Michelson: read some constants in base58 but store them in binary
This commit is contained in:
@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ assert_storage $contract_dir/map_caddaadr.tz \
# Did the given key sign the string? (key is bootstrap1)
assert_success $client run program $contract_dir/check_signature.tz \
on storage '(Pair "1f19f8f37e80d96797b019f30d23ede6a26a0f698220f942103a3401f047623746e51a9c6e77e269b5df9593994ab96b001aae0f73728a2259187cb640b61e01" "hello")' \
on storage '(Pair 0x011eb640b67c1859228a72730fae1a006bb94a999395dfb569e2776e9c1ae546376247f001343a1042f92082690f6aa2e6ed230df319b09767d9807ef3f8191f "hello")' \
and input '"edpkuBknW28nW72KG6RoHtYW7p12T6GKc7nAbwYX5m8Wd9sDVC9yav"'
assert_fails $client run program $contract_dir/check_signature.tz \
on storage '(Pair "1f19f8f37e80d96797b019f30d23ede6a26a0f698220f942103a3401f047623746e51a9c6e77e269b5df9593994ab96b001aae0f73728a2259187cb640b61e01" "abcd")' \
on storage '(Pair 0x011eb640b67c1859228a72730fae1a006bb94a999395dfb569e2776e9c1ae546376247f001343a1042f92082690f6aa2e6ed230df319b09767d9807ef3f8191f "abcd")' \
and input '"edpkuBknW28nW72KG6RoHtYW7p12T6GKc7nAbwYX5m8Wd9sDVC9yav"'
@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
;; Part of external libraries
;; Tezos extended stdlib
@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ val to_int: t -> int
val of_int: int -> t
(** Converts from a base integer. *)
val to_bits: ?pad_to:int -> t -> MBytes.t
val of_bits: MBytes.t -> t
val equal: t -> t -> bool
val compare: t -> t -> int
@ -188,11 +188,25 @@ module Make (Context : CONTEXT) = struct
module Buffer = Buffer
module Format = Format
module Option = Option
module Z = Z
module MBytes = MBytes
module Z = struct
include Z
let to_bits ?(pad_to = 0) z =
let bits = to_bits z in
let len = Pervasives.((numbits z + 7) / 8) in
let full_len = Compare.Int.max pad_to len in
if full_len = 0 then
let res = MBytes.make full_len '\000' in
MBytes.blit_of_string bits 0 res 0 len ;
let of_bits bytes =
of_bits (MBytes.to_string bytes)
module Lwt_sequence = Lwt_sequence
module Lwt = Lwt
module Lwt_list = Lwt_list
module MBytes = MBytes
module Uri = Uri
module Data_encoding = Data_encoding
module Time = Time
@ -120,8 +120,7 @@ let trace
let hash_and_sign ?gas (data : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) (typ : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) sk block cctxt =
Alpha_services.Helpers.hash_data cctxt block (data.expanded, typ.expanded, gas) >>=? fun (hash, gas) ->
Client_keys.sign sk (MBytes.of_string hash) >>=? fun signature ->
let `Hex signature = Signature.to_hex signature in
return (hash, signature, gas)
return (hash, Signature.to_b58check signature, gas)
let typecheck_data
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ let cleanup_balance_updates balance_updates =
not (Tez.equal update Tez.zero))
let apply_manager_operation_content ctxt ~payer ~source ~internal operation =
let apply_manager_operation_content ctxt mode ~payer ~source ~internal operation =
let before_operation = ctxt in
Contract.must_exist ctxt source >>=? fun () ->
let spend =
@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ let apply_manager_operation_content ctxt ~payer ~source ~internal operation =
| None, _ -> fail (Bad_contract_parameter (destination, Some arg_type, None))
end >>=? fun (ctxt, parameter) ->
ctxt ~source ~payer ~self:(destination, script) ~amount ~parameter
ctxt mode ~source ~payer ~self:(destination, script) ~amount ~parameter
>>=? fun { ctxt ; storage ; big_map_diff ; operations } ->
Contract.used_storage_space ctxt destination >>=? fun old_size ->
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ let apply_manager_operation_content ctxt ~payer ~source ~internal operation =
| None -> return (None, ctxt)
| Some script ->
Script_ir_translator.parse_script ctxt script >>=? fun (_, ctxt) ->
Script_ir_translator.erase_big_map_initialization ctxt script >>=? fun (script, big_map_diff, ctxt) ->
Script_ir_translator.erase_big_map_initialization ctxt Optimized script >>=? fun (script, big_map_diff, ctxt) ->
return (Some (script, big_map_diff), ctxt)
end >>=? fun (script, ctxt) ->
spend ctxt source credit >>=? fun ctxt ->
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ let apply_manager_operation_content ctxt ~payer ~source ~internal operation =
set_delegate ctxt source delegate >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Delegation_result)
let apply_internal_manager_operations ctxt ~payer ops =
let apply_internal_manager_operations ctxt mode ~payer ops =
let rec apply ctxt applied worklist =
match worklist with
| [] -> Lwt.return (Ok (ctxt, applied))
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ let apply_internal_manager_operations ctxt ~payer ops =
fail (Internal_operation_replay op)
let ctxt = record_internal_nonce ctxt nonce in
apply_manager_operation_content ctxt ~source ~payer ~internal:true operation
apply_manager_operation_content ctxt mode ~source ~payer ~internal:true operation
end >>= function
| Error errors ->
let result = Internal op, Failed errors in
@ -526,12 +526,12 @@ let apply_internal_manager_operations ctxt ~payer ops =
apply ctxt ((Internal op, Applied result) :: applied) rest in
apply ctxt [] ops
let apply_manager_operations ctxt source ops =
let apply_manager_operations ctxt mode source ops =
let rec apply ctxt applied ops =
match ops with
| [] -> Lwt.return (Ok (ctxt, List.rev applied))
| operation :: rest ->
apply_manager_operation_content ctxt ~source ~payer:source ~internal:false operation
apply_manager_operation_content ctxt mode ~source ~payer:source ~internal:false operation
>>= function
| Error errors ->
let result = External, Failed errors in
@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ let apply_manager_operations ctxt source ops =
match result with
| Transaction_result { operations = emitted ; _ } -> emitted
| _ -> [] in
apply_internal_manager_operations ctxt ~payer:source emitted
apply_internal_manager_operations ctxt mode ~payer:source emitted
>>= function
| Error (results) ->
let result = (External, Applied result) in
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ let apply_manager_operations ctxt source ops =
apply ctxt applied rest in
apply ctxt [] ops
let apply_sourced_operation ctxt pred_block operation ops =
let apply_sourced_operation ctxt mode pred_block operation ops =
match ops with
| Manager_operations { source ; fee ; counter ; operations ; gas_limit ; storage_limit } ->
let revealed_public_keys =
@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ let apply_sourced_operation ctxt pred_block operation ops =
let ctxt = reset_internal_nonce ctxt in
Lwt.return (Gas.set_limit ctxt gas_limit) >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return (Contract.set_storage_limit ctxt storage_limit) >>=? fun ctxt ->
apply_manager_operations ctxt source operations >>= begin function
apply_manager_operations ctxt mode source operations >>= begin function
| Ok (ctxt, operation_results) -> return (ctxt, operation_results)
| Error operation_results -> return (ctxt (* backtracked *), operation_results)
end >>=? fun (ctxt, operation_results) ->
@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ let apply_anonymous_operation ctxt kind =
Contract.(credit ctxt (implicit_contract (Signature.Ed25519 pkh)) amount) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Activation_result [(* FIXME *)])
let apply_operation ctxt pred_block hash operation =
let apply_operation ctxt mode pred_block hash operation =
let ctxt = Contract.init_origination_nonce ctxt hash in
begin match operation.contents with
| Anonymous_operations ops ->
@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ let apply_operation ctxt pred_block hash operation =
>>=? fun (ctxt, results) ->
return (ctxt, Anonymous_operations_result (List.rev results))
| Sourced_operation ops ->
apply_sourced_operation ctxt pred_block operation ops
apply_sourced_operation ctxt mode pred_block operation ops
>>=? fun (ctxt, result) ->
return (ctxt, Sourced_operation_result result)
end >>=? fun (ctxt, result) ->
@ -19,17 +19,20 @@ type info = {
delegate: bool * public_key_hash option ;
counter: int32 ;
script: Script.t option ;
storage: Script.expr option ;
let info_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun {manager ; balance ; spendable ; delegate ; script ; counter ; storage } ->
(manager, balance, spendable, delegate, script, storage, counter))
(fun (manager, balance, spendable, delegate, script, storage, counter) ->
{manager ; balance ; spendable ; delegate ; script ; storage ; counter}) @@
(fun {manager ; balance ; spendable ; delegate ;
script ; counter } ->
(manager, balance, spendable, delegate,
script, counter))
(fun (manager, balance, spendable, delegate,
script, counter) ->
{manager ; balance ; spendable ; delegate ;
script ; counter}) @@
(req "manager" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)
(req "balance" Tez.encoding)
(req "spendable" bool)
@ -37,7 +40,6 @@ let info_encoding =
(req "setable" bool)
(opt "value" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding))
(opt "script" Script.encoding)
(opt "storage" Script.expr_encoding)
(req "counter" int32)
module S = struct
@ -172,8 +174,17 @@ let () =
register_field S.delegatable Contract.is_delegatable ;
register_opt_field S.script
(fun c v -> Contract.get_script c v >>=? fun (_, v) -> return v) ;
register_opt_field S.storage
(fun c v -> Contract.get_storage c v >>=? fun (_, v) -> return v) ;
register_opt_field S.storage (fun ctxt contract ->
Contract.get_script ctxt contract >>=? fun (ctxt, script) ->
match script with
| None -> return None
| Some script ->
let ctxt = Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in
let open Script_ir_translator in
parse_script ctxt script >>=? fun (Ex_script script, ctxt) ->
unparse_script ctxt Readable script >>=? fun (script, _ctxt) ->
Lwt.return (Script.force_decode script.storage) >>=? fun storage ->
return (Some storage)) ;
register_field S.info (fun ctxt contract ->
Contract.get_balance ctxt contract >>=? fun balance ->
Contract.get_manager ctxt contract >>=? fun manager ->
@ -182,10 +193,18 @@ let () =
Contract.is_delegatable ctxt contract >>=? fun delegatable ->
Contract.is_spendable ctxt contract >>=? fun spendable ->
Contract.get_script ctxt contract >>=? fun (ctxt, script) ->
Contract.get_storage ctxt contract >>=? fun (_ctxt, storage) ->
begin match script with
| None -> return (None, ctxt)
| Some script ->
let ctxt = Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in
let open Script_ir_translator in
parse_script ctxt script >>=? fun (Ex_script script, ctxt) ->
unparse_script ctxt Readable script >>=? fun (script, ctxt) ->
return (Some script, ctxt)
end >>=? fun (script, _ctxt) ->
return { manager ; balance ;
spendable ; delegate = (delegatable, delegate) ;
script ; counter ; storage})
script ; counter })
let list ctxt block =
RPC_context.make_call0 S.list ctxt block () ()
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ type info = {
delegate: bool * public_key_hash option ;
counter: int32 ;
script: Script.t option ;
storage: Script.expr option ;
val info_encoding: info Data_encoding.t
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ module I = struct
| None -> Error_monad.fail Operation.Cannot_parse_operation
| Some (shell, contents) ->
let operation = { shell ; contents ; signature } in
Apply.apply_operation ctxt pred_block hash operation
Apply.apply_operation ctxt Readable pred_block hash operation
>>=? fun (_, result) -> return result
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ let () =
let storage = Script.lazy_expr storage in
let code = Script.lazy_expr code in
ctxt Readable
~source:contract (* transaction initiator *)
~payer:contract (* storage fees payer *)
~self:(contract, { storage ; code }) (* script owner *)
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ let () =
let storage = Script.lazy_expr storage in
let code = Script.lazy_expr code in
ctxt Readable
~source:contract (* transaction initiator *)
~payer:contract (* storage fees payer *)
~self:(contract, { storage ; code }) (* script owner *)
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ let () =
| Some gas -> Lwt.return (Gas.set_limit ctxt gas) end >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:false (Micheline.root typ)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty typ, _) ->
parse_data ctxt typ (Micheline.root expr) >>=? fun (data, ctxt) ->
Lwt.return (Script_ir_translator.hash_data ctxt typ data) >>=? fun (hash, ctxt) ->
Script_ir_translator.hash_data ctxt typ data >>=? fun (hash, ctxt) ->
return (hash, Gas.level ctxt)
end ;
register1 S.level begin fun ctxt raw () offset ->
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ let apply_operation ({ mode ; ctxt ; op_count ; _ } as data) operation =
{ block_header = { shell = { predecessor ; _ } ; _ } ; _ }
| Full_construction { predecessor ; _ } ->
predecessor in
Apply.apply_operation ctxt predecessor
Apply.apply_operation ctxt Optimized predecessor
(Alpha_context.Operation.hash operation) operation >>=? fun (ctxt, _) ->
let op_count = op_count + 1 in
return { data with ctxt ; op_count }
@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ let unparse_stack ctxt (stack, stack_ty) =
(* We drop the gas limit as this function is only used for debugging/errors. *)
let ctxt = Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in
let rec unparse_stack
: type a. a stack * a stack_ty -> Script.expr list
: type a. a stack * a stack_ty -> Script.expr list tzresult Lwt.t
= function
| Empty, Empty_t -> []
| Empty, Empty_t -> return []
| Item (v, rest), Item_t (ty, rest_ty, _) ->
match unparse_data ctxt ty v with
| Ok (data, _ctxt) -> Micheline.strip_locations data :: unparse_stack (rest, rest_ty)
| Error _ -> assert false in
unparse_data ctxt Readable ty v >>=? fun (data, _ctxt) ->
unparse_stack (rest, rest_ty) >>=? fun rest ->
return (Micheline.strip_locations data :: rest) in
unparse_stack (stack, stack_ty)
module Interp_costs = Michelson_v1_gas.Cost_of
@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ let rec interp
match log with
| None -> return (ret, ctxt)
| Some log ->
log := (descr.loc, Gas.level ctxt, unparse_stack ctxt (ret, descr.aft)) :: !log ;
unparse_stack ctxt (ret, descr.aft) >>=? fun stack ->
log := (descr.loc, Gas.level ctxt, stack) :: !log ;
return (ret, ctxt) in
let consume_gas_terop : type ret arg1 arg2 arg3 rest.
(_ * (_ * (_ * rest)), ret * rest) descr ->
@ -588,7 +589,7 @@ let rec interp
| Transfer_tokens,
Item (p, Item (amount, Item ((tp, destination), rest))) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Interp_costs.transfer) >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return @@ unparse_data ctxt tp p >>=? fun (p, ctxt) ->
unparse_data ctxt Optimized tp p >>=? fun (p, ctxt) ->
let operation =
{ amount ; destination ;
@ -623,7 +624,7 @@ let rec interp
(Seq (0, [ Prim (0, K_parameter, [ unparse_ty None param_type ], None) ;
Prim (0, K_storage, [ unparse_ty None storage_type ], None) ;
Prim (0, K_code, [ Micheline.root code ], None) ], None)) in
Lwt.return @@ unparse_data ctxt storage_type init >>=? fun (storage, ctxt) ->
unparse_data ctxt Optimized storage_type init >>=? fun (storage, ctxt) ->
let storage = Micheline.strip_locations storage in
Contract.spend_from_script ctxt self credit >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.fresh_contract_from_current_nonce ctxt >>=? fun (ctxt, contract) ->
@ -661,7 +662,7 @@ let rec interp
logged_return (Item (Signature.Public_key.hash key, rest), ctxt)
| H ty, Item (v, rest) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt (Interp_costs.hash v)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return @@ hash_data ctxt ty v >>=? fun (hash, ctxt) ->
hash_data ctxt ty v >>=? fun (hash, ctxt) ->
logged_return (Item (hash, rest), ctxt)
| Steps_to_quota, rest ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Interp_costs.steps_to_quota) >>=? fun ctxt ->
@ -680,16 +681,18 @@ let rec interp
logged_return (Item (amount, rest), ctxt) in
let stack = (Item (arg, Empty)) in
begin match log with
| None -> ()
| None -> return ()
| Some log ->
log := (code.loc, Gas.level ctxt, unparse_stack ctxt (stack, code.bef)) :: !log
end ;
unparse_stack ctxt (stack, code.bef) >>=? fun stack ->
log := (code.loc, Gas.level ctxt, stack) :: !log ;
return ()
end >>=? fun () ->
step ctxt code stack >>=? fun (Item (ret, Empty), ctxt) ->
return (ret, ctxt)
(* ---- contract handling ---------------------------------------------------*)
and execute ?log ctxt ~source ~payer ~self script amount arg :
and execute ?log ctxt mode ~source ~payer ~self script amount arg :
(Script.expr * internal_operation list * context *
Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map option) tzresult Lwt.t =
parse_script ctxt script
@ -700,7 +703,7 @@ and execute ?log ctxt ~source ~payer ~self script amount arg :
(Runtime_contract_error (self, script_code))
(interp ?log ctxt ~source ~payer ~self amount code (arg, storage))
>>=? fun ((ops, sto), ctxt) ->
Lwt.return @@ unparse_data ctxt storage_type sto >>=? fun (storage, ctxt) ->
unparse_data ctxt mode storage_type sto >>=? fun (storage, ctxt) ->
return (Micheline.strip_locations storage, ops, ctxt,
Script_ir_translator.extract_big_map storage_type sto)
@ -710,26 +713,26 @@ type execution_result =
big_map_diff : Contract.big_map_diff option ;
operations : internal_operation list }
let trace ctxt ~source ~payer ~self:(self, script) ~parameter ~amount =
let trace ctxt mode ~source ~payer ~self:(self, script) ~parameter ~amount =
let log = ref [] in
execute ~log ctxt ~source ~payer ~self script amount (Micheline.root parameter)
>>=? fun (storage, operations, ctxt, big_map_diff) ->
begin match big_map_diff with
execute ~log ctxt mode ~source ~payer ~self script amount (Micheline.root parameter)
>>=? fun (storage, operations, ctxt, big_map) ->
begin match big_map with
| None -> return (None, ctxt)
| Some big_map_diff ->
Script_ir_translator.to_serializable_big_map ctxt big_map_diff >>=? fun (big_map_diff, ctxt) ->
| Some big_map ->
Script_ir_translator.diff_of_big_map ctxt mode big_map >>=? fun (big_map_diff, ctxt) ->
return (Some big_map_diff, ctxt)
end >>=? fun (big_map_diff, ctxt) ->
let trace = List.rev !log in
return ({ ctxt ; storage ; big_map_diff ; operations }, trace)
let execute ctxt ~source ~payer ~self:(self, script) ~parameter ~amount =
execute ctxt ~source ~payer ~self script amount (Micheline.root parameter)
>>=? fun (storage, operations, ctxt, big_map_diff) ->
begin match big_map_diff with
let execute ctxt mode ~source ~payer ~self:(self, script) ~parameter ~amount =
execute ctxt mode ~source ~payer ~self script amount (Micheline.root parameter)
>>=? fun (storage, operations, ctxt, big_map) ->
begin match big_map with
| None -> return (None, ctxt)
| Some big_map_diff ->
Script_ir_translator.to_serializable_big_map ctxt big_map_diff >>=? fun (big_map_diff, ctxt) ->
| Some big_map ->
Script_ir_translator.diff_of_big_map ctxt mode big_map >>=? fun (big_map_diff, ctxt) ->
return (Some big_map_diff, ctxt)
end >>=? fun (big_map_diff, ctxt) ->
return { ctxt ; storage ; big_map_diff ; operations }
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ type execution_result =
val execute:
Alpha_context.t ->
Script_ir_translator.unparsing_mode ->
source: Contract.t ->
payer: Contract.t ->
self: (Contract.t * Script.t) ->
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ type execution_trace =
val trace:
Alpha_context.t ->
Script_ir_translator.unparsing_mode ->
source: Contract.t ->
payer: Contract.t ->
self: (Contract.t * Script.t) ->
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ type tc_context =
| Dip : 'a stack_ty * tc_context -> tc_context
| Toplevel : { storage_type : 'sto ty ; param_type : 'param ty } -> tc_context
type unparsing_mode = Optimized | Readable
let add_dip ty annot prev =
match prev with
| Lambda | Toplevel _ -> Dip (Item_t (ty, Empty_t, annot), prev)
@ -488,7 +490,7 @@ let map_size
fun (module Box) ->
Script_int.(abs (of_int (snd Box.boxed)))
(* ---- Unparsing (Typed IR -> Untyped expressions) --------------------------*)
(* ---- Unparsing (Typed IR -> Untyped expressions) of types -----------------*)
let ty_of_comparable_ty
: type a. a comparable_ty -> a ty = function
@ -560,120 +562,6 @@ let rec unparse_ty
let tr = unparse_ty None utr in
Prim (-1, T_big_map, [ ta; tr ], None)
module Unparse_costs = Michelson_v1_gas.Cost_of.Unparse
let rec unparse_data
: type a. context -> a ty -> a -> (Script.node * context) tzresult
= fun ctxt ty a ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.cycle >>? fun gas ->
match ty, a with
| Unit_t, () ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.unit >|? fun gas ->
(Prim (-1, D_Unit, [], None), gas)
| Int_t, v ->
Gas.consume ctxt (Unparse_costs.int v) >|? fun gas ->
(Int (-1, Script_int.to_zint v), gas)
| Nat_t, v ->
Gas.consume ctxt (Unparse_costs.int v) >|? fun gas ->
(Int (-1, Script_int.to_zint v), gas)
| String_t, s ->
Gas.consume ctxt (Unparse_costs.string s) >|? fun gas ->
(String (-1, s), gas)
| Bool_t, true ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.bool >|? fun gas ->
(Prim (-1, D_True, [], None), gas)
| Bool_t, false ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.bool >|? fun gas ->
(Prim (-1, D_False, [], None), gas)
| Timestamp_t, t ->
Gas.consume ctxt (Unparse_costs.timestamp t) >>? fun gas ->
match Script_timestamp.to_notation t with
| None -> ok @@ (Int (-1, Script_timestamp.to_zint t), gas)
| Some s -> ok @@ (String (-1, s), gas)
| Address_t, c ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.contract >|? fun gas ->
(String (-1, Contract.to_b58check c), gas)
| Contract_t _, (_, c) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.contract >|? fun gas ->
(String (-1, Contract.to_b58check c), gas)
| Signature_t, s ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.signature >|? fun gas ->
let `Hex text =
(Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Signature.encoding s) in
(String (-1, text), gas)
| Mutez_t, v ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.tez >|? fun gas ->
(Int (-1, Z.of_int64 (Tez.to_mutez v)), gas)
| Key_t, k ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.key >|? fun gas ->
(String (-1, Signature.Public_key.to_b58check k), gas)
| Key_hash_t, k ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.key_hash >|? fun gas ->
(String (-1, Signature.Public_key_hash.to_b58check k), gas)
| Operation_t, op ->
let bytes = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Operation.internal_operation_encoding op in
let `Hex text = MBytes.to_hex bytes in
Gas.consume ctxt (Unparse_costs.operation bytes) >>? fun ctxt ->
ok (String (-1, text), ctxt)
| Pair_t ((tl, _), (tr, _)), (l, r) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.pair >>? fun gas ->
unparse_data gas tl l >>? fun (l, gas) ->
unparse_data gas tr r >|? fun (r, gas) ->
(Prim (-1, D_Pair, [ l; r ], None), gas)
| Union_t ((tl, _), _), L l ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.union >>? fun gas ->
unparse_data gas tl l >|? fun (l, gas) ->
(Prim (-1, D_Left, [ l ], None), gas)
| Union_t (_, (tr, _)), R r ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.union >>? fun gas ->
unparse_data gas tr r >|? fun (r, gas) ->
(Prim (-1, D_Right, [ r ], None), gas)
| Option_t t, Some v ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.some >>? fun gas ->
unparse_data gas t v >|? fun (v, gas) ->
(Prim (-1, D_Some, [ v ], None), gas)
| Option_t _, None ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.none >|? fun gas ->
(Prim (-1, D_None, [], None), gas)
| List_t t, items ->
(fun element acc ->
acc >>? fun (l, ctxt) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.list_element >>? fun ctxt ->
unparse_data ctxt t element >>? fun (unparsed, ctxt) ->
ok (unparsed :: l, ctxt))
(ok ([], ctxt)) >|? fun (items, gas) ->
(Micheline.Seq (-1, items, None), gas)
| Set_t t, set ->
let t = ty_of_comparable_ty t in
(fun item acc ->
acc >>? fun (l, ctxt) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.set_element >>? fun ctxt ->
unparse_data ctxt t item >>? fun (item, ctxt) ->
ok (item :: l, ctxt))
set (ok ([], ctxt)) >|? fun (items, gas) ->
(Micheline.Seq (-1, List.rev items, None), gas)
| Map_t (kt, vt), map ->
let kt = ty_of_comparable_ty kt in
(fun k v acc ->
acc >>? fun (l, ctxt) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.map_element >>? fun ctxt ->
unparse_data ctxt kt k >>? fun (key, ctxt) ->
unparse_data ctxt vt v >>? fun (value, ctxt) ->
ok (Prim (-1, D_Elt, [ key ; value ], None) :: l, ctxt))
map (ok ([], ctxt)) >|? fun (items, gas) ->
(Micheline.Seq (-1, List.rev items, None), gas)
| Big_map_t (_kt, _kv), _map ->
ok (Micheline.Seq (-1, [], None), gas)
| Lambda_t _, Lam (_, original_code) ->
ok (root original_code, gas)
(* ---- Equality witnesses --------------------------------------------------*)
type ('ta, 'tb) eq = Eq : ('same, 'same) eq
@ -1051,6 +939,16 @@ let rec unparse_stack
type ex_script = Ex_script : ('a, 'c) script -> ex_script
let public_key_hash_size =
match Data_encoding.Binary.fixed_length Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding with
| None -> assert false
| Some size -> size
let signature_size =
match Data_encoding.Binary.fixed_length Signature.encoding with
| None -> assert false
| Some size -> size
let rec parse_data
: type a.
?type_logger: (int -> Script.expr list -> Script.expr list -> unit) ->
@ -1088,6 +986,14 @@ let rec parse_data
fail (error ()))
(None, empty_map key_type, ctxt) items |> traced >>|? fun (_, items, ctxt) ->
(items, ctxt) in
let bytes_of_padded_z z =
let bytes = Z.to_bits z in
let len = MBytes.length bytes in
if Compare.Int.(MBytes.length bytes = 0)
|| Compare.Char.(MBytes.get_char bytes (MBytes.length bytes - 1) <> '\xFF') then
fail (error ())
return (MBytes.sub bytes 0 (len - 1)) in
match ty, script_data with
(* Unit *)
| Unit_t, Prim (_, D_Unit, [], _) ->
@ -1147,9 +1053,9 @@ let rec parse_data
| Mutez_t, expr ->
traced (fail (Invalid_kind (location expr, [ String_kind ], kind expr)))
(* Timestamps *)
| Timestamp_t, (Int (_, v)) ->
| Timestamp_t, (Int (_, v)) (* As unparsed with [Optimized] or out of bounds [Readable]. *) ->
return (Script_timestamp.of_zint v, ctxt)
| Timestamp_t, String (_, s) ->
| Timestamp_t, String (_, s) (* As unparsed with [Redable]. *) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.string_timestamp) >>=? fun ctxt ->
begin try
match Script_timestamp.of_string s with
@ -1160,7 +1066,14 @@ let rec parse_data
| Timestamp_t, expr ->
traced (fail (Invalid_kind (location expr, [ String_kind ; Int_kind ], kind expr)))
(* IDs *)
| Key_t, String (_, s) ->
| Key_t, Int (_, z) -> (* As unparsed with [Optimized]. *)
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.key) >>=? fun ctxt ->
bytes_of_padded_z z >>=? fun bytes ->
begin match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes Signature.Public_key.encoding bytes with
| Some k -> return (k, ctxt)
| None -> fail (error ())
| Key_t, String (_, s) -> (* As unparsed with [Readable]. *)
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.key) >>=? fun ctxt ->
@ -1169,25 +1082,39 @@ let rec parse_data
| Key_t, expr ->
traced (fail (Invalid_kind (location expr, [ String_kind ], kind expr)))
| Key_hash_t, String (_, s) ->
| Key_hash_t, Int (_, z) -> (* As unparsed with [Optimized]. *)
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.key_hash) >>=? fun ctxt ->
let bytes = Z.to_bits ~pad_to:public_key_hash_size z in
match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding bytes with
| Some k -> return (k, ctxt)
| None -> fail (error ())
| Key_hash_t, String (_, s) (* As unparsed with [Readable]. *) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.key_hash) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (Signature.Public_key_hash.of_b58check_exn s, ctxt)
with _ -> fail (error ()) end
with _ -> fail (error ())
| Key_hash_t, expr ->
traced (fail (Invalid_kind (location expr, [ String_kind ], kind expr)))
(* Signatures *)
| Signature_t, String (_, s) -> begin try
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.signature) >>=? fun ctxt ->
match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes
(MBytes.of_hex (`Hex s)) with
| Some s -> return (s, ctxt)
| None -> raise Not_found
with _ ->
fail (error ())
| Signature_t, Int (_, z) (* As unparsed with [Optimized]. *) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.signature) >>=? fun ctxt ->
let bytes = Z.to_bits ~pad_to:signature_size z in
match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes Signature.encoding bytes with
| Some k -> return (k, ctxt)
| None -> fail (error ())
| Signature_t, String (_, s) (* As unparsed with [Readable]. *) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.signature) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (Signature.of_b58check_exn s, ctxt)
with _ -> fail (error ())
| Signature_t, expr ->
traced (fail (Invalid_kind (location expr, [ String_kind ], kind expr)))
(* Operations *)
@ -1204,20 +1131,35 @@ let rec parse_data
| Operation_t, expr ->
traced (fail (Invalid_kind (location expr, [ String_kind ], kind expr)))
(* Addresses *)
| Address_t, String (_, s) ->
| Address_t, Int (_, z) (* As unparsed with [O[ptimized]. *) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.contract) >>=? fun ctxt ->
traced @@
(Lwt.return (Contract.of_b58check s)) >>=? fun c ->
bytes_of_padded_z z >>=? fun bytes ->
begin match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes Contract.encoding bytes with
| Some c -> return (c, ctxt)
| None -> fail (error ())
| Address_t, String (_, s) (* As unparsed with [Readable]. *) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.contract) >>=? fun ctxt ->
traced (Lwt.return (Contract.of_b58check s)) >>=? fun c ->
return (c, ctxt)
| Address_t, expr ->
traced (fail (Invalid_kind (location expr, [ String_kind ], kind expr)))
(* Contracts *)
| Contract_t ty1, String (loc, s) ->
| Contract_t ty, Int (loc, z) (* As unparsed with [Optimized]. *) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.contract) >>=? fun ctxt ->
bytes_of_padded_z z >>=? fun bytes ->
begin match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes Contract.encoding bytes with
| Some c ->
traced (parse_contract ctxt loc ty c) >>=? fun (ctxt, _) ->
return ((ty, c), ctxt)
| None -> fail (error ())
| Contract_t ty, String (loc, s) (* As unparsed with [Readable]. *) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.contract) >>=? fun ctxt ->
traced @@
(Lwt.return (Contract.of_b58check s)) >>=? fun c ->
parse_contract ctxt loc ty1 c >>=? fun (ctxt, _) ->
return ((ty1, c), ctxt)
Lwt.return (Contract.of_b58check s) >>=? fun c ->
parse_contract ctxt loc ty c >>=? fun (ctxt, _) ->
return ((ty, c), ctxt)
| Contract_t _, expr ->
traced (fail (Invalid_kind (location expr, [ String_kind ], kind expr)))
(* Pairs *)
@ -2340,17 +2282,204 @@ let typecheck_data
(parse_data ?type_logger ctxt exp_ty (root data)) >>=? fun (_, ctxt) ->
return ctxt
(* ---- Unparsing (Typed IR -> Untyped expressions) --------------------------*)
module Unparse_costs = Michelson_v1_gas.Cost_of.Unparse
let rec unparse_data
: type a. context -> unparsing_mode -> a ty -> a -> (Script.node * context) tzresult Lwt.t
= fun ctxt mode ty a ->
let padded_z_of_bytes bytes =
let bytes = MBytes.concat "" [ bytes ; MBytes.of_string "\xFF" ] in
Z.of_bits bytes in
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.cycle) >>=? fun ctxt ->
match ty, a with
| Unit_t, () ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.unit) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (Prim (-1, D_Unit, [], None), ctxt)
| Int_t, v ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt (Unparse_costs.int v)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (Int (-1, Script_int.to_zint v), ctxt)
| Nat_t, v ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt (Unparse_costs.int v)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (Int (-1, Script_int.to_zint v), ctxt)
| String_t, s ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt (Unparse_costs.string s)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (String (-1, s), ctxt)
| Bool_t, true ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.bool) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (Prim (-1, D_True, [], None), ctxt)
| Bool_t, false ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.bool) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (Prim (-1, D_False, [], None), ctxt)
| Timestamp_t, t ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt (Unparse_costs.timestamp t)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
match mode with
| Optimized -> return (Int (-1, Script_timestamp.to_zint t), ctxt)
| Readable ->
match Script_timestamp.to_notation t with
| None -> return (Int (-1, Script_timestamp.to_zint t), ctxt)
| Some s -> return (String (-1, s), ctxt)
| Address_t, c ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.contract) >>=? fun ctxt ->
match mode with
| Optimized ->
let bytes = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Contract.encoding c in
return (Int (-1, padded_z_of_bytes bytes), ctxt)
| Readable -> return (String (-1, Contract.to_b58check c), ctxt)
| Contract_t _, (_, c) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.contract) >>=? fun ctxt ->
match mode with
| Optimized ->
let bytes = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Contract.encoding c in
return (Int (-1, padded_z_of_bytes bytes), ctxt)
| Readable -> return (String (-1, Contract.to_b58check c), ctxt)
| Signature_t, s ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.signature) >>=? fun ctxt ->
match mode with
| Optimized ->
let bytes = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Signature.encoding s in
return (Int (-1, Z.of_bits bytes), ctxt)
| Readable ->
return (String (-1, Signature.to_b58check s), ctxt)
| Mutez_t, v ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.tez) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (Int (-1, Z.of_int64 (Tez.to_mutez v)), ctxt)
| Key_t, k ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.key) >>=? fun ctxt ->
match mode with
| Optimized ->
let bytes = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Signature.Public_key.encoding k in
return (Int (-1, padded_z_of_bytes bytes), ctxt)
| Readable ->
return (String (-1, Signature.Public_key.to_b58check k), ctxt)
| Key_hash_t, k ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.key_hash) >>=? fun ctxt ->
match mode with
| Optimized ->
let bytes = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding k in
return (Int (-1, Z.of_bits bytes), ctxt)
| Readable ->
return (String (-1, Signature.Public_key_hash.to_b58check k), ctxt)
| Operation_t, op ->
let bytes = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Operation.internal_operation_encoding op in
let `Hex text = MBytes.to_hex bytes in
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt (Unparse_costs.operation bytes)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (String (-1, text), ctxt)
| Pair_t ((tl, _), (tr, _)), (l, r) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.pair) >>=? fun ctxt ->
unparse_data ctxt mode tl l >>=? fun (l, ctxt) ->
unparse_data ctxt mode tr r >>=? fun (r, ctxt) ->
return (Prim (-1, D_Pair, [ l; r ], None), ctxt)
| Union_t ((tl, _), _), L l ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.union) >>=? fun ctxt ->
unparse_data ctxt mode tl l >>=? fun (l, ctxt) ->
return (Prim (-1, D_Left, [ l ], None), ctxt)
| Union_t (_, (tr, _)), R r ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.union) >>=? fun ctxt ->
unparse_data ctxt mode tr r >>=? fun (r, ctxt) ->
return (Prim (-1, D_Right, [ r ], None), ctxt)
| Option_t t, Some v ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.some) >>=? fun ctxt ->
unparse_data ctxt mode t v >>=? fun (v, ctxt) ->
return (Prim (-1, D_Some, [ v ], None), ctxt)
| Option_t _, None ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.none) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (Prim (-1, D_None, [], None), ctxt)
| List_t t, items ->
(fun (l, ctxt) element ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.list_element) >>=? fun ctxt ->
unparse_data ctxt mode t element >>=? fun (unparsed, ctxt) ->
return (unparsed :: l, ctxt))
([], ctxt)
items >>=? fun (items, ctxt) ->
return (Micheline.Seq (-1, List.rev items, None), ctxt)
| Set_t t, set ->
let t = ty_of_comparable_ty t in
(fun (l, ctxt) item ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.set_element) >>=? fun ctxt ->
unparse_data ctxt mode t item >>=? fun (item, ctxt) ->
return (item :: l, ctxt))
([], ctxt)
(set_fold (fun e acc -> e :: acc) set []) >>=? fun (items, ctxt) ->
return (Micheline.Seq (-1, items, None), ctxt)
| Map_t (kt, vt), map ->
let kt = ty_of_comparable_ty kt in
(fun (l, ctxt) (k, v) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Unparse_costs.map_element) >>=? fun ctxt ->
unparse_data ctxt mode kt k >>=? fun (key, ctxt) ->
unparse_data ctxt mode vt v >>=? fun (value, ctxt) ->
return (Prim (-1, D_Elt, [ key ; value ], None) :: l, ctxt))
([], ctxt)
(map_fold (fun k v acc -> (k, v) :: acc) map []) >>=? fun (items, ctxt) ->
return (Micheline.Seq (-1, items, None), ctxt)
| Big_map_t (_kt, _kv), _map ->
return (Micheline.Seq (-1, [], None), ctxt)
| Lambda_t _, Lam (_, original_code) ->
unparse_code ctxt mode (root original_code)
and unparse_code ctxt mode = function
| Prim (loc, I_PUSH, [ ty ; data ], annot) ->
Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:false ty) >>=? fun (Ex_ty t, _) ->
parse_data ctxt t data >>=? fun (data, ctxt) ->
unparse_data ctxt mode t data >>=? fun (data, ctxt) ->
return (Prim (loc, I_PUSH, [ ty ; data ], annot), ctxt)
| Seq (loc, items, annot) ->
(fun (l, ctxt) item ->
unparse_code ctxt mode item >>=? fun (item, ctxt) ->
return (item :: l, ctxt))
([], ctxt) items >>=? fun (items, ctxt) ->
return (Micheline.Seq (loc, List.rev items, annot), ctxt)
| Prim (loc, prim, items, annot) ->
(fun (l, ctxt) item ->
unparse_code ctxt mode item >>=? fun (item, ctxt) ->
return (item :: l, ctxt))
([], ctxt) items >>=? fun (items, ctxt) ->
return (Prim (loc, prim, List.rev items, annot), ctxt)
| Int _ | String _ as atom -> return (atom, ctxt)
let unparse_script ctxt mode { code ; arg_type ; storage ; storage_type } =
let Lam (_, original_code) = code in
unparse_code ctxt mode (root original_code) >>=? fun (code, ctxt) ->
unparse_data ctxt mode storage_type storage >>=? fun (storage, ctxt) ->
let arg_type = unparse_ty None arg_type in
let storage_type = unparse_ty None storage_type in
let open Micheline in
let code =
Seq (-1, [ Prim (-1, K_parameter, [ arg_type ], None) ;
Prim (-1, K_storage, [ storage_type ], None) ;
Prim (-1, K_code, [ code ], None) ], None) in
return ({ code = lazy_expr (strip_locations code) ;
storage = lazy_expr (strip_locations storage) }, ctxt)
let hash_data ctxt typ data =
unparse_data ctxt typ data >|? fun (data, ctxt) ->
unparse_data ctxt Optimized typ data >>=? fun (data, ctxt) ->
let unparsed = strip_annotations @@ data in
let bytes = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn expr_encoding (Micheline.strip_locations unparsed) in
(Script_expr_hash.(hash_bytes [ bytes ] |> to_b58check), ctxt)
return (Script_expr_hash.(hash_bytes [ bytes ] |> to_b58check), ctxt)
(* ---------------- Big map -------------------------------------------------*)
let big_map_mem ctxt contract key { diff ; key_type ; _ } =
match map_get key diff with
| None -> Lwt.return @@ hash_data ctxt key_type key >>=? fun (hash, ctxt) ->
| None -> hash_data ctxt key_type key >>=? fun (hash, ctxt) ->
Alpha_context.Contract.Big_map.mem ctxt contract hash >>=? fun (ctxt, res) ->
return (res, ctxt)
| Some None -> return (false, ctxt)
@ -2360,7 +2489,7 @@ let big_map_get ctxt contract key { diff ; key_type ; value_type } =
match map_get key diff with
| Some x -> return (x, ctxt)
| None ->
Lwt.return @@ hash_data ctxt key_type key >>=? fun (hash, ctxt) ->
hash_data ctxt key_type key >>=? fun (hash, ctxt) ->
ctxt contract hash >>=? begin function
| (ctxt, None) -> return (None, ctxt)
@ -2373,19 +2502,19 @@ let big_map_get ctxt contract key { diff ; key_type ; value_type } =
let big_map_update key value ({ diff ; _ } as map) =
{ map with diff = map_set key value diff }
let to_big_map_diff_list ctxt { key_type ; value_type ; diff } =
let diff_of_big_map ctxt mode (Ex_bm { key_type ; value_type ; diff }) =
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt (Michelson_v1_gas.Cost_of.map_to_list diff)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
let pairs = map_fold (fun key value acc -> (key, value) :: acc) diff [] in
(fun (acc, ctxt) (key, value) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.cycle) >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return @@ hash_data ctxt key_type key >>=? fun (hash, ctxt) ->
hash_data ctxt key_type key >>=? fun (hash, ctxt) ->
match value with
| None -> return (None, ctxt)
| Some x ->
Lwt.return @@ unparse_data ctxt value_type x >>=? fun (node, ctxt) ->
unparse_data ctxt mode value_type x >>=? fun (node, ctxt) ->
return (Some (Micheline.strip_locations node), ctxt)
end >>=? fun (value, ctxt) ->
@ -2398,23 +2527,7 @@ let extract_big_map : type a. a ty -> a -> ex_big_map option = fun ty x ->
| Pair_t ((Big_map_t (_, _), _), _), (map, _) -> Some (Ex_bm map)
| _, _ -> None
let to_serializable_big_map gas (Ex_bm bm) =
to_big_map_diff_list gas bm
let to_printable_big_map ctxt (Ex_bm { diff ; key_type ; value_type }) =
let un_error = function
| Ok x -> x
| Error _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Raise to_printiable_big_map gas limit" in
let ctxt = Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in
let unparse ty value =
fst @@ un_error @@ unparse_data ctxt ty value in
let pairs = map_fold (fun key value acc -> (key, value) :: acc) diff [] in
(fun acc (key, value) ->
((Micheline.strip_locations @@ unparse key_type key,
Option.map ~f:(fun x -> Micheline.strip_locations @@ unparse value_type x) value) :: acc)) [] pairs
let erase_big_map_initialization ctxt ({ code ; storage } : Script.t) =
let erase_big_map_initialization ctxt mode ({ code ; storage } : Script.t) =
Lwt.return (Script.force_decode code) >>=? fun code ->
Lwt.return (Script.force_decode storage) >>=? fun storage ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_toplevel code >>=? fun (_, storage_type, _) ->
@ -2424,9 +2537,9 @@ let erase_big_map_initialization ctxt ({ code ; storage } : Script.t) =
match extract_big_map ty storage with
| None -> return (None, ctxt)
| Some bm -> to_serializable_big_map ctxt bm >>=? fun (bm, ctxt) ->
| Some bm -> diff_of_big_map ctxt mode bm >>=? fun (bm, ctxt) ->
return (Some bm, ctxt)
end >>=? fun (bm, ctxt) ->
Lwt.return @@ unparse_data ctxt ty storage >>=? fun (storage, ctxt) ->
unparse_data ctxt mode ty storage >>=? fun (storage, ctxt) ->
return ({ code = Script.lazy_expr code ;
storage = Script.lazy_expr (Micheline.strip_locations storage) }, bm, ctxt)
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ type ex_ty = Ex_ty : 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> ex_ty
type ex_stack_ty = Ex_stack_ty : 'a Script_typed_ir.stack_ty -> ex_stack_ty
type ex_script = Ex_script : ('a, 'b) Script_typed_ir.script -> ex_script
type unparsing_mode = Optimized | Readable
(* ---- Sets and Maps -------------------------------------------------------*)
val empty_set : 'a Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty -> 'a Script_typed_ir.set
@ -60,7 +62,8 @@ val parse_data :
context ->
'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> Script.node -> ('a * context) tzresult Lwt.t
val unparse_data :
context -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> (Script.node * context) tzresult
context -> unparsing_mode ->
'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> (Script.node * context) tzresult Lwt.t
val parse_ty :
allow_big_map: bool ->
@ -83,23 +86,23 @@ val typecheck_data :
val parse_script :
?type_logger: (int -> Script.expr list -> Script.expr list -> unit) ->
context -> Script.t -> (ex_script * context) tzresult Lwt.t
val unparse_script :
context -> unparsing_mode ->
('a, 'b) Script_typed_ir.script -> (Script.t * context) tzresult Lwt.t
val parse_contract :
context -> Script.location -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> Contract.t ->
(context * 'a Script_typed_ir.typed_contract) tzresult Lwt.t
val hash_data : context -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> (string * context) tzresult
val hash_data : context -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> (string * context) tzresult Lwt.t
val extract_big_map : 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map option
val extract_big_map :
'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map option
val to_serializable_big_map :
context -> Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map ->
val diff_of_big_map :
context -> unparsing_mode -> Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map ->
(Contract.big_map_diff * context) tzresult Lwt.t
val to_printable_big_map :
context -> Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr option) list
val erase_big_map_initialization :
context -> Script.t ->
context -> unparsing_mode -> Script.t ->
(Script.t * Contract.big_map_diff option * context) tzresult Lwt.t
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ let operation
return @@ Helpers_operation.apply_of_proto src op_sh proto_op >>=? fun operation ->
let hash = Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Operation.hash operation in
tc Readable
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ let execute_code_pred
Lwt.return (Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Gas.set_limit tc gas) >>=? fun tc ->
let tc = Contract.init_origination_nonce tc hash in
tc Readable
~source: op.contract
~payer: op.contract
~self: (dst, script)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ let expect_big_map tc contract print_key key_type print_data data_type contents
let open Proto_alpha.Error_monad in
(fun (n, exp) ->
Lwt.return @@ Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.hash_data tc key_type n >>=? fun (key, tc) ->
Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.hash_data tc key_type n >>=? fun (key, tc) ->
Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Contract.Big_map.get_opt tc contract key >>=? fun (_tc, data) ->
match data, exp with
| None, None ->
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ let parse_execute sb ?tc code_str param_str storage_str =
>>=?? fun (dst, { ctxt = tc ; operations = ops ; big_map_diff = bgm }) ->
let payer =
(List.hd Account.bootstrap_accounts).contract in
Proto_alpha.Apply.apply_internal_manager_operations tc ~payer ops >>= function
Proto_alpha.Apply.apply_internal_manager_operations tc Readable ~payer ops >>= function
| Error result ->
let _, err = extract_result result in
Lwt.return (Alpha_environment.wrap_error (Error_monad.error (List.hd err)))
@ -409,9 +409,9 @@ let test_example () =
test_storage ~location: __LOC__ "map_caddaadr" "(Pair (Pair 1 (Pair 2 (Pair (Pair (Pair 3 0) 4) 5))) 6)" "Unit" "(Pair (Pair 1 (Pair 2 (Pair (Pair (Pair 3 1000000) 4) 5))) 6)" >>=? fun _ ->
(* Did the given key sign the string? (key is bootstrap1) *)
test_success ~location: __LOC__ "check_signature" "(Pair \"1f19f8f37e80d96797b019f30d23ede6a26a0f698220f942103a3401f047623746e51a9c6e77e269b5df9593994ab96b001aae0f73728a2259187cb640b61e01\" \"hello\")" "\"edpkuBknW28nW72KG6RoHtYW7p12T6GKc7nAbwYX5m8Wd9sDVC9yav\"" >>=? fun _ ->
test_success ~location: __LOC__ "check_signature" "(Pair \"edsigtbsm9RwhfQuJWSmZrvbDqDR9t1TJs34KrX4wkt9uUJ4PJG1aT6uLDiCqKz6vcGZAbNpoW7PvXUzdXo1E3c6ap6GoUU366J\" \"hello\")" "\"edpkuBknW28nW72KG6RoHtYW7p12T6GKc7nAbwYX5m8Wd9sDVC9yav\"" >>=? fun _ ->
test_fails ~location: __LOC__ "check_signature" "(Pair \"1f19f8f37e80d96797b019f30d23ede6a26a0f698220f942103a3401f047623746e51a9c6e77e269b5df9593994ab96b001aae0f73728a2259187cb640b61e01\" \"abcd\")" "\"edpkuBknW28nW72KG6RoHtYW7p12T6GKc7nAbwYX5m8Wd9sDVC9yav\"" >>=? fun _ ->
test_fails ~location: __LOC__ "check_signature" "(Pair \"edsigtbsm9RwhfQuJWSmZrvbDqDR9t1TJs34KrX4wkt9uUJ4PJG1aT6uLDiCqKz6vcGZAbNpoW7PvXUzdXo1E3c6ap6GoUU366J\" \"abcd\")" "\"edpkuBknW28nW72KG6RoHtYW7p12T6GKc7nAbwYX5m8Wd9sDVC9yav\"" >>=? fun _ ->
(* Convert a public key to a public key hash *)
test_output ~location: __LOC__ "hash_key" "None" "\"edpkuBknW28nW72KG6RoHtYW7p12T6GKc7nAbwYX5m8Wd9sDVC9yav\"" "(Some \"tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx\")" >>=? fun _ ->
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