Michelson: preliminary gas infrastructure
Costs are yet to be tweaked. This patch is joint work between: Milo Davis <davis.mil@husky.neu.edu> Benjamin Canou <benjamin@canou.fr> Pierre Chambart <pierre.chambart@ocamlpro.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ let print_trace_result (cctxt : #Client_commands.logger) ~show_source ~parsed =
(fun ppf (loc, gas, stack) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"- @[<v 0>location: %d (remaining gas: %d)@,\
"- @[<v 0>location: %d (remaining gas: %a)@,\
[ @[<v 0>%a ]@]@]"
loc gas
loc Gas.pp gas
(Format.pp_print_list print_expr)
trace >>= fun () ->
@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ val trace :
input:Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
Client_rpcs.block ->
#Client_rpcs.ctxt ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr * (int * int * Script.expr list) list) tzresult Lwt.t
(Script.expr * Script.expr * (int * Gas.t * Script.expr list) list) tzresult Lwt.t
val print_trace_result :
#Client_commands.logger ->
show_source:bool ->
parsed:Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
(Script_repr.expr * Script_repr.expr *
(int * int * Script_repr.expr list) list)
(int * Gas.t * Script_repr.expr list) list)
tzresult -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val print_run_result :
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ module Constants = struct
let max_signing_slot cctxt block =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Constants.max_signing_slot block ()
let instructions_per_transaction cctxt block =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Constants.instructions_per_transaction block ()
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Constants.max_gas block ()
let stamp_threshold cctxt block =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Constants.proof_of_work_threshold block ()
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ module Helpers : sig
block -> Script.expr ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr * Tez.t) ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr *
(Script.location * int * Script.expr list) list) tzresult Lwt.t
(Script.location * Gas.t * Script.expr list) list) tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_code:
#Client_rpcs.ctxt ->
block -> Script.expr -> Script_ir_translator.type_map tzresult Lwt.t
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ let apply_manager_operation_content
source destination ctxt script amount argument
(Constants.instructions_per_transaction ctxt)
(Gas.of_int (Constants.max_gas ctxt))
>>= function
| Ok (storage_res, _res, _steps, ctxt, origination_nonce) ->
(* TODO: pay for the steps and the storage diff:
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ type constants = {
slot_durations: Period_repr.t list ;
first_free_baking_slot: int ;
max_signing_slot: int ;
instructions_per_transaction: int ;
max_gas: int ;
proof_of_work_threshold: int64 ;
bootstrap_keys: Ed25519.Public_key.t list ;
dictator_pubkey: Ed25519.Public_key.t ;
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ let default = {
List.map Period_repr.of_seconds_exn [ 60L ] ;
first_free_baking_slot = 16 ;
max_signing_slot = 15 ;
instructions_per_transaction = 16 * 1024 ;
max_gas = 40_000 ;
proof_of_work_threshold =
Int64.(lognot (sub (shift_left 1L 56) 1L)) ;
bootstrap_keys =
@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ let constants_encoding =
and max_signing_slot =
opt Compare.Int.(=)
default.max_signing_slot c.max_signing_slot
and instructions_per_transaction =
and max_gas =
opt Compare.Int.(=)
default.instructions_per_transaction c.instructions_per_transaction
default.max_gas c.max_gas
and proof_of_work_threshold =
opt Compare.Int64.(=)
default.proof_of_work_threshold c.proof_of_work_threshold
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ let constants_encoding =
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ let constants_encoding =
@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ let constants_encoding =
unopt default.first_free_baking_slot first_free_baking_slot ;
max_signing_slot =
unopt default.max_signing_slot max_signing_slot ;
instructions_per_transaction =
unopt default.instructions_per_transaction instructions_per_transaction ;
max_gas =
unopt default.max_gas max_gas ;
proof_of_work_threshold =
unopt default.proof_of_work_threshold proof_of_work_threshold ;
bootstrap_keys =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Tezos_context
(* FIXME: this really is a preliminary estimation of costs,
everything in this file needs to be tweaked and proofread. *)
type t = { remaining : int } [@@unboxed]
type cost =
{ allocations : int ;
steps : int }
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { remaining } ->
(fun (remaining) ->
{ remaining })
let pp ppf { remaining } =
Format.pp_print_int ppf remaining
let of_int remaining = { remaining }
let encoding_cost =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { allocations ; steps } ->
(allocations, steps))
(fun (allocations, steps) ->
{ allocations ; steps })
(req "allocations" int31)
(req "steps" int31))
let pp_cost ppf { allocations ; steps } =
Format.fprintf ppf
"(steps: %d, allocs: %d)"
steps allocations
type error += Quota_exceeded
let bytes_per_word = 8
let bits_per_word = 8 * bytes_per_word
let words_of_bits n =
n / bits_per_word
let check gas =
if Compare.Int.(gas.remaining <= 0)
then fail Quota_exceeded
else return ()
let word_cost = 2
let step_cost = 1
let consume t cost =
{ remaining =
- word_cost * cost.allocations
- step_cost * cost.steps }
(* Cost for heap allocating n words of data. *)
let alloc_cost n =
{ allocations = n + 1 ;
steps = 0 }
(* Cost for one computation step. *)
let step_cost n =
{ allocations = 0 ;
steps = n }
let free =
{ allocations = 0 ;
steps = 0 }
let ( + ) x y =
{ allocations = x.allocations + y.allocations ;
steps = x.steps + y.steps }
let ( * ) x y =
{ allocations = x * y.allocations ;
steps = x * y.steps }
let max = Compare.Int.max
module Cost_of = struct
let cycle = step_cost 1
let nop = free
let stack_op = step_cost 1
let bool_binop _ _ = step_cost 1
let bool_unop _ = step_cost 1
let pair = alloc_cost 2
let pair_access = step_cost 1
let cons = alloc_cost 2
let variant_no_data = alloc_cost 1
let branch = step_cost 2
let concat s1 s2 =
let (+) = Pervasives.(+) in
alloc_cost ((String.length s1 + String.length s2) / bytes_per_word)
(* Cost per cycle of a loop, fold, etc *)
let loop_cycle = step_cost 2
let list_size = step_cost 1
let log2 =
let (+) = Pervasives.(+) in
let rec help acc = function
| 0 -> acc
| n -> help (acc + 1) (n / 2)
in help 1
let module_cost = alloc_cost 10
let map_access : type key value. (key, value) Script_typed_ir.map -> int
= fun (module Box) ->
log2 (snd Box.boxed)
let map_to_list : type key value. (key, value) Script_typed_ir.map -> cost
= fun (module Box) ->
let size = snd Box.boxed in
2 * (alloc_cost @@ Pervasives.(size * 2))
let map_mem _key map = step_cost (map_access map)
let map_get = map_mem
let map_update _ _ map =
map_access map * alloc_cost 3
let map_size = step_cost 2
let set_access : type elt. elt -> elt Script_typed_ir.set -> int
= fun _key (module Box) ->
log2 @@ Box.size
let set_mem key set = step_cost (set_access key set)
let set_update key _value set =
set_access key set * alloc_cost 3
(* for LEFT, RIGHT, SOME *)
let wrap = alloc_cost 1
let mul n1 n2 =
let words =
let ( * ) = Pervasives.( * ) in
((Z.numbits (Script_int.to_zint n1))
* (Z.numbits (Script_int.to_zint n2))) in
step_cost words + alloc_cost words
let div n1 n2 =
mul n1 n2 + alloc_cost 2
let add_sub_z n1 n2 =
let words = words_of_bits
(max (Z.numbits n1) (Z.numbits n2)) in
step_cost (words_of_bits words) + alloc_cost words
let add n1 n2 =
add_sub_z (Script_int.to_zint n1) (Script_int.to_zint n2)
let sub = add
let abs n =
alloc_cost (words_of_bits @@ Z.numbits @@ Script_int.to_zint n)
let neg = abs
let int _ = step_cost 1
let add_timestamp t n =
add_sub_z (Script_timestamp.to_zint t) (Script_int.to_zint n)
let sub_timestamp t n =
add_sub_z (Script_timestamp.to_zint t) (Script_int.to_zint n)
let diff_timestamps t1 t2 =
add_sub_z (Script_timestamp.to_zint t1) (Script_timestamp.to_zint t2)
let empty_set = module_cost
let set_size = step_cost 2
let set_to_list : type item. item Script_typed_ir.set -> cost
= fun (module Box) ->
alloc_cost @@ Pervasives.(Box.size * 2)
let empty_map = module_cost
let int64_op = step_cost 1 + alloc_cost 1
let z_to_int64 = step_cost 2 + alloc_cost 1
let int64_to_z = step_cost 2 + alloc_cost 1
let bitwise_binop n1 n2 =
let words = words_of_bits (max (Z.numbits (Script_int.to_zint n1)) (Z.numbits (Script_int.to_zint n2))) in
step_cost words + alloc_cost words
let logor = bitwise_binop
let logand = bitwise_binop
let logxor = bitwise_binop
let lognot n =
let words = words_of_bits @@ Z.numbits @@ Script_int.to_zint n in
step_cost words + alloc_cost words
let unopt ~default = function
| None -> default
| Some x -> x
let shift_left x y =
(alloc_cost @@ words_of_bits @@
let (+) = Pervasives.(+) in
Z.numbits (Script_int.to_zint x) +
(unopt (Script_int.to_int y) ~default:2147483647))
let shift_right x y =
(alloc_cost @@ words_of_bits @@
max 1 @@
let (-) = Pervasives.(-) in
Z.numbits (Script_int.to_zint x) -
unopt (Script_int.to_int y) ~default:2147483647)
let exec = step_cost 1
let push = step_cost 1
let compare_res = step_cost 1
(* TODO: protocol operations *)
let manager = step_cost 3
let transfer = step_cost 50
let create_account = step_cost 20
let create_contract = step_cost 70
let default_account = step_cost 10
let balance = step_cost 5
let now = step_cost 3
let check_signature = step_cost 3
let hash_key = step_cost 3
(* TODO: This needs to be a function of the data being hashed *)
let hash _data = step_cost 3
let steps_to_quota = step_cost 1
let get_steps_to_quota gas = Script_int.abs @@ Script_int.of_int gas.remaining
let source = step_cost 3
let amount = step_cost 1
let compare_bool _ _ = step_cost 1
let compare_string s1 s2 =
step_cost (max (String.length s1) (String.length s2) / 8) + step_cost 1
let compare_tez _ _ = step_cost 1
let compare_zint n1 n2 = step_cost (max (Z.numbits n1) (Z.numbits n2) / 8) + step_cost 1
let compare_int n1 n2 = compare_zint (Script_int.to_zint n1) (Script_int.to_zint n2)
let compare_nat = compare_int
let compare_key_hash _ _ = alloc_cost (36 / bytes_per_word)
let compare_timestamp t1 t2 = compare_zint (Script_timestamp.to_zint t1) (Script_timestamp.to_zint t2)
let () =
let open Data_encoding in
~title: "Quota exceeded (runtime script error)"
"A script or one of its callee took too much \
time or storage space"
(function Quota_exceeded -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Quota_exceeded) ;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Tezos_context
type t
type cost
val consume : t -> cost -> t
val encoding : t Data_encoding.encoding
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val encoding_cost : cost Data_encoding.encoding
val pp_cost : Format.formatter -> cost -> unit
val check : t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
type error += Quota_exceeded
val of_int : int -> t
module Cost_of : sig
val cycle : cost
val loop_cycle : cost
val list_size : cost
val nop : cost
val stack_op : cost
val bool_binop : 'a -> 'b -> cost
val bool_unop : 'a -> cost
val pair : cost
val pair_access : cost
val cons : cost
val variant_no_data : cost
val branch : cost
val concat : string -> string -> cost
val map_mem :
'a -> ('b, 'c) Script_typed_ir.map -> cost
val map_to_list :
('b, 'c) Script_typed_ir.map -> cost
val map_get :
'a -> ('b, 'c) Script_typed_ir.map -> cost
val map_update :
'a -> 'b -> ('c, 'd) Script_typed_ir.map -> cost
val map_size : cost
val set_to_list : 'a Script_typed_ir.set -> cost
val set_update : 'a -> 'b -> 'a Script_typed_ir.set -> cost
val set_mem : 'a -> 'a Script_typed_ir.set -> cost
val mul : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> cost
val div : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> cost
val add : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> cost
val sub : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> cost
val abs : 'a Script_int.num -> cost
val neg : 'a Script_int.num -> cost
val int : 'a -> cost
val add_timestamp : Script_timestamp.t -> 'a Script_int.num -> cost
val sub_timestamp : Script_timestamp.t -> 'a Script_int.num -> cost
val diff_timestamps : Script_timestamp.t -> Script_timestamp.t -> cost
val empty_set : cost
val set_size : cost
val empty_map : cost
val int64_op : cost
val z_to_int64 : cost
val int64_to_z : cost
val bitwise_binop : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> cost
val logor : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> cost
val logand : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> cost
val logxor : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> cost
val lognot : 'a Script_int.num -> cost
val shift_left : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> cost
val shift_right : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> cost
val exec : cost
val push : cost
val compare_res : cost
val manager : cost
val transfer : cost
val create_account : cost
val create_contract : cost
val default_account : cost
val balance : cost
val now : cost
val check_signature : cost
val hash_key : cost
val hash : 'a -> cost
val get_steps_to_quota : t -> Script_int.n Script_int.num
val steps_to_quota : cost
val source : cost
val amount : cost
val wrap : cost
val compare_bool : 'a -> 'b -> cost
val compare_string : string -> string -> cost
val compare_tez : 'a -> 'b -> cost
val compare_int : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> cost
val compare_nat : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> cost
val compare_key_hash : 'a -> 'b -> cost
val compare_timestamp : Script_timestamp.t -> Script_timestamp.t -> cost
@ -17,23 +17,12 @@ let dummy_storage_fee = Tez.fifty_cents
(* ---- Run-time errors -----------------------------------------------------*)
type error += Quota_exceeded
type error += Reject of Script.location
type error += Overflow of Script.location
type error += Runtime_contract_error : Contract.t * Script.expr -> error
let () =
let open Data_encoding in
~title: "Quota exceeded (runtime script error)"
"A script or one of its callee took too much \
time or storage space"
(function Quota_exceeded -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Quota_exceeded) ;
@ -55,9 +44,9 @@ let () =
Some (contract, expr)
| _ -> None)
(fun (contract, expr) ->
Runtime_contract_error (contract, expr));
Runtime_contract_error (contract, expr))
(* ---- interpreter ---------------------------------------------------------*)
(* ---- interpreter ---------------------------------------------------------*)
type 'tys stack =
| Item : 'ty * 'rest stack -> ('ty * 'rest) stack
@ -70,418 +59,554 @@ let rec unparse_stack
| Item (v, rest), Item_t (ty, rest_ty, _) ->
Micheline.strip_locations (unparse_data ty v) :: unparse_stack (rest, rest_ty)
let check_qta qta =
if Compare.Int.(qta <= 0)
then fail Quota_exceeded
else return ()
(* f should fail if it does not receive sufficient gas *)
let rec fold_left_gas ?(cycle_cost = Gas.Cost_of.loop_cycle) gas f acc l =
let gas = Gas.consume gas cycle_cost in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
match l with
| [] -> return (acc, gas)
| hd :: tl -> f gas hd acc >>=? fun (acc, gas) ->
fold_left_gas gas f acc tl
(* f should fail if it does not receive sufficient gas *)
let rec fold_right_gas ?(cycle_cost = Gas.Cost_of.loop_cycle) gas f base l =
let gas = Gas.consume gas cycle_cost in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
match l with
| [] -> return (base, gas)
| hd :: tl ->
fold_right_gas gas f base tl >>=? fun (acc, gas) ->
f gas hd acc
let rec interp
: type p r.
?log: (Script.location * int * Script.expr list) list ref ->
Contract.origination_nonce -> int -> Contract.t -> Contract.t -> Tez.t ->
?log: (Script.location * Gas.t * Script.expr list) list ref ->
Contract.origination_nonce -> Gas.t -> Contract.t -> Contract.t -> Tez.t ->
context -> (p, r) lambda -> p ->
(r * int * context * Contract.origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t
= fun ?log origination qta orig source amount ctxt (Lam (code, _)) arg ->
(r * Gas.t * context * Contract.origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t
= fun ?log origination gas orig source amount ctxt (Lam (code, _)) arg ->
let rec step
: type b a.
Contract.origination_nonce -> int -> context -> (b, a) descr -> b stack ->
(a stack * int * context * Contract.origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t =
fun origination qta ctxt ({ instr ; loc } as descr) stack ->
check_qta qta >>=? fun () ->
let logged_return ?(origination = origination) (ret, qta, ctxt) =
match log with
| None -> return (ret, qta, ctxt, origination)
| Some log ->
log := (descr.loc, qta, unparse_stack (ret, descr.aft)) :: !log ;
return (ret, qta, ctxt, origination) in
Contract.origination_nonce -> Gas.t -> context -> (b, a) descr -> b stack ->
(a stack * Gas.t * context * Contract.origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t =
fun origination gas ctxt ({ instr ; loc } as descr) stack ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.cycle in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let logged_return : type a b.
(b, a) descr ->
?origination:Contract.origination_nonce ->
a stack * Gas.t * context ->
(a stack * Gas.t * context * Contract.origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t =
fun descr ?(origination = origination) (ret, gas, ctxt) ->
match log with
| None -> return (ret, gas, ctxt, origination)
| Some log ->
log := (descr.loc, gas, unparse_stack (ret, descr.aft)) :: !log ;
return (ret, gas, ctxt, origination) in
let gas_check_terop : type ret arg1 arg2 arg3 rest.
?gas:Gas.t ->
?origination:Contract.origination_nonce ->
(_ * (_ * (_ * rest)), ret * rest) descr ->
((arg1 -> arg2 -> arg3 -> ret) * arg1 * arg2 * arg3) ->
(arg1 -> arg2 -> arg3 -> Gas.cost) ->
rest stack ->
((ret * rest) stack * Gas.t * context * Contract.origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t =
fun ?(gas=gas) ?(origination = origination) descr (op, x1, x2, x3) cost_func rest ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas (cost_func x1 x2 x3) in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return descr ~origination (Item (op x1 x2 x3, rest), gas, ctxt) in
let gas_check_binop : type ret arg1 arg2 rest.
?gas:Gas.t ->
?origination:Contract.origination_nonce ->
(_ * (_ * rest), ret * rest) descr ->
((arg1 -> arg2 -> ret) * arg1 * arg2) ->
(arg1 -> arg2 -> Gas.cost) ->
rest stack ->
context ->
((ret * rest) stack * Gas.t * context * Contract.origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t =
fun ?(gas=gas) ?(origination = origination) descr (op, x1, x2) cost_func rest ctxt ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas (cost_func x1 x2) in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return descr ~origination (Item (op x1 x2, rest), gas, ctxt) in
let gas_check_unop : type ret arg rest.
?gas:Gas.t ->
?origination:Contract.origination_nonce ->
(_ * rest, ret * rest) descr ->
((arg -> ret) * arg) ->
(arg -> Gas.cost) ->
rest stack ->
context ->
((ret * rest) stack * Gas.t * context * Contract.origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t =
fun ?(gas=gas) ?(origination = origination) descr (op, arg) cost_func rest ctxt ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas (cost_func arg) in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return descr ~origination (Item (op arg, rest), gas, ctxt) in
let gas_compare :
type t rest.
(t * (t * rest), Script_int.z Script_int.num * rest) descr ->
(t -> t -> int) ->
(t -> t -> Gas.cost) ->
t -> t ->
rest stack ->
((Script_int.z Script_int.num * rest) stack
* Gas.t
* context
* Contract.origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t =
fun descr op cost x1 x2 rest ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas (cost x1 x2) in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return descr (Item (Script_int.of_int @@ op x1 x2, rest), gas, ctxt) in
let logged_return : ?origination:Contract.origination_nonce ->
a stack * Gas.t * context ->
(a stack * Gas.t * context * Contract.origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t =
logged_return descr in
match instr, stack with
(* stack ops *)
| Drop, Item (_, rest) ->
logged_return (rest, qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.stack_op in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (rest, gas, ctxt)
| Dup, Item (v, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (v, Item (v, rest)), qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.stack_op in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (Item (v, Item (v, rest)), gas, ctxt)
| Swap, Item (vi, Item (vo, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (vo, Item (vi, rest)), qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.stack_op in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (Item (vo, Item (vi, rest)), gas, ctxt)
| Const v, rest ->
logged_return (Item (v, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.push in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (Item (v, rest), gas, ctxt)
(* options *)
| Cons_some, Item (v, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (Some v, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.wrap in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (Item (Some v, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Cons_none _, rest ->
logged_return (Item (None, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.variant_no_data in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (Item (None, rest), gas, ctxt)
| If_none (bt, _), Item (None, rest) ->
step origination qta ctxt bt rest
step origination (Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.branch) ctxt bt rest
| If_none (_, bf), Item (Some v, rest) ->
step origination qta ctxt bf (Item (v, rest))
step origination (Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.branch) ctxt bf (Item (v, rest))
(* pairs *)
| Cons_pair, Item (a, Item (b, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item ((a, b), rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.pair in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (Item ((a, b), rest), gas, ctxt)
| Car, Item ((a, _), rest) ->
logged_return (Item (a, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.pair_access in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (Item (a, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Cdr, Item ((_, b), rest) ->
logged_return (Item (b, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.pair_access in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (Item (b, rest), gas, ctxt)
(* unions *)
| Left, Item (v, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (L v, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.wrap in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (Item (L v, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Right, Item (v, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (R v, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.wrap in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (Item (R v, rest), gas, ctxt)
| If_left (bt, _), Item (L v, rest) ->
step origination qta ctxt bt (Item (v, rest))
step origination (Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.branch) ctxt bt (Item (v, rest))
| If_left (_, bf), Item (R v, rest) ->
step origination qta ctxt bf (Item (v, rest))
step origination (Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.branch) ctxt bf (Item (v, rest))
(* lists *)
| Cons_list, Item (hd, Item (tl, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (hd :: tl, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.cons in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (Item (hd :: tl, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Nil, rest ->
logged_return (Item ([], rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.variant_no_data in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (Item ([], rest), gas, ctxt)
| If_cons (_, bf), Item ([], rest) ->
step origination qta ctxt bf rest
step origination (Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.branch) ctxt bf rest
| If_cons (bt, _), Item (hd :: tl, rest) ->
step origination qta ctxt bt (Item (hd, Item (tl, rest)))
step origination (Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.branch) ctxt bt (Item (hd, Item (tl, rest)))
| List_map, Item (lam, Item (l, rest)) ->
fold_right_s (fun arg (tail, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
interp ?log origination qta orig source amount ctxt lam arg
>>=? fun (ret, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
return (ret :: tail, qta, ctxt, origination))
l ([], qta, ctxt, origination) >>=? fun (res, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), qta, ctxt)
fold_right_gas gas (fun gas arg (tail, ctxt, origination) ->
interp ?log origination gas orig source amount ctxt lam arg
>>=? fun (ret, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
return ((ret :: tail, ctxt, origination), gas))
([], ctxt, origination) l >>=? fun ((res, ctxt, origination), gas) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
| List_map_body body, Item (l, rest) ->
let rec help rest qta = function
| [] -> logged_return ~origination (Item ([], rest), qta, ctxt)
let rec help rest gas l =
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.loop_cycle in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
match l with
| [] -> logged_return ~origination (Item ([], rest), gas, ctxt)
| hd :: tl ->
step origination qta ctxt body (Item (hd, rest))
>>=? fun (Item (hd, rest), qta, _, _) ->
help rest qta tl
>>=? fun (Item (tl, rest), qta, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (hd :: tl, rest), qta, ctxt)
in help rest qta l >>=? fun (res, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (res, qta - 1, ctxt)
step origination gas ctxt body (Item (hd, rest))
>>=? fun (Item (hd, rest), gas, _, _) ->
help rest gas tl
>>=? fun (Item (tl, rest), gas, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (hd :: tl, rest), gas, ctxt)
in help rest gas l >>=? fun (res, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (res, gas, ctxt)
| List_reduce, Item (lam, Item (l, Item (init, rest))) ->
(fun (partial, qta, ctxt, origination) arg ->
interp ?log origination qta orig source amount ctxt lam (arg, partial)
>>=? fun (partial, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
return (partial, qta, ctxt, origination))
(init, qta, ctxt, origination) l >>=? fun (res, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), qta, ctxt)
fold_left_gas gas
(fun gas arg (partial, ctxt, origination) ->
interp ?log origination gas orig source amount ctxt lam (arg, partial)
>>=? fun (partial, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
return ((partial, ctxt, origination), gas))
(init, ctxt, origination) l >>=? fun ((res, ctxt, origination), gas) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
| List_size, Item (list, rest) ->
let len = List.length list in
let len = Script_int.(abs (of_int len)) in
logged_return (Item (len, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
fold_left_gas ~cycle_cost:Gas.Cost_of.list_size gas
(fun gas _ len ->
return (len + 1, gas))
list >>=? fun (len, gas) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.(abs (of_int len)), rest), gas, ctxt)
| List_iter body, Item (l, init_stack) ->
(fun (stack, qta, ctxt, origination) arg ->
step origination qta ctxt body (Item (arg, stack))
>>=? fun (stack, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
return (stack, qta, ctxt, origination))
(init_stack, qta, ctxt, origination) l >>=? fun (stack, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (stack, qta, ctxt)
fold_left_gas gas
(fun gas arg (stack, ctxt, origination) ->
step origination gas ctxt body (Item (arg, stack))
>>=? fun (stack, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
return ((stack, ctxt, origination), gas))
(init_stack, ctxt, origination) l >>=? fun ((stack, ctxt, origination), gas) ->
logged_return ~origination (stack, gas, ctxt)
(* sets *)
| Empty_set t, rest ->
logged_return (Item (empty_set t, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (empty_set t, rest), Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.empty_set, ctxt)
| Set_map t, Item (lam, Item (set, rest)) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas (Gas.Cost_of.set_to_list set) in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let items =
List.rev (set_fold (fun e acc -> e :: acc) set []) in
(fun (res, qta, ctxt, origination) arg ->
interp ?log origination qta orig source amount ctxt lam arg >>=?
fun (ret, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
return (set_update ret true res, qta, ctxt, origination))
(empty_set t, qta, ctxt, origination) items >>=? fun (res, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), qta, ctxt)
(fun (res, gas, ctxt, origination) arg ->
interp ?log origination gas orig source amount ctxt lam arg >>=?
fun (ret, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
return (set_update ret true res, gas, ctxt, origination))
(empty_set t, gas, ctxt, origination) items >>=? fun (res, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Set_reduce, Item (lam, Item (set, Item (init, rest))) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas (Gas.Cost_of.set_to_list set) in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let items =
List.rev (set_fold (fun e acc -> e :: acc) set []) in
(fun (partial, qta, ctxt, origination) arg ->
interp ?log origination qta orig source amount ctxt lam (arg, partial)
>>=? fun (partial, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
return (partial, qta, ctxt, origination))
(init, qta, ctxt, origination) items >>=? fun (res, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), qta, ctxt)
fold_left_gas gas
(fun gas arg (partial, ctxt, origination) ->
interp ?log origination gas orig source amount ctxt lam (arg, partial)
>>=? fun (partial, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
return ((partial, ctxt, origination), gas))
(init, ctxt, origination) items >>=? fun ((res, ctxt, origination), gas) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Set_iter body, Item (set, init_stack) ->
(fun (stack, qta, ctxt, origination) arg ->
step origination qta ctxt body (Item (arg, stack))
>>=? fun (stack, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
return (stack, qta, ctxt, origination))
(init_stack, qta, ctxt, origination)
(set_fold (fun e acc -> e :: acc) set []) >>=? fun (stack, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (stack, qta, ctxt)
fold_left_gas gas
(fun gas arg (stack, ctxt, origination) ->
step origination gas ctxt body (Item (arg, stack))
>>=? fun (stack, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
return ((stack, ctxt, origination), gas))
(init_stack, ctxt, origination)
(set_fold (fun e acc -> e :: acc) set []) >>=? fun ((stack, ctxt, origination), gas) ->
logged_return ~origination (stack, gas, ctxt)
| Set_mem, Item (v, Item (set, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (set_mem v set, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (set_mem, v, set) Gas.Cost_of.set_mem rest ctxt
| Set_update, Item (v, Item (presence, Item (set, rest))) ->
logged_return (Item (set_update v presence set, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_terop descr (set_update, v, presence, set) Gas.Cost_of.set_update rest
| Set_size, Item (set, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (set_size set, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_unop descr (set_size, set) (fun _ -> Gas.Cost_of.set_size) rest ctxt
(* maps *)
| Empty_map (t, _), rest ->
logged_return (Item (empty_map t, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (empty_map t, rest), Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.empty_map, ctxt)
| Map_map, Item (lam, Item (map, rest)) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas (Gas.Cost_of.map_to_list map) in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let items =
List.rev (map_fold (fun k v acc -> (k, v) :: acc) map []) in
(fun (acc, qta, ctxt, origination) (k, v) ->
interp ?log origination qta orig source amount ctxt lam (k, v)
>>=? fun (ret, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
return (map_update k (Some ret) acc, qta, ctxt, origination))
(empty_map (map_key_ty map), qta, ctxt, origination) items >>=? fun (res, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), qta, ctxt)
fold_left_gas gas
(fun gas (k, v) (acc, ctxt, origination) ->
interp ?log origination gas orig source amount ctxt lam (k, v)
>>=? fun (ret, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
return ((map_update k (Some ret) acc, ctxt, origination), gas))
(empty_map (map_key_ty map), ctxt, origination) items >>=? fun ((res, ctxt, origination), gas) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Map_reduce, Item (lam, Item (map, Item (init, rest))) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas (Gas.Cost_of.map_to_list map) in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let items =
List.rev (map_fold (fun k v acc -> (k, v) :: acc) map []) in
(fun (partial, qta, ctxt, origination) arg ->
interp ?log origination qta orig source amount ctxt lam (arg, partial)
>>=? fun (partial, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
return (partial, qta, ctxt, origination))
(init, qta, ctxt, origination) items >>=? fun (res, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), qta, ctxt)
fold_left_gas gas
(fun gas arg (partial, ctxt, origination) ->
interp ?log origination gas orig source amount ctxt lam (arg, partial)
>>=? fun (partial, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
return ((partial, ctxt, origination), gas))
(init, ctxt, origination) items >>=? fun ((res, ctxt, origination), gas) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Map_iter body, Item (map, init_stack) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas (Gas.Cost_of.map_to_list map) in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let items =
List.rev (map_fold (fun k v acc -> (k, v) :: acc) map []) in
(fun (stack, qta, ctxt, origination) arg ->
step origination qta ctxt body (Item (arg, stack))
>>=? fun (stack, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
return (stack, qta, ctxt, origination))
(init_stack, qta, ctxt, origination) items >>=? fun (stack, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (stack, qta, ctxt)
fold_left_gas gas
(fun gas arg (stack, ctxt, origination) ->
step origination gas ctxt body (Item (arg, stack))
>>=? fun (stack, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
return ((stack, ctxt, origination), gas))
(init_stack, ctxt, origination) items >>=? fun ((stack, ctxt, origination), gas) ->
logged_return ~origination (stack, gas, ctxt)
| Map_mem, Item (v, Item (map, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (map_mem v map, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (map_mem, v, map) Gas.Cost_of.map_mem rest ctxt
| Map_get, Item (v, Item (map, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (map_get v map, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (map_get, v, map) Gas.Cost_of.map_get rest ctxt
| Map_update, Item (k, Item (v, Item (map, rest))) ->
logged_return (Item (map_update k v map, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_terop descr (map_update, k, v, map) Gas.Cost_of.map_update rest
| Map_size, Item (map, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (map_size map, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_unop descr (map_size, map) (fun _ -> Gas.Cost_of.map_size) rest ctxt
(* timestamp operations *)
| Add_seconds_to_timestamp, Item (n, Item (t, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_timestamp.add_delta t n, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr
(Script_timestamp.add_delta, t, n)
Gas.Cost_of.add_timestamp rest ctxt
| Add_timestamp_to_seconds, Item (t, Item (n, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_timestamp.add_delta t n, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_timestamp.add_delta, t, n)
Gas.Cost_of.add_timestamp rest ctxt
| Sub_timestamp_seconds, Item (t, Item (s, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_timestamp.sub_delta t s, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_timestamp.sub_delta, t, s)
Gas.Cost_of.sub_timestamp rest ctxt
| Diff_timestamps, Item (t1, Item (t2, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_timestamp.diff t1 t2, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_timestamp.diff, t1, t2)
Gas.Cost_of.diff_timestamps rest ctxt
(* string operations *)
| Concat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (x ^ y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr ((^), x, y) Gas.Cost_of.concat rest ctxt
(* currency operations *)
| Add_tez, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.int64_op in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
Lwt.return Tez.(x +? y) >>=? fun res ->
logged_return (Item (res, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Sub_tez, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.int64_op in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
Lwt.return Tez.(x -? y) >>=? fun res ->
logged_return (Item (res, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Mul_teznat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.int64_op in
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.z_to_int64 in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
match Script_int.to_int64 y with
| None -> fail (Overflow loc)
| Some y ->
Lwt.return Tez.(x *? y) >>=? fun res ->
logged_return (Item (res, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Mul_nattez, Item (y, Item (x, rest)) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.int64_op in
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.z_to_int64 in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
match Script_int.to_int64 y with
| None -> fail (Overflow loc)
| Some y ->
Lwt.return Tez.(x *? y) >>=? fun res ->
logged_return (Item (res, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
(* boolean operations *)
| Or, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (x || y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr ((||), x, y) Gas.Cost_of.bool_binop rest ctxt
| And, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (x && y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr ((&&), x, y) Gas.Cost_of.bool_binop rest ctxt
| Xor, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (not x && y || x && not y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Compare.Bool.(<>), x, y) Gas.Cost_of.bool_binop rest ctxt
| Not, Item (x, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (not x, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_unop descr (not, x) Gas.Cost_of.bool_unop rest ctxt
(* integer operations *)
| Abs_int, Item (x, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.abs x, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_unop descr (Script_int.abs, x) Gas.Cost_of.abs rest ctxt
| Int_nat, Item (x, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.int x, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_unop descr (Script_int.int, x) Gas.Cost_of.int rest ctxt
| Neg_int, Item (x, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.neg x, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_unop descr (Script_int.neg, x) Gas.Cost_of.neg rest ctxt
| Neg_nat, Item (x, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.neg x, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_unop descr (Script_int.neg, x) Gas.Cost_of.neg rest ctxt
| Add_intint, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.add x y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.add, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.add rest ctxt
| Add_intnat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.add x y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.add, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.add rest ctxt
| Add_natint, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.add x y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.add, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.add rest ctxt
| Add_natnat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.add_n x y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.add_n, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.add rest ctxt
| Sub_int, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.sub x y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.sub, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.sub rest ctxt
| Mul_intint, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.mul x y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.mul, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.mul rest ctxt
| Mul_intnat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.mul x y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.mul, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.mul rest ctxt
| Mul_natint, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.mul x y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.mul, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.mul rest ctxt
| Mul_natnat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.mul_n x y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.mul_n, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.mul rest ctxt
| Ediv_teznat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.int64_to_z in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let x = Script_int.of_int64 (Tez.to_mutez x) in
let result =
match Script_int.ediv x y with
| None -> None
| Some (q, r) ->
match Script_int.to_int64 q,
Script_int.to_int64 r with
| Some q, Some r ->
match Tez.of_mutez q, Tez.of_mutez r with
| Some q, Some r -> Some (q,r)
(* Cannot overflow *)
| _ -> assert false
(* Cannot overflow *)
| _ -> assert false
logged_return (Item (result, rest), qta -1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop ~gas descr
((fun x y ->
match Script_int.ediv x y with
| None -> None
| Some (q, r) ->
match Script_int.to_int64 q,
Script_int.to_int64 r with
| Some q, Some r ->
match Tez.of_mutez q, Tez.of_mutez r with
| Some q, Some r -> Some (q,r)
(* Cannot overflow *)
| _ -> assert false
(* Cannot overflow *)
| _ -> assert false),
x, y)
| Ediv_tez, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.int64_to_z in
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.int64_to_z in
let x = Script_int.abs (Script_int.of_int64 (Tez.to_mutez x)) in
let y = Script_int.abs (Script_int.of_int64 (Tez.to_mutez y)) in
begin match Script_int.ediv_n x y with
| None ->
logged_return (Item (None, rest), qta -1, ctxt)
| Some (q, r) ->
let r =
match Script_int.to_int64 r with
| None -> assert false (* Cannot overflow *)
| Some r ->
match Tez.of_mutez r with
| None -> assert false (* Cannot overflow *)
| Some r -> r in
logged_return (Item (Some (q, r), rest), qta -1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop ~gas descr
((fun x y -> match Script_int.ediv_n x y with
| None -> None
| Some (q, r) ->
match Script_int.to_int64 r with
| None -> assert false (* Cannot overflow *)
| Some r ->
match Tez.of_mutez r with
| None -> assert false (* Cannot overflow *)
| Some r -> Some (q, r)),
x, y)
| Ediv_intint, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.ediv x y, rest), qta -1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.ediv, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.div rest ctxt
| Ediv_intnat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.ediv x y, rest), qta -1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.ediv, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.div rest ctxt
| Ediv_natint, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.ediv x y, rest), qta -1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.ediv, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.div rest ctxt
| Ediv_natnat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.ediv_n x y, rest), qta -1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.ediv_n, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.div rest ctxt
| Lsl_nat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
begin match Script_int.shift_left_n x y with
let gas = Gas.consume gas (Gas.Cost_of.shift_left x y) in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () -> begin
match Script_int.shift_left_n x y with
| None -> fail (Overflow loc)
| Some r -> logged_return (Item (r, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
| Some x -> logged_return (Item (x, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Lsr_nat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
begin match Script_int.shift_right_n x y with
let gas = Gas.consume gas (Gas.Cost_of.shift_right x y) in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () -> begin
match Script_int.shift_right_n x y with
| None -> fail (Overflow loc)
| Some r -> logged_return (Item (r, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
| Some r -> logged_return (Item (r, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Or_nat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.logor x y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.logor, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.logor rest ctxt
| And_nat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.logand x y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.logand, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.logand rest ctxt
| Xor_nat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.logxor x y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_binop descr (Script_int.logxor, x, y) Gas.Cost_of.logxor rest ctxt
| Not_int, Item (x, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.lognot x, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_unop descr (Script_int.lognot, x) Gas.Cost_of.lognot rest ctxt
| Not_nat, Item (x, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.lognot x, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_check_unop descr (Script_int.lognot, x) Gas.Cost_of.lognot rest ctxt
(* control *)
| Seq (hd, tl), stack ->
step origination qta ctxt hd stack >>=? fun (trans, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
step origination qta ctxt tl trans
step origination gas ctxt hd stack >>=? fun (trans, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
step origination gas ctxt tl trans
| If (bt, _), Item (true, rest) ->
step origination qta ctxt bt rest
step origination (Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.branch) ctxt bt rest
| If (_, bf), Item (false, rest) ->
step origination qta ctxt bf rest
step origination (Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.branch) ctxt bf rest
| Loop body, Item (true, rest) ->
step origination qta ctxt body rest >>=? fun (trans, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
step origination (qta - 1) ctxt descr trans
step origination (Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.loop_cycle) ctxt body rest >>=? fun (trans, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
step origination (Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.loop_cycle) ctxt descr trans
| Loop _, Item (false, rest) ->
logged_return (rest, qta, ctxt)
logged_return (rest, gas, ctxt)
| Loop_left body, Item (L v, rest) ->
step origination qta ctxt body (Item (v, rest)) >>=? fun (trans, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
step origination (qta - 1) ctxt descr trans
step origination (Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.loop_cycle) ctxt body (Item (v, rest)) >>=? fun (trans, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
step origination (Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.loop_cycle) ctxt descr trans
| Loop_left _, Item (R v, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (v, rest), qta, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.loop_cycle in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (Item (v, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Dip b, Item (ign, rest) ->
step origination qta ctxt b rest >>=? fun (res, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (ign, res), qta, ctxt)
step origination (Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.stack_op) ctxt b rest >>=? fun (res, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (ign, res), gas, ctxt)
| Exec, Item (arg, Item (lam, rest)) ->
interp ?log origination qta orig source amount ctxt lam arg >>=? fun (res, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
interp ?log origination (Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.exec) orig source amount ctxt lam arg >>=? fun (res, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Lambda lam, rest ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (lam, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return ~origination (Item (lam, rest), Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.push, ctxt)
| Fail, _ ->
fail (Reject loc)
| Nop, stack ->
logged_return (stack, qta, ctxt)
logged_return (stack, gas, ctxt)
(* comparison *)
| Compare Bool_key, Item (a, Item (b, rest)) ->
let cmpres = Compare.Bool.compare a b in
let cmpres = Script_int.of_int cmpres in
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_compare descr Compare.Bool.compare Gas.Cost_of.compare_bool a b rest
| Compare String_key, Item (a, Item (b, rest)) ->
let cmpres = Compare.String.compare a b in
let cmpres = Script_int.of_int cmpres in
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_compare descr Compare.String.compare Gas.Cost_of.compare_string a b rest
| Compare Tez_key, Item (a, Item (b, rest)) ->
let cmpres = Tez.compare a b in
let cmpres = Script_int.of_int cmpres in
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_compare descr Tez.compare Gas.Cost_of.compare_tez a b rest
| Compare Int_key, Item (a, Item (b, rest)) ->
let cmpres = Script_int.compare a b in
let cmpres = Script_int.of_int cmpres in
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_compare descr Script_int.compare Gas.Cost_of.compare_int a b rest
| Compare Nat_key, Item (a, Item (b, rest)) ->
let cmpres = Script_int.compare a b in
let cmpres = Script_int.of_int cmpres in
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_compare descr Script_int.compare Gas.Cost_of.compare_nat a b rest
| Compare Key_hash_key, Item (a, Item (b, rest)) ->
let cmpres = Ed25519.Public_key_hash.compare a b in
let cmpres = Script_int.of_int cmpres in
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_compare descr Ed25519.Public_key_hash.compare
Gas.Cost_of.compare_key_hash a b rest
| Compare Timestamp_key, Item (a, Item (b, rest)) ->
let cmpres = Script_timestamp.compare a b in
let cmpres = Script_int.of_int cmpres in
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
gas_compare descr Script_timestamp.compare Gas.Cost_of.compare_timestamp a b rest
(* comparators *)
| Eq, Item (cmpres, rest) ->
let cmpres = Script_int.compare cmpres Script_int.zero in
let cmpres = Compare.Int.(cmpres = 0) in
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.compare_res, ctxt)
| Neq, Item (cmpres, rest) ->
let cmpres = Script_int.compare cmpres Script_int.zero in
let cmpres = Compare.Int.(cmpres <> 0) in
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.compare_res, ctxt)
| Lt, Item (cmpres, rest) ->
let cmpres = Script_int.compare cmpres Script_int.zero in
let cmpres = Compare.Int.(cmpres < 0) in
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.compare_res, ctxt)
| Le, Item (cmpres, rest) ->
let cmpres = Script_int.compare cmpres Script_int.zero in
let cmpres = Compare.Int.(cmpres <= 0) in
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.compare_res, ctxt)
| Gt, Item (cmpres, rest) ->
let cmpres = Script_int.compare cmpres Script_int.zero in
let cmpres = Compare.Int.(cmpres > 0) in
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.compare_res, ctxt)
| Ge, Item (cmpres, rest) ->
let cmpres = Script_int.compare cmpres Script_int.zero in
let cmpres = Compare.Int.(cmpres >= 0) in
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (cmpres, rest), Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.compare_res, ctxt)
(* protocol *)
| Manager, Item ((_, _, contract), rest) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.manager in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
Contract.get_manager ctxt contract >>=? fun manager ->
logged_return (Item (manager, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (manager, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Transfer_tokens storage_type,
Item (p, Item (amount, Item ((tp, Unit_t, destination), Item (sto, Empty)))) -> begin
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.transfer in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
Contract.spend_from_script ctxt source amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.credit ctxt destination amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.get_script ctxt destination >>=? fun destination_script ->
@ -492,25 +617,27 @@ let rec interp
(* we see non scripted contracts as (unit, unit) contract *)
Lwt.return (ty_eq tp Unit_t |>
record_trace (Invalid_contract (loc, destination))) >>=? fun (Eq _) ->
return (ctxt, qta, origination)
return (ctxt, gas, origination)
| Some script ->
let p = unparse_data tp p in
execute origination source destination ctxt script amount p qta
>>=? fun (csto, ret, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
execute origination source destination ctxt script amount p gas
>>=? fun (csto, ret, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
Contract.update_script_storage_and_fees ctxt destination dummy_storage_fee csto >>=? fun ctxt ->
(Invalid_contract (loc, destination))
(parse_data ctxt Unit_t ret) >>=? fun () ->
return (ctxt, qta, origination)
end >>=? fun (ctxt, qta, origination) ->
return (ctxt, gas, origination)
end >>=? fun (ctxt, gas, origination) ->
Contract.get_script ctxt source >>=? (function
| None -> assert false
| Some { storage } ->
parse_data ctxt storage_type (Micheline.root storage) >>=? fun sto ->
logged_return ~origination (Item ((), Item (sto, Empty)), qta - 1, ctxt))
logged_return ~origination (Item ((), Item (sto, Empty)), gas, ctxt))
| Transfer_tokens storage_type,
Item (p, Item (amount, Item ((tp, tr, destination), Item (sto, Empty)))) -> begin
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.transfer in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
Contract.spend_from_script ctxt source amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.credit ctxt destination amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.get_script ctxt destination >>=? function
@ -519,8 +646,8 @@ let rec interp
let sto = Micheline.strip_locations (unparse_data storage_type sto) in
Contract.update_script_storage_and_fees ctxt source dummy_storage_fee sto >>=? fun ctxt ->
let p = unparse_data tp p in
execute origination source destination ctxt script amount p qta
>>=? fun (sto, ret, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
execute origination source destination ctxt script amount p gas
>>=? fun (sto, ret, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
Contract.update_script_storage_and_fees ctxt destination dummy_storage_fee sto >>=? fun ctxt ->
(Invalid_contract (loc, destination))
@ -529,20 +656,24 @@ let rec interp
| None -> assert false
| Some { storage } ->
parse_data ctxt storage_type (Micheline.root storage) >>=? fun sto ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (v, Item (sto, Empty)), qta - 1, ctxt))
logged_return ~origination (Item (v, Item (sto, Empty)), gas, ctxt))
| Create_account,
Item (manager, Item (delegate, Item (delegatable, Item (credit, rest)))) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.create_account in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
Contract.spend_from_script ctxt source credit >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return Tez.(credit -? Constants.origination_burn) >>=? fun balance ->
Contract.originate ctxt
~manager ~delegate ~balance
?script:None ~spendable:true ~delegatable >>=? fun (ctxt, contract, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item ((Unit_t, Unit_t, contract), rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return ~origination (Item ((Unit_t, Unit_t, contract), rest), gas, ctxt)
| Default_account, Item (key, rest) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.default_account in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let contract = Contract.default_contract key in
logged_return (Item ((Unit_t, Unit_t, contract), rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item ((Unit_t, Unit_t, contract), rest), gas, ctxt)
| Create_contract (g, p, r),
Item (manager, Item
(delegate, Item
@ -551,6 +682,8 @@ let rec interp
(credit, Item
(Lam (_, code), Item
(init, rest))))))) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.create_contract in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let code =
(Seq (0, [ Prim (0, K_parameter, [ unparse_ty None p ], None) ;
@ -566,60 +699,72 @@ let rec interp
~script:({ code ; storage }, (dummy_code_fee, dummy_storage_fee))
~spendable ~delegatable
>>=? fun (ctxt, contract, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item ((p, r, contract), rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return ~origination (Item ((p, r, contract), rest), gas, ctxt)
| Balance, rest ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.balance in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
Contract.get_balance ctxt source >>=? fun balance ->
logged_return (Item (balance, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (balance, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Now, rest ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.now in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let now = Script_timestamp.now ctxt in
logged_return (Item (now, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (now, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Check_signature, Item (key, Item ((signature, message), rest)) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.check_signature in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let message = MBytes.of_string message in
let res = Ed25519.Signature.check key signature message in
logged_return (Item (res, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Hash_key, Item (key, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (Ed25519.Public_key.hash key, rest), qta -1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (Ed25519.Public_key.hash key, rest), Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.hash_key, ctxt)
| H ty, Item (v, rest) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas (Gas.Cost_of.hash v) in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let hash = Script.hash_expr (Micheline.strip_locations (unparse_data ty v)) in
logged_return (Item (hash, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (hash, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Steps_to_quota, rest ->
let steps = Script_int.abs (Script_int.of_int qta) in
logged_return (Item (steps, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.steps_to_quota in
logged_return (Item (Gas.Cost_of.get_steps_to_quota gas, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Source (ta, tb), rest ->
logged_return (Item ((ta, tb, orig), rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.source in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (Item ((ta, tb, orig), rest), gas, ctxt)
| Amount, rest ->
logged_return (Item (amount, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.amount in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
logged_return (Item (amount, rest), gas, ctxt)
let stack = (Item (arg, Empty)) in
begin match log with
| None -> ()
| Some log ->
log := (code.loc, qta, unparse_stack (stack, code.bef)) :: !log
log := (code.loc, gas, unparse_stack (stack, code.bef)) :: !log
end ;
step origination qta ctxt code stack >>=? fun (Item (ret, Empty), qta, ctxt, origination) ->
return (ret, qta, ctxt, origination)
step origination gas ctxt code stack >>=? fun (Item (ret, Empty), gas, ctxt, origination) ->
return (ret, gas, ctxt, origination)
(* ---- contract handling ---------------------------------------------------*)
and execute ?log origination orig source ctxt script amount arg qta =
and execute ?log origination orig source ctxt script amount arg gas =
parse_script ctxt script
>>=? fun (Ex_script { code; arg_type; ret_type; storage; storage_type }) ->
parse_data ctxt arg_type arg >>=? fun arg ->
(Runtime_contract_error (source, script.code))
(interp ?log origination qta orig source amount ctxt code (arg, storage))
>>=? fun ((ret, storage), qta, ctxt, origination) ->
(interp ?log origination gas orig source amount ctxt code (arg, storage))
>>=? fun ((ret, storage), gas, ctxt, origination) ->
return (Micheline.strip_locations (unparse_data storage_type storage),
unparse_data ret_type ret,
qta, ctxt, origination)
gas, ctxt, origination)
let trace origination orig source ctxt script amount arg qta =
let trace origination orig source ctxt script amount arg gas =
let log = ref [] in
execute ~log origination orig source ctxt script amount (Micheline.root arg) qta
>>=? fun (sto, res, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
return ((sto, Micheline.strip_locations res, qta, ctxt, origination), List.rev !log)
execute ~log origination orig source ctxt script amount (Micheline.root arg) gas
>>=? fun (sto, res, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
return ((sto, Micheline.strip_locations res, gas, ctxt, origination), List.rev !log)
let execute origination orig source ctxt script amount arg qta =
execute origination orig source ctxt script amount (Micheline.root arg) qta
>>=? fun (sto, res, qta, ctxt, origination) ->
return (sto, Micheline.strip_locations res, qta, ctxt, origination)
let execute origination orig source ctxt script amount arg gas =
execute origination orig source ctxt script amount (Micheline.root arg) gas
>>=? fun (sto, res, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
return (sto, Micheline.strip_locations res, gas, ctxt, origination)
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
open Tezos_context
type error += Quota_exceeded
type error += Overflow of Script.location
type error += Reject of Script.location
type error += Runtime_contract_error : Contract.t * Script.expr -> error
@ -21,13 +20,13 @@ val execute:
Contract.origination_nonce ->
Contract.t -> Contract.t -> Tezos_context.t ->
Script.t -> Tez.t ->
Script.expr -> int ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr * int * context * Contract.origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t
Script.expr -> Gas.t ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr * Gas.t * context * Contract.origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t
val trace:
Contract.origination_nonce ->
Contract.t -> Contract.t -> Tezos_context.t ->
Script.t -> Tez.t ->
Script.expr -> int ->
((Script.expr * Script.expr * int * context * Contract.origination_nonce) *
(Script.location * int * Script.expr list) list) tzresult Lwt.t
Script.expr -> Gas.t ->
((Script.expr * Script.expr * Gas.t * context * Contract.origination_nonce) *
(Script.location * Gas.t * Script.expr list) list) tzresult Lwt.t
@ -418,6 +418,7 @@ let empty_set
type elt = a
module OPS = OPS
let boxed = OPS.empty
let size = 0
let set_update
@ -427,10 +428,14 @@ let set_update
type elt = a
module OPS = Box.OPS
let boxed =
if b then
Box.OPS.add v Box.boxed
Box.OPS.remove v Box.boxed
if b
then Box.OPS.add v Box.boxed
else Box.OPS.remove v Box.boxed
let size =
let mem = Box.OPS.mem v Box.boxed in
if mem
then if b then Box.size else Box.size - 1
else if b then Box.size + 1 else Box.size
let set_mem
@ -446,7 +451,7 @@ let set_fold
let set_size
: type elt. elt set -> Script_int.n Script_int.num =
fun (module Box) ->
Script_int.(abs (of_int (Box.OPS.cardinal Box.boxed)))
Script_int.(abs (of_int Box.size))
let map_key_ty
: type a b. (a, b) map -> a comparable_ty
@ -464,13 +469,13 @@ let empty_map
type value = b
let key_ty = ty
module OPS = OPS
let boxed = OPS.empty
let boxed = (OPS.empty, 0)
let map_get
: type key value. key -> (key, value) map -> value option
= fun k (module Box) ->
try Some (Box.OPS.find k Box.boxed) with Not_found -> None
try Some (Box.OPS.find k (fst Box.boxed)) with Not_found -> None
let map_update
: type a b. a -> b option -> (a, b) map -> (a, b) map
@ -481,25 +486,27 @@ let map_update
let key_ty = Box.key_ty
module OPS = Box.OPS
let boxed =
let (map, size) = Box.boxed in
let contains = Box.OPS.mem k map in
match v with
| Some v -> Box.OPS.add k v Box.boxed
| None -> Box.OPS.remove k Box.boxed
| Some v -> (Box.OPS.add k v map, size + if contains then 0 else 1)
| None -> (Box.OPS.remove k map, size - if contains then 1 else 0)
let map_mem
: type key value. key -> (key, value) map -> bool
= fun k (module Box) ->
Box.OPS.mem k Box.boxed
Box.OPS.mem k (fst Box.boxed)
let map_fold
: type key value acc. (key -> value -> acc -> acc) -> (key, value) map -> acc -> acc
= fun f (module Box) ->
Box.OPS.fold f Box.boxed
Box.OPS.fold f (fst Box.boxed)
let map_size
: type key value. (key, value) map -> Script_int.n Script_int.num =
fun (module Box) ->
Script_int.(abs (of_int (Box.OPS.cardinal Box.boxed)))
Script_int.(abs (of_int (snd Box.boxed)))
(* ---- Unparsing (Typed IR -> Untyped epressions) --------------------------*)
@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ let sub_delta t delta = Z.sub t (Script_int_repr.to_zint delta)
let add_delta t delta =
Z.add t (Script_int_repr.to_zint delta)
let to_zint x = x
@ -28,3 +28,5 @@ val diff : t -> t -> z num
val add_delta : t -> z num -> t
val sub_delta : t -> z num -> t
val to_zint : t -> Z.t
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ module type Boxed_set = sig
type elt
module OPS : Set.S with type elt = elt
val boxed : OPS.t
val size : int
type 'elt set = (module Boxed_set with type elt = 'elt)
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ module type Boxed_map = sig
type value
val key_ty : key comparable_ty
module OPS : Map.S with type key = key
val boxed : value OPS.t
val boxed : value OPS.t * int
type ('key, 'value) map = (module Boxed_map with type key = 'key and type value = 'value)
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ module Constants = struct
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC_path.(custom_root / "constants" / "max_signing_slot")
let instructions_per_transaction custom_root =
let max_gas custom_root =
~description: "Instructions per transaction"
~query: RPC_query.empty
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ module Constants = struct
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
describe ~title: "instructions per transaction" int31)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC_path.(custom_root / "constants" / "instructions_per_transaction")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "constants" / "max_gas")
let proof_of_work_threshold custom_root =
@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ module Helpers = struct
(req "trace"
(list @@ obj3
(req "location" Script.location_encoding)
(req "gas" int31)
(req "gas" Gas.encoding)
(req "stack" (list (Script.expr_encoding)))))))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "trace_code")
@ -123,13 +123,12 @@ let max_signing_slot ctxt () =
let () = register0 Services.Constants.max_signing_slot max_signing_slot
let instructions_per_transaction ctxt () =
return @@ Constants.instructions_per_transaction ctxt
let max_gas ctxt () =
return @@ Constants.max_gas ctxt
let () =
Services.Constants.max_gas max_gas
let proof_of_work_threshold ctxt () =
return @@ Constants.proof_of_work_threshold ctxt
@ -280,36 +279,36 @@ let () =
| None ->
(List.hd (Bootstrap.accounts ctxt)).Bootstrap.public_key_hash in
let qta =
Constants.instructions_per_transaction ctxt in
let max_gas =
Constants.max_gas ctxt in
let origination_nonce =
match origination_nonce with
| Some origination_nonce -> origination_nonce
| None ->
(Operation_hash.hash_string [ "FAKE " ; "FAKE" ; "FAKE" ]) in
(script, storage, input, amount, contract, qta, origination_nonce) in
(script, storage, input, amount, contract, max_gas, origination_nonce) in
register1 Services.Helpers.run_code
(fun ctxt () parameters ->
let (code, storage, input, amount, contract, qta, origination_nonce) =
let (code, storage, input, amount, contract, gas, origination_nonce) =
run_parameters ctxt parameters in
contract (* transaction initiator *)
contract (* script owner *)
ctxt { storage ; code } amount input
qta >>=? fun (sto, ret, _qta, _ctxt, _) ->
(Gas.of_int gas) >>=? fun (sto, ret, _gas, _ctxt, _) ->
Error_monad.return (sto, ret)) ;
register1 Services.Helpers.trace_code
(fun ctxt () parameters ->
let (code, storage, input, amount, contract, qta, origination_nonce) =
let (code, storage, input, amount, contract, gas, origination_nonce) =
run_parameters ctxt parameters in
contract (* transaction initiator *)
contract (* script owner *)
ctxt { storage ; code } amount input
qta >>=? fun ((sto, ret, _qta, _ctxt, _), trace) ->
(Gas.of_int gas) >>=? fun ((sto, ret, _gas, _ctxt, _), trace) ->
Error_monad.return (sto, ret, trace))
let () =
@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ module Constants = struct
let max_signing_slot c =
let constants = Raw_context.constants c in
let instructions_per_transaction c =
let max_gas c =
let constants = Raw_context.constants c in
let proof_of_work_threshold c =
let constants = Raw_context.constants c in
@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ module Script_timestamp : sig
val add_delta : t -> z num -> t
val sub_delta : t -> z num -> t
val now : context -> t
val to_zint : t -> Z.t
module Script : sig
@ -275,7 +276,7 @@ module Constants : sig
val slot_durations: context -> Period.t list
val first_free_baking_slot: context -> int
val max_signing_slot: context -> int
val instructions_per_transaction: context -> int
val max_gas: context -> int
val proof_of_work_threshold: context -> int64
val dictator_pubkey: context -> Ed25519.Public_key.t
val max_number_of_operations: context -> int list
@ -78,3 +78,10 @@ external of_int: int -> t = "ml_z_of_int" [@@ noalloc]
external equal: t -> t -> bool = "ml_z_equal" [@@ noalloc]
external compare: t -> t -> int = "ml_z_compare" [@@ noalloc]
external numbits: t -> int = "ml_z_numbits" [@@ noalloc]
(** Returns the number of significant bits in the given number.
If [x] is zero, [numbits x] returns 0. Otherwise,
[numbits x] returns a positive integer [n] such that
[2^{n-1} <= |x| < 2^n]. Note that [numbits] is defined
for negative arguments, and that [numbits (-x) = numbits x]. *)
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/exec_concat.tz Unit '""' '"_abc"'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/exec_concat.tz Unit '"test"' '"test_abc"'
# Get current steps to quota
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/steps_to_quota.tz Unit Unit 16382
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/steps_to_quota.tz Unit Unit 39991
# Get the current balance of the contract
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/balance.tz Unit Unit '"4,000,000"'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user