diff --git a/src/lib_base/cli_entries.ml b/src/lib_base/cli_entries.ml
index 63b17e982..316fb721a 100644
--- a/src/lib_base/cli_entries.ml
+++ b/src/lib_base/cli_entries.ml
@@ -731,201 +731,217 @@ let group_commands commands =
ref l ]))
let print_group print_command ppf ({ title ; _ }, commands) =
- Format.fprintf ppf "@{
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@{%s@}@,@{%a@}"
(Format.pp_print_list print_command) commands
-let setup_ppf ppf format verbosity =
+type formatter_state =
+ Format.formatter_out_functions *
+ Format.formatter_tag_functions *
+ bool
+let setup_formatter ppf ~format ~verbosity =
let skip = ref false in
- let orig_out_functions =
- Format.pp_get_formatter_out_functions ppf () in
- Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf
- { out_string =
- (fun s b a ->
- if s = "\000\000\000" then skip := true
- else if s = "\255\255\255" then skip := false
- else if not !skip then orig_out_functions.out_string s b a) ;
- out_spaces = (fun n -> if not !skip then orig_out_functions.out_spaces n) ;
- out_newline = (fun () -> if not !skip then orig_out_functions.out_newline ()) ;
- out_flush = (fun () -> if not !skip then orig_out_functions.out_flush ()) } ;
- let levels = ref [] in
- let setup_level level =
- match verbosity, level with
- | (`Full, (`Terse | `Short | `Args | `Full))
- | (`Args, (`Terse | `Short | `Args))
- | (`Short, (`Terse | `Short))
- | `Terse, `Terse -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\255\255\255"
- | _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\000\000\000" in
- let push_level level =
- levels := level :: !levels ;
- setup_level level in
- let pop_level _ =
- match !levels with
- | _ :: level :: rest -> levels := level :: rest ; setup_level level
- | [ _ ] | [] -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: unclosed verbosity tag" in
- push_level `Terse ;
- match format with
- | `Ansi ->
- let color_num = function
- | `Black -> None
- | `Red -> Some 1
- | `Green -> Some 2
- | `Yellow -> Some 3
- | `Blue -> Some 4
- | `Magenta -> Some 5
- | `Cyan -> Some 6
- | `White -> Some 7 in
- let ansi_format ppf (fg, bg, b, u) =
- Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\027[0m" ;
- match
- (match color_num fg with Some n -> [ string_of_int (30 + n) ] | None -> []) @
- (match color_num bg with Some n -> [ string_of_int (40 + n) ] | None -> []) @
- (if b then [ "1" ] else []) @
- (if u then [ "4" ] else [])
- with
- | [] -> ()
- | l -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" ("\027[" ^ String.concat ";" l ^ "m") in
- Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions ppf
- { mark_open_tag = (fun _ -> "") ;
- mark_close_tag = (fun _ -> "") ;
- print_open_tag = begin function
- | "title" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a" ansi_format (`White, `Black, true, true)
- | "commandline" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@["
- | "commanddoc" -> Format.fprintf ppf " @["
- | "opt" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a" ansi_format (`Green, `Black, false, false)
- | "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a<" ansi_format (`Yellow, `Black, false, false)
- | "kwd" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a" ansi_format (`White, `Black, false, true)
- | "hilight" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a" ansi_format (`Black, `Yellow, false, true)
- | "section" -> Format.fprintf ppf " @["
- | "command" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@["
- | "full" -> push_level `Full
- | "args" -> push_level `Args
- | "short" -> push_level `Short
- | "terse" -> push_level `Terse
- | "document" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@["
- | _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
- end ;
- print_close_tag = begin function
- | "title" -> Format.fprintf ppf ":@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
- | "commandline" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
- | "commanddoc" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
- | "opt" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
- | "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf ">@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
- | "kwd" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
- | "hilight" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
- | "command" | "section" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
- | "full" -> pop_level `Full
- | "args" -> pop_level `Args
- | "short" -> pop_level `Short
- | "terse" -> pop_level `Terse
- | "document" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
- | _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
- end } ;
- Format.pp_set_print_tags ppf true
- | `Plain ->
- Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions ppf
- { mark_open_tag = (fun _ -> "") ;
- mark_close_tag = (fun _ -> "") ;
- print_open_tag = begin function
- | "title" -> ()
- | "commandline" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@["
- | "commanddoc" -> Format.fprintf ppf " @["
- | "opt" -> ()
- | "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf "<"
- | "kwd" -> ()
- | "hilight" -> ()
- | "section" -> Format.fprintf ppf " @["
- | "command" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@["
- | "full" -> push_level `Full
- | "args" -> push_level `Args
- | "short" -> push_level `Short
- | "terse" -> push_level `Terse
- | "document" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@["
- | _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
- end ;
- print_close_tag = begin function
- | "title" -> Format.fprintf ppf ":"
- | "commandline" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
- | "commanddoc" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
- | "opt" -> ()
- | "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf ">"
- | "kwd" -> ()
- | "hilight" -> ()
- | "command" | "section" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
- | "full" -> pop_level `Full
- | "args" -> pop_level `Args
- | "short" -> pop_level `Short
- | "terse" -> pop_level `Terse
- | "document" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
- | _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
- end } ;
- Format.pp_set_print_tags ppf true
- | `Html ->
- Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions ppf
- { mark_open_tag = (fun _ -> "") ;
- mark_close_tag = (fun _ -> "") ;
- print_open_tag = begin function
- | "title" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003h3\004"
- | "commandline" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003div class='cmdline'\004@["
- | "commanddoc" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003div class='cmddoc'\004"
- | "opt" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003span class='opt'\004"
- | "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003span class='arg'\004"
- | "kwd" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003span class='kwd'\004"
- | "hilight" -> ()
- | "section" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003ul\004@\n"
- | "command" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003li\004@\n"
- | "full" -> push_level `Full
- | "args" -> push_level `Args
- | "short" -> push_level `Short
- | "terse" -> push_level `Terse
- | "document" ->
- Format.fprintf ppf
- "@[\003style\004\
- .cmdline { font-family: monospace }\
- .cmddoc { white-space: pre-wrap ; font-family: monospace; line-height: 170%%; margin: 0 0 20px 0 }\
- .cmdline { background: #343131; padding: 2px 8px; border-radius:10px; color: white; margin: 5px; }\
- .cmdline+.cmddoc { margin: -5px 5px 0 20px; padding: 5px }\
- .opt,.arg { background: #343131; font-weight: bold; padding: 2px 4px; border-radius:5px; }\
- .kwd { font-weight: bold; } .opt { color:#CF0; background: #460; } .arg { color: #CEF; background: #369; }\
- \003/style\004@\n" ;
- | _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
- end ;
- print_close_tag = begin function
- | "title" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003/h3\004@\n"
- | "commandline" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]\003/div\004@\n"
- | "commanddoc" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003/div\004@\n"
- | "opt" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003/span\004"
- | "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003/span\004"
- | "kwd" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003/span\004"
- | "hilight" -> ()
- | "section" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003/ul\004@\n"
- | "command" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003/li\004@\n"
- | "full" -> pop_level `Full
- | "args" -> pop_level `Args
- | "short" -> pop_level `Short
- | "terse" -> pop_level `Terse
- | "document" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
- | _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
- end } ;
- let orig_out_functions =
- Format.pp_get_formatter_out_functions ppf () in
- Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf
- { orig_out_functions with
- out_string = (fun s i j ->
- let buf = Buffer.create (j - i) in
- for n = i to j - 1 do match String.get s n with
- | '\003' -> Buffer.add_char buf '<'
- | '\004' -> Buffer.add_char buf '>'
- | '>' -> Buffer.add_string buf ">"
- | '<' -> Buffer.add_string buf "<"
- | c -> Buffer.add_char buf c
- done ;
- let s' = Buffer.contents buf in
- orig_out_functions.out_string s' 0 (String.length s'))} ;
- Format.pp_set_print_tags ppf true
+ let orig_out_functions, _, _ as orig_state =
+ Format.pp_get_formatter_out_functions ppf (),
+ Format.pp_get_formatter_tag_functions ppf (),
+ Format.pp_get_print_tags ppf () in
+ begin
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf
+ { out_string =
+ (fun s b a ->
+ if s = "\000\000\000" then skip := true
+ else if s = "\255\255\255" then skip := false
+ else if not !skip then orig_out_functions.out_string s b a) ;
+ out_spaces = (fun n -> if not !skip then orig_out_functions.out_spaces n) ;
+ out_newline = (fun () -> if not !skip then orig_out_functions.out_newline ()) ;
+ out_flush = (fun () -> if not !skip then orig_out_functions.out_flush ()) } ;
+ let levels = ref [] in
+ let setup_level level =
+ match verbosity, level with
+ | (`Full, (`Terse | `Short | `Args | `Full))
+ | (`Args, (`Terse | `Short | `Args))
+ | (`Short, (`Terse | `Short))
+ | `Terse, `Terse -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\255\255\255"
+ | _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\000\000\000" in
+ let push_level level =
+ levels := level :: !levels ;
+ setup_level level in
+ let pop_level _ =
+ match !levels with
+ | _ :: level :: rest -> levels := level :: rest ; setup_level level
+ | [ _ ] | [] -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: unclosed verbosity tag" in
+ push_level `Terse ;
+ match format with
+ | `Ansi ->
+ let color_num = function
+ | `Black -> None
+ | `Red -> Some 1
+ | `Green -> Some 2
+ | `Yellow -> Some 3
+ | `Blue -> Some 4
+ | `Magenta -> Some 5
+ | `Cyan -> Some 6
+ | `White -> Some 7 in
+ let ansi_format ppf (fg, bg, b, u) =
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\027[0m" ;
+ match
+ (match color_num fg with Some n -> [ string_of_int (30 + n) ] | None -> []) @
+ (match color_num bg with Some n -> [ string_of_int (40 + n) ] | None -> []) @
+ (if b then [ "1" ] else []) @
+ (if u then [ "4" ] else [])
+ with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | l -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" ("\027[" ^ String.concat ";" l ^ "m") in
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions ppf
+ { mark_open_tag = (fun _ -> "") ;
+ mark_close_tag = (fun _ -> "") ;
+ print_open_tag = begin function
+ | "title" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a" ansi_format (`White, `Black, true, true)
+ | "commandline" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@["
+ | "commanddoc" -> Format.fprintf ppf " @["
+ | "opt" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a" ansi_format (`Green, `Black, false, false)
+ | "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a<" ansi_format (`Yellow, `Black, false, false)
+ | "kwd" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a" ansi_format (`White, `Black, false, true)
+ | "hilight" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%a" ansi_format (`Black, `Yellow, false, true)
+ | "list" -> Format.fprintf ppf " @["
+ | "command" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@["
+ | "full" -> push_level `Full
+ | "args" -> push_level `Args
+ | "short" -> push_level `Short
+ | "terse" -> push_level `Terse
+ | "document" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@["
+ | _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
+ end ;
+ print_close_tag = begin function
+ | "title" -> Format.fprintf ppf ":@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
+ | "commandline" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
+ | "commanddoc" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
+ | "opt" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
+ | "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf ">@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
+ | "kwd" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
+ | "hilight" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@<0>%s" "\027[0m"
+ | "command" | "list" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
+ | "full" -> pop_level `Full
+ | "args" -> pop_level `Args
+ | "short" -> pop_level `Short
+ | "terse" -> pop_level `Terse
+ | "document" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
+ | _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
+ end } ;
+ Format.pp_set_print_tags ppf true
+ | `Plain ->
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions ppf
+ { mark_open_tag = (fun _ -> "") ;
+ mark_close_tag = (fun _ -> "") ;
+ print_open_tag = begin function
+ | "title" -> ()
+ | "commandline" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@["
+ | "commanddoc" -> Format.fprintf ppf " @["
+ | "opt" -> ()
+ | "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf "<"
+ | "kwd" -> ()
+ | "hilight" -> ()
+ | "list" -> Format.fprintf ppf " @["
+ | "command" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@["
+ | "full" -> push_level `Full
+ | "args" -> push_level `Args
+ | "short" -> push_level `Short
+ | "terse" -> push_level `Terse
+ | "document" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@["
+ | _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
+ end ;
+ print_close_tag = begin function
+ | "title" -> Format.fprintf ppf ":"
+ | "commandline" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
+ | "commanddoc" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
+ | "opt" -> ()
+ | "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf ">"
+ | "kwd" -> ()
+ | "hilight" -> ()
+ | "command" | "list" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
+ | "full" -> pop_level `Full
+ | "args" -> pop_level `Args
+ | "short" -> pop_level `Short
+ | "terse" -> pop_level `Terse
+ | "document" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
+ | _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
+ end } ;
+ Format.pp_set_print_tags ppf true
+ | `Html ->
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions ppf
+ { mark_open_tag = (fun _ -> "") ;
+ mark_close_tag = (fun _ -> "") ;
+ print_open_tag = begin function
+ | "title" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003h3\004"
+ | "commandline" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003div class='cmdline'\004@["
+ | "commanddoc" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003div class='cmddoc'\004"
+ | "opt" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003span class='opt'\004"
+ | "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003span class='arg'\004"
+ | "kwd" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003span class='kwd'\004"
+ | "hilight" -> ()
+ | "list" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003ul\004@\n"
+ | "command" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003li\004@\n"
+ | "full" -> push_level `Full
+ | "args" -> push_level `Args
+ | "short" -> push_level `Short
+ | "terse" -> push_level `Terse
+ | "document" ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "@[\003style\004\
+ .cmdline { font-family: monospace }\
+ .cmddoc { white-space: pre-wrap ; font-family: monospace; line-height: 170%%; margin: 0 0 20px 0 }\
+ .cmdline { background: #343131; padding: 2px 8px; border-radius:10px; color: white; margin: 5px; }\
+ .cmdline+.cmddoc { margin: -5px 5px 0 20px; padding: 5px }\
+ .opt,.arg { background: #343131; font-weight: bold; padding: 2px 4px; border-radius:5px; }\
+ .kwd { font-weight: bold; } .opt { color:#CF0; background: #460; } .arg { color: #CEF; background: #369; }\
+ \003/style\004@\n" ;
+ | _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
+ end ;
+ print_close_tag = begin function
+ | "title" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003/h3\004@\n"
+ | "commandline" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]\003/div\004@\n"
+ | "commanddoc" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003/div\004@\n"
+ | "opt" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003/span\004"
+ | "arg" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003/span\004"
+ | "kwd" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003/span\004"
+ | "hilight" -> ()
+ | "list" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003/ul\004@\n"
+ | "command" -> Format.fprintf ppf "\003/li\004@\n"
+ | "full" -> pop_level `Full
+ | "args" -> pop_level `Args
+ | "short" -> pop_level `Short
+ | "terse" -> pop_level `Terse
+ | "document" -> Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
+ | _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Cli_entries: invalid semantic tag"
+ end } ;
+ let orig_out_functions =
+ Format.pp_get_formatter_out_functions ppf () in
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf
+ { orig_out_functions with
+ out_string = (fun s i j ->
+ let buf = Buffer.create (j - i) in
+ for n = i to j - 1 do match String.get s n with
+ | '\003' -> Buffer.add_char buf '<'
+ | '\004' -> Buffer.add_char buf '>'
+ | '>' -> Buffer.add_string buf ">"
+ | '<' -> Buffer.add_string buf "<"
+ | c -> Buffer.add_char buf c
+ done ;
+ let s' = Buffer.contents buf in
+ orig_out_functions.out_string s' 0 (String.length s'))} ;
+ Format.pp_set_print_tags ppf true
+ end ;
+ orig_state
+let restore_formatter ppf (out_functions, tag_functions, tags) =
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf out_functions ;
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions ppf tag_functions ;
+ Format.pp_set_print_tags ppf tags
let usage ppf ?global_options ?(highlights=[]) commands format verbosity =
- setup_ppf ppf format verbosity ;
+ ignore (setup_formatter ppf ~format ~verbosity) ;
let usage ppf (by_group, options) =
let exe = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name in
let print_groups =
@@ -940,7 +956,7 @@ let usage ppf ?global_options ?(highlights=[]) commands format verbosity =
| Some (Argument { spec ; _ })->
Format.fprintf ppf
- @{\
+ @{\
%s [@{global options@}] command @{[command options]@}@}@}@,\
@@ -949,7 +965,7 @@ let usage ppf ?global_options ?(highlights=[]) commands format verbosity =
%s [@{global options@}] command @{-help@} (for command options)@}@}\
@{To browse the documentation@}@,\
- @{\
+ @{\
%s [@{global options@}] man (for a list of commands)@}@}@,\
@@ -968,7 +984,7 @@ let usage ppf ?global_options ?(highlights=[]) commands format verbosity =
Format.fprintf ppf "@}"
let command_usage ppf commands format verbosity =
- setup_ppf ppf format verbosity ;
+ ignore (setup_formatter ppf ~format ~verbosity) ;
let exe = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name in
let prefix ppf () =
Format.fprintf ppf "@{%s@} @{[global options]@} " exe in
@@ -1147,13 +1163,13 @@ let handle_cli_errors ~stdout ~stderr ~global_options = function
| Error [ e ] -> (* Should only be one error here *)
begin match e with
| Extra_arguments (_, cmd) ->
- setup_ppf stderr (if Unix.isatty Unix.stderr then `Ansi else `Plain) `Terse ;
+ ignore (setup_formatter stderr ~format:(if Unix.isatty Unix.stderr then `Ansi else `Plain) ~verbosity:`Terse) ;
Format.fprintf stderr
"Extra arguments provided for command:@;<1 2>@[%a@]@."
(print_command ?prefix:None ~highlights:[]) cmd;
return 1
| Not_enough_args (_, cmds) ->
- setup_ppf stderr (if Unix.isatty Unix.stderr then `Ansi else `Plain) `Terse ;
+ ignore (setup_formatter stderr ~format:(if Unix.isatty Unix.stderr then `Ansi else `Plain) ~verbosity:`Terse) ;
Format.fprintf stderr
"@[Unterminated command, here are possible completions:@,%a@]@."
diff --git a/src/lib_base/cli_entries.mli b/src/lib_base/cli_entries.mli
index 8f1327d26..76329ea69 100644
--- a/src/lib_base/cli_entries.mli
+++ b/src/lib_base/cli_entries.mli
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ val dispatch:
(** Parse the global options, and return their value, with the rest of
the command to be parsed. *)
-val parse_global_options :
+val parse_initial_options :
('a, 'ctx) options ->
'ctx ->
string list ->
@@ -262,4 +262,41 @@ val map_command: ('a -> 'b) -> ('b, 'c) command -> ('a, 'c) command
(** {2 Output formatting} *)
-val setup_ppf : Format.formatter -> [< `Plain ] -> [< `LOL ] -> unit
+(** Used to restore the formatter state after [setup_formatter]. *)
+type formatter_state
+(** Updates the formatter's functions to interprete some semantic tags
+ used in manual production. Returns the previous state of the
+ formatter to restore it afterwards if needed.
+ Toplevel structure tags:
+ * []: a toplevel group
+ * []: a section title (just below a []: a list section (just below a []: wraps the full documentation bloc for a command
+ * []: wraps the command line in a []
+ * []: wraps everything but the command line in a []
+ Cosmetic tags for hilighting text:
+ * []: optional arguments * []: positional arguments
+ * []: positional keywords * []: search results
+ Verbosity levels, in order, and how they are used in the manual:
+ * []: always displayed (titles commands lines)
+ * []: displayed if [verbosity >= `Args] (lists of arguments)
+ * []: displayed if [verbosity >= `Short] (single line descriptions)
+ * []: only displayed if [verbosity = `Full] (long descriptions) *)
+val setup_formatter :
+ Format.formatter ->
+ format: [< `Ansi | `Html | `Plain ] ->
+ verbosity: [> `Terse | `Short | `Args | `Full ] ->
+ formatter_state
+(** Restore the formatter state after [setup_formatter]. *)
+val restore_formatter : Format.formatter -> formatter_state -> unit