Add type/doc capture
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
module AST.Completion where
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.List (isSubsequenceOf, nub)
import Data.List (isSubsequenceOf, nubBy)
import Duplo.Tree
import Duplo.Lattice
@ -16,8 +17,14 @@ import AST.Scope
import Range
import Product
-- import Debug.Trace
import Debug.Trace
data Completion = Completion
{ cName :: Text
, cType :: Text
, cDoc :: Text
deriving (Show)
:: ( Eq (Product xs)
@ -28,21 +35,30 @@ complete
=> Range
-> LIGO (Product xs)
-> Maybe [Text]
-> Maybe [Completion]
complete r tree = do
let l = spineTo (leq r . getElem) tree
word <- listToMaybe l
let scope = getElem (extract word)
let nameCat = getElem (extract word)
$ filter (isSubseqOf (ppToText word))
$ nub
$ map (ppToText . _sdName)
$ filter (isSubseqOf (ppToText word) . cName)
$ nubBy ((==) `on` cName)
$ map asCompletion
$ filter (fits nameCat . catFromType)
$ scope
asCompletion :: ScopedDecl -> Completion
asCompletion sd = Completion
{ cName = ppToText (_sdName sd)
, cType = ppToText (_sdType sd)
, cDoc = ppToText (fsep $ map pp $ _sdDoc sd)
isSubseqOf :: Text -> Text -> Bool
isSubseqOf l r = isSubsequenceOf (Text.unpack l) (Text.unpack r)
isSubseqOf l r =
-- traceShow (l, r, isSubsequenceOf (Text.unpack l) (Text.unpack r)) $
isSubsequenceOf (Text.unpack l) (Text.unpack r)
fits :: Maybe Category -> Category -> Bool
fits Nothing _ = True
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ data ScopedDecl = ScopedDecl
, _sdBody :: Maybe Range
, _sdType :: Maybe (Either (LIGO ()) Kind)
, _sdRefs :: [Range]
, _sdDoc :: [Text]
deriving Show via PP ScopedDecl
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Pretty FullEnv where
mergeFE fe = getTag @"vars" @Env fe Prelude.<> getTag @"types" fe
instance Pretty ScopedDecl where
pp (ScopedDecl n o _ t refs) = color 3 (pp n) <+> pp o <+> ":" <+> color 4 (maybe "?" (either pp pp) t) <+> "=" <+> pp refs
pp (ScopedDecl n o _ t refs doc) = color 3 (pp n) <+> pp o <+> ":" <+> color 4 (maybe "?" (either pp pp) t) <+> "=" <+> pp refs `indent` pp doc
instance Pretty Kind where
pp _ = "TYPE"
@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ type Info' = Product [[ScopedDecl], Maybe Category, [Text], Range, ShowRange]
:: forall xs
. (Contains Range xs, Eq (Product xs))
. (Collectable xs, Eq (Product xs))
=> LIGO (Product xs)
-> LIGO (Product ([ScopedDecl] : Maybe Category : xs))
addLocalScopes tree =
@ -246,7 +247,7 @@ updateOnly name r f = go
[] -> (False, [])
enter :: Contains Range xs => Product xs -> CollectM ()
enter :: Collectable xs => Product xs -> CollectM ()
enter r = do
modify $ modElem (getElem @Range r :)
@ -290,8 +291,8 @@ lookupEnv :: Text -> [ScopedDecl] -> Maybe ScopedDecl
lookupEnv name = listToMaybe . filter ((name ==) . ppToText . _sdName)
-- | Add a type declaration to the current scope.
defType :: HasRange a => LIGO a -> Kind -> LIGO a -> CollectM ()
defType name kind body = do
defType :: HasRange a => LIGO a -> Kind -> LIGO a -> [Text] -> CollectM ()
defType name kind body doc = do
define Type
$ ScopedDecl
(void name)
@ -299,6 +300,7 @@ defType name kind body = do
(Just $ getRange $ extract body)
(Just (Right kind))
-- -- observe :: Pretty i => Pretty res => Text -> i -> res -> res
-- -- observe msg i res
@ -312,8 +314,9 @@ def
=> LIGO a
-> Maybe (LIGO a)
-> Maybe (LIGO a)
-> [Text]
-> CollectM ()
def name ty body = do
def name ty body doc = do
define Variable
$ ScopedDecl
(void name)
@ -321,55 +324,60 @@ def name ty body = do
((getRange . extract) <$> body)
((Left . void) <$> ty)
instance Contains Range xs => Scoped (Product xs) CollectM (LIGO (Product xs)) Contract where
type Collectable xs = (Contains Range xs, Contains [Text] xs)
instance Collectable xs => Scoped (Product xs) CollectM (LIGO (Product xs)) Contract where
before r _ = enter r
after _ _ = skip
instance Contains Range xs => Scoped (Product xs) CollectM (LIGO (Product xs)) RawContract where
instance Collectable xs => Scoped (Product xs) CollectM (LIGO (Product xs)) RawContract where
before r _ = enter r
after _ _ = skip
instance Contains Range xs => Scoped (Product xs) CollectM (LIGO (Product xs)) Binding where
instance Collectable xs => Scoped (Product xs) CollectM (LIGO (Product xs)) Binding where
before r = \case
Function recur name _args ty body -> do
when recur do
def name (Just ty) (Just body)
def name (Just ty) (Just body) (getElem r)
enter r
TypeDecl ty body -> defType ty Star body
TypeDecl ty body -> defType ty Star body (getElem r)
_ -> enter r
after _ = \case
Irrefutable name body -> do leave; def name Nothing (Just body)
Var name ty body -> do leave; def name (Just ty) (Just body)
Const name ty body -> do leave; def name (Just ty) (Just body)
after r = \case
Irrefutable name body -> do leave; def name Nothing (Just body) (getElem r)
Var name ty body -> do leave; def name (Just ty) (Just body) (getElem r)
Const name ty body -> do leave; def name (Just ty) (Just body) (getElem r)
Function recur name _args ty body -> do
unless recur do
def name (Just ty) (Just body)
def name (Just ty) (Just body) (getElem r)
_ -> skip
instance Contains Range xs => Scoped (Product xs) CollectM (LIGO (Product xs)) VarDecl where
after _ (Decl _ name ty) = def name (Just ty) Nothing
instance Collectable xs => Scoped (Product xs) CollectM (LIGO (Product xs)) VarDecl where
after r (Decl _ name ty) = def name (Just ty) Nothing (getElem r)
instance Scoped a CollectM (LIGO a) Mutable
instance Scoped a CollectM (LIGO a) Type
instance Scoped a CollectM (LIGO a) Variant
instance Scoped a CollectM (LIGO a) TField
instance Contains Range xs => Scoped (Product xs) CollectM (LIGO (Product xs)) Expr where
instance Collectable xs => Scoped (Product xs) CollectM (LIGO (Product xs)) Expr where
before r = \case
Let {} -> enter r
Lambda {} -> enter r
ForLoop k _ _ _ _ -> do
enter r
def k Nothing Nothing
def k Nothing Nothing (getElem r)
ForBox k mv _ _ _ -> do
enter r
def k Nothing Nothing
maybe skip (\v -> def v Nothing Nothing) mv
def k Nothing Nothing (getElem r)
maybe skip (\v -> def v Nothing Nothing (getElem r)) mv
_ -> skip
@ -380,7 +388,7 @@ instance Contains Range xs => Scoped (Product xs) CollectM (LIGO (Product xs)) E
ForBox {} -> leave
_ -> skip
instance Contains Range xs => Scoped (Product xs) CollectM (LIGO (Product xs)) Alt where
instance Collectable xs => Scoped (Product xs) CollectM (LIGO (Product xs)) Alt where
before r _ = enter r
after _ _ = leave
@ -390,9 +398,9 @@ instance Scoped a CollectM (LIGO a) Assignment
instance Scoped a CollectM (LIGO a) FieldAssignment
instance Scoped a CollectM (LIGO a) Constant
instance Contains Range xs => Scoped (Product xs) CollectM (LIGO (Product xs)) Pattern where
before _ = \case
IsVar n -> def n Nothing Nothing
instance Collectable xs => Scoped (Product xs) CollectM (LIGO (Product xs)) Pattern where
before r = \case
IsVar n -> def n Nothing Nothing (getElem r)
_ -> skip
instance Scoped a CollectM (LIGO a) QualifiedName
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