Add autocollector for comments
This commit is contained in:
@ -715,9 +715,9 @@ typeTuple = do
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/bytes_arithmetic.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/bytes_unpack.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/chain_id.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/coase.ligo"
example = "../../../src/test/contracts/coase.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/failwith.ligo"
example = "../../../src/test/contracts/loop.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/loop.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/application.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/application.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/application.ligo"
@ -212,33 +212,38 @@ data Name info = Name
instance Stubbed (Name info) where stub = WrongName
instance Show (Name info) where
c :: HasComments i => i -> Doc -> Doc
c i d =
case getComments i of
[] -> d
cc -> vcat (map pp cc) $$ d
instance Show (Name i) where
show = \case
Name _ raw -> Text.unpack raw
Name i raw -> Text.unpack raw
WrongName r -> "(Name? " ++ show r ++ ")"
instance Pretty (Contract i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (Contract i) where
pp = \case
Contract _ decls ->
hang "(* contract *)" 2 do
vcat $ punctuate "\n" $ map (($$ empty) . pp) decls
Contract i decls -> c i $
vcat $ punctuate "\n" $ map (($$ empty) . pp) decls
WrongContract err ->
pp err
instance Pretty (Declaration i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (Declaration i) where
pp = \case
ValueDecl _ binding -> pp binding
TypeDecl _ n ty -> hang ("type" <+> pp n <+> "=") 2 (pp ty)
Action _ e -> pp e
Include _ f -> "#include" <+> pp f
WrongDecl err -> pp err
ValueDecl i binding -> c i $ pp binding
TypeDecl i n ty -> c i $ hang ("type" <+> pp n <+> "=") 2 (pp ty)
Action i e -> c i $ pp e
Include i f -> c i $ "#include" <+> pp f
WrongDecl err -> pp err
instance Pretty (Binding i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (Binding i) where
pp = \case
Irrefutable _ pat expr -> error "irrefs in pascaligo?"
Function _ isRec name params ty body ->
Irrefutable i pat expr -> error "irrefs in pascaligo?"
Function i isRec name params ty body ->
c i $ hang
( fsep
[ if isRec then "recursive" else empty
, "function"
@ -251,22 +256,22 @@ instance Pretty (Binding i) where
(pp body)
Var _ name ty value ->
Var i name ty value ->
c i $ hang
("var" <+> pp name <+> ":" <+> pp ty <+> ":=")
(pp value)
Const _ name ty body ->
Const i name ty body ->
c i $ hang
("const" <+> pp name <+> ":" <+> pp ty <+> "=")
(pp body)
WrongBinding err ->
pp err
instance Pretty (VarDecl i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (VarDecl i) where
pp = \case
Decl _ mutability name ty -> fsep
Decl i mutability name ty -> c i $ fsep
[ pp mutability
, pp name
, ":"
@ -275,130 +280,130 @@ instance Pretty (VarDecl i) where
WrongVarDecl err ->
pp err
instance Pretty (Mutable i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (Mutable i) where
pp = \case
Mutable _ -> "var"
Immutable _ -> "const"
Mutable i -> c i $ "var"
Immutable i -> c i $ "const"
WrongMutable err -> pp err
instance Pretty (Type i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (Type i) where
pp = \case
TArrow _ dom codom -> parens (pp dom <+> "->" <+> pp codom)
TRecord _ fields -> "record [" <> (vcat $ map pp fields) <> "]"
TVar _ name -> pp name
TSum _ variants -> vcat $ map pp variants
TProduct _ elements -> fsep $ punctuate " *" $ map pp elements
TApply _ f xs -> pp f <> parens (fsep $ punctuate "," $ map pp xs)
WrongType err -> pp err
TArrow i dom codom -> c i $ parens (pp dom <+> "->" <+> pp codom)
TRecord i fields -> c i $ "record [" <> (vcat $ map pp fields) <> "]"
TVar i name -> c i $ pp name
TSum i variants -> c i $ vcat $ map pp variants
TProduct i elements -> c i $ fsep $ punctuate " *" $ map pp elements
TApply i f xs -> c i $ pp f <> parens (fsep $ punctuate "," $ map pp xs)
WrongType err -> pp err
ppField (name, ty) = pp name <> ": " <> pp ty <> ";"
instance Pretty (Variant i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (Variant i) where
pp = \case
Variant _ ctor (Just ty) -> hang ("|" <+> pp ctor <+> "of") 2 (pp ty)
Variant _ ctor _ -> "|" <+> pp ctor
Variant i ctor (Just ty) -> c i $ hang ("|" <+> pp ctor <+> "of") 2 (pp ty)
Variant i ctor _ -> c i $ "|" <+> pp ctor
WrongVariant err -> pp err
-- My eyes.
instance Pretty (Expr i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (Expr i) where
pp = \case
Let _ decls body -> "block {" $$ (nest 2 $ vcat $ punctuate "\n" $ map pp decls) $$ "}" $$ "with" $$ nest 2 (pp body)
Apply _ f xs -> pp f <+> tuple xs
Constant _ constant -> pp constant
Ident _ qname -> pp qname
BinOp _ l o r -> parens (pp l <+> pp o <+> pp r)
UnOp _ o r -> parens (pp o <+> pp r)
Record _ az -> "record [" <> (fsep $ punctuate ";" $ map pp az) <> "]"
If _ b t e -> fsep ["if" <+> pp b, hang "then" 2 $ pp t, hang "else" 2 $ pp e]
Assign _ l r -> hang (pp l <+> ":=") 2 (pp r)
List _ l -> "list [" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp l) <> "]"
Set _ l -> "set [" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp l) <> "]"
Tuple _ l -> "(" <> fsep (punctuate "," $ map pp l) <> ")"
Annot _ n t -> ("(" <> pp n) <+> ":" <+> (pp t <> ")")
Attrs _ ts -> "attributes [" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp ts) <> "]"
BigMap _ bs -> "big_map [" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp bs) <> "]"
Map _ bs -> "map [" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp bs) <> "]"
MapRemove _ k m -> hang ("remove" <+> pp k) 0 ("from" <+> "map" <+> pp m)
SetRemove _ k s -> hang ("remove" <+> pp k) 0 ("from" <+> "set" <+> pp s)
Indexing _ a i -> pp a <> brackets (pp i)
Case _ s az -> hang ("case" <+> pp s <+> "of") 2 (vcat $ map pp az)
Skip _ -> "skip"
ForLoop _ i s f b -> hang ("for" <+> pp i <+> ":=" <+> pp s <+> "to" <+> pp f) 2 (pp b)
ForBox _ k mv t c b -> hang ("for" <+> (pp k <> maybe empty ((" ->" <+>) . pp) mv) <+> "in" <+> pp t <+> pp c) 2 (pp b)
WhileLoop _ f b -> hang ("while" <+> pp f) 2 (pp b)
Seq _ es -> hang (hang "block {" 2 (vcat $ map pp es)) 0 "}"
Lambda _ ps ty b -> parens (hang ("function" <+> ("(" <> fsep (punctuate "," $ map pp ps) <> ") :") <+> pp ty) 2 (pp b))
MapPatch _ c bs -> hang (hang "patch" 2 (pp c)) 0 (hang ("with" <+> "map") 2 ("[" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp bs) <> "]"))
SetPatch _ c bs -> hang (hang "patch" 2 (pp c)) 0 (hang ("with" <+> "set") 2 ("[" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp bs) <> "]"))
RecordUpd _ r up -> hang (pp r) 2 (hang ("with" <+> "record") 2 ("[" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp up) <> "]"))
Let i decls body -> c i $ "block {" $$ (nest 2 $ vcat $ punctuate "\n" $ map pp decls) $$ "}" $$ "with" $$ nest 2 (pp body)
Apply i f xs -> c i $ pp f <+> tuple xs
Constant i constant -> c i $ pp constant
Ident i qname -> c i $ pp qname
BinOp i l o r -> c i $ parens (pp l <+> pp o <+> pp r)
UnOp i o r -> c i $ parens (pp o <+> pp r)
Record i az -> c i $ "record [" <> (fsep $ punctuate ";" $ map pp az) <> "]"
If i b t e -> c i $ fsep ["if" <+> pp b, hang "then" 2 $ pp t, hang "else" 2 $ pp e]
Assign i l r -> c i $ hang (pp l <+> ":=") 2 (pp r)
List i l -> c i $ "list [" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp l) <> "]"
Set i l -> c i $ "set [" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp l) <> "]"
Tuple i l -> c i $ "(" <> fsep (punctuate "," $ map pp l) <> ")"
Annot i n t -> c i $ ("(" <> pp n) <+> ":" <+> (pp t <> ")")
Attrs i ts -> c i $ "attributes [" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp ts) <> "]"
BigMap i bs -> c i $ "big_map [" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp bs) <> "]"
Map i bs -> c i $ "map [" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp bs) <> "]"
MapRemove i k m -> c i $ hang ("remove" <+> pp k) 0 ("from" <+> "map" <+> pp m)
SetRemove i k s -> c i $ hang ("remove" <+> pp k) 0 ("from" <+> "set" <+> pp s)
Indexing i a j -> c i $ pp a <> brackets (pp j)
Case i s az -> c i $ hang ("case" <+> pp s <+> "of") 2 (vcat $ map pp az)
Skip i -> c i $ "skip"
ForLoop i j s f b -> c i $ hang ("for" <+> pp j <+> ":=" <+> pp s <+> "to" <+> pp f) 2 (pp b)
ForBox i k mv t z b -> c i $ hang ("for" <+> (pp k <> maybe empty ((" ->" <+>) . pp) mv) <+> "in" <+> pp t <+> pp z) 2 (pp b)
WhileLoop i f b -> c i $ hang ("while" <+> pp f) 2 (pp b)
Seq i es -> c i $ hang (hang "block {" 2 (vcat $ map pp es)) 0 "}"
Lambda i ps ty b -> c i $ parens (hang ("function" <+> ("(" <> fsep (punctuate "," $ map pp ps) <> ") :") <+> pp ty) 2 (pp b))
MapPatch i z bs -> c i $ hang (hang "patch" 2 (pp z)) 0 (hang ("with" <+> "map") 2 ("[" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp bs) <> "]"))
SetPatch i z bs -> c i $ hang (hang "patch" 2 (pp z)) 0 (hang ("with" <+> "set") 2 ("[" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp bs) <> "]"))
RecordUpd i r up -> c i $ hang (pp r) 2 (hang ("with" <+> "record") 2 ("[" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp up) <> "]"))
WrongExpr err -> pp err
instance Pretty (Alt info) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (Alt i) where
pp = \case
Alt _ p b -> hang ("|" <+> pp p <+> "->") 2 (pp b)
Alt i p b -> c i $ hang ("|" <+> pp p <+> "->") 2 (pp b)
WrongAlt err -> pp err
instance Pretty (MapBinding i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (MapBinding i) where
pp = \case
MapBinding _ k v -> hang (pp k <+> "->") 2 (pp v)
MapBinding i k v -> c i $ hang (pp k <+> "->") 2 (pp v)
WrongMapBinding err -> pp err
instance Pretty (Assignment i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (Assignment i) where
pp = \case
Assignment _ n e -> pp n <+> "=" <+> pp e
Assignment i n e -> c i $ pp n <+> "=" <+> pp e
WrongAssignment err -> pp err
instance Pretty (FieldAssignment i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (FieldAssignment i) where
pp = \case
FieldAssignment _ n e -> pp n <+> "=" <+> pp e
FieldAssignment i n e -> c i $ pp n <+> "=" <+> pp e
WrongFieldAssignment err -> pp err
instance Pretty (Constant i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (Constant i) where
pp = \case
Int _ c -> pp c
Nat _ c -> pp c
String _ c -> pp c
Float _ c -> pp c
Bytes _ c -> pp c
Tez _ c -> pp c
Int i z -> c i $ pp z
Nat i z -> c i $ pp z
String i z -> c i $ pp z
Float i z -> c i $ pp z
Bytes i z -> c i $ pp z
Tez i z -> c i $ pp z
WrongConstant err -> pp err
instance Pretty (QualifiedName i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (QualifiedName i) where
pp = \case
QualifiedName _ src path -> pp src <> cat (map (("." <>) . pp) path)
QualifiedName i src path -> c i $ pp src <> cat (map (("." <>) . pp) path)
WrongQualifiedName err -> pp err
instance Pretty (Pattern info) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (Pattern i) where
pp = \case
IsConstr _ ctor arg -> pp ctor <> maybe empty pp arg
IsConstant _ c -> pp c
IsVar _ name -> pp name
IsCons _ h t -> pp h <+> "#" <+> pp t
IsWildcard _ -> "_"
IsList _ l -> "[" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp l) <> "]"
IsTuple _ t -> "(" <> fsep (punctuate "," $ map pp t) <> ")"
IsConstr i ctor arg -> c i $ pp ctor <> maybe empty pp arg
IsConstant i z -> c i $ pp z
IsVar i name -> c i $ pp name
IsCons i h t -> c i $ pp h <+> "#" <+> pp t
IsWildcard i -> c i $ "_"
IsList i l -> c i $ "[" <> fsep (punctuate ";" $ map pp l) <> "]"
IsTuple i t -> c i $ "(" <> fsep (punctuate "," $ map pp t) <> ")"
WrongPattern err -> pp err
instance Pretty (Name i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (Name i) where
pp = \case
Name _ raw -> pp raw
Name i raw -> c i $ pp raw
WrongName err -> pp err
instance Pretty (Path i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (Path i) where
pp = \case
At _ n -> pp n
Ix _ i -> pp i
At i n -> c i $ pp n
Ix i j -> c i $ pp j
WrongPath err -> pp err
instance Pretty (TField i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (TField i) where
pp = \case
TField _ n t -> hang (pp n <> ":") 2 (pp t)
TField i n t -> c i $ hang (pp n <> ":") 2 (pp t)
WrongTField err -> pp err
instance Pretty (LHS i) where
instance HasComments i => Pretty (LHS i) where
pp = \case
LHS _ qn mi -> pp qn <> foldMap (brackets . pp) mi
LHS i qn mi -> c i $ pp qn <> foldMap (brackets . pp) mi
WrongLHS err -> pp err
-- TODO: Use it, make more alike.
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ data ParseTree = ParseTree
{ ptID :: Int -- ^ Unique number, for fast comparison.
, ptName :: Text -- ^ Name of the node.
, ptRange :: Range -- ^ Range of the node.
, ptSource :: ~Text -- ^ Range of the node.
, ptChildren :: ParseForest -- ^ Subtrees.
, ptSource :: ~Text -- ^ Range of the node.
deriving (Show) via PP ParseTree
@ -74,17 +74,17 @@ instance Pretty Error where
-- | Parser of tree-sitter-made tree.
newtype Parser a = Parser
{ unParser
:: WriterT [Error] -- Early I though to report errors that way.
( StateT ParseForest -- Current forest to recognise.
( ExceptT Error -- Backtracking. Change `Error` to `()`?
( Identity ))) -- I forgot why. `#include`? Debug via `print`?
:: WriterT [Error] -- Early I though to report errors that way.
( StateT (ParseForest, [Text]) -- Current forest to recognise + comments.
( ExceptT Error -- Backtracking. Change `Error` to `()`?
( Identity ))) -- I forgot why. `#include`? Debug via `print`?
deriving newtype
( Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadState ParseForest
, MonadState (ParseForest, [Text])
, MonadWriter [Error]
, MonadError Error
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ makeError msg = do
makeError' :: Text -> Range -> Parser Error
makeError' msg rng = do
rng <- getRange
src <- gets pfGrove <&> \case
src <- gets (pfGrove . fst) <&> \case
[] -> ""
(,) _ ParseTree { ptSource } : _ -> ptSource
return Expected
@ -111,15 +111,24 @@ makeError' msg rng = do
-- | Pick next tree in a forest or die with msg.
takeNext :: Text -> Parser ParseTree
takeNext msg = do
st@Forest {pfGrove, pfRange} <- get
(st@Forest {pfGrove, pfRange}, comms) <- get
case pfGrove of
[] -> die msg
(_, t) : f -> do
put st
{ pfRange = diffRange pfRange (ptRange t)
, pfGrove = f
return t
if "comment" `Text.isSuffixOf` ptName t
then do
(st, comms) <- get
put (st, ptSource t : comms)
takeNext msg
else do
( st
{ pfRange = diffRange pfRange (ptRange t)
, pfGrove = f
, comms
return t
-- | Pick a tree with that /field name/ or die with name as msg.
@ -127,7 +136,7 @@ takeNext msg = do
field :: Text -> Parser a -> Parser a
field name parser = do
grove <- gets pfGrove
grove <- gets (pfGrove . fst)
case grove of
(name', t) : _
| name == name' -> do
@ -140,20 +149,26 @@ field name parser = do
sandbox firstOne tree@ParseTree {ptID, ptRange} = do
st@Forest {pfGrove = grove, pfRange = rng} <- get
let (errs, grove') = delete name grove
put Forest
{ pfID = ptID
, pfGrove = [(name, tree)]
, pfRange = ptRange
(st@Forest {pfGrove = grove, pfRange = rng}, comments) <- get
let (errs, new_comments, grove') = delete name grove
( Forest
{ pfID = ptID
, pfGrove = [(name, tree)]
, pfRange = ptRange
, comments ++ new_comments
res <- parser
put st
{ pfGrove = grove'
, pfRange = if firstOne then diffRange rng ptRange else rng
( st
{ pfGrove = grove'
, pfRange = if firstOne then diffRange rng ptRange else rng
, []
for_ errs (tell . pure . unexpected)
@ -187,11 +202,12 @@ subtree msg parser = do
ParseTree {ptChildren, ptName} <- takeNext msg
if ptName == msg
then do
save <- get
put ptChildren
rest <- gets pfGrove
(save, comms) <- get
put (ptChildren, comms)
rest <- gets (pfGrove . fst)
collectErrors rest
parser <* put save
(_, comms') <- get
parser <* put (save, comms')
else do
die msg
@ -229,8 +245,6 @@ some p = some'
-- | Run parser on given file.
-- TODO: invent /proper/ 'ERROR'-node collector.
runParser :: Parser a -> FilePath -> IO (a, [Error])
runParser (Parser parser) fin = do
pforest <- toParseTree fin
@ -238,13 +252,14 @@ runParser (Parser parser) fin = do
res =
$ runExceptT
$ flip runStateT pforest
$ flip runStateT (pforest, [])
$ runWriterT
$ parser
either (error . show) (return . fst) res
-- | Run parser on given file and pretty-print stuff.
debugParser :: Show a => Parser a -> FilePath -> IO ()
debugParser parser fin = do
(res, errs) <- runParser parser fin
@ -273,11 +288,11 @@ anything = do
range :: Parser a -> Parser (a, Range)
range parser =
get >>= \case
Forest {pfGrove = (,) _ ParseTree {ptRange} : _} -> do
(,) Forest {pfGrove = (,) _ ParseTree {ptRange} : _} _ -> do
a <- parser
return (a, ptRange)
Forest {pfRange} -> do
(,) Forest {pfRange} _ -> do
a <- parser
return (a, pfRange)
@ -287,22 +302,31 @@ getRange = snd <$> range (return ())
-- | Remove all keys until given key is found; remove the latter as well.
-- Also returns all ERROR-nodes.
-- TODO: rename.
-- Notice: this works differently from `Prelude.remove`!
delete :: Text -> [(Text, ParseTree)] -> ([ParseTree], [(Text, ParseTree)])
delete _ [] = ([], [])
delete :: Text -> [(Text, ParseTree)] -> ([ParseTree], [Text], [(Text, ParseTree)])
delete _ [] = ([], [], [])
delete k ((k', v) : rest) =
if k == k'
then (addIfError v [], rest)
else (addIfError v vs, remains)
then (addIfError v [], addIfComment v [], rest)
else (addIfError v vs, addIfComment v cs, remains)
(vs, remains) = delete k rest
(vs, cs, remains) = delete k rest
addIfError v =
if ptName v == "ERROR"
then (:) v
else id
addIfError v =
if ptName v == "ERROR"
then (:) v
else id
addIfComment v =
if "comment" `Text.isSuffixOf` ptName v
then (ptSource v :)
else id
-- | Report all ERRORs from the list.
collectErrors :: [(Text, ParseTree)] -> Parser ()
collectErrors vs =
for_ vs \(_, v) -> do
@ -330,7 +354,8 @@ instance Stubbed Text where
-- | This is bad, but I had to.
-- TODO: find a way to remove this instance.
-- TODO: Find a way to remove this instance.
-- I probably need a wrapper around '[]'.
instance Stubbed [a] where
stub _ = []
@ -373,10 +398,22 @@ data ASTInfo = ASTInfo
, aiComments :: [Text]
class HasComments c where
getComments :: c -> [Text]
instance HasComments ASTInfo where
getComments = aiComments
-- | Equip given constructor with info.
ctor :: (ASTInfo -> a) -> Parser a
ctor = (<$> (ASTInfo <$> getRange <*> pure []))
ctor = (<$> (ASTInfo <$> getRange <*> grabComments))
grabComments :: Parser [Text]
grabComments = do
(st, comms) <- get
put (st, [])
return comms
-- | /Actual/ debug pring.
dump :: Parser ()
dump = gets pfGrove >>= traceShowM
dump = gets (pfGrove . fst) >>= traceShowM
Reference in New Issue
Block a user