Working rough draft of let ... in multi-bind
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,25 +22,20 @@ let get_value : 'a Raw.reg -> 'a = fun x -> x.value
module Errors = struct
module Errors = struct
let wrong_pattern expected_name actual =
let wrong_pattern expected_name actual =
let title () = "wrong pattern" in
let title () = "wrong pattern" in
let message () = "" in
let message () =
match actual with
| Raw.PTuple _ -> "tuple"
| Raw.PRecord _ -> "record"
| Raw.PList _ -> "list"
| Raw.PBytes _ -> "bytes"
| _ -> "other"
let data = [
let data = [
("expected", fun () -> expected_name);
("expected", fun () -> expected_name);
("actual_loc" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ Raw.pattern_to_region actual)
("actual_loc" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ Raw.pattern_to_region actual)
] in
] in
error ~data title message
error ~data title message
let multiple_patterns construct (patterns: Raw.pattern list) =
let title () = "multiple patterns" in
let message () =
Format.asprintf "multiple patterns in \"%s\" are not supported yet" construct in
let patterns_loc =
List.fold_left (fun a p -> Region.cover a (Raw.pattern_to_region p))
Region.ghost patterns in
let data = [
("patterns_loc", fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ patterns_loc)
] in
error ~data title message
let unknown_predefined_type name =
let unknown_predefined_type name =
let title () = "type constants" in
let title () = "type constants" in
let message () =
let message () =
@ -160,10 +155,17 @@ let rec expr_to_typed_expr : Raw.expr -> _ = function
| EAnnot {value={inside=e,_,t; _}; _} -> ok (e, Some t)
| EAnnot {value={inside=e,_,t; _}; _} -> ok (e, Some t)
| e -> ok (e , None)
| e -> ok (e , None)
let patterns_to_var : Raw.pattern nseq -> _ = fun ps ->
let rec patterns_to_typed_vars : Raw.pattern nseq -> _ = fun ps ->
match ps with
match ps with
| pattern, [] -> pattern_to_var pattern
| pattern, [] ->
| _ -> fail @@ multiple_patterns "let" (nseq_to_list ps)
match pattern with
| Raw.PPar pp -> patterns_to_typed_vars (pp.value.inside, [])
| Raw.PTuple pt -> bind_map_list pattern_to_typed_var (npseq_to_list pt.value)
| Raw.PVar _ -> bind_list [pattern_to_typed_var pattern]
| other -> (fail @@ wrong_pattern "bla bla" other)
| hd, tl -> bind_map_list pattern_to_typed_var (nseq_to_list (hd, tl))
let rec simpl_type_expression : Raw.type_expr -> type_expression result = fun te ->
let rec simpl_type_expression : Raw.type_expr -> type_expression result = fun te ->
trace (simple_info "simplifying this type expression...") @@
trace (simple_info "simplifying this type expression...") @@
@ -254,7 +256,7 @@ let rec simpl_expression :
Raw.ELetIn e ->
Raw.ELetIn e ->
let Raw.{binding; body; _} = e.value in
let Raw.{binding; body; _} = e.value in
let Raw.{binders; lhs_type; let_rhs; _} = binding in
let Raw.{binders; lhs_type; let_rhs; _} = binding in
let%bind variable = patterns_to_var binders in
let%bind variables = patterns_to_typed_vars binders in
let%bind ty_opt =
let%bind ty_opt =
bind_map_option (fun (_,te) -> simpl_type_expression te) lhs_type in
bind_map_option (fun (_,te) -> simpl_type_expression te) lhs_type in
let%bind rhs = simpl_expression let_rhs in
let%bind rhs = simpl_expression let_rhs in
@ -263,7 +265,28 @@ let rec simpl_expression :
None -> rhs
None -> rhs
| Some ty -> e_annotation rhs ty in
| Some ty -> e_annotation rhs ty in
let%bind body = simpl_expression body in
let%bind body = simpl_expression body in
return @@ e_let_in (Var.of_name variable.value , None) rhs' body
let prepare_variable (ty_var: Raw.variable * Raw.type_expr option) =
let variable, ty_opt = ty_var in
let var_expr = Var.of_name variable.value in
let%bind ty_expr_opt =
match ty_opt with
| Some ty -> bind_map_option simpl_type_expression (Some ty)
| None -> ok None
in ok (var_expr, ty_expr_opt)
let%bind prep_vars = bind_list ( prepare_variable variables) in
let rec chain_let_in variables body : _ =
match variables with
| hd :: [] ->
if (List.length prep_vars = 1)
then e_let_in hd rhs' body
else e_let_in hd (e_accessor rhs' [Access_tuple ((List.length prep_vars) - 1)]) body
| hd :: tl ->
e_let_in hd
(e_accessor rhs' [Access_tuple ((List.length prep_vars) - (List.length tl) - 1)])
(chain_let_in tl body)
| [] -> body (* Make this an error *)
in ok (chain_let_in prep_vars body)
| Raw.EAnnot a ->
| Raw.EAnnot a ->
let Raw.{inside=expr, _, type_expr; _}, loc = r_split a in
let Raw.{inside=expr, _, type_expr; _}, loc = r_split a in
let%bind expr' = simpl_expression expr in
let%bind expr' = simpl_expression expr in
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