Merge branch 'feature-new-typer-14-debug-prints' into 'dev'
Debug prints for the new typer (guarded by a conditional) See merge request ligolang/ligo!685
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
(echo '['; sed -ne '/###############################START_OF_JSON/,/###############################END_OF_JSON/{/^###############################.*_OF_JSON/d;p}' < '/home/suzanne/00ligopam/ligo/_build/default/src/test/_build/_tests/'*'/Integration (End to End).001.output'; echo '"end of json"]') > /tmp/js.json
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ let compile (cform: form) (program : Ast_core.program) : (Ast_typed.program * Ty
let compile_expression ?(env = Ast_typed.Environment.empty) ~(state : Typesystem.Solver_types.typer_state) (e : Ast_core.expression)
: (Ast_typed.expression * Typesystem.Solver_types.typer_state , _) result =
let%bind (ae_typed,state) = trace typer_tracer @@ Typer.type_expression_subst env state e in
let () = Typer.Solver.discard_state state in
let%bind ae_typed' = trace self_ast_typed_tracer @@ Self_ast_typed.all_expression ae_typed in
ok @@ (ae_typed',state)
@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ let propagator : output_break_ctor propagator =
(* = *)
let eq1 = c_equation { tsrc = "solver: propagator: break_ctor a" ; t = P_variable} { tsrc = "solver: propagator: break_ctor b" ; t = P_variable} "propagator: break_ctor" in
let () = if Ast_typed.Debug.debug_new_typer then
let p = Ast_typed.PP_generic.c_constructor_simpl in
Format.printf "\npropagator_break_ctor\na = %a\nb = %a\n%!" p a p b in
(* a.c_tag = b.c_tag *)
if (Solver_should_be_generated.compare_simple_c_constant a.c_tag b.c_tag) <> 0 then
failwith (Format.asprintf "type error: incompatible types, not same ctor %a vs. %a (compare returns %d)"
@ -51,4 +54,11 @@ let propagator : output_break_ctor propagator =
let eqs = eq1 :: eqs3 in
(eqs , []) (* no new assignments *)
let heuristic = Propagator_heuristic { selector ; propagator ; comparator = Solver_should_be_generated.compare_output_break_ctor }
let heuristic =
selector ;
propagator ;
printer = Ast_typed.PP_generic.output_break_ctor ; (* TODO: use an accessor that can get the printer for PP_generic or PP_json alike *)
comparator = Solver_should_be_generated.compare_output_break_ctor
@ -48,8 +48,16 @@ let propagator : output_specialize1 propagator =
t = P_apply { tf = { tsrc = "solver: propagator: specialize1 tf" ; t = P_forall a.forall };
targ = { tsrc = "solver: propagator: specialize1 targ" ; t = P_variable fresh_existential }} } in
let (reduced, new_constraints) = Typelang.check_applied @@ Typelang.type_level_eval apply in
(if Ast_typed.Debug.debug_new_typer then Format.printf "apply = %a\nb = %a\nreduced = %a\nnew_constraints = [\n%a\n]\n" Ast_typed.PP_generic.type_value apply Ast_typed.PP_generic.c_constructor_simpl b Ast_typed.PP_generic.type_value reduced (PP_helpers.list_sep Ast_typed.PP_generic.type_constraint (fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf " ;\n")) new_constraints);
let eq1 = c_equation { tsrc = "solver: propagator: specialize1 eq1" ; t = P_variable } reduced "propagator: specialize1" in
let eqs = eq1 :: new_constraints in
(eqs, []) (* no new assignments *)
let heuristic = Propagator_heuristic { selector ; propagator ; comparator = Solver_should_be_generated.compare_output_specialize1 }
let heuristic =
selector ;
propagator ;
printer = Ast_typed.PP_generic.output_specialize1 ;
comparator = Solver_should_be_generated.compare_output_specialize1
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ let rec normalizer_simpl : (type_constraint , type_constraint_simpl) normalizer
| C_equation {aval=({ tsrc = _ ; t = P_apply _ } as a); bval=(_ as b)} -> reduce_type_app b a
(* break down (TC(args)) into (TC('a, …) and ('a = arg) …) *)
| C_typeclass { tc_args; typeclass } -> split_typeclass tc_args typeclass
| C_access_label { c_access_label_tval; accessor; c_access_label_tvar } -> let _todo = ignore (c_access_label_tval, accessor, c_access_label_tvar) in failwith "TODO" (* tv, label, result *)
| C_access_label { c_access_label_tval; accessor; c_access_label_tvar } -> let _todo = ignore (c_access_label_tval, accessor, c_access_label_tvar) in failwith "TODO C_access_label" (* tv, label, result *)
let normalizers : type_constraint -> structured_dbs -> (structured_dbs , 'modified_constraint) state_list_monad =
fun new_constraint dbs ->
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ let propagator_heuristics =
Heuristic_specialize1.heuristic ;
let init_propagator_heuristic (Propagator_heuristic { selector ; propagator ; comparator }) =
Propagator_state { selector ; propagator ; already_selected = Set.create ~cmp:comparator }
let init_propagator_heuristic (Propagator_heuristic { selector ; propagator ; printer ; comparator }) =
Propagator_state { selector ; propagator ; printer ; already_selected = Set.create ~cmp:comparator }
let initial_state : typer_state = {
structured_dbs =
@ -45,16 +45,25 @@ let select_and_propagate : ('old_input, 'selector_output) selector -> 'selector_
(* Call the propagation rule *)
let (new_constraints , new_assignments) = List.split @@ (propagator dbs) selected_outputs in
(* return so that the new constraints are pushed to some kind of work queue and the new assignments stored *)
let () =
(if Ast_typed.Debug.debug_new_typer && false then
let s str = (fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf str) in
Format.printf "propagator produced\nnew_constraints = %a\nnew_assignments = %a\n"
(PP_helpers.list_sep (PP_helpers.list_sep Ast_typed.PP_generic.type_constraint (s "\n")) (s "\n"))
(PP_helpers.list_sep (PP_helpers.list_sep Ast_typed.PP_generic.c_constructor_simpl (s "\n")) (s "\n"))
(already_selected , List.flatten new_constraints , List.flatten new_assignments)
| WasNotSelected ->
(already_selected, [] , [])
let select_and_propagate_one new_constraint (new_states , new_constraints , dbs) (Propagator_state { selector; propagator; already_selected }) =
let select_and_propagate_one new_constraint (new_states , new_constraints , dbs) (Propagator_state { selector; propagator; printer ; already_selected }) =
let sel_propag = (select_and_propagate selector propagator) in
let (already_selected , new_constraints', new_assignments) = sel_propag already_selected new_constraint dbs in
let assignments = List.fold_left (fun acc ({tv;c_tag=_;tv_list=_} as ele) -> Map.update tv (function None -> Some ele | x -> x) acc) dbs.assignments new_assignments in
let dbs = { dbs with assignments } in
Propagator_state { selector; propagator; already_selected } :: new_states, new_constraints' @ new_constraints, dbs
Propagator_state { selector; propagator; printer ; already_selected } :: new_states, new_constraints' @ new_constraints, dbs
(* Takes a constraint, applies all selector+propagator pairs to it.
Keeps track of which constraints have already been selected. *)
@ -440,19 +440,36 @@ let type_program_returns_state ((env, state, p) : environment * O'.typer_state *
let declarations = List.rev declarations in (* Common hack to have O(1) append: prepend and then reverse *)
ok (env', state', declarations)
let print_env_state_node (node_printer : Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ((env,state,node) : environment * O'.typer_state * 'a) =
ignore node; (* TODO *)
Printf.printf "%s" @@
Format.asprintf "{ \"ENV\": %a,\n\"STATE\": %a,\n\"NODE\": %a\n},\n"
Ast_typed.PP_json.environment env
Typesystem.Solver_types.json_typer_state state
node_printer node
let type_and_subst_xyz
(env_state_node : environment * O'.typer_state * 'a) (apply_substs : ('b, Typer_common.Errors.typer_error) Typesystem.Misc.Substitution.Pattern.w)
(type_xyz_returns_state : (environment * O'.typer_state * 'a) -> (environment * O'.typer_state * 'b, typer_error) Trace.result) : ('b * O'.typer_state, typer_error) result =
(in_printer : Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit)
(out_printer : Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit)
(env_state_node : environment * O'.typer_state * 'a)
(apply_substs : ('b , Typer_common.Errors.typer_error) Typesystem.Misc.Substitution.Pattern.w)
(type_xyz_returns_state : (environment * O'.typer_state * 'a) -> (environment * O'.typer_state * 'b , typer_error) Trace.result)
: ('b * O'.typer_state , typer_error) result =
let () = (if Ast_typed.Debug.json_new_typer then Printf.printf "%!\n###############################START_OF_JSON\n[%!") in
let () = (if Ast_typed.Debug.debug_new_typer then Printf.printf "\nTODO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Print env_state_node here.\n\n") in
let () = (if Ast_typed.Debug.debug_new_typer || Ast_typed.Debug.json_new_typer then print_env_state_node in_printer env_state_node) in
let%bind (env, state, node) = type_xyz_returns_state env_state_node in
let subst_all =
let aliases = state.structured_dbs.aliases in
let assignments = state.structured_dbs.assignments in
let substs : variable: I.type_variable -> _ = fun ~variable ->
to_option @@
let () = (if Ast_typed.Debug.debug_new_typer then Printf.fprintf stderr "%s" @@ Format.asprintf "TRY %a\n" Var.pp variable) in
let%bind root =
trace_option (corner_case (Format.asprintf "can't find alias root of variable %a" Var.pp variable)) @@
(* TODO: after upgrading UnionFind, this will be an option, not an exception. *)
try Some (Solver.UF.repr variable aliases) with Not_found -> None in
let () = (if Ast_typed.Debug.debug_new_typer then Printf.fprintf stderr "%s" @@ Format.asprintf "TRYR %a (%a)\n" Var.pp variable Var.pp root) in
let%bind assignment =
trace_option (corner_case (Format.asprintf "can't find assignment for root %a" Var.pp root)) @@
(Map.find_opt root assignments) in
@ -460,18 +477,22 @@ let type_and_subst_xyz
let () = ignore tv (* I think there is an issue where the tv is stored twice (as a key and in the element itself) *) in
let%bind (expr : O.type_content) = trace_option (corner_case "wrong constant tag") @@
Typesystem.Core.type_expression'_of_simple_c_constant (c_tag , ( (fun s -> O.t_variable s ()) tv_list)) in
let () = (if Ast_typed.Debug.debug_new_typer then Printf.fprintf stderr "%s" @@ Format.asprintf "SUBST %a (%a is %a)\n" Var.pp variable Var.pp root Ast_typed.PP_generic.type_content expr) in
ok @@ expr
let p = apply_substs ~substs node in
p in
let%bind node = subst_all in
let () = (if Ast_typed.Debug.debug_new_typer then Printf.printf "\nTODO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Print env,state,node here again.\n\n") in
let () = (if Ast_typed.Debug.debug_new_typer || Ast_typed.Debug.json_new_typer then print_env_state_node out_printer (env, state, node)) in
let () = (if Ast_typed.Debug.json_new_typer then Printf.printf "%!\"end of JSON\"],\n###############################END_OF_JSON\n%!") in
let () = ignore env in (* TODO: shouldn't we use the `env` somewhere? *)
ok (node, state)
let type_program (p : I.program) : (O.program * O'.typer_state, typer_error) result =
let empty_env = DEnv.default in
let empty_state = Solver.initial_state in
type_and_subst_xyz (empty_env , empty_state , p) Typesystem.Misc.Substitution.Pattern.s_program type_program_returns_state
type_and_subst_xyz (fun ppf _v -> Format.fprintf ppf "\"no JSON yet for I.PP.program\"") Ast_typed.PP_json.program (empty_env , empty_state , p) Typesystem.Misc.Substitution.Pattern.s_program type_program_returns_state
let type_expression_returns_state : (environment * O'.typer_state * I.expression) -> (environment * O'.typer_state * O.expression, typer_error) result =
fun (env, state, e) ->
@ -480,7 +501,7 @@ let type_expression_returns_state : (environment * O'.typer_state * I.expression
let type_expression_subst (env : environment) (state : O'.typer_state) ?(tv_opt : O.type_expression option) (e : I.expression) : (O.expression * O'.typer_state , typer_error) result =
let () = ignore tv_opt in (* For compatibility with the old typer's API, this argument can be removed once the new typer is used. *)
type_and_subst_xyz (env , state , e) Typesystem.Misc.Substitution.Pattern.s_expression type_expression_returns_state
type_and_subst_xyz (fun ppf _v -> Format.fprintf ppf "\"no JSON yet for I.PP.expression\"") Ast_typed.PP_json.expression (env , state , e) Typesystem.Misc.Substitution.Pattern.s_expression type_expression_returns_state
let untype_type_expression = Untyper.untype_type_expression
let untype_expression = Untyper.untype_expression
@ -493,7 +514,7 @@ and [@warning "-32"] type_expression : environment -> O'.typer_state -> ?tv_opt:
and [@warning "-32"] type_lambda e state lam = type_lambda e state lam
and [@warning "-32"] type_constant (name:I.constant') (lst:O.type_expression list) (tv_opt:O.type_expression option) : (O.constant' * O.type_expression, typer_error) result = type_constant name lst tv_opt
let [@warning "-32"] type_program_returns_state ((env, state, p) : environment * O'.typer_state * I.program) : (environment * O'.typer_state * O.program, typer_error) result = type_program_returns_state (env, state, p)
let [@warning "-32"] type_and_subst_xyz (env_state_node : environment * O'.typer_state * 'a) (apply_substs : ('b,typer_error) Typesystem.Misc.Substitution.Pattern.w) (type_xyz_returns_state : (environment * O'.typer_state * 'a) -> (environment * O'.typer_state * 'b, typer_error) result) : ('b * O'.typer_state, typer_error) result = type_and_subst_xyz env_state_node apply_substs type_xyz_returns_state
let [@warning "-32"] type_and_subst_xyz (in_printer : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit)) (out_printer : (Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit)) (env_state_node : environment * O'.typer_state * 'a) (apply_substs : ('b,typer_error) Typesystem.Misc.Substitution.Pattern.w) (type_xyz_returns_state : (environment * O'.typer_state * 'a) -> (environment * O'.typer_state * 'b, typer_error) result) : ('b * O'.typer_state, typer_error) result = type_and_subst_xyz in_printer out_printer env_state_node apply_substs type_xyz_returns_state
let [@warning "-32"] type_program (p : I.program) : (O.program * O'.typer_state, typer_error) result = type_program p
let [@warning "-32"] type_expression_returns_state : (environment * O'.typer_state * I.expression) -> (environment * O'.typer_state * O.expression, typer_error) Trace.result = type_expression_returns_state
let [@warning "-32"] type_expression_subst (env : environment) (state : O'.typer_state) ?(tv_opt : O.type_expression option) (e : I.expression) : (O.expression * O'.typer_state, typer_error) result = type_expression_subst env state ?tv_opt e
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ let rec expression ppf (e : expression) =
and expression_content ppf (ec : expression_content) =
match ec with
| E_literal l ->
literal ppf l
fprintf ppf "%a" literal l
| E_variable n ->
fprintf ppf "%a" expression_variable n
| E_application {lamb;args} ->
@ -76,13 +76,23 @@ module M = struct
`Assoc ["typeVariableMap", `List lst'] );
let print : ((no_state, json) fold_config -> no_state -> 'a -> json) -> 'a -> json = fun fold v ->
let to_json : ((no_state, json) fold_config -> no_state -> 'a -> json) -> 'a -> json = fun fold v ->
fold to_json NoState v
let print : ((no_state, json) fold_config -> no_state -> 'a -> json) -> formatter -> 'a -> unit = fun fold ppf v ->
fprintf ppf "%a" Yojson.Basic.pp (to_json fold v)
module Yojson = Fold.Folds(struct
type in_state = M.no_state ;;
type out_state = json ;;
type 'a t = 'a -> json ;;
let f = M.to_json ;;
include Fold.Folds(struct
type in_state = M.no_state ;;
type out_state = json ;;
type 'a t = 'a -> json ;;
type 'a t = formatter -> 'a -> unit ;;
let f = M.print ;;
@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ module Helpers = Helpers
include Types
include Misc
include Combinators
module Debug = Stage_common.Debug
let program_environment env program = fst (Compute_environment.program env program)
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ let program_ppformat ~display_format f (typed,_) =
match display_format with
| Human_readable | Dev -> PP.program f typed
let program_jsonformat (typed,_) : json = PP_json.program typed
let program_jsonformat (typed,_) : json = PP_json.Yojson.program typed
let program_format : 'a format = {
pp = program_ppformat;
@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ include Types
module Types = Types
module PP = PP
module Helpers = Helpers
module Debug = Debug
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
let debug_new_typer = false
let json_new_typer = false
@ -27,8 +27,10 @@ type type_variable = Ast_typed.type_variable
type type_expression = Ast_typed.type_expression
(* generate a new type variable and gave it an id *)
let fresh_type_variable : ?name:string -> unit -> type_variable =
let fresh_type_variable : ?name:string -> unit -> type_variable = fun ?name () ->
let fresh_name = Var.fresh ?name () in
let () = (if Ast_typed.Debug.debug_new_typer && false then Printf.printf "Generated variable %s\n%!%s\n%!" (Var.debug fresh_name) (Printexc.get_backtrace ())) in
let type_expression'_of_simple_c_constant : constant_tag * type_expression list -> Ast_typed.type_content option = fun (c, l) ->
match c, l with
@ -15,12 +15,14 @@ type ('old_constraint_type , 'selector_output ) propagator_heuristic = {
selector : ('old_constraint_type, 'selector_output) selector ;
(* constraint propagation: (buch of constraints) → (new constraints * assignments) *)
propagator : 'selector_output propagator ;
printer : Format.formatter -> 'selector_output -> unit ;
comparator : 'selector_output -> 'selector_output -> int ;
type ('old_constraint_type , 'selector_output ) propagator_state = {
selector : ('old_constraint_type, 'selector_output) selector ;
propagator : 'selector_output propagator ;
printer : Format.formatter -> 'selector_output -> unit ;
already_selected : 'selector_output Set.t;
@ -37,6 +39,38 @@ type typer_state = {
already_selected_and_propagators : ex_propagator_state list ;
open Format
open PP_helpers
let pp_already_selected = fun printer ppf set ->
let lst = (RedBlackTrees.PolySet.elements set) in
Format.fprintf ppf "Set [@,@[<hv 2> %a @]@,]" (list_sep printer (fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf " ;@ ")) lst
let pp_ex_propagator_state = fun ppf (Propagator_state { selector ; propagator ; printer ; already_selected }) ->
ignore ( selector, propagator );
Format.fprintf ppf "{ selector = (* OCaml function *); propagator = (* OCaml function *); already_selected = %a }"
(pp_already_selected printer) already_selected
let pp_typer_state = fun ppf ({ structured_dbs; already_selected_and_propagators } : typer_state) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "{ structured_dbs = %a ; already_selected_and_propagators = [ %a ] }"
Ast_typed.PP_generic.structured_dbs structured_dbs
(list_sep pp_ex_propagator_state (fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf " ;@ ")) already_selected_and_propagators
let json_already_selected = fun printer ppf set ->
let lst = (RedBlackTrees.PolySet.elements set) in
Format.fprintf ppf "[ \"Set\" %a ]" (list_sep printer (fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf " , ")) lst
let json_ex_propagator_state = fun ppf (Propagator_state { selector; propagator; printer ; already_selected }) ->
ignore (selector,propagator);
Format.fprintf ppf "{ \"selector\": \"OCaml function\"; \"propagator\": \"OCaml function\"; \"already_selected\": %a }"
(json_already_selected printer) already_selected
let json_typer_state = fun ppf ({ structured_dbs; already_selected_and_propagators } : typer_state) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "{ \"structured_dbs\": %a ; \"already_selected_and_propagators\": [ %a ] }"
Ast_typed.PP_json.structured_dbs structured_dbs
(list_sep json_ex_propagator_state (fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf " , ")) already_selected_and_propagators
(* state+list monad *)
type ('state, 'elt) state_list_monad = { state: 'state ; list : 'elt list }
let lift_state_list_monad ~state ~list = { state ; list }
@ -2403,16 +2403,16 @@ let loop_bugs_ligo () : (unit, _) result =
ok ()
let main = test_suite "Integration (End to End)" [
test "bytes unpack" bytes_unpack ;
test "bytes unpack (mligo)" bytes_unpack_mligo ;
test "bytes unpack (religo)" bytes_unpack_religo ;
test "key hash" key_hash ;
test "key hash (mligo)" key_hash_mligo ;
test "key hash (religo)" key_hash_religo ;
test "check signature" check_signature ;
test "check signature (mligo)" check_signature_mligo ;
test "check signature (religo)" check_signature_religo ;
test "chain id" chain_id ;
test "chain id" chain_id ; (* record *)
test "bytes unpack" bytes_unpack ; (* record *)
test "bytes unpack (mligo)" bytes_unpack_mligo ; (* record *)
test "bytes unpack (religo)" bytes_unpack_religo ; (* record *)
test "key hash" key_hash ; (* C_access_label *)
test "key hash (mligo)" key_hash_mligo ; (* C_access_label *)
test "key hash (religo)" key_hash_religo ; (* C_access_label *)
test "check signature" check_signature ; (* C_access_label *)
test "check signature (mligo)" check_signature_mligo ; (* C_access_label *)
test "check signature (religo)" check_signature_religo ; (* C_access_label *)
test "type alias" type_alias ;
test "function" function_ ;
test "blockless function" blockless;
@ -98,7 +98,9 @@ let typed_program_with_imperative_input_to_michelson
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment Environment.default program in
let%bind sugar = Compile.Of_imperative.compile_expression input in
let%bind core = Compile.Of_sugar.compile_expression sugar in
let () = (if Ast_typed.Debug.debug_new_typer then Printf.printf "\nINPUT = %s\n\n%!" (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_core.PP.expression core)) in
let%bind app = Compile.Of_core.apply entry_point core in
let () = (if Ast_typed.Debug.debug_new_typer then Format.printf "\n\nSTATE IZ=%a\n\n" Typesystem.Solver_types.pp_typer_state state) in
let%bind (typed_app,new_state) = Compile.Of_core.compile_expression ~env ~state app in
let () = Typer.Solver.discard_state new_state in
let%bind compiled_applied = Compile.Of_typed.compile_expression typed_app in
@ -47,3 +47,5 @@ let fresh ?name () =
let fresh_like v =
fresh ()
let debug v = match v.counter with Some c -> Printf.sprintf "%s(%d)" c | None -> Printf.sprintf "%s(None)"
@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ val fresh_like : 'a t -> 'b t
(* Reset the global counter. Danger, do not use... Provided for tests
only. *)
val reset_counter : unit -> unit
val debug : 'a t -> string
Reference in New Issue
Block a user