Tie all up
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception as E
import Control.Exception as E
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
import Data.Default
import Data.Foldable
-- import Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String (fromString)
@ -25,6 +26,8 @@ import System.Exit
import qualified System.Log as L
import qualified System.Log as L
import Duplo.Pretty
import Duplo.Pretty
import Duplo.Error
import Duplo.Tree (collect)
import Parser
import Parser
import ParseTree
import ParseTree
@ -36,229 +39,229 @@ import qualified AST.Find as Find
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
-- return ()
-- for_ [1.. 100] \_ -> do
-- print . length . show . pp =<< sample' "../../../src/test/recognises/loop.ligo"
errCode <- mainLoop
exit errCode
mainLoop :: IO Int
mainLoop = do
chan <- atomically newTChan :: IO (TChan FromClientMessage)
callbacks = Core.InitializeCallbacks
{ Core.onInitialConfiguration = const $ Right ()
, Core.onConfigurationChange = const $ Right ()
, Core.onStartup = \lFuns -> do
_ <- forkIO $ eventLoop lFuns chan
return Nothing
Core.setupLogger (Just "log.txt") [] L.INFO
CTRL.run callbacks (lspHandlers chan) lspOptions (Just "log.txt")
[ Handler \(e :: SomeException) -> do
print e
return 1
syncOptions :: J.TextDocumentSyncOptions
syncOptions = J.TextDocumentSyncOptions
{ J._openClose = Just True
, J._change = Just J.TdSyncIncremental
, J._willSave = Just False
, J._willSaveWaitUntil = Just False
, J._save = Just $ J.SaveOptions $ Just False
lspOptions :: Core.Options
lspOptions = def
{ Core.textDocumentSync = Just syncOptions
, Core.executeCommandCommands = Just ["lsp-hello-command"]
lspHandlers :: TChan FromClientMessage -> Core.Handlers
lspHandlers rin = def
{ Core.initializedHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotInitialized
, Core.definitionHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqDefinition
, Core.referencesHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqFindReferences
, Core.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidOpenTextDocument
, Core.didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidSaveTextDocument
, Core.didChangeTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidChangeTextDocument
, Core.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidCloseTextDocument
, Core.cancelNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotCancelRequestFromClient
, Core.responseHandler = Just $ responseHandlerCb rin
, Core.codeActionHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqCodeAction
, Core.executeCommandHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqExecuteCommand
passHandler :: TChan FromClientMessage -> (a -> FromClientMessage) -> Core.Handler a
passHandler rin c notification = do
atomically $ writeTChan rin (c notification)
responseHandlerCb :: TChan FromClientMessage -> Core.Handler J.BareResponseMessage
responseHandlerCb _rin resp = do
U.logs $ "******** got ResponseMessage, ignoring:" ++ show resp
send :: Core.LspFuncs () -> FromServerMessage -> IO ()
send = Core.sendFunc
nextID :: Core.LspFuncs () -> IO J.LspId
nextID = Core.getNextReqId
eventLoop :: Core.LspFuncs () -> TChan FromClientMessage -> IO ()
eventLoop funs chan = do
forever do
msg <- atomically (readTChan chan)
U.logs [i|Client: ${msg}|]
case msg of
RspFromClient {} -> do
return ()
return ()
for_ [1.. 100] \_ -> do
print . length . show . pp =<< sample' "../../../src/test/contracts/loop.ligo"
-- errCode <- mainLoop
-- exit errCode
-- mainLoop :: IO Int
NotInitialized _notif -> do
-- mainLoop = do
-- chan <- atomically newTChan :: IO (TChan FromClientMessage)
registration = J.Registration
registrations = J.RegistrationParams $ J.List [registration]
-- let
rid <- nextID funs
-- callbacks = Core.InitializeCallbacks
send funs
-- { Core.onInitialConfiguration = const $ Right ()
$ ReqRegisterCapability
-- , Core.onConfigurationChange = const $ Right ()
$ fmServerRegisterCapabilityRequest rid registrations
-- , Core.onStartup = \lFuns -> do
-- _ <- forkIO $ eventLoop lFuns chan
-- return Nothing
-- }
-- Core.setupLogger (Just "log.txt") [] L.INFO
NotDidOpenTextDocument notif -> do
-- CTRL.run callbacks (lspHandlers chan) lspOptions (Just "log.txt")
-- `catches`
doc = notif
-- [ Handler \(e :: SomeException) -> do
-- print e
-- return 1
-- ]
-- syncOptions :: J.TextDocumentSyncOptions
ver = notif
-- syncOptions = J.TextDocumentSyncOptions
-- { J._openClose = Just True
-- , J._change = Just J.TdSyncIncremental
-- , J._willSave = Just False
-- , J._willSaveWaitUntil = Just False
-- , J._save = Just $ J.SaveOptions $ Just False
-- }
-- lspOptions :: Core.Options
collectErrors funs
-- lspOptions = def
(J.toNormalizedUri doc)
-- { Core.textDocumentSync = Just syncOptions
(J.uriToFilePath doc)
-- , Core.executeCommandCommands = Just ["lsp-hello-command"]
(Just ver)
-- }
-- lspHandlers :: TChan FromClientMessage -> Core.Handlers
NotDidChangeTextDocument notif -> do
-- lspHandlers rin = def
-- { Core.initializedHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotInitialized
doc = notif
-- , Core.definitionHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqDefinition
-- , Core.referencesHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqFindReferences
-- , Core.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidOpenTextDocument
-- , Core.didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidSaveTextDocument
-- , Core.didChangeTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidChangeTextDocument
-- , Core.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidCloseTextDocument
-- , Core.cancelNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotCancelRequestFromClient
-- , Core.responseHandler = Just $ responseHandlerCb rin
-- , Core.codeActionHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqCodeAction
-- , Core.executeCommandHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqExecuteCommand
-- }
-- passHandler :: TChan FromClientMessage -> (a -> FromClientMessage) -> Core.Handler a
collectErrors funs
-- passHandler rin c notification = do
(J.toNormalizedUri doc)
-- atomically $ writeTChan rin (c notification)
(J.uriToFilePath doc)
(Just 0)
-- responseHandlerCb :: TChan FromClientMessage -> Core.Handler J.BareResponseMessage
ReqDefinition req -> do
-- responseHandlerCb _rin resp = do
stopDyingAlready funs req do
-- U.logs $ "******** got ResponseMessage, ignoring:" ++ show resp
let uri = req^.J.params.J.textDocument.J.uri
let pos = posToRange $ req^.J.params.J.position
tree <- loadFromVFS funs uri
case Find.definitionOf pos tree of
Just defPos -> do
respondWith funs req RspDefinition $ J.MultiLoc [J.Location uri $ rangeToLoc defPos]
Nothing -> do
respondWith funs req RspDefinition $ J.MultiLoc []
-- send :: Core.LspFuncs () -> FromServerMessage -> IO ()
ReqFindReferences req -> do
-- send = Core.sendFunc
stopDyingAlready funs req do
let uri = req^.J.params.J.textDocument.J.uri
let pos = posToRange $ req^.J.params.J.position
tree <- loadFromVFS funs uri
case Find.referencesOf pos tree of
Just refs -> do
let locations = J.Location uri . rangeToLoc <$> refs
respondWith funs req RspFindReferences $ J.List locations
Nothing -> do
respondWith funs req RspFindReferences $ J.List []
-- nextID :: Core.LspFuncs () -> IO J.LspId
_ -> U.logs "unknown msg"
-- nextID = Core.getNextReqId
-- eventLoop :: Core.LspFuncs () -> TChan FromClientMessage -> IO ()
-- eventLoop funs chan = do
:: Core.LspFuncs ()
-- forever do
-> J.RequestMessage J.ClientMethod req rsp
-- msg <- atomically (readTChan chan)
-> (J.ResponseMessage rsp -> FromServerMessage)
-> rsp
-> IO ()
respondWith funs req wrap rsp = Core.sendFunc funs $ wrap $ Core.makeResponseMessage req rsp
-- U.logs [i|Client: ${msg}|]
stopDyingAlready :: Core.LspFuncs () -> J.RequestMessage m a b -> IO () -> IO ()
stopDyingAlready funs req = flip catch \(e :: SomeException) -> do
Core.sendErrorResponseS (Core.sendFunc funs) (req^.J.id.to J.responseId) J.InternalError
$ fromString
$ "this happened: " ++ show e
-- case msg of
posToRange :: J.Position -> Range
-- RspFromClient {} -> do
posToRange (J.Position l c) = Range (l + 1, c + 1, 0) (l + 1, c + 1, 0) ""
-- return ()
-- NotInitialized _notif -> do
rangeToLoc :: Range -> J.Range
-- let
rangeToLoc (Range (a, b, _) (c, d, _) _) =
-- registration = J.Registration
-- "lsp-haskell-registered"
(J.Position (a - 1) (b - 1))
-- J.WorkspaceExecuteCommand
(J.Position (c - 1) (d - 1))
-- Nothing
-- registrations = J.RegistrationParams $ J.List [registration]
-- rid <- nextID funs
-- send funs
:: Core.LspFuncs ()
-- $ ReqRegisterCapability
-> J.Uri
-- $ fmServerRegisterCapabilityRequest rid registrations
-> IO (LIGO Info')
loadFromVFS funs uri = do
Just vf <- Core.getVirtualFileFunc funs $ J.toNormalizedUri uri
let txt = virtualFileText vf
let Just fin = J.uriToFilePath uri
(tree, _) <- runParserM . recognise =<< toParseTree (Text fin txt)
return $ addLocalScopes tree
-- NotDidOpenTextDocument notif -> do
-- let
:: J.Uri
-- doc = notif
-> IO (LIGO Info')
-- ^.J.params
loadByURI uri = do
-- .J.textDocument
case J.uriToFilePath uri of
-- .J.uri
Just fin -> do
(tree, _) <- runParserM . recognise =<< toParseTree (Path fin)
return $ addLocalScopes tree
Nothing -> do
error $ "uriToFilePath " ++ show uri ++ " has failed. We all are doomed."
-- ver = notif
-- ^.J.params
:: Core.LspFuncs ()
-- .J.textDocument
-> J.NormalizedUri
-- .J.version
-> Maybe FilePath
-> Maybe Int
-> IO ()
collectErrors funs uri path version = do
case path of
Just fin -> do
(tree, errs) <- runParserM . recognise =<< toParseTree (Path fin)
Core.publishDiagnosticsFunc funs 100 uri version
$ partitionBySource
$ map errorToDiag (errs <> map (getElem *** void) (collect tree))
-- collectErrors funs
Nothing -> error "TODO: implement URI file loading"
-- (J.toNormalizedUri doc)
-- (J.uriToFilePath doc)
-- (Just ver)
-- NotDidChangeTextDocument notif -> do
errorToDiag :: (Range, Err Text a) -> J.Diagnostic
-- let
errorToDiag (getRange -> (Range (sl, sc, _) (el, ec, _) _), Err what) =
-- doc = notif
-- ^.J.params
(J.Range begin end)
-- .J.textDocument
(Just J.DsError)
-- .J.uri
(Just "ligo-lsp")
(Text.pack [i|Expected #{what}|])
(Just $ J.List[])
begin = J.Position (sl - 1) (sc - 1)
end = J.Position (el - 1) (ec - 1)
-- collectErrors funs
exit :: Int -> IO ()
-- (J.toNormalizedUri doc)
exit 0 = exitSuccess
-- (J.uriToFilePath doc)
exit n = exitWith (ExitFailure n)
-- (Just 0)
-- ReqDefinition req -> do
-- stopDyingAlready funs req do
-- let uri = req^.J.params.J.textDocument.J.uri
-- let pos = posToRange $ req^.J.params.J.position
-- tree <- loadByVFS funs uri
-- case Find.definitionOf pos tree of
-- Just defPos -> do
-- respondWith funs req RspDefinition $ J.MultiLoc [J.Location uri $ rangeToLoc defPos]
-- Nothing -> do
-- respondWith funs req RspDefinition $ J.MultiLoc []
-- ReqFindReferences req -> do
-- stopDyingAlready funs req do
-- let uri = req^.J.params.J.textDocument.J.uri
-- let pos = posToRange $ req^.J.params.J.position
-- tree <- loadFromVFS funs uri
-- case Find.referencesOf pos tree of
-- Just refs -> do
-- let locations = J.Location uri . rangeToLoc <$> refs
-- respondWith funs req RspFindReferences $ J.List locations
-- Nothing -> do
-- respondWith funs req RspFindReferences $ J.List []
-- _ -> U.logs "unknown msg"
-- respondWith
-- :: Core.LspFuncs ()
-- -> J.RequestMessage J.ClientMethod req rsp
-- -> (J.ResponseMessage rsp -> FromServerMessage)
-- -> rsp
-- -> IO ()
-- respondWith funs req wrap rsp = Core.sendFunc funs $ wrap $ Core.makeResponseMessage req rsp
-- stopDyingAlready :: Core.LspFuncs () -> J.RequestMessage m a b -> IO () -> IO ()
-- stopDyingAlready funs req = flip catch \(e :: SomeException) -> do
-- Core.sendErrorResponseS (Core.sendFunc funs) (req^.J.id.to J.responseId) J.InternalError
-- $ fromString
-- $ "this happened: " ++ show e
-- posToRange :: J.Position -> Range
-- posToRange (J.Position l c) = Range (l + 1, c + 1, 0) (l + 1, c + 1, 0) ""
-- rangeToLoc :: Range -> J.Range
-- rangeToLoc (Range (a, b, _) (c, d, _) _) =
-- J.Range
-- (J.Position (a - 1) (b - 1))
-- (J.Position (c - 1) (d - 1))
-- loadFromVFS
-- :: Core.LspFuncs ()
-- -> J.Uri
-- -> IO (Pascal (Product [[ScopedDecl], Maybe Category, Range, [Text]]))
-- loadFromVFS funs uri = do
-- Just vf <- Core.getVirtualFileFunc funs $ J.toNormalizedUri uri
-- let txt = virtualFileText vf
-- let Just fin = J.uriToFilePath uri
-- (tree, _) <- runParser contract (Text fin txt)
-- return $ addLocalScopes tree
-- loadByURI
-- :: J.Uri
-- -> IO (Pascal (Product [[ScopedDecl], Maybe Category, Range, [Text]]))
-- loadByURI uri = do
-- case J.uriToFilePath uri of
-- Just fin -> do
-- (tree, _) <- runParser contract (Path fin)
-- return $ addLocalScopes tree
-- Nothing -> do
-- error $ "uriToFilePath " ++ show uri ++ " has failed. We all are doomed."
-- collectErrors
-- :: Core.LspFuncs ()
-- -> J.NormalizedUri
-- -> Maybe FilePath
-- -> Maybe Int
-- -> IO ()
-- collectErrors funs uri path version = do
-- case path of
-- Just fin -> do
-- (tree, errs) <- runParser contract (Path fin)
-- Core.publishDiagnosticsFunc funs 100 uri version
-- $ partitionBySource
-- $ map errorToDiag (errs <> errors tree)
-- Nothing -> error "TODO: implement URI file loading"
-- errorToDiag :: Error ASTInfo -> J.Diagnostic
-- errorToDiag (Expected what _ (getRange -> (Range (sl, sc, _) (el, ec, _) _))) =
-- J.Diagnostic
-- (J.Range begin end)
-- (Just J.DsError)
-- Nothing
-- (Just "ligo-lsp")
-- (Text.pack [i|Expected #{what}|])
-- (Just $ J.List[])
-- where
-- begin = J.Position (sl - 1) (sc - 1)
-- end = J.Position (el - 1) (ec - 1)
-- exit :: Int -> IO ()
-- exit 0 = exitSuccess
-- exit n = exitWith (ExitFailure n)
@ -1,70 +1,75 @@
module AST.Find where
module AST.Find where
-- import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad
-- import AST.Types
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
-- import AST.Scope
-- import AST.Parser
-- import Tree
import Duplo.Tree
-- import Range
import Duplo.Pretty
-- import Pretty
import Duplo.Lattice
-- import Product
-- import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (Text)
-- -- import Debug.Trace
-- type CanSearch xs =
import AST.Types
-- ( Contains [ScopedDecl] xs
import AST.Scope
-- , Contains Range xs
-- , Contains (Maybe Category) xs
-- , Contains [Text] xs
-- , Pretty (Product xs)
-- )
-- findScopedDecl
import Product
-- :: CanSearch xs
import Range
-- => Range
-- -> Pascal (Product xs)
-- -> Maybe ScopedDecl
-- findScopedDecl pos tree = do
-- pt <- lookupTree pos tree
-- let info = infoOf pt
-- let fullEnv = getElem info
-- do
-- categ <- getElem info
-- let filtered = filter (ofCategory categ) fullEnv
-- lookupEnv (ppToText $ void pt) filtered
-- definitionOf
-- import Debug.Trace
-- :: CanSearch xs
-- => Range
-- -> Pascal (Product xs)
-- -> Maybe Range
-- definitionOf pos tree =
-- _sdOrigin <$> findScopedDecl pos tree
-- typeOf
type CanSearch xs =
-- :: CanSearch xs
( Contains [ScopedDecl] xs
-- => Range
, Contains Range xs
-- -> Pascal (Product xs)
, Contains (Maybe Category) xs
-- -> Maybe (Either (Pascal ()) Kind)
, Contains [Text] xs
-- typeOf pos tree =
, Pretty (Product xs)
-- _sdType =<< findScopedDecl pos tree
, Eq (Product xs)
-- implementationOf
-- :: CanSearch xs
:: CanSearch xs
-- => Range
=> Range
-- -> Pascal (Product xs)
-> LIGO (Product xs)
-- -> Maybe Range
-> Maybe ScopedDecl
-- implementationOf pos tree =
findScopedDecl pos tree = do
-- _sdBody =<< findScopedDecl pos tree
pt <- listToMaybe $ spineTo (\i -> pos `leq` getElem i) tree
let info = extract pt
let fullEnv = getElem info
categ <- getElem info
let filtered = filter (ofCategory categ) fullEnv
lookupEnv (ppToText $ void pt) filtered
-- referencesOf
-- :: CanSearch xs
:: CanSearch xs
-- => Range
=> Range
-- -> Pascal (Product xs)
-> LIGO (Product xs)
-- -> Maybe [Range]
-> Maybe Range
-- referencesOf pos tree =
definitionOf pos tree =
-- _sdRefs <$> findScopedDecl pos tree
_sdOrigin <$> findScopedDecl pos tree
:: CanSearch xs
=> Range
-> LIGO (Product xs)
-> Maybe (Either (LIGO ()) Kind)
typeOf pos tree =
_sdType =<< findScopedDecl pos tree
:: CanSearch xs
=> Range
-> LIGO (Product xs)
-> Maybe Range
implementationOf pos tree =
_sdBody =<< findScopedDecl pos tree
:: CanSearch xs
=> Range
-> LIGO (Product xs)
-> Maybe [Range]
referencesOf pos tree =
_sdRefs <$> findScopedDecl pos tree
@ -56,6 +56,12 @@ data ScopedDecl = ScopedDecl
deriving Show via PP ScopedDecl
deriving Show via PP ScopedDecl
instance Eq ScopedDecl where
sd == sd1 = and
[ pp (_sdName sd) == pp (_sdName sd1)
, _sdOrigin sd == _sdOrigin sd1
-- | The kind.
-- | The kind.
data Kind = Star
data Kind = Star
deriving Show via PP Kind
deriving Show via PP Kind
@ -91,6 +97,8 @@ ofCategory Variable _ = True
ofCategory Type ScopedDecl { _sdType = Just (Right Star) } = True
ofCategory Type ScopedDecl { _sdType = Just (Right Star) } = True
ofCategory _ _ = False
ofCategory _ _ = False
type Info' = Product [[ScopedDecl], Maybe Category, [Text], Range, ShowRange]
instance Modifies (Product '[[ScopedDecl], Maybe Category, [Text], Range, a]) where
instance Modifies (Product '[[ScopedDecl], Maybe Category, [Text], Range, a]) where
ascribe (ds :> _ :> _ :> r :> _) d =
ascribe (ds :> _ :> _ :> r :> _) d =
color 3 (fsep (map (pp . _sdName) ds))
color 3 (fsep (map (pp . _sdName) ds))
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ type RawLigoList =
[ Name, Path, QualifiedName, Pattern, Constant, FieldAssignment, Assignment
[ Name, Path, QualifiedName, Pattern, Constant, FieldAssignment, Assignment
, MapBinding, LHS, Alt, Expr, TField, Variant, Type, Mutable, VarDecl, Binding
, MapBinding, LHS, Alt, Expr, TField, Variant, Type, Mutable, VarDecl, Binding
, RawContract, TypeName, FieldName, Language
, RawContract, TypeName, FieldName, Language
, Err Text, Parameters, Ctor
, Err Text, Parameters, Ctor, Contract
data Undefined it
data Undefined it
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ module ParseTree
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
@ -101,20 +100,13 @@ toParseTree = unsafePerformIO $ debounced inner
src <- srcToBytestring fin
src <- srcToBytestring fin
idCounter <- newIORef 0
BS.useAsCStringLen src \(str, len) -> do
BS.useAsCStringLen src \(str, len) -> do
tree <- ts_parser_parse_string parser nullPtr str len
tree <- ts_parser_parse_string parser nullPtr str len
withRootNode tree (peek >=> go src idCounter)
withRootNode tree (peek >=> go src)
nextID :: IORef Int -> IO Int
go :: ByteString -> Node -> IO RawTree
nextID ref = do
go src node = do
modifyIORef' ref (+ 1)
readIORef ref
go :: ByteString -> IORef Int -> Node -> IO RawTree
go src idCounter node = do
let count = fromIntegral $ nodeChildCount node
let count = fromIntegral $ nodeChildCount node
allocaArray count \children -> do
allocaArray count \children -> do
alloca \tsNodePtr -> do
alloca \tsNodePtr -> do
@ -124,7 +116,7 @@ toParseTree = unsafePerformIO $ debounced inner
peekElemOff children i
peekElemOff children i
trees <- for nodes \node' -> do
trees <- for nodes \node' -> do
(only -> (r :> _, tree :: ParseTree RawTree)) <- go src idCounter node'
(only -> (r :> _, tree :: ParseTree RawTree)) <- go src node'
field <-
field <-
if nodeFieldName node' == nullPtr
if nodeFieldName node' == nullPtr
then return ""
then return ""
@ -138,9 +130,6 @@ toParseTree = unsafePerformIO $ debounced inner
finish2D = nodeEndPoint node
finish2D = nodeEndPoint node
i = fromIntegral
i = fromIntegral
treeID <- nextID idCounter
fID <- nextID idCounter
range = Range
range = Range
{ rStart =
{ rStart =
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import Debug.Trace
4) On leaving, move move comments from 2 to 1.
4) On leaving, move move comments from 2 to 1.
runParserM :: ParserM a -> IO (a, [Err Text ()])
runParserM :: ParserM a -> IO (a, [Msg])
runParserM p = (\(a, _, errs) -> (a, errs)) <$> runRWST p () ([], [])
runParserM p = (\(a, _, errs) -> (a, errs)) <$> runRWST p () ([], [])
runParserM1 :: [RawTree] -> ParserM1 a -> ParserM (Maybe a)
runParserM1 :: [RawTree] -> ParserM1 a -> ParserM (Maybe a)
@ -40,22 +40,23 @@ runParserM1 cs p = do
put s1
put s1
return a
return a
type ParserM = RWST () [Err Text ()] ([Text], [Text]) IO
type Msg = (Range, Err Text ())
type ParserM1 = MaybeT (RWST [RawTree] [Err Text ()] ([Text], [Text]) IO)
type ParserM = RWST () [Msg] ([Text], [Text]) IO
type ParserM1 = MaybeT (RWST [RawTree] [Msg] ([Text], [Text]) IO)
data Failure = Failure String
data Failure = Failure String
deriving stock (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
deriving anyclass (Exception)
deriving anyclass (Exception)
instance Scoped (Product [Range, Text]) ParserM RawTree ParseTree where
instance Scoped (Product [Range, Text]) ParserM RawTree ParseTree where
before (_ :> _ :> _) (ParseTree ty cs s) = do
before (r :> _ :> _) (ParseTree ty cs s) = do
let (comms, rest) = allComments cs
let (comms, rest) = allComments cs
let (comms1, _) = allComments $ reverse rest
let (comms1, _) = allComments $ reverse rest
modify $ first (++ comms)
modify $ first (++ comms)
modify $ second (++ reverse comms1)
modify $ second (++ reverse comms1)
let errs = allErrors cs
let errs = allErrors cs
tell $ fmap Err errs
tell $ fmap (\t -> (r, Err t)) errs
after _ _ = do
after _ _ = do
modify \(x, y) -> (y, [])
modify \(x, y) -> (y, [])
@ -112,6 +113,10 @@ data ShowRange
= Y | N
= Y | N
deriving stock Eq
deriving stock Eq
instance Pretty ShowRange where
pp Y = "Yau"
pp N = "Nah"
type Info = Product [[Text], Range, ShowRange]
type Info = Product [[Text], Range, ShowRange]
type PreInfo = Product [Range, ShowRange]
type PreInfo = Product [Range, ShowRange]
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ extra-deps:
- semilattices-,1909
- semilattices-,1909
- fastsum-
- fastsum-
- git: https://github.com/serokell/duplo.git
- git: https://github.com/serokell/duplo.git
commit: 3bb313af0c78c669c1b39ab2f912508b148e8aae
commit: e6e2e382bb381ce629e71ab3d08274396e686ba3
# - acme-missiles-0.3
# - acme-missiles-0.3
# - git: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack.git
# - git: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack.git
# commit: e7b331f14bcffb8367cd58fbfc8b40ec7642100a
# commit: e7b331f14bcffb8367cd58fbfc8b40ec7642100a
@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ packages:
git: https://github.com/serokell/duplo.git
git: https://github.com/serokell/duplo.git
size: 557
size: 557
sha256: d8258e8fa560d07da3bf4a5e7f956494a8d1b374e67c3af1b7b6875f8175a309
sha256: bdd68d3e171c6a2311ca101cc654a5cca984a1e8ce745e928287a40fa8f5a0ff
commit: 3bb313af0c78c669c1b39ab2f912508b148e8aae
commit: e6e2e382bb381ce629e71ab3d08274396e686ba3
git: https://github.com/serokell/duplo.git
git: https://github.com/serokell/duplo.git
commit: 3bb313af0c78c669c1b39ab2f912508b148e8aae
commit: e6e2e382bb381ce629e71ab3d08274396e686ba3
- completed:
- completed:
size: 493124
size: 493124
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