Remove Data.Fix, make recursion manually
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ dependencies:
- base
- base
- bytestring
- bytestring
- data-default
- data-default
- data-fix
- mtl
- mtl
- pretty
- pretty
- template-haskell
- template-haskell
@ -326,14 +326,14 @@ instance UpdateOver ScopeM Name (Pascal a)
-- deriving (Show) via PP (Name it)
-- deriving (Show) via PP (Name it)
-- deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
-- deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Scope = Scope { unScope :: Text }
data Scope = Scope { unScope :: [Text] }
instance HasComments Scope where
instance HasComments Scope where
getComments = pure . ("(* " <>) . (<> " *)") . unScope
getComments = unScope
_testUpdate :: Pascal ASTInfo -> ScopeM (Pascal Scope)
currentScope :: ASTInfo -> ScopeM Scope
_testUpdate = updateTree \_ -> do
currentScope _ = do
Env topmost <- gets head
Env topmost <- gets head
let names = _sdName <$> topmost
let names = _sdName <$> topmost
let res = ppToText $ fsep $ map pp names
let res = map ppToText names
return $ Scope res
return $ Scope res
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module Tree
( -- * Tree type
( -- * Tree type
, spineTo
, spineTo
, updateTree
, traverseTree
, mk
, mk
, infoOf
, infoOf
@ -23,10 +23,6 @@ module Tree
import Data.Fix
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Foldable
import Union
import Union
import Lattice
import Lattice
import Comment
import Comment
@ -40,26 +36,25 @@ import Error
-- Can contain `Error` instead of all the above.
-- Can contain `Error` instead of all the above.
newtype Tree layers info = Tree
newtype Tree layers info = Tree
{ unTree :: Fix (Either (Error info) `Compose` (,) info `Compose` Union layers)
{ unTree :: Either (Error info) (info, Union layers (Tree layers info))
instance (Functor (Union layers)) => Functor (Tree layers) where
instance (Functor (Union layers)) => Functor (Tree layers) where
fmap f (Tree fixpoint) = Tree $ cata (Fix . go) fixpoint
fmap f = go
go (Compose (Left err)) = Compose $ Left $ fmap f err
go (Tree (Left err)) = Tree $ Left $ fmap f err
go (Compose (Right (Compose (a, rest)))) =
go (Tree (Right (a, rest))) = Tree $ Right (f a, fmap go rest)
Compose $ Right $ Compose (f a, rest)
instance (Functor (Union layers), Foldable (Union layers)) => Foldable (Tree layers) where
instance (Functor (Union layers), Foldable (Union layers)) => Foldable (Tree layers) where
foldMap f (Tree fixpoint) = cata go fixpoint
foldMap f = go
go (Compose (Left err)) = foldMap f err
go (Tree (Left err)) = foldMap f err
go (Compose (Right (Compose (a, rest)))) = f a <> fold rest
go (Tree (Right (a, rest))) = f a <> foldMap go rest
( Functor (Union layers)
( Functor (Union layers)
, HasComments info
, HasComments info
, Pretty (Union layers Doc)
, Pretty1 (Union layers)
, Pretty info
, Pretty info
@ -70,16 +65,16 @@ instance
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-}
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-}
( HasComments info
( HasComments info
, Functor (Union fs)
, Functor (Union fs)
, Pretty (Union fs Doc)
, Pretty1 (Union fs)
, Pretty info
, Pretty info
Pretty (Tree fs info)
Pretty (Tree fs info)
pp (Tree it) = cata aux it
pp = go
aux (Compose (Left err)) = pp err
go (Tree (Left err)) = pp err
aux (Compose (Right (Compose (info, fTree)))) = c info $ pp fTree
go (Tree (Right (info, fTree))) = c info $ pp fTree
-- | Return all subtrees that cover the range, ascending in size.
-- | Return all subtrees that cover the range, ascending in size.
@ -89,11 +84,11 @@ spineTo
=> info
=> info
-> Tree fs info
-> Tree fs info
-> [Tree fs info]
-> [Tree fs info]
spineTo info = reverse . go . unTree
spineTo info = reverse . go
go tree@(Fix (Compose (Right (Compose (info', fres))))) =
go tree@(Tree (Right (info', fres))) =
if info <? info'
if info <? info'
then Tree tree : foldMap go fres
then tree : foldMap go fres
else []
else []
go _ = []
go _ = []
@ -102,40 +97,40 @@ spineTo info = reverse . go . unTree
-- For each tree piece, will call `before` and `after` callbacks.
-- For each tree piece, will call `before` and `after` callbacks.
:: ( UpdateOver m (Union fs) (Tree fs a)
:: ( UpdateOver m (Union fs) (Tree fs a)
, Traversable (Union fs)
, Traversable (Union fs)
=> (a -> m b) -> Tree fs a -> m (Tree fs b)
=> (a -> m b) -> Tree fs a -> m (Tree fs b)
updateTree act = fmap Tree . go . unTree
traverseTree act = go
go (Fix (Compose (Right (Compose (a, union))))) = do
go (Tree (Right (a, union))) = do
b <- act a
b <- act a
before (Tree <$> union)
before union
union' <- traverse go union
union' <- traverse go union
after (Tree <$> union)
after union
return (Fix (Compose (Right (Compose (b, union')))))
return (Tree (Right (b, union')))
go (Fix (Compose (Left err))) = do
go (Tree (Left err)) = do
err' <- traverse act err
err' <- traverse act err
return (Fix (Compose (Left err')))
return (Tree (Left err'))
-- | Make a tree out of a layer and an info.
-- | Make a tree out of a layer and an info.
mk :: (Functor f, Member f fs) => info -> f (Tree fs info) -> Tree fs info
mk :: (Functor f, Member f fs) => info -> f (Tree fs info) -> Tree fs info
mk i fx = Tree $ Fix $ Compose $ Right $ Compose (i, inj $ fmap unTree fx)
mk i fx = Tree $ Right (i, inj fx)
-- | Get info from the tree.
-- | Get info from the tree.
infoOf :: Tree fs info -> info
infoOf :: Tree fs info -> info
infoOf = either eInfo (fst . getCompose) . getCompose . unFix . unTree
infoOf = either eInfo fst . unTree
instance Stubbed (Tree fs info) info where
instance Stubbed (Tree fs info) info where
stub = Tree . Fix . Compose . Left
stub = Tree . Left
instance Foldable (Union fs) => HasErrors (Tree fs info) info where
instance Foldable (Union fs) => HasErrors (Tree fs info) info where
errors = go . unTree
errors = go
go (Fix (Compose (Left err))) = pure err
go (Tree (Left err)) = pure err
go (Fix rest) = foldMap go rest
go (Tree (Right (_, rest))) = foldMap go rest
-- | Update callbacks for a @f a@ while working inside monad @m@.
-- | Update callbacks for a @f a@ while working inside monad @m@.
class Monad m => UpdateOver m f a where
class Monad m => UpdateOver m f a where
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