Alpha: comsume cost of parsing/typing instructions in script
This commit is contained in:
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ assert_storage $contract_dir/ '"?"' '""' '"_abc"'
assert_storage $contract_dir/ '"?"' '"test"' '"test_abc"'
# Get current steps to quota
assert_storage $contract_dir/ 111 Unit 399977
assert_storage $contract_dir/ 111 Unit 399849
# Get the current balance of the contract
assert_storage $contract_dir/ '111' Unit '4000000000000'
@ -234,6 +234,125 @@ module Cost_of = struct
let len = MBytes.length b in
alloc_cost len +@ step_cost (len * 10)
let type_ nb_args = alloc_cost (nb_args + 1)
let instr
: type b a. (b, a) Script_typed_ir.instr -> cost
= fun i ->
let open Script_typed_ir in
alloc_cost 1 +@
match i with
| Drop -> alloc_cost 0
| Dup -> alloc_cost 1
| Swap -> alloc_cost 0
| Const _ -> alloc_cost 1
| Cons_pair -> alloc_cost 2
| Car -> alloc_cost 1
| Cdr -> alloc_cost 1
| Cons_some -> alloc_cost 2
| Cons_none _ -> alloc_cost 3
| If_none _ -> alloc_cost 2
| Left -> alloc_cost 3
| Right -> alloc_cost 3
| If_left _ -> alloc_cost 2
| Cons_list -> alloc_cost 1
| Nil -> alloc_cost 1
| If_cons _ -> alloc_cost 2
| List_map _ -> alloc_cost 5
| List_iter _ -> alloc_cost 4
| List_size -> alloc_cost 1
| Empty_set _ -> alloc_cost 1
| Set_iter _ -> alloc_cost 4
| Set_mem -> alloc_cost 1
| Set_update -> alloc_cost 1
| Set_size -> alloc_cost 1
| Empty_map _ -> alloc_cost 2
| Map_map _ -> alloc_cost 5
| Map_iter _ -> alloc_cost 4
| Map_mem -> alloc_cost 1
| Map_get -> alloc_cost 1
| Map_update -> alloc_cost 1
| Map_size -> alloc_cost 1
| Big_map_mem -> alloc_cost 1
| Big_map_get -> alloc_cost 1
| Big_map_update -> alloc_cost 1
| Concat -> alloc_cost 1
| Add_seconds_to_timestamp -> alloc_cost 1
| Add_timestamp_to_seconds -> alloc_cost 1
| Sub_timestamp_seconds -> alloc_cost 1
| Diff_timestamps -> alloc_cost 1
| Add_tez -> alloc_cost 1
| Sub_tez -> alloc_cost 1
| Mul_teznat -> alloc_cost 1
| Mul_nattez -> alloc_cost 1
| Ediv_teznat -> alloc_cost 1
| Ediv_tez -> alloc_cost 1
| Or -> alloc_cost 1
| And -> alloc_cost 1
| Xor -> alloc_cost 1
| Not -> alloc_cost 1
| Is_nat -> alloc_cost 1
| Neg_nat -> alloc_cost 1
| Neg_int -> alloc_cost 1
| Abs_int -> alloc_cost 1
| Int_nat -> alloc_cost 1
| Add_intint -> alloc_cost 1
| Add_intnat -> alloc_cost 1
| Add_natint -> alloc_cost 1
| Add_natnat -> alloc_cost 1
| Sub_int -> alloc_cost 1
| Mul_intint -> alloc_cost 1
| Mul_intnat -> alloc_cost 1
| Mul_natint -> alloc_cost 1
| Mul_natnat -> alloc_cost 1
| Ediv_intint -> alloc_cost 1
| Ediv_intnat -> alloc_cost 1
| Ediv_natint -> alloc_cost 1
| Ediv_natnat -> alloc_cost 1
| Lsl_nat -> alloc_cost 1
| Lsr_nat -> alloc_cost 1
| Or_nat -> alloc_cost 1
| And_nat -> alloc_cost 1
| And_int_nat -> alloc_cost 1
| Xor_nat -> alloc_cost 1
| Not_nat -> alloc_cost 1
| Not_int -> alloc_cost 1
| Seq _ -> alloc_cost 8
| If _ -> alloc_cost 8
| Loop _ -> alloc_cost 4
| Loop_left _ -> alloc_cost 5
| Dip _ -> alloc_cost 4
| Exec -> alloc_cost 1
| Lambda _ -> alloc_cost 2
| Failwith _ -> alloc_cost 1
| Nop -> alloc_cost 0
| Compare _ -> alloc_cost 1
| Eq -> alloc_cost 1
| Neq -> alloc_cost 1
| Lt -> alloc_cost 1
| Gt -> alloc_cost 1
| Le -> alloc_cost 1
| Ge -> alloc_cost 1
| Address -> alloc_cost 1
| Contract _ -> alloc_cost 2
| Transfer_tokens -> alloc_cost 1
| Create_account -> alloc_cost 2
| Implicit_account -> alloc_cost 1
| Create_contract _ -> alloc_cost 8
| Set_delegate -> alloc_cost 1
| Now -> alloc_cost 1
| Balance -> alloc_cost 1
| Check_signature -> alloc_cost 1
| Hash_key -> alloc_cost 1
| Pack _ -> alloc_cost 2
| Unpack _ -> alloc_cost 2
| Blake2b -> alloc_cost 1
| Sha256 -> alloc_cost 1
| Sha512 -> alloc_cost 1
| Steps_to_quota -> alloc_cost 1
| Source -> alloc_cost 1
| Sender -> alloc_cost 1
| Self _ -> alloc_cost 2
| Amount -> alloc_cost 1
module Unparse = struct
@ -135,6 +135,9 @@ module Cost_of : sig
(** Cost of parsing a type *)
val type_ : int -> Gas.cost
(** Cost of parsing an instruction *)
val instr : ('a, 'b) Script_typed_ir.instr -> Gas.cost
module Unparse : sig
@ -1617,7 +1617,9 @@ and parse_instr
return (judgement, ctxt) in
let typed ctxt loc instr aft =
log_stack ctxt loc stack_ty aft >>=? fun () ->
Lwt.return @@ Gas.consume ctxt (Typecheck_costs.instr instr) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return ctxt (Typed { loc ; instr ; bef = stack_ty ; aft }) in
Lwt.return @@ Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.cycle >>=? fun ctxt ->
match script_instr, stack_ty with
(* stack ops *)
| Prim (loc, I_DROP, [], annot),
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