map acc body in
| Loop body, _ ->
let acc = instr_type_map acc body in
self acc
| Dip body ->
let acc = type_map acc body in
| Dip body, _ ->
let acc = instr_type_map acc body in
self acc
| _ ->
self acc in
type_map [] descr
| Lambda (Lam (body, _)), _ ->
let acc = instr_type_map acc body in
self acc
| Const v, Item_t (ty, _) ->
let acc = data_type_map acc ty v in
self acc
| _, _ ->
self acc
and data_type_map
: type a. type_map -> a ty -> a -> type_map
= fun acc ty v ->
match ty, v with
| Unit_t, _ -> acc
| Int_t _, _ -> acc
| Signature_t, _ -> acc
| String_t, _ -> acc
| Tez_t, _ -> acc
| Key_t, _ -> acc
| Timestamp_t, _ -> acc
| Bool_t, _ -> acc
| Contract_t _,_ -> acc
| Set_t _, _ -> acc
| Pair_t (lty, rty), (l, r) ->
let acc = data_type_map acc lty l in
let acc = data_type_map acc rty r in
| Union_t (lty, _), L l ->
data_type_map acc lty l
| Union_t (_, rty), R r ->
data_type_map acc rty r
| Lambda_t _, Lam (body, _) ->
instr_type_map acc body
| Option_t _, None -> acc
| Option_t ty, Some v ->
data_type_map acc ty v
| List_t ty, l ->
(fun acc v -> data_type_map acc ty v)
acc l
| Map_t (_, ty), m ->
(fun _ v acc -> data_type_map acc ty v)
m acc in
instr_type_map [] descr
let typecheck_code
: context -> Script.code -> type_map tzresult Lwt.t
@ -1506,13 +1547,15 @@ let typecheck_code
(Lwt.return (parse_ty storage_type)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty storage_type) ->
let arg_type_full = Pair_t (Pair_t (Tez_t, arg_type), storage_type) in
let ret_type_full = Pair_t (ret_type, storage_type) in
let result =
parse_lambda ctxt
~type_logger:(fun x -> failure_type_map := x :: !failure_type_map)
arg_type_full ret_type_full
code in
(Ill_typed_contract (code, arg_type, ret_type, storage_type, !failure_type_map))
(parse_lambda ctxt
~type_logger:(fun x -> failure_type_map := x :: !failure_type_map)
arg_type_full ret_type_full
code) >>=? fun (Lam (descr,_)) ->
result >>=? fun (Lam (descr,_)) ->
return (type_map descr)
let typecheck_data
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