Marked the errors that should be skipped (because catched by the

LIGO lexer later). Added field [is_file] to the state of the
lexer to know if the input is a file or not (insert or not a
first line directive). Fixed ReasonLIGO comments in and website2.religo. WIP on the LIGO
lexer to properly handle comments for all the syntaxes.
This commit is contained in:
Christian Rinderknecht 2020-04-08 20:24:34 +02:00
parent 79967be726
commit 46eecb4027
14 changed files with 190 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -466,8 +466,8 @@ let proxy = ((action, store): (parameter, storage)) : return => {
| Some (contract) => contract;
| None => (failwith ("Contract not found.") : contract (parameter));
(* Reuse the parameter in the subsequent
transaction or use another one, `mock_param`. *)
/* Reuse the parameter in the subsequent
transaction or use another one, `mock_param`. */
let mock_param : parameter = Increment (5n);
let op : operation = Tezos.transaction (action, 0tez, counter);
([op], store)

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ let%expect_test _ =
let%expect_test _ =
run_ligo_bad ["interpret" ; "(\"thisisnotasignature\":signature)" ; "--syntax=pascaligo"] ;
[%expect {|
ligo: in file "", line 0, characters 1-32. Badly formatted literal: Signature thisisnotasignature {"location":"in file \"\", line 0, characters 1-32"}
ligo: in file ".", line 1, characters 1-32. Badly formatted literal: Signature thisisnotasignature {"location":"in file \".\", line 1, characters 1-32"}
If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ let%expect_test _ =
let%expect_test _ =
run_ligo_bad ["interpret" ; "(\"thisisnotapublickey\":key)" ; "--syntax=pascaligo"] ;
[%expect {|
ligo: in file "", line 0, characters 1-26. Badly formatted literal: key thisisnotapublickey {"location":"in file \"\", line 0, characters 1-26"}
ligo: in file ".", line 1, characters 1-26. Badly formatted literal: key thisisnotapublickey {"location":"in file \".\", line 1, characters 1-26"}
If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can

View File

@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ SHELL := dash
BFLAGS := -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -g
> \rm -f Parser.msg.states
> \rm -f Parser.msg Parser.msg.states

View File

@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ SHELL := dash
BFLAGS := -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -g
> \rm -f Parser.msg.states
> \rm -f Parser.msg Parser.msg.states

View File

@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ SHELL := dash
BFLAGS := -strict-sequence -w +A-48-4 -g
> \rm -f Parser.msg.states
> \rm -f Parser.msg Parser.msg.states

View File

@ -142,6 +142,8 @@ module type S =
| Channel of in_channel
| Buffer of Lexing.lexbuf
val is_file : input -> bool
type instance = {
input : input;
read : log:logger -> Lexing.lexbuf -> token;
@ -158,7 +160,10 @@ module type S =
val lexbuf_from_input :
input -> (Lexing.lexbuf * (unit -> unit), open_err) Stdlib.result
val open_token_stream : input -> (instance, open_err) Stdlib.result
type language = [`PascaLIGO | `CameLIGO | `ReasonLIGO]
val open_token_stream :
language -> input -> (instance, open_err) Stdlib.result
(* Error reporting *)

View File

@ -164,6 +164,8 @@ module type S =
| Channel of in_channel
| Buffer of Lexing.lexbuf
val is_file : input -> bool
type instance = {
input : input;
read : log:logger -> Lexing.lexbuf -> token;
@ -180,7 +182,10 @@ module type S =
val lexbuf_from_input :
input -> (Lexing.lexbuf * (unit -> unit), open_err) Stdlib.result
val open_token_stream : input -> (instance, open_err) Stdlib.result
type language = [`PascaLIGO | `CameLIGO | `ReasonLIGO]
val open_token_stream :
language -> input -> (instance, open_err) Stdlib.result
(* Error reporting *)
@ -297,6 +302,8 @@ module Make (Token: TOKEN) : (S with module Token = Token) =
library Uutf.
type language = [`PascaLIGO | `CameLIGO | `ReasonLIGO]
type state = {
units : (Markup.t list * token) FQueue.t;
markup : Markup.t list;
@ -304,7 +311,8 @@ module Make (Token: TOKEN) : (S with module Token = Token) =
last : Region.t;
pos : Pos.t;
decoder : Uutf.decoder;
supply : Bytes.t -> int -> int -> unit
supply : Bytes.t -> int -> int -> unit;
lang : language
(* The call [enqueue (token, state)] updates functionally the
@ -393,7 +401,7 @@ module Make (Token: TOKEN) : (S with module Token = Token) =
| Unterminated_string
| Unterminated_integer
| Odd_lengthed_bytes
| Unterminated_comment
| Unterminated_comment of string
| Orphan_minus
| Non_canonical_zero
| Negative_byte_sequence
@ -424,9 +432,9 @@ module Make (Token: TOKEN) : (S with module Token = Token) =
| Odd_lengthed_bytes ->
"The length of the byte sequence is an odd number.\n\
Hint: Add or remove a digit."
| Unterminated_comment ->
"Unterminated comment.\n\
Hint: Close with \"*)\"."
| Unterminated_comment ending ->
sprintf "Unterminated comment.\n\
Hint: Close with \"%s\"." ending
| Orphan_minus ->
"Orphan minus sign.\n\
Hint: Remove the trailing space."
@ -643,10 +651,21 @@ and scan state = parse
let thread = {opening; len=1; acc=['"']} in
scan_string thread state lexbuf |> mk_string |> enqueue }
| "(*" { let opening, _, state = sync state lexbuf in
| "(*" { if state.lang = `PascaLIGO || state.lang = `CameLIGO then
let opening, _, state = sync state lexbuf in
let thread = {opening; len=2; acc=['*';'(']} in
let state = scan_block thread state lexbuf |> push_block
in scan state lexbuf }
let state = scan_pascaligo_block thread state lexbuf |> push_block
in scan state lexbuf
else (rollback lexbuf; scan_two_sym state lexbuf)
| "/*" { if state.lang = `ReasonLIGO then
let opening, _, state = sync state lexbuf in
let thread = {opening; len=2; acc=['*';'/']} in
let state = scan_reasonligo_block thread state lexbuf |> push_block
in scan state lexbuf
else (rollback lexbuf; scan_two_sym state lexbuf)
| "//" { let opening, _, state = sync state lexbuf in
let thread = {opening; len=2; acc=['/';'/']} in
@ -720,6 +739,14 @@ and scan state = parse
| _ as c { let region, _, _ = sync state lexbuf
in fail region (Unexpected_character c) }
(* Scanning two symbols *)
and scan_two_sym state = parse
symbol { scan_one_sym (mk_sym state lexbuf |> enqueue) lexbuf }
and scan_one_sym state = parse
symbol { scan (mk_sym state lexbuf |> enqueue) lexbuf }
(* Scanning CPP #include flags *)
and scan_flags state acc = parse
@ -751,39 +778,70 @@ and scan_string thread state = parse
(* Finishing a block comment
(Note for Emacs: ("(*")
The lexing of block comments must take care of embedded block
comments that may occur within, as well as strings, so no substring
"*)" may inadvertently close the block. This is the purpose
of the first case of the scanner [scan_block].
(For Emacs: ("(*") The lexing of block comments must take care of
embedded block comments that may occur within, as well as strings,
so no substring "*/" or "*)" may inadvertently close the
block. This is the purpose of the first case of the scanners
[scan_pascaligo_block] and [scan_reasonligo_block].
and scan_block thread state = parse
and scan_pascaligo_block thread state = parse
'"' | "(*" { let opening = thread.opening in
let opening', lexeme, state = sync state lexbuf in
let thread = push_string lexeme thread in
let thread = {thread with opening=opening'} in
let next = if lexeme = "\"" then scan_string
else scan_block in
else scan_pascaligo_block in
let thread, state = next thread state lexbuf in
let thread = {thread with opening}
in scan_block thread state lexbuf }
in scan_pascaligo_block thread state lexbuf }
| "*)" { let _, lexeme, state = sync state lexbuf
in push_string lexeme thread, state }
| nl as nl { let () = Lexing.new_line lexbuf
and state = {state with pos = state.pos#new_line nl}
and thread = push_string nl thread
in scan_block thread state lexbuf }
| eof { fail thread.opening Unterminated_comment }
in scan_pascaligo_block thread state lexbuf }
| eof { fail thread.opening (Unterminated_comment "*)") }
| _ { let () = rollback lexbuf in
let len = thread.len in
let thread,
status = scan_utf8 thread state lexbuf in
status = scan_utf8 "*)" thread state lexbuf in
let delta = thread.len - len in
let pos = state.pos#shift_one_uchar delta in
match status with
None -> scan_block thread {state with pos} lexbuf
| Some error ->
Stdlib.Ok () ->
scan_pascaligo_block thread {state with pos} lexbuf
| Error error ->
let region = Region.make ~start:state.pos ~stop:pos
in fail region error }
and scan_reasonligo_block thread state = parse
'"' | "/*" { let opening = thread.opening in
let opening', lexeme, state = sync state lexbuf in
let thread = push_string lexeme thread in
let thread = {thread with opening=opening'} in
let next = if lexeme = "\"" then scan_string
else scan_reasonligo_block in
let thread, state = next thread state lexbuf in
let thread = {thread with opening}
in scan_reasonligo_block thread state lexbuf }
| "*/" { let _, lexeme, state = sync state lexbuf
in push_string lexeme thread, state }
| nl as nl { let () = Lexing.new_line lexbuf
and state = {state with pos = state.pos#new_line nl}
and thread = push_string nl thread
in scan_reasonligo_block thread state lexbuf }
| eof { fail thread.opening (Unterminated_comment "*/") }
| _ { let () = rollback lexbuf in
let len = thread.len in
let thread,
status = scan_utf8 "*/" thread state lexbuf in
let delta = thread.len - len in
let pos = state.pos#shift_one_uchar delta in
match status with
Stdlib.Ok () ->
scan_reasonligo_block thread {state with pos} lexbuf
| Error error ->
let region = Region.make ~start:state.pos ~stop:pos
in fail region error }
@ -798,24 +856,36 @@ and scan_line thread state = parse
| _ { let () = rollback lexbuf in
let len = thread.len in
let thread,
status = scan_utf8 thread state lexbuf in
status = scan_utf8_inline thread state lexbuf in
let delta = thread.len - len in
let pos = state.pos#shift_one_uchar delta in
match status with
None -> scan_line thread {state with pos} lexbuf
| Some error ->
Stdlib.Ok () ->
scan_line thread {state with pos} lexbuf
| Error error ->
let region = Region.make ~start:state.pos ~stop:pos
in fail region error }
and scan_utf8 thread state = parse
eof { fail thread.opening Unterminated_comment }
and scan_utf8 closing thread state = parse
eof { fail thread.opening (Unterminated_comment closing) }
| _ as c { let thread = push_char c thread in
let lexeme = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let () = (Bytes.of_string lexeme) 0 1 in
match Uutf.decode state.decoder with
`Uchar _ -> thread, None
| `Malformed _ -> thread, Some Invalid_utf8_sequence
| `Await -> scan_utf8 thread state lexbuf
`Uchar _ -> thread, Stdlib.Ok ()
| `Malformed _ -> thread, Stdlib.Error Invalid_utf8_sequence
| `Await -> scan_utf8 closing thread state lexbuf
| `End -> assert false }
and scan_utf8_inline thread state = parse
eof { thread, Stdlib.Ok () }
| _ as c { let thread = push_char c thread in
let lexeme = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let () = (Bytes.of_string lexeme) 0 1 in
match Uutf.decode state.decoder with
`Uchar _ -> thread, Stdlib.Ok ()
| `Malformed _ -> thread, Stdlib.Error Invalid_utf8_sequence
| `Await -> scan_utf8_inline thread state lexbuf
| `End -> assert false }
@ -876,6 +946,13 @@ type input =
| Channel of in_channel
| Buffer of Lexing.lexbuf
(* Checking if a lexer input is a file *)
let is_file = function
File "-" | File "" -> false
| File _ -> true
| Stdin | String _ | Channel _ | Buffer _ -> false
type instance = {
input : input;
read : log:logger -> Lexing.lexbuf -> token;
@ -909,7 +986,7 @@ let lexbuf_from_input = function
Ok (Lexing.from_channel chan, close)
| Buffer b -> Ok (b, fun () -> ())
let open_token_stream input =
let open_token_stream (lang: language) input =
let file_path = match input with
File file_path ->
if file_path = "-" then "" else file_path
@ -925,7 +1002,8 @@ let open_token_stream input =
markup = [];
supply} in
lang} in
let get_pos () = !state.pos
and get_last () = !state.last

View File

@ -7,15 +7,22 @@ module type S =
module Lexer : Lexer.S
val output_token :
?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] ->
EvalOpt.command -> out_channel ->
Markup.t list -> Lexer.token -> unit
?offsets:bool ->
[`Byte | `Point] ->
EvalOpt.command ->
out_channel ->
Markup.t list ->
Lexer.token ->
type file_path = string
val trace :
?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] ->
Lexer.input -> EvalOpt.command ->
?offsets:bool ->
[`Byte | `Point] ->
EvalOpt.language ->
Lexer.input ->
EvalOpt.command ->
(unit, string Region.reg) Stdlib.result
@ -49,9 +56,9 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S) : (S with module Lexer = Lexer) =
type file_path = string
let trace ?(offsets=true) mode input command :
let trace ?(offsets=true) mode lang input command :
(unit, string Region.reg) Stdlib.result =
match Lexer.open_token_stream input with
match Lexer.open_token_stream lang input with
Ok Lexer.{read; buffer; close; _} ->
let log = output_token ~offsets mode command stdout
and close_all () = flush_all (); close () in

View File

@ -5,15 +5,22 @@ module type S =
module Lexer : Lexer.S
val output_token :
?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] ->
EvalOpt.command -> out_channel ->
Markup.t list -> Lexer.token -> unit
?offsets:bool ->
[`Byte | `Point] ->
EvalOpt.command ->
out_channel ->
Markup.t list ->
Lexer.token ->
type file_path = string
val trace :
?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] ->
Lexer.input -> EvalOpt.command ->
?offsets:bool ->
[`Byte | `Point] ->
EvalOpt.language ->
Lexer.input ->
EvalOpt.command ->
(unit, string Region.reg) Stdlib.result

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module Make (IO: IO) (Lexer: Lexer.S) =
let scan () : (Lexer.token list, string Region.reg) Stdlib.result =
(* Preprocessing the input source *)
let preproc cin =
let preproc ~is_file cin =
let buffer = Lexing.from_channel cin in
let open Lexing in
let () =
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module Make (IO: IO) (Lexer: Lexer.S) =
| Some pos_fname ->
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_fname} in
let opt = (IO.options :> Preprocessor.EvalOpt.options) in
match Preproc.lex opt buffer with
match Preproc.lex ~is_file opt buffer with
Stdlib.Error (pp_buffer, err) ->
if SSet.mem "preproc" IO.options#verbose then
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (Buffer.contents pp_buffer);
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module Make (IO: IO) (Lexer: Lexer.S) =
(* Running the lexer on the preprocessed input *)
let source = Lexer.String (Buffer.contents pp_buffer) in
match Lexer.open_token_stream source with
match Lexer.open_token_stream IO.options#lang source with
Ok Lexer.{read; buffer; close; _} ->
let close_all () = flush_all (); close () in
let rec read_tokens tokens =
@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ module Make (IO: IO) (Lexer: Lexer.S) =
| Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
flush_all (); Stdlib.Error (Region.wrap_ghost msg) in
match IO.options#input with
Some "-" | None -> preproc stdin
Some "-" | None -> preproc ~is_file:false stdin
| Some file_path ->
try open_in file_path |> preproc with
try open_in file_path |> preproc ~is_file:true with
Sys_error msg -> Stdlib.Error (Region.wrap_ghost msg)
(* Tracing the lexing *)
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ module Make (IO: IO) (Lexer: Lexer.S) =
let trace () : (unit, string Region.reg) Stdlib.result =
(* Preprocessing the input *)
let preproc cin =
let preproc ~is_file cin =
let buffer = Lexing.from_channel cin in
let open Lexing in
let () =
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ module Make (IO: IO) (Lexer: Lexer.S) =
| Some pos_fname ->
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_fname} in
let opt = (IO.options :> Preprocessor.EvalOpt.options) in
match Preproc.lex opt buffer with
match Preproc.lex ~is_file opt buffer with
Stdlib.Error (pp_buffer, err) ->
if SSet.mem "preproc" IO.options#verbose then
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (Buffer.contents pp_buffer);
@ -99,11 +99,12 @@ module Make (IO: IO) (Lexer: Lexer.S) =
else Log.trace ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
(Lexer.String preproc_str)
in match IO.options#input with
Some "-" | None -> preproc stdin
Some "-" | None -> preproc ~is_file:false stdin
| Some file_path ->
try open_in file_path |> preproc with
try open_in file_path |> preproc ~is_file:true with
Sys_error msg -> Stdlib.Error (Region.wrap_ghost msg)

View File

@ -151,15 +151,6 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
in flush_all (); close (); Ok ast
(* Checking if a lexer input is a file *)
let is_file input =
let open Lexer in
match input with
File "-" | File "" -> false
| File _ -> true
| Stdin | String _ | Channel _ | Buffer _ -> false
(* Wrapper for the parsers above *)
let apply lexer_inst parser =
@ -172,7 +163,7 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
(* Lexing errors *)
| exception Lexer.Error err ->
let file = is_file lexer_inst.Lexer.input in
let file = Lexer.is_file lexer_inst.Lexer.input in
let error =
Lexer.format_error ~offsets:SubIO.options#offsets
SubIO.options#mode err ~file
@ -208,8 +199,8 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
(* Preprocessing the input source *)
let preproc options lexbuf =
Preproc.lex (options :> Preprocessor.EvalOpt.options) lexbuf
let preproc ~is_file options lexbuf =
Preproc.lex ~is_file (options :> Preprocessor.EvalOpt.options) lexbuf
(* Parsing a contract *)
@ -220,13 +211,13 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
| Ok (lexbuf, close) ->
(* Preprocessing the input source *)
match preproc options lexbuf with
match preproc ~is_file:(Lexer.is_file input) options lexbuf with
Stdlib.Error (pp_buffer, err) ->
if SSet.mem "preproc" options#verbose then
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (Buffer.contents pp_buffer);
let formatted =
Preproc.format ~offsets:options#offsets
~file:(is_file input)
~file:(Lexer.is_file input)
in close (); Stdlib.Error formatted
| Stdlib.Ok buffer ->
@ -234,7 +225,7 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
let () = close () in
let input' = Lexer.String (Buffer.contents buffer) in
match Lexer.open_token_stream input' with
match Lexer.open_token_stream options#lang input' with
Ok instance -> apply instance parser
| Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
Stdlib.Error (Region.wrap_ghost msg)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
type storage = int;
@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ let main = ((p,storage): (parameter, storage)) => {
([]: list (operation), storage);

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ type error =
| Invalid_line_indicator of string
| No_line_indicator
| End_line_indicator
| Newline_in_string
| Open_comment
| Open_string
| Newline_in_string (*XXX*)
| Open_comment (*XXX*)
| Open_string (*XXX*)
| Dangling_endif
| Open_region_in_conditional
| Dangling_endregion
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ val format :
(* Preprocessing a lexing buffer *)
val lex :
is_file:bool ->
EvalOpt.options ->
Lexing.lexbuf ->
(Buffer.t, Buffer.t * error Region.reg) Stdlib.result

View File

@ -97,7 +97,8 @@ type state = {
out : Buffer.t;
incl : in_channel list;
opt : EvalOpt.options;
dir : string list
dir : string list;
is_file : bool
(* Directories *)
@ -738,6 +739,7 @@ and in_string opening state = parse
and preproc state = parse
eof { state }
| _ { rollback lexbuf;
if state.is_file then
print state (sprintf "# 1 \"%s\"\n"
scan state lexbuf }
@ -749,7 +751,7 @@ and preproc state = parse
the trace is empty at the end. Note that we discard the state at
the end. *)
let lex opt buffer =
let lex ~is_file opt buffer =
let state = {
env = Env.empty;
mode = Copy;
@ -758,7 +760,8 @@ let lex opt buffer =
out = Buffer.create 80;
incl = [];
dir = []
dir = [];
} in
match preproc state buffer with
state -> List.iter close_in state.incl;