bugfix: replace very bogus implementation of add_list with a clean one
This commit is contained in:
@ -622,18 +622,13 @@ let propagator_specialize1 : output_specialize1 propagator =
(eqs, []) (* no new assignments *)
(eqs, []) (* no new assignments *)
let select_and_propagate : ('old_input, 'selector_output) selector -> _ propagator -> _ -> 'a -> structured_dbs -> _ * new_constraints * new_assignments =
let select_and_propagate : ('old_input, 'selector_output) selector -> _ propagator -> _ -> 'a -> structured_dbs -> _ * new_constraints * new_assignments =
let mem elt set = match RedBlackTrees.PolySet.find_opt elt set with None -> false | Some _ -> true in
fun selector propagator ->
fun selector propagator ->
fun already_selected old_type_constraint dbs ->
fun already_selected old_type_constraint dbs ->
(* TODO: thread some state to know which selector outputs were already seen *)
(* TODO: thread some state to know which selector outputs were already seen *)
match selector old_type_constraint dbs with
match selector old_type_constraint dbs with
WasSelected selected_outputs ->
WasSelected selected_outputs ->
(* TODO: fold instead. *)
let open RedBlackTrees.PolySet in
let (already_selected , selected_outputs) =
let { set = already_selected ; duplicates = _ ; added = selected_outputs } = add_list selected_outputs already_selected in
List.fold_left (fun (already_selected, selected_outputs) elt ->
if mem elt already_selected
then (RedBlackTrees.PolySet.add elt already_selected , elt :: selected_outputs)
else (already_selected , selected_outputs)) (already_selected , selected_outputs) selected_outputs in
(* Call the propagation rule *)
(* Call the propagation rule *)
let new_contraints_and_assignments = List.map (fun s -> propagator s dbs) selected_outputs in
let new_contraints_and_assignments = List.map (fun s -> propagator s dbs) selected_outputs in
let (new_constraints , new_assignments) = List.split new_contraints_and_assignments in
let (new_constraints , new_assignments) = List.split new_contraints_and_assignments in
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ module Substitution = struct
ok @@ T.{expr_var=variable ; env_elt={ type_value; source_environment; definition }}) env
ok @@ T.{expr_var=variable ; env_elt={ type_value; source_environment; definition }}) env
and s_type_environment : T.type_environment w = fun ~substs tenv ->
and s_type_environment : T.type_environment w = fun ~substs tenv ->
bind_map_list (fun T.{type_variable ; type_} ->
bind_map_list (fun T.{type_variable ; type_} ->
let%bind type_variable = s_type_variable ~substs type_variable in
let%bind type_ = s_type_expression ~substs type_ in
let%bind type_ = s_type_expression ~substs type_ in
ok @@ T.{type_variable ; type_}) tenv
ok @@ T.{type_variable ; type_}) tenv
and s_environment : T.environment w = fun ~substs T.{expression_environment ; type_environment} ->
and s_environment : T.environment w = fun ~substs T.{expression_environment ; type_environment} ->
@ -45,14 +44,6 @@ module Substitution = struct
let () = ignore @@ substs in
let () = ignore @@ substs in
ok var
ok var
and s_type_variable : T.type_variable w = fun ~substs tvar ->
let _TODO = ignore @@ substs in
Printf.printf "TODO: subst: unimplemented case s_type_variable";
ok @@ tvar
(* if String.equal tvar v then
* expr
* else
* ok tvar *)
and s_label : T.label w = fun ~substs l ->
and s_label : T.label w = fun ~substs l ->
let () = ignore @@ substs in
let () = ignore @@ substs in
ok l
ok l
@ -71,7 +62,12 @@ module Substitution = struct
ok @@ type_name
ok @@ type_name
and s_type_content : T.type_content w = fun ~substs -> function
and s_type_content : T.type_content w = fun ~substs -> function
| T.T_sum _ -> failwith "TODO: T_sum"
| T.T_sum s ->
let aux T.{ ctor_type; michelson_annotation ; ctor_decl_pos } =
let%bind ctor_type = s_type_expression ~substs ctor_type in
ok @@ T.{ ctor_type; michelson_annotation; ctor_decl_pos } in
let%bind s = Ast_typed.Helpers.bind_map_cmap aux s in
ok @@ T.T_sum s
| T.T_record _ -> failwith "TODO: T_record"
| T.T_record _ -> failwith "TODO: T_record"
| T.T_constant type_name ->
| T.T_constant type_name ->
let%bind type_name = s_type_name_constant ~substs type_name in
let%bind type_name = s_type_name_constant ~substs type_name in
@ -23,6 +23,17 @@ let find elt set =
let find_opt elt set = RB.find_opt ~cmp:set.cmp elt set.tree
let find_opt elt set = RB.find_opt ~cmp:set.cmp elt set.tree
let mem elt set = match RB.find_opt ~cmp:set.cmp elt set.tree with None -> false | Some _ -> true
type 'a added = {set : 'a set; duplicates : 'a list; added : 'a list}
let add_list elts set =
let aux = fun {set ; duplicates ; added} elt ->
if mem elt set
then {set; duplicates = elt :: duplicates ; added}
else {set = add elt set; duplicates; added = elt :: added} in
List.fold_left aux {set; duplicates=[]; added = []} elts
let elements set = RB.elements set.tree
let elements set = RB.elements set.tree
let iter f set = RB.iter f set.tree
let iter f set = RB.iter f set.tree
@ -46,10 +46,28 @@ val find : 'elt -> 'elt t -> 'elt
val find_opt : 'elt -> 'elt t -> 'elt option
val find_opt : 'elt -> 'elt t -> 'elt option
(* The value of the call [mem elt set] is [true] if there exists an
element [y] of set [set] such that [cmp y elt = true], where [cmp]
is the comparison function of [set] (see [create]). If [elt] is not
in [set], then [false] is returned instead. *)
val mem : 'elt -> 'elt t -> bool
(* The value of the call [element set] is the list of elements of the
(* The value of the call [element set] is the list of elements of the
set [set] in increasing order (with respect to the total comparison
set [set] in increasing order (with respect to the total comparison
function used to create the set). *)
function used to create the set). *)
(* The value of the call [add_list element_list set] is a record of
type ['a added]. The elements from the [element_list] are added to
the [set] starting from the head of the list. The elements which
are already part of the [set] at the point at which they are added
are gathered in the [duplicates] list (and the [set] is not updated
for these elements, i.e. it keeps the pre-existing version of the
element). The elements which are not already members of the set are
added to the [set], and gathered in the [added] list. *)
type 'a added = {set : 'a set; duplicates : 'a list; added : 'a list}
val add_list : 'a list -> 'a set -> 'a added
val elements : 'elt t -> 'elt list
val elements : 'elt t -> 'elt list
(* The side-effect of evaluating the call [iter f set] is the
(* The side-effect of evaluating the call [iter f set] is the
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