ligo interpreter: simplfied AST merge
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ include Stage_common.Types
module Env = Ligo_interpreter.Environment
let apply_comparison : Ast_typed.constant -> value list -> value result =
let apply_comparison : Ast_typed.constant' -> value list -> value result =
fun c operands -> match (c,operands) with
| ( comp , [ V_Ct (C_int a' ) ; V_Ct (C_int b' ) ] )
| ( comp , [ V_Ct (C_nat a' ) ; V_Ct (C_nat b' ) ] )
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ let apply_comparison : Ast_typed.constant -> value list -> value result =
simple_fail "unsupported comparison"
(* applying those operators does not involve extending the environment *)
let rec apply_operator : Ast_typed.constant -> value list -> value result =
let rec apply_operator : Ast_typed.constant' -> value list -> value result =
fun c operands ->
let return_ct v = ok @@ V_Ct v in
let return_none () = ok @@ v_none () in
@ -265,39 +265,40 @@ and eval_literal : Ast_typed.literal -> value result = function
| Literal_key_hash s -> ok @@ V_Ct (C_key_hash s)
| Literal_chain_id s -> ok @@ V_Ct (C_key_hash s)
| Literal_operation o -> ok @@ V_Ct (C_operation o)
| Literal_void -> simple_fail "iguess ?"
and eval : Ast_typed.expression -> env -> value result
= fun term env ->
match term with
| E_application ({expression = f; _}, args) -> (
let%bind f' = match f with
match term.expression_content with
| E_application ({expr1 = f; expr2 = args}) -> (
let%bind f' = match f.expression_content with
| E_variable f -> Env.lookup env f
| _ -> eval f env in
match f' with
| V_Func_val (arg_names, body, f_env) ->
let%bind args' = eval args.expression env in
let%bind args' = eval args env in
let f_env' = Env.extend f_env (arg_names, args') in
eval body f_env'
| _ -> simple_fail "trying to apply on something that is not a function"
| E_lambda { binder; body;} ->
ok @@ V_Func_val (binder,body.expression,env)
| E_let_in { binder; rhs; result; _} ->
let%bind rhs' = eval rhs.expression env in
eval result.expression (Env.extend env (binder,rhs'))
| E_lambda { binder; result;} ->
ok @@ V_Func_val (binder,result,env)
| E_let_in { let_binder; rhs; let_result; _} ->
let%bind rhs' = eval rhs env in
eval let_result (Env.extend env (let_binder,rhs'))
| E_map kvlist | E_big_map kvlist ->
let%bind kvlist' = bind_map_list
(fun kv -> bind_map_pair (fun (el:Ast_typed.annotated_expression) -> eval el.expression env) kv)
(fun kv -> bind_map_pair (fun (el:Ast_typed.expression) -> eval el env) kv)
kvlist in
ok @@ V_Map kvlist'
| E_list expl ->
let%bind expl' = bind_map_list
(fun (exp:Ast_typed.annotated_expression) -> eval exp.expression env)
(fun (exp:Ast_typed.expression) -> eval exp env)
expl in
ok @@ V_List expl'
| E_set expl ->
let%bind expl' = bind_map_list
(fun (exp:Ast_typed.annotated_expression) -> eval exp.expression env)
(fun (exp:Ast_typed.expression) -> eval exp env)
(List.sort_uniq compare expl)
ok @@ V_Set expl'
@ -307,13 +308,13 @@ and eval : Ast_typed.expression -> env -> value result
Env.lookup env var
| E_record recmap ->
let%bind lv' = bind_map_list
(fun (label,(v:Ast_typed.annotated_expression)) ->
let%bind v' = eval v.expression env in
(fun (label,(v:Ast_typed.expression)) ->
let%bind v' = eval v env in
ok (label,v'))
(LMap.to_kv_list recmap) in
ok @@ V_Record (LMap.of_list lv')
| E_record_accessor (record,label) -> (
let%bind record' = eval record.expression env in
| E_record_accessor { expr ; label} -> (
let%bind record' = eval expr env in
match record' with
| V_Record recmap ->
let%bind a = trace_option (simple_error "unknown record field") @@
@ -321,35 +322,35 @@ and eval : Ast_typed.expression -> env -> value result
ok a
| _ -> simple_fail "trying to access a non-record"
| E_record_update (record, (l,field)) -> (
let%bind record' = eval record.expression env in
| E_record_update {record ; path ; update} -> (
let%bind record' = eval record env in
match record' with
| V_Record recmap ->
if LMap.mem l recmap then
let%bind field' = eval field.expression env in
ok @@ V_Record (LMap.add l field' recmap)
if LMap.mem path recmap then
let%bind field' = eval update env in
ok @@ V_Record (LMap.add path field' recmap)
simple_fail "field l does not exist in record"
| _ -> simple_fail "this expression isn't a record"
| E_constant (op, operands) -> (
| E_constant {cons_name ; arguments} -> (
let%bind operands' = bind_map_list
(fun (ae:Ast_typed.annotated_expression) -> eval ae.expression env)
operands in
apply_operator op operands'
(fun (ae:Ast_typed.expression) -> eval ae env)
arguments in
apply_operator cons_name operands'
| E_constructor (Constructor c, v) ->
let%bind v' = eval v.expression env in
| E_constructor { constructor = Constructor c ; element } ->
let%bind v' = eval element env in
ok @@ V_Construct (c,v')
| E_matching (e , cases) -> (
let%bind e' = eval e.expression env in
| E_matching { matchee ; cases} -> (
let%bind e' = eval matchee env in
match cases, e' with
| Match_list cases , V_List [] ->
eval cases.match_nil.expression env
eval cases.match_nil env
| Match_list cases , V_List (head::tail) ->
let (head_var,tail_var,body,_) = cases.match_cons in
let env' = Env.extend (Env.extend env (head_var,head)) (tail_var, V_List tail) in
eval body.expression env'
eval body env'
| Match_variant (case_list , _) , V_Construct (matched_c , proj) ->
let ((_, var) , body) =
@ -358,44 +359,21 @@ and eval : Ast_typed.expression -> env -> value result
String.equal matched_c c)
case_list in
let env' = Env.extend env (var, proj) in
eval body.expression env'
eval body env'
| Match_bool cases , V_Ct (C_bool true) ->
eval cases.match_true.expression env
eval cases.match_true env
| Match_bool cases , V_Ct (C_bool false) ->
eval cases.match_false.expression env
eval cases.match_false env
| Match_option cases, V_Construct ("Some" , proj) ->
let (var,body,_) = cases.match_some in
let env' = Env.extend env (var,proj) in
eval body.expression env'
eval body env'
| Match_option cases, V_Construct ("None" , V_Ct C_unit) ->
eval cases.match_none.expression env
eval cases.match_none env
| _ -> simple_fail "not yet supported case"
(* ((ctor,name),body) *)
This is not necessary after Ast simplification
| E_tuple el ->
let%bind lv = bind_mapi_list
(fun i (el:Ast_typed.annotated_expression) ->
let%bind el' = eval el.expression env in
ok (Label (string_of_int i), el'))
el in
ok @@ V_Record (LMap.of_list lv)
| E_tuple_accessor (tuple,i) -> (
let%bind record' = eval tuple.expression env in
match record' with
| V_Record recmap ->
let label = Label (string_of_int i) in
let%bind a = trace_option (simple_error "out of tuple range") @@
LMap.find_opt label recmap in
ok a
| _ -> simple_fail "trying to access a non-record"
This is not necessary after Ast simplification
| E_look_up _ | E_loop _ | E_sequence _ | E_assign _->
| E_look_up _ | E_loop _ ->
let serr = Format.asprintf "Unsupported construct :\n %a\n" Ast_typed.PP.expression term in
simple_fail serr
@ -403,16 +381,16 @@ let dummy : Ast_typed.program -> string result =
fun prg ->
let%bind (res,_) = bind_fold_list
(fun (pp,top_env) el ->
let (Ast_typed.Declaration_constant (named_exp, _, _)) = Location.unwrap el in
let (Ast_typed.Declaration_constant (exp_name, exp , _ , _)) = Location.unwrap el in
let%bind v =
(*TODO This TRY-CATCH is here until we properly implement effects*)
eval named_exp.annotated_expression.expression top_env
eval exp top_env
with Temporary_hack s -> ok @@ V_Failure s
(*TODO This TRY-CATCH is here until we properly implement effects*)
let pp' = pp^"\n val "^(Var.to_name^" = "^(Ligo_interpreter.PP.pp_value v) in
let top_env' = Env.extend top_env (, v) in
let pp' = pp^"\n val "^(Var.to_name exp_name)^" = "^(Ligo_interpreter.PP.pp_value v) in
let top_env' = Env.extend top_env (exp_name, v) in
ok @@ (pp',top_env')
("",Env.empty_env) prg in
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