Protocol environment / Pervasives: update to 4.06.1
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* Import version 4.04.0
* Import version 4.06.1
* Remove [channel], [exit], ...
* Remove polymorphic comparisons
* Remove non IEEE754-standardized functions on floats
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
(** {6 Exceptions} *)
(** {1 Exceptions} *)
external raise : exn -> 'a = "%raise"
(** Raise the given exception value *)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ exception Exit
provided for use in your programs. *)
(** {6 Boolean operations} *)
(** {1 Boolean operations} *)
external not : bool -> bool = "%boolnot"
(** The boolean negation. *)
@ -65,15 +65,18 @@ external not : bool -> bool = "%boolnot"
external ( && ) : bool -> bool -> bool = "%sequand"
(** The boolean 'and'. Evaluation is sequential, left-to-right:
in [e1 && e2], [e1] is evaluated first, and if it returns [false],
[e2] is not evaluated at all. *)
[e2] is not evaluated at all.
Right-associative operator at precedence level 3/11. *)
external ( || ) : bool -> bool -> bool = "%sequor"
(** The boolean 'or'. Evaluation is sequential, left-to-right:
in [e1 || e2], [e1] is evaluated first, and if it returns [true],
[e2] is not evaluated at all. *)
[e2] is not evaluated at all.
Right-associative operator at precedence level 2/11.
(** {6 Debugging} *)
(** {1 Debugging} *)
external __LOC__ : string = "%loc_LOC"
(** [__LOC__] returns the location at which this expression appears in
@ -134,31 +137,37 @@ external __POS_OF__ : 'a -> (string * int * int * int) * 'a = "%loc_POS"
@since 4.02.0
(** {6 Composition operators} *)
(** {1 Composition operators} *)
external ( |> ) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b = "%revapply"
(** Reverse-application operator: [x |> f |> g] is exactly equivalent
to [g (f (x))].
Left-associative operator at precedence level 4/11.
@since 4.01
external ( @@ ) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b = "%apply"
(** Application operator: [g @@ f @@ x] is exactly equivalent to
[g (f (x))].
Right-associative operator at precedence level 5/11.
@since 4.01
(** {6 Integer arithmetic} *)
(** {1 Integer arithmetic} *)
(** Integers are 31 bits wide (or 63 bits on 64-bit processors).
All operations are taken modulo 2{^31} (or 2{^63}).
They do not fail on overflow. *)
external ( ~- ) : int -> int = "%negint"
(** Unary negation. You can also write [- e] instead of [~- e]. *)
(** Unary negation. You can also write [- e] instead of [~- e].
Unary operator at precedence level 9/11 for [- e]
and 11/11 for [~- e]. *)
external ( ~+ ) : int -> int = "%identity"
(** Unary addition. You can also write [+ e] instead of [~+ e].
Unary operator at precedence level 9/11 for [+ e]
and 11/11 for [~+ e].
@since 3.12.0
@ -169,13 +178,16 @@ external pred : int -> int = "%predint"
(** [pred x] is [x - 1]. *)
external ( + ) : int -> int -> int = "%addint"
(** Integer addition. *)
(** Integer addition.
Left-associative operator at precedence level 6/11. *)
external ( - ) : int -> int -> int = "%subint"
(** Integer subtraction. *)
(** Integer subtraction.
Left-associative operator at precedence level 6/11. *)
external ( * ) : int -> int -> int = "%mulint"
(** Integer multiplication. *)
(** Integer multiplication.
Left-associative operator at precedence level 7/11. *)
external ( / ) : int -> int -> int = "%divint"
(** Integer division.
@ -183,7 +195,8 @@ external ( / ) : int -> int -> int = "%divint"
Integer division rounds the real quotient of its arguments towards zero.
More precisely, if [x >= 0] and [y > 0], [x / y] is the greatest integer
less than or equal to the real quotient of [x] by [y]. Moreover,
[(- x) / y = x / (- y) = - (x / y)]. *)
[(- x) / y = x / (- y) = - (x / y)].
Left-associative operator at precedence level 7/11. *)
external ( mod ) : int -> int -> int = "%modint"
(** Integer remainder. If [y] is not zero, the result
@ -192,7 +205,8 @@ external ( mod ) : int -> int -> int = "%modint"
[abs(x mod y) <= abs(y) - 1].
If [y = 0], [x mod y] raises [Division_by_zero].
Note that [x mod y] is negative only if [x < 0].
Raise [Division_by_zero] if [y] is zero. *)
Raise [Division_by_zero] if [y] is zero.
Left-associative operator at precedence level 7/11. *)
val abs : int -> int
(** Return the absolute value of the argument. Note that this may be
@ -205,16 +219,19 @@ val min_int : int
(** The smallest representable integer. *)
(** {7 Bitwise operations} *)
(** {2 Bitwise operations} *)
external ( land ) : int -> int -> int = "%andint"
(** Bitwise logical and. *)
(** Bitwise logical and.
Left-associative operator at precedence level 7/11. *)
external ( lor ) : int -> int -> int = "%orint"
(** Bitwise logical or. *)
(** Bitwise logical or.
Left-associative operator at precedence level 7/11. *)
external ( lxor ) : int -> int -> int = "%xorint"
(** Bitwise logical exclusive or. *)
(** Bitwise logical exclusive or.
Left-associative operator at precedence level 7/11. *)
val lnot : int -> int
(** Bitwise logical negation. *)
@ -223,21 +240,24 @@ external ( lsl ) : int -> int -> int = "%lslint"
(** [n lsl m] shifts [n] to the left by [m] bits.
The result is unspecified if [m < 0] or [m >= bitsize],
where [bitsize] is [32] on a 32-bit platform and
[64] on a 64-bit platform. *)
[64] on a 64-bit platform.
Right-associative operator at precedence level 8/11. *)
external ( lsr ) : int -> int -> int = "%lsrint"
(** [n lsr m] shifts [n] to the right by [m] bits.
This is a logical shift: zeroes are inserted regardless of
the sign of [n].
The result is unspecified if [m < 0] or [m >= bitsize]. *)
The result is unspecified if [m < 0] or [m >= bitsize].
Right-associative operator at precedence level 8/11. *)
external ( asr ) : int -> int -> int = "%asrint"
(** [n asr m] shifts [n] to the right by [m] bits.
This is an arithmetic shift: the sign bit of [n] is replicated.
The result is unspecified if [m < 0] or [m >= bitsize]. *)
The result is unspecified if [m < 0] or [m >= bitsize].
Right-associative operator at precedence level 8/11. *)
(** {6 Floating-point arithmetic}
(** {1 Floating-point arithmetic}
OCaml's floating-point numbers follow the
IEEE 754 standard, using double precision (64 bits) numbers.
@ -252,24 +272,32 @@ external ( asr ) : int -> int -> int = "%asrint"
external ( ~-. ) : float -> float = "%negfloat"
(** Unary negation. You can also write [-. e] instead of [~-. e]. *)
(** Unary negation. You can also write [-. e] instead of [~-. e].
Unary operator at precedence level 9/11 for [-. e]
and 11/11 for [~-. e]. *)
external ( ~+. ) : float -> float = "%identity"
(** Unary addition. You can also write [+. e] instead of [~+. e].
Unary operator at precedence level 9/11 for [+. e]
and 11/11 for [~+. e].
@since 3.12.0
external ( +. ) : float -> float -> float = "%addfloat"
(** Floating-point addition *)
(** Floating-point addition.
Left-associative operator at precedence level 6/11. *)
external ( -. ) : float -> float -> float = "%subfloat"
(** Floating-point subtraction *)
(** Floating-point subtraction.
Left-associative operator at precedence level 6/11. *)
external ( *. ) : float -> float -> float = "%mulfloat"
(** Floating-point multiplication *)
(** Floating-point multiplication.
Left-associative operator at precedence level 7/11. *)
external ( /. ) : float -> float -> float = "%divfloat"
(** Floating-point division. *)
(** Floating-point division.
Left-associative operator at precedence level 7/11. *)
external ceil : float -> float = "caml_ceil_float" "ceil"
[@@unboxed] [@@noalloc]
@ -371,16 +399,17 @@ external classify_float : (float [@unboxed]) -> fpclass =
normal, subnormal, zero, infinite, or not a number. *)
(** {6 String operations}
(** {1 String operations}
More string operations are provided in module {!String}.
val ( ^ ) : string -> string -> string
(** String concatenation. *)
(** String concatenation.
Right-associative operator at precedence level 5/11. *)
(** {6 Character operations}
(** {1 Character operations}
More character operations are provided in module {!Char}.
@ -394,7 +423,7 @@ val char_of_int : int -> char
outside the range 0--255. *)
(** {6 Unit operations} *)
(** {1 Unit operations} *)
external ignore : 'a -> unit = "%ignore"
(** Discard the value of its argument and return [()].
@ -405,7 +434,7 @@ external ignore : 'a -> unit = "%ignore"
avoids the warning. *)
(** {6 String conversion functions} *)
(** {1 String conversion functions} *)
val string_of_bool : bool -> string
(** Return the string representation of a boolean. As the returned values
@ -417,20 +446,40 @@ val bool_of_string : string -> bool
Raise [Invalid_argument "bool_of_string"] if the string is not
["true"] or ["false"]. *)
val bool_of_string_opt: string -> bool option
(** Convert the given string to a boolean.
Return [None] if the string is not
["true"] or ["false"].
@since 4.05
val string_of_int : int -> string
(** Return the string representation of an integer, in decimal. *)
external int_of_string : string -> int = "caml_int_of_string"
(** Convert the given string to an integer.
The string is read in decimal (by default), in hexadecimal (if it
begins with [0x] or [0X]), in octal (if it begins with [0o] or [0O]),
or in binary (if it begins with [0b] or [0B]).
The string is read in decimal (by default, or if the string
begins with [0u]), in hexadecimal (if it begins with [0x] or
[0X]), in octal (if it begins with [0o] or [0O]), or in binary
(if it begins with [0b] or [0B]).
The [0u] prefix reads the input as an unsigned integer in the range
[[0, 2*max_int+1]]. If the input exceeds {!max_int}
it is converted to the signed integer
[min_int + input - max_int - 1].
The [_] (underscore) character can appear anywhere in the string
and is ignored.
Raise [Failure "int_of_string"] if the given string is not
a valid representation of an integer, or if the integer represented
exceeds the range of integers representable in type [int]. *)
val int_of_string_opt: string -> int option
(** Same as [int_of_string], but returns [None] instead of raising.
@since 4.05
val string_of_float : float -> string
(** Return the string representation of a floating-point number. *)
@ -451,7 +500,12 @@ external float_of_string : string -> float = "caml_float_of_string"
Raise [Failure "float_of_string"] if the given string is not a valid
representation of a float. *)
(** {6 Pair operations} *)
val float_of_string_opt: string -> float option
(** Same as [float_of_string], but returns [None] instead of raising.
@since 4.05
(** {1 Pair operations} *)
external fst : 'a * 'b -> 'a = "%field0"
(** Return the first component of a pair. *)
@ -460,16 +514,17 @@ external snd : 'a * 'b -> 'b = "%field1"
(** Return the second component of a pair. *)
(** {6 List operations}
(** {1 List operations}
More list operations are provided in module {!List}.
val ( @ ) : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
(** List concatenation. Not tail-recursive (length of the first argument). *)
(** List concatenation. Not tail-recursive (length of the first argument).
Right-associative operator at precedence level 5/11. *)
(** {6 References} *)
(** {1 References} *)
type 'a ref = { mutable contents : 'a }
(** The type of references (mutable indirection cells) containing
@ -480,11 +535,13 @@ external ref : 'a -> 'a ref = "%makemutable"
external ( ! ) : 'a ref -> 'a = "%field0"
(** [!r] returns the current contents of reference [r].
Equivalent to [fun r -> r.contents]. *)
Equivalent to [fun r -> r.contents].
Unary operator at precedence level 11/11.*)
external ( := ) : 'a ref -> 'a -> unit = "%setfield0"
(** [r := a] stores the value of [a] in reference [r].
Equivalent to [fun r v -> r.contents <- v]. *)
Equivalent to [fun r v -> r.contents <- v].
Right-associative operator at precedence level 1/11. *)
external incr : int ref -> unit = "%incr"
(** Increment the integer contained in the given reference.
@ -494,11 +551,12 @@ external decr : int ref -> unit = "%decr"
(** Decrement the integer contained in the given reference.
Equivalent to [fun r -> r := pred !r]. *)
(** {6 Result type} *)
(** {1 Result type} *)
(** @since 4.03.0 *)
type ('a,'b) result = Ok of 'a | Error of 'b
(** {6 Operations on format strings} *)
(** {1 Operations on format strings} *)
(** Format strings are character strings with special lexical conventions
that defines the functionality of formatted input/output functions. Format
@ -542,12 +600,12 @@ type ('a,'b) result = Ok of 'a | Error of 'b
- ['b] is the type of input source for formatted input functions and the
type of output target for formatted output functions.
For [printf]-style functions from module [Printf], ['b] is typically
For [printf]-style functions from module {!Printf}, ['b] is typically
for [printf]-style functions from module [Format], ['b] is typically
for [scanf]-style functions from module [Scanf], ['b] is typically
for [printf]-style functions from module {!Format}, ['b] is typically
for [scanf]-style functions from module {!Scanf}, ['b] is typically
Type argument ['b] is also the type of the first argument given to
user's defined printing functions for [%a] and [%t] conversions,
@ -597,5 +655,4 @@ val ( ^^ ) :
[f2]: in case of formatted output, it accepts arguments from [f1], then
arguments from [f2]; in case of formatted input, it returns results from
[f1], then results from [f2].
Right-associative operator at precedence level 5/11. *)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user