Logging: refactoring/code deduplication
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type t = {
data_dir : string ;
data_dir : string ;
p2p : p2p ;
p2p : p2p ;
rpc : rpc ;
rpc : rpc ;
log : log ;
log : Logging_unix.cfg ;
shell : shell ;
shell : shell ;
@ -62,13 +62,6 @@ and tls = {
key : string ;
key : string ;
and log = {
output : Logging_unix.Output.t ;
default_level : Logging.level ;
rules : string option ;
template : Logging.template ;
and shell = {
and shell = {
block_validator_limits : Node.block_validator_limits ;
block_validator_limits : Node.block_validator_limits ;
prevalidator_limits : Node.prevalidator_limits ;
prevalidator_limits : Node.prevalidator_limits ;
@ -117,13 +110,6 @@ let default_rpc = {
tls = None ;
tls = None ;
let default_log = {
output = Stderr ;
default_level = Notice ;
rules = None ;
template = Logging.default_template ;
let default_shell = {
let default_shell = {
block_validator_limits = Node.default_block_validator_limits ;
block_validator_limits = Node.default_block_validator_limits ;
prevalidator_limits = Node.default_prevalidator_limits ;
prevalidator_limits = Node.default_prevalidator_limits ;
@ -135,7 +121,7 @@ let default_config = {
data_dir = default_data_dir ;
data_dir = default_data_dir ;
p2p = default_p2p ;
p2p = default_p2p ;
rpc = default_rpc ;
rpc = default_rpc ;
log = default_log ;
log = Logging_unix.default_cfg ;
shell = default_shell ;
shell = default_shell ;
@ -336,58 +322,6 @@ let rpc : rpc Data_encoding.t =
let level_encoding =
let open Logging in
let open Data_encoding in
| Fatal -> "fatal"
| Error -> "error"
| Warning -> "warning"
| Notice -> "notice"
| Info -> "info"
| Debug -> "debug")
| "error" -> Error
| "warn" -> Warning
| "notice" -> Notice
| "info" -> Info
| "debug" -> Debug
| "fatal" -> Fatal
| _ -> invalid_arg "Logging.level")
let log =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun {output ; default_level ; rules ; template } ->
(output, default_level, rules, template))
(fun (output, default_level, rules, template) ->
{ output ; default_level ; rules ; template })
(dft "output"
~description: "Output for the logging function. Either 'stdout', \
'stderr' or the name of a log file ."
Logging_unix.Output.encoding default_log.output)
(dft "level"
~description: "Verbosity level: one of 'fatal', 'error', 'warn',\
'notice', 'info', 'debug'."
level_encoding default_log.default_level)
(opt "rules"
~description: "Fine-grained logging instructions. Same format as \
described in `tezos-node run --help`, DEBUG section. \
In the example below, sections 'p2p' and all sections \
starting by 'client' will have their messages logged \
up to the debug level, whereas the rest of log sections \
will be logged up to the notice level."
(dft "template"
~description: "Format for the log file, see \
string default_log.template)
let worker_limits_encoding
let worker_limits_encoding
@ -401,7 +335,7 @@ let worker_limits_encoding
{ backlog_size ; backlog_level ; zombie_lifetime ; zombie_memory })
{ backlog_size ; backlog_level ; zombie_lifetime ; zombie_memory })
(dft "worker_backlog_size" uint16 default_size)
(dft "worker_backlog_size" uint16 default_size)
(dft "worker_backlog_level" level_encoding default_level)
(dft "worker_backlog_level" Logging_unix.level_encoding default_level)
(dft "worker_zombie_lifetime" float default_zombie_lifetime)
(dft "worker_zombie_lifetime" float default_zombie_lifetime)
(dft "worker_zombie_memory" float default_zombie_memory))
(dft "worker_zombie_memory" float default_zombie_memory))
@ -525,7 +459,7 @@ let encoding =
~description: "Configuration of network parameters" p2p)
~description: "Configuration of network parameters" p2p)
(dft "log"
(dft "log"
~description: "Configuration of network parameters"
~description: "Configuration of network parameters"
log default_log)
Logging_unix.cfg_encoding Logging_unix.default_cfg)
(dft "shell"
(dft "shell"
~description: "Configuration of network parameters"
~description: "Configuration of network parameters"
shell default_shell))
shell default_shell))
@ -624,7 +558,7 @@ let update
tls =
tls =
Option.first_some rpc_tls cfg.rpc.tls ;
Option.first_some rpc_tls cfg.rpc.tls ;
and log : log = {
and log : Logging_unix.cfg = {
cfg.log with
cfg.log with
output = Option.unopt ~default:cfg.log.output log_output ;
output = Option.unopt ~default:cfg.log.output log_output ;
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type t = {
data_dir : string ;
data_dir : string ;
p2p : p2p ;
p2p : p2p ;
rpc : rpc ;
rpc : rpc ;
log : log ;
log : Logging_unix.cfg ;
shell : shell ;
shell : shell ;
@ -52,13 +52,6 @@ and tls = {
key : string ;
key : string ;
and log = {
output : Logging_unix.Output.t ;
default_level : Logging.level ;
rules : string option ;
template : Logging.template ;
and shell = {
and shell = {
block_validator_limits : Node.block_validator_limits ;
block_validator_limits : Node.block_validator_limits ;
prevalidator_limits : Node.prevalidator_limits ;
prevalidator_limits : Node.prevalidator_limits ;
@ -89,23 +89,6 @@ let find_log_rules default =
defined, using TEZOS_LOG." ;
defined, using TEZOS_LOG." ;
"environment varible TEZOS_LOG", Some rules
"environment varible TEZOS_LOG", Some rules
let init_logger ?verbosity (log_config : Node_config_file.log) =
match verbosity with
| Some level ->
Lwt_log_core.add_rule "*" level
| None ->
Lwt_log_core.add_rule "*" log_config.default_level ;
let origin, rules = find_log_rules log_config.rules in
Option.iter rules ~f:begin fun rules ->
try Lwt_log_core.load_rules rules ~fail_on_error:true
with _ ->
fatal_error "Incorrect log rules defined in %s, exiting." origin ;
exit 1
end ;
Logging_unix.init ~template:log_config.template log_config.output
let init_node ?sandbox ?checkpoint (config : Node_config_file.t) =
let init_node ?sandbox ?checkpoint (config : Node_config_file.t) =
let patch_context json ctxt =
let patch_context json ctxt =
@ -267,7 +250,11 @@ let run ?verbosity ?sandbox ?checkpoint (config : Node_config_file.t) =
~unlink_on_exit:true (lock_file config.data_dir) >>=? fun () ->
~unlink_on_exit:true (lock_file config.data_dir) >>=? fun () ->
init_signal () ;
init_signal () ;
init_logger ?verbosity config.log >>= fun () ->
let log_cfg =
match verbosity with
| None -> config.log
| Some default_level -> { config.log with default_level } in
Logging_unix.init ~cfg:log_cfg () >>= fun () ->
Updater.init (protocol_dir config.data_dir) ;
Updater.init (protocol_dir config.data_dir) ;
lwt_log_notice "Starting the Tezos node..." >>= fun () ->
lwt_log_notice "Starting the Tezos node..." >>= fun () ->
init_node ?sandbox ?checkpoint config >>=? fun node ->
init_node ?sandbox ?checkpoint config >>=? fun node ->
@ -41,34 +41,6 @@ let builtin_commands =
return_unit) ;
return_unit) ;
(* Duplicated from the node, here for now since the client still
embeds the baker. To be moved where appropriate when the baker is
definitively moved/factorized in its own binary. *)
let find_log_rules () =
match Option.try_with (fun () -> Sys.getenv "TEZOS_LOG"),
Option.try_with (fun () -> Sys.getenv "LWT_LOG")
| Some rules, None -> "environment variable TEZOS_LOG", Some rules
| None, Some rules -> "environment variable LWT_LOG", Some rules
| None, None -> "default rules", None
| Some rules, Some _ ->
"@[<v 2>@{<warning>@{<title>Warning@}@} \
Both environment variables TEZOS_LOG and LWT_LOG \
defined, using TEZOS_LOG.@]@\n@." ;
"environment varible TEZOS_LOG", Some rules
let init_logger () =
Lwt_log_core.add_rule "*" Lwt_log_core.Notice ;
let origin, rules = find_log_rules () in
Option.iter rules ~f:begin fun rules ->
try Lwt_log_core.load_rules rules ~fail_on_error:true
with _ ->
(Format.asprintf "Incorrect log rules defined in %s." origin)
end ;
Logging_unix.(init ~template:"$(message)" Stderr)
(* Main (lwt) entry *)
(* Main (lwt) entry *)
let main select_commands =
let main select_commands =
let executable_name = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name in
let executable_name = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name in
@ -89,7 +61,7 @@ let main select_commands =
(if Unix.isatty Unix.stdout then Ansi else Plain) Short) ;
(if Unix.isatty Unix.stdout then Ansi else Plain) Short) ;
ignore Clic.(setup_formatter Format.err_formatter
ignore Clic.(setup_formatter Format.err_formatter
(if Unix.isatty Unix.stderr then Ansi else Plain) Short) ;
(if Unix.isatty Unix.stderr then Ansi else Plain) Short) ;
init_logger () >>= fun () ->
Logging_unix.init () >>= fun () ->
Lwt.catch begin fun () -> begin
Lwt.catch begin fun () -> begin
(new unix_full
(new unix_full
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ let run
?max_download_speed ?max_upload_speed
?max_download_speed ?max_upload_speed
~read_buffer_size ?read_queue_size ?write_queue_size
~read_buffer_size ?read_queue_size ?write_queue_size
addr port time n =
addr port time n =
Logging_unix.init Stderr >>= fun () ->
Logging_unix.init () >>= fun () ->
listen ?port addr >>= fun (main_socket, port) ->
listen ?port addr >>= fun (main_socket, port) ->
Process.detach ~prefix:"server: " begin fun _ ->
Process.detach ~prefix:"server: " begin fun _ ->
@ -113,6 +113,71 @@ module Output = struct
Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (to_string output)
Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (to_string output)
type cfg = {
output : Output.t ;
default_level : Logging.level ;
rules : string option ;
template : Logging.template ;
let create_cfg
?(output = Output.Stderr)
?(default_level = Logging.Notice)
?rules ?(template = Logging.default_template) () =
{ output ; default_level ; rules ; template }
let default_cfg = create_cfg ()
let level_encoding =
let open Logging in
let open Data_encoding in
| Fatal -> "fatal"
| Error -> "error"
| Warning -> "warning"
| Notice -> "notice"
| Info -> "info"
| Debug -> "debug")
| "error" -> Error
| "warn" -> Warning
| "notice" -> Notice
| "info" -> Info
| "debug" -> Debug
| "fatal" -> Fatal
| _ -> invalid_arg "Logging.level")
let cfg_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun {output ; default_level ; rules ; template } ->
(output, default_level, rules, template))
(fun (output, default_level, rules, template) ->
{ output ; default_level ; rules ; template })
(dft "output"
~description: "Output for the logging function. Either 'stdout', \
'stderr' or the name of a log file ."
Output.encoding default_cfg.output)
(dft "level"
~description: "Verbosity level: one of 'fatal', 'error', 'warn',\
'notice', 'info', 'debug'."
level_encoding default_cfg.default_level)
(opt "rules"
~description: "Fine-grained logging instructions. Same format as \
described in `tezos-node run --help`, DEBUG section. \
In the example below, sections 'p2p' and all sections \
starting by 'client' will have their messages logged \
up to the debug level, whereas the rest of log sections \
will be logged up to the notice level."
(dft "template"
~description: "Format for the log file, see \
string default_cfg.template))
let init ?(template = Logging.default_template) output =
let init ?(template = Logging.default_template) output =
let open Output in
let open Output in
@ -135,5 +200,32 @@ let init ?(template = Logging.default_template) output =
Lwt_log.default := logger ;
Lwt_log.default := logger ;
let find_log_rules default =
match Sys.(getenv_opt "TEZOS_LOG", getenv_opt "LWT_LOG") with
| Some rules, None -> "environment variable TEZOS_LOG", Some rules
| None, Some rules -> "environment variable LWT_LOG", Some rules
| None, None -> "configuration file", default
| Some rules, Some _ ->
"@[<v 2>@{<warning>@{<title>Warning@}@} \
Both environment variables TEZOS_LOG and LWT_LOG \
defined, using TEZOS_LOG.@]@\n@." ;
"environment varible TEZOS_LOG", Some rules
let init ?(cfg = default_cfg) () =
Lwt_log_core.add_rule "*" cfg.default_level ;
let origin, rules = find_log_rules cfg.rules in
begin match rules with
| None -> Lwt.return_unit
| Some rules ->
Lwt_log_core.load_rules rules ~fail_on_error:true ;
with _ ->
Printf.ksprintf Lwt.fail_with
"Incorrect log rules defined in %s" origin
end >>= fun () ->
init ~template:cfg.template cfg.output
let close () =
let close () =
Lwt_log.close !Lwt_log.default
Lwt_log.close !Lwt_log.default
@ -37,7 +37,23 @@ module Output : sig
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
type cfg = {
output : Output.t ;
default_level : Logging.level ;
rules : string option ;
template : Logging.template ;
val init: ?template:Logging.template -> Output.t -> unit Lwt.t
val default_cfg : cfg
val create_cfg :
?output:Output.t ->
?default_level:Logging.level ->
?rules:string ->
?template:Logging.template -> unit -> cfg
val level_encoding : Logging.level Data_encoding.t
val cfg_encoding : cfg Data_encoding.t
val init: ?cfg:cfg -> unit -> unit Lwt.t
val close: unit -> unit Lwt.t
val close: unit -> unit Lwt.t
Reference in New Issue
Block a user