diff --git a/src/lib_protocol_environment/sigs/v1/format.mli b/src/lib_protocol_environment/sigs/v1/format.mli
index 5d6042e13..927b154a8 100644
--- a/src/lib_protocol_environment/sigs/v1/format.mli
+++ b/src/lib_protocol_environment/sigs/v1/format.mli
@@ -13,28 +13,35 @@
(* *)
- * Import version 4.04.0
- * Remove channel functions
- * Remove toplevel effect based functions
- * Remove deprecated functions
- * Remove pp_set/get_formatter_out_functions and
- the formatter_out_functions type (removed upstream)
- * Remove pp_flush_formatter (removed upstream)
- * Remove formatter_tag functions (too complex and imperative
- for the need of error message generation)
- * Remov pp_set_formatter_output_functions and
- pp_get_formatter_output_functions
-(** Pretty printing.
+(** Pretty-printing.
This module implements a pretty-printing facility to format values
- within 'pretty-printing boxes'. The pretty-printer splits lines
- at specified break hints, and indents lines according to the box
- structure.
+ within {{!boxes}'pretty-printing boxes'} and {{!tags}'semantic tags'}
+ combined with a set of {{!fpp}printf-like functions}.
+ The pretty-printer splits lines at specified {{!breaks}break hints},
+ and indents lines according to the box structure.
+ Similarly, {{!tags}semantic tags} can be used to decouple text
+ presentation from its contents.
+ This pretty-printing facility is implemented as an overlay on top of
+ abstract {{!section:formatter}formatters} which provide basic output
+ functions.
+ Some formatters are predefined, notably:
+ - {!std_formatter} outputs to {{!Pervasives.stdout}stdout}
+ - {!err_formatter} outputs to {{!Pervasives.stderr}stderr}
+ Most functions in the {!Format} module come in two variants:
+ a short version that operates on {!std_formatter} and the
+ generic version prefixed by [pp_] that takes a formatter
+ as its first argument.
+ More formatters can be created with {!formatter_of_out_channel},
+ {!formatter_of_buffer}, {!formatter_of_symbolic_output_buffer}
+ or using {{!section:formatter}custom formatters}.
+(** {1 Introduction}
For a gentle introduction to the basics of pretty-printing using
[Format], read
@@ -42,14 +49,14 @@
You may consider this module as providing an extension to the
[printf] facility to provide automatic line splitting. The addition of
- pretty-printing annotations to your regular [printf] formats gives you
- fancy indentation and line breaks.
+ pretty-printing annotations to your regular [printf] format strings gives
+ you fancy indentation and line breaks.
Pretty-printing annotations are described below in the documentation of
the function {!Format.fprintf}.
- You may also use the explicit box management and printing functions
- provided by this module. This style is more basic but more verbose
- than the [fprintf] concise formats.
+ You may also use the explicit pretty-printing box management and printing
+ functions provided by this module. This style is more basic but more
+ verbose than the concise [fprintf] format strings.
For instance, the sequence
[open_box 0; print_string "x ="; print_space ();
@@ -59,133 +66,903 @@
[printf "@[x =@ %i@]@." 1].
Rule of thumb for casual users of this library:
- - use simple boxes (as obtained by [open_box 0]);
- - use simple break hints (as obtained by [print_cut ()] that outputs a
+ - use simple pretty-printing boxes (as obtained by [open_box 0]);
+ - use simple break hints as obtained by [print_cut ()] that outputs a
simple break hint, or by [print_space ()] that outputs a space
- indicating a break hint);
- - once a box is opened, display its material with basic printing
- functions (e. g. [print_int] and [print_string]);
- - when the material for a box has been printed, call [close_box ()] to
- close the box;
- - at the end of your routine, flush the pretty-printer to display all the
- remaining material, e.g. evaluate [print_newline ()].
+ indicating a break hint;
+ - once a pretty-printing box is open, display its material with basic
+ printing functions (e. g. [print_int] and [print_string]);
+ - when the material for a pretty-printing box has been printed, call
+ [close_box ()] to close the box;
+ - at the end of pretty-printing, flush the pretty-printer to display all
+ the remaining material, e.g. evaluate [print_newline ()].
- The behaviour of pretty-printing commands is unspecified
- if there is no opened pretty-printing box. Each box opened via
+ The behavior of pretty-printing commands is unspecified
+ if there is no open pretty-printing box. Each box opened by
one of the [open_] functions below must be closed using [close_box]
for proper formatting. Otherwise, some of the material printed in the
boxes may not be output, or may be formatted incorrectly.
- In case of interactive use, the system closes all opened boxes and
- flushes all pending text (as with the [print_newline] function)
- after each phrase. Each phrase is therefore executed in the initial
- state of the pretty-printer.
+ In case of interactive use, each phrase is executed in the initial state
+ of the standard pretty-printer: after each phrase execution, the
+ interactive system closes all open pretty-printing boxes, flushes all
+ pending text, and resets the standard pretty-printer.
+ Warning: mixing calls to pretty-printing functions of this module with
+ calls to {!Pervasives} low level output functions is error prone.
+ The pretty-printing functions output material that is delayed in the
+ pretty-printer queue and stacks in order to compute proper line
+ splitting. In contrast, basic I/O output functions write directly in
+ their output device. As a consequence, the output of a basic I/O function
+ may appear before the output of a pretty-printing function that has been
+ called before. For instance,
+ [
+ Pervasives.print_string "<";
+ Format.print_string "PRETTY";
+ Pervasives.print_string ">";
+ Format.print_string "TEXT";
+ ]
+ leads to output [<>PRETTYTEXT].
- Warning: the material output by the following functions is delayed
- in the pretty-printer queue in order to compute the proper line
- splitting. Hence, you should not mix calls to the printing functions
- of the basic I/O system with calls to the functions of this module:
- this could result in some strange output seemingly unrelated with
- the evaluation order of printing commands.
-(** {6:tags Semantic Tags} *)
-type tag = string
-(** {6 Multiple formatted output} *)
type formatter
(** Abstract data corresponding to a pretty-printer (also called a
- formatter) and all its machinery.
+ formatter) and all its machinery. See also {!section:formatter}. *)
- Defining new pretty-printers permits unrelated output of material in
- parallel on several output channels.
- All the parameters of a pretty-printer are local to a formatter:
- margin, maximum indentation limit, maximum number of boxes
- simultaneously opened, ellipsis, and so on, are specific to
- each pretty-printer and may be fixed independently.
- Given a [Pervasives.out_channel] output channel [oc], a new formatter
- writing to that channel is simply obtained by calling
- [formatter_of_out_channel oc].
- Alternatively, the [make_formatter] function allocates a new
- formatter with explicit output and flushing functions
- (convenient to output material to strings for instance).
+(** {1:boxes Pretty-printing boxes} *)
+(** The pretty-printing engine uses the concepts of pretty-printing box and
+ break hint to drive indentation and line splitting behavior of the
+ pretty-printer.
+ Each different pretty-printing box kind introduces a specific line splitting
+ policy:
+ - within an {e horizontal} box, break hints never split the line (but the
+ line may be split in a box nested deeper),
+ - within a {e vertical} box, break hints always split the line,
+ - within an {e horizontal/vertical} box, if the box fits on the current line
+ then break hints never split the line, otherwise break hint always split
+ the line,
+ - within a {e compacting} box, a break hint never splits the line,
+ unless there is no more room on the current line.
+ Note that line splitting policy is box specific: the policy of a box does
+ not rule the policy of inner boxes. For instance, if a vertical box is
+ nested in an horizontal box, all break hints within the vertical box will
+ split the line.
+val pp_open_box : formatter -> int -> unit
+val open_box : int -> unit
+(** [pp_open_box ppf d] opens a new compacting pretty-printing box with
+ offset [d] in the formatter [ppf].
+ Within this box, the pretty-printer prints as much as possible material on
+ every line.
+ A break hint splits the line if there is no more room on the line to
+ print the remainder of the box.
+ Within this box, the pretty-printer emphasizes the box structure: a break
+ hint also splits the line if the splitting ``moves to the left''
+ (i.e. the new line gets an indentation smaller than the one of the current
+ line).
+ This box is the general purpose pretty-printing box.
+ If the pretty-printer splits the line in the box, offset [d] is added to
+ the current indentation.
+val pp_close_box : formatter -> unit -> unit
+val close_box : unit -> unit
+(** Closes the most recently open pretty-printing box. *)
+val pp_open_hbox : formatter -> unit -> unit
+val open_hbox : unit -> unit
+(** [pp_open_hbox ppf ()] opens a new 'horizontal' pretty-printing box.
+ This box prints material on a single line.
+ Break hints in a horizontal box never split the line.
+ (Line splitting may still occur inside boxes nested deeper).
+val pp_open_vbox : formatter -> int -> unit
+val open_vbox : int -> unit
+(** [pp_open_vbox ppf d] opens a new 'vertical' pretty-printing box
+ with offset [d].
+ This box prints material on as many lines as break hints in the box.
+ Every break hint in a vertical box splits the line.
+ If the pretty-printer splits the line in the box, [d] is added to the
+ current indentation.
+val pp_open_hvbox : formatter -> int -> unit
+val open_hvbox : int -> unit
+(** [pp_open_hvbox ppf d] opens a new 'horizontal/vertical' pretty-printing box
+ with offset [d].
+ This box behaves as an horizontal box if it fits on a single line,
+ otherwise it behaves as a vertical box.
+ If the pretty-printer splits the line in the box, [d] is added to the
+ current indentation.
+val pp_open_hovbox : formatter -> int -> unit
+val open_hovbox : int -> unit
+(** [pp_open_hovbox ppf d] opens a new 'horizontal-or-vertical'
+ pretty-printing box with offset [d].
+ This box prints material as much as possible on every line.
+ A break hint splits the line if there is no more room on the line to
+ print the remainder of the box.
+ If the pretty-printer splits the line in the box, [d] is added to the
+ current indentation.
+(** {1 Formatting functions} *)
+val pp_print_string : formatter -> string -> unit
+val print_string : string -> unit
+(** [pp_print_string ppf s] prints [s] in the current pretty-printing box. *)
+val pp_print_as : formatter -> int -> string -> unit
+val print_as : int -> string -> unit
+(** [pp_print_as ppf len s] prints [s] in the current pretty-printing box.
+ The pretty-printer formats [s] as if it were of length [len].
+val pp_print_int : formatter -> int -> unit
+val print_int : int -> unit
+(** Print an integer in the current pretty-printing box. *)
+val pp_print_float : formatter -> float -> unit
+val print_float : float -> unit
+(** Print a floating point number in the current pretty-printing box. *)
+val pp_print_char : formatter -> char -> unit
+val print_char : char -> unit
+(** Print a character in the current pretty-printing box. *)
+val pp_print_bool : formatter -> bool -> unit
+val print_bool : bool -> unit
+(** Print a boolean in the current pretty-printing box. *)
+(** {1:breaks Break hints} *)
+(** A 'break hint' tells the pretty-printer to output some space or split the
+ line whichever way is more appropriate to the current pretty-printing box
+ splitting rules.
+ Break hints are used to separate printing items and are mandatory to let
+ the pretty-printer correctly split lines and indent items.
+ Simple break hints are:
+ - the 'space': output a space or split the line if appropriate,
+ - the 'cut': split the line if appropriate.
+ Note: the notions of space and line splitting are abstract for the
+ pretty-printing engine, since those notions can be completely redefined
+ by the programmer.
+ However, in the pretty-printer default setting, ``output a space'' simply
+ means printing a space character (ASCII code 32) and ``split the line''
+ means printing a newline character (ASCII code 10).
+val pp_print_space : formatter -> unit -> unit
+val print_space : unit -> unit
+(** [pp_print_space ppf ()] emits a 'space' break hint:
+ the pretty-printer may split the line at this point,
+ otherwise it prints one space.
+ [pp_print_space ppf ()] is equivalent to [pp_print_break ppf 1 0].
+val pp_print_cut : formatter -> unit -> unit
+val print_cut : unit -> unit
+(** [pp_print_cut ppf ()] emits a 'cut' break hint:
+ the pretty-printer may split the line at this point,
+ otherwise it prints nothing.
+ [pp_print_cut ppf ()] is equivalent to [pp_print_break ppf 0 0].
+val pp_print_break : formatter -> int -> int -> unit
+val print_break : int -> int -> unit
+(** [pp_print_break ppf nspaces offset] emits a 'full' break hint:
+ the pretty-printer may split the line at this point,
+ otherwise it prints [nspaces] spaces.
+ If the pretty-printer splits the line, [offset] is added to
+ the current indentation.
+val pp_force_newline : formatter -> unit -> unit
+val force_newline : unit -> unit
+(** Force a new line in the current pretty-printing box.
+ The pretty-printer must split the line at this point,
+ Not the normal way of pretty-printing, since imperative line splitting may
+ interfere with current line counters and box size calculation.
+ Using break hints within an enclosing vertical box is a better
+ alternative.
+val pp_print_if_newline : formatter -> unit -> unit
+val print_if_newline : unit -> unit
+(** Execute the next formatting command if the preceding line
+ has just been split. Otherwise, ignore the next formatting
+ command.
+(** {1 Pretty-printing termination} *)
+val pp_print_flush : formatter -> unit -> unit
+val print_flush : unit -> unit
+(** End of pretty-printing: resets the pretty-printer to initial state.
+ All open pretty-printing boxes are closed, all pending text is printed.
+ In addition, the pretty-printer low level output device is flushed to
+ ensure that all pending text is really displayed.
+ Note: never use [print_flush] in the normal course of a pretty-printing
+ routine, since the pretty-printer uses a complex buffering machinery to
+ properly indent the output; manually flushing those buffers at random
+ would conflict with the pretty-printer strategy and result to poor
+ rendering.
+ Only consider using [print_flush] when displaying all pending material is
+ mandatory (for instance in case of interactive use when you want the user
+ to read some text) and when resetting the pretty-printer state will not
+ disturb further pretty-printing.
+ Warning: If the output device of the pretty-printer is an output channel,
+ repeated calls to [print_flush] means repeated calls to {!Pervasives.flush}
+ to flush the out channel; these explicit flush calls could foil the
+ buffering strategy of output channels and could dramatically impact
+ efficiency.
+val pp_print_newline : formatter -> unit -> unit
+val print_newline : unit -> unit
+(** End of pretty-printing: resets the pretty-printer to initial state.
+ All open pretty-printing boxes are closed, all pending text is printed.
+ Equivalent to {!print_flush} followed by a new line.
+ See corresponding words of caution for {!print_flush}.
+ Note: this is not the normal way to output a new line;
+ the preferred method is using break hints within a vertical pretty-printing
+ box.
+(** {1 Margin} *)
+val pp_set_margin : formatter -> int -> unit
+val set_margin : int -> unit
+(** [pp_set_margin ppf d] sets the right margin to [d] (in characters):
+ the pretty-printer splits lines that overflow the right margin according to
+ the break hints given.
+ Nothing happens if [d] is smaller than 2.
+ If [d] is too large, the right margin is set to the maximum
+ admissible value (which is greater than [10 ^ 9]).
+ If [d] is less than the current maximum indentation limit, the
+ maximum indentation limit is decreased while trying to preserve
+ a minimal ratio [max_indent/margin>=50%] and if possible
+ the current difference [margin - max_indent].
+val pp_get_margin : formatter -> unit -> int
+val get_margin : unit -> int
+(** Returns the position of the right margin. *)
+(** {1 Maximum indentation limit} *)
+val pp_set_max_indent : formatter -> int -> unit
+val set_max_indent : int -> unit
+(** [pp_set_max_indent ppf d] sets the maximum indentation limit of lines
+ to [d] (in characters):
+ once this limit is reached, new pretty-printing boxes are rejected to the
+ left, if they do not fit on the current line.
+ Nothing happens if [d] is smaller than 2.
+ If [d] is too large, the limit is set to the maximum
+ admissible value (which is greater than [10 ^ 9]).
+ If [d] is greater or equal than the current margin, it is ignored,
+ and the current maximum indentation limit is kept.
+val pp_get_max_indent : formatter -> unit -> int
+val get_max_indent : unit -> int
+(** Return the maximum indentation limit (in characters). *)
+(** {1 Maximum formatting depth} *)
+(** The maximum formatting depth is the maximum number of pretty-printing
+ boxes simultaneously open.
+ Material inside boxes nested deeper is printed as an ellipsis (more
+ precisely as the text returned by {!get_ellipsis_text} [()]).
+val pp_set_max_boxes : formatter -> int -> unit
+val set_max_boxes : int -> unit
+(** [pp_set_max_boxes ppf max] sets the maximum number of pretty-printing
+ boxes simultaneously open.
+ Material inside boxes nested deeper is printed as an ellipsis (more
+ precisely as the text returned by {!get_ellipsis_text} [()]).
+ Nothing happens if [max] is smaller than 2.
+val pp_get_max_boxes : formatter -> unit -> int
+val get_max_boxes : unit -> int
+(** Returns the maximum number of pretty-printing boxes allowed before
+ ellipsis.
+val pp_over_max_boxes : formatter -> unit -> bool
+val over_max_boxes : unit -> bool
+(** Tests if the maximum number of pretty-printing boxes allowed have already
+ been opened.
+(** {1 Tabulation boxes} *)
+ A {e tabulation box} prints material on lines divided into cells of fixed
+ length. A tabulation box provides a simple way to display vertical columns
+ of left adjusted text.
+ This box features command [set_tab] to define cell boundaries, and command
+ [print_tab] to move from cell to cell and split the line when there is no
+ more cells to print on the line.
+ Note: printing within tabulation box is line directed, so arbitrary line
+ splitting inside a tabulation box leads to poor rendering. Yet, controlled
+ use of tabulation boxes allows simple printing of columns within
+ module {!Format}.
+val pp_open_tbox : formatter -> unit -> unit
+val open_tbox : unit -> unit
+(** [open_tbox ()] opens a new tabulation box.
+ This box prints lines separated into cells of fixed width.
+ Inside a tabulation box, special {e tabulation markers} defines points of
+ interest on the line (for instance to delimit cell boundaries).
+ Function {!Format.set_tab} sets a tabulation marker at insertion point.
+ A tabulation box features specific {e tabulation breaks} to move to next
+ tabulation marker or split the line. Function {!Format.print_tbreak} prints
+ a tabulation break.
+val pp_close_tbox : formatter -> unit -> unit
+val close_tbox : unit -> unit
+(** Closes the most recently opened tabulation box. *)
+val pp_set_tab : formatter -> unit -> unit
+val set_tab : unit -> unit
+(** Sets a tabulation marker at current insertion point. *)
+val pp_print_tab : formatter -> unit -> unit
+val print_tab : unit -> unit
+(** [print_tab ()] emits a 'next' tabulation break hint: if not already set on
+ a tabulation marker, the insertion point moves to the first tabulation
+ marker on the right, or the pretty-printer splits the line and insertion
+ point moves to the leftmost tabulation marker.
+ It is equivalent to [print_tbreak 0 0]. *)
+val pp_print_tbreak : formatter -> int -> int -> unit
+val print_tbreak : int -> int -> unit
+(** [print_tbreak nspaces offset] emits a 'full' tabulation break hint.
+ If not already set on a tabulation marker, the insertion point moves to the
+ first tabulation marker on the right and the pretty-printer prints
+ [nspaces] spaces.
+ If there is no next tabulation marker on the right, the pretty-printer
+ splits the line at this point, then insertion point moves to the leftmost
+ tabulation marker of the box.
+ If the pretty-printer splits the line, [offset] is added to
+ the current indentation.
+(** {1 Ellipsis} *)
+val pp_set_ellipsis_text : formatter -> string -> unit
+val set_ellipsis_text : string -> unit
+(** Set the text of the ellipsis printed when too many pretty-printing boxes
+ are open (a single dot, [.], by default).
+val pp_get_ellipsis_text : formatter -> unit -> string
+val get_ellipsis_text : unit -> string
+(** Return the text of the ellipsis. *)
+(** {1:tags Semantic tags} *)
+type tag = string
+(** {i Semantic tags} (or simply {e tags}) are user's defined delimiters
+ to associate user's specific operations to printed entities.
+ Common usage of semantic tags is text decoration to get specific font or
+ text size rendering for a display device, or marking delimitation of
+ entities (e.g. HTML or TeX elements or terminal escape sequences).
+ More sophisticated usage of semantic tags could handle dynamic
+ modification of the pretty-printer behavior to properly print the material
+ within some specific tags.
+ In order to properly delimit printed entities, a semantic tag must be
+ opened before and closed after the entity. Semantic tags must be properly
+ nested like parentheses.
+ Tag specific operations occur any time a tag is opened or closed, At each
+ occurrence, two kinds of operations are performed {e tag-marking} and
+ {e tag-printing}:
+ - The tag-marking operation is the simpler tag specific operation: it simply
+ writes a tag specific string into the output device of the
+ formatter. Tag-marking does not interfere with line-splitting computation.
+ - The tag-printing operation is the more involved tag specific operation: it
+ can print arbitrary material to the formatter. Tag-printing is tightly
+ linked to the current pretty-printer operations.
+ Roughly speaking, tag-marking is commonly used to get a better rendering of
+ texts in the rendering device, while tag-printing allows fine tuning of
+ printing routines to print the same entity differently according to the
+ semantic tags (i.e. print additional material or even omit parts of the
+ output).
+ More precisely: when a semantic tag is opened or closed then both and
+ successive 'tag-printing' and 'tag-marking' operations occur:
+ - Tag-printing a semantic tag means calling the formatter specific function
+ [print_open_tag] (resp. [print_close_tag]) with the name of the tag as
+ argument: that tag-printing function can then print any regular material
+ to the formatter (so that this material is enqueued as usual in the
+ formatter queue for further line splitting computation).
+ - Tag-marking a semantic tag means calling the formatter specific function
+ [mark_open_tag] (resp. [mark_close_tag]) with the name of the tag as
+ argument: that tag-marking function can then return the 'tag-opening
+ marker' (resp. `tag-closing marker') for direct output into the output
+ device of the formatter.
+ Being written directly into the output device of the formatter, semantic
+ tag marker strings are not considered as part of the printing material that
+ drives line splitting (in other words, the length of the strings
+ corresponding to tag markers is considered as zero for line splitting).
+ Thus, semantic tag handling is in some sense transparent to pretty-printing
+ and does not interfere with usual indentation. Hence, a single
+ pretty-printing routine can output both simple 'verbatim' material or
+ richer decorated output depending on the treatment of tags. By default,
+ tags are not active, hence the output is not decorated with tag
+ information. Once [set_tags] is set to [true], the pretty-printer engine
+ honors tags and decorates the output accordingly.
+ Default tag-marking functions behave the HTML way: tags are enclosed in "<"
+ and ">"; hence, opening marker for tag [t] is [""] and closing marker is
+ [""].
+ Default tag-printing functions just do nothing.
+ Tag-marking and tag-printing functions are user definable and can
+ be set by calling {!set_formatter_tag_functions}.
+ Semantic tag operations may be set on or off with {!set_tags}.
+ Tag-marking operations may be set on or off with {!set_mark_tags}.
+ Tag-printing operations may be set on or off with {!set_print_tags}.
+val pp_open_tag : formatter -> string -> unit
+val open_tag : tag -> unit
+(** [pp_open_tag ppf t] opens the semantic tag named [t].
+ The [print_open_tag] tag-printing function of the formatter is called with
+ [t] as argument; then the opening tag marker for [t], as given by
+ [mark_open_tag t], is written into the output device of the formatter.
+val pp_close_tag : formatter -> unit -> unit
+val close_tag : unit -> unit
+(** [pp_close_tag ppf ()] closes the most recently opened semantic tag [t].
+ The closing tag marker, as given by [mark_close_tag t], is written into the
+ output device of the formatter; then the [print_close_tag] tag-printing
+ function of the formatter is called with [t] as argument.
+val pp_set_tags : formatter -> bool -> unit
+val set_tags : bool -> unit
+(** [pp_set_tags ppf b] turns on or off the treatment of semantic tags
+ (default is off).
+val pp_set_print_tags : formatter -> bool -> unit
+val set_print_tags : bool -> unit
+(** [pp_set_print_tags ppf b] turns on or off the tag-printing operations. *)
+val pp_set_mark_tags : formatter -> bool -> unit
+val set_mark_tags : bool -> unit
+(** [pp_set_mark_tags ppf b] turns on or off the tag-marking operations. *)
+val pp_get_print_tags : formatter -> unit -> bool
+val get_print_tags : unit -> bool
+(** Return the current status of tag-printing operations. *)
+val pp_get_mark_tags : formatter -> unit -> bool
+val get_mark_tags : unit -> bool
+(** Return the current status of tag-marking operations. *)
+(** {1 Redirecting the standard formatter output} *)
+val pp_set_formatter_out_channel :
+ formatter -> Pervasives.out_channel -> unit
+val set_formatter_out_channel : Pervasives.out_channel -> unit
+(** Redirect the standard pretty-printer output to the given channel.
+ (All the output functions of the standard formatter are set to the
+ default output functions printing to the given channel.)
+ [set_formatter_out_channel] is equivalent to
+ {!pp_set_formatter_out_channel} [std_formatter].
+val pp_set_formatter_output_functions :
+ formatter -> (string -> int -> int -> unit) -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
+val set_formatter_output_functions :
+ (string -> int -> int -> unit) -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
+(** [pp_set_formatter_output_functions ppf out flush] redirects the
+ standard pretty-printer output functions to the functions [out] and
+ [flush].
+ The [out] function performs all the pretty-printer string output.
+ It is called with a string [s], a start position [p], and a number of
+ characters [n]; it is supposed to output characters [p] to [p + n - 1] of
+ [s].
+ The [flush] function is called whenever the pretty-printer is flushed
+ (via conversion [%!], or pretty-printing indications [@?] or [@.], or
+ using low level functions [print_flush] or [print_newline]).
+val pp_get_formatter_output_functions :
+ formatter -> unit -> (string -> int -> int -> unit) * (unit -> unit)
+val get_formatter_output_functions :
+ unit -> (string -> int -> int -> unit) * (unit -> unit)
+(** Return the current output functions of the standard pretty-printer. *)
+(** {1:meaning Redefining formatter output} *)
+(** The [Format] module is versatile enough to let you completely redefine
+ the meaning of pretty-printing output: you may provide your own functions
+ to define how to handle indentation, line splitting, and even printing of
+ all the characters that have to be printed!
+(** {2 Redefining output functions} *)
+type formatter_out_functions = {
+ out_string : string -> int -> int -> unit;
+ out_flush : unit -> unit;
+ out_newline : unit -> unit;
+ out_spaces : int -> unit;
+ out_indent : int -> unit;
+(** The set of output functions specific to a formatter:
+ - the [out_string] function performs all the pretty-printer string output.
+ It is called with a string [s], a start position [p], and a number of
+ characters [n]; it is supposed to output characters [p] to [p + n - 1] of
+ [s].
+ - the [out_flush] function flushes the pretty-printer output device.
+ - [out_newline] is called to open a new line when the pretty-printer splits
+ the line.
+ - the [out_spaces] function outputs spaces when a break hint leads to spaces
+ instead of a line split. It is called with the number of spaces to output.
+ - the [out_indent] function performs new line indentation when the
+ pretty-printer splits the line. It is called with the indentation value of
+ the new line.
+ By default:
+ - fields [out_string] and [out_flush] are output device specific;
+ (e.g. {!Pervasives.output_string} and {!Pervasives.flush} for a
+ {!Pervasives.out_channel} device, or [Buffer.add_substring] and
+ {!Pervasives.ignore} for a [Buffer.t] output device),
+ - field [out_newline] is equivalent to [out_string "\n" 0 1];
+ - fields [out_spaces] and [out_indent] are equivalent to
+ [out_string (String.make n ' ') 0 n].
+ @since 4.01.0
+val pp_set_formatter_out_functions :
+ formatter -> formatter_out_functions -> unit
+val set_formatter_out_functions : formatter_out_functions -> unit
+(** [pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf out_funs]
+ Set all the pretty-printer output functions of [ppf] to those of
+ argument [out_funs],
+ This way, you can change the meaning of indentation (which can be
+ something else than just printing space characters) and the meaning of new
+ lines opening (which can be connected to any other action needed by the
+ application at hand).
+ Reasonable defaults for functions [out_spaces] and [out_newline] are
+ respectively [out_funs.out_string (String.make n ' ') 0 n] and
+ [out_funs.out_string "\n" 0 1].
+ @since 4.01.0
+val pp_get_formatter_out_functions :
+ formatter -> unit -> formatter_out_functions
+val get_formatter_out_functions : unit -> formatter_out_functions
+(** Return the current output functions of the pretty-printer,
+ including line splitting and indentation functions. Useful to record the
+ current setting and restore it afterwards.
+ @since 4.01.0
+(** {1:tagsmeaning Redefining semantic tag operations} *)
+type formatter_tag_functions = {
+ mark_open_tag : tag -> string;
+ mark_close_tag : tag -> string;
+ print_open_tag : tag -> unit;
+ print_close_tag : tag -> unit;
+(** The semantic tag handling functions specific to a formatter:
+ [mark] versions are the 'tag-marking' functions that associate a string
+ marker to a tag in order for the pretty-printing engine to write
+ those markers as 0 length tokens in the output device of the formatter.
+ [print] versions are the 'tag-printing' functions that can perform
+ regular printing when a tag is closed or opened.
+val pp_set_formatter_tag_functions :
+ formatter -> formatter_tag_functions -> unit
+val set_formatter_tag_functions : formatter_tag_functions -> unit
+(** [pp_set_formatter_tag_functions ppf tag_funs] changes the meaning of
+ opening and closing semantic tag operations to use the functions in
+ [tag_funs] when printing on [ppf].
+ When opening a semantic tag with name [t], the string [t] is passed to the
+ opening tag-marking function (the [mark_open_tag] field of the
+ record [tag_funs]), that must return the opening tag marker for
+ that name. When the next call to [close_tag ()] happens, the semantic tag
+ name [t] is sent back to the closing tag-marking function (the
+ [mark_close_tag] field of record [tag_funs]), that must return a
+ closing tag marker for that name.
+ The [print_] field of the record contains the tag-printing functions that
+ are called at tag opening and tag closing time, to output regular material
+ in the pretty-printer queue.
+val pp_get_formatter_tag_functions :
+ formatter -> unit -> formatter_tag_functions
+val get_formatter_tag_functions : unit -> formatter_tag_functions
+(** Return the current semantic tag operation functions of the standard
+ pretty-printer. *)
+(** {1:formatter Defining formatters}
+ Defining new formatters permits unrelated output of material in
+ parallel on several output devices.
+ All the parameters of a formatter are local to the formatter:
+ right margin, maximum indentation limit, maximum number of pretty-printing
+ boxes simultaneously open, ellipsis, and so on, are specific to
+ each formatter and may be fixed independently.
+ For instance, given a {!Buffer.t} buffer [b], {!formatter_of_buffer} [b]
+ returns a new formatter using buffer [b] as its output device.
+ Similarly, given a {!Pervasives.out_channel} output channel [oc],
+ {!formatter_of_out_channel} [oc] returns a new formatter using
+ channel [oc] as its output device.
+ Alternatively, given [out_funs], a complete set of output functions for a
+ formatter, then {!formatter_of_out_functions} [out_funs] computes a new
+ formatter using those functions for output.
+val formatter_of_out_channel : out_channel -> formatter
+(** [formatter_of_out_channel oc] returns a new formatter writing
+ to the corresponding output channel [oc].
+val std_formatter : formatter
+(** The standard formatter to write to standard output.
+ It is defined as {!formatter_of_out_channel} {!Pervasives.stdout}.
+val err_formatter : formatter
+(** A formatter to write to standard error.
+ It is defined as {!formatter_of_out_channel} {!Pervasives.stderr}.
val formatter_of_buffer : Buffer.t -> formatter
(** [formatter_of_buffer b] returns a new formatter writing to
- buffer [b]. As usual, the formatter has to be flushed at
- the end of pretty printing, using [pp_print_flush] or
- [pp_print_newline], to display all the pending material. *)
+ buffer [b]. At the end of pretty-printing, the formatter must be flushed
+ using {!pp_print_flush} or {!pp_print_newline}, to print all the
+ pending material into the buffer.
+val stdbuf : Buffer.t
+(** The string buffer in which [str_formatter] writes. *)
+val str_formatter : formatter
+(** A formatter to output to the {!stdbuf} string buffer.
+ [str_formatter] is defined as {!formatter_of_buffer} {!stdbuf}.
+val flush_str_formatter : unit -> string
+(** Returns the material printed with [str_formatter], flushes
+ the formatter and resets the corresponding buffer.
val make_formatter :
(string -> int -> int -> unit) -> (unit -> unit) -> formatter
-(** [make_formatter out flush] returns a new formatter that writes according
- to the output function [out], and the flushing function [flush]. For
- instance, a formatter to the [Pervasives.out_channel] [oc] is returned by
- [make_formatter (Pervasives.output oc) (fun () -> Pervasives.flush oc)]. *)
+(** [make_formatter out flush] returns a new formatter that outputs with
+ function [out], and flushes with function [flush].
-(** {6 Basic functions to use with formatters} *)
+ For instance, {[
+ make_formatter
+ (Pervasives.output oc)
+ (fun () -> Pervasives.flush oc) ]}
+ returns a formatter to the {!Pervasives.out_channel} [oc].
-val pp_open_hbox : formatter -> unit -> unit
-val pp_open_vbox : formatter -> int -> unit
-val pp_open_hvbox : formatter -> int -> unit
-val pp_open_hovbox : formatter -> int -> unit
-val pp_open_box : formatter -> int -> unit
-val pp_close_box : formatter -> unit -> unit
-val pp_open_tag : formatter -> string -> unit
-val pp_close_tag : formatter -> unit -> unit
-val pp_print_string : formatter -> string -> unit
-val pp_print_as : formatter -> int -> string -> unit
-val pp_print_int : formatter -> int -> unit
-val pp_print_float : formatter -> float -> unit
-val pp_print_char : formatter -> char -> unit
-val pp_print_bool : formatter -> bool -> unit
-val pp_print_break : formatter -> int -> int -> unit
-val pp_print_cut : formatter -> unit -> unit
-val pp_print_space : formatter -> unit -> unit
-val pp_force_newline : formatter -> unit -> unit
-val pp_print_flush : formatter -> unit -> unit
-val pp_print_newline : formatter -> unit -> unit
-val pp_print_if_newline : formatter -> unit -> unit
-val pp_set_tags : formatter -> bool -> unit
-val pp_set_print_tags : formatter -> bool -> unit
-val pp_set_mark_tags : formatter -> bool -> unit
-val pp_get_print_tags : formatter -> unit -> bool
-val pp_get_mark_tags : formatter -> unit -> bool
-val pp_set_margin : formatter -> int -> unit
-val pp_get_margin : formatter -> unit -> int
-val pp_set_max_indent : formatter -> int -> unit
-val pp_get_max_indent : formatter -> unit -> int
-val pp_set_max_boxes : formatter -> int -> unit
-val pp_get_max_boxes : formatter -> unit -> int
-val pp_over_max_boxes : formatter -> unit -> bool
-val pp_set_ellipsis_text : formatter -> string -> unit
-val pp_get_ellipsis_text : formatter -> unit -> string
+val formatter_of_out_functions :
+ formatter_out_functions -> formatter
+(** [formatter_of_out_functions out_funs] returns a new formatter that writes
+ with the set of output functions [out_funs].
-(** {6 Convenience formatting functions.} *)
+ See definition of type {!formatter_out_functions} for the meaning of argument
+ [out_funs].
+ @since 4.06.0
+(** {2:symbolic Symbolic pretty-printing} *)
+ Symbolic pretty-printing is pretty-printing using a symbolic formatter,
+ i.e. a formatter that outputs symbolic pretty-printing items.
+ When using a symbolic formatter, all regular pretty-printing activities
+ occur but output material is symbolic and stored in a buffer of output items.
+ At the end of pretty-printing, flushing the output buffer allows
+ post-processing of symbolic output before performing low level output
+ operations.
+ In practice, first define a symbolic output buffer [b] using:
+ - [let sob = make_symbolic_output_buffer ()].
+ Then define a symbolic formatter with:
+ - [let ppf = formatter_of_symbolic_output_buffer sob]
+ Use symbolic formatter [ppf] as usual, and retrieve symbolic items at end
+ of pretty-printing by flushing symbolic output buffer [sob] with:
+ - [flush_symbolic_output_buffer sob].
+type symbolic_output_item =
+ | Output_flush (** symbolic flush command *)
+ | Output_newline (** symbolic newline command *)
+ | Output_string of string
+ (** [Output_string s]: symbolic output for string [s]*)
+ | Output_spaces of int
+ (** [Output_spaces n]: symbolic command to output [n] spaces *)
+ | Output_indent of int
+ (** [Output_indent i]: symbolic indentation of size [i] *)
+(** Items produced by symbolic pretty-printers
+ @since 4.06.0
+type symbolic_output_buffer
+ The output buffer of a symbolic pretty-printer.
+ @since 4.06.0
+val make_symbolic_output_buffer : unit -> symbolic_output_buffer
+(** [make_symbolic_output_buffer ()] returns a fresh buffer for
+ symbolic output.
+ @since 4.06.0
+val clear_symbolic_output_buffer : symbolic_output_buffer -> unit
+(** [clear_symbolic_output_buffer sob] resets buffer [sob].
+ @since 4.06.0
+val get_symbolic_output_buffer :
+ symbolic_output_buffer -> symbolic_output_item list
+(** [get_symbolic_output_buffer sob] returns the contents of buffer [sob].
+ @since 4.06.0
+val flush_symbolic_output_buffer :
+ symbolic_output_buffer -> symbolic_output_item list
+(** [flush_symbolic_output_buffer sob] returns the contents of buffer
+ [sob] and resets buffer [sob].
+ [flush_symbolic_output_buffer sob] is equivalent to
+ [let items = get_symbolic_output_buffer sob in
+ clear_symbolic_output_buffer sob; items]
+ @since 4.06.0
+val add_symbolic_output_item :
+ symbolic_output_buffer -> symbolic_output_item -> unit
+(** [add_symbolic_output_item sob itm] adds item [itm] to buffer [sob].
+ @since 4.06.0
+val formatter_of_symbolic_output_buffer : symbolic_output_buffer -> formatter
+(** [formatter_of_symbolic_output_buffer sob] returns a symbolic formatter
+ that outputs to [symbolic_output_buffer] [sob].
+ @since 4.06.0
+(** {1 Convenience formatting functions.} *)
val pp_print_list:
?pp_sep:(formatter -> unit -> unit) ->
(formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> (formatter -> 'a list -> unit)
(** [pp_print_list ?pp_sep pp_v ppf l] prints items of list [l],
using [pp_v] to print each item, and calling [pp_sep]
- between items ([pp_sep] defaults to {!pp_print_cut}).
+ between items ([pp_sep] defaults to {!pp_print_cut}.
Does nothing on empty lists.
@since 4.02.0
val pp_print_text : formatter -> string -> unit
-(** [pp_print_text ppf s] prints [s] with spaces and newlines
- respectively printed with {!pp_print_space} and
- {!pp_force_newline}.
+(** [pp_print_text ppf s] prints [s] with spaces and newlines respectively
+ printed using {!pp_print_space} and {!pp_force_newline}.
@since 4.02.0
-(** {6 [printf] like functions for pretty-printing.} *)
+(** {1:fpp Formatted pretty-printing} *)
+ Module [Format] provides a complete set of [printf] like functions for
+ pretty-printing using format string specifications.
+ Specific annotations may be added in the format strings to give
+ pretty-printing commands to the pretty-printing engine.
+ Those annotations are introduced in the format strings using the [@]
+ character. For instance, [@ ] means a space break, [@,] means a cut,
+ [@\[] opens a new box, and [@\]] closes the last open box.
val fprintf : formatter -> ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a
@@ -193,9 +970,9 @@ val fprintf : formatter -> ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a
according to the format string [fmt], and outputs the resulting string on
the formatter [ff].
- The format [fmt] is a character string which contains three types of
+ The format string [fmt] is a character string which contains three types of
objects: plain characters and conversion specifications as specified in
- the [Printf] module, and pretty-printing indications specific to the
+ the {!Printf} module, and pretty-printing indications specific to the
[Format] module.
The pretty-printing indication characters are introduced by
@@ -204,15 +981,16 @@ val fprintf : formatter -> ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a
box may be optionally specified with the following syntax:
the [<] character, followed by an optional box type indication,
then an optional integer offset, and the closing [>] character.
- Box type is one of [h], [v], [hv], [b], or [hov].
- '[h]' stands for an 'horizontal' box,
- '[v]' stands for a 'vertical' box,
- '[hv]' stands for an 'horizontal-vertical' box,
- '[b]' stands for an 'horizontal-or-vertical' box demonstrating indentation,
- '[hov]' stands a simple 'horizontal-or-vertical' box.
+ Pretty-printing box type is one of [h], [v], [hv], [b], or [hov].
+ '[h]' stands for an 'horizontal' pretty-printing box,
+ '[v]' stands for a 'vertical' pretty-printing box,
+ '[hv]' stands for an 'horizontal/vertical' pretty-printing box,
+ '[b]' stands for an 'horizontal-or-vertical' pretty-printing box
+ demonstrating indentation,
+ '[hov]' stands a simple 'horizontal-or-vertical' pretty-printing box.
For instance, [@\[] opens an 'horizontal-or-vertical'
- box with indentation 2 as obtained with [open_hovbox 2].
- For more details about boxes, see the various box opening
+ pretty-printing box with indentation 2 as obtained with [open_hovbox 2].
+ For more details about pretty-printing boxes, see the various box opening
functions [open_*box].
- [@\]]: close the most recently opened pretty-printing box.
- [@,]: output a 'cut' break hint, as with [print_cut ()].
@@ -224,31 +1002,31 @@ val fprintf : formatter -> ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a
then an integer [offset], and a closing [>] character.
If no parameters are provided, the good break defaults to a
'space' break hint.
- - [@.]: flush the pretty printer and split the line, as with
+ - [@.]: flush the pretty-printer and split the line, as with
[print_newline ()].
- [@]: print the following item as if it were of length [n].
Hence, [printf "@<0>%s" arg] prints [arg] as a zero length string.
If [@] is not followed by a conversion specification,
then the following character of the format is printed as if
it were of length [n].
- - [@\{]: open a tag. The name of the tag may be optionally
+ - [@\{]: open a semantic tag. The name of the tag may be optionally
specified with the following syntax:
the [<] character, followed by an optional string
specification, and the closing [>] character. The string
specification is any character string that does not contain the
closing character ['>']. If omitted, the tag name defaults to the
empty string.
- For more details about tags, see the functions [open_tag] and
- [close_tag].
- - [@\}]: close the most recently opened tag.
- - [@?]: flush the pretty printer as with [print_flush ()].
+ For more details about semantic tags, see the functions {!open_tag} and
+ {!close_tag}.
+ - [@\}]: close the most recently opened semantic tag.
+ - [@?]: flush the pretty-printer as with [print_flush ()].
This is equivalent to the conversion [%!].
- [@\n]: force a newline, as with [force_newline ()], not the normal way
of pretty-printing, you should prefer using break hints inside a vertical
- box.
+ pretty-printing box.
- Note: If you need to prevent the interpretation of a [@] character as a
- pretty-printing indication, you must escape it with a [%] character.
+ Note: To prevent the interpretation of a [@] character as a
+ pretty-printing indication, escape it with a [%] character.
Old quotation mode [@@] is deprecated since it is not compatible with
formatted input interpretation of character ['@'].
@@ -259,6 +1037,12 @@ val fprintf : formatter -> ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a
+val printf : ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a
+(** Same as [fprintf] above, but output on [std_formatter]. *)
+val eprintf : ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a
+(** Same as [fprintf] above, but output on [err_formatter]. *)
val sprintf : ('a, unit, string) format -> 'a
(** Same as [printf] above, but instead of printing on a formatter,
returns a string containing the result of formatting the arguments.
@@ -280,16 +1064,18 @@ val asprintf : ('a, formatter, unit, string) format4 -> 'a
returns a string containing the result of formatting the arguments.
The type of [asprintf] is general enough to interact nicely with [%a]
@since 4.01.0
val ifprintf : formatter -> ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** Same as [fprintf] above, but does not print anything.
Useful to ignore some material when conditionally printing.
@since 3.10.0
-(** Formatted output functions with continuations. *)
+(** Formatted Pretty-Printing with continuations. *)
val kfprintf :
(formatter -> 'a) -> formatter ->
@@ -302,6 +1088,7 @@ val ikfprintf :
('b, formatter, unit, 'a) format4 -> 'b
(** Same as [kfprintf] above, but does not print anything.
Useful to ignore some material when conditionally printing.
@since 3.12.0
@@ -312,5 +1099,54 @@ val ksprintf : (string -> 'a) -> ('b, unit, string, 'a) format4 -> 'b
val kasprintf : (string -> 'a) -> ('b, formatter, unit, 'a) format4 -> 'b
(** Same as [asprintf] above, but instead of returning the string,
passes it to the first argument.
@since 4.03
+(** {1 Deprecated} *)
+val bprintf : Buffer.t -> ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a
+(** @deprecated This function is error prone. Do not use it.
+ This function is neither compositional nor incremental, since it flushes
+ the pretty-printer queue at each call.
+ If you need to print to some buffer [b], you must first define a
+ formatter writing to [b], using [let to_b = formatter_of_buffer b]; then
+ use regular calls to [Format.fprintf] with formatter [to_b].
+val kprintf : (string -> 'a) -> ('b, unit, string, 'a) format4 -> 'b
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Format.ksprintf instead."]
+(** @deprecated An alias for [ksprintf]. *)
+val set_all_formatter_output_functions :
+ out:(string -> int -> int -> unit) ->
+ flush:(unit -> unit) ->
+ newline:(unit -> unit) ->
+ spaces:(int -> unit) ->
+ unit
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Format.set_formatter_out_functions instead."]
+(** @deprecated Subsumed by [set_formatter_out_functions]. *)
+val get_all_formatter_output_functions :
+ unit ->
+ (string -> int -> int -> unit) *
+ (unit -> unit) *
+ (unit -> unit) *
+ (int -> unit)
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Format.get_formatter_out_functions instead."]
+(** @deprecated Subsumed by [get_formatter_out_functions]. *)
+val pp_set_all_formatter_output_functions :
+ formatter -> out:(string -> int -> int -> unit) -> flush:(unit -> unit) ->
+ newline:(unit -> unit) -> spaces:(int -> unit) -> unit
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions instead."]
+(** @deprecated Subsumed by [pp_set_formatter_out_functions]. *)
+val pp_get_all_formatter_output_functions :
+ formatter -> unit ->
+ (string -> int -> int -> unit) * (unit -> unit) * (unit -> unit) *
+ (int -> unit)
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Format.pp_get_formatter_out_functions instead."]
+(** @deprecated Subsumed by [pp_get_formatter_out_functions]. *)