WIP; commenting
This commit is contained in:
@ -424,33 +424,53 @@ and type_expression : environment -> Solver.state -> I.expression -> (O.annotate
let expr'' = e_failwith expr' in
return expr'' state' constraints expr_type
| E_variable name ->
| E_variable name -> (
let%bind tv' =
trace_option (unbound_variable e name ae.location)
@@ Environment.get_opt name e in
let (constraints , expr_type) = Wrap.variable name tv'.type_expression in
let expr' = e_variable name in
return (E_variable name) tv'.type_value
| E_literal (Literal_bool b) ->
return (E_literal (Literal_bool b)) (t_bool ())
| E_literal Literal_unit | E_skip ->
return (E_literal (Literal_unit)) (t_unit ())
| E_literal (Literal_string s) ->
return (E_literal (Literal_string s)) (t_string ())
| E_literal (Literal_bytes s) ->
return (E_literal (Literal_bytes s)) (t_bytes ())
| E_literal (Literal_int n) ->
return (E_literal (Literal_int n)) (t_int ())
| E_literal (Literal_nat n) ->
return (E_literal (Literal_nat n)) (t_nat ())
| E_literal (Literal_timestamp n) ->
return (E_literal (Literal_timestamp n)) (t_timestamp ())
| E_literal (Literal_mutez n) ->
return (E_literal (Literal_mutez n)) (t_tez ())
| E_literal (Literal_address s) ->
return (e_address s) (t_address ())
| E_literal (Literal_operation op) ->
return (e_operation op) (t_operation ())
return expr' state constraints expr_type
| E_literal (Literal_bool b) -> (
return_wrapped (e_bool b) state @@ Wrap.literal (t_bool ())
| E_literal (Literal_string s) -> (
return_wrapped (e_string s) state @@ Wrap.literal (t_string ())
| E_literal (Literal_bytes b) -> (
return_wrapped (e_bytes b) state @@ Wrap.literal (t_bytes ())
| E_literal (Literal_int i) -> (
return_wrapped (e_int i) state @@ Wrap.literal (t_int ())
| E_literal (Literal_nat n) -> (
return_wrapped (e_nat n) state @@ Wrap.literal (t_nat ())
| E_literal (Literal_tez t) -> (
return_wrapped (e_tez t) state @@ Wrap.literal (t_tez ())
| E_literal (Literal_address a) -> (
return_wrapped (e_address a) state @@ Wrap.literal (t_address ())
| E_literal (Literal_timestamp t) -> (
return_wrapped (e_timestamp t) state @@ Wrap.literal (t_timestamp ())
| E_literal (Literal_operation o) -> (
return_wrapped (e_operation o) state @@ Wrap.literal (t_operation ())
| E_literal (Literal_unit) -> (
return_wrapped (e_unit) state @@ Wrap.literal (t_unit ())
| E_skip -> (
failwith "TODO: missing implementation for E_skip"
(* | E_literal (Literal_string s) -> (
* L.log (Format.asprintf "literal_string option type: %a" PP_helpers.(option O.PP.type_expression) tv_opt) ;
* match Option.map Ast_typed.get_type' tv_opt with
* | Some (T_constant ("address" , [])) -> return (E_literal (Literal_address s)) (t_address ())
* | _ -> return (E_literal (Literal_string s)) (t_string ())
* ) *)
(* Tuple *)
| E_tuple lst ->
let aux state hd = type_expression e state hd >>? swap in
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