Shared more code in
Rewrite of the integration of the preprocessor. Compiles bt DOES NOT PASS THE CI.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
(dirs (:standard \ toto))
(dirs (:standard))
(name ligo)
(public_name ligo)
(pps ppx_let bisect_ppx --conditional)
(pps ppx_let bisect_ppx --conditional)))
@ -4,26 +4,46 @@ module Lexer = Lexer.Make(LexToken)
module Scoping = Parser_cameligo.Scoping
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
module ParErr = Parser_cameligo.ParErr
module SSet = Utils.String.Set
module SSet = Set.Make (String)
(* Mock IOs TODO: Fill them with CLI options *)
module type IO =
val ext : string
val options : EvalOpt.options
type language = [`PascaLIGO | `CameLIGO | `ReasonLIGO]
module PreIO =
module SubIO =
let ext = ".ligo"
let pre_options =
EvalOpt.make ~libs:[]
type options = <
libs : string list;
verbose : SSet.t;
offsets : bool;
lang : language;
ext : string; (* ".mligo" *)
mode : [`Byte | `Point];
cmd : EvalOpt.command;
mono : bool
let options : options =
method libs = []
method verbose = SSet.empty
method offsets = true
method lang = `CameLIGO
method ext = ".mligo"
method mode = `Point
method cmd = EvalOpt.Quiet
method mono = false
let make =
EvalOpt.make ~libs:options#libs
module Parser =
@ -40,34 +60,33 @@ module ParserLog =
include Parser_cameligo.ParserLog
module PreUnit =
ParserUnit.Make (Lexer)(AST)(Parser)(ParErr)(ParserLog)
module Unit =
ParserUnit.Make (Lexer)(AST)(Parser)(ParErr)(ParserLog)(SubIO)
module Errors =
(* let data =
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ loc)] *)
let generic message =
let title () = ""
and message () = message.Region.value
in Trace.error ~data:[] title message
let parse (module IO : IO) parser =
let module Unit = PreUnit (IO) in
let apply parser =
let local_fail error =
@@ Errors.generic
@@ Unit.format_error ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
IO.options#mode error in
@@ Unit.format_error ~offsets:SubIO.options#offsets
SubIO.options#mode error in
match parser () with
Stdlib.Ok semantic_value -> Trace.ok semantic_value
(* Lexing and parsing errors *)
| Stdlib.Error error -> @@ Errors.generic error
(* System errors *)
| exception Sys_error msg ->
|||| @@ Errors.generic (Region.wrap_ghost msg)
(* Scoping errors *)
| exception Scoping.Error (Scoping.Reserved_name name) ->
@ -110,71 +129,14 @@ let parse (module IO : IO) parser =
Hint: Change the name.\n",
None, invalid))
let parse_file (source: string) =
let module IO =
let ext = PreIO.ext
let options =
PreIO.pre_options ~input:(Some source) ~expr:false
end in
let lib_path =
match IO.options#libs with
[] -> ""
| libs -> let mk_I dir path = Printf.sprintf " -I %s%s" dir path
in List.fold_right mk_I libs "" in
let prefix =
match IO.options#input with
None | Some "-" -> "temp"
| Some file -> Filename.(remove_extension @@ basename file) in
let suffix = ".pp" ^ IO.ext in
let pp_input =
if SSet.mem "cpp" IO.options#verbose
then prefix ^ suffix
else let pp_input, pp_out =
Filename.open_temp_file prefix suffix
in close_out pp_out; pp_input in
let cpp_cmd =
match IO.options#input with
None | Some "-" ->
Printf.sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp%s - > %s"
lib_path pp_input
| Some file ->
Printf.sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp%s %s > %s"
lib_path file pp_input in
let open Trace in
let%bind () = sys_command cpp_cmd in
let module Unit = PreUnit (IO) in
match Lexer.(open_token_stream @@ File pp_input) with
Ok instance ->
let thunk () = Unit.apply instance Unit.parse_contract
in parse (module IO) thunk
| Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
|||| @@ Errors.generic @@ Region.wrap_ghost msg
(* Parsing a contract in a file *)
let parse_string (s: string) =
let module IO =
let ext = PreIO.ext
let options = PreIO.pre_options ~input:None ~expr:false
end in
let module Unit = PreUnit (IO) in
match Lexer.(open_token_stream @@ String s) with
Ok instance ->
let thunk () = Unit.apply instance Unit.parse_contract
in parse (module IO) thunk
| Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
|||| @@ Errors.generic @@ Region.wrap_ghost msg
let parse_file source = apply (fun () -> Unit.parse_file source)
let parse_expression (s: string) =
let module IO =
let ext = PreIO.ext
let options = PreIO.pre_options ~input:None ~expr:true
end in
let module Unit = PreUnit (IO) in
match Lexer.(open_token_stream @@ String s) with
Ok instance ->
let thunk () = Unit.apply instance Unit.parse_expr
in parse (module IO) thunk
| Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
|||| @@ Errors.generic @@ Region.wrap_ghost msg
(* Parsing a contract in a string *)
let parse_string source = apply (fun () -> Unit.parse_string source)
(* Parsing an expression in a string *)
let parse_expression source = apply (fun () -> Unit.parse_expression source)
@ -4,26 +4,46 @@ module Lexer = Lexer.Make(LexToken)
module Scoping = Parser_pascaligo.Scoping
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
module ParErr = Parser_pascaligo.ParErr
module SSet = Utils.String.Set
module SSet = Set.Make (String)
(* Mock IOs TODO: Fill them with CLI options *)
module type IO =
val ext : string
val options : EvalOpt.options
type language = [`PascaLIGO | `CameLIGO | `ReasonLIGO]
module PreIO =
module SubIO =
let ext = ".ligo"
let pre_options =
EvalOpt.make ~libs:[]
type options = <
libs : string list;
verbose : SSet.t;
offsets : bool;
lang : language;
ext : string; (* ".ligo" *)
mode : [`Byte | `Point];
cmd : EvalOpt.command;
mono : bool
let options : options =
method libs = []
method verbose = SSet.empty
method offsets = true
method lang = `PascaLIGO
method ext = ".ligo"
method mode = `Point
method cmd = EvalOpt.Quiet
method mono = false
let make =
EvalOpt.make ~libs:options#libs
module Parser =
@ -40,34 +60,34 @@ module ParserLog =
include Parser_pascaligo.ParserLog
module PreUnit =
ParserUnit.Make (Lexer)(AST)(Parser)(ParErr)(ParserLog)
module Unit =
ParserUnit.Make (Lexer)(AST)(Parser)(ParErr)(ParserLog)(SubIO)
module Errors =
(* let data =
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ loc)] *)
let generic message =
let title () = ""
and message () = message.Region.value
in Trace.error ~data:[] title message
let parse (module IO : IO) parser =
let module Unit = PreUnit (IO) in
let apply parser =
let local_fail error =
@@ Errors.generic
@@ Unit.format_error ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
IO.options#mode error in
@@ Unit.format_error ~offsets:SubIO.options#offsets
SubIO.options#mode error in
match parser () with
Stdlib.Ok semantic_value -> Trace.ok semantic_value
(* Lexing and parsing errors *)
| Stdlib.Error error -> @@ Errors.generic error
(* System errors *)
| exception Sys_error msg ->
|||| @@ Errors.generic (Region.wrap_ghost msg)
(* Scoping errors *)
| exception Scoping.Error (Scoping.Reserved_name name) ->
@ -121,71 +141,14 @@ let parse (module IO : IO) parser =
Hint: Change the name.\n",
None, invalid))
let parse_file source =
let module IO =
let ext = PreIO.ext
let options =
PreIO.pre_options ~input:(Some source) ~expr:false
end in
let module Unit = PreUnit (IO) in
let lib_path =
match IO.options#libs with
[] -> ""
| libs -> let mk_I dir path = Printf.sprintf " -I %s%s" dir path
in List.fold_right mk_I libs "" in
let prefix =
match IO.options#input with
None | Some "-" -> "temp"
| Some file -> Filename.(remove_extension @@ basename file) in
let suffix = ".pp" ^ IO.ext in
let pp_input =
if SSet.mem "cpp" IO.options#verbose
then prefix ^ suffix
else let pp_input, pp_out =
Filename.open_temp_file prefix suffix
in close_out pp_out; pp_input in
let cpp_cmd =
match IO.options#input with
None | Some "-" ->
Printf.sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp%s - > %s"
lib_path pp_input
| Some file ->
Printf.sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp%s %s > %s"
lib_path file pp_input in
let open Trace in
let%bind () = sys_command cpp_cmd in
match Lexer.(open_token_stream @@ File pp_input) with
Ok instance ->
let thunk () = Unit.apply instance Unit.parse_contract
in parse (module IO) thunk
| Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
|||| @@ Errors.generic @@ Region.wrap_ghost msg
(* Parsing a contract in a file *)
let parse_string (s: string) =
let module IO =
let ext = PreIO.ext
let options = PreIO.pre_options ~input:None ~expr:false
end in
let module Unit = PreUnit (IO) in
match Lexer.(open_token_stream @@ String s) with
Ok instance ->
let thunk () = Unit.apply instance Unit.parse_contract
in parse (module IO) thunk
| Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
|||| @@ Errors.generic @@ Region.wrap_ghost msg
let parse_file source = apply (fun () -> Unit.parse_file source)
let parse_expression (s: string) =
let module IO =
let ext = PreIO.ext
let options = PreIO.pre_options ~input:None ~expr:true
end in
let module Unit = PreUnit (IO) in
match Lexer.(open_token_stream @@ String s) with
Ok instance ->
let thunk () = Unit.apply instance Unit.parse_expr
in parse (module IO) thunk
| Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
|||| @@ Errors.generic @@ Region.wrap_ghost msg
(* Parsing a contract in a string *)
let parse_string source = apply (fun () -> Unit.parse_string source)
(* Parsing an expression in a string *)
let parse_expression source = apply (fun () -> Unit.parse_expression source)
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ $HOME/git/ligo/vendors/ligo-utils/simple-utils/
$HOME/git/ligo/vendors/Preprocessor/EvalOpt.mli PP_EvalOpt.mli
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
module Pos = Simple_utils.Pos
module SMap = Utils.String.Map
module SSet = Utils.String.Set
module SMap = Map.Make (String)
module SSet = Set.Make (String)
(* Hack to roll back one lexeme in the current semantic action *)
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Region = Simple_utils.Region
module IO =
let options = EvalOpt.(read ~lang:PascaLIGO ~ext:".ligo")
let options = EvalOpt.(read ~lang:`PascaLIGO ~ext:".ligo")
module M = LexerUnit.Make (IO) (Lexer.Make (LexToken))
@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ module M = LexerUnit.Make (IO) (Lexer.Make (LexToken))
let () =
match M.trace () with
Stdlib.Ok () -> ()
| Error Region.{value; _} -> Utils.highlight value
| Error Region.{value; _} -> Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" value
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module IO =
let options = EvalOpt.(read ~lang:PascaLIGO ~ext:".ligo")
let options = EvalOpt.(read ~lang:`PascaLIGO ~ext:".ligo")
module Parser =
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ module Lexer = Lexer.Make (LexToken)
module Unit =
ParserUnit.Make (Lexer)(AST)(Parser)(ParErr)(ParserLog)(IO)
module SSet = Set.Make (String)
(* Main *)
let issue_error error : ('a, string Region.reg) Stdlib.result =
@ -38,8 +40,8 @@ let parse parser : ('a, string Region.reg) Stdlib.result =
let token =
Lexer.Token.mk_ident name.Region.value name.Region.region in
(match token with
(* Cannot fail because [name] is a not a
reserved name for the lexer. *)
(* Cannot fail because [name] is not a reserved name for the
lexer. *)
Stdlib.Error _ -> assert false
| Ok invalid ->
issue_error ("Duplicate parameter.\nHint: Change the name.\n",
@ -49,8 +51,8 @@ let parse parser : ('a, string Region.reg) Stdlib.result =
let token =
Lexer.Token.mk_ident name.Region.value name.Region.region in
(match token with
(* Cannot fail because [name] is a not a
reserved name for the lexer. *)
(* Cannot fail because [name] is not a reserved name for the
lexer. *)
Stdlib.Error _ -> assert false
| Ok invalid ->
@ -68,8 +70,8 @@ let parse parser : ('a, string Region.reg) Stdlib.result =
let token =
Lexer.Token.mk_ident var.Region.value var.Region.region in
(match token with
(* Cannot fail because [var] is a not a
reserved name for the lexer. *)
(* Cannot fail because [var] is not a reserved name for the
lexer. *)
Stdlib.Error _ -> assert false
| Ok invalid ->
let point = "Repeated variable in this pattern.\n\
@ -93,49 +95,6 @@ let parse parser : ('a, string Region.reg) Stdlib.result =
(* Preprocessing the input source *)
module SSet = Utils.String.Set
let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
(* Path for CPP inclusions (#include) *)
let lib_path =
match IO.options#libs with
[] -> ""
| libs -> let mk_I dir path = sprintf " -I %s%s" dir path
in List.fold_right mk_I libs ""
let prefix =
match IO.options#input with
None | Some "-" -> "temp"
| Some file -> Filename.(file |> basename |> remove_extension)
let suffix = ".pp" ^ IO.options#ext
let pp_input =
if SSet.mem "cpp" IO.options#verbose
then prefix ^ suffix
else let pp_input, pp_out =
Filename.open_temp_file prefix suffix
in close_out pp_out; pp_input
let cpp_cmd =
match IO.options#input with
None | Some "-" ->
sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp%s - > %s"
lib_path pp_input
| Some file ->
sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp%s %s > %s"
lib_path file pp_input
let () =
if Sys.command cpp_cmd <> 0 then
Printf.eprintf "External error: \"%s\" failed." cpp_cmd
(* Preprocessing the input source *)
let preproc cin : unit =
let close () = flush_all (); close_in cin in
let buffer = Lexing.from_channel cin in
@ -147,7 +106,7 @@ let preproc cin : unit =
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_fname} in
match Preproc.lex IO.options buffer with
Stdlib.Error (pp_buffer, err) ->
if Utils.String.Set.mem "preproc" IO.options#verbose then
if SSet.mem "preproc" IO.options#verbose then
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (Buffer.contents pp_buffer);
let Region.{value; _} =
Preproc.format ~offsets:IO.options#offsets ~file:true err
@ -1 +1,2 @@
module Preproc = Preproc
module EvalOpt = PP_EvalOpt
@ -2,31 +2,51 @@ open Trace
module AST = Parser_cameligo.AST
module LexToken = Parser_reasonligo.LexToken
module Lexer = Lexer.Make(LexToken)
module Lexer = Lexer.Make (LexToken)
module Scoping = Parser_cameligo.Scoping
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
module ParErr = Parser_reasonligo.ParErr
module SyntaxError = Parser_reasonligo.SyntaxError
module SSet = Utils.String.Set
module SSet = Set.Make (String)
(* Mock IOs TODO: Fill them with CLI options *)
module type IO =
val ext : string
val options : EvalOpt.options
type language = [`PascaLIGO | `CameLIGO | `ReasonLIGO]
module PreIO =
module SubIO =
let ext = ".ligo"
let pre_options =
EvalOpt.make ~libs:[]
type options = <
libs : string list;
verbose : SSet.t;
offsets : bool;
lang : language;
ext : string; (* ".religo" *)
mode : [`Byte | `Point];
cmd : EvalOpt.command;
mono : bool
let options : options =
method libs = []
method verbose = SSet.empty
method offsets = true
method lang = `ReasonLIGO
method ext = ".religo"
method mode = `Point
method cmd = EvalOpt.Quiet
method mono = false
let make =
EvalOpt.make ~libs:options#libs
module Parser =
@ -43,8 +63,8 @@ module ParserLog =
include Parser_cameligo.ParserLog
module PreUnit =
ParserUnit.Make (Lexer)(AST)(Parser)(ParErr)(ParserLog)
module Unit =
ParserUnit.Make (Lexer)(AST)(Parser)(ParErr)(ParserLog)(SubIO)
module Errors =
@ -55,14 +75,14 @@ module Errors =
let wrong_function_arguments (expr: AST.expr) =
let title () = "" in
let message () = "It looks like you are defining a function, \
however we do not\n\
understand the parameters declaration.\n\
Examples of valid functions:\n\
let x = (a: string, b: int) : int => 3;\n\
let tuple = ((a, b): (int, int)) => a + b; \n\
let x = (a: string) : string => \"Hello, \" ++ a;\n"
let message () =
"It looks like you are defining a function, \
however we do not\n\
understand the parameters declaration.\n\
Examples of valid functions:\n\
let x = (a: string, b: int) : int => 3;\n\
let tuple = ((a, b): (int, int)) => a + b; \n\
let x = (a: string) : string => \"Hello, \" ++ a;\n" in
let expression_loc = AST.expr_to_region expr in
let data = [
@ -70,13 +90,12 @@ module Errors =
in error ~data title message
let parse (module IO : IO) parser =
let module Unit = PreUnit (IO) in
let apply parser =
let local_fail error =
@@ Errors.generic
@@ Unit.format_error ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
IO.options#mode error in
@@ Unit.format_error ~offsets:SubIO.options#offsets
SubIO.options#mode error in
match parser () with
Stdlib.Ok semantic_value -> Trace.ok semantic_value
@ -128,71 +147,14 @@ let parse (module IO : IO) parser =
| exception SyntaxError.Error (SyntaxError.WrongFunctionArguments expr) ->
|||| @@ Errors.wrong_function_arguments expr
let parse_file (source: string) =
let module IO =
let ext = PreIO.ext
let options =
PreIO.pre_options ~input:(Some source) ~expr:false
end in
let lib_path =
match IO.options#libs with
[] -> ""
| libs -> let mk_I dir path = Printf.sprintf " -I %s%s" dir path
in List.fold_right mk_I libs "" in
let prefix =
match IO.options#input with
None | Some "-" -> "temp"
| Some file -> Filename.(remove_extension @@ basename file) in
let suffix = ".pp" ^ IO.ext in
let pp_input =
if SSet.mem "cpp" IO.options#verbose
then prefix ^ suffix
else let pp_input, pp_out =
Filename.open_temp_file prefix suffix
in close_out pp_out; pp_input in
let cpp_cmd =
match IO.options#input with
None | Some "-" ->
Printf.sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp%s - > %s"
lib_path pp_input
| Some file ->
Printf.sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp%s %s > %s"
lib_path file pp_input in
let open Trace in
let%bind () = sys_command cpp_cmd in
let module Unit = PreUnit (IO) in
match Lexer.(open_token_stream @@ File pp_input) with
Ok instance ->
let thunk () = Unit.apply instance Unit.parse_contract
in parse (module IO) thunk
| Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
|||| @@ Errors.generic @@ Region.wrap_ghost msg
(* Parsing a contract in a file *)
let parse_string (s: string) =
let module IO =
let ext = PreIO.ext
let options = PreIO.pre_options ~input:None ~expr:false
end in
let module Unit = PreUnit (IO) in
match Lexer.(open_token_stream @@ String s) with
Ok instance ->
let thunk () = Unit.apply instance Unit.parse_contract
in parse (module IO) thunk
| Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
|||| @@ Errors.generic @@ Region.wrap_ghost msg
let parse_file source = apply (fun () -> Unit.parse_file source)
let parse_expression (s: string) =
let module IO =
let ext = PreIO.ext
let options = PreIO.pre_options ~input:None ~expr:true
end in
let module Unit = PreUnit (IO) in
match Lexer.(open_token_stream @@ String s) with
Ok instance ->
let thunk () = Unit.apply instance Unit.parse_expr
in parse (module IO) thunk
| Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
|||| @@ Errors.generic @@ Region.wrap_ghost msg
(* Parsing a contract in a string *)
let parse_string source = apply (fun () -> Unit.parse_string source)
(* Parsing an expression in a string *)
let parse_expression source = apply (fun () -> Unit.parse_expression source)
@ -5,19 +5,21 @@
type command = Quiet | Copy | Units | Tokens
type language = PascaLIGO | CameLIGO | ReasonLIGO
type language = [`PascaLIGO | `CameLIGO | `ReasonLIGO]
let lang_to_string = function
PascaLIGO -> "PascaLIGO"
| CameLIGO -> "CameLIGO"
| ReasonLIGO -> "ReasonLIGO"
`PascaLIGO -> "PascaLIGO"
| `CameLIGO -> "CameLIGO"
| `ReasonLIGO -> "ReasonLIGO"
(* The type [options] gathers the command-line options. *)
module SSet = Set.Make (String)
type options = <
input : string option;
libs : string list;
verbose : Utils.String.Set.t;
verbose : SSet.t;
offsets : bool;
lang : language;
ext : string; (* ".ligo", ".mligo", ".religo" *)
@ -47,8 +49,12 @@ let printf = Printf.printf
let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
let print = print_endline
(* Printing a string in red to standard error *)
let highlight msg = Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" msg
let abort msg =
Utils.highlight (sprintf "Command-line error: %s\n" msg); exit 1
highlight (sprintf "Command-line error: %s\n" msg); exit 1
(* Help *)
@ -83,7 +89,7 @@ and units = ref false
and quiet = ref false
and columns = ref false
and bytes = ref false
and verbose = ref Utils.String.Set.empty
and verbose = ref SSet.empty
and input = ref None
and libs = ref []
and verb_str = ref ""
@ -95,7 +101,7 @@ let split_at_colon = Str.(split (regexp ":"))
let add_path p = libs := !libs @ split_at_colon p
let add_verbose d =
verbose := List.fold_left (Utils.swap Utils.String.Set.add)
verbose := List.fold_left (fun x y -> SSet.add y x)
(split_at_colon d)
@ -152,7 +158,7 @@ let print_opt () =
let check lang ext =
let () =
if Utils.String.Set.mem "cli" !verbose then print_opt () in
if SSet.mem "cli" !verbose then print_opt () in
let input =
match !input with
@ -178,7 +184,7 @@ let check lang ext =
and libs = !libs in
let () =
if Utils.String.Set.mem "cli" verbose then
if SSet.mem "cli" verbose then
printf "copy = %b\n" copy;
@ -213,6 +219,6 @@ let read ~lang ~ext =
(verb_str :=
let apply e a =
if a = "" then e else Printf.sprintf "%s, %s" e a
in Utils.String.Set.fold apply !verbose "");
in SSet.fold apply !verbose "");
check lang ext
with Getopt.Error msg -> abort msg
@ -49,14 +49,16 @@ type command = Quiet | Copy | Units | Tokens
} *)
type language = PascaLIGO | CameLIGO | ReasonLIGO
type language = [`PascaLIGO | `CameLIGO | `ReasonLIGO]
val lang_to_string : language -> string
module SSet : Set.S with type elt = string and type t = Set.Make(String).t
type options = <
input : string option;
libs : string list;
verbose : Utils.String.Set.t;
verbose : SSet.t;
offsets : bool;
lang : language;
ext : string; (* ".ligo", ".mligo", ".religo" *)
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ type options = <
val make :
input:string option ->
libs:string list ->
verbose:Utils.String.Set.t ->
verbose:SSet.t ->
offsets:bool ->
lang:language ->
ext:string ->
@ -135,7 +135,15 @@ module type S =
val slide : token -> window -> window
type input =
File of file_path (* "-" means stdin *)
| Stdin
| String of string
| Channel of in_channel
| Buffer of Lexing.lexbuf
type instance = {
input : input;
read : log:logger -> Lexing.lexbuf -> token;
buffer : Lexing.lexbuf;
get_win : unit -> window;
@ -145,15 +153,11 @@ module type S =
close : unit -> unit
type input =
File of file_path (* "-" means stdin *)
| Stdin
| String of string
| Channel of in_channel
| Buffer of Lexing.lexbuf
type open_err = File_opening of string
val lexbuf_from_input :
input -> (Lexing.lexbuf * (unit -> unit), open_err) Stdlib.result
val open_token_stream : input -> (instance, open_err) Stdlib.result
(* Error reporting *)
@ -157,7 +157,15 @@ module type S =
val slide : token -> window -> window
type input =
File of file_path (* "-" means stdin *)
| Stdin
| String of string
| Channel of in_channel
| Buffer of Lexing.lexbuf
type instance = {
input : input;
read : log:logger -> Lexing.lexbuf -> token;
buffer : Lexing.lexbuf;
get_win : unit -> window;
@ -167,15 +175,11 @@ module type S =
close : unit -> unit
type input =
File of file_path (* "-" means stdin *)
| Stdin
| String of string
| Channel of in_channel
| Buffer of Lexing.lexbuf
type open_err = File_opening of string
val lexbuf_from_input :
input -> (Lexing.lexbuf * (unit -> unit), open_err) Stdlib.result
val open_token_stream : input -> (instance, open_err) Stdlib.result
(* Error reporting *)
@ -865,7 +869,15 @@ and scan_utf8 thread state = parse
type logger = Markup.t list -> token -> unit
type input =
File of file_path (* "-" means stdin *)
| Stdin
| String of string
| Channel of in_channel
| Buffer of Lexing.lexbuf
type instance = {
input : input;
read : log:logger -> Lexing.lexbuf -> token;
buffer : Lexing.lexbuf;
get_win : unit -> window;
@ -875,15 +887,28 @@ type instance = {
close : unit -> unit
type input =
File of file_path (* "-" means stdin *)
| Stdin
| String of string
| Channel of in_channel
| Buffer of Lexing.lexbuf
type open_err = File_opening of string
let lexbuf_from_input = function
File "" | File "-" | Stdin ->
Ok (Lexing.from_channel stdin, fun () -> close_in stdin)
| File path ->
let chan = open_in path in
let close () = close_in chan in
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
let () =
let open Lexing in
lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- {lexbuf.lex_curr_p with pos_fname = path}
in Ok (lexbuf, close)
with Sys_error msg -> Stdlib.Error (File_opening msg))
| String s ->
Ok (Lexing.from_string s, fun () -> ())
| Channel chan ->
let close () = close_in chan in
Ok (Lexing.from_channel chan, close)
| Buffer b -> Ok (b, fun () -> ())
let open_token_stream input =
let file_path = match input with
File file_path ->
@ -968,32 +993,14 @@ let open_token_stream input =
check_right_context token buffer;
patch_buffer (Token.to_region token)#byte_pos buffer;
token in
let buf_close_res =
match input with
File "" | File "-" | Stdin ->
Ok (Lexing.from_channel stdin, fun () -> close_in stdin)
| File path ->
let chan = open_in path in
let close () = close_in chan in
Ok (Lexing.from_channel chan, close)
Sys_error msg -> Stdlib.Error (File_opening msg))
| String s ->
Ok (Lexing.from_string s, fun () -> ())
| Channel chan ->
let close () = close_in chan in
Ok (Lexing.from_channel chan, close)
| Buffer b -> Ok (b, fun () -> ()) in
match buf_close_res with
match lexbuf_from_input input with
Ok (buffer, close) ->
let () =
match input with
File path when path <> "" -> reset ~file:path buffer
| _ -> () in
let instance = {
read; buffer; get_win; get_pos; get_last; get_file; close}
input; read; buffer; get_win; get_pos; get_last; get_file; close}
in Ok instance
| Error _ as e -> e
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
(* Functor to build a standalone LIGO lexer *)
(* Functor to build a LIGO lexer *)
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
module Preproc = Preprocessor.Preproc
module SSet = Set.Make (String)
module type IO =
@ -27,9 +28,10 @@ module Make (IO: IO) (Lexer: Lexer.S) =
None | Some "-" -> ()
| Some pos_fname ->
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_fname} in
match Preproc.lex IO.options buffer with
let opt = (IO.options :> Preprocessor.EvalOpt.options) in
match Preproc.lex opt buffer with
Stdlib.Error (pp_buffer, err) ->
if Utils.String.Set.mem "preproc" IO.options#verbose then
if SSet.mem "preproc" IO.options#verbose then
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (Buffer.contents pp_buffer);
let formatted =
Preproc.format ~offsets:IO.options#offsets ~file:true err
@ -79,17 +81,18 @@ module Make (IO: IO) (Lexer: Lexer.S) =
match IO.options#input with
None | Some "-" -> ()
| Some pos_fname ->
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_fname} in
match Preproc.lex IO.options buffer with
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_fname} in
let opt = (IO.options :> Preprocessor.EvalOpt.options) in
match Preproc.lex opt buffer with
Stdlib.Error (pp_buffer, err) ->
if Utils.String.Set.mem "preproc" IO.options#verbose then
if SSet.mem "preproc" IO.options#verbose then
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (Buffer.contents pp_buffer);
let formatted =
Preproc.format ~offsets:IO.options#offsets ~file:true err
in Stdlib.Error formatted
| Stdlib.Ok pp_buffer ->
let preproc_str = Buffer.contents pp_buffer in
if Utils.String.Set.mem "preproc" IO.options#verbose then
if SSet.mem "preproc" IO.options#verbose then
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (Buffer.contents pp_buffer);
Stdlib.Ok ()
@ -2,9 +2,15 @@
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
type options = <
offsets : bool;
mode : [`Byte | `Point];
cmd : EvalOpt.command
module type IO =
val options : EvalOpt.options (* CLI options *)
val options : options
module type PARSER =
@ -49,7 +55,7 @@ module type PARSER =
(* Main functor *)
module Make (IO : IO)
module Make (IO: IO)
(Lexer: Lexer.S)
(Parser: PARSER with type token = Lexer.Token.token)
(ParErr: sig val message : int -> string end) =
@ -132,8 +138,9 @@ module Make (IO : IO)
module Incr = Parser.Incremental
module Log = LexerLog.Make (Lexer)
let log = Log.output_token ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
IO.options#mode IO.options#cmd stdout
let log = Log.output_token
IO.options#mode IO.options#cmd stdout
let incr_contract Lexer.{read; buffer; get_win; close; _} =
let supplier = I.lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier (read ~log) buffer
@ -2,9 +2,15 @@
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
type options = <
offsets : bool;
mode : [`Byte | `Point];
cmd : EvalOpt.command
module type IO =
val options : EvalOpt.options (* CLI options *)
val options : options
(* The signature generated by Menhir with additional type definitions
@ -1,10 +1,26 @@
(* Functor to build a standalone LIGO parser *)
(* Functor to build a LIGO parser *)
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
module Preproc = Preprocessor.Preproc
module SSet = Set.Make (String)
module type IO =
type language = [`PascaLIGO | `CameLIGO | `ReasonLIGO]
module type SubIO =
val options : EvalOpt.options (* CLI options *)
type options = <
libs : string list;
verbose : SSet.t;
offsets : bool;
lang : language;
ext : string; (* ".ligo", ".mligo", ".religo" *)
mode : [`Byte | `Point];
cmd : EvalOpt.command;
mono : bool
val options : options
val make : input:string option -> expr:bool -> EvalOpt.options
module type Pretty =
@ -31,18 +47,18 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
(ParErr: sig val message : int -> string end)
(ParserLog: Pretty with type ast = AST.t
and type expr = AST.expr)
(IO: IO) =
(SubIO: SubIO) =
open Printf
module SSet = Utils.String.Set
module SSet = Set.Make (String)
(* Log of the lexer *)
module Log = LexerLog.Make (Lexer)
let log =
Log.output_token ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
IO.options#mode IO.options#cmd stdout
Log.output_token ~offsets:SubIO.options#offsets
SubIO.options#mode SubIO.options#cmd stdout
(* Error handling (reexported from [ParserAPI]) *)
@ -53,7 +69,12 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
(* Instantiating the parser *)
module Front = ParserAPI.Make (IO)(Lexer)(Parser)(ParErr)
module API_IO =
let options = (SubIO.options :> ParserAPI.options)
module Front = ParserAPI.Make (API_IO)(Lexer)(Parser)(ParErr)
let format_error = Front.format_error
@ -66,13 +87,13 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
(AST.expr, message Region.reg) Stdlib.result =
let output = Buffer.create 131 in
let state =
ParserLog.mk_state ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
ParserLog.mk_state ~offsets:SubIO.options#offsets
~buffer:output in
let close () = lexer_inst.Lexer.close () in
let expr =
if IO.options#mono then
if SubIO.options#mono then
let tokeniser = ~log
and lexbuf = lexer_inst.Lexer.buffer
in Front.mono_expr tokeniser lexbuf
@ -80,14 +101,14 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
Front.incr_expr lexer_inst
with exn -> close (); raise exn in
let () =
if SSet.mem "ast-tokens" IO.options#verbose then
if SSet.mem "ast-tokens" SubIO.options#verbose then
Buffer.clear output;
ParserLog.print_expr state expr;
Buffer.output_buffer stdout output
end in
let () =
if SSet.mem "ast" IO.options#verbose then
if SSet.mem "ast" SubIO.options#verbose then
Buffer.clear output;
ParserLog.pp_expr state expr;
@ -101,13 +122,13 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
(AST.t, message Region.reg) Stdlib.result =
let output = Buffer.create 131 in
let state =
ParserLog.mk_state ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
ParserLog.mk_state ~offsets:SubIO.options#offsets
~buffer:output in
let close () = lexer_inst.Lexer.close () in
let ast =
if IO.options#mono then
if SubIO.options#mono then
let tokeniser = ~log
and lexbuf = lexer_inst.Lexer.buffer
in Front.mono_contract tokeniser lexbuf
@ -115,14 +136,14 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
Front.incr_contract lexer_inst
with exn -> close (); raise exn in
let () =
if SSet.mem "ast-tokens" IO.options#verbose then
if SSet.mem "ast-tokens" SubIO.options#verbose then
Buffer.clear output;
ParserLog.print_tokens state ast;
Buffer.output_buffer stdout output
end in
let () =
if SSet.mem "ast" IO.options#verbose then
if SSet.mem "ast" SubIO.options#verbose then
Buffer.clear output;
ParserLog.pp_ast state ast;
@ -130,9 +151,16 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
in flush_all (); close (); Ok ast
(* Wrapper for the parsers above *)
(* Checking if a lexer input is a file *)
type 'a parser = Lexer.instance -> ('a, message Region.reg) result
let is_file input =
let open Lexer in
match input with
File "-" | File "" -> false
| File _ -> true
| Stdin | String _ | Channel _ | Buffer _ -> false
(* Wrapper for the parsers above *)
let apply lexer_inst parser =
(* Calling the parser and filtering errors *)
@ -144,21 +172,18 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
(* Lexing errors *)
| exception Lexer.Error err ->
let file =
match IO.options#input with
None | Some "-" -> false
| Some _ -> true in
let file = is_file lexer_inst.Lexer.input in
let error =
Lexer.format_error ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
IO.options#mode err ~file
Lexer.format_error ~offsets:SubIO.options#offsets
SubIO.options#mode err ~file
in Stdlib.Error error
(* Incremental API of Menhir *)
| exception Front.Point point ->
let error =
Front.format_error ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
IO.options#mode point
Front.format_error ~offsets:SubIO.options#offsets
SubIO.options#mode point
in Stdlib.Error error
(* Monolithic API of Menhir *)
@ -168,16 +193,68 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
match lexer_inst.Lexer.get_win () with
Lexer.Nil ->
assert false (* Safe: There is always at least EOF. *)
| Lexer.One invalid -> invalid, None
| Lexer.Two (invalid, valid) -> invalid, Some valid in
| Lexer.One invalid -> invalid, None
| Lexer.Two (invalid, valid) -> invalid, Some valid in
let point = "", valid_opt, invalid in
let error =
Front.format_error ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
IO.options#mode point
Front.format_error ~offsets:SubIO.options#offsets
SubIO.options#mode point
in Stdlib.Error error
(* I/O errors *)
| exception Sys_error error ->
flush_all (); Stdlib.Error (Region.wrap_ghost error)
(* Preprocessing the input source *)
let preproc options lexbuf =
Preproc.lex (options :> Preprocessor.EvalOpt.options) lexbuf
(* Parsing a contract *)
let gen_parser options input parser =
match Lexer.lexbuf_from_input input with
Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
Stdlib.Error (Region.wrap_ghost msg)
| Ok (lexbuf, close) ->
(* Preprocessing the input source *)
match preproc options lexbuf with
Stdlib.Error (pp_buffer, err) ->
if SSet.mem "preproc" options#verbose then
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (Buffer.contents pp_buffer);
let formatted =
Preproc.format ~offsets:options#offsets
~file:(is_file input)
in close (); Stdlib.Error formatted
| Stdlib.Ok buffer ->
(* Lexing and parsing the preprocessed input source *)
let () = close () in
let input' = Lexer.String (Buffer.contents buffer) in
match Lexer.open_token_stream input' with
Ok instance -> apply instance parser
| Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
Stdlib.Error (Region.wrap_ghost msg)
(* Parsing a contract in a file *)
let parse_file (source : string) =
let options = SubIO.make ~input:(Some source) ~expr:false
in gen_parser options (Lexer.File source) parse_contract
(* Parsing a contract in a string *)
let parse_string (source : string) =
let options = SubIO.make ~input:None ~expr:false in
gen_parser options (Lexer.String source) parse_contract
(* Parsing an expression in a string *)
let parse_expression (source : string) =
let options = SubIO.make ~input:None ~expr:true in
gen_parser options (Lexer.String source) parse_expr
@ -2,9 +2,25 @@
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
module type IO =
type language = [`PascaLIGO | `CameLIGO | `ReasonLIGO]
module SSet : Set.S with type elt = string and type t = Set.Make(String).t
module type SubIO =
val options : EvalOpt.options (* CLI options *)
type options = <
libs : string list;
verbose : SSet.t;
offsets : bool;
lang : language;
ext : string; (* ".ligo", ".mligo", ".religo" *)
mode : [`Byte | `Point];
cmd : EvalOpt.command;
mono : bool
val options : options
val make : input:string option -> expr:bool -> EvalOpt.options
module type Pretty =
@ -31,7 +47,7 @@ module Make (Lexer : Lexer.S)
(ParErr : sig val message : int -> string end)
(ParserLog : Pretty with type ast = AST.t
and type expr = AST.expr)
(IO: IO) :
(SubIO: SubIO) :
(* Error handling reexported from [ParserAPI] without the
exception [Point] *)
@ -49,10 +65,12 @@ module Make (Lexer : Lexer.S)
(* Parsers *)
type 'a parser = Lexer.instance -> ('a, message Region.reg) result
val parse_file :
string -> (AST.t, message Region.reg) Stdlib.result
val apply : Lexer.instance -> 'a parser -> ('a, message Region.reg) result
val parse_string :
string -> (AST.t, message Region.reg) Stdlib.result
val parse_contract : AST.t parser
val parse_expr : AST.expr parser
val parse_expression :
string -> (AST.expr, message Region.reg) Stdlib.result
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
(pps bisect_ppx --conditional))
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
@ -1,23 +1,9 @@
lib: [
@ -29,6 +15,24 @@ lib: [
doc: [
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(name UnionFind)
(public_name UnionFind)
(wrapped false)
(wrapped true)
(modules Partition0 Partition1 Partition2 Partition3 Partition UnionFind)
(modules_without_implementation Partition))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user