Shell: Add Cryptobox.target_of_float
[target_of_float f] is `2 ^ (256 - f)`.
This commit is contained in:
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ end
module Fake = struct
module Fake = struct
let id = Identity.generate Crypto_box.default_target
let id = Identity.generate (Crypto_box.make_target 0.)
let empty_stat = {
let empty_stat = {
Stat.total_sent = 0 ;
Stat.total_sent = 0 ;
total_recv = 0 ;
total_recv = 0 ;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ type secret_key = Sodium.Box.secret_key
type public_key = Sodium.Box.public_key
type public_key = Sodium.Box.public_key
type channel_key = Sodium.Box.channel_key
type channel_key = Sodium.Box.channel_key
type nonce = Sodium.Box.nonce
type nonce = Sodium.Box.nonce
type target = int64 list (* used as unsigned intergers... *)
type target = Z.t
exception TargetNot256Bit
exception TargetNot256Bit
module Public_key_hash = Hash.Make_Blake2B (Base48) (struct
module Public_key_hash = Hash.Make_Blake2B (Base48) (struct
@ -44,24 +44,29 @@ let fast_box_open ck msg nonce =
try Some (Sodium.Box.Bigbytes.fast_box_open ck msg nonce) with
try Some (Sodium.Box.Bigbytes.fast_box_open ck msg nonce) with
| Sodium.Verification_failure -> None
| Sodium.Verification_failure -> None
let make_target target =
if List.length target > 8 then raise TargetNot256Bit ;
(* Compare a SHA256 hash to a 256bits-target prefix.
The prefix is a list of "unsigned" int64. *)
let compare_target hash target =
let compare_target hash target =
let hash = Hash.Generic_hash.to_string hash in
let hash = Z.of_bits (Hash.Generic_hash.to_string hash) in
let rec check offset = function
| hash target <= 0
| [] -> true
| x :: xs ->
Compare.Uint64.(EndianString.BigEndian.get_int64 hash offset <= x)
&& check (offset + 8) xs in
check 0 target
let default_target =
let make_target f =
(* FIXME we use an easy target until we allow custom configuration. *)
if f < 0. || 256. < f then invalid_arg "Cryptobox.target_of_float" ;
[ Int64.shift_left 1L 48 ]
let frac, shift = modf f in
let shift = int_of_float shift in
let m =
Z.of_int64 @@
if frac = 0. then
Int64.(pred (shift_left 1L 54))
Int64.of_float (2. ** (54. -. frac))
if shift < 202 then
(Z.shift_left m (202 - shift))
(Z.pred @@ Z.shift_left (202 - shift))
Z.shift_right m (shift - 202)
let default_target = make_target 24.
let check_proof_of_work pk nonce target =
let check_proof_of_work pk nonce target =
let hash =
let hash =
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ val increment_nonce : ?step:int -> nonce -> nonce
val nonce_encoding : nonce Data_encoding.t
val nonce_encoding : nonce Data_encoding.t
type target
type target
val make_target : (* unsigned *) Int64.t list -> target
val default_target : target
val default_target : target
val make_target : float -> target
type secret_key
type secret_key
type public_key
type public_key
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