Data_encoding: add check_size
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ type read_error =
| Invalid_int of { min : int ; v : int ; max : int }
| Invalid_float of { min : float ; v : float ; max : float }
| Trailing_zero
| Size_limit_exceeded
let pp_read_error ppf = function
| Not_enough_data ->
@ -34,6 +35,8 @@ let pp_read_error ppf = function
Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid float (%f <= %f <= %f) " min v max
| Trailing_zero ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Trailing zero in Z"
| Size_limit_exceeded ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Size limit exceeded"
exception Read_error of read_error
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ type read_error =
| Invalid_int of { min : int ; v : int ; max : int }
| Invalid_float of { min : float ; v : float ; max : float }
| Trailing_zero
| Size_limit_exceeded
exception Read_error of read_error
val pp_read_error: Format.formatter -> read_error -> unit
@ -110,6 +110,10 @@ let rec length : type x. x Encoding.t -> x -> int =
| Splitted { encoding = e } -> length e value
| Dynamic_size e ->
Binary_size.int32 + length e value
| Check_size { limit ; encoding = e } ->
let length = length e value in
if length > limit then raise (Write_error Size_limit_exceeded) ;
| Delayed f -> length (f ()) value
let fixed_length e =
@ -15,19 +15,26 @@ type state = {
buffer : MBytes.t ;
mutable offset : int ;
mutable remaining_bytes : int ;
mutable allowed_bytes : int option ;
let check_allowed_bytes state size =
match state.allowed_bytes with
| Some len when len < size -> raise Size_limit_exceeded
| Some len -> Some (len - size)
| None -> None
let check_remaining_bytes state size =
if state.remaining_bytes < size then
raise Not_enough_data ;
state.remaining_bytes - size
let read_atom size conv state =
let remaining_bytes = check_remaining_bytes state size in
let res = conv state.buffer state.offset in
let offset = state.offset in
state.remaining_bytes <- check_remaining_bytes state size ;
state.allowed_bytes <- check_allowed_bytes state size ;
state.offset <- state.offset + size ;
state.remaining_bytes <- remaining_bytes ;
conv state.buffer offset
(** Reader for all the atomic types. *)
module Atom = struct
@ -179,6 +186,7 @@ let rec read_rec : type ret. ret Encoding.t -> state -> ret
Some (read_rec e state)
| Objs (`Fixed sz, e1, e2) ->
ignore (check_remaining_bytes state sz : int) ;
ignore (check_allowed_bytes state sz : int option) ;
let left = read_rec e1 state in
let right = read_rec e2 state in
(left, right)
@ -191,6 +199,7 @@ let rec read_rec : type ret. ret Encoding.t -> state -> ret
| Tup e -> read_rec e state
| Tups (`Fixed sz, e1, e2) ->
ignore (check_remaining_bytes state sz : int) ;
ignore (check_allowed_bytes state sz : int option) ;
let left = read_rec e1 state in
let right = read_rec e2 state in
(left, right)
@ -219,10 +228,31 @@ let rec read_rec : type ret. ret Encoding.t -> state -> ret
if sz < 0 then raise (Invalid_size sz) ;
let remaining = check_remaining_bytes state sz in
state.remaining_bytes <- sz ;
ignore (check_allowed_bytes state sz : int option) ;
let v = read_rec e state in
if state.remaining_bytes <> 0 then raise Extra_bytes ;
state.remaining_bytes <- remaining ;
| Check_size { limit ; encoding = e } ->
let old_allowed_bytes = state.allowed_bytes in
let limit =
match state.allowed_bytes with
| None -> limit
| Some current_limit -> min current_limit limit in
state.allowed_bytes <- Some limit ;
let v = read_rec e state in
let allowed_bytes =
match old_allowed_bytes with
| None -> None
| Some old_limit ->
let remaining =
match state.allowed_bytes with
| None -> assert false
| Some remaining -> remaining in
let read = limit - remaining in
Some (old_limit - read) in
state.allowed_bytes <- allowed_bytes ;
| Describe { encoding = e } -> read_rec e state
| Def { encoding = e } -> read_rec e state
| Splitted { encoding = e } -> read_rec e state
@ -267,7 +297,8 @@ and read_list : type a. a Encoding.t -> state -> a list
let read encoding buffer ofs len =
let state =
{ buffer ; offset = ofs ; remaining_bytes = len } in
{ buffer ; offset = ofs ;
remaining_bytes = len ; allowed_bytes = None } in
match read_rec encoding state with
| exception Read_error _ -> None
| v -> Some (state.offset, v)
@ -275,7 +306,8 @@ let read encoding buffer ofs len =
let of_bytes_exn encoding buffer =
let len = MBytes.length buffer in
let state =
{ buffer ; offset = 0 ; remaining_bytes = len } in
{ buffer ; offset = 0 ;
remaining_bytes = len ; allowed_bytes = None } in
let v = read_rec encoding state in
if state.offset <> len then raise Extra_bytes ;
@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ type state = {
illimited). Reading less bytes should raise [Extra_bytes] and
trying to read more bytes should raise [Not_enough_data]. *)
allowed_bytes : int option ;
(** Maximum number of bytes that are allowed to be read from 'stream'
before to fail (None = illimited). *)
total_read : int ;
(** Total number of bytes that has been read from [stream] since the
beginning. *)
@ -41,6 +45,12 @@ let check_remaining_bytes state size =
| Some len -> Some (len - size)
| None -> None
let check_allowed_bytes state size =
match state.allowed_bytes with
| Some len when len < size -> raise Size_limit_exceeded
| Some len -> Some (len - size)
| None -> None
(** [read_atom resume size conv state k] reads [size] bytes from [state],
pass it to [conv] to be decoded, and finally call the continuation [k]
with the decoded value and the updated state.
@ -61,9 +71,10 @@ let check_remaining_bytes state size =
let read_atom resume size conv state k =
let remaining_bytes = check_remaining_bytes state size in
let allowed_bytes = check_allowed_bytes state size in
let res, stream = size in
conv res.buffer res.ofs,
{ remaining_bytes ; stream ;
{ remaining_bytes ; allowed_bytes ; stream ;
total_read = state.total_read + size }
| exception (Read_error error) -> Error error
@ -242,6 +253,7 @@ let rec read_rec
k (Some v, state)
| Objs (`Fixed sz, e1, e2) ->
ignore (check_remaining_bytes state sz : int option) ;
ignore (check_allowed_bytes state sz : int option) ;
read_rec e1 state @@ fun (left, state) ->
read_rec e2 state @@ fun (right, state) ->
k ((left, right), state)
@ -254,6 +266,7 @@ let rec read_rec
| Tup e -> read_rec e state k
| Tups (`Fixed sz, e1, e2) ->
ignore (check_remaining_bytes state sz : int option) ;
ignore (check_allowed_bytes state sz : int option) ;
read_rec e1 state @@ fun (left, state) ->
read_rec e2 state @@ fun (right, state) ->
k ((left, right), state)
@ -288,11 +301,31 @@ let rec read_rec
let remaining = check_remaining_bytes state sz in
let state = { state with remaining_bytes = Some sz } in
ignore (check_allowed_bytes state sz : int option) ;
read_rec e state @@ fun (v, state) ->
if state.remaining_bytes <> Some 0 then
Error Extra_bytes
k (v, { state with remaining_bytes = remaining })
| Check_size { limit ; encoding = e } ->
let old_allowed_bytes = state.allowed_bytes in
let limit =
match state.allowed_bytes with
| None -> limit
| Some current_limit -> min current_limit limit in
let state = { state with allowed_bytes = Some limit } in
read_rec e state @@ fun (v, state) ->
let allowed_bytes =
match old_allowed_bytes with
| None -> None
| Some old_limit ->
let remaining =
match state.allowed_bytes with
| None -> assert false
| Some remaining -> remaining in
let read = limit - remaining in
Some (old_limit - read) in
k (v, { state with allowed_bytes })
| Describe { encoding = e } -> read_rec e state k
| Def { encoding = e } -> read_rec e state k
| Splitted { encoding = e } -> read_rec e state k
@ -362,6 +395,6 @@ let read_stream ?(init = Binary_stream.empty) encoding =
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.read_stream: variable encoding"
| `Dynamic | `Fixed _ ->
(* No hardcoded read limit in a stream. *)
let state = { remaining_bytes = None ;
let state = { remaining_bytes = None ; allowed_bytes = None ;
stream = init ; total_read = 0 } in
read_rec encoding state success
@ -268,6 +268,28 @@ let rec write_rec : type a. a Encoding.t -> state -> a -> unit =
state.buffer (initial_offset - Binary_size.int32)
(Int32.of_int size)
| Check_size { limit ; encoding = e } -> begin
(* backup the current limit *)
let old_limit = state.allowed_bytes in
(* install the new limit (only if smaller than the current limit) *)
let limit =
match state.allowed_bytes with
| None -> limit
| Some old_limit -> min old_limit limit in
state.allowed_bytes <- Some limit ;
write_rec e state value ;
(* restore the previous limit (minus the read bytes) *)
match old_limit with
| None ->
state.allowed_bytes <- None
| Some old_limit ->
let remaining =
match state.allowed_bytes with
| None -> assert false
| Some len -> len in
let read = limit - remaining in
state.allowed_bytes <- Some (old_limit - read)
| Describe { encoding = e } -> write_rec e state value
| Def { encoding = e } -> write_rec e state value
| Splitted { encoding = e } -> write_rec e state value
@ -387,6 +387,12 @@ module Encoding: sig
Usually used to fix errors from combining two encodings. *)
val dynamic_size : 'a encoding -> 'a encoding
(** [check_size size encoding] ensures that the binary encoding
of a value will not be allowed to exceed [size] bytes. The reader and
and the writer fails otherwise. This function do not modify
the JSON encoding. *)
val check_size : int -> 'a encoding -> 'a encoding
(** Recompute the encoding definition each time it is used.
Useful for dynamically updating the encoding of values of an extensible
type via a global reference (e.g. exceptions). *)
@ -538,6 +544,7 @@ module Binary: sig
| Invalid_int of { min : int ; v : int ; max : int }
| Invalid_float of { min : float ; v : float ; max : float }
| Trailing_zero
| Size_limit_exceeded
exception Read_error of read_error
val pp_read_error: Format.formatter -> read_error -> unit
@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ type 'a desc =
json_encoding : 'a Json_encoding.encoding ;
is_obj : bool ; is_tup : bool } -> 'a desc
| Dynamic_size : 'a t -> 'a desc
| Check_size : { limit : int ; encoding : 'a t } -> 'a desc
| Delayed : (unit -> 'a t) -> 'a desc
and _ field =
@ -170,6 +171,7 @@ let rec classify : type a. a t -> Kind.t = fun e ->
| Def { encoding } -> classify encoding
| Splitted { encoding } -> classify encoding
| Dynamic_size _ -> `Dynamic
| Check_size { encoding } -> classify encoding
| Delayed f -> classify (f ())
let make ?json_encoding encoding = { encoding ; json_encoding }
@ -200,6 +202,9 @@ end
let dynamic_size e =
make @@ Dynamic_size e
let check_size limit encoding =
make @@ Check_size { limit ; encoding }
let delayed f =
make @@ Delayed f
@ -495,6 +500,7 @@ let rec is_nullable: type t. t encoding -> bool = fun e ->
| Def { encoding = e } -> is_nullable e
| Splitted { json_encoding } -> Json_encoding.is_nullable json_encoding
| Dynamic_size e -> is_nullable e
| Check_size { encoding = e } -> is_nullable e
| Delayed _ -> true
let option ty =
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ type 'a desc =
json_encoding : 'a Json_encoding.encoding ;
is_obj : bool ; is_tup : bool } -> 'a desc
| Dynamic_size : 'a t -> 'a desc
| Check_size : { limit : int ; encoding : 'a t } -> 'a desc
| Delayed : (unit -> 'a t) -> 'a desc
and _ field =
@ -121,6 +122,7 @@ module Variable : sig
val list : 'a encoding -> 'a list encoding
val dynamic_size : 'a encoding -> 'a encoding
val check_size : int -> 'a encoding -> 'a encoding
val delayed : (unit -> 'a encoding) -> 'a encoding
val req :
?title:string -> ?description:string ->
@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ let rec json : type a. a Encoding.desc -> a Json_encoding.encoding =
| Union (_tag_size, _, cases) -> union ( case_json cases)
| Splitted { json_encoding } -> json_encoding
| Dynamic_size e -> get_json e
| Check_size { encoding } -> get_json encoding
| Delayed f -> get_json (f ())
and field_json
@ -81,6 +81,22 @@ let stream ?(expected = fun _ -> true) read_encoding bytes () =
Binary.pp_read_error error
let minimal_stream ?(expected = fun _ -> true) expected_read read_encoding bytes () =
let name = "minimal_stream" in
match streamed_read read_encoding bytes with
| Binary.Success _, _ ->
Alcotest.failf "%s failed: expecting exception, got success." name
| Binary.Await _, _ ->
Alcotest.failf "%s failed: not enough data" name
| Binary.Error error, count when expected (Binary.Read_error error) && count = expected_read ->
| Binary.Error error, count ->
"@[<v 2>%s failed: read error after reading %d. @ %a@]"
name count
Binary.pp_read_error error
let all ?expected name write_encoding read_encoding value =
let json_value = Json.construct write_encoding value in
let bson_value = Bson.construct write_encoding value in
@ -121,6 +137,36 @@ let all_ranged_float minimum maximum =
all (name ^ ".min") float encoding (minimum -. 1.) @
all (name ^ ".max") float encoding (maximum +. 1.)
let test_bounded_string_list =
let expected = function
| Binary_error.Read_error Size_limit_exceeded -> true
| _ -> false in
let test name ~total ~elements v expected_read expected_read' =
let bytes = Binary.to_bytes_exn (Variable.list string) v in
let vbytes = Binary.to_bytes_exn (list string) v in
[ "bounded_string_list." ^ name, `Quick,
binary ~expected (bounded_list ~total ~elements string) bytes ;
"bounded_string_list_stream." ^ name, `Quick,
stream ~expected
(dynamic_size (bounded_list ~total:total ~elements string)) vbytes ;
"bounded_string_list_minimal_stream." ^ name, `Quick,
minimal_stream ~expected expected_read
(dynamic_size (bounded_list ~total:total ~elements string)) vbytes ;
"bounded_string_list_minimal_stream." ^ name, `Quick,
minimal_stream ~expected expected_read'
(check_size (total + 4)
(dynamic_size (Variable.list (check_size elements string)))) vbytes ;
] in
test "a" ~total:0 ~elements:0 [""] 4 4 @
test "b1" ~total:3 ~elements:4 [""] 4 4 @
test "b2" ~total:4 ~elements:3 [""] 4 4 @
test "c1" ~total:19 ~elements:4 ["";"";"";"";""] 20 4 @
test "c2" ~total:20 ~elements:3 ["";"";"";"";""] 4 4 @
test "d1" ~total:20 ~elements:5 ["";"";"";"";"a"] 24 4 @
test "d2" ~total:21 ~elements:4 ["";"";"";"";"a"] 24 24 @
test "e" ~total:30 ~elements:10 ["ab";"c";"def";"gh";"ijk"] 32 4
let tests =
all_ranged_int 100 400 @
all_ranged_int 19000 19253 @
@ -134,6 +180,7 @@ let tests =
all "unknown_case.B" ~expected:missing_case union_enc mini_union_enc (B "2") @
all "unknown_case.E" ~expected:missing_case union_enc mini_union_enc E @
all "enum.missing" ~expected:missing_enum enum_enc mini_enum_enc 4 @
test_bounded_string_list @
[ "z.truncated", `Quick,
binary ~expected:not_enough_data z (MBytes.of_string "\x83") ;
"z.trailing_zero", `Quick,
@ -122,6 +122,18 @@ let test_string_enum_boundary () =
run_test entries2 ;
run_test (("256", 256) :: entries2)
let test_bounded_string_list =
let test name ~total ~elements v =
"bounded_string_list." ^ name, `Quick,
binary Alcotest.(list string)
(bounded_list ~total ~elements string) v in
[ test "a" ~total:0 ~elements:0 [] ;
test "b" ~total:4 ~elements:4 [""] ;
test "c" ~total:20 ~elements:4 ["";"";"";"";""] ;
test "d" ~total:21 ~elements:5 ["";"";"";"";"a"] ;
test "e" ~total:31 ~elements:10 ["ab";"c";"def";"gh";"ijk"] ;
let tests =
all "null" Alcotest.pass null () @
all "empty" Alcotest.pass empty () @
@ -219,5 +231,6 @@ let tests =
all "array" Alcotest.(array int) (array int31) [|1;2;3;4;5|] @
all "mu_list.empty" Alcotest.(list int) (mu_list_enc int31) [] @
all "mu_list" Alcotest.(list int) (mu_list_enc int31) [1;2;3;4;5] @
test_bounded_string_list @
[ "string_enum_boundary", `Quick, test_string_enum_boundary ;
@ -162,6 +162,9 @@ let mu_list_enc enc =
(fun (x, xs) -> x :: xs) ;
let bounded_list ~total ~elements enc =
check_size total (Variable.list (check_size elements enc))
module Alcotest = struct
include Alcotest
let float =
@ -51,6 +51,23 @@ let all_ranged_float minimum maximum =
all (name ^ ".min") encoding (minimum -. 1.) @
all (name ^ ".max") encoding (maximum +. 1.)
let test_bounded_string_list =
let expected = function
| Binary_error.Write_error Size_limit_exceeded -> true
| _ -> false in
let test name ~total ~elements v =
"bounded_string_list." ^ name, `Quick,
binary ~expected (bounded_list ~total ~elements string) v in
[ test "a" ~total:0 ~elements:0 [""] ;
test "b1" ~total:3 ~elements:4 [""] ;
test "b2" ~total:4 ~elements:3 [""] ;
test "c1" ~total:19 ~elements:4 ["";"";"";"";""] ;
test "c2" ~total:20 ~elements:3 ["";"";"";"";""] ;
test "d1" ~total:20 ~elements:5 ["";"";"";"";"a"] ;
test "d2" ~total:21 ~elements:4 ["";"";"";"";"a"] ;
test "e" ~total:30 ~elements:10 ["ab";"c";"def";"gh";"ijk"] ;
let tests =
all_ranged_int 100 400 @
all_ranged_int 19000 19254 @
@ -61,4 +78,5 @@ let tests =
all "bytes.fixed" (Fixed.bytes 4) (MBytes.of_string "turlututu") @
all "unknown_case.B" mini_union_enc (B "2") @
all "unknown_case.E" mini_union_enc E @
test_bounded_string_list @
Reference in New Issue
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