Shell/worker: export functor result signature

This commit is contained in:
Raphaël Proust 2018-10-10 14:05:37 +08:00 committed by Grégoire Henry
parent 8b8b355bd3
commit 129caccf4e
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 50D984F20BD445D2
2 changed files with 187 additions and 6 deletions

@ -57,12 +57,186 @@ module type TYPES = sig
val pp : Format.formatter -> view -> unit
module type T = sig
module Name: NAME
module Event: EVENT
module Request: REQUEST
module Types: TYPES
(** A handle to a specific worker, parameterized by the type of
internal message buffer. *)
type 'kind t
(** A handle to a table of workers. *)
type 'kind table
(** Internal buffer kinds used as parameters to {!t}. *)
type 'a queue and bounded and infinite
type dropbox
(** Supported kinds of internal buffers. *)
type _ buffer_kind =
| Queue : infinite queue buffer_kind
| Bounded : { size : int } -> bounded queue buffer_kind
| Dropbox :
{ merge : (dropbox t ->
any_request ->
any_request option ->
any_request option) }
-> dropbox buffer_kind
and any_request = Any_request : _ Request.t -> any_request
(** Create a table of workers. *)
val create_table : 'kind buffer_kind -> 'kind table
(** An error returned when trying to communicate with a worker that
has been closed. *)
type Error_monad.error += Closed of Name.t
(** The callback handlers specific to each worker instance. *)
module type HANDLERS = sig
(** Placeholder replaced with {!t} with the right parameters
provided by the type of buffer chosen at {!launch}.*)
type self
(** Builds the initial internal state of a worker at launch.
It is possible to initialize the message queue.
Of course calling {!state} will fail at that point. *)
val on_launch :
self -> Name.t -> Types.parameters -> Types.state Lwt.t
(** The main request processor, i.e. the body of the event loop. *)
val on_request :
self -> 'a Request.t -> 'a tzresult Lwt.t
(** Called when no request has been made before the timeout, if
the parameter has been passed to {!launch}. *)
val on_no_request :
self -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
(** A function called when terminating a worker. *)
val on_close :
self -> unit Lwt.t
(** A function called at the end of the worker loop in case of an
abnormal error. This function can handle the error by
returning [Ok ()], or leave the default unexpected error
behaviour by returning its parameter. A possibility is to
handle the error for ad-hoc logging, and still use
{!trigger_shutdown} to kill the worker. *)
val on_error :
self ->
Request.view ->
Worker_types.request_status ->
error list ->
unit tzresult Lwt.t
(** A function called at the end of the worker loop in case of a
successful treatment of the current request. *)
val on_completion :
self ->
'a Request.t -> 'a ->
Worker_types.request_status ->
unit Lwt.t
(** Creates a new worker instance.
Parameter [queue_size] not passed means unlimited queue. *)
val launch :
'kind table -> ?timeout:float ->
Worker_types.limits -> Name.t -> Types.parameters ->
(module HANDLERS with type self = 'kind t) ->
'kind t Lwt.t
(** Triggers a worker termination and waits for its completion.
Cannot be called from within the handlers. *)
val shutdown :
_ t -> unit Lwt.t
(** Adds a message to the queue and waits for its result.
Cannot be called from within the handlers. *)
val push_request_and_wait :
_ queue t -> 'a Request.t -> 'a tzresult Lwt.t
(** Adds a message to the queue. *)
val push_request :
_ queue t -> 'a Request.t -> unit Lwt.t
(** Adds a message to the queue immediately.
Returns [false] if the queue is full. *)
val try_push_request_now :
bounded queue t -> 'a Request.t -> bool
(** Adds a message to the queue immediately. *)
val push_request_now :
infinite queue t -> 'a Request.t -> unit
(** Sets the current request. *)
val drop_request :
dropbox t -> 'a Request.t -> unit
(** Detects cancelation from within the request handler to stop
asynchronous operations. *)
val protect :
_ t ->
?on_error: (error list -> 'b tzresult Lwt.t) ->
(unit -> 'b tzresult Lwt.t) ->
'b tzresult Lwt.t
(** Exports the canceler to allow cancelation of other tasks when this
worker is shutdowned or when it dies. *)
val canceler : _ t -> Lwt_canceler.t
(** Triggers a worker termination. *)
val trigger_shutdown : _ t -> unit
(** Recod an event in the backlog. *)
val record_event : _ t -> Event.t -> unit
(** Record an event and make sure it is logged. *)
val log_event : _ t -> Event.t -> unit Lwt.t
(** Access the internal state, once initialized. *)
val state : _ t -> Types.state
(** Access the event backlog. *)
val last_events : _ t -> (Logging.level * Event.t list) list
(** Introspect the message queue, gives the times requests were pushed. *)
val pending_requests : _ queue t -> (Time.t * Request.view) list
(** Get the running status of a worker. *)
val status : _ t -> Worker_types.worker_status
(** Get the request being treated by a worker.
Gives the time the request was pushed, and the time its
treatment started. *)
val current_request : _ t -> (Time.t * Time.t * Request.view) option
(** Introspect the state of a worker. *)
val view : _ t -> Types.view
(** Lists the running workers in this group.
After they are killed, workers are kept in the table
for a number of seconds given in the {!Worker_types.limits}. *)
val list : 'a table -> (Name.t * 'a t) list
module Make
(Name : NAME)
(Event : EVENT)
(Request : REQUEST)
(Types : TYPES) = struct
module Name = Name
module Event = Event
module Request = Request
module Types = Types
let base_name = String.concat "." Name.base
type message = Message: 'a Request.t * 'a tzresult Lwt.u option -> message

@ -122,11 +122,12 @@ end
At that point, all the types are fixed and introspectable,
but the actual parameters and event handlers can be tweaked
for each individual worker. *)
module Make
(Name : NAME)
(Event : EVENT)
(Request : REQUEST)
(Types : TYPES) : sig
module type T = sig
module Name: NAME
module Event: EVENT
module Request: REQUEST
module Types: TYPES
(** A handle to a specific worker, parameterized by the type of
internal message buffer. *)
@ -288,5 +289,11 @@ module Make
After they are killed, workers are kept in the table
for a number of seconds given in the {!Worker_types.limits}. *)
val list : 'a table -> (Name.t * 'a t) list
module Make (Name : NAME) (Event : EVENT) (Request : REQUEST) (Types : TYPES)
: T with module Name = Name
and module Event = Event
and module Request = Request
and module Types = Types