Client refactor: Move Client_node_rpcs
into Shell_services
This commit is contained in:
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ let rec count =
let list url (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context) =
let args = String.split '/' url in
Client_node_rpcs.describe cctxt
Shell_services.describe cctxt
~recurse:true args >>=? fun tree ->
let open RPC_description in
let collected_args = ref [] in
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ let list url (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context) =
let schema url (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context) =
let args = String.split '/' url in
let open RPC_description in
Client_node_rpcs.describe cctxt ~recurse:false args >>=? function
Shell_services.describe cctxt ~recurse:false args >>=? function
| Static { services } -> begin
match RPC_service.MethMap.find `POST services with
| exception Not_found ->
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ let schema url (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context) =
let format url (cctxt : #Client_commands.logging_rpcs) =
let args = String.split '/' url in
let open RPC_description in
Client_node_rpcs.describe cctxt ~recurse:false args >>=? function
Shell_services.describe cctxt ~recurse:false args >>=? function
| Static { services } -> begin
match RPC_service.MethMap.find `POST services with
| exception Not_found ->
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ let display_answer (cctxt : #Client_commands.full_context) = function
let call raw_url (cctxt : #Client_commands.full_context) =
let uri = Uri.of_string raw_url in
let args = String.split_path (Uri.path uri) in
Client_node_rpcs.describe cctxt ~recurse:false args >>=? function
Shell_services.describe cctxt ~recurse:false args >>=? function
| Static { services } -> begin
match RPC_service.MethMap.find `POST services with
| exception Not_found ->
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ let commands () = Cli_entries.[
~desc: "the prefix of the hash to complete" @@
(fun unique prefix (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context) ->
cctxt ~block:cctxt#block prefix >>=? fun completions ->
match completions with
| [] -> Pervasives.exit 3
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ let commands () = Cli_entries.[
(prefixes [ "bootstrapped" ] @@
(fun () (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context) ->
Client_node_rpcs.bootstrapped cctxt >>=? fun stream ->
Shell_services.bootstrapped cctxt >>=? fun (stream, _) ->
(fun (hash, time) ->
cctxt#message "Current head: %a (%a)"
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(* Tezos Command line interface - RPC Calls *)
open Client_rpcs
let errors (rpc : #Client_rpcs.ctxt) =
call_service0 rpc RPC_error.service ()
let forge_block_header rpc header =
call_service0 rpc Shell_services.forge_block_header header
let inject_block cctxt
?(async = false) ?(force = false) ?net_id
raw operations =
call_err_service0 cctxt Shell_services.inject_block
{ raw ; blocking = not async ; force ; net_id ; operations }
let inject_operation cctxt ?(async = false) ?net_id operation =
call_err_service0 cctxt Shell_services.inject_operation
(operation, not async, net_id)
let inject_protocol cctxt ?(async = false) ?force protocol =
call_err_service0 cctxt Shell_services.inject_protocol
(protocol, not async, force)
let bootstrapped cctxt =
call_streamed_service0 cctxt Shell_services.bootstrapped ()
let complete cctxt ?block prefix =
match block with
| None ->
call_service1 cctxt Shell_services.complete prefix ()
| Some block ->
Block_services.complete cctxt block prefix
let describe cctxt ?(recurse = true) path =
Client_rpcs.call_service cctxt
((), path) { recurse } ()
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
val errors:
#Client_rpcs.ctxt -> Json_schema.schema tzresult Lwt.t
val forge_block_header:
#Client_rpcs.ctxt ->
Block_header.t ->
MBytes.t tzresult Lwt.t
val inject_block:
#Client_rpcs.ctxt ->
?async:bool -> ?force:bool -> ?net_id:Net_id.t ->
MBytes.t -> Operation.t list list ->
Block_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
(** [inject_block cctxt ?async ?force raw_block] tries to inject
[raw_block] inside the node. If [?async] is [true], [raw_block]
will be validated before the result is returned. If [?force] is
true, the block will be injected even on non strictly increasing
fitness. *)
val inject_operation:
#Client_rpcs.ctxt ->
?async:bool -> ?net_id:Net_id.t ->
MBytes.t ->
Operation_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val inject_protocol:
#Client_rpcs.ctxt ->
?async:bool -> ?force:bool ->
Protocol.t ->
Protocol_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val bootstrapped:
#Client_rpcs.ctxt -> (Block_hash.t * Time.t) Lwt_stream.t tzresult Lwt.t
val complete:
#Client_rpcs.ctxt ->
?block:Block_services.block -> string -> string list tzresult Lwt.t
val describe:
#Client_rpcs.ctxt ->
?recurse:bool -> string list ->
Data_encoding.json_schema tzresult Lwt.t
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ let commands () =
(fun () ->
Lwt_utils_unix.Protocol.read_dir dirname >>=? fun (_hash, proto) ->
Client_node_rpcs.inject_protocol cctxt proto >>= function
Shell_services.inject_protocol cctxt proto >>= function
| Ok hash ->
cctxt#message "Injected protocol %a successfully" Protocol_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
return ()
@ -43,3 +43,8 @@ let wrap param_encoding =
(function Error x -> Some x | _ -> None)
(fun x -> Error x) ;
module F = struct
open RPC_context
let schema ctxt = make_call service ctxt () () ()
@ -13,3 +13,8 @@ val service:
([ `POST ], unit, unit, unit, unit, Json_schema.schema) RPC_service.t
val encoding: error list Data_encoding.t
val wrap: 'a Data_encoding.t -> 'a tzresult Data_encoding.encoding
module F : sig
open RPC_context
val schema: #simple -> Json_schema.schema tzresult Lwt.t
@ -401,18 +401,18 @@ let build_rpc_directory node =
let res =
Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes Block_header.encoding header in
RPC_answer.return res in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Shell_services.forge_block_header
RPC_directory.register0 dir Shell_services.S.forge_block_header
implementation in
let dir =
let implementation ()
{ Shell_services.raw ; blocking ; force ; operations } =
{ Shell_services.S.raw ; blocking ; force ; operations } =
node ~force
raw operations >>=? fun (hash, wait) ->
(if blocking then wait else return ()) >>=? fun () -> return hash
end >>= RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Shell_services.inject_block implementation in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Shell_services.S.inject_block implementation in
let dir =
let implementation () (contents, blocking, net_id) =
@ -420,25 +420,25 @@ let build_rpc_directory node =
(if blocking then wait else return ()) >>=? fun () -> return hash
end >>= RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Shell_services.inject_operation implementation in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Shell_services.S.inject_operation implementation in
let dir =
let implementation () (proto, blocking, force) =
Node.RPC.inject_protocol ?force node proto >>= fun (hash, wait) ->
(if blocking then wait else return ()) >>=? fun () -> return hash
end >>= RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Shell_services.inject_protocol implementation in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Shell_services.S.inject_protocol implementation in
let dir =
let implementation () () =
RPC_answer.return_stream (Node.RPC.bootstrapped node) in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Shell_services.bootstrapped implementation in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Shell_services.S.bootstrapped implementation in
let dir =
let implementation () () =
Data_encoding.Json.(schema Error_monad.error_encoding) in
RPC_directory.register0 dir RPC_error.service implementation in
let dir =
RPC_directory.register1 dir Shell_services.complete
RPC_directory.register1 dir Shell_services.S.complete
(fun s () () ->
Node.RPC.complete node s >>= RPC_answer.return) in
let dir =
@ -616,5 +616,5 @@ let build_rpc_directory node =
|||| node point |> RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register1 dir implementation in
let dir =
RPC_directory.register_describe_directory_service dir Shell_services.describe in
RPC_directory.register_describe_directory_service dir Shell_services.S.describe in
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
(* *)
module S = struct
open Data_encoding
let forge_block_header =
@ -156,3 +158,37 @@ let describe =
~description: "RPCs documentation and input/output schema"
RPC_path.(root / "describe")
open RPC_context
let forge_block_header ctxt header =
make_call S.forge_block_header ctxt () () header
let inject_block ctxt
?(async = false) ?(force = false) ?net_id
raw operations =
make_err_call S.inject_block ctxt () ()
{ raw ; blocking = not async ; force ; net_id ; operations }
let inject_operation ctxt ?(async = false) ?net_id operation =
make_err_call S.inject_operation ctxt () ()
(operation, not async, net_id)
let inject_protocol ctxt ?(async = false) ?force protocol =
make_err_call S.inject_protocol ctxt () ()
(protocol, not async, force)
let bootstrapped ctxt =
make_streamed_call S.bootstrapped ctxt () () ()
let complete ctxt ?block prefix =
match block with
| None ->
make_call1 S.complete ctxt prefix () ()
| Some block ->
Block_services.complete ctxt block prefix
let describe ctxt ?(recurse = true) path =
make_call1 S.describe ctxt path { recurse } ()
@ -7,6 +7,51 @@
(* *)
open RPC_context
val forge_block_header:
#simple ->
Block_header.t ->
MBytes.t tzresult Lwt.t
val inject_block:
#simple ->
?async:bool -> ?force:bool -> ?net_id:Net_id.t ->
MBytes.t -> Operation.t list list ->
Block_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
(** [inject_block cctxt ?async ?force raw_block] tries to inject
[raw_block] inside the node. If [?async] is [true], [raw_block]
will be validated before the result is returned. If [?force] is
true, the block will be injected even on non strictly increasing
fitness. *)
val inject_operation:
#simple ->
?async:bool -> ?net_id:Net_id.t ->
MBytes.t ->
Operation_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val inject_protocol:
#simple ->
?async:bool -> ?force:bool ->
Protocol.t ->
Protocol_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val bootstrapped:
#streamed -> ((Block_hash.t * Time.t) Lwt_stream.t * stopper) tzresult Lwt.t
val complete:
#simple ->
?block:Block_services.block -> string -> string list tzresult Lwt.t
val describe:
#simple ->
?recurse:bool -> string list ->
Data_encoding.json_schema tzresult Lwt.t
module S : sig
val forge_block_header:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, Block_header.t,
@ -46,3 +91,5 @@ val complete:
string list) RPC_service.t
val describe: (unit, unit) RPC_service.description_service
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ let inject_endorsement (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context)
() >>=? fun bytes ->
Client_keys.append src_sk bytes >>=? fun signed_bytes ->
cctxt ?async ~net_id:bi.net_id signed_bytes >>=? fun oph ->
State.record_endorsement cctxt level bi.hash slot oph >>=? fun () ->
return oph
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ let inject_block cctxt
let block = `Hash shell_header.Tezos_base.Block_header.predecessor in
forge_block_header cctxt block
src_sk shell_header priority seed_nonce_hash >>=? fun signed_header ->
Client_node_rpcs.inject_block cctxt
Shell_services.inject_block cctxt
?force ?net_id signed_header operations >>=? fun block_hash ->
return block_hash
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ let inject_seed_nonce_revelation rpc_config block ?async nonces =
|||| rpc_config block >>=? fun bi ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.Anonymous.operations rpc_config
block ~branch:bi.hash operations >>=? fun bytes ->
rpc_config ?async ~net_id:bi.net_id
bytes >>=? fun oph ->
return oph
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ let transfer rpc_config
let oph = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [ signed_bytes ] in
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.apply_operation rpc_config block
predecessor oph bytes (Some signature) >>=? fun contracts ->
rpc_config ~net_id signed_bytes >>=? fun injected_oph ->
assert (Operation_hash.equal oph injected_oph) ;
return (oph, contracts)
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ let originate rpc_config ?net_id ~block ?signature bytes =
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.apply_operation rpc_config block
predecessor oph bytes signature >>=? function
| [ contract ] ->
rpc_config ?net_id signed_bytes >>=? fun injected_oph ->
assert (Operation_hash.equal oph injected_oph) ;
return (oph, contract)
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ let delegate_contract rpc_config
Client_keys.sign manager_sk bytes >>=? fun signature ->
let signed_bytes = Ed25519.Signature.concat bytes signature in
let oph = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [ signed_bytes ] in
rpc_config ~net_id signed_bytes >>=? fun injected_oph ->
assert (Operation_hash.equal oph injected_oph) ;
return oph
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ let dictate rpc_config block command seckey =
let signature = Ed25519.sign seckey bytes in
let signed_bytes = Ed25519.Signature.concat bytes signature in
let oph = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [ signed_bytes ] in
rpc_config ~net_id signed_bytes >>=? fun injected_oph ->
assert (Operation_hash.equal oph injected_oph) ;
return oph
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ let bake rpc_config ?(timestamp = ()) block command sk =
Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes Block_header.encoding
{ shell = shell_header ; proto = proto_header } in
Client_keys.append sk blk >>=? fun signed_blk ->
Client_node_rpcs.inject_block rpc_config signed_blk []
Shell_services.inject_block rpc_config signed_blk []
let int64_parameter =
(Cli_entries.parameter (fun _ p ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user