Merge branch 'feature/code_insertion' into 'dev'
Code insertion in Ligo See merge request ligolang/ligo!579
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
open Cli_expect
let contract basename =
"../../test/contracts/" ^ basename
let bad_contract basename =
"../../test/contracts/negative/" ^ basename
let%expect_test _ =
run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "bad_michelson_insertion_1.ligo" ; "main" ] ;
ligo: generated Michelson contract failed to typecheck: bad contract type
{ parameter nat ;
storage nat ;
code { DUP ;
LAMBDA (pair nat nat) nat ADD ;
NIL operation ;
DIP { DROP } } }
If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can
do one of the following:
* Visit our documentation:
* Ask a question on our Discord:
* Open a gitlab issue:
* Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}]
let%expect_test _ =
run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "bad_michelson_insertion_2.ligo" ; "main" ] ;
ligo: in file "bad_michelson_insertion_2.ligo", line 5, characters 32-40. different kinds: {"a":"nat","b":"( nat * nat )"}
If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can
do one of the following:
* Visit our documentation:
* Ask a question on our Discord:
* Open a gitlab issue:
* Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}]
let%expect_test _ =
run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "bad_michelson_insertion_3.ligo" ; "main" ] ;
{ parameter nat ;
storage nat ;
code { DUP ;
LAMBDA (pair nat nat) nat { { { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR } } ; ADD } ;
NIL operation ;
DIP { DROP } } } |}]
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ type c_Some = Region.t
type arrow = Region.t (* "->" *)
type cons = Region.t (* "::" *)
type percent = Region.t (* "%" *)
type cat = Region.t (* "^" *)
type append = Region.t (* "@" *)
type dot = Region.t (* "." *)
@ -226,26 +227,27 @@ and field_pattern = {
and expr =
ECase of expr case reg
| ECond of cond_expr reg
| EAnnot of annot_expr par reg
| ELogic of logic_expr
| EArith of arith_expr
| EString of string_expr
| EList of list_expr
| EConstr of constr_expr
| ERecord of record reg
| EProj of projection reg
| EUpdate of update reg
| EVar of variable
| ECall of (expr * expr nseq) reg
| EBytes of (string * Hex.t) reg
| EUnit of the_unit reg
| ETuple of (expr, comma) nsepseq reg
| EPar of expr par reg
| ELetIn of let_in reg
| EFun of fun_expr reg
| ESeq of expr injection reg
ECase of expr case reg
| ECond of cond_expr reg
| EAnnot of annot_expr par reg
| ELogic of logic_expr
| EArith of arith_expr
| EString of string_expr
| EList of list_expr
| EConstr of constr_expr
| ERecord of record reg
| EProj of projection reg
| EUpdate of update reg
| EVar of variable
| ECall of (expr * expr nseq) reg
| EBytes of (string * Hex.t) reg
| EUnit of the_unit reg
| ETuple of (expr, comma) nsepseq reg
| EPar of expr par reg
| ELetIn of let_in reg
| EFun of fun_expr reg
| ESeq of expr injection reg
| ECodeInsert of code_insert reg
and annot_expr = expr * colon * type_expr
@ -398,6 +400,13 @@ and cond_expr = {
ifnot : expr
and code_insert = {
lbracket : lbracket;
percent : percent;
language : string reg;
code : expr;
rbracket : rbracket;
(* Projecting regions from some nodes of the AST *)
let rec last to_region = function
@ -477,11 +486,12 @@ let expr_to_region = function
| EString e -> string_expr_to_region e
| EList e -> list_expr_to_region e
| EConstr e -> constr_expr_to_region e
| EAnnot {region;_ } | ELetIn {region;_} | EFun {region;_}
| ECond {region;_} | ETuple {region;_} | ECase {region;_}
| ECall {region;_} | EVar {region; _} | EProj {region; _}
| EUnit {region;_} | EPar {region;_} | EBytes {region; _}
| ESeq {region; _} | ERecord {region; _} | EUpdate {region; _} -> region
| EAnnot {region;_ } | ELetIn {region;_} | EFun {region;_}
| ECond {region;_} | ETuple {region;_} | ECase {region;_}
| ECall {region;_} | EVar {region; _} | EProj {region; _}
| EUnit {region;_} | EPar {region;_} | EBytes {region; _}
| ESeq {region; _} | ERecord {region; _} | EUpdate {region; _}
| ECodeInsert {region; _} -> region
let selection_to_region = function
FieldName f -> f.region
@ -38,10 +38,11 @@ type t =
(* Arithmetics *)
| MINUS of Region.t (* "-" *)
| PLUS of Region.t (* "+" *)
| SLASH of Region.t (* "/" *)
| TIMES of Region.t (* "*" *)
| MINUS of Region.t (* "-" *)
| PLUS of Region.t (* "+" *)
| SLASH of Region.t (* "/" *)
| TIMES of Region.t (* "*" *)
| PERCENT of Region.t (* "%" *)
(* Compounds *)
@ -91,24 +92,24 @@ type t =
(* Keywords *)
(*| And*)
| Begin of Region.t
| Else of Region.t
| End of Region.t
| False of Region.t
| Fun of Region.t
| Rec of Region.t
| If of Region.t
| In of Region.t
| Let of Region.t
| Match of Region.t
| Mod of Region.t
| Not of Region.t
| Of of Region.t
| Or of Region.t
| Then of Region.t
| True of Region.t
| Type of Region.t
| With of Region.t
| Begin of Region.t
| Else of Region.t
| End of Region.t
| False of Region.t
| Fun of Region.t
| Rec of Region.t
| If of Region.t
| In of Region.t
| Let of Region.t
| Match of Region.t
| Mod of Region.t
| Not of Region.t
| Of of Region.t
| Or of Region.t
| Then of Region.t
| True of Region.t
| Type of Region.t
| With of Region.t
(* Data constructors *)
@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ type t =
(* Arithmetics *)
| MINUS of Region.t (* "-" *)
| PLUS of Region.t (* "+" *)
| SLASH of Region.t (* "/" *)
| TIMES of Region.t (* "*" *)
| MINUS of Region.t (* "-" *)
| PLUS of Region.t (* "+" *)
| SLASH of Region.t (* "/" *)
| TIMES of Region.t (* "*" *)
| PERCENT of Region.t (* "%" *)
(* Compounds *)
@ -75,24 +76,24 @@ type t =
(* Keywords *)
(*| And*)
| Begin of Region.t
| Else of Region.t
| End of Region.t
| False of Region.t
| Fun of Region.t
| Rec of Region.t
| If of Region.t
| In of Region.t
| Let of Region.t
| Match of Region.t
| Mod of Region.t
| Not of Region.t
| Of of Region.t
| Or of Region.t
| Then of Region.t
| True of Region.t
| Type of Region.t
| With of Region.t
| Begin of Region.t
| Else of Region.t
| End of Region.t
| False of Region.t
| Fun of Region.t
| Rec of Region.t
| If of Region.t
| In of Region.t
| Let of Region.t
| Match of Region.t
| Mod of Region.t
| Not of Region.t
| Of of Region.t
| Or of Region.t
| Then of Region.t
| True of Region.t
| Type of Region.t
| With of Region.t
(* Data constructors *)
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ let proj_token = function
| PLUS region -> region, "PLUS"
| SLASH region -> region, "SLASH"
| TIMES region -> region, "TIMES"
| PERCENT region -> region, "PERCENT"
| LPAR region -> region, "LPAR"
| RPAR region -> region, "RPAR"
| LBRACKET region -> region, "LBRACKET"
@ -214,6 +216,7 @@ let to_lexeme = function
| PLUS _ -> "+"
| SLASH _ -> "/"
| TIMES _ -> "*"
| PERCENT _ -> "%"
| LPAR _ -> "("
| RPAR _ -> ")"
| LBRACKET _ -> "["
@ -277,24 +280,24 @@ let to_region token = proj_token token |> fst
(* LEXIS *)
let keywords = [
(fun reg -> Begin reg);
(fun reg -> Else reg);
(fun reg -> End reg);
(fun reg -> False reg);
(fun reg -> Fun reg);
(fun reg -> Rec reg);
(fun reg -> If reg);
(fun reg -> In reg);
(fun reg -> Let reg);
(fun reg -> Match reg);
(fun reg -> Mod reg);
(fun reg -> Not reg);
(fun reg -> Of reg);
(fun reg -> Or reg);
(fun reg -> Then reg);
(fun reg -> True reg);
(fun reg -> Type reg);
(fun reg -> With reg)]
(fun reg -> Begin reg);
(fun reg -> Else reg);
(fun reg -> End reg);
(fun reg -> False reg);
(fun reg -> Fun reg);
(fun reg -> Rec reg);
(fun reg -> If reg);
(fun reg -> In reg);
(fun reg -> Let reg);
(fun reg -> Match reg);
(fun reg -> Mod reg);
(fun reg -> Not reg);
(fun reg -> Of reg);
(fun reg -> Or reg);
(fun reg -> Then reg);
(fun reg -> True reg);
(fun reg -> Type reg);
(fun reg -> With reg)]
let reserved =
let open SSet in
@ -475,6 +478,7 @@ let mk_sym lexeme region =
| "-" -> Ok (MINUS region)
| "*" -> Ok (TIMES region)
| "/" -> Ok (SLASH region)
| "%" -> Ok (PERCENT region)
| "<" -> Ok (LT region)
| "<=" -> Ok (LE region)
| ">" -> Ok (GT region)
@ -17,10 +17,11 @@
(* Symbols *)
%token <Region.t> MINUS "-"
%token <Region.t> PLUS "+"
%token <Region.t> SLASH "/"
%token <Region.t> TIMES "*"
%token <Region.t> MINUS "-"
%token <Region.t> PLUS "+"
%token <Region.t> SLASH "/"
%token <Region.t> TIMES "*"
%token <Region.t> PERCENT "%"
%token <Region.t> LPAR "("
%token <Region.t> RPAR ")"
@ -583,6 +583,7 @@ core_expr:
| sequence { ESeq $1 }
| record_expr { ERecord $1 }
| update_record { EUpdate $1 }
| code_insert { ECodeInsert $1 }
| par(expr) { EPar $1 }
| par(annot_expr) { EAnnot $1 }
@ -706,3 +707,14 @@ last_expr:
disj_expr_level | if_then_else (seq_expr) { $1 }
"[" "%" Constr expr "]" {
let region = cover $1 $5 in
let value = {
lbracket =$1;
percent =$2;
language =$3;
code =$4;
rbracket =$5}
in {region; value} }
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ and print_expr state = function
| ESeq seq -> print_sequence state seq
| ERecord e -> print_record_expr state e
| EConstr e -> print_constr_expr state e
| ECodeInsert e -> print_code_insert state e
and print_constr_expr state = function
ENone e -> print_none_expr state e
@ -518,6 +519,14 @@ and print_comp_expr state = function
and print_record_expr state e =
print_ne_injection state print_field_assign e
and print_code_insert state {value; _} =
let {lbracket;percent;language;code;rbracket} : code_insert = value in
print_token state lbracket "[";
print_token state percent "%";
print_string state language;
print_expr state code;
print_token state rbracket "]"
and print_field_assign state {value; _} =
let {field_name; assignment; field_expr} = value in
print_var state field_name;
@ -860,6 +869,9 @@ and pp_expr state = function
| ESeq {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node state "ESeq" region;
pp_injection pp_expr state value
| ECodeInsert {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node state "ECodeInsert" region;
pp_code_insert state value
and pp_fun_expr state node =
let {binders; lhs_type; body; _} = node in
@ -881,6 +893,17 @@ and pp_fun_expr state node =
pp_expr (state#pad 1 0) body
in ()
and pp_code_insert state (rc : code_insert) =
let () =
let state = state#pad 3 0 in
pp_node state "<language>";
pp_string (state#pad 1 0) rc.language in
let () =
let state = state#pad 3 1 in
pp_node state "<code>";
pp_expr (state#pad 1 0) rc.code in
and pp_let_in state node =
let {binding; body; attributes; kwd_rec; _} = node in
let {binders; lhs_type; let_rhs; _} = binding in
@ -132,26 +132,27 @@ and pp_type_decl decl =
^^ group (nest padding (break 1 ^^ pp_type_expr type_expr))
and pp_expr = function
ECase e -> pp_case_expr e
| ECond e -> group (pp_cond_expr e)
| EAnnot e -> pp_annot_expr e
| ELogic e -> group (pp_logic_expr e)
| EArith e -> group (pp_arith_expr e)
| EString e -> pp_string_expr e
| EList e -> group (pp_list_expr e)
| EConstr e -> pp_constr_expr e
| ERecord e -> pp_record_expr e
| EProj e -> pp_projection e
| EUpdate e -> pp_update e
| EVar v -> pp_ident v
| ECall e -> pp_call_expr e
| EBytes e -> pp_bytes e
| EUnit _ -> string "()"
| ETuple e -> pp_tuple_expr e
| EPar e -> pp_par_expr e
| ELetIn e -> pp_let_in e
| EFun e -> pp_fun e
| ESeq e -> pp_seq e
ECase e -> pp_case_expr e
| ECond e -> group (pp_cond_expr e)
| EAnnot e -> pp_annot_expr e
| ELogic e -> group (pp_logic_expr e)
| EArith e -> group (pp_arith_expr e)
| EString e -> pp_string_expr e
| EList e -> group (pp_list_expr e)
| EConstr e -> pp_constr_expr e
| ERecord e -> pp_record_expr e
| EProj e -> pp_projection e
| EUpdate e -> pp_update e
| EVar v -> pp_ident v
| ECall e -> pp_call_expr e
| EBytes e -> pp_bytes e
| EUnit _ -> string "()"
| ETuple e -> pp_tuple_expr e
| EPar e -> pp_par_expr e
| ELetIn e -> pp_let_in e
| EFun e -> pp_fun e
| ESeq e -> pp_seq e
| ECodeInsert e -> pp_code_insert e
and pp_case_expr {value; _} =
let {expr; cases; _} = value in
@ -313,6 +314,12 @@ and pp_update {value; _} =
string "{" ^^ record ^^ string " with"
^^ nest 2 (break 1 ^^ updates ^^ string "}")
and pp_code_insert {value; _} =
let {language; code; _} = value in
let language = pp_string language
and code = pp_expr code in
string "[%" ^^ language ^^ string " " ^^ code ^^ string " ]"
and pp_field_path_assign {value; _} =
let {field_path; field_expr; _} = value in
let path = pp_path field_path in
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ type rbrace = Region.t (* "}" *)
type lbracket = Region.t (* "[" *)
type rbracket = Region.t (* "]" *)
type cons = Region.t (* "#" *)
type percent = Region.t (* "%" *)
type vbar = Region.t (* "|" *)
type arrow = Region.t (* "->" *)
type assign = Region.t (* ":=" *)
@ -436,6 +437,14 @@ and for_collect = {
block : block reg
and code_insert = {
lbracket : lbracket;
percent : percent;
language : string reg;
code : expr;
rbracket : rbracket;
and collection =
Map of kwd_map
| Set of kwd_set
@ -464,6 +473,7 @@ and expr =
| ETuple of tuple_expr
| EPar of expr par reg
| EFun of fun_expr reg
| ECodeInsert of code_insert reg
and annot_expr = expr * colon * type_expr
@ -687,7 +697,8 @@ let rec expr_to_region = function
| ECase {region;_}
| ECond {region; _}
| EPar {region; _}
| EFun {region; _} -> region
| EFun {region; _}
| ECodeInsert {region; _} -> region
and tuple_expr_to_region {region; _} = region
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ type t =
| DOT of Region.t (* "." *)
| WILD of Region.t (* "_" *)
| CAT of Region.t (* "^" *)
| PERCENT of Region.t (* "%" *)
(* Keywords *)
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ type t =
| DOT of Region.t
| WILD of Region.t
| CAT of Region.t
| PERCENT of Region.t (* "%" *)
(* Keywords *)
@ -141,6 +142,11 @@ let proj_token = function
| Constr Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Constr \"%s\"" value
| Attr {header; string={region; value}} ->
region, sprintf "Attr (\"%s\",\"%s\")" header value
(* Symbols *)
| SEMI region -> region, "SEMI"
@ -169,6 +175,7 @@ let proj_token = function
| DOT region -> region, "DOT"
| WILD region -> region, "WILD"
| CAT region -> region, "CAT"
| PERCENT region -> region, "PERCENT"
(* Keywords *)
@ -262,6 +269,7 @@ let to_lexeme = function
| DOT _ -> "."
| WILD _ -> "_"
| CAT _ -> "^"
| PERCENT _ -> "%"
(* Keywords *)
@ -365,7 +373,7 @@ let keywords = [
(fun reg -> Unit reg);
(fun reg -> Var reg);
(fun reg -> While reg);
(fun reg -> With reg)
(fun reg -> With reg);
let reserved = SSet.empty
@ -513,6 +521,7 @@ let mk_sym lexeme region =
| "-" -> Ok (MINUS region)
| "*" -> Ok (TIMES region)
| "/" -> Ok (SLASH region)
| "%" -> Ok (PERCENT region)
| "<" -> Ok (LT region)
| "<=" -> Ok (LE region)
| ">" -> Ok (GT region)
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
%token <Region.t> DOT "."
%token <Region.t> WILD "_"
%token <Region.t> CAT "^"
%token <Region.t> PERCENT "%"
(* Keywords *)
@ -855,6 +855,7 @@ core_expr:
| set_expr { ESet $1 }
| record_expr { ERecord $1 }
| update_record { EUpdate $1 }
| code_insert_expr { ECodeInsert $1 }
| "<constr>" arguments {
let region = cover $1.region $2.region in
EConstr (ConstrApp {region; value = $1, Some $2})
@ -973,6 +974,17 @@ update_record:
let value = {record=$1; kwd_with=$2; updates}
in {region; value} }
"[" "%" Constr expr "]" {
let region = cover $1 $5 in
let value = {
lbracket =$1;
percent =$2;
language =$3;
code =$4;
rbracket =$5}
in {region; value} }
field_name "=" expr {
let region = cover $1.region (expr_to_region $3)
@ -230,6 +230,14 @@ and print_fun_expr state {value; _} =
print_token state kwd_is "is";
print_expr state return
and print_code_insert state {value; _} =
let {lbracket;percent;language;code;rbracket} : code_insert = value in
print_token state lbracket "[";
print_token state percent "%";
print_string state language;
print_expr state code;
print_token state rbracket "]"
and print_parameters state {value; _} =
let {lpar; inside; rpar} = value in
print_token state lpar "(";
@ -439,26 +447,27 @@ and print_bind_to state = function
| None -> ()
and print_expr state = function
ECase {value;_} -> print_case_expr state value
| ECond {value;_} -> print_cond_expr state value
| EAnnot {value;_} -> print_annot_expr state value
| ELogic e -> print_logic_expr state e
| EArith e -> print_arith_expr state e
| EString e -> print_string_expr state e
| EList e -> print_list_expr state e
| ESet e -> print_set_expr state e
| EConstr e -> print_constr_expr state e
| ERecord e -> print_record_expr state e
| EUpdate e -> print_update_expr state e
| EProj e -> print_projection state e
| EMap e -> print_map_expr state e
| EVar v -> print_var state v
| ECall e -> print_fun_call state e
| EBytes b -> print_bytes state b
| EUnit r -> print_token state r "Unit"
| ETuple e -> print_tuple_expr state e
| EPar e -> print_par_expr state e
| EFun e -> print_fun_expr state e
ECase {value;_} -> print_case_expr state value
| ECond {value;_} -> print_cond_expr state value
| EAnnot {value;_} -> print_annot_expr state value
| ELogic e -> print_logic_expr state e
| EArith e -> print_arith_expr state e
| EString e -> print_string_expr state e
| EList e -> print_list_expr state e
| ESet e -> print_set_expr state e
| EConstr e -> print_constr_expr state e
| ERecord e -> print_record_expr state e
| EUpdate e -> print_update_expr state e
| EProj e -> print_projection state e
| EMap e -> print_map_expr state e
| EVar v -> print_var state v
| ECall e -> print_fun_call state e
| EBytes b -> print_bytes state b
| EUnit r -> print_token state r "Unit"
| ETuple e -> print_tuple_expr state e
| EPar e -> print_par_expr state e
| EFun e -> print_fun_expr state e
| ECodeInsert e -> print_code_insert state e
and print_annot_expr state node =
let {inside; _} : annot_expr par = node in
@ -1010,6 +1019,17 @@ and pp_fun_expr state (expr: fun_expr) =
pp_expr (state#pad 1 0) expr.return
in ()
and pp_code_insert state (rc : code_insert) =
let () =
let state = state#pad 3 0 in
pp_node state "<language>";
pp_string (state#pad 1 0) rc.language in
let () =
let state = state#pad 3 1 in
pp_node state "<code>";
pp_expr (state#pad 1 0) rc.code in
and pp_parameters state {value; _} =
let params = Utils.nsepseq_to_list value.inside in
let arity = List.length params in
@ -1491,6 +1511,9 @@ and pp_expr state = function
| EFun {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node state "EFun" region;
pp_fun_expr state value;
| ECodeInsert {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node state "ECodeInsert" region;
pp_code_insert state value;
and pp_list_expr state = function
ECons {value; region} ->
@ -361,26 +361,27 @@ and pp_collection = function
(* Expressions *)
and pp_expr = function
ECase e -> pp_case pp_expr e
| ECond e -> group (pp_cond_expr e)
| EAnnot e -> pp_annot_expr e
| ELogic e -> group (pp_logic_expr e)
| EArith e -> group (pp_arith_expr e)
| EString e -> pp_string_expr e
| EList e -> group (pp_list_expr e)
| ESet e -> pp_set_expr e
| EConstr e -> pp_constr_expr e
| ERecord e -> pp_record e
| EProj e -> pp_projection e
| EUpdate e -> pp_update e
| EMap e -> pp_map_expr e
| EVar e -> pp_ident e
| ECall e -> pp_fun_call e
| EBytes e -> pp_bytes e
| EUnit _ -> string "Unit"
| ETuple e -> pp_tuple_expr e
| EPar e -> pp_par pp_expr e
| EFun e -> pp_fun_expr e
ECase e -> pp_case pp_expr e
| ECond e -> group (pp_cond_expr e)
| EAnnot e -> pp_annot_expr e
| ELogic e -> group (pp_logic_expr e)
| EArith e -> group (pp_arith_expr e)
| EString e -> pp_string_expr e
| EList e -> group (pp_list_expr e)
| ESet e -> pp_set_expr e
| EConstr e -> pp_constr_expr e
| ERecord e -> pp_record e
| EProj e -> pp_projection e
| EUpdate e -> pp_update e
| EMap e -> pp_map_expr e
| EVar e -> pp_ident e
| ECall e -> pp_fun_call e
| EBytes e -> pp_bytes e
| EUnit _ -> string "Unit"
| ETuple e -> pp_tuple_expr e
| EPar e -> pp_par pp_expr e
| EFun e -> pp_fun_expr e
| ECodeInsert e -> pp_code_insert e
and pp_annot_expr {value; _} =
let expr, _, type_expr = value.inside in
@ -495,6 +496,12 @@ and pp_update {value; _} =
and record = pp_path record in
record ^^ string " with" ^^ nest 2 (break 1 ^^ updates)
and pp_code_insert {value; _} =
let {language; code; _} = value in
let language = pp_string language
and code = pp_expr code in
string "[%" ^^ language ^^ string " " ^^ code ^^ string " ]"
and pp_field_path_assign {value; _} =
let {field_path; field_expr; _} = value in
let path = pp_path field_path in
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -35,10 +35,11 @@ type t =
(* Arithmetics *)
| MINUS of Region.t (* "-" *)
| PLUS of Region.t (* "+" *)
| SLASH of Region.t (* "/" *)
| TIMES of Region.t (* "*" *)
| MINUS of Region.t (* "-" *)
| PLUS of Region.t (* "+" *)
| SLASH of Region.t (* "/" *)
| TIMES of Region.t (* "*" *)
| PERCENT of Region.t (* "%" *)
(* Compounds *)
@ -21,10 +21,11 @@ type t =
(* Arithmetics *)
| MINUS of Region.t (* "-" *)
| PLUS of Region.t (* "+" *)
| SLASH of Region.t (* "/" *)
| TIMES of Region.t (* "*" *)
| MINUS of Region.t (* "-" *)
| PLUS of Region.t (* "+" *)
| SLASH of Region.t (* "/" *)
| TIMES of Region.t (* "*" *)
| PERCENT of Region.t (* "%" *)
(* Compounds *)
@ -132,6 +133,7 @@ let proj_token = function
| PLUS region -> region, "PLUS"
| SLASH region -> region, "SLASH"
| TIMES region -> region, "TIMES"
| PERCENT region -> region, "PERCENT"
| LPAR region -> region, "LPAR"
| RPAR region -> region, "RPAR"
| LBRACKET region -> region, "LBRACKET"
@ -191,6 +193,7 @@ let to_lexeme = function
| PLUS _ -> "+"
| SLASH _ -> "/"
| TIMES _ -> "*"
| PERCENT _ -> "%"
| LPAR _ -> "("
| RPAR _ -> ")"
| LBRACKET _ -> "["
@ -429,6 +432,7 @@ let mk_sym lexeme region =
| "+" -> Ok (PLUS region)
| "/" -> Ok (SLASH region)
| "*" -> Ok (TIMES region)
| "%" -> Ok (PERCENT region)
| "[" -> Ok (LBRACKET region)
| "]" -> Ok (RBRACKET region)
| "{" -> Ok (LBRACE region)
@ -17,10 +17,11 @@
(* Symbols *)
%token <Region.t> MINUS "-"
%token <Region.t> PLUS "+"
%token <Region.t> SLASH "/"
%token <Region.t> TIMES "*"
%token <Region.t> MINUS "-"
%token <Region.t> PLUS "+"
%token <Region.t> SLASH "/"
%token <Region.t> TIMES "*"
%token <Region.t> PERCENT "%"
%token <Region.t> LPAR "("
%token <Region.t> RPAR ")"
@ -814,6 +814,7 @@ common_expr:
| unit { EUnit $1 }
| "false" { ELogic (BoolExpr (False $1)) }
| "true" { ELogic (BoolExpr (True $1)) }
| code_insert { ECodeInsert $1 }
common_expr { $1 }
@ -919,6 +920,17 @@ update_record:
rbrace = $6}
in {region; value} }
"[" "%" Constr expr "]" {
let region = cover $1 $5 in
let value = {
lbracket =$1;
percent =$2;
language =$3;
code =$4;
rbracket =$5}
in {region; value} }
| let_expr(expr_with_let_expr) { $1 }
@ -139,26 +139,27 @@ and pp_type_decl decl =
^^ group (pp_type_expr type_expr) ^^ string ";"
and pp_expr = function
ECase e -> pp_case_expr e
| ECond e -> group (pp_cond_expr e)
| EAnnot e -> pp_annot_expr e
| ELogic e -> pp_logic_expr e
| EArith e -> group (pp_arith_expr e)
| EString e -> pp_string_expr e
| EList e -> group (pp_list_expr e)
| EConstr e -> pp_constr_expr e
| ERecord e -> pp_record_expr e
| EProj e -> pp_projection e
| EUpdate e -> pp_update e
| EVar v -> pp_ident v
| ECall e -> pp_call_expr e
| EBytes e -> pp_bytes e
| EUnit _ -> string "()"
| ETuple e -> pp_tuple_expr e
| EPar e -> pp_par_expr e
| ELetIn e -> pp_let_in e
| EFun e -> pp_fun e
| ESeq e -> pp_seq e
ECase e -> pp_case_expr e
| ECond e -> group (pp_cond_expr e)
| EAnnot e -> pp_annot_expr e
| ELogic e -> pp_logic_expr e
| EArith e -> group (pp_arith_expr e)
| EString e -> pp_string_expr e
| EList e -> group (pp_list_expr e)
| EConstr e -> pp_constr_expr e
| ERecord e -> pp_record_expr e
| EProj e -> pp_projection e
| EUpdate e -> pp_update e
| EVar v -> pp_ident v
| ECall e -> pp_call_expr e
| EBytes e -> pp_bytes e
| EUnit _ -> string "()"
| ETuple e -> pp_tuple_expr e
| EPar e -> pp_par_expr e
| ELetIn e -> pp_let_in e
| EFun e -> pp_fun e
| ESeq e -> pp_seq e
| ECodeInsert e -> pp_code_insert e
and pp_case_expr {value; _} =
let {expr; cases; _} = value in
@ -319,6 +320,12 @@ and pp_update {value; _} =
string "{..." ^^ record ^^ string ","
^^ nest 2 (break 1 ^^ updates ^^ string "}")
and pp_code_insert {value; _} =
let {language; code; _} = value in
let language = pp_string language
and code = pp_expr code in
string "[%" ^^ language ^^ string " " ^^ code ^^ string " ]"
and pp_field_path_assign {value; _} =
let {field_path; field_expr; _} = value in
let path = pp_path field_path in
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ let esc = "\\n" | "\\\"" | "\\\\" | "\\b"
let common_sym = ';' | ',' | '(' | ')' | '[' | ']' | '{' | '}'
| '=' | ':' | '|' | "->" | '.' | '_' | '^'
| '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '<' | "<=" | '>' | ">="
| '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '<' | "<=" | '>' | ">="
let pascaligo_sym = "=/=" | '#' | ":="
let cameligo_sym = "<>" | "::" | "||" | "&&"
let reasonligo_sym = '!' | "=>" | "!=" | "==" | "++" | "..." | "||" | "&&"
@ -638,6 +638,12 @@ in trace (abstracting_expr t) @@
let%bind match_false = compile_expression c.ifnot in
return @@ e_cond ~loc expr match_true match_false
| ECodeInsert ci -> (
let (ci, loc) = r_split ci in
let language = ci.language.value in
let%bind code = compile_expression ci.code in
return @@ e_raw_code ~loc language code
and compile_fun lamb' : expr result =
let return x = ok x in
@ -459,6 +459,12 @@ let rec compile_expression (t:Raw.expr) : expr result =
let (f , loc) = r_split f in
let%bind (_ty_opt, f') = compile_fun_expression ~loc f
in return @@ f'
| ECodeInsert ci ->
let (ci, loc) = r_split ci in
let language = ci.language.value in
let%bind code = compile_expression ci.code in
return @@ e_raw_code ~loc language code
and compile_update (u: Raw.update Region.reg) =
let u, loc = r_split u in
let name, path = compile_path u.record in
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ let rec fold_expression : 'a folder -> 'a -> expression -> 'a result = fun f ini
let self = fold_expression f in
let%bind init' = f init e in
match e.expression_content with
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_skip -> ok init'
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_raw_code _ | E_skip -> ok init'
| E_list lst | E_set lst | E_constant {arguments=lst} -> (
let%bind res = bind_fold_list self init' lst in
ok res
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ let rec map_expression : exp_mapper -> expression -> expression result = fun f e
let%bind body = self body in
return @@ E_while {condition; body}
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_skip as e' -> return e'
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_raw_code _ | E_skip as e' -> return e'
and map_type_expression : ty_exp_mapper -> type_expression -> type_expression result = fun f te ->
let self = map_type_expression f in
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ let rec fold_map_expression : 'a fold_mapper -> 'a -> expression -> ('a * expres
let%bind res,condition = self init' condition in
let%bind res,body = self res body in
ok (res, return @@ E_while {condition; body})
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_skip as e' -> ok (init', return e')
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_raw_code _ | E_skip as e' -> ok (init', return e')
and fold_map_cases : 'a fold_mapper -> 'a -> matching_expr -> ('a * matching_expr) result = fun f init m ->
match m with
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ let repair_mutable_variable_in_matching (match_body : O.expression) (element_nam
| E_constant _
| E_skip
| E_literal _ | E_variable _
| E_application _ | E_lambda _| E_recursive _
| E_application _ | E_lambda _| E_recursive _ | E_raw_code _
| E_constructor _ | E_record _| E_accessor _|E_update _
| E_ascription _ | E_sequence _ | E_tuple _
| E_map _ | E_big_map _ |E_list _ | E_set _
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ and repair_mutable_variable_in_loops (for_body : O.expression) (element_names :
| E_constant _
| E_skip
| E_literal _ | E_variable _
| E_application _ | E_lambda _| E_recursive _
| E_application _ | E_lambda _| E_recursive _ | E_raw_code _
| E_constructor _ | E_record _| E_accessor _| E_update _
| E_ascription _ | E_sequence _ | E_tuple _
| E_map _ | E_big_map _ |E_list _ | E_set _
@ -218,6 +218,9 @@ and compile_expression' : I.expression -> (O.expression option -> O.expression)
let%bind rhs = compile_expression rhs in
let%bind let_result = compile_expression let_result in
return @@ O.e_let_in ~loc (binder,ty_opt) false inline rhs let_result
| I.E_raw_code {language;code} ->
let%bind code = compile_expression code in
return @@ O.e_raw_code ~loc language code
| I.E_constructor {constructor;element} ->
let%bind element = compile_expression element in
return @@ O.e_constructor ~loc constructor element
@ -613,6 +616,9 @@ let rec uncompile_expression : O.expression -> I.expression result =
let%bind rhs = uncompile_expression rhs in
let%bind let_result = uncompile_expression let_result in
return @@ I.E_let_in {let_binder=(binder,ty_opt);inline;rhs;let_result}
| O.E_raw_code {language;code} ->
let%bind code = uncompile_expression code in
return @@ I.E_raw_code {language;code}
| O.E_constructor {constructor;element} ->
let%bind element = uncompile_expression element in
return @@ I.E_constructor {constructor;element}
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ let rec fold_expression : 'a folder -> 'a -> expression -> 'a result = fun f ini
let self = fold_expression f in
let%bind init' = f init e in
match e.expression_content with
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_skip -> ok init'
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_raw_code _ | E_skip -> ok init'
| E_list lst | E_set lst | E_constant {arguments=lst} -> (
let%bind res = bind_fold_list self init' lst in
ok res
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ let rec map_expression : exp_mapper -> expression -> expression result = fun f e
let%bind t' = bind_map_list self t in
return @@ E_tuple t'
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_skip as e' -> return e'
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_raw_code _ | E_skip as e' -> return e'
and map_type_expression : ty_exp_mapper -> type_expression -> type_expression result = fun f te ->
let self = map_type_expression f in
@ -403,7 +403,8 @@ let rec fold_map_expression : 'a fold_mapper -> 'a -> expression -> ('a * expres
let%bind (res,(expr1,expr2)) = bind_fold_map_pair self init' (expr1,expr2) in
ok (res, return @@ E_sequence {expr1;expr2})
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_skip as e' -> ok (init', return e')
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_raw_code _ | E_skip as e' -> ok (init', return e')
and fold_map_cases : 'a fold_mapper -> 'a -> matching_expr -> ('a * matching_expr) result = fun f init m ->
match m with
| Match_variant lst -> (
@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ let rec compile_expression : I.expression -> O.expression result =
let%bind rhs = compile_expression rhs in
let%bind let_result = compile_expression let_result in
return @@ O.E_let_in {let_binder=(binder,ty_opt);inline;rhs;let_result}
| I.E_raw_code {language;code} ->
let%bind code = compile_expression code in
return @@ O.E_raw_code {language;code}
| I.E_constructor {constructor;element} ->
let%bind element = compile_expression element in
return @@ O.E_constructor {constructor;element}
@ -328,6 +331,9 @@ let rec uncompile_expression : O.expression -> I.expression result =
let%bind rhs = uncompile_expression rhs in
let%bind let_result = uncompile_expression let_result in
return @@ I.E_let_in {let_binder=(binder,ty_opt);mut=false;inline;rhs;let_result}
| O.E_raw_code {language;code} ->
let%bind code = uncompile_expression code in
return @@ I.E_raw_code {language;code}
| O.E_constructor {constructor;element} ->
let%bind element = uncompile_expression element in
return @@ I.E_constructor {constructor;element}
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ let rec fold_expression : 'a folder -> 'a -> expression -> 'a result = fun f ini
let self = fold_expression f in
let%bind init' = f init e in
match e.expression_content with
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ -> ok init'
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_raw_code _ -> ok init'
| E_constant {arguments=lst} -> (
let%bind res = bind_fold_list self init' lst in
ok res
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ let rec map_expression : exp_mapper -> expression -> expression result = fun f e
let%bind args = bind_map_list self c.arguments in
return @@ E_constant {c with arguments=args}
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ as e' -> return e'
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_raw_code _ as e' -> return e'
and map_type_expression : ty_exp_mapper -> type_expression -> type_expression result = fun f ({type_content ; location ; type_meta} as te) ->
let self = map_type_expression f in
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ let rec fold_map_expression : 'a fold_mapper -> 'a -> expression -> ('a * expres
let%bind (res,args) = bind_fold_map_list self init' c.arguments in
ok (res, return @@ E_constant {c with arguments=args})
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ as e' -> ok (init', return e')
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_raw_code _ as e' -> ok (init', return e')
and fold_map_cases : 'a fold_mapper -> 'a -> matching_expr -> ('a * matching_expr) result = fun f init m ->
match m with
@ -332,7 +332,10 @@ and type_expression : environment -> O'.typer_state -> ?tv_opt:O.type_expression
let wrapped =
Wrap.let_in rhs.type_expression rhs_tv_opt let_result.type_expression in
return_wrapped (E_let_in {let_binder; rhs; let_result; inline}) state'' wrapped
| E_raw_code {language ; code} ->
let%bind (code,state') = type_expression e state code in
let wrapped = Wrap.raw_code code.type_expression in
return_wrapped (E_raw_code {language; code}) state' wrapped
| E_ascription {anno_expr;type_annotation} ->
let%bind tv = evaluate_type e type_annotation in
let%bind (expr' , state') = type_expression e state anno_expr in
@ -282,6 +282,9 @@ let rec untype_expression (e:O.expression) : (I.expression) result =
let%bind rhs = untype_expression rhs in
let%bind result = untype_expression let_result in
return (e_let_in (let_binder , (Some tv)) inline rhs result)
| E_raw_code {language; code} ->
let%bind code = untype_expression code in
return @@ e_raw_code language code
| E_recursive {fun_name; fun_type; lambda} ->
let%bind lambda = untype_lambda fun_type lambda in
let%bind fun_type = untype_type_expression fun_type in
@ -307,6 +307,14 @@ let recursive : T.type_expression -> (constraints * T.type_variable) =
c_equation fun_type ({ tsrc = "wrap: recursive: whole" ; t = P_variable whole_expr }) "wrap: recursive: fun_type (whole)" ;
], whole_expr
let raw_code : T.type_expression -> (constraints * T.type_variable) =
fun type_anno ->
let type_anno = type_expression_to_type_value type_anno in
let whole_expr = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
c_equation type_anno ({ tsrc = "wrap: raw_code: whole"; t = P_variable whole_expr }) "wrap: raw_code: type_anno (whole)" ;
], whole_expr
let assign : T.type_expression -> T.type_expression -> (constraints * T.type_variable) =
fun v e ->
let v' = type_expression_to_type_value v in
@ -936,6 +936,12 @@ and type_expression' : environment -> ?tv_opt:O.type_expression -> I.expression
let e' = Environment.add_ez_declaration (let_binder) rhs e in
let%bind let_result = type_expression' e' let_result in
return (E_let_in {let_binder; rhs; let_result; inline}) let_result.type_expression
| E_raw_code {language;code} ->
let%bind (code,type_expression) = I.get_e_ascription code.expression_content in
let%bind code = type_expression' e code in
let%bind type_expression = evaluate_type e type_expression in
let code = {code with type_expression} in
return (E_raw_code {language;code}) code.type_expression
| E_recursive {fun_name; fun_type; lambda} ->
let%bind fun_type = evaluate_type e fun_type in
let e' = Environment.add_ez_binder fun_name fun_type e in
@ -1072,6 +1078,9 @@ let rec untype_expression (e:O.expression) : (I.expression) result =
let%bind rhs = untype_expression rhs in
let%bind result = untype_expression let_result in
return (e_let_in (let_binder , (Some tv)) inline rhs result)
| E_raw_code {language; code} ->
let%bind code = untype_expression code in
return (e_raw_code language code)
| E_recursive {fun_name;fun_type; lambda} ->
let%bind fun_type = untype_type_expression fun_type in
let%bind unty_expr= untype_expression_content ty @@ E_lambda lambda in
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ let rec fold_expression : 'a . 'a folder -> 'a -> expression -> 'a result = fun
let self = fold_expression f in
let%bind init' = f init e in
match e.expression_content with
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ -> ok init'
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_raw_code _ -> ok init'
| E_constant {arguments=lst} -> (
let%bind res = bind_fold_list self init' lst in
ok res
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ let rec map_expression : mapper -> expression -> expression result = fun f e ->
let%bind args = bind_map_list self c.arguments in
return @@ E_constant {c with arguments=args}
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ as e' -> return e'
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_raw_code _ as e' -> return e'
and map_cases : mapper -> matching_expr -> matching_expr result = fun f m ->
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ let rec fold_map_expression : 'a . 'a fold_mapper -> 'a -> expression -> ('a * e
let%bind (res,args) = bind_fold_map_list self init' c.arguments in
ok (res, return @@ E_constant {c with arguments=args})
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ as e' -> ok (init', return e')
| E_literal _ | E_variable _ | E_raw_code _ as e' -> ok (init', return e')
and fold_map_cases : 'a . 'a fold_mapper -> 'a -> matching_expr -> ('a * matching_expr) result = fun f init m ->
match m with
@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ let rec check_recursive_call : expression_variable -> bool -> expression -> unit
let%bind _ = check_recursive_call n false rhs in
let%bind _ = check_recursive_call n final_path let_result in
ok ()
| E_raw_code _ ->
ok ()
| E_constructor {element;_} ->
let%bind _ = check_recursive_call n false element in
ok ()
@ -365,6 +365,7 @@ and eval : Ast_typed.expression -> env -> value result
| E_recursive {fun_name; fun_type=_; lambda} ->
ok @@ V_Func_rec (fun_name, lambda.binder, lambda.result, env)
| E_raw_code _ -> simple_fail "Can't evaluate a raw code insertion"
let dummy : Ast_typed.program -> string result =
fun prg ->
@ -92,6 +92,15 @@ them. please report this to the developers." in
] in
error ~data title content
let language_backend_mismatch language backend =
let title () = "Language insert - Backend Mismatch" in
let content () = "only provide code insertion in the language you are compiling to" in
let data = [
("Code Insertion Language", fun () -> language);
("Target backend", fun () -> backend);
] in
error ~data title content
open Errors
@ -606,6 +615,16 @@ and transpile_annotated_expression (ae:AST.expression) : expression result =
aux expr' tree''
| E_raw_code { language; code} ->
let backend = "Michelson" in
let%bind () =
trace_strong (language_backend_mismatch language backend) @@
Assert.assert_true (String.equal language backend)
let type_anno = get_type_expression code in
let%bind type_anno' = transpile_type type_anno in
let%bind code = get_a_string code in
return ~tv:type_anno' @@ E_raw_michelson code
and transpile_lambda l (input_type , output_type) =
let { binder ; result } : AST.lambda = l in
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ let rec fold_expression : 'a folder -> 'a -> expression -> 'a result = fun f ini
let%bind init' = f init e in
match e.content with
| E_variable _ | E_skip | E_make_none _
| E_raw_michelson _
| E_literal _ -> ok init'
| E_constant (c) -> (
let%bind res = bind_fold_list self init' c.arguments in
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ let rec map_expression : mapper -> expression -> expression result = fun f e ->
let%bind e' = f e in
let return content = ok { e' with content } in
match e'.content with
| E_variable _ | E_literal _ | E_skip | E_make_none _
| E_variable _ | E_literal _ | E_skip | E_make_none _ | E_raw_michelson _
as em -> return em
| E_constant (c) -> (
let%bind lst = bind_map_list self c.arguments in
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ let rec is_pure : expression -> bool = fun e ->
| E_skip
| E_variable _
| E_make_none _
| E_raw_michelson _
-> true
| E_if_bool (cond, bt, bf)
@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ let rec replace : expression -> var_name -> var_name -> expression =
let cond = replace cond in
let body = replace body in
return @@ E_while (cond, body)
| E_raw_michelson _ -> e
Computes `body[x := expr]`.
@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ let rec subst_expression : body:expression -> x:var_name -> expr:expression -> e
return @@ E_if_left (c, ((name_l, tvl) , l), ((name_r, tvr) , r))
(* All that follows is boilerplate *)
| E_literal _ | E_skip | E_make_none _
| E_literal _ | E_skip | E_make_none _ | E_raw_michelson _
as em -> return em
| E_constant (c) -> (
let lst = self c.arguments in
@ -23,6 +23,16 @@ them. please report this to the developers." in
[ ("location", fun () -> loc) ;
] in
error ~data title content
let raw_michelson_parsing_error code =
let title () = "Error while parsing Michelson code insertion" in
let content () = "Unable to parse the michelson code" in
let data = [
("code", fun () -> code);
(* TODO : add location in Mini-c *)
(* ("location", fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp location); *)
] in
error ~data title content
open Errors
@ -483,6 +493,15 @@ and translate_expression (expr:expression) (env:environment) : michelson result
i_push_unit ;
| E_raw_michelson code ->
let%bind code =
Proto_alpha_utils.Trace.trace_tzresult (raw_michelson_parsing_error code) @@
Tezos_micheline.Micheline_parser.no_parsing_error @@
Michelson_parser.V1.parse_expression ~check:false code
let code = Tezos_micheline.Micheline.root code.expanded in
let%bind ty = Compiler_type.type_ ty in
return @@ i_push ty code
and translate_function_body ({body ; binder} : anon_function) lst input : michelson result =
let pre_env = Environment.of_list lst in
@ -474,7 +474,6 @@ let rec opt_strip_annots (x : michelson) : michelson =
let optimize : michelson -> michelson =
fun x ->
let x = use_lambda_instr x in
let x = flatten_seqs x in
let x = opt_tail_fail x in
let optimizers = [ peephole @@ peep2 opt_drop2 ;
@ -487,4 +486,5 @@ let optimize : michelson -> michelson =
let x = iterate_optimizer (sequence_optimizers optimizers) x in
let x = opt_combine_drops x in
let x = opt_strip_annots x in
let x = use_lambda_instr x in
@ -113,6 +113,8 @@ and expression_content ppf (ec : expression_content) =
expression_content (E_lambda lambda)
| E_let_in { let_binder ; rhs ; let_result; inline } ->
fprintf ppf "let %a = %a%a in %a" option_type_name let_binder expression rhs option_inline inline expression let_result
| E_raw_code {language; code} ->
fprintf ppf "[%%%s %a]" language expression code
| E_ascription {anno_expr; type_annotation} ->
fprintf ppf "%a : %a" expression anno_expr type_expression
@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ let e_application ?loc a b = make_e ?loc @@ E_application {lamb=a ; args=b}
let e_lambda ?loc binder input_type output_type result : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_lambda {binder; input_type; output_type; result}
let e_recursive ?loc fun_name fun_type lambda = make_e ?loc @@ E_recursive {fun_name; fun_type; lambda}
let e_let_in ?loc (binder, ascr) inline rhs let_result = make_e ?loc @@ E_let_in { let_binder = (binder, ascr) ; rhs ; let_result; inline }
let e_raw_code ?loc language code = make_e ?loc @@ E_raw_code {language; code}
let e_constructor ?loc s a : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_constructor { constructor = Constructor s; element = a}
let e_matching ?loc a b : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_matching {matchee=a;cases=b}
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ val e_application : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_lambda : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable -> type_expression option -> type_expression option -> expression -> expression
val e_recursive : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable -> type_expression -> lambda -> expression
val e_let_in : ?loc:Location.t -> ( expression_variable * type_expression option ) -> bool -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_raw_code : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression -> expression
val e_constructor : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression -> expression
val e_matching : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> matching_expr -> expression
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ and expression_content =
| E_lambda of lambda
| E_recursive of recursive
| E_let_in of let_in
| E_raw_code of raw_code
(* Variant *)
| E_constructor of constructor (* For user defined constructors *)
| E_matching of matching
@ -100,6 +101,11 @@ and let_in =
; let_result: expression
; inline: bool }
and raw_code = {
language : string ;
code : expression ;
and constructor = {constructor: constructor'; element: expression}
and accessor = {record: expression; path: access list}
@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ and expression_content ppf (ec : expression_content) =
expression rhs
option_inline inline
expression let_result
| E_raw_code {language; code} ->
fprintf ppf "[%%%s %a]" language expression code
| E_ascription {anno_expr; type_annotation} ->
fprintf ppf "%a : %a" expression anno_expr type_expression type_annotation
| E_cond {condition; then_clause; else_clause} ->
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ let e_application ?loc a b = make_e ?loc @@ E_application {lamb=a ; args=b}
let e_lambda ?loc binder input_type output_type result : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_lambda {binder; input_type; output_type; result}
let e_recursive ?loc fun_name fun_type lambda = make_e ?loc @@ E_recursive {fun_name; fun_type; lambda}
let e_let_in ?loc (binder, ascr) mut inline rhs let_result = make_e ?loc @@ E_let_in { let_binder = (binder, ascr) ; rhs ; let_result; inline; mut }
let e_raw_code ?loc language code = make_e ?loc @@ E_raw_code {language; code}
let e_constructor ?loc s a : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_constructor { constructor = s; element = a}
let e_matching ?loc a b : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_matching {matchee=a;cases=b}
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ val e_lambda : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable -> type_expression option
val e_application : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_recursive : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable -> type_expression -> lambda -> expression
val e_let_in : ?loc:Location.t -> ( expression_variable * type_expression option ) -> bool -> bool -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_raw_code : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression -> expression
val e_record : ?loc:Location.t -> expr label_map -> expression
val e_accessor : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> access list -> expression
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ and expression_content =
| E_lambda of lambda
| E_recursive of recursive
| E_let_in of let_in
| E_raw_code of raw_code
(* Variant *)
| E_constructor of constructor (* For user defined constructors *)
| E_matching of matching
@ -98,6 +99,11 @@ and let_in = {
mut: bool;
and raw_code = {
language : string ;
code : expression ;
and constructor = {constructor: constructor'; element: expression}
and accessor = {record: expression; path: access list}
@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ and expression_content ppf (ec : expression_content) =
| E_let_in { let_binder ;rhs ; let_result; inline } ->
fprintf ppf "@[let %a =@;<1 2>%a%a in@ %a@]" option_type_name let_binder expression rhs option_inline inline expression let_result
| E_raw_code {language; code} ->
fprintf ppf "[%%%s %a]" language expression code
| E_ascription {anno_expr; type_annotation} ->
fprintf ppf "%a : %a" expression anno_expr type_expression
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ let e_application ?loc a b = make_e ?loc @@ E_application {lamb=a ; args=b}
let e_lambda ?loc binder input_type output_type result = make_e ?loc @@ E_lambda {binder; input_type; output_type; result ; }
let e_recursive ?loc fun_name fun_type lambda = make_e ?loc @@ E_recursive {fun_name; fun_type; lambda}
let e_let_in ?loc (binder, ascr) inline rhs let_result = make_e ?loc @@ E_let_in { let_binder = (binder,ascr) ; rhs ; let_result; inline }
let e_raw_code ?loc language code = make_e ?loc @@ E_raw_code {language; code}
let e_constructor ?loc s a : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_constructor { constructor = Constructor s; element = a}
let e_matching ?loc a b : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_matching {matchee=a;cases=b}
@ -163,6 +164,11 @@ let get_e_tuple = fun t ->
| E_record r -> ok @@ snd @@ Stage_common.Helpers.tuple_of_record r
| _ -> simple_fail "ast_core: get_e_tuple: not a tuple"
let get_e_ascription = fun a ->
match a with
| E_ascription {anno_expr; type_annotation} -> ok @@ (anno_expr,type_annotation)
| _ -> simple_fail "ast_core: get_e_ascription: not an ascription"
(* Same as get_e_pair *)
let extract_pair : expression -> (expression * expression) result = fun e ->
match e.expression_content with
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ val e_matching : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> matching_expr -> expression
val e_record_accessor : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> label -> expression
val e_variable : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable -> expression
val e_let_in : ?loc:Location.t -> ( expression_variable * type_expression option ) -> bool -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_raw_code : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression -> expression
val e_annotation : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> type_expression -> expression
val e_application : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_constant : ?loc:Location.t -> constant' -> expression list -> expression
@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ val get_e_pair : expression_content -> ( expression * expression ) result
val get_e_list : expression_content -> ( expression list ) result
val get_e_tuple : expression_content -> ( expression list ) result
val get_e_ascription : expression_content -> ( expression * type_expression ) result
val get_e_failwith : expression -> expression result
val is_e_failwith : expression -> bool
@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ let rec assert_value_eq (a, b: (expression * expression )) : unit result =
| (_a' , E_ascription b) -> assert_value_eq (a , b.anno_expr)
| (E_variable _, _) | (E_lambda _, _)
| (E_application _, _) | (E_let_in _, _)
| (E_raw_code _, _)
| (E_recursive _,_) | (E_record_accessor _, _)
| (E_matching _, _)
-> simple_fail "comparing not a value"
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ and expression_content =
| E_lambda of lambda
| E_recursive of recursive
| E_let_in of let_in
| E_raw_code of raw_code
(* Variant *)
| E_constructor of constructor (* For user defined constructors *)
| E_matching of matching
@ -71,6 +72,11 @@ and let_in =
; let_result: expression
; inline: bool }
and raw_code = {
language : string ;
code : expression ;
and constructor = {constructor: constructor'; element: expression}
and record_accessor = {record: expression; path: label}
@ -291,6 +291,8 @@ and expression_content ppf (ec: expression_content) =
| E_let_in {let_binder; rhs; let_result; inline} ->
fprintf ppf "let %a = %a%a in %a" expression_variable let_binder expression
rhs option_inline inline expression let_result
| E_raw_code {language; code} ->
fprintf ppf "[%%%s %a]" language expression code
| E_recursive { fun_name;fun_type; lambda} ->
fprintf ppf "rec (%a:%a => %a )"
expression_variable fun_name
@ -314,6 +314,7 @@ and expression_content =
| E_lambda of lambda
| E_recursive of recursive
| E_let_in of let_in
| E_raw_code of raw_code
(* Variant *)
| E_constructor of constructor (* For user defined constructors *)
| E_matching of matching
@ -346,6 +347,11 @@ and let_in = {
inline : bool ;
and raw_code = {
language : string;
code : expression;
and recursive = {
fun_name : expression_variable;
fun_type : type_expression;
@ -360,6 +360,16 @@ let get_a_int (t:expression) =
| E_literal (Literal_int n) -> ok n
| _ -> simple_fail "not an int"
let get_a_string (t:expression) =
match t.expression_content with
| E_literal (Literal_string s) -> ok @@ Ligo_string.extract s
| _ -> simple_fail "not a string"
let get_a_verbatim (t:expression) =
match t.expression_content with
E_literal (Literal_string (Verbatim v)) -> ok @@ v
| _ -> simple_fail "not a verbatim string"
let get_a_unit (t:expression) =
match t.expression_content with
| E_literal (Literal_unit) -> ok ()
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ val ez_e_a_record : ( label * expression ) list -> expression
val e_a_let_in : expression_variable -> bool -> expression -> expression -> expression
val get_a_int : expression -> Z.t result
val get_a_string : expression -> string result
val get_a_verbatim : expression -> string result
val get_a_unit : expression -> unit result
val get_a_bool : expression -> bool result
val get_a_record_accessor : expression -> (expression * label) result
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ let rec expression : environment -> expression -> expression = fun env expr ->
let (lamb , args) = self_2 c.lamb c.args in
return @@ E_application { lamb ; args }
| E_raw_code _ -> return_id
| E_constructor c -> (
let element = self c.element in
return @@ E_constructor { c with element }
@ -218,6 +218,7 @@ module Free_variables = struct
(expression b' let_result)
(self rhs)
| E_raw_code _ -> empty
| E_recursive {fun_name;lambda;_} ->
let b' = union (singleton fun_name) b in
expression_content b' @@ E_lambda lambda
@ -491,7 +492,7 @@ let rec assert_value_eq (a, b: (expression*expression)) : unit result =
fail @@ (different_values_because_different_types "record vs. non-record" a b)
| (E_literal _, _) | (E_variable _, _) | (E_application _, _)
| (E_lambda _, _) | (E_let_in _, _) | (E_recursive _, _)
| (E_lambda _, _) | (E_let_in _, _) | (E_raw_code _, _) | (E_recursive _, _)
| (E_record_accessor _, _) | (E_record_update _,_)
| (E_matching _, _)
-> fail @@ error_uncomparable_values "can't compare sequences nor loops" a b
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ module Captured_variables = struct
| E_let_in li ->
let b' = union (singleton li.let_binder) b in
expression b' li.let_result
| E_raw_code _ -> ok empty
| E_recursive r ->
let b' = union (singleton r.fun_name) b in
expression_content b' @@ E_lambda r.lambda
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ and type_constant ppf (tb:type_base) : unit =
| TB_chain_id -> "chain_id"
| TB_void -> "void"
fprintf ppf "(TC %s)" s
fprintf ppf "%s" s
let rec value ppf : value -> unit = function
| D_bool b -> fprintf ppf "%b" b
@ -70,6 +70,21 @@ let rec value ppf : value -> unit = function
| D_list lst -> fprintf ppf "List[%a]" (list_sep_d value) lst
| D_set lst -> fprintf ppf "Set[%a]" (list_sep_d value) lst
and type_expression_annotated ppf : type_expression annotated -> unit = fun (_, tv) ->
type_expression ppf tv
and type_expression ppf : type_expression -> unit = fun te -> match te.type_content with
| T_pair (a,b) -> fprintf ppf "pair %a %a" type_expression_annotated a type_expression_annotated b
| T_or (a,b) -> fprintf ppf "or %a %a" type_expression_annotated a type_expression_annotated b
| T_function (a, b) -> fprintf ppf "lambda (%a) %a" type_expression a type_expression b
| T_base tc -> fprintf ppf "%a" type_constant tc
| T_map (k,v) -> fprintf ppf "Map (%a,%a)" type_expression k type_expression v
| T_big_map (k,v) -> fprintf ppf "Big_map (%a,%a)" type_expression k type_expression v
| T_list e -> fprintf ppf "List (%a)" type_expression e
| T_set e -> fprintf ppf "Set (%a)" type_expression e
| T_contract c -> fprintf ppf "Contract (%a)" type_expression c
| T_option c -> fprintf ppf "Option (%a)" type_expression c
and value_assoc ppf : (value * value) -> unit = fun (a, b) ->
fprintf ppf "%a -> %a" value a value b
@ -110,6 +125,8 @@ and expression_content ppf (e:expression_content) = match e with
fprintf ppf "@[{ %a@;<1 2>with@;<1 2>{ %a = %a } }@]" expression r (list_sep lr (const ".")) path expression update
| E_while (e , b) ->
fprintf ppf "@[while %a do %a@]" expression e expression b
| E_raw_michelson code ->
fprintf ppf "%s" code
and expression_with_type : _ -> expression -> _ = fun ppf e ->
fprintf ppf "%a : %a"
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ val type_variable : formatter -> type_expression -> unit
val environment_element : formatter -> environment_element -> unit
val environment : formatter -> environment -> unit
val value : formatter -> value -> unit
val type_expression : formatter -> type_expression -> unit
val value_assoc : formatter -> (value * value) -> unit
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ module Free_variables = struct
| E_sequence (x, y) -> union (self x) (self y)
| E_record_update (r, _,e) -> union (self r) (self e)
| E_while (cond , body) -> union (self cond) (self body)
| E_raw_michelson _ -> empty
and var_name : bindings -> var_name -> bindings = fun b n ->
if mem n b
@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ and expression_content =
| E_sequence of (expression * expression)
| E_record_update of (expression * [`Left | `Right] list * expression)
| E_while of (expression * expression)
| E_raw_michelson of string
and expression = {
content : expression_content ;
@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ module Substitution = struct
let%bind rhs = s_expression ~substs rhs in
let%bind let_result = s_expression ~substs let_result in
ok @@ T.E_let_in { let_binder; rhs; let_result; inline }
| T.E_raw_code {language; code} ->
let%bind code = s_expression ~substs code in
ok @@ T.E_raw_code {language; code}
| T.E_recursive { fun_name; fun_type; lambda} ->
let%bind fun_name = s_variable ~substs fun_name in
let%bind fun_type = s_type_expression ~substs fun_type in
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// Test michelson insertion in PascaLIGO
function michelson_add (var n : nat * nat ) : nat is block {
const f : (nat * nat -> nat)= [%Michelson ({| { UNPAIR; ADD } |} : nat *nat -> nat)];
} with f (n)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
// Test michelson insertion in CameLIGO
let michelson_add (n : nat * nat) : nat =
[%Michelson ({| { UNPAIR;ADD } |} : nat * nat -> nat) ] n
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
// Test michelson insertion in ReasonLIGO
let michelson_add = (n : (nat, nat)) : nat =>
[%Michelson ({| { UNPAIR;ADD } |} : ((nat, nat) => nat)) ](n);
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// Test michelson insertion in PascaLIGO
function main (const p : nat; const s: nat ) : list (operation)* nat is block {
const f : (nat * nat -> nat)= [%Michelson ({| ADD |} : nat *nat -> nat)];
} with ((nil: list(operation)), f (p, s))
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// Test michelson insertion in PascaLIGO
function main (const p : nat; const s: nat ) : list (operation)* nat is block {
const f : (nat -> nat -> nat)= [%Michelson ({| ADD |} : nat -> nat -> nat)];
} with ((nil: list(operation)), f (p, s))
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// Test michelson insertion in PascaLIGO
function main (const p : nat; const s: nat ) : list (operation)* nat is block {
const f : (nat * nat -> nat)= [%Michelson (" { UNPAIR; ADD } " : nat * nat -> nat)];
} with ((nil: list(operation)), f (p, s))
@ -1759,6 +1759,21 @@ let fibo_mligo () : unit result =
let make_expected = (e_int 42) in
expect_eq program "main" make_input make_expected
let michelson_insertion program : unit result =
let%bind program = program in
let make_input = fun n -> e_pair (e_nat n) (e_nat 1) in
let make_expected = fun n -> e_nat (n+1) in
expect_eq_n_pos program "michelson_add" make_input make_expected
let michelson_insertion_ligo () : unit result =
michelson_insertion @@ type_file "./contracts/michelson_insertion.ligo"
let michelson_insertion_mligo () : unit result =
michelson_insertion @@ mtype_file "./contracts/michelson_insertion.mligo"
let michelson_insertion_religo () : unit result =
michelson_insertion @@ retype_file "./contracts/michelson_insertion.religo"
let website1_ligo () : unit result =
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/website1.ligo" in
let make_input = fun n-> e_pair (e_int n) (e_int 42) in
@ -2519,6 +2534,9 @@ let main = test_suite "Integration (End to End)" [
(* test "fibo2 (mligo)" fibo2_mligo ; *)
(* test "fibo3 (mligo)" fibo3_mligo ; *)
(* test "fibo4 (mligo)" fibo4_mligo ; *)
test "michelson inserion ligo" michelson_insertion_ligo;
test "michelson inserion mligo" michelson_insertion_mligo;
test "michelson inserion religo" michelson_insertion_religo;
test "website1 ligo" website1_ligo ;
test "website2 ligo" website2_ligo ;
test "website2 (mligo)" website2_mligo ;
Reference in New Issue
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