Proto: Fix typechecking of FAIL
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ type error += Invalid_constant of Script.location * string
type error += Invalid_primitive of Script.location * kind * string
type error += Invalid_expression_kind of Script.location (* TODO: expected *)
type error += Sequence_parameter_expected of Script.location * kind * string * int
type error += Fail_not_in_tail_position of Script.location
(* Instruction errors *)
type error += Comparable_type_expected of Script.location
@ -184,9 +185,33 @@ let rec stack_ty_eq
type 'bef judgement =
| Typed : ('bef, 'aft) instr * 'aft stack_ty -> 'bef judgement
| Failed : { instr : 'aft. 'aft stack_ty -> ('bef, 'aft) instr } -> 'bef judgement
(* ---- type checker --------------------------------------------------------*)
type ('t, 'f, 'b) branch =
{ branch : 'r. ('t, 'r) instr -> ('f, 'r) instr -> ('b, 'r) instr } [@@unboxed]
let merge_branches
: type bef a b. int -> a judgement -> b judgement ->
(a, b, bef) branch ->
bef judgement tzresult Lwt.t
= fun loc btr bfr { branch } ->
match btr, bfr with
| Typed (ibt, aftbt), Typed (ibf, aftbf) ->
(Unmatched_branches (loc, Stack_ty aftbt, Stack_ty aftbf))
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 0 aftbt aftbf)) >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
return (Typed (branch ibt ibf, aftbt))
| Failed { instr = instrt }, Failed { instr = instrf } ->
let instr ret =
branch (instrt ret) (instrf ret) in
return (Failed { instr })
| Typed (ibt, aftbt), Failed { instr = instrf } ->
return (Typed (branch ibt (instrf aftbt), aftbt))
| Failed { instr = instrt }, Typed (ibf, aftbf) ->
return (Typed (branch (instrt aftbf) ibf, aftbf))
type ex_comparable_ty = Ex : 'a comparable_ty -> ex_comparable_ty
let parse_comparable_ty : Script.expr -> ex_comparable_ty tzresult Lwt.t = function
@ -671,6 +696,8 @@ and parse_lambda
return (Lam (instr, script_instr) : (arg, ret) lambda)
| Typed (_, stack_ty) ->
fail (Bad_return (loc, Stack_ty stack_ty, Ty ret))
| Failed { instr } ->
return (Lam (instr (Item_t (ret, Empty_t)), script_instr) : (arg, ret) lambda)
and parse_instr
: type bef storage. context ->
@ -701,12 +728,10 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, "if_none", [ bt ; bf ]), Item_t (Option_t t, rest) ->
expect_sequence_parameter loc Instr "if_none" 0 bt >>=? fun () ->
expect_sequence_parameter loc Instr "if_none" 1 bf >>=? fun () ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bt rest >>=? fun (Typed (ibt, aftbt)) ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bf (Item_t (t, rest)) >>=? fun (Typed (ibf, aftbf)) ->
(Unmatched_branches (loc, Stack_ty aftbt, Stack_ty aftbf))
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 0 aftbt aftbf)) >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
return (Typed (If_none (ibt, ibf), aftbt))
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bt rest >>=? fun btr ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bf (Item_t (t, rest)) >>=? fun bfr ->
let branch ibt ibf = If_none (ibt, ibf) in
merge_branches loc btr bfr { branch }
(* pairs *)
| Prim (_, "pair", []), Item_t (a, Item_t (b, rest)) ->
return (Typed (Cons_pair, Item_t (Pair_t(a, b), rest)))
@ -724,12 +749,10 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, "if_left", [ bt ; bf ]), Item_t (Union_t (tl, tr), rest) ->
expect_sequence_parameter loc Instr "if_left" 0 bt >>=? fun () ->
expect_sequence_parameter loc Instr "if_left" 1 bf >>=? fun () ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bt (Item_t (tl, rest)) >>=? fun (Typed (ibt, aftbt)) ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bf (Item_t (tr, rest)) >>=? fun (Typed (ibf, aftbf)) ->
(Unmatched_branches (loc, Stack_ty aftbt, Stack_ty aftbf))
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 0 aftbt aftbf)) >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
return (Typed (If_left (ibt, ibf), aftbt))
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bt (Item_t (tl, rest)) >>=? fun btr ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bf (Item_t (tr, rest)) >>=? fun bfr ->
let branch ibt ibf = If_left (ibt, ibf) in
merge_branches loc btr bfr { branch }
(* lists *)
| Prim (_, "nil", [ t ]), rest ->
parse_ty t >>=? fun (Ex t) ->
@ -742,12 +765,10 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, "if_cons", [ bt ; bf ]), Item_t (List_t t, rest) ->
expect_sequence_parameter loc Instr "if_cons" 0 bt >>=? fun () ->
expect_sequence_parameter loc Instr "if_cons" 1 bf >>=? fun () ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bt (Item_t (t, Item_t (List_t t, rest))) >>=? fun (Typed (ibt, aftbt)) ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bf rest >>=? fun (Typed (ibf, aftbf)) ->
(Unmatched_branches (loc, Stack_ty aftbt, Stack_ty aftbf))
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 0 aftbt aftbf)) >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
return (Typed (If_cons (ibt, ibf), aftbt))
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bt (Item_t (t, Item_t (List_t t, rest))) >>=? fun btr ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bf rest >>=? fun bfr ->
let branch ibt ibf = If_cons (ibt, ibf) in
merge_branches loc btr bfr { branch }
| Prim (loc, "iter", []), Item_t (Lambda_t (param, Void_t), Item_t (List_t elt, rest)) ->
check_item_ty elt param loc 2 >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
return (Typed (List_iter, rest))
@ -838,25 +859,36 @@ and parse_instr
| Seq (_, [ single ]), stack_ty ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt single stack_ty
| Seq (loc, hd :: tl), stack_ty ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt hd stack_ty >>=? fun (Typed (ihd, trans)) ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt (Seq (loc, tl)) trans >>=? fun (Typed (itl, aft)) ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt hd stack_ty >>=? begin function
| Failed _ ->
fail (Fail_not_in_tail_position loc)
| Typed (ihd, trans) ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt (Seq (loc, tl)) trans >>=? function
| Failed { instr } ->
let instr ret = Seq (ihd, instr ret) in
return (Failed { instr })
| Typed (itl, aft) ->
return (Typed (Seq (ihd, itl), aft))
| Prim (loc, "if", [ bt ; bf ]), Item_t (Bool_t, rest) ->
expect_sequence_parameter loc Instr "if" 0 bt >>=? fun () ->
expect_sequence_parameter loc Instr "if" 1 bf >>=? fun () ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bt rest >>=? fun (Typed (ibt, aftbt)) ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bf rest >>=? fun (Typed (ibf, aftbf)) ->
(Unmatched_branches (loc, Stack_ty aftbt, Stack_ty aftbf))
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 0 aftbt aftbf)) >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
return (Typed (If (ibt, ibf), aftbt))
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bt rest >>=? fun btr ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt bf rest >>=? fun bfr ->
let branch ibt ibf = If (ibt, ibf) in
merge_branches loc btr bfr { branch }
| Prim (loc, "loop", [ body ]), Item_t (Bool_t, rest) ->
expect_sequence_parameter loc Instr "loop" 0 body >>=? fun () ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt body rest >>=? fun (Typed (ibody, aftbody)) ->
parse_instr ?storage_type ctxt body rest >>=? begin function
| Typed (ibody, aftbody) ->
(Unmatched_branches (loc, Stack_ty aftbody, Stack_ty stack_ty))
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 0 aftbody stack_ty)) >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
return (Typed (Loop ibody, rest))
| Failed { instr } ->
let ibody = instr (Item_t (Bool_t, rest)) in
return (Typed (Loop ibody, rest))
| Prim (loc, "lambda", [ arg ; ret ; code ]), rest ->
parse_ty arg >>=? fun (Ex arg) ->
parse_ty ret >>=? fun (Ex ret) ->
@ -868,10 +900,15 @@ and parse_instr
return (Typed (Exec, Item_t (ret, rest)))
| Prim (loc, "dip", [ code ]), Item_t (v, rest) ->
expect_sequence_parameter loc Instr "dip" 0 code >>=? fun () ->
parse_instr ctxt code rest >>=? fun (Typed (instr, aft_rest)) ->
parse_instr ctxt code rest >>=? begin function
| Typed (instr, aft_rest) ->
return (Typed (Dip instr, Item_t (v, aft_rest)))
| Prim (loc, "fail", []), rest ->
return (Typed (Fail loc, rest)) (* FIXME *)
| Failed _ ->
fail (Fail_not_in_tail_position loc)
| Prim (loc, "fail", []), _ ->
let instr _ = Fail loc in
return (Failed { instr })
| Prim (_, "nop", []), rest ->
return (Typed (Nop, rest))
(* timestamp operations *)
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ and ('bef, 'aft) instr =
| Lambda : ('arg, 'ret) lambda ->
('rest, ('arg, 'ret) lambda * 'rest) instr
| Fail : Script.location ->
('rest, 'rest) instr
('bef, 'aft) instr
| Nop :
('rest, 'rest) instr
(* comparison *)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user