Alpha: Add 4 more decimals to tez representation.
Now a tez cent is 10_000L. All constants are now in the Constants_repr module and expressed as multiples of one_cent. Add new function Qty_repr.mul_exn to multiply `tez` by `int` eg. `10 tez = Tez_repr.(mul_exn one 10)` `10 cents = Tez_repr.(mul_exn one_cents 10)` Remove `Tez.{to,of}_cents` and replace them with `Tez.{to,of}_mutez`.
This commit is contained in:
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ let delegatable_switch =
~doc:"Set the created contract to be delegatable"
~doc:"Set the created contract to be delegatable"
let tez_format = "text format: D,DDD,DDD.DD (centiles are optional, commas are optional)"
let tez_format = "text format: D,DDD,DDD.DDD,DDD (centiles are optional, commas are optional)"
let tez_parameter param =
let tez_parameter param =
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ let print_trace_result (cctxt : #Client_commands.logger) ~show_source ~parsed =
print_errors cctxt errs ~show_source ~parsed
print_errors cctxt errs ~show_source ~parsed
let run
let run
?(amount = Tez.default_fee)
?(amount = Tez.fifty_cents)
~(program : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed)
~(program : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed)
~(storage : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed)
~(storage : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed)
~(input : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed)
~(input : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed)
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ let run
block program.expanded (storage.expanded, input.expanded, amount)
block program.expanded (storage.expanded, input.expanded, amount)
let trace
let trace
?(amount = Tez.default_fee)
?(amount = Tez.fifty_cents)
~(program : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed)
~(program : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed)
~(storage : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed)
~(storage : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed)
~(input : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed)
~(input : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed)
@ -12,14 +12,12 @@ type account = {
public_key : Ed25519.Public_key.t ;
public_key : Ed25519.Public_key.t ;
let wealth = Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 4_000_000_00L
let init_account ctxt account =
let init_account ctxt account =
Storage.Public_key.init ctxt account.public_key_hash account.public_key >>=? fun ctxt ->
Storage.Public_key.init ctxt account.public_key_hash account.public_key >>=? fun ctxt ->
(Contract_repr.default_contract account.public_key_hash)
(Contract_repr.default_contract account.public_key_hash)
wealth >>=? fun ctxt ->
Constants_repr.bootstrap_wealth >>=? fun ctxt ->
return ctxt
return ctxt
@ -12,22 +12,33 @@ let version_number = "\000"
let proof_of_work_nonce_size = 8
let proof_of_work_nonce_size = 8
let nonce_length = 32
let nonce_length = 32
(* 10 tez *)
let seed_nonce_revelation_tip =
let seed_nonce_revelation_tip =
Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 10_00L
Tez_repr.(mul_exn one 10)
(* 1 tez *)
let origination_burn =
let origination_burn =
Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 1_00L
(* 1 tez *)
let minimal_contract_balance =
let minimal_contract_balance =
Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 1_00L
(* 1000 tez *)
let baking_bond_cost =
let baking_bond_cost =
Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 1000_00L
Tez_repr.(mul_exn one 1000)
(* 1000 tez *)
let endorsement_bond_cost =
let endorsement_bond_cost =
Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 1000_00L
Tez_repr.(mul_exn one 1000)
(* 150 tez *)
let baking_reward =
let baking_reward =
Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 150_00L
Tez_repr.(mul_exn one 150)
(* 150 tez *)
let endorsement_reward =
let endorsement_reward =
Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 150_00L
Tez_repr.(mul_exn one 150)
(* 100,000 tez *)
let faucet_credit =
let faucet_credit =
Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 100_000_00L
Tez_repr.(mul_exn one 100_000)
(* 4,000,000 tez *)
let bootstrap_wealth =
Tez_repr.(mul_exn one 4_000_000)
type constants = {
type constants = {
cycle_length: int32 ;
cycle_length: int32 ;
@ -79,7 +90,7 @@ let default = {
max_operation_data_length =
max_operation_data_length =
16 * 1024 ; (* 16kB *)
16 * 1024 ; (* 16kB *)
initial_roll_value =
initial_roll_value =
Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 10000_00L ;
Tez_repr.(mul_exn one 10_000) ;
michelson_maximum_type_size = 1000 ;
michelson_maximum_type_size = 1000 ;
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ module type S = sig
val id : string
val id : string
val zero : qty
val zero : qty
val one_mutez : qty
val one_cent : qty
val one_cent : qty
val fifty_cents : qty
val fifty_cents : qty
val one : qty
val one : qty
@ -32,18 +33,21 @@ module type S = sig
val ( *? ) : qty -> int64 -> qty tzresult
val ( *? ) : qty -> int64 -> qty tzresult
val ( /? ) : qty -> int64 -> qty tzresult
val ( /? ) : qty -> int64 -> qty tzresult
val to_cents : qty -> int64
val to_mutez : qty -> int64
(** [of_cents n] is None if n is negative *)
(** [of_mutez n] (micro tez) is None if n is negative *)
val of_cents : int64 -> qty option
val of_mutez : int64 -> qty option
(** [of_cents_exn n] fails if n is negative.
(** [of_mutez_exn n] fails if n is negative.
It should only be used at toplevel for constants. *)
It should only be used at toplevel for constants. *)
val of_cents_exn : int64 -> qty
val of_mutez_exn : int64 -> qty
(** It should only be used at toplevel for constants. *)
(** It should only be used at toplevel for constants. *)
val add_exn : qty -> qty -> qty
val add_exn : qty -> qty -> qty
(** It should only be used at toplevel for constants. *)
val mul_exn : qty -> int -> qty
val encoding : qty Data_encoding.t
val encoding : qty Data_encoding.t
val to_int64 : qty -> int64
val to_int64 : qty -> int64
@ -70,63 +74,70 @@ module Make (T: QTY) : S = struct
include Compare.Int64
include Compare.Int64
let zero = 0L
let zero = 0L
let one_cent = 1L
(* all other constant are defined from the value of one micro tez *)
let fifty_cents = 50L
let one_mutez = 1L
let one = 100L
let one_cent = Int64.mul one_mutez 10_000L
let fifty_cents = Int64.mul one_cent 50L
(* 1 tez = 100 cents = 10_000_000 mutez *)
let one = Int64.mul one_cent 100L
let id =
let id =
let of_cents t =
if t < 0L
then None
else Some t
let of_string s =
let of_string s =
let len = String.length s in
let triplets = function
let rec dec i len acc =
| hd :: tl ->
if Compare.Int.(i = len) then acc
let len = String.length hd in
len <= 3 && len > 0 &&
List.for_all (fun s -> String.length s = 3) tl
| [] -> false in
let integers s = triplets (String.split_on_char ',' s) in
let decimals s =
let l = String.split_on_char ',' s in
if Compare.Int.(List.length l > 2) then
dec (succ i) len
triplets (List.rev l) in
(Int64.add (Int64.mul 10L acc)
let parse left right =
(match String.get s i with
let remove_commas s = String.concat "" (String.split_on_char ',' s) in
| '0' -> 0L | '1' -> 1L | '2' -> 2L | '3' -> 3L | '4' -> 4L
let pad_to_six s =
| '5' -> 5L | '6' -> 6L | '7' -> 7L | '8' -> 8L | '9' -> 9L
let len = String.length s in
| _ -> raise Exit)) in
String.init 6 (fun i -> if Compare.Int.(i < len) then String.get s i else '0') in
let rec loop acc m len =
if Compare.Int.(len >= 4) && Compare.Char.(String.get s (len - 4) = ',') then
Some (Int64.of_string (remove_commas left ^ pad_to_six (remove_commas right)))
let acc = Int64.add acc Int64.(mul (dec (len - 3) len 0L) m) in
with _ -> None in
loop acc Int64.(mul 1000L m) (len - 4)
match String.split_on_char '.' s with
| [ left ; right ] when (integers left && decimals right) -> parse left right
Int64.add acc Int64.(mul (dec 0 len 0L) m) in
| [ left ] when integers left -> parse left ""
let cents, len =
| _ -> None
if Compare.Int.(len >= 3) && Compare.Char.(String.get s (len - 3) = '.') then
dec (len - 2) len 0L, len - 3
0L, len in
let res =
if Compare.Int.(len >= 4) && Compare.Char.(String.get s (len - 4) = ',') then
loop cents 100L len
else if Compare.Int.(len = 0) && Compare.Int.(String.length s = 3) then
Int64.(add (mul 100L (of_string (String.sub s 0 len))) cents)
with _ -> raise Exit in
match of_cents res with
| None -> raise Exit
| Some tez -> tez
let of_string s =
try Some (of_string s) with Exit -> None
let pp ppf amount =
let pp ppf amount =
let rec loop ppf amount=
let mult_int = 1_000_000L in
let d, r = Int64.div amount 1000L, Int64.rem amount 1000L in
let rec left ppf amount =
let d, r = Int64.(div amount 1000L), Int64.(rem amount 1000L) in
if d > 0L then
if d > 0L then
Format.fprintf ppf "%a,%03Ld" loop d r
Format.fprintf ppf "%a,%03Ld" left d r
Format.fprintf ppf "%Ld" r in
Format.fprintf ppf "%Ld" r in
let i, c = Int64.div amount 100L, Int64.rem amount 100L in
let right ppf amount =
Format.fprintf ppf "%a.%02Ld" loop i c
let triplet ppf v =
if Compare.Int.(v mod 10 > 0) then
Format.fprintf ppf "%03d" v
else if Compare.Int.(v mod 100 > 0) then
Format.fprintf ppf "%02d" (v / 10)
Format.fprintf ppf "%d" (v / 100) in
let hi, lo = amount / 1000, amount mod 1000 in
if Compare.Int.(lo = 0) then
Format.fprintf ppf "%a" triplet hi
Format.fprintf ppf "%03d,%a" hi triplet lo in
let ints, decs =
Int64.(div amount mult_int),
Int64.(to_int (rem amount mult_int)) in
Format.fprintf ppf "%a" left ints ;
if Compare.Int.(decs > 0) then
Format.fprintf ppf ".%a" right decs
let to_string t =
let to_string t =
Format.asprintf "%a" pp t
Format.asprintf "%a" pp t
@ -181,20 +192,28 @@ module Make (T: QTY) : S = struct
then invalid_arg "add_exn"
then invalid_arg "add_exn"
else t
else t
let to_cents t = t
let mul_exn t m =
match t *? Int64.(of_int m) with
| Ok v -> v
| Error _ -> invalid_arg "mul_exn"
let of_cents_exn x =
let of_mutez t =
match of_cents x with
if t < 0L then None
| None -> invalid_arg "Qty.of_cents"
else Some t
let of_mutez_exn x =
match of_mutez x with
| None -> invalid_arg "Qty.of_mutez"
| Some v -> v
| Some v -> v
let to_int64 t = t
let to_int64 t = t
let to_mutez t = t
let encoding =
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
let open Data_encoding in
~title: "Amount in centiles"
~title: "Amount in mutez"
(conv to_int64 (Json.wrap_error of_cents_exn) int64)
(conv to_int64 (Json.wrap_error of_mutez_exn) int64)
let () =
let () =
let open Data_encoding in
let open Data_encoding in
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ let rec interp
logged_return (Item (Script_int.mul_n x y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (Script_int.mul_n x y, rest), qta - 1, ctxt)
| Ediv_teznat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
| Ediv_teznat, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
let x = Script_int.of_int64 (Tez.to_cents x) in
let x = Script_int.of_int64 (Tez.to_mutez x) in
let result =
let result =
match Script_int.ediv x y with
match Script_int.ediv x y with
| None -> None
| None -> None
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ let rec interp
Script_int.to_int64 r with
Script_int.to_int64 r with
| Some q, Some r ->
| Some q, Some r ->
match Tez.of_cents q, Tez.of_cents r with
match Tez.of_mutez q, Tez.of_mutez r with
| Some q, Some r -> Some (q,r)
| Some q, Some r -> Some (q,r)
(* Cannot overflow *)
(* Cannot overflow *)
| _ -> assert false
| _ -> assert false
@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ let rec interp
logged_return (Item (result, rest), qta -1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (result, rest), qta -1, ctxt)
| Ediv_tez, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
| Ediv_tez, Item (x, Item (y, rest)) ->
let x = Script_int.abs (Script_int.of_int64 (Tez.to_cents x)) in
let x = Script_int.abs (Script_int.of_int64 (Tez.to_mutez x)) in
let y = Script_int.abs (Script_int.of_int64 (Tez.to_cents y)) in
let y = Script_int.abs (Script_int.of_int64 (Tez.to_mutez y)) in
begin match Script_int.ediv_n x y with
begin match Script_int.ediv_n x y with
| None ->
| None ->
logged_return (Item (None, rest), qta -1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (None, rest), qta -1, ctxt)
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ let rec interp
match Script_int.to_int64 r with
match Script_int.to_int64 r with
| None -> assert false (* Cannot overflow *)
| None -> assert false (* Cannot overflow *)
| Some r ->
| Some r ->
match Tez.of_cents r with
match Tez.of_mutez r with
| None -> assert false (* Cannot overflow *)
| None -> assert false (* Cannot overflow *)
| Some r -> r in
| Some r -> r in
logged_return (Item (Some (q, r), rest), qta -1, ctxt)
logged_return (Item (Some (q, r), rest), qta -1, ctxt)
@ -17,13 +17,7 @@ module type BASIC_DATA = sig
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module Tez = struct
module Tez = Tez_repr
include Tez_repr
let default_fee =
match of_cents 5L with
| None -> raise (Failure "internal error: Could not parse default_fee literal")
| Some fee -> fee
module Period = Period_repr
module Period = Period_repr
module Timestamp = struct
module Timestamp = struct
@ -44,10 +44,8 @@ module Tez : sig
val of_string: string -> tez option
val of_string: string -> tez option
val to_string: tez -> string
val to_string: tez -> string
val of_cents: int64 -> tez option
val of_mutez: int64 -> tez option
val to_cents: tez -> int64
val to_mutez: tez -> int64
val default_fee : t
@ -190,12 +190,10 @@ module Account = struct
let transfer
let transfer
?(block = `Prevalidation)
?(block = `Prevalidation)
?(fee = 5L)
?(fee = Tez.fifty_cents)
~amount () =
~amount () =
let amount = match Tez.of_cents amount with None -> | Some a -> a in
let fee = match Tez.of_cents fee with None -> | Some a -> a in
Client_proto_context.transfer (new Client_rpcs.rpc !rpc_config)
Client_proto_context.transfer (new Client_rpcs.rpc !rpc_config)
@ -208,17 +206,11 @@ module Account = struct
let originate
let originate
?(block = `Prevalidation)
?(block = `Prevalidation)
?(fee = Tez.fifty_cents)
() =
() =
let fee = match Tez.of_cents fee with
| None ->
| Some amount -> amount in
let balance = match Tez.of_cents balance with
| None ->
| Some amount -> amount in
let delegatable, delegate = match delegate with
let delegatable, delegate = match delegate with
| None -> false, None
| None -> false, None
| Some delegate -> true, Some delegate in
| Some delegate -> true, Some delegate in
@ -237,14 +229,11 @@ module Account = struct
let set_delegate
let set_delegate
?(block = `Prevalidation)
?(block = `Prevalidation)
?(fee = 5L)
?(fee = Tez.fifty_cents)
delegate_opt =
delegate_opt =
let fee = match Tez.of_cents fee with
| None ->
| Some amount -> amount in
(new Client_rpcs.rpc !rpc_config)
(new Client_rpcs.rpc !rpc_config)
@ -319,21 +308,21 @@ module Assert = struct
let equal_tez ?msg tz1 tz2 =
let equal_tez ?msg tz1 tz2 =
let msg = Assert.format_msg msg in
let msg = Assert.format_msg msg in
let eq tz1 tz2 = Int64.equal (Tez.to_cents tz1) (Tez.to_cents tz2) in
let eq tz1 tz2 = Int64.equal (Tez.to_mutez tz1) (Tez.to_mutez tz2) in
let prn = Tez.to_string in
let prn = Tez.to_string in
Assert.equal ?msg ~prn ~eq tz1 tz2
Assert.equal ?msg ~prn ~eq tz1 tz2
let balance_equal ?block ~msg account expected_balance =
let balance_equal ?block ~msg account expected_balance =
Account.balance ?block account >>=? fun actual_balance ->
Account.balance ?block account >>=? fun actual_balance ->
match Tez.of_cents expected_balance with
match Tez.of_mutez expected_balance with
| None ->
| None ->
failwith "invalid tez constant"
failwith "invalid tez constant"
| Some expected_balance ->
| Some expected_balance ->
return (equal_tez ~msg actual_balance expected_balance)
return (equal_tez ~msg expected_balance actual_balance)
let delegate_equal ?block ~msg contract expected_delegate =
let delegate_equal ?block ~msg contract expected_delegate =
Account.delegate ?block contract >>|? fun actual_delegate ->
Account.delegate ?block contract >>|? fun actual_delegate ->
equal_pkh ~msg actual_delegate expected_delegate
equal_pkh ~msg expected_delegate actual_delegate
let ecoproto_error f = function
let ecoproto_error f = function
| Environment.Ecoproto_error errors ->
| Environment.Ecoproto_error errors ->
@ -460,7 +449,7 @@ module Baking = struct
Client_proto_rpcs.Header.priority (new Client_rpcs.rpc !rpc_config) block >>=? fun prio ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Header.priority (new Client_rpcs.rpc !rpc_config) block >>=? fun prio ->
Baking.endorsement_reward ~block_priority:prio >|=
Baking.endorsement_reward ~block_priority:prio >|=
Environment.wrap_error >>|?
Environment.wrap_error >>|?
@ -58,25 +58,25 @@ module Account : sig
val transfer :
val transfer :
?block:Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
?block:Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
?fee:int64 ->
?fee: Tez.t ->
account:t ->
account:t ->
destination:Contract.t ->
destination:Contract.t ->
amount:int64 ->
amount: Tez.t ->
unit ->
unit ->
(Operation_hash.t * Contract.t list) tzresult Lwt.t
(Operation_hash.t * Contract.t list) tzresult Lwt.t
val originate :
val originate :
?block:Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
?block:Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
?delegate:public_key_hash ->
?delegate:public_key_hash ->
?fee:int64 ->
?fee: Tez.t ->
src:t ->
src:t ->
manager_pkh:public_key_hash ->
manager_pkh:public_key_hash ->
balance:int64 ->
balance: Tez.t ->
unit -> (Operation_hash.t * Contract.t) tzresult Lwt.t
unit -> (Operation_hash.t * Contract.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val set_delegate :
val set_delegate :
?block:Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
?block:Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
?fee:int64 ->
?fee: Tez.t ->
contract:Contract.t ->
contract:Contract.t ->
manager_sk:secret_key ->
manager_sk:secret_key ->
src_pk:public_key ->
src_pk:public_key ->
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ let test_endorsement_rewards block0 =
done ;
done ;
return (!account, !cpt) in
return (!account, !cpt) in
let bond = Tez.to_cents Constants.endorsement_bond_cost in
let bond = Tez.to_mutez Constants.endorsement_bond_cost in
(* Endorsement Rights *)
(* Endorsement Rights *)
(* #1 endorse & inject in a block *)
(* #1 endorse & inject in a block *)
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ let test_endorsement_rewards block0 =
Helpers.Baking.bake block0 b1 [ op ] >>=? fun hash1 ->
Helpers.Baking.bake block0 b1 [ op ] >>=? fun hash1 ->
Helpers.display_level (`Hash hash1) >>=? fun () ->
Helpers.display_level (`Hash hash1) >>=? fun () ->
Assert.balance_equal ~block:(`Hash hash1) ~msg:__LOC__ account0
Assert.balance_equal ~block:(`Hash hash1) ~msg:__LOC__ account0
(Int64.sub (Tez.to_cents balance0) bond) >>=? fun () ->
(Int64.sub (Tez.to_mutez balance0) bond) >>=? fun () ->
(* #2 endorse & inject in a block *)
(* #2 endorse & inject in a block *)
let block1 = `Hash hash1 in
let block1 = `Hash hash1 in
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ let test_endorsement_rewards block0 =
Helpers.Baking.bake block1 b1 [ op ] >>=? fun hash2 ->
Helpers.Baking.bake block1 b1 [ op ] >>=? fun hash2 ->
Helpers.display_level (`Hash hash2) >>=? fun () ->
Helpers.display_level (`Hash hash2) >>=? fun () ->
Assert.balance_equal ~block:(`Hash hash2) ~msg:__LOC__ account1
Assert.balance_equal ~block:(`Hash hash2) ~msg:__LOC__ account1
(Int64.sub (Tez.to_cents balance1) bond) >>=? fun () ->
(Int64.sub (Tez.to_mutez balance1) bond) >>=? fun () ->
(* Check rewards after one cycle for account0 *)
(* Check rewards after one cycle for account0 *)
Helpers.Baking.bake (`Hash hash2) b1 [] >>=? fun hash3 ->
Helpers.Baking.bake (`Hash hash2) b1 [] >>=? fun hash3 ->
@ -139,12 +139,12 @@ let test_endorsement_rewards block0 =
Helpers.display_level (`Hash hash5) >>=? fun () ->
Helpers.display_level (`Hash hash5) >>=? fun () ->
Helpers.Baking.endorsement_reward block1 >>=? fun rw0 ->
Helpers.Baking.endorsement_reward block1 >>=? fun rw0 ->
Assert.balance_equal ~block:(`Hash hash5) ~msg:__LOC__ account0
Assert.balance_equal ~block:(`Hash hash5) ~msg:__LOC__ account0
(Int64.add (Tez.to_cents balance0) rw0) >>=? fun () ->
(Int64.add (Tez.to_mutez balance0) rw0) >>=? fun () ->
(* Check rewards after one cycle for account1 *)
(* Check rewards after one cycle for account1 *)
Helpers.Baking.endorsement_reward (`Hash hash2) >>=? fun rw1 ->
Helpers.Baking.endorsement_reward (`Hash hash2) >>=? fun rw1 ->
Assert.balance_equal ~block:(`Hash hash5) ~msg:__LOC__ account1
Assert.balance_equal ~block:(`Hash hash5) ~msg:__LOC__ account1
(Int64.add (Tez.to_cents balance1) rw1) >>=? fun () ->
(Int64.add (Tez.to_mutez balance1) rw1) >>=? fun () ->
(* #2 endorse and check reward only on the good chain *)
(* #2 endorse and check reward only on the good chain *)
Helpers.Baking.bake (`Hash hash5) b1 []>>=? fun hash6a ->
Helpers.Baking.bake (`Hash hash5) b1 []>>=? fun hash6a ->
@ -178,14 +178,14 @@ let test_endorsement_rewards block0 =
(* Check rewards after one cycle *)
(* Check rewards after one cycle *)
Helpers.Baking.endorsement_reward (`Hash hash7a) >>=? fun reward ->
Helpers.Baking.endorsement_reward (`Hash hash7a) >>=? fun reward ->
Assert.balance_equal ~block:(`Hash hash9a) ~msg:__LOC__ account3
Assert.balance_equal ~block:(`Hash hash9a) ~msg:__LOC__ account3
(Int64.add (Tez.to_cents balance3) reward) >>=? fun () ->
(Int64.add (Tez.to_mutez balance3) reward) >>=? fun () ->
(* Check no reward for the fork *)
(* Check no reward for the fork *)
if account3 = account4 then return ()
if account3 = account4 then return ()
(* if account4 is different from account3, we need to check that there
(* if account4 is different from account3, we need to check that there
is no reward for him since the endorsement was in the fork branch *)
is no reward for him since the endorsement was in the fork branch *)
else Assert.balance_equal ~block:(`Hash hash9a) ~msg:__LOC__ account4 (Tez.to_cents balance4)
else Assert.balance_equal ~block:(`Hash hash9a) ~msg:__LOC__ account4 (Tez.to_mutez balance4)
end >>=? fun () ->
end >>=? fun () ->
return ()
return ()
@ -207,15 +207,15 @@ let run genesis =
Assert.equal_bool ~msg:__LOC__ has_right_to_endorse true ;
Assert.equal_bool ~msg:__LOC__ has_right_to_endorse true ;
~block:block ~msg:__LOC__ b1 3_999_000_00L >>=? fun () ->
~block:block ~msg:__LOC__ b1 3_999_000_000_000L >>=? fun () ->
~block:block ~msg:__LOC__ b2 4_000_000_00L >>=? fun () ->
~block:block ~msg:__LOC__ b2 4_000_000_000_000L >>=? fun () ->
~block:block ~msg:__LOC__ b3 4_000_000_00L >>=? fun () ->
~block:block ~msg:__LOC__ b3 4_000_000_000_000L >>=? fun () ->
~block:block ~msg:__LOC__ b4 4_000_000_00L >>=? fun () ->
~block:block ~msg:__LOC__ b4 4_000_000_000_000L >>=? fun () ->
~block:block ~msg:__LOC__ b5 4_000_000_00L >>=? fun () ->
~block:block ~msg:__LOC__ b5 4_000_000_000_000L >>=? fun () ->
(* Check Rewards *)
(* Check Rewards *)
test_endorsement_rewards block >>=? fun () ->
test_endorsement_rewards block >>=? fun () ->
@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ module Assert = Helpers.Assert
let run blkid ({ b1 ; b2 ; _ } : Helpers.Account.bootstrap_accounts) =
let run blkid ({ b1 ; b2 ; _ } : Helpers.Account.bootstrap_accounts) =
let cents v =
match Tez.( *? ) Tez.one_cent v with
| Error _ -> Pervasives.failwith "cents"
| Ok r -> r in
Helpers.Baking.bake blkid b1 [] >>=? fun blkh ->
Helpers.Baking.bake blkid b1 [] >>=? fun blkh ->
let foo = Helpers.Account.create "foo" in
let foo = Helpers.Account.create "foo" in
@ -19,46 +24,46 @@ let run blkid ({ b1 ; b2 ; _ } : Helpers.Account.bootstrap_accounts) =
~balance:0L () >>= fun result ->
| () >>= fun result ->
Assert.unknown_contract ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
Assert.unknown_contract ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
(* Origination with amount = .5 tez *)
(* Origination with amount = .5 tez *)
~balance:50L () >>= fun result ->
~balance:Tez.fifty_cents () >>= fun result ->
Assert.initial_amount_too_low ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
Assert.initial_amount_too_low ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
(* Origination with amount = 1 tez *)
(* Origination with amount = 1 tez *)
~balance:99L () >>= fun result ->
~balance:(cents 99L) () >>= fun result ->
Assert.initial_amount_too_low ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
Assert.initial_amount_too_low ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
(* Origination with amount > 1 tez *)
(* Origination with amount > 1 tez *)
~balance:100L () >>= fun _result ->
| () >>=? fun _result ->
(* TODO: test if new contract exists *)
(* TODO: test if new contract exists *)
(* Non-delegatable contract *)
(* Non-delegatable contract *)
~balance:500L () >>=? fun (_oph, nd_contract) ->
~balance:(cents 1000L) () >>=? fun (_oph, nd_contract) ->
(* Delegatable contract *)
(* Delegatable contract *)
~balance:500L () >>=? fun (_oph, d_contract) ->
~balance:(cents 1000L) () >>=? fun (_oph, d_contract) ->
(* Change delegate of a non-delegatable contract *)
(* Change delegate of a non-delegatable contract *)
~fee:(cents 5L)
@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ let run blkid ({ b1 ; b2 ; _ } : Helpers.Account.bootstrap_accounts) =
(Some b2.pkh) >>= fun _result ->
(Some b2.pkh) >>=? fun _result ->
Assert.delegate_equal ~msg:__LOC__ d_contract (Some b2.pkh) >>=? fun () ->
Assert.delegate_equal ~msg:__LOC__ d_contract (Some b2.pkh) >>=? fun () ->
return blkh
return blkh
@ -16,20 +16,26 @@ let run blkid ({ b1 ; b2 ; b3 ; _ } : Helpers.Account.bootstrap_accounts) =
let foo = Helpers.Account.create "foo" in
let foo = Helpers.Account.create "foo" in
let bar = Helpers.Account.create "bar" in
let bar = Helpers.Account.create "bar" in
let tez v =
match Tez.( *? ) v with
| Error _ -> Pervasives.failwith "cents"
| Ok r -> r in
(* Send from a sender with no balance (never seen). *)
(* Send from a sender with no balance (never seen). *)
(* TODO: Is it OK to get Storage_error and not something more specific? *)
(* TODO: Is it OK to get Storage_error and not something more specific? *)
~amount:1000_00L () >>= fun result ->
~amount:(tez 1000L) () >>= fun result ->
Assert.unknown_contract ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
Assert.unknown_contract ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
(* Send 1000 tz to "foo". *)
(* Send 1000 tz to "foo". *)
~amount:1000_00L () >>=? fun (_oph, contracts) ->
Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ foo 1000_00L >>=? fun () ->
~amount:(tez 1000L) () >>=? fun (_oph, contracts) ->
Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ foo 1000_000_000L >>=? fun () ->
(* Check that a basic transfer originates no contracts. *)
(* Check that a basic transfer originates no contracts. *)
Assert.equal_int ~msg:__LOC__ 0 (List.length contracts) ;
Assert.equal_int ~msg:__LOC__ 0 (List.length contracts) ;
@ -38,35 +44,36 @@ let run blkid ({ b1 ; b2 ; b3 ; _ } : Helpers.Account.bootstrap_accounts) =
~amount:50_00L () >>=? fun _contracts ->
Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ foo 949_95L >>=? fun () ->
~amount:(tez 50L) () >>=? fun _contracts ->
Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ bar 50_00L >>=? fun () ->
Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ foo 950_000_000L >>=? fun () ->
Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ bar 50_000_000L >>=? fun () ->
(* Check balance too low. *)
(* Check balance too low. *)
~amount:1000_00L () >>= fun result ->
~amount:(tez 1000L) () >>= fun result ->
Assert.balance_too_low ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
Assert.balance_too_low ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
(* Check spendability of a spendable contract *)
(* Check spendability of a spendable contract *)
~balance:50_00L () >>=? fun (_oph, spendable) ->
~balance:(tez 50L) () >>=? fun (_oph, spendable) ->
Format.printf "Created contract %a@." Contract.pp spendable ;
Format.printf "Created contract %a@." Contract.pp spendable ;
let account = { foo with contract = spendable } in
let account = { foo with contract = spendable } in
~amount:10_00L () >>=? fun _contracts ->
~amount:(tez 10L) () >>=? fun _contracts ->
(* Try spending a default account with unmatching pk/sk pairs. *)
(* Try spending a default account with unmatching pk/sk pairs. *)
let account = { b1 with sk = } in
let account = { b1 with sk = } in
~amount:10_00L () >>= fun result ->
~amount:(tez 10L) () >>= fun result ->
Assert.generic_economic_error ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
Assert.generic_economic_error ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
(* Try spending a default account with keys not matching the
(* Try spending a default account with keys not matching the
@ -75,7 +82,7 @@ let run blkid ({ b1 ; b2 ; b3 ; _ } : Helpers.Account.bootstrap_accounts) =
~amount:10_00L () >>= fun result ->
~amount:(tez 10L) () >>= fun result ->
Assert.inconsistent_pkh ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
Assert.inconsistent_pkh ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
(* Try spending an originated contract without the manager's key. *)
(* Try spending an originated contract without the manager's key. *)
@ -83,7 +90,7 @@ let run blkid ({ b1 ; b2 ; b3 ; _ } : Helpers.Account.bootstrap_accounts) =
~amount:10_00L () >>= fun result ->
~amount:(tez 10L) () >>= fun result ->
Assert.inconsistent_public_key ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
Assert.inconsistent_public_key ~msg:__LOC__ result ;
return blkh
return blkh
@ -18,16 +18,17 @@ $client gen keys $key1
$client gen keys $key2
$client gen keys $key2
$client list known identities
$client list known identities
$client get balance for bootstrap1
$client transfer 1000 from bootstrap1 to $key1
$client transfer 1,000 from bootstrap1 to $key1
$client transfer 2000 from bootstrap1 to $key2
$client transfer 2,000 from bootstrap1 to $key2
$client get balance for $key1 | assert "1,000.00 ꜩ"
$client get balance for $key1 | assert "1,000 ꜩ"
$client get balance for $key2 | assert "2,000.00 ꜩ"
$client get balance for $key2 | assert "2,000 ꜩ"
$client transfer 1000 from $key2 to $key1
$client transfer 1,000 from $key2 to $key1
$client get balance for $key1 | assert "2,000.00 ꜩ"
$client get balance for $key1 | assert "2,000 ꜩ"
$client get balance for $key2 | assert "999.95 ꜩ"
$client get balance for $key2 | assert "999.95 ꜩ"
# Should fail
# Should fail
@ -41,12 +42,12 @@ $client bake for bootstrap1 -max-priority 512
$client remember program noop file:contracts/
$client remember program noop file:contracts/
$client typecheck program noop
$client typecheck program noop
$client originate contract noop \
$client originate contract noop \
for $key1 transferring 1000 from bootstrap1 \
for $key1 transferring 1,000 from bootstrap1 \
running noop
running noop
$client transfer 10 from bootstrap1 to noop -arg "Unit"
$client transfer 10 from bootstrap1 to noop -arg "Unit"
$client originate contract hardlimit \
$client originate contract hardlimit \
for $key1 transferring 1000 from bootstrap1 \
for $key1 transferring 1,000 from bootstrap1 \
running file:contracts/ -init "3"
running file:contracts/ -init "3"
$client transfer 10 from bootstrap1 to hardlimit -arg "Unit"
$client transfer 10 from bootstrap1 to hardlimit -arg "Unit"
$client transfer 10 from bootstrap1 to hardlimit -arg "Unit"
$client transfer 10 from bootstrap1 to hardlimit -arg "Unit"
@ -57,10 +58,10 @@ $client get delegate for free_account
$client set delegate for free_account to $key2
$client set delegate for free_account to $key2
$client get delegate for free_account
$client get delegate for free_account
$client get balance for bootstrap5 | assert "4,000,000.00 ꜩ"
$client get balance for bootstrap5 | assert "4,000,000 ꜩ"
$client transfer 4000000.00 from bootstrap5 to bootstrap1 -fee 0
$client transfer 400,000 from bootstrap5 to bootstrap1 -fee 0
$client transfer 4000000.00 from bootstrap1 to bootstrap5 -fee 0
$client transfer 400,000 from bootstrap1 to bootstrap5 -fee 0
$client get balance for bootstrap5 | assert "4,000,000.00 ꜩ"
$client get balance for bootstrap5 | assert "4,000,000 ꜩ"
echo End of test
echo End of test
@ -218,16 +218,16 @@ assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '"test"' '"test_abc"'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit Unit 16382
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit Unit 16382
# Get the current balance of the contract
# Get the current balance of the contract
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit Unit '"4,000,000.00"'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit Unit '"4,000,000"'
# Test comparisons on tez (List EQ GT LT GE LE)
# Test comparisons on tez (List EQ GT LT GE LE)
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '(Pair "1.00" "2.00")' '(List False False True False True)'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '(Pair "1" "2")' '(List False False True False True)'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '(Pair "2.00" "1.00")' '(List False True False True False)'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '(Pair "2" "1")' '(List False True False True False)'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '(Pair "2.37" "2.37")' '(List True False False True True)'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '(Pair "2.37" "2.37")' '(List True False False True True)'
# Test addition and subtraction on tez
# Test addition and subtraction on tez
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '(Pair "2.00" "1.00")' '(Pair "3.00" "1.00")'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '(Pair "2" "1")' '(Pair "3" "1")'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '(Pair "2.31" "1.01")' '(Pair "3.32" "1.30")'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '(Pair "2.31" "1.01")' '(Pair "3.32" "1.3")'
# Test get first element of list
# Test get first element of list
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '(List 1 2 3 4)' '1'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '(List 1 2 3 4)' '1'
@ -308,14 +308,14 @@ assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ '(Pair "hello" 500)' '3' '(Pair "hello"
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ '(Pair "hello" 7)' '100' '(Pair "hello" 100)'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ '(Pair "hello" 7)' '100' '(Pair "hello" 100)'
assert_storage $CONTRACT_PATH/ \
assert_storage $CONTRACT_PATH/ \
'(Pair (Pair 1 (Pair 2 (Pair (Pair (Pair 3 "0.00") 4) 5))) 6)' \
'(Pair (Pair 1 (Pair 2 (Pair (Pair (Pair 3 "0") 4) 5))) 6)' \
'"3.00"' \
'"3"' \
'(Pair (Pair 1 (Pair 2 (Pair (Pair (Pair 3 "3.00") 4) 5))) 6)'
'(Pair (Pair 1 (Pair 2 (Pair (Pair (Pair 3 "3") 4) 5))) 6)'
assert_storage $CONTRACT_PATH/ \
assert_storage $CONTRACT_PATH/ \
'(Pair (Pair 1 (Pair 2 (Pair (Pair (Pair 3 "0.00") 4) 5))) 6)' \
'(Pair (Pair 1 (Pair 2 (Pair (Pair (Pair 3 "0") 4) 5))) 6)' \
'Unit' \
'Unit' \
'(Pair (Pair 1 (Pair 2 (Pair (Pair (Pair 3 "1.00") 4) 5))) 6)'
'(Pair (Pair 1 (Pair 2 (Pair (Pair (Pair 3 "1") 4) 5))) 6)'
# Did the given key sign the string? (key is bootstrap1)
# Did the given key sign the string? (key is bootstrap1)
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ \
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ \
@ -330,16 +330,16 @@ assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ \
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '"edpkuBknW28nW72KG6RoHtYW7p12T6GKc7nAbwYX5m8Wd9sDVC9yav"' '"tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx"'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '"edpkuBknW28nW72KG6RoHtYW7p12T6GKc7nAbwYX5m8Wd9sDVC9yav"' '"tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx"'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '"edpkuJqtDcA2m2muMxViSM47MPsGQzmyjnNTawUPqR8vZTAMcx61ES"' '"tz1XPTDmvT3vVE5Uunngmixm7gj7zmdbPq6k"'
assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '"edpkuJqtDcA2m2muMxViSM47MPsGQzmyjnNTawUPqR8vZTAMcx61ES"' '"tz1XPTDmvT3vVE5Uunngmixm7gj7zmdbPq6k"'
$client transfer 1000 from bootstrap1 to $key1
$client transfer 1,000 from bootstrap1 to $key1
$client transfer 2000 from bootstrap1 to $key2
$client transfer 2,000 from bootstrap1 to $key2
assert_balance $key1 "1,000.00 ꜩ"
assert_balance $key1 "1,000 ꜩ"
assert_balance $key2 "2,000.00 ꜩ"
assert_balance $key2 "2,000 ꜩ"
# Create a contract and transfer 100 ꜩ to it
# Create a contract and transfer 100 ꜩ to it
init_with_transfer $CONTRACT_PATH/ $key1 '""' 100 bootstrap1
init_with_transfer $CONTRACT_PATH/ $key1 '""' 100 bootstrap1
$client transfer 100 from bootstrap1 to store_input -arg '"abcdefg"'
$client transfer 100 from bootstrap1 to store_input -arg '"abcdefg"'
assert_balance store_input "200.00 ꜩ"
assert_balance store_input "200 ꜩ"
assert_storage_contains store_input '"abcdefg"'
assert_storage_contains store_input '"abcdefg"'
$client transfer 100 from bootstrap1 to store_input -arg '"xyz"'
$client transfer 100 from bootstrap1 to store_input -arg '"xyz"'
assert_storage_contains store_input '"xyz"'
assert_storage_contains store_input '"xyz"'
@ -375,35 +375,35 @@ assert_output $CONTRACT_PATH/ Unit '(Pair "1970-01-01T00:03:20
$client originate account "test_transfer_account1" for $key1 transferring 100 from bootstrap1
$client originate account "test_transfer_account1" for $key1 transferring 100 from bootstrap1
$client originate account "test_transfer_account2" for $key1 transferring 20 from bootstrap1
$client originate account "test_transfer_account2" for $key1 transferring 20 from bootstrap1
init_with_transfer $CONTRACT_PATH/ $key2 Unit 1000 bootstrap1
init_with_transfer $CONTRACT_PATH/ $key2 Unit 1,000 bootstrap1
assert_balance test_transfer_account1 "100.00 ꜩ"
assert_balance test_transfer_account1 "100 ꜩ"
$client transfer 100 from bootstrap1 to transfer_to \
$client transfer 100 from bootstrap1 to transfer_to \
-arg "\"$(get_contract_addr test_transfer_account1)\""
-arg "\"$(get_contract_addr test_transfer_account1)\""
assert_balance test_transfer_account1 "200.00 ꜩ" # Why isn't this 200 ꜩ? Baking fee?
assert_balance test_transfer_account1 "200 ꜩ" # Why isn't this 200 ꜩ? Baking fee?
$client transfer 100 from bootstrap1 to transfer_to \
$client transfer 100 from bootstrap1 to transfer_to \
-arg "\"$(get_contract_addr test_transfer_account2)\""
-arg "\"$(get_contract_addr test_transfer_account2)\""
assert_balance test_transfer_account2 "120.00 ꜩ" # Why isn't this 120 ꜩ? Baking fee?
assert_balance test_transfer_account2 "120 ꜩ" # Why isn't this 120 ꜩ? Baking fee?
# Tests create_account
# Tests create_account
init_with_transfer $CONTRACT_PATH/ $key2 \
init_with_transfer $CONTRACT_PATH/ $key2 \
"\"$(get_contract_addr test_transfer_account1)\"" 1000 bootstrap1
"\"$(get_contract_addr test_transfer_account1)\"" 1,000 bootstrap1
$client transfer 100 from bootstrap1 to create_account \
$client transfer 100 from bootstrap1 to create_account \
-arg '"tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx"' | assert_in_output "New contract"
-arg '"tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx"' | assert_in_output "New contract"
# Creates a contract, transfers data to it and stores the data
# Creates a contract, transfers data to it and stores the data
init_with_transfer $CONTRACT_PATH/ $key2 \
init_with_transfer $CONTRACT_PATH/ $key2 \
"\"$(get_contract_addr test_transfer_account1)\"" 1000 bootstrap1
"\"$(get_contract_addr test_transfer_account1)\"" 1,000 bootstrap1
$client transfer 0.00 from bootstrap1 to create_contract -arg '"tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx"'
$client transfer 0 from bootstrap1 to create_contract -arg '"tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx"'
assert_storage_contains create_contract '"abcdefg"'
assert_storage_contains create_contract '"abcdefg"'
init_with_transfer $CONTRACT_PATH/ $key1 \
init_with_transfer $CONTRACT_PATH/ $key1 \
Unit 1000 bootstrap1
Unit 1,000 bootstrap1
$client transfer 0.00 from bootstrap1 to default_account -arg "\"$BOOTSTRAP4_IDENTITY\""
$client transfer 0 from bootstrap1 to default_account -arg "\"$BOOTSTRAP4_IDENTITY\""
assert_balance $BOOTSTRAP4_IDENTITY "4,000,100.00 ꜩ"
assert_balance $BOOTSTRAP4_IDENTITY "4,000,100 ꜩ"
$client transfer 0.00 from bootstrap1 to default_account -arg "\"$account\""
$client transfer 0 from bootstrap1 to default_account -arg "\"$account\""
assert_balance $account "100.00 ꜩ"
assert_balance $account "100 ꜩ"
assert_fails $client typecheck data '(Map (Item 0 1) (Item 0 1))' against type '(map nat nat)'
assert_fails $client typecheck data '(Map (Item 0 1) (Item 0 1))' against type '(map nat nat)'
assert_fails $client typecheck data '(Map (Item 0 1) (Item 10 1) (Item 5 1))' against type '(map nat nat)'
assert_fails $client typecheck data '(Map (Item 0 1) (Item 10 1) (Item 5 1))' against type '(map nat nat)'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user