Data_encoding: crowbar tests
This work is based on ideas more fully developped in However, including some tests directly in this repo helps with CI integration as well as keeping the tests and interfaces up to date. Eventually, we should integrate the tests from the fuzz-data-encoding library.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,11 +2,13 @@
((names (test
((names (test
(libraries (tezos-stdlib
(libraries (tezos-stdlib
(flags (:standard -w -9-32 -safe-string
(flags (:standard -w -9-32 -safe-string
-open Tezos_stdlib
-open Tezos_stdlib
-open Tezos_data_encoding))))
-open Tezos_data_encoding))))
@ -14,13 +16,23 @@
((name buildtest)
((name buildtest)
(deps (test.exe
(deps (test.exe
((name runtest)
((name runtest_test)
(action (run ${exe:test.exe}))))
(action (run ${exe:test.exe}))))
((name runtest_test_generated)
(action (run ${exe:test_generated.exe}))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((alias runtest_test)
(alias runtest_test_generated)))))
((name run_bench)
((name run_bench)
(action (run ${exe:bench_data_encoding.exe}))))
(action (run ${exe:bench_data_encoding.exe}))))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(* NOTE: the current release of Crowbar, v0.1, is quite limited. Several
* improvements have been made to the dev version which will make it possible to
* simplify this file and increase coverage.
* For now, this is a limited test-suite. *)
let char = [Crowbar.uint8] Char.chr
let string = Crowbar.bytes
(* The v0.1 of Crowbar doesn't have fixed-size string generation. When we
* update Crowbar, we can improve this generator. *)
let short_string =
let open Crowbar in
choose [
const "";
map [char] (fun c -> String.make 1 c);
map [char; char; char; char] (fun c1 c2 c3 c4 ->
let s = Bytes.make 4 c1 in
Bytes.set s 1 c2;
Bytes.set s 2 c3;
Bytes.set s 3 c4;
Bytes.to_string s
let short_string1 =
let open Crowbar in
choose [
map [char] (fun c -> String.make 1 c);
map [char; char; char; char] (fun c1 c2 c3 c4 ->
let s = Bytes.make 4 c1 in
Bytes.set s 1 c2;
Bytes.set s 2 c3;
Bytes.set s 3 c4;
Bytes.to_string s
let mbytes = [Crowbar.bytes] MBytes.of_string
let short_mbytes = [short_string] MBytes.of_string
let short_mbytes1 = [short_string1] MBytes.of_string
(* We need to hide the type parameter of `Encoding.t` to avoid the generator
* combinator `choose` from complaining about different types. We use first
* level modules (for now) to encode existentials.
* An alternative is used in *)
module type TESTABLE = sig
type t
val v: t
val ding: t Data_encoding.t
val pp: t Crowbar.printer
type testable = (module TESTABLE)
let null : testable =
(module struct
type t = unit
let v = ()
let ding = Data_encoding.null
let pp ppf () = Crowbar.pp ppf "(null)"
let empty : testable =
(module struct
type t = unit
let v = ()
let ding = Data_encoding.empty
let pp ppf () = Crowbar.pp ppf "(empty)"
let unit : testable =
(module struct
type t = unit
let v = ()
let ding = Data_encoding.unit
let pp ppf () = Crowbar.pp ppf "(unit)"
let map_constant (s: string) : testable =
(module struct
type t = unit
let v = ()
let ding = Data_encoding.constant s
let pp ppf () = Crowbar.pp ppf "\"%s\"" s
let map_int8 (i: int) : testable =
(module struct
type t = int
let v = i
let ding = Data_encoding.int8
let pp = Crowbar.pp_int
let map_uint8 (i: int) : testable =
(module struct
type t = int
let v = i
let ding = Data_encoding.uint8
let pp = Crowbar.pp_int
let map_int16 (i: int) : testable =
(module struct
type t = int
let v = i
let ding = Data_encoding.int16
let pp = Crowbar.pp_int
let map_uint16 (i: int) : testable =
(module struct
type t = int
let v = i
let ding = Data_encoding.uint16
let pp = Crowbar.pp_int
let map_int32 (i: int32) : testable =
(module struct
type t = int32
let v = i
let ding = Data_encoding.int32
let pp = Crowbar.pp_int32
let map_int64 (i: int64) : testable =
(module struct
type t = int64
let v = i
let ding = Data_encoding.int64
let pp = Crowbar.pp_int64
let map_range_int a b c : testable =
let (small, middle, big) =
match List.sort compare [a; b; c] with
| [small; middle; big] ->
assert (small <= middle);
assert (middle <= big);
(small, middle, big)
| _ -> assert false
(module struct
type t = int
let v = middle
let ding = Data_encoding.ranged_int small big
let pp ppf i = Crowbar.pp ppf "(%d :[%d;%d])" i small big
let map_range_float a b c : testable =
if compare a nan = 0 || compare b nan = 0 || compare c nan = 0 then
(* copout *)
let (small, middle, big) =
match List.sort compare [a; b; c] with
| [small; middle; big] ->
assert (small <= middle);
assert (middle <= big);
(small, middle, big)
| _ -> assert false
(module struct
type t = float
let v = middle
let ding = Data_encoding.ranged_float small big
let pp ppf i = Crowbar.pp ppf "(%f :[%f;%f])" i small big
let map_bool b : testable =
(module struct
type t = bool
let v = b
let ding = Data_encoding.bool
let pp = Crowbar.pp_bool
let map_string s : testable =
(module struct
type t = string
let v = s
let ding = Data_encoding.string
let pp = Crowbar.pp_string
let map_bytes s : testable =
(module struct
type t = MBytes.t
let v = s
let ding = Data_encoding.bytes
let pp ppf m =
if MBytes.length m > 40 then
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>%a … (%d more bytes)@]"
MBytes.pp_hex (MBytes.sub m 1 30)
(MBytes.length m)
MBytes.pp_hex ppf m
let map_float f : testable =
(module struct
type t = float
let v = f
let ding = Data_encoding.float
let pp = Crowbar.pp_float
let map_fixed_string s : testable =
(module struct
type t = string
let v = s
let ding = Data_encoding.Fixed.string (String.length s)
let pp ppf s = Crowbar.pp ppf "\"%s\"" s
let map_fixed_bytes s : testable =
(module struct
type t = MBytes.t
let v = s
let ding = Data_encoding.Fixed.bytes (MBytes.length s)
let pp = MBytes.pp_hex
let map_variable_string s : testable =
(module struct
type t = string
let v = s
let ding = Data_encoding.Variable.string
let pp ppf s = Crowbar.pp ppf "\"%s\"" s
let map_variable_bytes s : testable =
(module struct
type t = MBytes.t
let v = s
let ding = Data_encoding.Variable.bytes
let pp = MBytes.pp_hex
(* And now combinators *)
let dyn_if_not ding =
match Data_encoding.classify ding with
| `Fixed _ | `Dynamic -> ding
| `Variable -> Data_encoding.dynamic_size ding
let map_some (t: testable) : testable =
let module T = (val t) in
(module struct
type t = T.t option
let v = Some T.v
let ding =
Data_encoding.option T.ding
| Invalid_argument _ ->
Crowbar.bad_test ()
let pp ppf o =
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>%a@]"
(fun fmt v -> match v with
| None -> Format.fprintf fmt "None"
| Some v -> Format.fprintf fmt "Some(%a)" T.pp v
) o
let map_none (t: testable) : testable =
let module T = (val t) in
(module struct
type t = T.t option
let v = None
let ding =
Data_encoding.option T.ding
| Invalid_argument _ ->
Crowbar.bad_test ()
let pp ppf o =
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>%a@]"
(fun fmt v -> match v with
| None -> Format.fprintf fmt "None"
| Some v -> Format.fprintf fmt "Some(%a)" T.pp v
) o
let map_ok (t_o: testable) (t_e: testable) : testable =
let module T_O = (val t_o) in
let module T_E = (val t_e) in
(module struct
type t = (T_O.t, T_E.t) result
let v = Ok T_O.v
let ding = Data_encoding.result T_O.ding T_E.ding
let pp ppf r =
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>%a@]"
(fun fmt r -> match r with
| Ok o -> Format.fprintf fmt "Ok(%a)" T_O.pp o
| Error e -> Format.fprintf fmt "Error(%a)" T_E.pp e
) r
let map_error (t_o: testable) (t_e: testable) : testable =
let module T_O = (val t_o) in
let module T_E = (val t_e) in
(module struct
type t = (T_O.t, T_E.t) result
let v = Error T_E.v
let ding = Data_encoding.result T_O.ding T_E.ding
let pp ppf r =
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>%a@]"
(fun fmt r -> match r with
| Ok o -> Format.fprintf fmt "Ok(%a)" T_O.pp o
| Error e -> Format.fprintf fmt "Error(%a)" T_E.pp e
) r
let map_variable_list (t: testable) (ts: testable list) : testable =
let module T = (val t) in
(module struct
type t = T.t list
let ding = Data_encoding.Variable.list (dyn_if_not T.ding)
let v =
List.fold_left (fun acc (t: testable) ->
let module T = (val t) in
(* We can get rid of this Obj when we update Crowbar *)
(Obj.magic T.v) :: acc
let pp = Crowbar.pp_list T.pp
let map_variable_array (t: testable) (ts: testable array) : testable =
let module T = (val t) in
(module struct
type t = T.t array
let ding = Data_encoding.Variable.array (dyn_if_not T.ding)
let v =
Array.of_list (
Array.fold_left (fun acc (t: testable) ->
let module T = (val t) in
(Obj.magic T.v) :: acc
let pp ppf a =
if Array.length a > 40 then
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>[|%a … (%d more elements)|]@]"
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf ";@ ")
(Array.to_list (Array.sub a 0 30))
(Array.length a)
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>[|%a|]@]"
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf ";@ ")
(Array.to_list a)
let map_dynamic_size (t: testable) : testable =
let module T = (val t) in
(module struct
include T
let ding = Data_encoding.dynamic_size T.ding
let map_tup1 (t1: testable) : testable =
let module T1 = (val t1) in
(module struct
include T1
let ding = Data_encoding.tup1 T1.ding
let pp ppf (v1) =
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>(%a)@]"
T1.pp v1
let map_tup2 (t1: testable) (t2: testable) : testable =
let module T1 = (val t1) in
let module T2 = (val t2) in
(module struct
type t = T1.t * T2.t
let ding = Data_encoding.tup2 (dyn_if_not T1.ding) T2.ding
let v = (T1.v, T2.v)
let pp ppf (v1, v2) =
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>(%a, %a)@]"
T1.pp v1
T2.pp v2
let map_tup3 (t1: testable) (t2: testable) (t3: testable) : testable =
let module T1 = (val t1) in
let module T2 = (val t2) in
let module T3 = (val t3) in
(module struct
type t = T1.t * T2.t * T3.t
let ding = Data_encoding.tup3 (dyn_if_not T1.ding) (dyn_if_not T2.ding) T3.ding
let v = (T1.v, T2.v, T3.v)
let pp ppf (v1, v2, v3) =
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>(%a, %a, %a)@]"
T1.pp v1
T2.pp v2
T3.pp v3
let map_tup4 (t1: testable) (t2: testable) (t3: testable) (t4: testable) : testable =
let module T1 = (val t1) in
let module T2 = (val t2) in
let module T3 = (val t3) in
let module T4 = (val t4) in
(module struct
type t = T1.t * T2.t * T3.t * T4.t
let ding = Data_encoding.tup4 (dyn_if_not T1.ding) (dyn_if_not T2.ding) (dyn_if_not T3.ding) T4.ding
let v = (T1.v, T2.v, T3.v, T4.v)
let pp ppf (v1, v2, v3, v4) =
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>(%a, %a, %a, %a)@]"
T1.pp v1
T2.pp v2
T3.pp v3
T4.pp v4
let map_tup5 (t1: testable) (t2: testable) (t3: testable) (t4: testable) (t5: testable) : testable =
let module T1 = (val t1) in
let module T2 = (val t2) in
let module T3 = (val t3) in
let module T4 = (val t4) in
let module T5 = (val t5) in
(module struct
type t = T1.t * T2.t * T3.t * T4.t * T5.t
let ding = Data_encoding.tup5 (dyn_if_not T1.ding) (dyn_if_not T2.ding) (dyn_if_not T3.ding) (dyn_if_not T4.ding) T5.ding
let v = (T1.v, T2.v, T3.v, T4.v, T5.v)
let pp ppf (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5) =
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>(%a, %a, %a, %a, %a)@]"
T1.pp v1
T2.pp v2
T3.pp v3
T4.pp v4
T5.pp v5
let map_tup6 (t1: testable) (t2: testable) (t3: testable) (t4: testable) (t5: testable) (t6: testable) : testable =
let module T1 = (val t1) in
let module T2 = (val t2) in
let module T3 = (val t3) in
let module T4 = (val t4) in
let module T5 = (val t5) in
let module T6 = (val t6) in
(module struct
type t = T1.t * T2.t * T3.t * T4.t * T5.t * T6.t
let ding = Data_encoding.tup6 (dyn_if_not T1.ding) (dyn_if_not T2.ding) (dyn_if_not T3.ding) (dyn_if_not T4.ding) (dyn_if_not T5.ding) T6.ding
let v = (T1.v, T2.v, T3.v, T4.v, T5.v, T6.v)
let pp ppf (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6) =
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>(%a, %a, %a, %a, %a, %a)@]"
T1.pp v1
T2.pp v2
T3.pp v3
T4.pp v4
T5.pp v5
T6.pp v6
let map_tup7 (t1: testable) (t2: testable) (t3: testable) (t4: testable) (t5: testable) (t6: testable) (t7: testable) : testable =
let module T1 = (val t1) in
let module T2 = (val t2) in
let module T3 = (val t3) in
let module T4 = (val t4) in
let module T5 = (val t5) in
let module T6 = (val t6) in
let module T7 = (val t7) in
(module struct
type t = T1.t * T2.t * T3.t * T4.t * T5.t * T6.t * T7.t
let ding = Data_encoding.tup7 (dyn_if_not T1.ding) (dyn_if_not T2.ding) (dyn_if_not T3.ding) (dyn_if_not T4.ding) (dyn_if_not T5.ding) (dyn_if_not T6.ding) T7.ding
let v = (T1.v, T2.v, T3.v, T4.v, T5.v, T6.v, T7.v)
let pp ppf (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7) =
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>(%a, %a, %a, %a, %a, %a, %a)@]"
T1.pp v1
T2.pp v2
T3.pp v3
T4.pp v4
T5.pp v5
T6.pp v6
T7.pp v7
let map_tup8 (t1: testable) (t2: testable) (t3: testable) (t4: testable) (t5: testable) (t6: testable) (t7: testable) (t8: testable) : testable =
let module T1 = (val t1) in
let module T2 = (val t2) in
let module T3 = (val t3) in
let module T4 = (val t4) in
let module T5 = (val t5) in
let module T6 = (val t6) in
let module T7 = (val t7) in
let module T8 = (val t8) in
(module struct
type t = T1.t * T2.t * T3.t * T4.t * T5.t * T6.t * T7.t * T8.t
let ding = Data_encoding.tup8 (dyn_if_not T1.ding) (dyn_if_not T2.ding) (dyn_if_not T3.ding) (dyn_if_not T4.ding) (dyn_if_not T5.ding) (dyn_if_not T6.ding) (dyn_if_not T7.ding) T8.ding
let v = (T1.v, T2.v, T3.v, T4.v, T5.v, T6.v, T7.v, T8.v)
let pp ppf (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8) =
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>(%a, %a, %a, %a, %a, %a, %a, %a)@]"
T1.pp v1
T2.pp v2
T3.pp v3
T4.pp v4
T5.pp v5
T6.pp v6
T7.pp v7
T8.pp v8
let map_tup9 (t1: testable) (t2: testable) (t3: testable) (t4: testable) (t5: testable) (t6: testable) (t7: testable) (t8: testable) (t9: testable) : testable =
let module T1 = (val t1) in
let module T2 = (val t2) in
let module T3 = (val t3) in
let module T4 = (val t4) in
let module T5 = (val t5) in
let module T6 = (val t6) in
let module T7 = (val t7) in
let module T8 = (val t8) in
let module T9 = (val t9) in
(module struct
type t = T1.t * T2.t * T3.t * T4.t * T5.t * T6.t * T7.t * T8.t * T9.t
let ding = Data_encoding.tup9 (dyn_if_not T1.ding) (dyn_if_not T2.ding) (dyn_if_not T3.ding) (dyn_if_not T4.ding) (dyn_if_not T5.ding) (dyn_if_not T6.ding) (dyn_if_not T7.ding) (dyn_if_not T8.ding) T9.ding
let v = (T1.v, T2.v, T3.v, T4.v, T5.v, T6.v, T7.v, T8.v, T9.v)
let pp ppf (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) =
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>(%a, %a, %a, %a, %a, %a, %a, %a, %a)@]"
T1.pp v1
T2.pp v2
T3.pp v3
T4.pp v4
T5.pp v5
T6.pp v6
T7.pp v7
T8.pp v8
T9.pp v9
let map_tup10 (t1: testable) (t2: testable) (t3: testable) (t4: testable) (t5: testable) (t6: testable) (t7: testable) (t8: testable) (t9: testable) (t10: testable) : testable =
let module T1 = (val t1) in
let module T2 = (val t2) in
let module T3 = (val t3) in
let module T4 = (val t4) in
let module T5 = (val t5) in
let module T6 = (val t6) in
let module T7 = (val t7) in
let module T8 = (val t8) in
let module T9 = (val t9) in
let module T10 = (val t10) in
(module struct
type t = T1.t * T2.t * T3.t * T4.t * T5.t * T6.t * T7.t * T8.t * T9.t * T10.t
let ding = Data_encoding.tup10 (dyn_if_not T1.ding) (dyn_if_not T2.ding) (dyn_if_not T3.ding) (dyn_if_not T4.ding) (dyn_if_not T5.ding) (dyn_if_not T6.ding) (dyn_if_not T7.ding) (dyn_if_not T8.ding) (dyn_if_not T9.ding) T10.ding
let v = (T1.v, T2.v, T3.v, T4.v, T5.v, T6.v, T7.v, T8.v, T9.v, T10.v)
let pp ppf (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10) =
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>(%a, %a, %a, %a, %a, %a, %a, %a, %a, %a)@]"
T1.pp v1
T2.pp v2
T3.pp v3
T4.pp v4
T5.pp v5
T6.pp v6
T7.pp v7
T8.pp v8
T9.pp v9
T10.pp v10
let map_merge_tups (t1: testable) (t2: testable): testable =
let module T1 = (val t1) in
let module T2 = (val t2) in
(module struct
type t = T1.t * T2.t
let ding = Data_encoding.merge_tups (dyn_if_not T1.ding) (dyn_if_not T2.ding)
let v = (T1.v, T2.v)
let pp ppf (v1, v2) =
Crowbar.pp ppf "@[<hv 1>(%a, %a)@]"
T1.pp v1
T2.pp v2
let testable_printer: testable Crowbar.printer = fun ppf (t: testable) ->
let module T = (val t) in
T.pp ppf T.v
(* helpers to construct values tester values *)
(* Generator for testable values *)
let tup_gen (tgen: testable Crowbar.gen): testable Crowbar.gen =
let open Crowbar in
(* Stack overflow if there are more levels *)
with_printer testable_printer @@
choose [
map [tgen] map_tup1;
map [tgen; tgen] map_tup2;
map [tgen; tgen; tgen] map_tup3;
map [tgen; tgen; tgen; tgen] map_tup4;
map [tgen; tgen; tgen; tgen; tgen] map_tup5;
map [tgen; tgen; tgen; tgen; tgen; tgen] map_tup6;
let gen =
let open Crowbar in
let g: testable Crowbar.gen = fix (fun g ->
choose [
const null;
const empty;
const unit;
map [short_string] map_constant;
map [int8] map_int8;
map [uint8] map_uint8;
(* TODO: use newer version of crowbar to get these generators
map [int16] map_int16;
map [uint16] map_uint16;
map [int32] map_int32;
map [int64] map_int64;
(* NOTE: the int encoding require ranges to be 30-bit compatible *)
map [int8; int8; int8] map_range_int;
map [float; float; float] map_range_float;
map [bool] map_bool;
map [short_string] map_string;
map [short_mbytes] map_bytes;
map [float] map_float;
map [short_string1] map_fixed_string;
map [short_mbytes1] map_fixed_bytes;
map [short_string] map_variable_string;
map [short_mbytes] map_variable_bytes;
map [g] map_some;
map [g] map_none;
map [g] map_dynamic_size;
map [g] map_tup1;
map [g; g] map_tup2;
map [g; g; g] map_tup3;
map [g; g; g; g] map_tup4;
map [g; g; g; g; g] map_tup5;
map [g; g; g; g; g; g] map_tup6;
map [g; g] (fun t1 t2 -> map_merge_tups (map_tup1 t1) (map_tup1 t2));
map [g; g; g] (fun t1 t2 t3 -> map_merge_tups (map_tup2 t1 t2) (map_tup1 t3));
map [g; g; g] (fun t1 t2 t3 -> map_merge_tups (map_tup1 t1) (map_tup2 t2 t3));
(* NOTE: we cannot use lists/arrays for now. They require the
data-inside to be homogeneous (e.g., same rangedness of ranged
numbers) which we cannot guarantee right now. This can be fixed once
we update Crowbar and get access to the new `dynamic_bind` generator
map [g; list g] map_variable_list;
map [g; list g] (fun t ts -> map_variable_array t (Array.of_list ts));
with_printer testable_printer g
(* TODO: The following features are not yet tested
val string_enum : (string * 'a) list -> 'a encoding
val delayed : (unit -> 'a encoding) -> 'a encoding
val json : json encoding
val json_schema : json_schema encoding
type 'a field
val req :
?title:string -> ?description:string ->
string -> 't encoding -> 't field
val opt :
?title:string -> ?description:string ->
string -> 't encoding -> 't option field
val varopt :
?title:string -> ?description:string ->
string -> 't encoding -> 't option field
val dft :
?title:string -> ?description:string ->
string -> 't encoding -> 't -> 't field
val obj1 : 'f1 field -> 'f1 encoding
val obj2 : 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> ('f1 * 'f2) encoding
val obj3 : 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3) encoding
val obj4 :
val obj5 :
val obj6 :
val obj7 :
val obj8 :
val obj9 :
val obj10 :
val merge_objs : 'o1 encoding -> 'o2 encoding -> ('o1 * 'o2) encoding
val array : 'a encoding -> 'a array encoding
val list : 'a encoding -> 'a list encoding
val assoc : 'a encoding -> (string * 'a) list encoding
type 't case
type case_tag = Tag of int | Json_only
val case : case_tag -> 'a encoding -> ('t -> 'a option) -> ('a -> 't) -> 't case
val union : ?tag_size:[ `Uint8 | `Uint16 ] -> 't case list -> 't encoding
(* Basic functions for executing tests on a given input *)
let roundtrip_json pp ding v =
let json =
Data_encoding.Json.construct ding v
Invalid_argument m ->
| (Format.asprintf "Cannot construct: %a (%s)" pp v m)
let vv =
Data_encoding.Json.destruct ding json
Data_encoding.Json.Cannot_destruct (_, _) ->
| "Cannot destruct"
Crowbar.check_eq ~pp v vv
let roundtrip_binary pp ding v =
let bin =
Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn ding v
| Data_encoding.Binary.Write_error we ->
"Cannot construct: %a (%a)"
pp v
Data_encoding.Binary.pp_write_error we
let vv =
Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes_exn ding bin
| Data_encoding.Binary.Read_error re ->
"Cannot destruct: %a (%a)"
pp v
Data_encoding.Binary.pp_read_error re
Crowbar.check_eq ~pp v vv
(* Setting up the actual tests *)
let test_testable_json (testable: testable) =
let module T = (val testable) in
roundtrip_json T.pp T.ding T.v
let test_testable_binary (testable: testable) =
let module T = (val testable) in
roundtrip_binary T.pp T.ding T.v
let () =
Crowbar.add_test ~name:("binary roundtrips") [gen] test_testable_binary;
Crowbar.add_test ~name:("json roundtrips") [gen] test_testable_json;
Reference in New Issue
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