Merge branch 'dev' of into rinderknecht@pprint
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ let%expect_test _ =
run_ligo_good [ "measure-contract" ; contract "vote.mligo" ; "main" ] ;
[%expect {| 582 bytes |}] ;
run_ligo_good [ "measure-contract" ; contract "issue-184-combs.mligo" ; "main2" ] ;
[%expect {| 369 bytes |}] ;
run_ligo_good [ "compile-parameter" ; contract "coase.ligo" ; "main" ; "Buy_single (record card_to_buy = 1n end)" ] ;
[%expect {| (Left (Left 1)) |}] ;
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
(pps ppx_let bisect_ppx --conditional)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
open Ast_typed
During the modifications of the passes on `Ast_typed`, the binding
environments are not kept in sync. To palliate this, this module
recomputes them from scratch.
This module is very coupled to ``. Given environments are
not used until the next pass, it makes sense to split this into
its own separate pass. This pass would go from `Ast_typed` without
environments to `Ast_typed` with embedded environments.
let rec expression : environment -> expression -> expression = fun env expr ->
(* Standard helper functions to help with the fold *)
let return ?(env' = env) content = {
expr with
environment = env' ;
expression_content = content ;
} in
let return_id = return expr.expression_content in
let self ?(env' = env) x = expression env' x in
let self_list lst = self lst in
let self_2 a b = self a , self b in
let self_lmap lm = self lm in
let self_cases cs = cases env cs in
match expr.expression_content with
| E_lambda c -> (
let (t_binder , _) = Combinators.get_t_function_exn expr.type_expression in
let env' = Environment.add_ez_binder c.binder t_binder env in
let result = self ~env' c.result in
return @@ E_lambda { c with result }
| E_let_in c -> (
let env' = Environment.add_ez_declaration c.let_binder c.rhs env in
let let_result = self ~env' c.let_result in
let rhs = self c.rhs in
return @@ E_let_in { c with rhs ; let_result }
(* rec fun_name binder -> result *)
| E_recursive c -> (
let env_fun_name = Environment.add_ez_binder c.fun_name c.fun_type env in
let (t_binder , _) = Combinators.get_t_function_exn c.fun_type in
let env_binder = Environment.add_ez_binder c.lambda.binder t_binder env_fun_name in
let result = self ~env':env_binder c.lambda.result in
let lambda = { c.lambda with result } in
return @@ E_recursive { c with lambda }
(* All the following cases are administrative *)
| E_literal _ -> return_id
| E_variable _ -> return_id
| E_constant c -> (
let arguments = self_list c.arguments in
return @@ E_constant { c with arguments }
| E_application c -> (
let (lamb , args) = self_2 c.lamb c.args in
return @@ E_application { lamb ; args }
| E_constructor c -> (
let element = self c.element in
return @@ E_constructor { c with element }
| E_record c -> (
let c' = self_lmap c in
return @@ E_record c'
| E_record_accessor c -> (
let record = self c.record in
return @@ E_record_accessor { c with record }
| E_record_update c -> (
let (record , update) = self_2 c.record c.update in
return @@ E_record_update { c with record ; update }
| E_matching c -> (
let matchee = self c.matchee in
let cases = self_cases c.cases in
return @@ E_matching { matchee ; cases }
and cases : environment -> matching_expr -> matching_expr = fun env cs ->
let return x = x in
let self ?(env' = env) x = expression env' x in
match cs with
| Match_list c -> (
let match_nil = self c.match_nil in
let match_cons =
let mc = c.match_cons in
let env_hd = Environment.add_ez_binder mc.hd env in
let env_tl = Environment.add_ez_binder (t_list ()) env_hd in
let body = self ~env':env_tl mc.body in
{ mc with body }
return @@ Match_list { match_nil ; match_cons }
| Match_option c -> (
let match_none = self c.match_none in
let match_some =
let ms = c.match_some in
let env' = Environment.add_ez_binder ms.opt env in
let body = self ~env' ms.body in
{ ms with body }
return @@ Match_option { match_none ; match_some }
| Match_tuple c -> (
let var_tvs =
try (
List.combine c.vars
) with _ -> raise (Failure ("Internal error: broken invariant at " ^ __LOC__))
let env' =
let aux prev (var , tv) =
Environment.add_ez_binder var tv prev
List.fold_left aux env var_tvs
let body = self ~env' c.body in
return @@ Match_tuple { c with body }
| Match_variant c -> (
let variant_type = Combinators.get_t_sum_exn in
let cases =
let aux (c : matching_content_case) =
let case =
try (
CMap.find c.constructor variant_type
) with _ -> raise (Failure ("Internal error: broken invariant at " ^ __LOC__))
let env' = Environment.add_ez_binder c.pattern case.ctor_type env in
let body = self ~env' c.body in
{ c with body }
|||| aux c.cases
return @@ Match_variant { c with cases }
let program : environment -> program -> program = fun init_env prog ->
We take the old type environment and add it to the current value environment
because type declarations are removed in the typer. They should be added back.
let merge old_env re_env = {
expression_environment = re_env.expression_environment ;
type_environment = old_env.type_environment ;
} in
let aux (pre_env , rev_decls) decl_wrapped =
let (Declaration_constant c) = Location.unwrap decl_wrapped in
let expr = expression pre_env c.expr in
let post_env = Environment.add_ez_declaration c.binder c.expr pre_env in
let post_env' = merge c.post_env post_env in
let wrap_content = Declaration_constant { c with expr ; post_env = post_env' } in
let decl_wrapped' = { decl_wrapped with wrap_content } in
(post_env , decl_wrapped' :: rev_decls)
let (_last_env , rev_decls) = List.fold_left aux (init_env , []) prog in
List.rev rev_decls
@ -10,9 +10,11 @@ let contract_passes = [
No_nested_big_map.self_typing ;
let all_program =
let all_program program =
let all_p = Helpers.map_program all_passes in
bind_chain all_p
let%bind program' = bind_chain all_p program in
let program'' = Recompute_environment.program Environment.default program' in
ok program''
let all_expression =
let all_p = Helpers.map_expression all_passes in
@ -174,9 +174,17 @@ let get_t_pair (t:type_expression) : (type_expression * type_expression) result
ok List.(nth lst 0 , nth lst 1)
| _ -> fail @@ Errors.not_a_x_type "pair (tuple with two elements)" t ()
let get_t_function (t:type_expression) : (type_expression * type_expression) result = match t.type_content with
| T_arrow {type1;type2} -> ok (type1,type2)
| _ -> simple_fail "not a function"
let get_t_function_opt (t:type_expression) : (type_expression * type_expression) option = match t.type_content with
| T_arrow {type1;type2} -> Some (type1,type2)
| _ -> None
let get_t_function t =
trace_option (Errors.not_a_x_type "function" t ()) @@
get_t_function_opt t
let get_t_function_exn t = match get_t_function_opt t with
| Some x -> x
| None -> raise (Failure ("Internal error: broken invariant at " ^ __LOC__))
let get_t_function_full (t:type_expression) : (type_expression * type_expression) result =
let%bind _ = get_t_function t in
@ -190,9 +198,17 @@ let get_t_function_full (t:type_expression) : (type_expression * type_expression
let input = (fun (l,t) -> (l,{field_type = t ; michelson_annotation = None ; field_decl_pos = 0})) input in
ok @@ (t_record (LMap.of_list input) (),output)
let get_t_sum (t:type_expression) : ctor_content constructor_map result = match t.type_content with
| T_sum m -> ok m
| _ -> fail @@ Errors.not_a_x_type "sum" t ()
let get_t_sum_opt (t:type_expression) : ctor_content constructor_map option = match t.type_content with
| T_sum m -> Some m
| _ -> None
let get_t_sum t = match get_t_sum_opt t with
| Some m -> ok m
| None -> fail @@ Errors.not_a_x_type "sum" t ()
let get_t_sum_exn t = match get_t_sum_opt t with
| Some m -> m
| None -> raise (Failure ("Internal error: broken invariant at " ^ __LOC__))
let get_t_record (t:type_expression) : field_content label_map result = match t.type_content with
| T_record m -> ok m
@ -63,8 +63,12 @@ val get_t_key_hash : type_expression -> unit result
val get_t_tuple : type_expression -> type_expression list result
val get_t_pair : type_expression -> ( type_expression * type_expression ) result
val get_t_function : type_expression -> ( type_expression * type_expression ) result
val get_t_function_opt : type_expression -> ( type_expression * type_expression ) option
val get_t_function_exn : type_expression -> ( type_expression * type_expression )
val get_t_function_full : type_expression -> ( type_expression * type_expression ) result
val get_t_sum : type_expression -> ctor_content constructor_map result
val get_t_sum_opt : type_expression -> ctor_content constructor_map option
val get_t_sum_exn : type_expression -> ctor_content constructor_map
val get_t_record : type_expression -> field_content label_map result
val get_t_map : type_expression -> ( type_expression * type_expression ) result
val get_t_big_map : type_expression -> ( type_expression * type_expression ) result
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module Environment : sig
val to_list : t -> element list
val get_names : t -> expression_variable list
val remove : int -> t -> t
val select : ?rev:bool -> ?keep:bool -> expression_variable list -> t -> t
(* val select : ?rev:bool -> ?keep:bool -> expression_variable list -> t -> t *)
val fold : ('a -> element -> 'a ) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
val filter : ( element -> bool ) -> t -> t
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
(* Test case from *)
type foo = {
bar : string;
baz : nat;
type foo_michelson = foo michelson_pair_right_comb
type union1 =
| Choice1 of foo
| Choice2 of foo
type union1_aux =
| Option1 of foo_michelson
| Option2 of foo_michelson
type union1_michelson = union1_aux michelson_or_right_comb
let union1_from_michelson (m : union1_michelson) : union1 =
let aux : union1_aux = Layout.convert_from_right_comb m in
match aux with
| Option1 fm ->
let f : foo = Layout.convert_from_right_comb fm in
Choice1 f
| Option2 fm ->
let f : foo = Layout.convert_from_right_comb fm in
Choice2 f
let main2 (ums, us : (union1_michelson list) * (union1 list)) =
let new_us = union1_from_michelson ums in
([] : operation list), new_us
Reference in New Issue
Block a user