Shell: replace Netbits
by Data_encoding
This commit is contained in:
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ clean::
node/net/netbits.mli \
node/net/p2p.mli \
node/net/RPC.mli \
@ -237,9 +237,9 @@ NODE_LIB_INTFS := \
node/shell/node_rpc.mli \
compiler/ \
node/net/ \
node/net/ \
node/net/ \
@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** The type of a single datum in a network frame. The encoding of a
datum is as follows: [[TYPE][CONTENTS]], where [[type]] is a
single byte whose value is [1] for [S], [2] for [I], [3] for [L],
[4] for B, [5] for [D], [6] for [F] and [7] for [C].
For [S]. [I], [L] and [D]¸ the raw values are stored using big
endianness. For [B], [F] and [C], the size is prefixed as a 16-bit,
big endian, unsigned integer
([[SIZE][BYTES]]). *)
type chunk =
| S of int (** A 16-bit integer *)
| I of int32 (** A 32-bit integer *)
| L of int64 (** A 64-bit integer *)
| B of MBytes.t (** A series of bytes *)
| D of float (** A 64-bits IEEE-754 floating point number *)
| F of frame (** An encapsulated subframe *)
| C of string (** A string *)
(** A network frame is a list of simple data. Its encoding on the
network is as follows: [[SIZE][DATA]] where [[SIZE]] is the raw
length of [[DATA]] in bytes as a big endian, 32-bit, unsigned
integer. *)
and frame =
chunk list
(** Pretty printing of frames for debugging *)
let rec print fmtr frame =
Format.fprintf fmtr "[@[<hv 2>" ;
let rec loop frame =
let sep = match frame with [ _ ] -> "" | _ -> " ;" in
match frame with
| [] -> ()
| e :: tl ->
begin match e with
| S i -> Format.fprintf fmtr "@ S %i%s@," i sep
| I i -> Format.fprintf fmtr "@ I %li%s@," i sep
| L i -> Format.fprintf fmtr "@ L %Li%s@," i sep
| D i -> Format.fprintf fmtr "@ D %g%s@," i sep
| B i -> Format.fprintf fmtr "@ B %S%s@," (MBytes.to_string i) sep
| F f -> Format.fprintf fmtr "@ F %a%s@," print f sep
| C s -> Format.fprintf fmtr "@ C %s%s@," s sep
end ;
loop tl
in loop frame ;
Format.fprintf fmtr "@ @]]%!"
(** Pretty prints of frames *)
let to_string frame =
let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
let fmtr = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
print fmtr frame ;
Buffer.contents buf
module BE = EndianBigstring.BigEndian
(** Encode a frame as raw bytes to send over the network *)
let to_raw frame =
let rec raw_size frame =
(fun sz item -> sz + 1 + match item with
| S _ -> 2
| I _ -> 4
| L _ -> 8
| D _ -> 8
| F f -> raw_size f + 2
| B str -> MBytes.length str + 2
| C str -> String.length str + 2)
0 frame
let sz = raw_size frame in
let buf = MBytes.create (sz + 4) in
let rec store items offset = match items with
| S n :: tl ->
BE.set_int8 buf offset 0x01 ;
BE.set_int16 buf (offset + 1) n ;
store tl (offset + 1 + 2)
| I n :: tl ->
BE.set_int8 buf offset 0x02 ;
BE.set_int32 buf (offset + 1) n ;
store tl (offset + 1 + 4)
| L n :: tl ->
BE.set_int8 buf offset 0x03 ;
BE.set_int64 buf (offset + 1) n ;
store tl (offset + 1 + 8)
| B n :: tl ->
BE.set_int8 buf offset 0x04 ;
let len = MBytes.length n in
BE.set_int16 buf (offset + 1) len ;
MBytes.blit n 0 buf (offset + 1 + 2) len ;
store tl (offset + 1 + 2 + len)
| D n :: tl ->
BE.set_int8 buf offset 0x05 ;
BE.set_int64 buf (offset + 1) (Int64.bits_of_float n) ;
store tl (offset + 1 + 8)
| F f :: tl ->
BE.set_int8 buf offset 0x06 ;
let len = raw_size f in
BE.set_int16 buf (offset + 1) len ;
let offset = store f (offset + 1 + 2) in
store tl offset
| C n :: tl ->
BE.set_int8 buf offset 0x07 ;
let len = String.length n in
BE.set_int16 buf (offset + 1) len ;
MBytes.blit_from_string n 0 buf (offset + 1 + 2) len ;
store tl (offset + 1 + 2 + len)
| [] -> offset
BE.set_int32 buf 0 (Int32.of_int sz) ;
ignore (store frame 4) ;
(** Decode a complete raw frame as read from the network *)
let of_raw buf =
let rec decode items offset stop =
let if_remains ofs sz cb = if ofs + sz <= stop then cb () else None in
if offset = stop then Some (List.rev items)
else if offset > stop then None
let tag = BE.get_int8 buf offset in
let offset = offset + 1 in
match tag with
| 0x01 ->
if_remains offset 2 @@ fun () ->
let items = S (BE.get_int16 buf offset) :: items in
decode items (offset + 2) stop
| 0x02 ->
if_remains offset 4 @@ fun () ->
let items = I (BE.get_int32 buf offset) :: items in
decode items (offset + 4) stop
| 0x03 ->
if_remains offset 8 @@ fun () ->
let items = L (BE.get_int64 buf offset) :: items in
decode items (offset + 8) stop
| 0x04 ->
if_remains offset 2 @@ fun () ->
let len = BE.get_uint16 buf offset in
let offset = offset + 2 in
if_remains offset len @@ fun () ->
let items = B (MBytes.sub buf offset len) :: items in
decode items (offset + len) stop
| 0x05 ->
if_remains offset 8 @@ fun () ->
let items = D (Int64.float_of_bits (BE.get_int64 buf offset)) :: items in
decode items (offset + 8) stop
| 0x06 ->
if_remains offset 2 @@ fun () ->
let len = BE.get_uint16 buf offset in
let offset = offset + 2 in
if_remains offset len @@ fun () ->
begin match decode [] offset (offset + len) with
| None -> None
| Some fitems -> decode ((F fitems) :: items) (offset + len) stop
| 0x07 ->
if_remains offset 2 @@ fun () ->
let len = BE.get_uint16 buf offset in
let offset = offset + 2 in
if_remains offset len @@ fun () ->
let items = C (MBytes.substring buf offset len) :: items in
decode items (offset + len) stop
| _ -> None
decode [] 4 (MBytes.length buf)
open Lwt
(** Write a frame from to file descriptor. *)
let write descr frame =
let buf = to_raw frame in
(fun () ->
Lwt_bytes.write descr buf 0 (MBytes.length buf) >>= fun _ ->
return true)
| Unix.Unix_error _ -> return false
| e -> fail e)
(** Read a frame from a file descriptor. *)
let read descr limit =
(fun () ->
let szbuf = MBytes.create 4 in
Lwt_bytes.recv descr szbuf 0 4 [ Lwt_unix.MSG_PEEK ] >>= fun wsz ->
if wsz <> 4 then
return None
let len = Int32.to_int (BE.get_int32 szbuf 0) + 4 in
if len < 0 || len > limit then
return None
let buf = MBytes.create len in
|||| descr buf 0 len >>= fun wsz ->
if wsz <> len then
return None
return (of_raw buf))
| Unix.Unix_error (_err, _, _) -> return None
| e -> fail e)
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** A simple, portable implementation of network frames. *)
(** The type of a single datum in a network frame. The encoding of a
datum is as follows: [[TYPE][CONTENTS]], where [[type]] is a
single byte whose value is [1] for [S], [2] for [I], [3] for [L],
[4] for B, [5] for [D], [6] for [F] and [7] for [C].
For [S]. [I], [L] and [D]¸ the raw values are stored using big
endianness. For [B], [F] and [C], the size is prefixed as a 16-bit,
big endian, unsigned integer
([[SIZE][BYTES]]). *)
type chunk =
| S of int (** A 16-bit integer *)
| I of int32 (** A 32-bit integer *)
| L of int64 (** A 64-bit integer *)
| B of MBytes.t (** A series of bytes *)
| D of float (** A 64-bits IEEE-754 floating point number *)
| F of frame (** An encapsulated subframe *)
| C of string (** A string *)
(** A network frame is a list of simple data. Its encoding on the
network is as follows: [[SIZE][DATA]] where [[SIZE]] is the raw
length of [[DATA]] in bytes as a big endian, 32-bit, unsigned
integer. *)
and frame =
chunk list
(** Writes a frame from to file descriptor Returns [true] if
successful, [false] if an error happened, which means that the
descriptor cannot accept any more data and should be closed. *)
val write : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> frame -> bool Lwt.t
(** Reads a frame from a file descriptor. Returns [Some frame] if
successful, [None] if an error happened, which means either that
that the descriptor cannot provide any more data or that corrupted
bytes have been received, and in any case says that the descriptor
should not be used anymore. The second parameter is the limit in
bytes of the underlying representation, including the size. [None]
is returned in case of overhead, and the bytes are not consumed
from the descriptor. *)
val read : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> int -> frame option Lwt.t
(** Pretty printing of frames for debugging *)
val print : Format.formatter -> frame -> unit
(** Pretty prints of frames *)
val to_string : frame -> string
(** Encode a frame as raw bytes to send over the network *)
val to_raw : frame -> MBytes.t
(** Decode a complete raw frame as read from the network *)
val of_raw : MBytes.t -> frame option
@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ type config = {
closed_network : bool ;
(* The global net identificator. *)
type gid = string
let gid_length = 16
type 'msg msg_encoding = Encoding : {
tag: int ;
encoding: 'a Data_encoding.t ;
@ -91,9 +96,6 @@ module type S = sig
(** A connection to a peer *)
type peer
(** A global identifier for a peer, a.k.a. an identity *)
type gid
(** Access the domain of active peers *)
val peers : net -> peer list
@ -141,7 +143,6 @@ module Make (P: NET_PARAMS) = struct
module LC = Lwt_condition
open Lwt
open Lwt_utils
open Netbits
open Logging.Net
let pp_gid ppf gid =
@ -160,9 +161,6 @@ module Make (P: NET_PARAMS) = struct
else find (la, tb)
in find (la, lb)
(* The global net identificator. *)
type gid = string
(* A net point (address x port). *)
type point = addr * port
@ -668,16 +666,20 @@ module Make (P: NET_PARAMS) = struct
(* The (fixed size) broadcast frame. *)
let discovery_message_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
tup3 (Fixed.string 8) (Fixed.string gid_length) int16
let discovery_message gid port =
Netbits.([ B (MBytes.of_string "DISCO") ; B (MBytes.of_string gid) ; S port ])
("DISCOVER", gid, port)
(* Broadcast frame verifier. *)
let answerable_discovery_message message my_gid when_ok when_not =
match message with
| Some [ B magic ; B gid ; S port ] ->
if MBytes.to_string magic = "DISCO" && MBytes.to_string gid <> my_gid then
when_ok gid port
else when_not ()
let answerable_discovery_message msg my_gid when_ok when_not =
match msg with
| Some ("DISCOVER", gid, port) when gid <> my_gid ->
when_ok gid port
| _ -> when_not ()
let string_of_unix_exn = function
@ -703,7 +705,7 @@ module Make (P: NET_PARAMS) = struct
| Some main_socket ->
(* the answering function *)
let rec step () =
let buffer = Netbits.to_raw (discovery_message my_gid 0) in
let buffer = discovery_message my_gid 0 in
let len = MBytes.length buffer in
pick [ (cancelation () >>= fun () -> return None) ;
(Lwt_bytes.recvfrom main_socket buffer 0 len [] >>= fun r ->
@ -712,7 +714,10 @@ module Make (P: NET_PARAMS) = struct
if len' <> len then
step () (* drop bytes, better luck next time ! *)
answerable_discovery_message (Netbits.of_raw buffer) my_gid
discovery_message_encoding buffer)
(fun _ port ->
(fun () ->
@ -732,14 +737,14 @@ module Make (P: NET_PARAMS) = struct
(* Sends dicover messages into space in an exponentially delayed loop,
restartable using a condition *)
let discovery_sender my_gid disco_port inco_port cancelation restart =
let message = discovery_message my_gid inco_port in
let msg = discovery_message my_gid inco_port in
let rec loop delay n =
(fun () ->
let socket = LU.(socket PF_INET SOCK_DGRAM 0) in
LU.setsockopt socket LU.SO_BROADCAST true ;
LU.connect socket LU.(ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_of_string "", disco_port)) >>= fun () ->
Netbits.(write socket message) >>= fun _ ->
Lwt_utils.write_mbytes socket msg >>= fun _ ->
LU.close socket)
(fun _ ->
debug "(%a) error broadcasting a discovery request" pp_gid my_gid ;
@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ type limits = {
blacklist_time : float ;
(** A global identifier for a peer, a.k.a. an identity *)
type gid
type 'msg msg_encoding = Encoding : {
tag: int ;
encoding: 'a Data_encoding.t ;
@ -100,9 +103,6 @@ module Make (P : NET_PARAMS) : sig
(** A connection to a peer *)
type peer
(** A global identifier for a peer, a.k.a. an identity *)
type gid
(** Access the domain of active peers *)
val peers : net -> peer list
Reference in New Issue
Block a user