Tie all up
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception as E
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
import Data.Foldable
-- import Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.String (fromString)
@ -25,6 +26,8 @@ import System.Exit
import qualified System.Log as L
import Duplo.Pretty
import Duplo.Error
import Duplo.Tree (collect)
import Parser
import ParseTree
@ -36,229 +39,229 @@ import qualified AST.Find as Find
main :: IO ()
main = do
return ()
for_ [1.. 100] \_ -> do
print . length . show . pp =<< sample' "../../../src/test/contracts/loop.ligo"
-- errCode <- mainLoop
-- exit errCode
-- return ()
-- for_ [1.. 100] \_ -> do
-- print . length . show . pp =<< sample' "../../../src/test/recognises/loop.ligo"
errCode <- mainLoop
exit errCode
-- mainLoop :: IO Int
-- mainLoop = do
-- chan <- atomically newTChan :: IO (TChan FromClientMessage)
mainLoop :: IO Int
mainLoop = do
chan <- atomically newTChan :: IO (TChan FromClientMessage)
-- let
-- callbacks = Core.InitializeCallbacks
-- { Core.onInitialConfiguration = const $ Right ()
-- , Core.onConfigurationChange = const $ Right ()
-- , Core.onStartup = \lFuns -> do
-- _ <- forkIO $ eventLoop lFuns chan
-- return Nothing
-- }
callbacks = Core.InitializeCallbacks
{ Core.onInitialConfiguration = const $ Right ()
, Core.onConfigurationChange = const $ Right ()
, Core.onStartup = \lFuns -> do
_ <- forkIO $ eventLoop lFuns chan
return Nothing
-- Core.setupLogger (Just "log.txt") [] L.INFO
-- CTRL.run callbacks (lspHandlers chan) lspOptions (Just "log.txt")
-- `catches`
-- [ Handler \(e :: SomeException) -> do
-- print e
-- return 1
-- ]
Core.setupLogger (Just "log.txt") [] L.INFO
CTRL.run callbacks (lspHandlers chan) lspOptions (Just "log.txt")
[ Handler \(e :: SomeException) -> do
print e
return 1
-- syncOptions :: J.TextDocumentSyncOptions
-- syncOptions = J.TextDocumentSyncOptions
-- { J._openClose = Just True
-- , J._change = Just J.TdSyncIncremental
-- , J._willSave = Just False
-- , J._willSaveWaitUntil = Just False
-- , J._save = Just $ J.SaveOptions $ Just False
-- }
syncOptions :: J.TextDocumentSyncOptions
syncOptions = J.TextDocumentSyncOptions
{ J._openClose = Just True
, J._change = Just J.TdSyncIncremental
, J._willSave = Just False
, J._willSaveWaitUntil = Just False
, J._save = Just $ J.SaveOptions $ Just False
-- lspOptions :: Core.Options
-- lspOptions = def
-- { Core.textDocumentSync = Just syncOptions
-- , Core.executeCommandCommands = Just ["lsp-hello-command"]
-- }
lspOptions :: Core.Options
lspOptions = def
{ Core.textDocumentSync = Just syncOptions
, Core.executeCommandCommands = Just ["lsp-hello-command"]
-- lspHandlers :: TChan FromClientMessage -> Core.Handlers
-- lspHandlers rin = def
-- { Core.initializedHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotInitialized
-- , Core.definitionHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqDefinition
-- , Core.referencesHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqFindReferences
-- , Core.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidOpenTextDocument
-- , Core.didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidSaveTextDocument
-- , Core.didChangeTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidChangeTextDocument
-- , Core.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidCloseTextDocument
-- , Core.cancelNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotCancelRequestFromClient
-- , Core.responseHandler = Just $ responseHandlerCb rin
-- , Core.codeActionHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqCodeAction
-- , Core.executeCommandHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqExecuteCommand
-- }
lspHandlers :: TChan FromClientMessage -> Core.Handlers
lspHandlers rin = def
{ Core.initializedHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotInitialized
, Core.definitionHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqDefinition
, Core.referencesHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqFindReferences
, Core.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidOpenTextDocument
, Core.didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidSaveTextDocument
, Core.didChangeTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidChangeTextDocument
, Core.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidCloseTextDocument
, Core.cancelNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotCancelRequestFromClient
, Core.responseHandler = Just $ responseHandlerCb rin
, Core.codeActionHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqCodeAction
, Core.executeCommandHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqExecuteCommand
-- passHandler :: TChan FromClientMessage -> (a -> FromClientMessage) -> Core.Handler a
-- passHandler rin c notification = do
-- atomically $ writeTChan rin (c notification)
passHandler :: TChan FromClientMessage -> (a -> FromClientMessage) -> Core.Handler a
passHandler rin c notification = do
atomically $ writeTChan rin (c notification)
-- responseHandlerCb :: TChan FromClientMessage -> Core.Handler J.BareResponseMessage
-- responseHandlerCb _rin resp = do
-- U.logs $ "******** got ResponseMessage, ignoring:" ++ show resp
responseHandlerCb :: TChan FromClientMessage -> Core.Handler J.BareResponseMessage
responseHandlerCb _rin resp = do
U.logs $ "******** got ResponseMessage, ignoring:" ++ show resp
-- send :: Core.LspFuncs () -> FromServerMessage -> IO ()
-- send = Core.sendFunc
send :: Core.LspFuncs () -> FromServerMessage -> IO ()
send = Core.sendFunc
-- nextID :: Core.LspFuncs () -> IO J.LspId
-- nextID = Core.getNextReqId
nextID :: Core.LspFuncs () -> IO J.LspId
nextID = Core.getNextReqId
-- eventLoop :: Core.LspFuncs () -> TChan FromClientMessage -> IO ()
-- eventLoop funs chan = do
-- forever do
-- msg <- atomically (readTChan chan)
eventLoop :: Core.LspFuncs () -> TChan FromClientMessage -> IO ()
eventLoop funs chan = do
forever do
msg <- atomically (readTChan chan)
-- U.logs [i|Client: ${msg}|]
U.logs [i|Client: ${msg}|]
-- case msg of
-- RspFromClient {} -> do
-- return ()
case msg of
RspFromClient {} -> do
return ()
-- NotInitialized _notif -> do
-- let
-- registration = J.Registration
-- "lsp-haskell-registered"
-- J.WorkspaceExecuteCommand
-- Nothing
-- registrations = J.RegistrationParams $ J.List [registration]
NotInitialized _notif -> do
registration = J.Registration
registrations = J.RegistrationParams $ J.List [registration]
-- rid <- nextID funs
-- send funs
-- $ ReqRegisterCapability
-- $ fmServerRegisterCapabilityRequest rid registrations
rid <- nextID funs
send funs
$ ReqRegisterCapability
$ fmServerRegisterCapabilityRequest rid registrations
-- NotDidOpenTextDocument notif -> do
-- let
-- doc = notif
-- ^.J.params
-- .J.textDocument
-- .J.uri
NotDidOpenTextDocument notif -> do
doc = notif
-- ver = notif
-- ^.J.params
-- .J.textDocument
-- .J.version
ver = notif
-- collectErrors funs
-- (J.toNormalizedUri doc)
-- (J.uriToFilePath doc)
-- (Just ver)
collectErrors funs
(J.toNormalizedUri doc)
(J.uriToFilePath doc)
(Just ver)
-- NotDidChangeTextDocument notif -> do
-- let
-- doc = notif
-- ^.J.params
-- .J.textDocument
-- .J.uri
NotDidChangeTextDocument notif -> do
doc = notif
-- collectErrors funs
-- (J.toNormalizedUri doc)
-- (J.uriToFilePath doc)
-- (Just 0)
collectErrors funs
(J.toNormalizedUri doc)
(J.uriToFilePath doc)
(Just 0)
-- ReqDefinition req -> do
-- stopDyingAlready funs req do
-- let uri = req^.J.params.J.textDocument.J.uri
-- let pos = posToRange $ req^.J.params.J.position
-- tree <- loadByVFS funs uri
-- case Find.definitionOf pos tree of
-- Just defPos -> do
-- respondWith funs req RspDefinition $ J.MultiLoc [J.Location uri $ rangeToLoc defPos]
-- Nothing -> do
-- respondWith funs req RspDefinition $ J.MultiLoc []
ReqDefinition req -> do
stopDyingAlready funs req do
let uri = req^.J.params.J.textDocument.J.uri
let pos = posToRange $ req^.J.params.J.position
tree <- loadFromVFS funs uri
case Find.definitionOf pos tree of
Just defPos -> do
respondWith funs req RspDefinition $ J.MultiLoc [J.Location uri $ rangeToLoc defPos]
Nothing -> do
respondWith funs req RspDefinition $ J.MultiLoc []
-- ReqFindReferences req -> do
-- stopDyingAlready funs req do
-- let uri = req^.J.params.J.textDocument.J.uri
-- let pos = posToRange $ req^.J.params.J.position
-- tree <- loadFromVFS funs uri
-- case Find.referencesOf pos tree of
-- Just refs -> do
-- let locations = J.Location uri . rangeToLoc <$> refs
-- respondWith funs req RspFindReferences $ J.List locations
-- Nothing -> do
-- respondWith funs req RspFindReferences $ J.List []
ReqFindReferences req -> do
stopDyingAlready funs req do
let uri = req^.J.params.J.textDocument.J.uri
let pos = posToRange $ req^.J.params.J.position
tree <- loadFromVFS funs uri
case Find.referencesOf pos tree of
Just refs -> do
let locations = J.Location uri . rangeToLoc <$> refs
respondWith funs req RspFindReferences $ J.List locations
Nothing -> do
respondWith funs req RspFindReferences $ J.List []
-- _ -> U.logs "unknown msg"
_ -> U.logs "unknown msg"
-- respondWith
-- :: Core.LspFuncs ()
-- -> J.RequestMessage J.ClientMethod req rsp
-- -> (J.ResponseMessage rsp -> FromServerMessage)
-- -> rsp
-- -> IO ()
-- respondWith funs req wrap rsp = Core.sendFunc funs $ wrap $ Core.makeResponseMessage req rsp
:: Core.LspFuncs ()
-> J.RequestMessage J.ClientMethod req rsp
-> (J.ResponseMessage rsp -> FromServerMessage)
-> rsp
-> IO ()
respondWith funs req wrap rsp = Core.sendFunc funs $ wrap $ Core.makeResponseMessage req rsp
-- stopDyingAlready :: Core.LspFuncs () -> J.RequestMessage m a b -> IO () -> IO ()
-- stopDyingAlready funs req = flip catch \(e :: SomeException) -> do
-- Core.sendErrorResponseS (Core.sendFunc funs) (req^.J.id.to J.responseId) J.InternalError
-- $ fromString
-- $ "this happened: " ++ show e
stopDyingAlready :: Core.LspFuncs () -> J.RequestMessage m a b -> IO () -> IO ()
stopDyingAlready funs req = flip catch \(e :: SomeException) -> do
Core.sendErrorResponseS (Core.sendFunc funs) (req^.J.id.to J.responseId) J.InternalError
$ fromString
$ "this happened: " ++ show e
-- posToRange :: J.Position -> Range
-- posToRange (J.Position l c) = Range (l + 1, c + 1, 0) (l + 1, c + 1, 0) ""
posToRange :: J.Position -> Range
posToRange (J.Position l c) = Range (l + 1, c + 1, 0) (l + 1, c + 1, 0) ""
-- rangeToLoc :: Range -> J.Range
-- rangeToLoc (Range (a, b, _) (c, d, _) _) =
-- J.Range
-- (J.Position (a - 1) (b - 1))
-- (J.Position (c - 1) (d - 1))
rangeToLoc :: Range -> J.Range
rangeToLoc (Range (a, b, _) (c, d, _) _) =
(J.Position (a - 1) (b - 1))
(J.Position (c - 1) (d - 1))
-- loadFromVFS
-- :: Core.LspFuncs ()
-- -> J.Uri
-- -> IO (Pascal (Product [[ScopedDecl], Maybe Category, Range, [Text]]))
-- loadFromVFS funs uri = do
-- Just vf <- Core.getVirtualFileFunc funs $ J.toNormalizedUri uri
-- let txt = virtualFileText vf
-- let Just fin = J.uriToFilePath uri
-- (tree, _) <- runParser contract (Text fin txt)
-- return $ addLocalScopes tree
:: Core.LspFuncs ()
-> J.Uri
-> IO (LIGO Info')
loadFromVFS funs uri = do
Just vf <- Core.getVirtualFileFunc funs $ J.toNormalizedUri uri
let txt = virtualFileText vf
let Just fin = J.uriToFilePath uri
(tree, _) <- runParserM . recognise =<< toParseTree (Text fin txt)
return $ addLocalScopes tree
-- loadByURI
-- :: J.Uri
-- -> IO (Pascal (Product [[ScopedDecl], Maybe Category, Range, [Text]]))
-- loadByURI uri = do
-- case J.uriToFilePath uri of
-- Just fin -> do
-- (tree, _) <- runParser contract (Path fin)
-- return $ addLocalScopes tree
-- Nothing -> do
-- error $ "uriToFilePath " ++ show uri ++ " has failed. We all are doomed."
:: J.Uri
-> IO (LIGO Info')
loadByURI uri = do
case J.uriToFilePath uri of
Just fin -> do
(tree, _) <- runParserM . recognise =<< toParseTree (Path fin)
return $ addLocalScopes tree
Nothing -> do
error $ "uriToFilePath " ++ show uri ++ " has failed. We all are doomed."
-- collectErrors
-- :: Core.LspFuncs ()
-- -> J.NormalizedUri
-- -> Maybe FilePath
-- -> Maybe Int
-- -> IO ()
-- collectErrors funs uri path version = do
-- case path of
-- Just fin -> do
-- (tree, errs) <- runParser contract (Path fin)
-- Core.publishDiagnosticsFunc funs 100 uri version
-- $ partitionBySource
-- $ map errorToDiag (errs <> errors tree)
:: Core.LspFuncs ()
-> J.NormalizedUri
-> Maybe FilePath
-> Maybe Int
-> IO ()
collectErrors funs uri path version = do
case path of
Just fin -> do
(tree, errs) <- runParserM . recognise =<< toParseTree (Path fin)
Core.publishDiagnosticsFunc funs 100 uri version
$ partitionBySource
$ map errorToDiag (errs <> map (getElem *** void) (collect tree))
-- Nothing -> error "TODO: implement URI file loading"
Nothing -> error "TODO: implement URI file loading"
-- errorToDiag :: Error ASTInfo -> J.Diagnostic
-- errorToDiag (Expected what _ (getRange -> (Range (sl, sc, _) (el, ec, _) _))) =
-- J.Diagnostic
-- (J.Range begin end)
-- (Just J.DsError)
-- Nothing
-- (Just "ligo-lsp")
-- (Text.pack [i|Expected #{what}|])
-- (Just $ J.List[])
-- where
-- begin = J.Position (sl - 1) (sc - 1)
-- end = J.Position (el - 1) (ec - 1)
errorToDiag :: (Range, Err Text a) -> J.Diagnostic
errorToDiag (getRange -> (Range (sl, sc, _) (el, ec, _) _), Err what) =
(J.Range begin end)
(Just J.DsError)
(Just "ligo-lsp")
(Text.pack [i|Expected #{what}|])
(Just $ J.List[])
begin = J.Position (sl - 1) (sc - 1)
end = J.Position (el - 1) (ec - 1)
-- exit :: Int -> IO ()
-- exit 0 = exitSuccess
-- exit n = exitWith (ExitFailure n)
exit :: Int -> IO ()
exit 0 = exitSuccess
exit n = exitWith (ExitFailure n)
@ -1,70 +1,75 @@
module AST.Find where
-- import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad
-- import AST.Types
-- import AST.Scope
-- import AST.Parser
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
-- import Tree
-- import Range
-- import Pretty
-- import Product
import Duplo.Tree
import Duplo.Pretty
import Duplo.Lattice
-- import Data.Text (Text)
-- -- import Debug.Trace
import Data.Text (Text)
-- type CanSearch xs =
-- ( Contains [ScopedDecl] xs
-- , Contains Range xs
-- , Contains (Maybe Category) xs
-- , Contains [Text] xs
-- , Pretty (Product xs)
-- )
import AST.Types
import AST.Scope
-- findScopedDecl
-- :: CanSearch xs
-- => Range
-- -> Pascal (Product xs)
-- -> Maybe ScopedDecl
-- findScopedDecl pos tree = do
-- pt <- lookupTree pos tree
-- let info = infoOf pt
-- let fullEnv = getElem info
-- do
-- categ <- getElem info
-- let filtered = filter (ofCategory categ) fullEnv
-- lookupEnv (ppToText $ void pt) filtered
import Product
import Range
-- definitionOf
-- :: CanSearch xs
-- => Range
-- -> Pascal (Product xs)
-- -> Maybe Range
-- definitionOf pos tree =
-- _sdOrigin <$> findScopedDecl pos tree
-- import Debug.Trace
-- typeOf
-- :: CanSearch xs
-- => Range
-- -> Pascal (Product xs)
-- -> Maybe (Either (Pascal ()) Kind)
-- typeOf pos tree =
-- _sdType =<< findScopedDecl pos tree
type CanSearch xs =
( Contains [ScopedDecl] xs
, Contains Range xs
, Contains (Maybe Category) xs
, Contains [Text] xs
, Pretty (Product xs)
, Eq (Product xs)
-- implementationOf
-- :: CanSearch xs
-- => Range
-- -> Pascal (Product xs)
-- -> Maybe Range
-- implementationOf pos tree =
-- _sdBody =<< findScopedDecl pos tree
:: CanSearch xs
=> Range
-> LIGO (Product xs)
-> Maybe ScopedDecl
findScopedDecl pos tree = do
pt <- listToMaybe $ spineTo (\i -> pos `leq` getElem i) tree
let info = extract pt
let fullEnv = getElem info
categ <- getElem info
let filtered = filter (ofCategory categ) fullEnv
lookupEnv (ppToText $ void pt) filtered
-- referencesOf
-- :: CanSearch xs
-- => Range
-- -> Pascal (Product xs)
-- -> Maybe [Range]
-- referencesOf pos tree =
-- _sdRefs <$> findScopedDecl pos tree
:: CanSearch xs
=> Range
-> LIGO (Product xs)
-> Maybe Range
definitionOf pos tree =
_sdOrigin <$> findScopedDecl pos tree
:: CanSearch xs
=> Range
-> LIGO (Product xs)
-> Maybe (Either (LIGO ()) Kind)
typeOf pos tree =
_sdType =<< findScopedDecl pos tree
:: CanSearch xs
=> Range
-> LIGO (Product xs)
-> Maybe Range
implementationOf pos tree =
_sdBody =<< findScopedDecl pos tree
:: CanSearch xs
=> Range
-> LIGO (Product xs)
-> Maybe [Range]
referencesOf pos tree =
_sdRefs <$> findScopedDecl pos tree
@ -56,6 +56,12 @@ data ScopedDecl = ScopedDecl
deriving Show via PP ScopedDecl
instance Eq ScopedDecl where
sd == sd1 = and
[ pp (_sdName sd) == pp (_sdName sd1)
, _sdOrigin sd == _sdOrigin sd1
-- | The kind.
data Kind = Star
deriving Show via PP Kind
@ -91,6 +97,8 @@ ofCategory Variable _ = True
ofCategory Type ScopedDecl { _sdType = Just (Right Star) } = True
ofCategory _ _ = False
type Info' = Product [[ScopedDecl], Maybe Category, [Text], Range, ShowRange]
instance Modifies (Product '[[ScopedDecl], Maybe Category, [Text], Range, a]) where
ascribe (ds :> _ :> _ :> r :> _) d =
color 3 (fsep (map (pp . _sdName) ds))
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ type RawLigoList =
[ Name, Path, QualifiedName, Pattern, Constant, FieldAssignment, Assignment
, MapBinding, LHS, Alt, Expr, TField, Variant, Type, Mutable, VarDecl, Binding
, RawContract, TypeName, FieldName, Language
, Err Text, Parameters, Ctor
, Err Text, Parameters, Ctor, Contract
data Undefined it
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ module ParseTree
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
@ -101,20 +100,13 @@ toParseTree = unsafePerformIO $ debounced inner
src <- srcToBytestring fin
idCounter <- newIORef 0
BS.useAsCStringLen src \(str, len) -> do
tree <- ts_parser_parse_string parser nullPtr str len
withRootNode tree (peek >=> go src idCounter)
withRootNode tree (peek >=> go src)
nextID :: IORef Int -> IO Int
nextID ref = do
modifyIORef' ref (+ 1)
readIORef ref
go :: ByteString -> IORef Int -> Node -> IO RawTree
go src idCounter node = do
go :: ByteString -> Node -> IO RawTree
go src node = do
let count = fromIntegral $ nodeChildCount node
allocaArray count \children -> do
alloca \tsNodePtr -> do
@ -124,7 +116,7 @@ toParseTree = unsafePerformIO $ debounced inner
peekElemOff children i
trees <- for nodes \node' -> do
(only -> (r :> _, tree :: ParseTree RawTree)) <- go src idCounter node'
(only -> (r :> _, tree :: ParseTree RawTree)) <- go src node'
field <-
if nodeFieldName node' == nullPtr
then return ""
@ -138,9 +130,6 @@ toParseTree = unsafePerformIO $ debounced inner
finish2D = nodeEndPoint node
i = fromIntegral
treeID <- nextID idCounter
fID <- nextID idCounter
range = Range
{ rStart =
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import Debug.Trace
4) On leaving, move move comments from 2 to 1.
runParserM :: ParserM a -> IO (a, [Err Text ()])
runParserM :: ParserM a -> IO (a, [Msg])
runParserM p = (\(a, _, errs) -> (a, errs)) <$> runRWST p () ([], [])
runParserM1 :: [RawTree] -> ParserM1 a -> ParserM (Maybe a)
@ -40,22 +40,23 @@ runParserM1 cs p = do
put s1
return a
type ParserM = RWST () [Err Text ()] ([Text], [Text]) IO
type ParserM1 = MaybeT (RWST [RawTree] [Err Text ()] ([Text], [Text]) IO)
type Msg = (Range, Err Text ())
type ParserM = RWST () [Msg] ([Text], [Text]) IO
type ParserM1 = MaybeT (RWST [RawTree] [Msg] ([Text], [Text]) IO)
data Failure = Failure String
deriving stock (Show)
deriving anyclass (Exception)
instance Scoped (Product [Range, Text]) ParserM RawTree ParseTree where
before (_ :> _ :> _) (ParseTree ty cs s) = do
before (r :> _ :> _) (ParseTree ty cs s) = do
let (comms, rest) = allComments cs
let (comms1, _) = allComments $ reverse rest
modify $ first (++ comms)
modify $ second (++ reverse comms1)
let errs = allErrors cs
tell $ fmap Err errs
tell $ fmap (\t -> (r, Err t)) errs
after _ _ = do
modify \(x, y) -> (y, [])
@ -112,6 +113,10 @@ data ShowRange
= Y | N
deriving stock Eq
instance Pretty ShowRange where
pp Y = "Yau"
pp N = "Nah"
type Info = Product [[Text], Range, ShowRange]
type PreInfo = Product [Range, ShowRange]
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ extra-deps:
- semilattices-,1909
- fastsum-
- git: https://github.com/serokell/duplo.git
commit: 3bb313af0c78c669c1b39ab2f912508b148e8aae
commit: e6e2e382bb381ce629e71ab3d08274396e686ba3
# - acme-missiles-0.3
# - git: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack.git
# commit: e7b331f14bcffb8367cd58fbfc8b40ec7642100a
@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ packages:
git: https://github.com/serokell/duplo.git
size: 557
sha256: d8258e8fa560d07da3bf4a5e7f956494a8d1b374e67c3af1b7b6875f8175a309
commit: 3bb313af0c78c669c1b39ab2f912508b148e8aae
sha256: bdd68d3e171c6a2311ca101cc654a5cca984a1e8ce745e928287a40fa8f5a0ff
commit: e6e2e382bb381ce629e71ab3d08274396e686ba3
git: https://github.com/serokell/duplo.git
commit: 3bb313af0c78c669c1b39ab2f912508b148e8aae
commit: e6e2e382bb381ce629e71ab3d08274396e686ba3
- completed:
size: 493124
Reference in New Issue
Block a user