get-scope command. New module Ligo.scopes
This commit is contained in:
@ -484,6 +484,17 @@ let transpile_expression =
(Term.ret term , ~doc cmdname)
let get_scope =
let f source_file syntax display_format =
return_result ~display_format Ligo.Scopes.Formatter.scope_format @@
Ligo.Scopes.scopes source_file syntax
let term =
Term.(const f $ source_file 0 $ syntax $ display_format) in
let cmdname = "get-scope" in
let doc = "Subcommand: Return the JSON encoded environment for a given file." in
(Term.ret term , ~doc cmdname)
let run ?argv () =
Term.eval_choice ?argv main [
temp_ligo_interpreter ;
@ -507,5 +518,6 @@ let run ?argv () =
print_mini_c ;
list_declarations ;
@ -42,3 +42,5 @@ let list_declarations (program : Ast_core.program) : string list =
| Declaration_constant (var,_,_,_) -> (Var.to_name var.wrap_content)::prev
| _ -> prev)
[] program
let evaluate_type (env : Ast_typed.Environment.t) (t: Ast_core.type_expression) = trace typer_tracer @@ Typer.evaluate_type env t
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ let to_core f stx =
let%bind core = Of_sugar.compile sugar in
ok @@ core
let type_file f stx env : (Ast_typed.program * Typesystem.Solver_types.typer_state, _) result =
let type_file f stx form : (Ast_typed.program * Typesystem.Solver_types.typer_state, _) result =
let%bind core = to_core f stx in
let%bind typed,state = Of_core.compile env core in
let%bind typed,state = Of_core.compile form core in
ok @@ (typed,state)
let to_mini_c f stx env =
@ -32,34 +32,34 @@ let compile_file f stx ep : (Michelson.michelson, _) result =
ok @@ contract
let type_expression source_file syntax expression env state =
let%bind v_syntax = Helpers.syntax_to_variant (Syntax_name syntax) source_file in
let%bind imperative_exp = Of_source.compile_expression v_syntax expression in
let%bind sugar_exp = Of_imperative.compile_expression imperative_exp in
let%bind core_exp = Of_sugar.compile_expression sugar_exp in
let%bind (typed_exp,state) = Of_core.compile_expression ~env ~state core_exp in
ok @@ (typed_exp,state)
let%bind v_syntax = Helpers.syntax_to_variant (Syntax_name syntax) source_file in
let%bind imperative_exp = Of_source.compile_expression v_syntax expression in
let%bind sugar_exp = Of_imperative.compile_expression imperative_exp in
let%bind core_exp = Of_sugar.compile_expression sugar_exp in
let%bind (typed_exp,state) = Of_core.compile_expression ~env ~state core_exp in
ok @@ (typed_exp,state)
let expression_to_mini_c source_file syntax expression env state =
let%bind (typed_exp,_) = type_expression source_file syntax expression env state in
let%bind mini_c_exp = Of_typed.compile_expression typed_exp in
ok @@ mini_c_exp
let%bind (typed_exp,_) = type_expression source_file syntax expression env state in
let%bind mini_c_exp = Of_typed.compile_expression typed_exp in
ok @@ mini_c_exp
let compile_expression source_file syntax expression env state =
let%bind mini_c_exp = expression_to_mini_c source_file syntax expression env state in
let%bind compiled = Of_mini_c.compile_expression mini_c_exp in
ok @@ compiled
let%bind mini_c_exp = expression_to_mini_c source_file syntax expression env state in
let%bind compiled = Of_mini_c.compile_expression mini_c_exp in
ok @@ compiled
let compile_and_aggregate_expression source_file syntax expression env state mini_c_prg =
let%bind mini_c_exp = expression_to_mini_c source_file syntax expression env state in
let%bind compiled = Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_expression mini_c_prg mini_c_exp in
ok @@ compiled
let%bind mini_c_exp = expression_to_mini_c source_file syntax expression env state in
let%bind compiled = Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_expression mini_c_prg mini_c_exp in
ok @@ compiled
let compile_storage storage input source_file syntax env state mini_c_prg =
let%bind v_syntax = Helpers.syntax_to_variant (Syntax_name syntax) (Some source_file) in
let%bind imperative = Of_source.compile_contract_input storage input v_syntax in
let%bind sugar = Of_imperative.compile_expression imperative in
let%bind core = Of_sugar.compile_expression sugar in
let%bind typed,_ = Of_core.compile_expression ~env ~state core in
let%bind mini_c = Of_typed.compile_expression typed in
let%bind compiled = Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_expression mini_c_prg mini_c in
ok @@ compiled
let%bind v_syntax = Helpers.syntax_to_variant (Syntax_name syntax) (Some source_file) in
let%bind imperative = Of_source.compile_contract_input storage input v_syntax in
let%bind sugar = Of_imperative.compile_expression imperative in
let%bind core = Of_sugar.compile_expression sugar in
let%bind typed,_ = Of_core.compile_expression ~env ~state core in
let%bind mini_c = Of_typed.compile_expression typed in
let%bind compiled = Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_expression mini_c_prg mini_c in
ok @@ compiled
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(pps ppx_let bisect_ppx --conditional)
@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ module Compile = Compile
module Decompile = Decompile
module Display = Display
module Formatter = Main_errors.Formatter
module Scopes = Scopes
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
open Types
let scopes : Format.formatter -> scopes -> unit = fun f s ->
let pp_scope f (s:scope) =
let pp_list f = List.iter (fun (k,_) -> Format.fprintf f "%s " k ) in
let a = Def_map.to_kv_list s.env in
Format.fprintf f "[ %a] %a" pp_list a Location.pp s.range
let pp_scopes f = List.iter (Format.fprintf f "@[<v>%a@ @]" pp_scope) in
Format.fprintf f "@[<v>Scopes:@ %a@]" pp_scopes s
let definitions : Format.formatter -> def_map -> unit = fun f dm ->
let kvl = Def_map.to_kv_list dm in
let (variables,types) = List.partition (fun (_,def) -> match def with Type _ -> false | Variable _ -> true) kvl in
let pp_def f = List.iter (fun (k,v) -> Format.fprintf f "(%s -> %s) %a@ " k (get_def_name v) Location.pp (get_range v)) in
Format.fprintf f "@[<v>Variable definitions:@ %aType definitions:@ %a@]" pp_def variables pp_def types
let def_to_json : def -> Yojson.t = function
| Variable { name ; range ; body_range ; t ; references=_ } ->
`Assoc [
("name", `String name);
("range", Location.pp_json range);
("body_range", Location.pp_json body_range);
("t", match t with None -> `Null | Some t -> Ast_typed.PP_json.Yojson.type_expression t );
("references", `Null);
| Type { name ; range ; body_range ; content=_ } ->
`Assoc [
("name", `String name);
("range", Location.pp_json range);
("body_range", Location.pp_json body_range);
("content", `String "TODO" );
let defs_json d : Yojson.t =
let get_defs d =
let (v,tv) = List.partition (fun (_,def) -> match def with Variable _ -> true | Type _ -> false) (Def_map.to_kv_list d) in
("variables", `Assoc ( (fun (def_id,def) -> (def_id,def_to_json def)) v));
("types", `Assoc ( (fun (def_id,def) -> (def_id,def_to_json def)) tv))
`Assoc (get_defs d)
let scopes_json s : Yojson.t = `List (
(fun scope ->
let sd = Def_map.to_kv_list scope.env in
let (variables,types) = List.partition (fun (_,def) -> match def with Type _ -> false | Variable _ -> true) sd in
let v = (fun (k,_) -> `String k) variables in
let t = (fun (k,_) -> `String k) types in
(`Assoc [("range", Location.pp_json scope.range) ; ("expression_environment", `List v) ; ("type_environment", `List t)])
let to_json (d,s) = `Assoc [("definitions", (defs_json d)) ; ("scopes", (scopes_json s))]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
(name scopes)
(public_name ligo.scopes)
(pps ppx_let bisect_ppx --conditional)
(flags (:standard -w +1..62-4-9-44-40-42-48-30@39@33 -open Simple_utils -open Tezos_utils ))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
open Display
let scope_ppformat ~display_format f ((d,s),_) =
match display_format with
| Human_readable ->
Format.fprintf f "there is to human-readable pretty printer for you, use --format=json"
| Dev -> Format.fprintf f "@[<v>%a@ %a@]" PP.scopes s PP.definitions d
let scope_jsonformat (defscopes,_) : json = PP.to_json defscopes
let scope_format : 'a format = {
pp = scope_ppformat;
to_json = scope_jsonformat;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
open Trace
open Types
let get_binder_name : 'a Var.t -> string = fun (v: _ Var.t) ->
try Var.to_name v with _ -> "generated"
let make_def_id name i =
(name ^ (string_of_int i), i+1)
let add_shadowing_def : (int * _ Var.t) -> def -> def_map -> (int * def_map) = fun (i,var) def env ->
let name = get_binder_name var in
let (definition_id,i) = make_def_id name i in
let shadow = Def_map.filter
(fun _ s_def -> match def, s_def with
| Variable _ , Variable _ | Type _ , Type _ ->
not @@ String.equal (get_def_name s_def) name
| _ -> true )
env in
let env = Def_map.add definition_id def shadow in
let make_v_def_from_core : string -> string -> string -> Ast_core.expression -> Location.t -> Location.t -> def =
fun source_file syntax name exp range body_range ->
let t = to_option @@
let%bind typed_prg,state = Compile.Utils.type_file source_file syntax Env in
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment Environment.default typed_prg in
let%bind (e,_) = Compile.Of_core.compile_expression ~env ~state exp in
ok e.type_expression
(* TODO : the source_file is given here but it should only be the declarations seen so far,
otherwise nothing will be typed if an error occurs later in the file *)
make_v_def name t range body_range
let make_v_def_option_type : string -> string -> string -> Ast_core.type_expression option -> Location.t -> Location.t -> def =
fun source_file syntax name maybe_typed range body_range ->
match maybe_typed with
| Some t ->
let t' = to_option @@
let%bind typed_prg,_ = Compile.Utils.type_file source_file syntax Env in
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment Environment.default typed_prg in
Compile.Of_core.evaluate_type env t in
make_v_def name t' range body_range
| None -> make_v_def name None range body_range
let make_v_def_ppx_type :
string -> string -> string -> (Ast_typed.type_expression -> Ast_typed.type_expression) ->
Ast_core.expression -> Location.t -> Location.t -> def =
fun source_file syntax name f exp range body_range ->
let t = to_option @@
let%bind typed_prg,state = Compile.Utils.type_file source_file syntax Env in
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment Environment.default typed_prg in
let%bind (e,_) = Compile.Of_core.compile_expression ~env ~state exp in
let v = f e.type_expression in ok v
make_v_def name t range body_range
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
open Trace
open Types
open Misc
module Formatter = Formatter
let scopes : string -> string -> ((def_map * scopes), Main_errors.all) result = fun source_file syntax ->
let make_v_def_from_core = make_v_def_from_core source_file syntax in
let make_v_def_option_type = make_v_def_option_type source_file syntax in
let make_v_def_ppx_type = make_v_def_ppx_type source_file syntax in
let rec find_scopes' = fun (i,all_defs,env,scopes,lastloc) (e : Ast_core.expression) ->
match e.content with
| E_let_in { let_binder = (n,_) ; rhs ; let_result } -> (
let (i,all_defs,_, scopes) = find_scopes' (i,all_defs,env,scopes,e.location) rhs in
let (i,env) = add_shadowing_def (i,n) (make_v_def_from_core (get_binder_name n) rhs e.location rhs.location) env in
let all_defs = merge_defs env all_defs in
find_scopes' (i,all_defs,env,scopes,let_result.location) let_result
| E_lambda { binder ; input_type ; output_type = _ ; result } -> (
let (i,env) = add_shadowing_def (i,binder) (make_v_def_option_type (get_binder_name binder) input_type result.location result.location) env in
let all_defs = merge_defs env all_defs in
find_scopes' (i,all_defs,env,scopes,result.location) result
| E_matching {matchee; cases} -> (
let (i,all_defs,_,scopes) = find_scopes' (i,all_defs,env,scopes,matchee.location) matchee in
match cases with
| Match_list { match_nil ; match_cons = (hd , tl , match_cons) } -> (
let (i,all_defs,_,scopes) = find_scopes' (i,all_defs,env,scopes,match_nil.location) match_nil in
let all_defs = merge_defs env all_defs in
(* TODO hd and tl needs location and should be used bellow instead of match_cons .. *)
let list_f = fun (t:Ast_typed.type_expression) -> match Ast_typed.get_t_list t with
| None -> failwith "Could not get the type of a list"
| Some t -> t in
let hd_def = make_v_def_ppx_type (get_binder_name hd) list_f matchee match_cons.location match_cons.location in
let tl_def = make_v_def_from_core (get_binder_name tl) matchee match_cons.location match_cons.location in
let (i,env) = add_shadowing_def (i,hd) hd_def env in
let (i,env) = add_shadowing_def (i,tl) tl_def env in
let (i,all_defs,_,scopes) = find_scopes' (i,all_defs,env,scopes,match_cons.location) match_cons in
let all_defs = merge_defs env all_defs in
| Match_option { match_none ; match_some = (some , match_some) } -> (
let (i,all_defs,_,scopes) = find_scopes' (i,all_defs,env,scopes,match_none.location) match_none in
let all_defs = merge_defs env all_defs in
(* TODO some needs location and should be used bellow instead of match_some .. *)
let tl_def = make_v_def_from_core (get_binder_name some) matchee match_some.location match_some.location in
let (i,env) = add_shadowing_def (i,some) tl_def env in
let (i,all_defs,_,scopes) = find_scopes' (i,all_defs,env,scopes,match_some.location) match_some in
let all_defs = merge_defs env all_defs in
| Match_variant lst -> (
let aux = fun (i,all_defs,scopes) ((c,proj),(match_variant:Ast_core.expression)) ->
let proj_f = fun (t:Ast_typed.type_expression) -> match Ast_typed.get_t_sum t with
| Some t -> (Ast_typed.CMap.find (Ast_typed.Environment.convert_constructor' c) t).ctor_type
| None -> failwith "Could not get the inner type of a constructor" in
(* TODO proj needs location and should be used bellow instead of match_variant .. *)
let proj_def = make_v_def_ppx_type (get_binder_name proj) proj_f matchee match_variant.location match_variant.location in
let (i,env) = add_shadowing_def (i,proj) proj_def env in
let (i,all_defs,_,scopes) = find_scopes' (i,all_defs,env,scopes,match_variant.location) match_variant in
let all_defs = merge_defs env all_defs in
let (i,all_defs,scopes) = List.fold_left aux (i,all_defs,scopes) lst in
| E_ascription { anno_expr ; _ } -> find_scopes' (i,all_defs,env,scopes,anno_expr.location) anno_expr
| _ ->
let scopes = add_scope (lastloc, env) scopes in
let find_scopes (i,top_lvl_defs,scopes,loc) e =
let (i,defs,_,scopes) = find_scopes' (i,top_lvl_defs,top_lvl_defs,scopes,loc) e in
(i,defs,scopes) in
let aux = fun (i,top_def_map,inner_def_map,scopes) (x : Ast_core.declaration Location.wrap) ->
match x.wrap_content with
| Declaration_constant (v , _o , _i, e) ->
let (i,inner_def_map,scopes) = find_scopes (i,top_def_map,scopes,x.location) e in
let def = make_v_def_from_core (get_binder_name v) e x.location e.location in
let (i,top_def_map) = add_shadowing_def (i,v) def top_def_map in
( i, top_def_map, inner_def_map, scopes )
| Declaration_type (tv, te) ->
let def = make_t_def (get_binder_name tv) x te in
let (i,top_def_map) = add_shadowing_def (i,tv) def top_def_map in
( i, top_def_map, inner_def_map, scopes )
let%bind (core_prg : Ast_core.program) = Compile.Utils.to_core source_file syntax in
let (_,top_d,inner_d,s) = List.fold_left aux (0, Def_map.empty ,Def_map.empty, []) core_prg in
let d = Def_map.union (fun _ outter _ -> Some outter) top_d inner_d in
ok (d,s)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
module Definitions = struct
module Def_map = Map.Make( struct type t = string let compare = end)
type vdef = {
name : string ;
range : Location.t ;
body_range : Location.t ;
t : Ast_typed.type_expression option ;
references : (Location.t list) option
type tdef = {
name : string ;
range : Location.t ;
body_range : Location.t ;
content : Ast_core.type_expression
type def = Variable of vdef | Type of tdef
type def_map = def Def_map.t
let merge_defs a b = Def_map.union (fun _ a _ -> Some a) a b
let get_def_name = function
| Variable d ->
| Type d ->
let get_range = function
| Type t -> t.range
| Variable v -> v.range
let make_v_def : string -> Ast_typed.type_expression option -> Location.t -> Location.t -> def =
fun name t range body_range ->
Variable { name ; range ; body_range ; t ; references = None }
let make_t_def : string -> Ast_core.declaration Location.wrap -> Ast_core.type_expression -> def =
fun name decl te ->
Type { name ; range = decl.location ; body_range = te.location ; content = te }
include Definitions
type scope = { range : Location.t ; env : def_map }
type scopes = scope list
let add_scope (range,env) scopes = { range ; env } :: scopes
@ -15,5 +15,7 @@ type environment = Environment.t
let type_program = Typer_old.type_program
let type_expression_subst = if use_new_typer then Typer_new.type_expression_subst else Typer_old.type_expression (* the old typer does not have unification variables that would need substitution, so no need to "subst" anything. *)
let untype_expression = if use_new_typer then Typer_new.untype_expression else Typer_old.untype_expression
let evaluate_type = if use_new_typer then Typer_new.evaluate_type else Typer_old.evaluate_type
let assert_type_expression_eq = Typer_common.Helpers.assert_type_expression_eq
@ -15,5 +15,6 @@ type environment = Environment.t
val type_program : I.program -> (O.program * O'.typer_state, Errors.typer_error) result
val type_expression_subst : environment -> O'.typer_state -> ?tv_opt:O.type_expression -> I.expression -> (O.expression * O'.typer_state , Errors.typer_error) result
val untype_expression : O.expression -> (I.expression , Errors.typer_error) result
val evaluate_type : environment -> O.ast_core_type_expression -> (O.type_expression, Errors.typer_error) result
val assert_type_expression_eq : O.type_expression * O.type_expression -> (unit, Errors.typer_error) result
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ module M = struct
fold to_json NoState v
let print : ((no_state, json) fold_config -> no_state -> 'a -> json) -> formatter -> 'a -> unit = fun fold ppf v ->
fprintf ppf "%a" Yojson.Basic.pp (to_json fold v)
fprintf ppf "%a" Yojson.pp (to_json fold v)
module Yojson = Fold.Folds(struct
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ val add_type : type_variable -> type_expression -> t -> t
val get_opt : expression_variable -> t -> element option
val get_type_opt : type_variable -> t -> type_expression option
val get_constructor : Ast_core.constructor' -> t -> (type_expression * type_expression) option
val convert_constructor' : S.constructor' -> constructor'
val add_ez_sum_type : ?env:environment -> ?type_name:type_variable -> (constructor' * ctor_content) list -> environment
module PP : sig
@ -320,6 +320,14 @@ let to_option = function
| Ok (o, annotations) -> ignore annotations; Some o
| Error _ -> None
Convert a result to a json, if res in an error, the produces JSON will be
empty, otherwise the provided to_json function will be used
let to_json to_json = function
| Ok (v,_) -> to_json v
| Error _ -> `Null
Convert an option to a result, with a given error if the parameter is None.
@ -331,6 +339,7 @@ let trace_assert_fail_option error = function
None -> ok ()
| Some _s -> fail error
(** Utilities to interact with other data-structure. [bind_t] takes
an ['a result t] and makes a ['a t result] out of it. It "lifts" the
error out of the type. The most common context is when mapping a
Reference in New Issue
Block a user