Micheline: use zarith instead of strings for integers
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
;; External
;; Internal
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
type ('l, 'p) node =
| Int of 'l * string
| Int of 'l * Z.t
| String of 'l * string
| Prim of 'l * 'p * ('l, 'p) node list * string option
| Seq of 'l * ('l, 'p) node list * string option
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ let rec map_node fl fp = function
let canonical_encoding ~variant prim_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
let int_encoding =
obj1 (req "int" string) in
obj1 (req "int" z) in
let string_encoding =
obj1 (req "string" string) in
let int_encoding tag =
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
parameter is used to conatin locations, but can also embed custom
data. The second parameter is the type of primitive names. *)
type ('l, 'p) node =
| Int of 'l * string
| Int of 'l * Z.t
| String of 'l * string
| Prim of 'l * 'p * ('l, 'p) node list * string option
| Seq of 'l * ('l, 'p) node list * string option
@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ let rec parse ?(check = true) errors tokens stack =
{ token = Int value ; loc } :: rest
| (Expression None | Sequence _ | Toplevel _) :: _,
{ token = Int value ; loc } :: ([] | { token = Semi | Close_brace} :: _ as rest) ->
let expr : node = Int (loc, value) in
let expr : node = Int (loc, Z.of_string value) in
let errors = if check then do_check ~toplevel: false errors expr else errors in
parse ~check errors rest (fill_mode expr stack)
| (Unwrapped _ | Wrapped _) :: _,
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ let preformat root =
let rec preformat_expr = function
| Int (loc, value) ->
let cml, csz = preformat_loc loc in
Int ((cml, String.length value + csz, loc), value)
Int ((cml, String.length (Z.to_string value) + csz, loc), value)
| String (loc, value) ->
let cml, csz = preformat_loc loc in
String ((cml, String.length value + csz, loc), value)
@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ let rec print_expr_unwrapped ppf = function
| Int ((_, _, { comment }), value) ->
begin match comment with
| None -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" value
| Some comment -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s@ %a" value print_comment comment
| None -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (Z.to_string value)
| Some comment -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s@ %a" (Z.to_string value) print_comment comment
| String ((_, _, { comment }), value) ->
begin match comment with
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
type ('l, 'p) node =
| Int of 'l * string
| Int of 'l * Z.t
| String of 'l * string
| Prim of 'l * 'p * ('l, 'p) node list * string option
| Seq of 'l * ('l, 'p) node list * string option
@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ module Make (Context : CONTEXT) = struct
and type Signature.watermark = Signature.watermark
and type 'a Micheline.canonical = 'a Micheline.canonical
and type ('a, 'b) RPC_path.t = ('a, 'b) RPC_path.t
and type Z.t = Z.t
and type ('a, 'b) Micheline.node = ('a, 'b) Micheline.node
and type Data_encoding.json_schema = Data_encoding.json_schema
and type RPC_service.meth = RPC_service.meth
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ module Make (Context : CONTEXT) : sig
and type Signature.t = Signature.t
and type Signature.watermark = Signature.watermark
and type 'a Micheline.canonical = 'a Micheline.canonical
and type Z.t = Z.t
and type ('a, 'b) Micheline.node = ('a, 'b) Micheline.node
and type Data_encoding.json_schema = Data_encoding.json_schema
and type ('a, 'b) RPC_path.t = ('a, 'b) RPC_path.t
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ let test_parsing () =
assert_parses "PUSH int 100"
[ (Prim ((), "PUSH", [ Prim ((), "int", [], None) ;
Int ((), "100") ], None)) ] >>? fun () ->
Int ((), Z.of_int 100) ], None)) ] >>? fun () ->
assert_parses "DROP" [ (Prim ((), "DROP", [], None)) ] >>? fun () ->
assert_parses "DIP{DROP}"
@ -360,9 +360,9 @@ let test_parsing () =
[ Prim ((), "PUSH", [ Prim ((), "list",
[ Prim ((), "nat", [], None) ], None) ;
Prim ((), "List",
[ Int((), "1");
Int ((), "2");
Int ((), "3")],
[ Int((), Z.of_int 1);
Int ((), Z.of_int 2);
Int ((), Z.of_int 3)],
None) ], None) ] >>? fun () ->
assert_parses "PUSH (lambda nat nat) {}"
[ Prim ((), "PUSH", [ Prim ((), "lambda",
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ let test_parsing () =
Prim((), "bool", [], None)], None) ;
Prim ((), "Map",
[Prim ((), "Item",
[Int ((), "100");
[Int ((), Z.of_int 100);
Prim ((), "False", [], None)], None)], None) ],
None) ] >>? fun () ->
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ let test_parsing () =
Prim ((), "return", [ Prim((), "int", [], None) ], None);
Prim ((), "code", [ Seq((), [ Prim ((), "CAR", [], None) ;
Prim ((), "PUSH", [ Prim((), "int", [], None) ;
Int ((), "1")], None) ;
Int ((), Z.of_int 1)], None) ;
Prim ((), "ADD", [], None) ;
Prim ((), "UNIT", [], None) ;
Prim ((), "SWAP", [], None) ;
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ let print_expr ppf expr =
| None -> ()
| Some annot -> Format.fprintf ppf " %s" annot in
let rec print_expr ppf = function
| Int (_, value) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" value
| Int (_, value) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (Z.to_string value)
| String (_, value) -> Micheline_printer.print_string ppf value
| Seq (_, items, annot) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "(seq%a %a)"
@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ module Script_timestamp : sig
val sub_delta: t -> z num -> t
val now: context -> t
val to_zint: t -> Z.t
val of_zint: Z.t -> t
module Script : sig
@ -562,10 +562,10 @@ let rec unparse_data
(Prim (-1, D_Unit, [], None), gas)
| Int_t, v ->
Gas.consume ctxt (Unparse_costs.int v) >|? fun gas ->
(Int (-1, Script_int.to_string v), gas)
(Int (-1, Script_int.to_zint v), gas)
| Nat_t, v ->
Gas.consume ctxt (Unparse_costs.int v) >|? fun gas ->
(Int (-1, Script_int.to_string v), gas)
(Int (-1, Script_int.to_zint v), gas)
| String_t, s ->
Gas.consume ctxt (Unparse_costs.string s) >|? fun gas ->
(String (-1, s), gas)
@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ let rec unparse_data
Gas.consume ctxt (Unparse_costs.timestamp t) >>? fun gas ->
match Script_timestamp.to_notation t with
| None -> ok @@ (Int (-1, Script_timestamp.to_num_str t), gas)
| None -> ok @@ (Int (-1, Script_timestamp.to_zint t), gas)
| Some s -> ok @@ (String (-1, s), gas)
| Contract_t _, (_, _, c) ->
@ -1083,20 +1083,12 @@ let rec parse_data
traced (fail (Invalid_kind (location expr, [ String_kind ], kind expr)))
(* Integers *)
| Int_t, Int (_, v) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt (Typecheck_costs.int_of_string v)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
begin match Script_int.of_string v with
| None -> fail (error ())
| Some v -> return (v, ctxt)
return (Script_int.of_zint v, ctxt)
| Nat_t, Int (_, v) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt (Typecheck_costs.int_of_string v)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
begin match Script_int.of_string v with
| None -> fail (error ())
| Some v ->
if Compare.Int.(Script_int.compare v Script_int.zero >= 0) then
return (Script_int.abs v, ctxt)
else fail (error ())
let v = Script_int.of_zint v in
if Compare.Int.(Script_int.compare v Script_int.zero >= 0) then
return (Script_int.abs v, ctxt)
else fail (error ())
| Int_t, expr ->
traced (fail (Invalid_kind (location expr, [ Int_kind ], kind expr)))
| Nat_t, expr ->
@ -1115,12 +1107,7 @@ let rec parse_data
traced (fail (Invalid_kind (location expr, [ String_kind ], kind expr)))
(* Timestamps *)
| Timestamp_t, (Int (_, v)) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt (Typecheck_costs.int_of_string v)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
match Script_timestamp.of_string v with
| Some v -> return (v, ctxt)
| None -> fail (error ())
return (Script_timestamp.of_zint v, ctxt)
| Timestamp_t, String (_, s) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.string_timestamp) >>=? fun ctxt ->
begin try
@ -45,3 +45,4 @@ let add_delta t delta =
Z.add t (Script_int_repr.to_zint delta)
let to_zint x = x
let of_zint x = x
@ -30,3 +30,4 @@ val add_delta : t -> z num -> t
val sub_delta : t -> z num -> t
val to_zint : t -> Z.t
val of_zint : Z.t -> t
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