Removal of Georges' first typechecker.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,799 +0,0 @@
[@@@warning "-30"]
module I = AST
open Region
module SMap = Map.Make(String)
module O = struct
type asttodo = [`TODO] (* occurrences of asttodo will point to some part of the original parser AST *)
type name_and_region = {name: string; orig: Region.t}
type type_name = name_and_region
type var_name = name_and_region
type field_name = name_and_region
type pattern =
PVar of var_name
| PWild
| PInt of Z.t
| PBytes of MBytes.t
| PString of string
| PUnit
| PFalse
| PTrue
| PNone
| PSome of pattern
| PCons of pattern * pattern
| PNull
| PRecord of (field_name * pattern) SMap.t
type type_constructor =
| List
| Set
| Map
type type_expr_case =
Sum of (type_name * type_expr) SMap.t
| Record of (field_name * type_expr) SMap.t
| TypeApp of type_constructor * (type_expr list)
| Function of { arg: type_expr; ret: type_expr }
| Ref of type_expr
| String
| Bytes
| Int
| Unit
| Bool
and type_expr = { type_expr: type_expr_case; name: type_name option; orig: Region.t }
type typed_var = { name:var_name; ty:type_expr; orig: asttodo }
type type_decl = { name:type_name; ty:type_expr; orig: asttodo }
type expr =
App of { operator: operator; arguments: expr list }
| Var of var_name
| Constant of constant
| Record of (field_name * expr) list
| Lambda of lambda
and decl = { name:var_name; ty:type_expr; value: expr }
and lambda = {
parameter: typed_var;
declarations: decl list;
instructions: instr list;
result: expr;
and operator =
Function of var_name
| Constructor of var_name
| UpdateField of field_name
| GetField of field_name
| Or | And | Lt | Leq | Gt | Geq | Equal | Neq | Cat | Cons | Add | Sub | Mult | Div | Mod
| Neg | Not
| Set | List
| MapLookup
and constant =
| Int of Z.t | String of string | Bytes of MBytes.t
| False | True
| Null of type_expr
| EmptySet of type_expr
| CNone of type_expr
and instr =
Assignment of { name: var_name; value: expr; orig: asttodo }
| While of { condition: expr; body: instr list; orig: asttodo }
| ForCollection of { list: expr; var: var_name; body: instr list; orig: asttodo }
| Match of { expr: expr; cases: (pattern * instr list) list; orig: asttodo }
| ProcedureCall of { expr: expr; orig: asttodo } (* expr returns unit, drop the result. Similar to OCaml's ";". *)
| Fail of { expr: expr; orig: asttodo }
type ast = {
types : type_decl list;
storage_decl : typed_var;
declarations : decl list;
orig : AST.t
(* open Sanity: *)
let (|>) v f = f v (* pipe f to v *)
let (@@) f v = f v (* apply f on v *)
let (@.) f g x = f (g x) (* compose *)
let map f l = List.rev (List.rev_map f l)
let mapi f l =
let f (i, l) elem =
(i + 1, (f i elem) :: l)
in snd (List.fold_left f (0,[]) l)
(* TODO: check that List.append is not broken
(i.e. check that it is tail-recursive) *)
let append_map f l = map f l |> List.flatten
let append l1 l2 = List.append l1 l2
let list_to_map l = List.fold_left (fun m (k,v) -> SMap.add k v m) SMap.empty l
let fold_map f a l =
let f (acc, l) elem =
let acc', elem' = f acc elem
in acc', (elem' :: l) in
let last_acc, last_l = List.fold_left f (a, []) l
in last_acc, List.rev last_l
(* Simplify the AST *)
let name_and_region_of_int i = O.{name = string_of_int i; orig = Region.ghost}
let s_nsepseq : ('a,'sep) Utils.nsepseq -> 'a list =
fun (first, rest) -> first :: (map snd rest)
let s_sepseq : ('a,'sep) Utils.sepseq -> 'a list =
None -> []
| Some nsepseq -> s_nsepseq nsepseq
let s_name {value=name; region} : O.var_name =
let () = ignore (region) in
{name;orig = region}
let name_to_string {value=name; region} : string =
let () = ignore (region) in
let type_expr (orig : Region.t) (e : O.type_expr_case) : O.type_expr =
{ type_expr = e; name = None; orig }
let s_type_constructor {value=name;region} : O.type_constructor =
let () = ignore (region) in
match name with
"Option" -> Option
| "List" -> List
| "Map" -> Map
| "Set" -> Set
(* TODO: escape the name, prevent any \x1b and other weird characters from appearing in the output *)
| _ -> failwith ("Unknown type constructor: " ^ name)
let named_list_to_map (l : (O.name_and_region * 'a) list) : (O.name_and_region * 'a) SMap.t =
(fun m ((x,_) as p) ->
let {name;_} : O.name_and_region = x in
SMap.add name p m)
let rec s_cartesian {value=sequence; region} : O.type_expr =
let () = ignore (region) in
s_nsepseq sequence
|>map s_type_expr
|> mapi (fun i p -> name_and_region_of_int i, p)
|> named_list_to_map
|> (fun x -> (Record x : O.type_expr_case))
|> type_expr region
and s_sum_type {value=sequence; region} : O.type_expr =
let () = ignore (region) in
type_expr region (Sum (map s_variant (s_nsepseq sequence) |> named_list_to_map))
and s_variant {value=(constr, kwd_of, cartesian); region} =
let () = ignore (kwd_of,region) in
(s_name constr, s_cartesian cartesian)
and s_record_type {value=(kwd_record, field_decls, kwd_end); region} : O.type_expr =
let () = ignore (kwd_record,region,kwd_end) in
type_expr region (Record (map s_field_decl (s_nsepseq field_decls) |> named_list_to_map) : O.type_expr_case)
and s_field_decl {value=(var, colon, type_expr); region} : O.type_name * O.type_expr =
let () = ignore (colon,region) in
((s_name var), (s_type_expr type_expr))
and s_type_app {value=(type_name,type_tuple); region} : O.type_expr =
let () = ignore (region) in
type_expr region (TypeApp (s_type_constructor type_name, s_type_tuple type_tuple))
and s_type_tuple ({value=(lpar, sequence, rpar); region} : (I.type_name, I.comma) Utils.nsepseq I.par) : O.type_expr list =
let () = ignore (lpar,rpar,region) in
(* TODO: the grammar should allow any type expr, not just type_name in the tuple elements *)
map s_type_expr (map (fun a -> I.TAlias a) (s_nsepseq sequence))
and s_par_type {value=(lpar, type_expr, rpar); region} : O.type_expr =
let () = ignore (lpar,rpar,region) in
s_type_expr type_expr
and s_type_alias name : O.type_expr =
let () = ignore () in
type_expr name.region (TypeApp (s_type_constructor name, []))
and s_type_expr (orig : I.type_expr) : O.type_expr = match orig with
Prod cartesian -> s_cartesian cartesian
| Sum sum_type -> s_sum_type sum_type
| Record record_type -> s_record_type record_type
| TypeApp type_app -> s_type_app type_app
| ParType par_type -> s_par_type par_type
| TAlias type_alias -> s_type_alias type_alias
let s_type_decl I.{value={kwd_type;name;kwd_is;type_expr;terminator}; region} : O.type_decl =
let () = ignore (kwd_type,kwd_is,terminator,region) in
let ty = s_type_expr type_expr in
O.{ name = s_name name; ty = { ty with name = Some (s_name name) }; orig = `TODO }
let s_storage_decl I.{value={kwd_storage; name; colon; store_type; terminator}; region} : O.typed_var =
let () = ignore (kwd_storage,colon,terminator,region) in
O.{ name = s_name name; ty = s_type_expr store_type; orig = `TODO }
let s_operations_decl I.{value={kwd_operations;name;colon;op_type;terminator}; region} : O.typed_var =
let () = ignore (kwd_operations,colon,terminator,region) in
O.{ name = s_name name; ty = s_type_expr op_type; orig = `TODO }
let s_empty_list {value=(l, (lbracket, rbracket, colon, type_expr), r); region} : O.expr =
let () = ignore (l, lbracket, rbracket, colon, r, region) in
Constant (Null (s_type_expr type_expr))
let s_empty_set {value=(l, (lbrace, rbrace, colon, type_expr), r); region} : O.expr =
let () = ignore (l, lbrace, rbrace, colon, r, region) in
Constant (EmptySet (s_type_expr type_expr))
let s_none {value=(l, (c_None, colon, type_expr), r); region} : O.expr =
let () = ignore (l, c_None, colon, r, region) in
Constant (CNone (s_type_expr type_expr))
let parameters_to_tuple (parameters : (string * O.type_expr) list) : O.type_expr =
(* TODO: use records with named fields to have named arguments. *)
let parameter_tuple : O.type_expr_case =
Record (mapi (fun i (_name,ty) -> name_and_region_of_int i, ty) parameters |> named_list_to_map) in
O.{ type_expr = parameter_tuple; name = None; orig = Region.ghost }
and parameters_to_decls singleparam (parameters : (string * O.type_expr) list) : O.decl list =
let f i (name,ty) =
O.{ name = {name; orig=Region.ghost};
ty = ty;
value = App { operator = O.GetField (name_and_region_of_int i);
arguments = [Var singleparam] } }
in mapi f parameters
let rec bin l operator r = O.App { operator; arguments = [s_expr l; s_expr r] }
and una operator v = O.App { operator; arguments = [s_expr v] }
and s_expr : I.expr -> O.expr =
Or {value=(l, bool_or, r); region} -> let () = ignore (region, bool_or) in bin l Or r
| And {value=(l, bool_and, r); region} -> let () = ignore (region,bool_and) in bin l And r
| Lt {value=(l, lt, r); region} -> let () = ignore (region, lt) in bin l Lt r
| Leq {value=(l, leq, r); region} -> let () = ignore (region, leq) in bin l Leq r
| Gt {value=(l, gt, r); region} -> let () = ignore (region, gt) in bin l Gt r
| Geq {value=(l, geq, r); region} -> let () = ignore (region, geq) in bin l Geq r
| Equal {value=(l, equal, r); region} -> let () = ignore (region, equal) in bin l Equal r
| Neq {value=(l, neq, r); region} -> let () = ignore (region, neq) in bin l Neq r
| Cat {value=(l, cat, r); region} -> let () = ignore (region, cat) in bin l Cat r
| Cons {value=(l, cons, r); region} -> let () = ignore (region, cons) in bin l Cons r
| Add {value=(l, plus, r); region} -> let () = ignore (region, plus) in bin l Add r
| Sub {value=(l, minus, r); region} -> let () = ignore (region, minus) in bin l Sub r
| Mult {value=(l, times, r); region} -> let () = ignore (region, times) in bin l Mult r
| Div {value=(l, slash, r); region} -> let () = ignore (region, slash) in bin l Div r
| Mod {value=(l, kwd_mod, r); region} -> let () = ignore (region, kwd_mod) in bin l Mod r
| Neg {value=(minus, expr); region} -> let () = ignore (region, minus) in una Neg expr
| Not {value=(kwd_not, expr); region} -> let () = ignore (region, kwd_not) in una Not expr
| Int {value=(lexeme, z); region} -> let () = ignore (region, lexeme) in Constant (Int z)
| Var lexeme -> Var (s_name lexeme)
| String {value=s; region} -> let () = ignore (region) in Constant (String s)
| Bytes {value=(lexeme, mbytes); region} -> let () = ignore (region, lexeme) in Constant (Bytes mbytes)
| False c_False -> let () = ignore (c_False) in Constant (False)
| True c_True -> let () = ignore (c_True) in Constant (True)
| Unit c_Unit -> let () = ignore (c_Unit) in Constant (Unit)
| Tuple {value=(l,tuple,r); region} -> let () = ignore (l,r,region) in s_tuple_expr (tuple |> s_nsepseq |> map s_expr)
| List list -> s_list list
| EmptyList empty_list -> s_empty_list empty_list
| Set set -> s_set set
| EmptySet empty_set -> s_empty_set empty_set
| NoneExpr none_expr -> s_none none_expr
| FunCall fun_call -> s_fun_call fun_call
| ConstrApp constr_app -> s_constr_app constr_app
| SomeApp some_app -> s_some_app some_app
| MapLookUp map_lookup -> s_map_lookup map_lookup
| ParExpr {value=(lpar,expr,rpar); region} -> let () = ignore (lpar,rpar,region) in s_expr expr
and s_tuple_expr tuple : O.expr =
Record (mapi (fun i e -> name_and_region_of_int i, e) tuple)
and s_map_lookup I.{value = {map_name; selector; index}; region} : O.expr =
let {value = lbracket, index_expr, rbracket; region=region2} = index in
let () = ignore (selector, lbracket, rbracket, region2, region) in
App { operator = MapLookup; arguments = [Var (s_name map_name); s_expr index_expr] }
and s_some_app {value=(c_Some, {value=(l,arguments,r); region=region2}); region} : O.expr =
let () = ignore (c_Some,l,r,region2,region) in
match s_nsepseq arguments with
[] -> failwith "tuple cannot be empty"
| [a] -> s_expr a
| l -> s_tuple_expr (map s_expr l)
and s_list {value=(l, list, r); region} : O.expr =
let () = ignore (l, r, region) in
App { operator = List; arguments = map s_expr (s_nsepseq list) }
and s_set {value=(l, set, r); region} : O.expr =
let () = ignore (l, r, region) in
App { operator = Set; arguments = map s_expr (s_nsepseq set) }
and s_pattern {value=sequence; region} : O.pattern =
let () = ignore (region) in
s_pattern_conses (s_nsepseq sequence)
and s_pattern_conses : I.core_pattern list -> O.pattern = function
[] -> assert false
| [p] -> s_core_pattern p
| hd :: tl -> PCons (s_core_pattern hd, s_pattern_conses tl)
and s_case ({value=(pattern, arrow, instruction); region} : : O.pattern * O.instr list =
let () = ignore (arrow,region) in
s_pattern pattern, s_instruction instruction
and s_core_pattern : I.core_pattern -> O.pattern = function
PVar var -> PVar (s_name var)
| PWild wild -> let () = ignore (wild) in PWild
| PInt {value=(si,i);region} -> let () = ignore (si,region) in PInt i
| PBytes {value=(sb,b);region} -> let () = ignore (sb,region) in PBytes b
| PString {value=s;region} -> let () = ignore (region) in PString s
| PUnit region -> let () = ignore (region) in PUnit
| PFalse region -> let () = ignore (region) in PFalse
| PTrue region -> let () = ignore (region) in PTrue
| PNone region -> let () = ignore (region) in PNone
| PSome psome -> s_psome psome
| PList pattern -> s_list_pattern pattern
| PTuple ptuple -> s_ptuple ptuple
and s_list_pattern = function
Sugar sugar -> s_sugar sugar
| Raw raw -> s_raw raw
and s_sugar {value=(lbracket, sequence, rbracket); region} : O.pattern =
let () = ignore (lbracket, rbracket, region) in
List.fold_left (fun acc p -> O.PCons (s_core_pattern p, acc))
(s_sepseq sequence);
and s_raw {value=(lpar, (core_pattern, cons, pattern), rpar); region} =
let () = ignore (lpar, cons, rpar, region) in
O.PCons (s_core_pattern core_pattern, s_pattern pattern)
and s_ptuple {value=(lpar, sequence, rpar); region} =
let () = ignore (lpar, rpar, region) in
s_nsepseq sequence
|> map s_core_pattern
|> mapi (fun i p -> name_and_region_of_int i, p)
|> fun x -> O.PRecord (x |> named_list_to_map)
and s_psome {value=(c_Some,{value=(l,psome,r);region=region2});region} : O.pattern =
let () = ignore (c_Some,l,r,region2,region) in
PSome (s_core_pattern psome)
and s_const_decl I.{value={kwd_const;name;colon;const_type;equal;init;terminator}; region} : O.decl =
let () = ignore (kwd_const,colon,equal,terminator,region) in
O.{ name = s_name name; ty = s_type_expr const_type; value = s_expr init }
and s_param_const {value=(kwd_const,variable,colon,type_expr); region} : string * O.type_expr =
let () = ignore (kwd_const,colon,region) in
name_to_string variable, s_type_expr type_expr
and s_param_var {value=(kwd_var,variable,colon,type_expr); region} : string * O.type_expr =
let () = ignore (kwd_var,colon,region) in
name_to_string variable, s_type_expr type_expr
and s_param_decl : I.param_decl -> string * O.type_expr = function
ParamConst p -> s_param_const p
| ParamVar p -> s_param_var p
and s_parameters ({value=(lpar,param_decl,rpar);region} : I.parameters) : (string * O.type_expr) list =
let () = ignore (lpar,rpar,region) in
let l = (s_nsepseq param_decl) in
map s_param_decl l
and s_var_decl I.{value={kwd_var;name;colon;var_type;ass;init;terminator}; region} : O.decl =
let () = ignore (kwd_var,colon,ass,terminator,region) in
name = s_name name;
ty = s_type_expr var_type;
value = s_expr init
and s_local_decl : I.local_decl -> O.decl = function
LocalLam decl -> s_lambda_decl decl
| LocalConst decl -> s_const_decl decl
| LocalVar decl -> s_var_decl decl
and s_instructions ({value=sequence; region} : I.instructions) : O.instr list =
let () = ignore (region) in
append_map s_instruction (s_nsepseq sequence)
and s_instruction : I.instruction -> O.instr list = function
Single instr -> s_single_instr instr
| Block block -> (s_block block)
and s_conditional I.{kwd_if;test;kwd_then;ifso;kwd_else;ifnot} : O.instr =
let () = ignore (kwd_if,kwd_then,kwd_else) in
let test = s_expr test in
let ifso = O.PTrue, s_instruction ifso in
let ifnot = O.PFalse, s_instruction ifnot in
Match {
expr = test;
cases = [ifso; ifnot];
orig = `TODO
and s_match_instr I.{kwd_match;expr;kwd_with;lead_vbar;cases;kwd_end} : O.instr =
let {value=cases;region} = cases in
let () = ignore (kwd_match,kwd_with,lead_vbar,kwd_end,region) in
Match { expr = s_expr expr; cases = map s_case (s_nsepseq cases); orig = `TODO }
and s_ass_instr {value=(variable,ass,expr); region} : O.instr =
let () = ignore (ass,region) in
Assignment { name = s_name variable; value = s_expr expr; orig = `TODO }
and s_while_loop {value=(kwd_while, expr, block); region} : O.instr list =
let () = ignore (kwd_while,region) in
[While {condition = s_expr expr; body = s_block block; orig = `TODO}]
and s_for_loop : I.for_loop -> O.instr list = function
ForInt for_int -> s_for_int for_int
| ForCollect for_collect -> s_for_collect for_collect
and s_for_int ({value={kwd_for;ass;down;kwd_to;bound;step;block}; region} : I.for_int reg) : O.instr list =
let {value=(variable,ass_kwd,expr);region = ass_region} = ass in
let () = ignore (kwd_for,ass_region,ass_kwd,kwd_to,region) in
let name = s_name variable in
let condition, operator = match down with Some kwd_down -> ignore kwd_down; O.Gt, O.Sub
| None -> O.Lt, O.Add in
let step = s_step step
in [
Assignment { name; value = s_expr expr; orig = `TODO };
(* TODO: lift the declaration of the variable, to avoid creating a nested scope here. *)
While {
condition = App { operator = condition;
arguments = [Var name; s_expr bound]};
body = append (s_block block)
[O.Assignment { name;
value = App { operator;
arguments = [Var name; step]};
orig = `TODO }];
orig = `TODO
and s_for_collect ({value={kwd_for;var;bind_to;kwd_in;expr;block}; _} : I.for_collect reg) : O.instr list =
let () = ignore (kwd_for,kwd_in) in
let for_instr =
match s_bind_to bind_to with
Some _ ->
failwith "TODO: For on maps is not supported yet!"
| None ->
O.ForCollection {
list = s_expr expr;
var = s_name var;
body = s_block block;
orig = `TODO
in [for_instr]
and s_step : (I.kwd_step * I.expr) option -> O.expr = function
Some (kwd_step, expr) -> let () = ignore (kwd_step) in s_expr expr
| None -> Constant (Int (Z.of_int 1))
and s_bind_to : (I.arrow * I.variable) option -> O.var_name option = function
Some (arrow, variable) -> let () = ignore (arrow) in Some (s_name variable)
| None -> None
and s_loop : I.loop -> O.instr list = function
While while_loop -> s_while_loop while_loop
| For for_loop -> s_for_loop for_loop
and s_fun_call {value=(fun_name, arguments); region} : O.expr =
let () = ignore (region) in
let {value=fun_name_string;_} = fun_name in
let firstchar = String.sub fun_name_string 0 1 in
(* If it starts with a capital letter, then it is a constructor *)
if String.equal firstchar (String.uppercase_ascii firstchar) then
App { operator = Constructor (s_name fun_name); arguments = s_arguments arguments }
App { operator = Function (s_name fun_name); arguments = s_arguments arguments }
and s_constr_app {value=(constr, arguments); region} : O.expr =
let () = ignore (region) in
App { operator = Function (s_name constr); arguments = s_arguments arguments }
and s_arguments {value=(lpar, sequence, rpar); region} : O.expr list =
(* TODO: should return a tuple *)
let () = ignore (lpar,rpar,region) in
match map s_expr (s_nsepseq sequence) with
[] -> [Constant Unit]
| [single_argument] -> [single_argument]
| args -> [s_tuple_expr args] ;
and s_fail ((kwd_fail, expr) : (I.kwd_fail * I.expr)) : O.instr =
let () = ignore (kwd_fail) in
Fail { expr = s_expr expr; orig = `TODO }
and s_single_instr : I.single_instr -> O.instr list = function
Cond {value; _} -> [s_conditional value]
| Match {value; _} -> [s_match_instr value]
| Ass instr -> [s_ass_instr instr]
| Loop loop -> s_loop loop
| ProcCall fun_call -> [ProcedureCall { expr = s_fun_call fun_call; orig = `TODO }]
| Null kwd_null -> let () = ignore (kwd_null) in
| Fail {value; _} -> [s_fail value]
and s_block I.{value={opening;instr;terminator;close}; _} : O.instr list =
let () = ignore (opening,terminator,close) in
s_instructions instr
and gensym =
let i = ref 0 in
fun ty ->
i := !i + 1;
(* TODO: Region.ghost *)
({name = {name=(string_of_int !i) ^ "gensym"; orig = Region.ghost}; ty; orig = `TODO} : O.typed_var)
and s_fun_decl I.{value={kwd_function;name;param;colon;ret_type;kwd_is;local_decls;block;kwd_with;return;terminator}; region} : O.decl =
let () = ignore (kwd_function,colon,kwd_is,kwd_with,terminator,region) in
let tuple_type = s_parameters param |> parameters_to_tuple in
let single_argument = gensym tuple_type in
let ({name = single_argument_xxx; ty = _; orig = `TODO} : O.typed_var) = single_argument in
name = s_name name;
ty = type_expr region (Function { arg = tuple_type;
ret = s_type_expr ret_type });
value = Lambda {
parameter = single_argument;
declarations = append
(s_parameters param |> parameters_to_decls single_argument_xxx)
(map s_local_decl local_decls);
instructions = s_block block;
result = s_expr return
and s_proc_decl I.{value={kwd_procedure;name;param;kwd_is;local_decls;block;terminator}; region} =
let () = ignore (kwd_procedure,kwd_is,terminator,region) in
let tuple_type = s_parameters param |> parameters_to_tuple in
let single_argument = gensym tuple_type in
let ({name = single_argument_xxx; ty = _; orig = `TODO} : O.typed_var) = single_argument in
name = s_name name;
ty = type_expr region (Function { arg = tuple_type;
ret = type_expr region Unit });
value = Lambda {
parameter = single_argument;
declarations = append
(s_parameters param |> parameters_to_decls single_argument_xxx)
(map s_local_decl local_decls);
instructions = s_block block;
result = O.Constant O.Unit
and s_entry_decl I.{value={kwd_entrypoint;name;param;kwd_is;local_decls;block;terminator}; region} =
let () = ignore (kwd_entrypoint,kwd_is,terminator,region) in
let tuple_type = s_parameters param |> parameters_to_tuple in
let single_argument = gensym tuple_type in
let ({name = single_argument_xxx; ty = _; orig = `TODO} : O.typed_var) = single_argument in
name = s_name name;
ty = type_expr region (Function { arg = tuple_type;
ret = type_expr region Unit });
value = Lambda {
parameter = single_argument;
declarations = append
(s_parameters param |> parameters_to_decls single_argument_xxx)
(map s_local_decl local_decls);
instructions = s_block block;
result = O.Constant O.Unit
and s_lambda_decl : I.lambda_decl -> O.decl = function
FunDecl fun_decl -> s_fun_decl fun_decl
| EntryDecl entry_decl -> s_entry_decl entry_decl
| ProcDecl proc_decl -> s_proc_decl proc_decl
type tmp_ast = {
types : O.type_decl list;
storage_decl : O.typed_var option;
operations_decl : O.typed_var option;
declarations : O.decl list;
let s_declaration (ast : tmp_ast) : I.declaration -> tmp_ast = function
TypeDecl t -> { ast with types = (s_type_decl t) :: ast.types }
| ConstDecl c -> { ast with declarations = (s_const_decl c) :: ast.declarations }
| StorageDecl s -> { ast with storage_decl = Some (s_storage_decl s) }
| OpDecl o -> { ast with operations_decl = Some (s_operations_decl o) }
| LambdaDecl l -> { ast with declarations = (s_lambda_decl l) :: ast.declarations }
let s_ast (ast : I.ast) : O.ast =
let I.{decl=(decl1,decls);eof} = ast in
let () = ignore (eof) in
let {types; storage_decl; operations_decl; declarations} =
List.fold_left s_declaration
{ types = [];
storage_decl = None;
operations_decl = None;
declarations = [] }
( decl1 :: decls ) in
let storage_decl = match storage_decl with
Some x -> x
| None -> failwith "Missing storage declaration" in
let () = match operations_decl with
Some _ -> failwith "Operations declaration is not allowed anymore TODO"
| None -> ()
in {types; storage_decl; declarations; orig = ast}
(* let s_token region lexeme = *)
(* printf "%s: %s\n"(compact region) lexeme *)
(* and s_var {region; value=lexeme} = *)
(* printf "%s: Ident \"%s\"\n" (compact region) lexeme *)
(* and s_constr {region; value=lexeme} = *)
(* printf "%s: Constr \"%s\"\n" *)
(* (compact region) lexeme *)
(* and s_string {region; value=lexeme} = *)
(* printf "%s: String \"%s\"\n" *)
(* (compact region) lexeme *)
(* and s_bytes {region; value = lexeme, abstract} = *)
(* printf "%s: Bytes (\"%s\", \"0x%s\")\n" *)
(* (compact region) lexeme *)
(* (MBytes.to_hex abstract |> Hex.to_string) *)
(* and s_int {region; value = lexeme, abstract} = *)
(* printf "%s: Int (\"%s\", %s)\n" *)
(* (compact region) lexeme *)
(* (Z.to_string abstract) *)
(* and s_parameters {value=node; _} = *)
(* let lpar, sequence, rpar = node in *)
(* s_token lpar "("; *)
(* s_nsepseq ";" s_param_decl sequence; *)
(* s_token rpar ")" *)
(* and s_param_decl = function *)
(* ParamConst param_const -> s_param_const param_const *)
(* | ParamVar param_var -> s_param_var param_var *)
(* and s_region_cases {value=sequence; _} = *)
(* s_nsepseq "|" s_case sequence *)
(* and s_expr = function *)
(* Or {value = expr1, bool_or, expr2; _} -> *)
(* s_expr expr1; s_token bool_or "||"; s_expr expr2 *)
(* | And {value = expr1, bool_and, expr2; _} -> *)
(* s_expr expr1; s_token bool_and "&&"; s_expr expr2 *)
(* | Lt {value = expr1, lt, expr2; _} -> *)
(* s_expr expr1; s_token lt "<"; s_expr expr2 *)
(* | Leq {value = expr1, leq, expr2; _} -> *)
(* s_expr expr1; s_token leq "<="; s_expr expr2 *)
(* | Gt {value = expr1, gt, expr2; _} -> *)
(* s_expr expr1; s_token gt ">"; s_expr expr2 *)
(* | Geq {value = expr1, geq, expr2; _} -> *)
(* s_expr expr1; s_token geq ">="; s_expr expr2 *)
(* | Equal {value = expr1, equal, expr2; _} -> *)
(* s_expr expr1; s_token equal "="; s_expr expr2 *)
(* | Neq {value = expr1, neq, expr2; _} -> *)
(* s_expr expr1; s_token neq "=/="; s_expr expr2 *)
(* | Cat {value = expr1, cat, expr2; _} -> *)
(* s_expr expr1; s_token cat "^"; s_expr expr2 *)
(* | Cons {value = expr1, cons, expr2; _} -> *)
(* s_expr expr1; s_token cons "<:"; s_expr expr2 *)
(* | Add {value = expr1, add, expr2; _} -> *)
(* s_expr expr1; s_token add "+"; s_expr expr2 *)
(* | Sub {value = expr1, sub, expr2; _} -> *)
(* s_expr expr1; s_token sub "-"; s_expr expr2 *)
(* | Mult {value = expr1, mult, expr2; _} -> *)
(* s_expr expr1; s_token mult "*"; s_expr expr2 *)
(* | Div {value = expr1, div, expr2; _} -> *)
(* s_expr expr1; s_token div "/"; s_expr expr2 *)
(* | Mod {value = expr1, kwd_mod, expr2; _} -> *)
(* s_expr expr1; s_token kwd_mod "mod"; s_expr expr2 *)
(* | Neg {value = minus, expr; _} -> *)
(* s_token minus "-"; s_expr expr *)
(* | Not {value = kwd_not, expr; _} -> *)
(* s_token kwd_not "not"; s_expr expr *)
(* | Int i -> s_int i *)
(* | Var var -> s_var var *)
(* | String s -> s_string s *)
(* | Bytes b -> s_bytes b *)
(* | False region -> s_token region "False" *)
(* | True region -> s_token region "True" *)
(* | Unit region -> s_token region "Unit" *)
(* | Tuple tuple -> s_tuple tuple *)
(* | List list -> s_list list *)
(* | EmptyList elist -> s_empty_list elist *)
(* | Set set -> s_set set *)
(* | EmptySet eset -> s_empty_set eset *)
(* | NoneExpr nexpr -> s_none_expr nexpr *)
(* | FunCall fun_call -> s_fun_call fun_call *)
(* | ConstrApp capp -> s_constr_app capp *)
(* | SomeApp sapp -> s_some_app sapp *)
(* | MapLookUp lookup -> s_map_lookup lookup *)
(* | ParExpr pexpr -> s_par_expr pexpr *)
(* and s_list {value=node; _} = *)
(* let lbra, sequence, rbra = node in *)
(* s_token lbra "["; *)
(* s_nsepseq "," s_expr sequence; *)
(* s_token rbra "]" *)
(* and s_empty_list {value=node; _} = *)
(* let lpar, (lbracket, rbracket, colon, type_expr), rpar = node in *)
(* s_token lpar "("; *)
(* s_token lbracket "["; *)
(* s_token rbracket "]"; *)
(* s_token colon ":"; *)
(* s_type_expr type_expr; *)
(* s_token rpar ")" *)
(* and s_set {value=node; _} = *)
(* let lbrace, sequence, rbrace = node in *)
(* s_token lbrace "{"; *)
(* s_nsepseq "," s_expr sequence; *)
(* s_token rbrace "}" *)
(* and s_empty_set {value=node; _} = *)
(* let lpar, (lbrace, rbrace, colon, type_expr), rpar = node in *)
(* s_token lpar "("; *)
(* s_token lbrace "{"; *)
(* s_token rbrace "}"; *)
(* s_token colon ":"; *)
(* s_type_expr type_expr; *)
(* s_token rpar ")" *)
(* and s_none_expr {value=node; _} = *)
(* let lpar, (c_None, colon, type_expr), rpar = node in *)
(* s_token lpar "("; *)
(* s_token c_None "None"; *)
(* s_token colon ":"; *)
(* s_type_expr type_expr; *)
(* s_token rpar ")" *)
(* and s_constr_app {value=node; _} = *)
(* let constr, arguments = node in *)
(* s_constr constr; *)
(* s_tuple arguments *)
(* and s_some_app {value=node; _} = *)
(* let c_Some, arguments = node in *)
(* s_token c_Some "Some"; *)
(* s_tuple arguments *)
(* and s_par_expr {value=node; _} = *)
(* let lpar, expr, rpar = node in *)
(* s_token lpar "("; *)
(* s_expr expr; *)
(* s_token rpar ")" *)
(* and s_psome {value=node; _} = *)
(* let c_Some, patterns = node in *)
(* s_token c_Some "Some"; *)
(* s_patterns patterns *)
(* and s_terminator = function *)
(* Some semi -> s_token semi ";" *)
(* | None -> () *)
@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
[@@@warning "-27"] (* TODO *)
[@@@warning "-32"] (* TODO *)
[@@@warning "-30"]
module SMap = Map.Make(String)
module I = AST2.O
module O = struct
type asttodo = [`TODO] (* occurrences of asttodo will point to some part of the original parser AST *)
type name_and_region = {name: string; orig: Region.t}
type type_name = name_and_region
type var_name = name_and_region
type field_name = name_and_region
type pattern =
PVar of var_name
| PWild
| PInt of Z.t
| PBytes of Hex.t
| PString of string
| PUnit
| PFalse
| PTrue
| PNone
| PSome of pattern
| PCons of pattern * pattern
| PNull
| PRecord of (field_name * pattern) SMap.t
type type_constructor =
| List
| Set
| Map
type type_expr_case =
Sum of (type_name * type_expr) SMap.t
| Record of (field_name * type_expr) SMap.t
| TypeApp of type_constructor * (type_expr list)
| Function of { arg: type_expr; ret: type_expr }
| Ref of type_expr
| String
| Bytes
| Int
| Unit
| Bool
and type_expr = { type_expr: type_expr_case; name: type_name option; orig: Region.t }
type typed_var = { name:var_name; ty:type_expr; orig: asttodo }
type type_decl = { name: type_name; ty:type_expr; orig: asttodo }
type expr_case =
App of { operator: operator; arguments: expr list }
| Var of typed_var
| Constant of constant
| Record of (field_name * expr) list
| Lambda of lambda
and expr = { expr: expr_case; ty:type_expr; orig: asttodo }
and decl = { var: typed_var; value: expr; orig: asttodo }
and lambda = {
parameter: typed_var;
declarations: decl list;
instructions: instr list;
result: expr;
and operator_case =
Function of var_name
| Constructor of var_name
| UpdateField of field_name
| GetField of field_name
| Or | And | Lt | Leq | Gt | Geq | Equal | Neq | Cat | Cons | Add | Sub | Mult | Div | Mod
| Neg | Not
| Set
| MapLookup
and operator = { operator: operator_case; ty:type_expr; orig: asttodo }
and constant =
| Int of Z.t | String of string | Bytes of Hex.t
| False | True
| Null
| EmptySet
| CNone
and instr =
Assignment of { name: var_name; value: expr; orig: asttodo }
| While of { condition: expr; body: instr list; orig: asttodo }
| ForCollection of { list: expr; var: var_name; body: instr list; orig: asttodo }
| Match of { expr: expr; cases: (pattern * instr list) list; orig: asttodo }
| ProcedureCall of { expr: expr; orig: asttodo } (* expr returns unit, drop the result. Similar to OCaml's ";". *)
| Fail of { expr: expr; orig: asttodo }
type ast = {
types : type_decl list;
storage_decl : typed_var;
declarations : decl list;
orig : AST.t
type te = O.type_expr list SMap.t
type ve = O.type_expr list SMap.t
type tve = te * ve
let fold_map f a l =
let f (acc, l) elem =
let acc', elem' = f acc elem
in acc', (elem' :: l) in
let last_acc, last_l = List.fold_left f (a, []) l
in last_acc, List.rev last_l
let map f l = List.rev (List.rev_map f l)
let shadow (name : string) (typ : O.type_expr) (env : O.type_expr list SMap.t)
: O.type_expr list SMap.t =
SMap.update name (function None -> Some [typ] | Some tl -> Some (typ :: tl)) env
let lookup (name : string) (env : O.type_expr list SMap.t) : O.type_expr =
match SMap.find name env with
latest :: shadowed -> latest
| [] -> failwith "Unbound variable"
let string_of_name ({name;_} : I.name_and_region) = name
let a_name_and_region ({name; orig} : I.name_and_region) : O.name_and_region =
{name; orig}
let a_type_constructor (tve : tve) : I.type_constructor -> O.type_constructor = function
Option -> Option
| List -> List
| Set -> Set
| Map -> Map
let a_type_expr_case (tve : tve) : I.type_expr_case -> O.type_expr_case = function
Sum lt -> failwith "TODO"
| Record lt -> failwith "TODO"
| TypeApp (tc, args) -> failwith "TODO"
| Function {arg;ret} -> failwith "TODO"
| Ref t -> failwith "TODO"
| String -> String
| Int -> Int
| Unit -> Unit
| Bool -> Bool
let a_type_expr (tve : tve) ({type_expr;name;orig} : I.type_expr) : O.type_expr =
let type_expr = a_type_expr_case tve type_expr in
let name = match name with
None -> None
|Some name -> Some (a_name_and_region name)
in {type_expr;name;orig}
let a_type (te,ve : tve) ({name;ty;orig} : I.type_decl) : tve * O.type_decl =
let ty = a_type_expr (te,ve) ty in
let tve = shadow (string_of_name name) ty te, ve in
let name = (a_name_and_region name) in
tve, {name; ty; orig}
let a_types (tve : tve) (l : I.type_decl list) : tve * O.type_decl list =
fold_map a_type tve l
let a_storage_decl : tve -> I.typed_var -> tve * O.typed_var =
failwith "TODO"
let type_expr_case_equal (t1 : O.type_expr_case) (t2 : O.type_expr_case) : bool = match t1,t2 with
Sum m1, Sum m2 -> failwith "TODO" (* of (O.name_and_region * O.type_expr) SMap.t *)
| Record m1, Record m2 -> failwith "TODO" (* of (O.name_and_region * O.type_expr) SMap.t *)
| TypeApp (tc1, args1), TypeApp (tc2, args2) -> failwith "TODO" (* of O.type_constructor * O.type_expr list *)
| Function {arg=arg1;ret=ret1}, Function {arg=arg2;ret=ret2} -> failwith "TODO" (* of { arg : O.type_expr; ret : O.type_expr; } *)
| Ref t1, Ref t2 -> failwith "TODO" (* of O.type_expr *)
| String, String -> true
| Int, Int -> true
| Unit, Unit -> true
| Bool, Bool -> true
| _ -> false
let type_expr_equal (t1 : O.type_expr) (t2 : O.type_expr) : bool =
type_expr_case_equal t1.type_expr t2.type_expr
let check_type_expr_equal (expected : O.type_expr) (actual : O.type_expr) : unit =
if type_expr_equal expected actual then
failwith "got [actual] but expected [expected]"
let a_var_expr (te,ve : tve) (expected : O.type_expr) (var_name : I.name_and_region) : O.expr_case =
check_type_expr_equal expected (lookup (string_of_name var_name) ve);
Var { name = a_name_and_region var_name;
ty = expected;
orig = `TODO }
let a_constant_expr (tve : tve) (expected : O.type_expr) (constant : I.constant) : O.expr_case =
let to_type_expr type_expr_case : O.type_expr =
{ type_expr = type_expr_case; name = None; orig = Region.ghost } in
let actual : O.type_expr = match constant with
Unit -> to_type_expr Unit
| Int _ -> to_type_expr Int
| String _ -> to_type_expr String
| Bytes _ -> to_type_expr Bytes
| False -> to_type_expr Bool
| True -> to_type_expr Bool
| Null t -> a_type_expr tve t
| EmptySet t -> a_type_expr tve t
| CNone t -> a_type_expr tve t
check_type_expr_equal expected actual;
let c : O.constant = match constant with
Unit -> Unit
| Int i -> Int i
| String s -> String s
| Bytes b -> Bytes b
| False -> False
| True -> True
| Null _ -> Null
| EmptySet _ -> EmptySet
| CNone _ -> CNone
in Constant c
let map_to_list m =
List.rev (SMap.fold (fun field_name_string p l -> p :: l) m [])
let a_field tve (expected,expr) =
failwith "TODO"
let a_record (tve : tve) (expected : O.type_expr) (record : (I.field_name * I.expr) list)
: O.expr_case =
let {type_expr = expected; _} : O.type_expr = expected in
let expected = match expected with
Record fields -> fields
| _ -> failwith "expected some_type but got record" in
let expected_and_field =
(map_to_list expected)
record (* TODO SHOULD BE (map_to_list record) *) in
Record (map (a_field tve) expected_and_field)
let a_expr_case (te,ve : tve) (expected : O.type_expr) : I.expr -> O.expr_case = function
App {operator;arguments} -> failwith "TODO"
| Var var_name -> a_var_expr (te,ve) expected var_name
| Constant constant -> a_constant_expr (te,ve) expected constant
| Record record -> a_record (te,ve) expected record
| Lambda lambda -> failwith "TODO"
let a_expr (te,ve : tve) (expected : O.type_expr) (e : I.expr) : O.expr =
let expr_case = a_expr_case (te,ve) expected e in
{ expr = expr_case; ty = expected; orig = `TODO }
let a_declaration (te,ve : tve) ({name;ty;value} : I.decl) : tve * O.decl =
let ty = a_type_expr (te,ve) ty in
let value = a_expr (te,ve) ty value in
let ve = shadow (string_of_name name) ty ve in
let name = a_name_and_region name in
(te,ve), {var={name;ty;orig=`TODO};value;orig = `TODO}
let a_declarations (tve : tve) (l : I.decl list) : tve * O.decl list =
fold_map a_declaration tve l
let a_ast I.{types; storage_decl; declarations; orig} =
let tve = SMap.empty, SMap.empty in
let tve, types = a_types tve types in
let tve, storage_decl = a_storage_decl tve storage_decl in
let tve, declarations = a_declarations tve declarations in
let _ = tve in
O.{types; storage_decl; declarations; orig}
let annotate : I.ast -> O.ast = a_ast
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
[@@@warning "-30"]
module SMap : Map.S with type key = string
module I = AST2.O
module O : sig
type asttodo = [`TODO] (* occurrences of asttodo will point to some part of the original parser AST *)
type name_and_region = {name: string; orig: Region.t}
type type_name = name_and_region
type var_name = name_and_region
type field_name = name_and_region
type pattern =
PVar of var_name
| PWild
| PInt of Z.t
| PBytes of Hex.t
| PString of string
| PUnit
| PFalse
| PTrue
| PNone
| PSome of pattern
| PCons of pattern * pattern
| PNull
| PRecord of (field_name * pattern) SMap.t
type type_constructor =
| List
| Set
| Map
type type_expr_case =
Sum of (type_name * type_expr) SMap.t
| Record of (field_name * type_expr) SMap.t
| TypeApp of type_constructor * (type_expr list)
| Function of { arg: type_expr; ret: type_expr }
| Ref of type_expr
| String
| Bytes
| Int
| Unit
| Bool
and type_expr = { type_expr: type_expr_case; name: type_name option; orig: Region.t }
type typed_var = { name:var_name; ty:type_expr; orig: asttodo }
type type_decl = { name:type_name; ty:type_expr; orig: asttodo }
type expr_case =
App of { operator: operator; arguments: expr list }
| Var of typed_var
| Constant of constant
| Record of (field_name * expr) list
| Lambda of lambda
and expr = { expr: expr_case; ty:type_expr; orig: asttodo }
and decl = { var: typed_var; value: expr; orig: asttodo }
and lambda = {
parameter: typed_var;
declarations: decl list;
instructions: instr list;
result: expr;
and operator_case =
Function of var_name
| Constructor of var_name
| UpdateField of field_name
| GetField of field_name
| Or | And | Lt | Leq | Gt | Geq | Equal | Neq | Cat | Cons | Add | Sub | Mult | Div | Mod
| Neg | Not
| Set
| MapLookup
and operator = { operator: operator_case; ty:type_expr; orig: asttodo }
and constant =
| Int of Z.t | String of string | Bytes of Hex.t
| False | True
| Null
| EmptySet
| CNone
and instr =
Assignment of { name: var_name; value: expr; orig: asttodo }
| While of { condition: expr; body: instr list; orig: asttodo }
| ForCollection of { list: expr; var: var_name; body: instr list; orig: asttodo }
| Match of { expr: expr; cases: (pattern * instr list) list; orig: asttodo }
| ProcedureCall of { expr: expr; orig: asttodo } (* expr returns unit, drop the result. Similar to OCaml's ";". *)
| Fail of { expr: expr; orig: asttodo }
type ast = {
types : type_decl list;
storage_decl : typed_var;
declarations : decl list;
orig : AST.t
val annotate : I.ast -> O.ast
@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
(* module I = AST (\* In *\) *)
(* module SMap = Map.Make(String) *)
(* type te = type_expr list SMap.t *)
(* type ve = type_expr list SMap.t *)
(* type tve = te * ve *)
module I = AST (* In *)
module SMap = Map.Make(String)
module O = struct
open AST (* TODO: for now, should disappear *)
type t = ast
and type_expr =
Prod of cartesian
| Sum of (variant, vbar) Utils.nsepseq
| Record of record_type
| TypeApp of (type_name * type_tuple)
| ParType of type_expr par
| TAlias of variable
| Function of (type_expr list) * type_expr
| Mutable of type_expr
| Unit
| TODO of string
and te = type_expr list SMap.t
and ve = type_expr list SMap.t
and vte = ve * te
and ast = {
lambdas : lambda_decl list;
block : block
and lambda_decl =
FunDecl of fun_decl
| ProcDecl of proc_decl
and fun_decl = {
kwd_function : kwd_function;
var : variable;
param : parameters;
colon : colon;
ret_type : type_expr;
kwd_is : kwd_is;
body : block;
kwd_with : kwd_with;
return : checked_expr
and proc_decl = {
kwd_procedure : kwd_procedure;
var : variable;
param : parameters;
kwd_is : kwd_is;
body : block
and block = {
decls : value_decls;
opening : kwd_begin;
instr : instructions;
close : kwd_end
and value_decls = var_decl list
and var_decl = {
kind : var_kind;
var : variable;
colon : colon;
vtype : type_expr;
setter : Region.t; (* "=" or ":=" *)
init : checked_expr
and checked_expr = {ty:type_expr;expr:expr}
end [@warning "-30"]
open O
open AST
open Region
let mk_checked_expr ~ty ~expr = {ty;expr}
let mk_proc_decl ~kwd_procedure ~var ~param ~kwd_is ~body =
O.{kwd_procedure; var; param; kwd_is; body}
let mk_ast ~lambdas ~block = {lambdas;block}
let mk_fun_decl ~kwd_function ~var ~param ~colon ~ret_type ~kwd_is ~body ~kwd_with ~return =
O.{kwd_function; var; param; colon; ret_type; kwd_is; body; kwd_with; return}
let unreg : 'a reg -> 'a = fun {value; _} -> value
let unpar : 'a par -> 'a = (fun (_left_par, x, _right_par) -> x) @. unreg
let nsepseq_to_list : ('a,'sep) Utils.nsepseq -> 'a list =
fun (first, rest) -> first :: (map snd rest)
let sepseq_to_list : ('a,'sep) Utils.sepseq -> 'a list =
None -> []
| Some nsepseq -> nsepseq_to_list nsepseq
let rec xty : I.type_expr -> O.type_expr =
I.Prod x -> O.Prod x
| I.Sum x -> O.Sum (unreg x)
| I.Record x -> O.Record x
| I.TypeApp x -> O.TypeApp (unreg x)
| I.ParType {region;value=(l,x,r)} -> O.ParType {region;value=(l, xty x, r)}
| I.TAlias x -> O.TAlias x
let shadow (name : string) (typ : O.type_expr) (env : O.type_expr list SMap.t)
: O.type_expr list SMap.t =
SMap.update name (function None -> Some [typ] | Some tl -> Some (typ :: tl)) env
let shadow_list (name_typ_list : (string * O.type_expr) list) (env : O.type_expr list SMap.t)
: O.type_expr list SMap.t =
List.fold_left (fun acc (name, typ) -> shadow name typ acc) env name_typ_list
let type_decls_to_tenv (td : I.type_decl list) (te : te) : O.te =
|> unreg
|> (fun (_, name, _, type_expr) -> (unreg name, xty type_expr))
|> fun up -> shadow_list up te
let var_kind_to_ty : var_kind -> I.type_expr -> O.type_expr =
fun var_kind ty ->
match var_kind with
Mutable _ -> O.Mutable (xty ty)
| Const _ -> xty ty
let params_to_xty params ret_type =
unpar params
|> nsepseq_to_list
|> map (fun {value=(var_kind, _variable, _colon, type_expr);_} -> var_kind_to_ty var_kind type_expr)
|> fun param_types -> O.Function (param_types, ret_type)
let type_equal t1 t2 = match t1,t2 with
| O.Prod _x, O.Prod _y -> true (* TODO *)
| O.Sum _x, O.Sum _y -> true (* TODO *)
| _ -> false
exception TypeError of string
let check_type expr expected_type =
if type_equal expr.ty expected_type then expr
else raise (TypeError "oops")
let tc_expr (_te,_ve) expr = mk_checked_expr ~ty:(TODO "all expressions") ~expr (* TODO *)
let tc_var_decl : vte -> I.var_decl -> vte * O.var_decl =
fun (ve,te) var_decl ->
let vtype = (xty var_decl.vtype) in
let init = check_type (tc_expr (te,ve) var_decl.init) vtype in
let ve = shadow (unreg var_decl.var) vtype ve in
(ve,te), {
kind = var_decl.kind;
var = var_decl.var;
colon = var_decl.colon;
setter = var_decl.setter;
let tc_var_decls (ve,te) var_decls = fold_map tc_var_decl (ve,te) var_decls
let tc_block (te, ve : vte) (block : I.block) : vte * O.block =
let decls,opening,instr,close = block.decls, block.opening, block.instr, block.close in
let (ve,te), decls = tc_var_decls (ve,te) (decls |> unreg |> sepseq_to_list |> map unreg) in
(ve,te), O.{decls;opening;instr;close} (* TODO *)
let tc_proc_decl : vte -> I.proc_decl -> O.proc_decl =
fun vte proc_decl ->
let _vte', block' = tc_block vte (unreg proc_decl.body)
in mk_proc_decl
~kwd_procedure: proc_decl.kwd_procedure
~kwd_is: proc_decl.kwd_is
~var: proc_decl.var
~param: proc_decl.param
~body: block'
let tc_fun_decl : vte -> I.fun_decl -> O.fun_decl =
fun vte fun_decl ->
let vte', block' = tc_block vte (unreg fun_decl.body) in
let return' = tc_expr vte' fun_decl.return in
let checked_return' = check_type return' (xty fun_decl.ret_type)
in mk_fun_decl
~kwd_function: fun_decl.kwd_function
~colon: fun_decl.colon
~kwd_is: fun_decl.kwd_is
~kwd_with: fun_decl.kwd_with
~var: fun_decl.var
~param: fun_decl.param
~ret_type: (xty fun_decl.ret_type)
~body: block'
~return: checked_return'
let ve_lambda_decl : vte -> I.lambda_decl -> ve =
fun (ve,_te) ->
FunDecl {value;_} -> shadow value.var.value (params_to_xty value.param (xty value.ret_type)) ve
| ProcDecl {value;_} -> shadow value.var.value (params_to_xty value.param Unit) ve
let tc_lambda_decl (ve, te : vte) (whole : I.lambda_decl) : vte * O.lambda_decl =
match whole with
FunDecl {value;_} -> ((ve_lambda_decl (ve, te) whole), te), O.FunDecl (tc_fun_decl (ve, te) value)
| ProcDecl {value;_} -> ((ve_lambda_decl (ve, te) whole), te), O.ProcDecl (tc_proc_decl (ve, te) value)
let tc_ast (ast : I.ast) : O.ast =
(* te is the type environment, ve is the variable environment *)
let te =
|> type_decls_to_tenv ast.types in
let ve =
|> (match ast.parameter.value with (_,name,_,ty) -> shadow (unreg name) @@ xty ty)
|> shadow "storage" @@ xty (snd
|> shadow "operations" @@ xty (snd ast.operations.value)
let (ve',te'), lambdas = fold_map tc_lambda_decl (ve, te) ast.lambdas in
let (ve'', te''), block = tc_block (ve', te') (unreg ast.block) in
let _ve'' = ve'' in (* not needed anymore *)
let _te'' = te'' in (* not needed anymore *)
mk_ast ~lambdas ~block
Reference in New Issue
Block a user