documentation and untap
AMENDED: More realistic code example at a more helpful place.
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,11 +24,26 @@ type log_message = {
tags : Tag.set ;
let taps : (log_message -> unit) list ref = ref []
type tap_id = int
let next_tap : int ref = ref 0
let tap f = taps := f :: !taps
type tap = {
id : tap_id ;
process : log_message -> unit ;
let call_taps v = List.iter (fun f -> f v) !taps
let taps : tap list ref = ref []
let tap process = let id = !next_tap in
next_tap := id + 1 ;
taps := { id ; process } :: !taps ;
let untap x = taps := List.filter (fun tap -> <> x) !taps
let call_taps v = List.iter (fun tap -> tap.process v) !taps
module type SEMLOG = sig
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
(* *)
(** Unique tag for a logging module.
Match against, e.g. `Logging.Core.Section`. *)
type log_section = private ..
type log_message = {
@ -15,7 +17,16 @@ type log_message = {
tags : Tag.set ;
val tap : (log_message -> unit) -> unit
type tap_id
(** Intercept events as they are logged. All events will generate a call to
your tap function, but `text` will only be included for events that
actually print a message according to the active logging configuration. *)
val tap : (log_message -> unit) -> tap_id
(** Remove a previously set tap by supplying its tap_id. Does nothing if
the tap was removed already. *)
val untap : tap_id -> unit
type ('a,'b) msgf = (('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> ?tags:Tag.set -> 'a) -> ?tags:Tag.set -> 'b
type ('a,'b) log = ('a,'b) msgf -> 'b
@ -87,10 +87,30 @@ val map : (t -> t) -> set -> set
val mapi : (t -> t) -> set -> set
val pp_set : Format.formatter -> set -> unit
(** DSL for logging messages. Opening this locally makes it easy to supply a number
of semantic tags for a log event while using their values in the human-readable
text. For example:
lwt_log_info Tag.DSL.(fun f ->
f "request for operations %a:%d from peer %a timed out."
-% t event "request_operations_timeout"
-% a Block_hash.Logging.tag bh
-% s operations_index_tag n
-% a P2p_peer.Id.Logging.tag pipeline.peer_id)
]} *)
module DSL : sig
type (_,_,_,_) arg
(** Use a semantic tag with a `%a` format, supplying the pretty printer from the tag. *)
val a : 'v def -> 'v -> (('b -> 'v -> 'c) -> 'v -> 'd, 'b, 'c, 'd) arg
(** Use a semantic tag with ordinary formats such as `%s`, `%d`, and `%f`. *)
val s : 'v def -> 'v -> ('v -> 'd, 'b, 'c, 'd) arg
(** Supply a semantic tag without formatting it. *)
val t : 'v def -> 'v -> ('d, 'b, 'c, 'd) arg
(** Perform the actual application of a tag to a format. *)
val (-%) : (?tags:set -> 'a) -> ('a,Format.formatter,unit,'d) arg -> (?tags:set -> 'd)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user