RPC: minor improvements in naming consistency
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ module Services = Node_rpc_services
let errors cctxt =
call_service0 cctxt Services.Error.service ()
let forge_block cctxt ?net ?level ?predecessor ?timestamp fitness ops header =
let forge_block cctxt ?net_id ?level ?predecessor ?timestamp fitness ops header =
call_service0 cctxt Services.forge_block
(net, level, predecessor, timestamp, fitness, ops, header)
(net_id, level, predecessor, timestamp, fitness, ops, header)
let validate_block cctxt net block =
call_err_service0 cctxt Services.validate_block (net, block)
@ -53,16 +53,16 @@ module Blocks = struct
type block_info = Services.Blocks.block_info = {
hash: Block_hash.t ;
net_id: Net_id.t ;
level: Int32.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ;
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
data: MBytes.t ;
operations: Operation_hash.t list list option ;
data: MBytes.t option ;
net: Net_id.t ;
test_protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
test_protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
test_network: (Net_id.t * Time.t) option ;
type preapply_param = Services.Blocks.preapply_param = {
@ -104,19 +104,19 @@ module Blocks = struct
{ operations ; sort ; timestamp }
let pending_operations cctxt block =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.pending_operations block ()
let info cctxt ?(operations = true) ?(data = true) h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.info h (operations, data)
let info cctxt ?(include_ops = true) h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.info h include_ops
let complete cctxt block prefix =
call_service2 cctxt Services.Blocks.complete block prefix ()
let list cctxt ?(operations = false) ?(data = false)
let list cctxt ?(include_ops = false)
?length ?heads ?delay ?min_date ?min_heads () =
call_service0 cctxt Services.Blocks.list
{ operations ; data ; length ; heads ; monitor = Some false ; delay ;
{ include_ops ; length ; heads ; monitor = Some false ; delay ;
min_date ; min_heads }
let monitor cctxt ?(operations = false) ?(data = false)
let monitor cctxt ?(include_ops = false)
?length ?heads ?delay ?min_date ?min_heads () =
call_streamed_service0 cctxt Services.Blocks.list
{ operations ; data ; length ; heads ; monitor = Some true ; delay ;
{ include_ops ; length ; heads ; monitor = Some true ; delay ;
min_date ; min_heads }
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ val errors:
val forge_block:
config ->
?net:Net_id.t ->
?net_id:Net_id.t ->
?level:Int32.t ->
?predecessor:Block_hash.t ->
?timestamp:Time.t ->
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ module Blocks : sig
block -> Protocol_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val test_protocol:
config ->
block -> Protocol_hash.t option tzresult Lwt.t
block -> Protocol_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val test_network:
config ->
block -> (Net_id.t * Time.t) option tzresult Lwt.t
@ -106,32 +106,32 @@ module Blocks : sig
type block_info = {
hash: Block_hash.t ;
net_id: Net_id.t ;
level: Int32.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ;
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
data: MBytes.t ;
operations: Operation_hash.t list list option ;
data: MBytes.t option ;
net: Net_id.t ;
test_protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
test_protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
test_network: (Net_id.t * Time.t) option ;
val info:
config ->
?operations:bool -> ?data:bool -> block -> block_info tzresult Lwt.t
?include_ops:bool -> block -> block_info tzresult Lwt.t
val list:
config ->
?operations:bool -> ?data:bool -> ?length:int -> ?heads:Block_hash.t list ->
?include_ops:bool -> ?length:int -> ?heads:Block_hash.t list ->
?delay:int -> ?min_date:Time.t -> ?min_heads:int ->
unit -> block_info list list tzresult Lwt.t
val monitor:
config ->
?operations:bool -> ?data:bool -> ?length:int -> ?heads:Block_hash.t list ->
?include_ops:bool -> ?length:int -> ?heads:Block_hash.t list ->
?delay:int -> ?min_date:Time.t -> ?min_heads:int ->
unit -> block_info list list tzresult Lwt_stream.t tzresult Lwt.t
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ type block_info = {
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
level: Level.t ;
@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ let convert_block_info cctxt
: Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block_info ) =
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.level cctxt (`Hash hash) >>= function
| Ok level ->
Lwt.return (Some { hash ; predecessor ; fitness ; timestamp ; protocol ; level })
(Some { hash ; predecessor ; fitness ; timestamp ; protocol ; level })
| Error _ ->
(* TODO log error *)
@ -32,8 +33,8 @@ let convert_block_info_err cctxt
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.level cctxt (`Hash hash) >>=? fun level ->
return { hash ; predecessor ; fitness ; timestamp ; protocol ; level }
let info cctxt ?operations block =
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.info cctxt ?operations block >>=? fun block ->
let info cctxt ?include_ops block =
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.info cctxt ?include_ops block >>=? fun block ->
convert_block_info_err cctxt block
let compare (bi1 : block_info) (bi2 : block_info) =
@ -54,10 +55,10 @@ let sort_blocks cctxt ?(compare = compare) blocks =
List.sort compare blocks
let monitor cctxt
?operations ?length ?heads ?delay
?include_ops ?length ?heads ?delay
?min_date ?min_heads ?compare () =
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.monitor cctxt
?operations ?length ?heads ?delay ?min_date ?min_heads
?include_ops ?length ?heads ?delay ?min_date ?min_heads
() >>=? fun block_stream ->
let convert blocks =
Lwt.return blocks >>=? fun blocks ->
@ -12,20 +12,20 @@ type block_info = {
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
level: Level.t ;
val info:
Client_rpcs.config ->
?operations:bool -> Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block -> block_info tzresult Lwt.t
?include_ops:bool -> Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block -> block_info tzresult Lwt.t
val compare:
block_info -> block_info -> int
val monitor:
Client_rpcs.config ->
?operations:bool -> ?length:int -> ?heads:Block_hash.t list ->
?include_ops:bool -> ?length:int -> ?heads:Block_hash.t list ->
?delay:int -> ?min_date:Time.t -> ?min_heads:int ->
?compare:(block_info -> block_info -> int) ->
unit -> block_info list tzresult Lwt_stream.t tzresult Lwt.t
@ -42,26 +42,26 @@ let rec compute_stamp
let inject_block cctxt block
~priority ~timestamp ~fitness ~seed_nonce
~src_sk operation_list =
~src_sk operations =
let block = match block with `Prevalidation -> `Head 0 | block -> block in
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.info cctxt block >>=? fun bi ->
let seed_nonce_hash = Nonce.hash seed_nonce in
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.next_level cctxt block >>=? fun level ->
let operations =
let operations_hash =
(List.map Operation_list_hash.compute operation_list) in
(List.map Operation_list_hash.compute operations) in
let shell =
{ Store.Block_header.net_id = bi.net ; level = bi.level ;
predecessor = bi.hash ; timestamp ; fitness ; operations } in
{ Store.Block_header.net_id = bi.net_id ; level = bi.level ;
predecessor = bi.hash ; timestamp ; fitness ; operations_hash } in
compute_stamp cctxt block
src_sk shell priority seed_nonce_hash >>=? fun proof_of_work_nonce ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.block cctxt
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ let inject_block cctxt block
() >>=? fun unsigned_header ->
let signed_header = Ed25519.Signature.append src_sk unsigned_header in
Client_node_rpcs.inject_block cctxt
?force signed_header operation_list >>=? fun block_hash ->
?force signed_header operations >>=? fun block_hash ->
return block_hash
let forge_block cctxt block
@ -245,10 +245,10 @@ module Helpers = struct
operations cctxt block ~net [Faucet { id ; nonce }]
let block cctxt
block ~net ~predecessor ~timestamp ~fitness ~operations
block ~net ~predecessor ~timestamp ~fitness ~operations_hash
~level ~priority ~seed_nonce_hash ~proof_of_work_nonce () =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Helpers.Forge.block block
(net, predecessor, timestamp, fitness, operations,
(net, predecessor, timestamp, fitness, operations_hash,
level, priority, seed_nonce_hash, proof_of_work_nonce)
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ module Helpers : sig
predecessor:Block_hash.t ->
timestamp:Time.t ->
fitness:Fitness.t ->
operations:Operation_list_list_hash.t ->
operations_hash:Operation_list_list_hash.t ->
level:Raw_level.t ->
priority:int ->
seed_nonce_hash:Nonce_hash.t ->
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ let mine cctxt =
(cctxt.message "Cannot parse fitness: %a" Fitness.pp bi.fitness);
exit 2 in
Client_node_rpcs.forge_block cctxt.rpc_config
~net:bi.net ~predecessor:bi.hash
~net_id:bi.net_id ~predecessor:bi.hash
fitness Operation_list_list_hash.empty (MBytes.create 0) >>=? fun bytes ->
Client_node_rpcs.inject_block cctxt.rpc_config bytes [] >>=? fun hash ->
cctxt.answer "Injected %a" Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ let forge_block
let mine rpc_config ?timestamp block command fitness seckey =
Client_blocks.get_block_info rpc_config block >>=? fun bi ->
forge_block rpc_config ?timestamp block bi.net command fitness >>=? fun blk ->
rpc_config ?timestamp block bi.net_id command fitness >>=? fun blk ->
let signed_blk = Environment.Ed25519.Signature.append seckey blk in
Client_node_rpcs.inject_block rpc_config signed_blk [[]]
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ module Block_header = struct
level: Int32.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
operations: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
@ -269,17 +269,19 @@ module Block_header = struct
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { net_id ; level ; predecessor ;
timestamp ; operations ; fitness } ->
(net_id, level, predecessor, timestamp, operations, fitness))
(fun (net_id, level, predecessor, timestamp, operations, fitness) ->
timestamp ; operations_hash ; fitness } ->
(net_id, level, predecessor,
timestamp, operations_hash, fitness))
(fun (net_id, level, predecessor,
timestamp, operations_hash, fitness) ->
{ net_id ; level ; predecessor ;
timestamp ; operations ; fitness })
timestamp ; operations_hash ; fitness })
(req "net_id" Net_id.encoding)
(req "level" int32)
(req "predecessor" Block_hash.encoding)
(req "timestamp" Time.encoding)
(req "operations" Operation_list_list_hash.encoding)
(req "operations_hash" Operation_list_list_hash.encoding)
(req "fitness" Fitness.encoding))
module Encoding = struct
@ -311,7 +313,7 @@ module Block_header = struct
Block_hash.compare b1.shell.predecessor b2.shell.predecessor >> fun () ->
compare b1.proto b2.proto >> fun () ->
b1.shell.operations b2.shell.operations >> fun () ->
b1.shell.operations_hash b2.shell.operations_hash >> fun () ->
Time.compare b1.shell.timestamp b2.shell.timestamp >> fun () ->
list compare b1.shell.fitness b2.shell.fitness
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ module Block_header : sig
level: Int32.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
operations: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
val shell_header_encoding: shell_header Data_encoding.t
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ module P2p_reader = struct
| None -> Lwt.return_unit
| Some bh ->
if Operation_list_list_hash.compare
found_hash bh.shell.operations <> 0 then
found_hash bh.shell.operations_hash <> 0 then
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ let inject_block t bytes operations =
(List.map Operation_list_hash.compute operations) in
computed_hash block.shell.operations = 0)
computed_hash block.shell.operations_hash = 0)
(Exn (Failure "Incoherent operation list")) >>=? fun () ->
net_db.block_header_db.table hash block >>= function
@ -138,31 +138,31 @@ module RPC = struct
type block = Node_rpc_services.Blocks.block
type block_info = Node_rpc_services.Blocks.block_info = {
hash: Block_hash.t ;
net_id: Net_id.t ;
level: Int32.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ;
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
data: MBytes.t ;
operations: Operation_hash.t list list option ;
data: MBytes.t option ;
net: Net_id.t ;
test_protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
test_protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
test_network: (Net_id.t * Time.t) option ;
let convert (block: State.Valid_block.t) = {
let convert (block: State.Valid_block.t) = {
hash = block.hash ;
net_id = block.net_id ;
level = block.level ;
predecessor = block.predecessor ;
fitness = block.fitness ;
timestamp = block.timestamp ;
protocol = Some block.protocol_hash ;
operations_hash = block.operations_hash ;
fitness = block.fitness ;
data = block.proto_header ;
operations = Some block.operations ;
data = Some block.proto_header ;
net = block.net_id ;
test_protocol = Some block.test_protocol_hash ;
protocol = block.protocol_hash ;
test_protocol = block.test_protocol_hash ;
test_network = block.test_network ;
@ -268,6 +268,13 @@ module RPC = struct
| Error _ -> Lwt.fail Not_found
| Ok { context ; fitness } ->
Context.get_protocol context >>= fun protocol ->
Context.get_test_protocol context >>= fun test_protocol ->
Context.get_test_network context >>= fun test_network ->
Context.get_test_network_expiration context >>= fun test_network_expiration ->
let test_network =
match test_network, test_network_expiration with
| Some n, Some t -> Some (n, t)
| _, None | None, _ -> None in
let operations =
let pv_result, _ = Prevalidator.operations pv in
[ pv_result.applied ] in
@ -277,15 +284,15 @@ module RPC = struct
predecessor = head.hash ;
fitness ;
timestamp = Prevalidator.timestamp pv ;
protocol = Some protocol ;
protocol ;
operations_hash =
(List.map Operation_list_hash.compute operations) ;
operations = Some operations ;
data = None ;
net = head.net_id ;
test_protocol = None ;
test_network = None ;
data = MBytes.of_string "" ;
net_id = head.net_id ;
test_protocol ;
test_network ;
let rpc_context block : Updater.rpc_context =
@ -12,9 +12,8 @@ open Logging.RPC
module Services = Node_rpc_services
let filter_bi (operations, data) (bi: Services.Blocks.block_info) =
let filter_bi operations (bi: Services.Blocks.block_info) =
let bi = if operations then bi else { bi with operations = None } in
let bi = if data then bi else { bi with data = None } in
let register_bi_dir node dir =
@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ let register_bi_dir node dir =
let dir =
let implementation b () =
Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi ->
RPC.Answer.return bi.net in
RPC.Answer.return bi.net_id in
RPC.register1 dir
Services.Blocks.net implementation in
let dir =
@ -71,9 +70,7 @@ let register_bi_dir node dir =
let dir =
let implementation b () =
Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi ->
match bi.protocol with
| None -> raise Not_found
| Some p -> RPC.Answer.return p in
RPC.Answer.return bi.protocol in
RPC.register1 dir
Services.Blocks.protocol implementation in
let dir =
@ -220,11 +217,10 @@ let create_delayed_stream
let list_blocks
{ Services.Blocks.operations ; data ; length ; heads ; monitor ; delay ;
{ Services.Blocks.include_ops ; length ; heads ; monitor ; delay ;
min_date; min_heads} =
let len = match length with None -> 1 | Some x -> x in
let monitor = match monitor with None -> false | Some x -> x in
let include_ops = (operations, data) in
let time =
match delay with
| None -> None
@ -410,16 +406,17 @@ let build_rpc_directory node =
let dir =
RPC.register1 dir Services.Protocols.contents (get_protocols node) in
let dir =
let implementation (net_id, level, pred, time, fitness, operations, header) =
let implementation
(net_id, level, pred, time, fitness, operations_hash, header) =
Node.RPC.block_info node (`Head 0) >>= fun bi ->
let timestamp = Utils.unopt ~default:(Time.now ()) time in
let net_id = Utils.unopt ~default:bi.net net_id in
let net_id = Utils.unopt ~default:bi.net_id net_id in
let predecessor = Utils.unopt ~default:bi.hash pred in
let level = Utils.unopt ~default:(Int32.succ bi.level) level in
let res =
Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes Store.Block_header.encoding {
shell = { net_id ; predecessor ; level ;
timestamp ; fitness ; operations } ;
timestamp ; fitness ; operations_hash } ;
proto = header ;
} in
RPC.Answer.return res in
@ -57,48 +57,46 @@ module Blocks = struct
type block_info = {
hash: Block_hash.t ;
net_id: Net_id.t ;
level: Int32.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ;
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
data: MBytes.t ;
operations: Operation_hash.t list list option ;
data: MBytes.t option ;
net: Net_id.t ;
test_protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
test_protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
test_network: (Net_id.t * Time.t) option ;
let block_info_encoding =
(fun { hash ; level ; predecessor ; fitness ; timestamp ; protocol ;
operations_hash ; operations ; data ; net ;
test_protocol ; test_network } ->
((hash, level, predecessor, fitness, timestamp, protocol),
(operations_hash, operations, data,
net, test_protocol, test_network)))
(fun ((hash, level, predecessor, fitness, timestamp, protocol),
(operations_hash, operations, data,
net, test_protocol, test_network)) ->
{ hash ; level ; predecessor ; fitness ; timestamp ; protocol ;
operations_hash ; operations ; data ; net ;
test_protocol ; test_network })
(req "hash" Block_hash.encoding)
(req "level" int32)
(req "predecessor" Block_hash.encoding)
(req "fitness" Fitness.encoding)
(req "timestamp" Time.encoding)
(opt "protocol" Protocol_hash.encoding))
(req "operations_hash" Operation_list_list_hash.encoding)
(opt "operations" (list (list Operation_hash.encoding)))
(opt "data" bytes)
(req "net" Net_id.encoding)
(opt "test_protocol" Protocol_hash.encoding)
(opt "test_network" (tup2 Net_id.encoding Time.encoding))))
(fun { hash ; net_id ; level ; predecessor ;
fitness ; timestamp ; protocol ; operations_hash ; data ;
operations ; test_protocol ; test_network } ->
({ Store.Block_header.shell =
{ net_id ; level ; predecessor ;
timestamp ; operations_hash ; fitness } ;
proto = data },
(hash, operations, protocol, test_protocol, test_network)))
(fun ({ Store.Block_header.shell =
{ net_id ; level ; predecessor ;
timestamp ; operations_hash ; fitness } ;
proto = data },
(hash, operations, protocol, test_protocol, test_network)) ->
{ hash ; net_id ; level ; predecessor ;
fitness ; timestamp ; protocol ; operations_hash ; data ;
operations ; test_protocol ; test_network })
(req "hash" Block_hash.encoding)
(opt "operations" (list (list Operation_hash.encoding)))
(req "protocol" Protocol_hash.encoding)
(req "test_protocol" Protocol_hash.encoding)
(opt "test_network" (tup2 Net_id.encoding Time.encoding)))))
let parse_block s =
@ -181,10 +179,7 @@ module Blocks = struct
let info =
~description:"All the information about a block."
(dft "operations" bool true)
(dft "data" bool true))
~input: (obj1 (dft "operations" bool true))
~output: block_info_encoding
@ -257,7 +252,7 @@ module Blocks = struct
~description:"List the block test protocol."
~input: empty
~output: (obj1 (opt "protocol" Protocol_hash.encoding))
~output: (obj1 (req "protocol" Protocol_hash.encoding))
RPC.Path.(block_path / "test_protocol")
let test_network =
@ -329,8 +324,7 @@ module Blocks = struct
RPC.Path.(block_path / "complete" /: prefix_arg )
type list_param = {
operations: bool ;
data: bool ;
include_ops: bool ;
length: int option ;
heads: Block_hash.t list option ;
monitor: bool option ;
@ -340,25 +334,20 @@ module Blocks = struct
let list_param_encoding =
(fun { operations ; data ; length ; heads ; monitor ;
(fun { include_ops ; length ; heads ; monitor ;
delay ; min_date ; min_heads } ->
(operations, data, length, heads, monitor, delay, min_date, min_heads))
(fun (operations, data, length, heads, monitor, delay, min_date, min_heads) ->
{ operations ; data ; length ; heads ; monitor ;
(include_ops, length, heads, monitor, delay, min_date, min_heads))
(fun (include_ops, length, heads, monitor,
delay, min_date, min_heads) ->
{ include_ops ; length ; heads ; monitor ;
delay ; min_date ; min_heads })
(dft "operations"
(dft "include_ops"
"Whether the resulting block informations should include the \
list of operations' hashes. Default false."
bool) false)
(dft "data"
"Whether the resulting block informations should include the \
raw protocol dependent data. Default false."
bool) false)
(opt "length"
@ -28,21 +28,21 @@ module Blocks : sig
type block_info = {
hash: Block_hash.t ;
net_id: Net_id.t ;
level: Int32.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ;
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
data: MBytes.t ;
operations: Operation_hash.t list list option ;
data: MBytes.t option ;
net: Net_id.t ;
test_protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
test_protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
test_network: (Net_id.t * Time.t) option ;
val info:
(unit, unit * block, bool * bool, block_info) RPC.service
(unit, unit * block, bool, block_info) RPC.service
val net:
(unit, unit * block, unit, Net_id.t) RPC.service
val level:
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ module Blocks : sig
val protocol:
(unit, unit * block, unit, Protocol_hash.t) RPC.service
val test_protocol:
(unit, unit * block, unit, Protocol_hash.t option) RPC.service
(unit, unit * block, unit, Protocol_hash.t) RPC.service
val test_network:
(unit, unit * block, unit, (Net_id.t * Time.t) option) RPC.service
val pending_operations:
@ -70,8 +70,7 @@ module Blocks : sig
error Prevalidation.preapply_result * Hash.Operation_hash.Set.t) RPC.service
type list_param = {
operations: bool ;
data: bool ;
include_ops: bool ;
length: int option ;
heads: Block_hash.t list option ;
monitor: bool option ;
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ let build_valid_block
predecessor = header.shell.predecessor ;
timestamp = header.shell.timestamp ;
discovery_time ;
operations_hash = header.shell.operations ;
operations_hash = header.shell.operations_hash ;
operations ;
fitness = header.shell.fitness ;
protocol_hash ;
@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ module Raw_block_header = struct
predecessor = genesis.block ;
timestamp = genesis.time ;
fitness = [] ;
operations = Operation_list_list_hash.empty ;
operations_hash = Operation_list_list_hash.empty ;
} in
let header =
{ Store.Block_header.shell ; proto = MBytes.create 0 } in
@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ module Block_header = struct
level: Int32.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
operations: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ module Block_header : sig
level: Int32.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
operations: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ let apply_block net db
lwt_log_info "validation of %a: looking for dependencies..."
Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
db (hash, 0) block.shell.operations >>= fun operation_hashes ->
db (hash, 0) block.shell.operations_hash >>= fun operation_hashes ->
(fun op -> Distributed_db.Operation.fetch db op)
operation_hashes >>= fun operations ->
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type shell_block = Store.Block_header.shell_header =
level: Int32.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
operations: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ type shell_block = Store.Block_header.shell_header = {
level: Int32.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
operations: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
let shell_block_encoding = Store.Block_header.shell_header_encoding
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ type shell_block = Store.Block_header.shell_header = {
level: Int32.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
operations: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
val shell_block_encoding: shell_block Data_encoding.t
@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ type error +=
let parse_header
({ shell = { net_id ; level ; predecessor ;
timestamp ; fitness ; operations } ;
timestamp ; fitness ; operations_hash } ;
proto } : Updater.raw_block) : header tzresult =
match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes signed_proto_header_encoding proto with
| None -> Error [Cant_parse_proto_header]
| Some (proto, signature) ->
let shell =
{ Updater.net_id ; level ; predecessor ;
timestamp ; fitness ; operations } in
timestamp ; fitness ; operations_hash } in
Ok { shell ; proto ; signature }
let forge_header shell proto =
@ -434,12 +434,12 @@ let forge_operations _ctxt (shell, proto) =
let () = register1 Services.Helpers.Forge.operations forge_operations
let forge_block _ctxt
(net_id, predecessor, timestamp, fitness, operations,
(net_id, predecessor, timestamp, fitness, operations_hash,
level, priority, seed_nonce_hash, proof_of_work_nonce) : MBytes.t tzresult Lwt.t =
let level = Raw_level.to_int32 level in
return (Block.forge_header
{ net_id ; level ; predecessor ;
timestamp ; fitness ; operations }
timestamp ; fitness ; operations_hash }
{ priority ; seed_nonce_hash ; proof_of_work_nonce })
let () = register1 Services.Helpers.Forge.block forge_block
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ type shell_block = {
(** The preceding block in the chain. *)
timestamp: Time.t ;
(** The date at which this block has been forged. *)
operations: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
(** The sequence of operations. *)
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
(** The hash lf the merkle tree of operations. *)
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
(** The announced score of the block. As a sequence of sequences
of unsigned bytes. Ordered by length and then by contents
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ let int64_to_bytes i =
MBytes.set_int64 b 0 i;
let operations =
let operations_hash =
Operation_list_list_hash.compute [Operation_list_hash.empty]
let rpc_services : Updater.rpc_context RPC.directory =
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ let rpc_services : Updater.rpc_context RPC.directory =
(Forge.block RPC.Path.root)
(fun _ctxt ((net_id, level, predecessor, timestamp, fitness), command) ->
let shell = { Updater.net_id ; level ; predecessor ;
timestamp ; fitness ; operations } in
timestamp ; fitness ; operations_hash } in
let bytes = Data.Command.forge shell command in
RPC.Answer.return bytes) in
@ -393,21 +393,22 @@ module Mining = struct
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.info rpc_config block >>=? fun bi ->
let seed_nonce_hash = Nonce.hash seed_nonce in
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.next_level rpc_config block >>=? fun level ->
let operations =
let operations_hash =
[Operation_list_hash.compute operation_list] in
let shell =
{ Store.Block_header.net_id = bi.net ; predecessor = bi.hash ;
timestamp ; fitness ; operations ; level = Raw_level.to_int32 level.level } in
{ Store.Block_header.net_id = bi.net_id ; predecessor = bi.hash ;
timestamp ; fitness ; operations_hash ;
level = Raw_level.to_int32 level.level } in
block src_sk shell priority seed_nonce_hash >>=? fun proof_of_work_nonce ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.block rpc_config
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ let operation op =
Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes Store.Operation.encoding op
let block _state ?(operations = []) pred_hash pred name : Store.Block_header.t =
let operations =
let operations_hash =
[Operation_list_hash.compute operations] in
let fitness = incr_fitness pred.Store.Block_header.shell.fitness in
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ let block _state ?(operations = []) pred_hash pred name : Store.Block_header.t =
net_id = pred.shell.net_id ;
level = Int32.succ pred.shell.level ;
predecessor = pred_hash ;
timestamp ; operations; fitness } ;
timestamp ; operations_hash ; fitness } ;
proto = MBytes.of_string name ;
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ let build_chain state tbl otbl pred names =
let block _state ?(operations = []) (pred: State.Valid_block.t) name
: State.Block_header.t =
let operations =
let operations_hash =
[Operation_list_hash.compute operations] in
let fitness = incr_fitness pred.fitness in
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ let block _state ?(operations = []) (pred: State.Valid_block.t) name
{ shell = { net_id = pred.net_id ;
level = Int32.succ pred.level ;
predecessor = pred.hash ;
timestamp ; operations; fitness } ;
timestamp ; operations_hash ; fitness } ;
proto = MBytes.of_string name ;
@ -89,14 +89,14 @@ let test_operation s =
(** Block store *)
let lolblock ?(operations = []) header =
let operations =
let operations_hash =
[Operation_list_hash.compute operations] in
{ Store.Block_header.shell =
{ timestamp = Time.of_seconds (Random.int64 1500L) ;
level = 0l ; (* dummy *)
net_id ;
predecessor = genesis_block ; operations ;
predecessor = genesis_block ; operations_hash ;
fitness = [MBytes.of_string @@ string_of_int @@ String.length header;
MBytes.of_string @@ string_of_int @@ 12] } ;
proto = MBytes.of_string header ;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user