Merge branch 'feature/Varbatim_string' into 'dev'
Add Verbatim string in the compiler See merge request ligolang/ligo!592
This commit is contained in:
@ -184,21 +184,22 @@ and field_decl = {
and type_tuple = (type_expr, comma) nsepseq par reg
and pattern =
PConstr of constr_pattern
| PUnit of the_unit reg
| PFalse of kwd_false
| PTrue of kwd_true
| PVar of variable
| PInt of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
| PNat of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
| PBytes of (Lexer.lexeme * Hex.t) reg
| PString of string reg
| PWild of wild
| PList of list_pattern
| PTuple of (pattern, comma) nsepseq reg
| PPar of pattern par reg
| PRecord of field_pattern reg ne_injection reg
| PTyped of typed_pattern reg
PConstr of constr_pattern
| PUnit of the_unit reg
| PFalse of kwd_false
| PTrue of kwd_true
| PVar of variable
| PInt of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
| PNat of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
| PBytes of (Lexer.lexeme * Hex.t) reg
| PString of string reg
| PVerbatim of string reg
| PWild of wild
| PList of list_pattern
| PTuple of (pattern, comma) nsepseq reg
| PPar of pattern par reg
| PRecord of field_pattern reg ne_injection reg
| PTyped of typed_pattern reg
and constr_pattern =
PNone of c_None
@ -266,8 +267,9 @@ and list_expr =
(*| Append of (expr * append * expr) reg*)
and string_expr =
Cat of cat bin_op reg
| String of string reg
Cat of cat bin_op reg
| String of string reg
| Verbatim of string reg
and constr_expr =
ENone of c_None
@ -425,8 +427,8 @@ let pattern_to_region = function
| PTrue region | PFalse region
| PTuple {region;_} | PVar {region;_}
| PInt {region;_}
| PString {region;_} | PWild region
| PPar {region;_}
| PString {region;_} | PVerbatim {region;_}
| PWild region | PPar {region;_}
| PRecord {region; _} | PTyped {region; _}
| PNat {region; _} | PBytes {region; _}
-> region
@ -452,7 +454,7 @@ let arith_expr_to_region = function
| Nat {region; _} -> region
let string_expr_to_region = function
String {region;_} | Cat {region;_} -> region
Verbatim {region;_} | String {region;_} | Cat {region;_} -> region
let list_expr_to_region = function
ECons {region; _} | EListComp {region; _}
@ -78,14 +78,15 @@ type t =
(* Identifiers, labels, numbers and strings *)
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Verbatim of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
(* Keywords *)
@ -142,17 +143,18 @@ type sym_err = Invalid_symbol
type attr_err = Invalid_attribute
type kwd_err = Invalid_keyword
val mk_int : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_nat : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, nat_err) result
val mk_mutez : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_ident : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, ident_err) result
val mk_sym : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, sym_err) result
val mk_kwd : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, kwd_err) result
val mk_string : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val eof : Region.t -> token
val mk_int : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_nat : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, nat_err) result
val mk_mutez : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_ident : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, ident_err) result
val mk_sym : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, sym_err) result
val mk_kwd : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, kwd_err) result
val mk_string : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_verbatim : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val eof : Region.t -> token
(* Predicates *)
@ -62,14 +62,15 @@ type t =
(* Identifiers, labels, numbers and strings *)
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Verbatim of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
(* Keywords *)
@ -111,7 +112,9 @@ let proj_token = function
(* Literals *)
String Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Str %s" value
region, sprintf "String %s" value
| Verbatim Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Verbatim {|%s|}" value
| Bytes Region.{region; value = s,b} ->
sprintf "Bytes (\"%s\", \"0x%s\")" s ( b)
@ -193,6 +196,7 @@ let to_lexeme = function
(* Literals *)
String s -> String.escaped s.Region.value
| Verbatim v -> String.escaped v.Region.value
| Bytes b -> fst b.Region.value
| Int i
| Nat i
@ -405,6 +409,9 @@ and scan_constr region lexicon = parse
let mk_string lexeme region =
String Region.{region; value=lexeme}
let mk_verbatim lexeme region =
Verbatim Region.{region; value=lexeme}
let mk_bytes lexeme region =
let norm = Str.(global_replace (regexp "_") "" lexeme) in
let value = lexeme, `Hex norm
@ -5,14 +5,15 @@
(* Literals *)
%token <string Region.reg> String "<string>"
%token <(LexToken.lexeme * Hex.t) Region.reg> Bytes "<bytes>"
%token <(string * Z.t) Region.reg> Int "<int>"
%token <(string * Z.t) Region.reg> Nat "<nat>"
%token <(string * Z.t) Region.reg> Mutez "<mutez>"
%token <string Region.reg> Ident "<ident>"
%token <string Region.reg> Constr "<constr>"
%token <string Region.reg> Attr "<attr>"
%token <string Region.reg> String "<string>"
%token <string Region.reg> Verbatim "<verbatim>"
%token <(LexToken.lexeme * Hex.t) Region.reg> Bytes "<bytes>"
%token <(string * Z.t) Region.reg> Int "<int>"
%token <(string * Z.t) Region.reg> Nat "<nat>"
%token <(string * Z.t) Region.reg> Mutez "<mutez>"
%token <string Region.reg> Ident "<ident>"
%token <string Region.reg> Constr "<constr>"
%token <string Region.reg> Attr "<attr>"
(* Symbols *)
@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ core_pattern:
| "<nat>" { PNat $1 }
| "<bytes>" { PBytes $1 }
| "<string>" { PString $1 }
| "<verbatim>" { PVerbatim $1 }
| unit { PUnit $1 }
| "false" { PFalse $1 }
| "true" { PTrue $1 }
@ -585,6 +586,7 @@ core_expr:
| "<ident>" | module_field { EVar $1 }
| projection { EProj $1 }
| "<string>" { EString (String $1) }
| "<verbatim>" { EString (Verbatim $1) }
| unit { EUnit $1 }
| "false" { ELogic (BoolExpr (False $1)) }
| "true" { ELogic (BoolExpr (True $1)) }
@ -97,7 +97,13 @@ let print_uident state {region; value} =
let print_string state {region; value} =
let line =
sprintf "%s: String %s\n"
sprintf "%s: String %S\n"
(compact state region) value
in Buffer.add_string state#buffer line
let print_verbatim state {region; value} =
let line =
sprintf "%s: Verbatim {|%s|}\n"
(compact state region) value
in Buffer.add_string state#buffer line
@ -280,6 +286,7 @@ and print_pattern state = function
| PNat i -> print_nat state i
| PBytes b -> print_bytes state b
| PString s -> print_string state s
| PVerbatim v -> print_verbatim state v
| PWild wild -> print_token state wild "_"
| PPar {value={lpar;inside=p;rpar}; _} ->
print_token state lpar "(";
@ -459,6 +466,8 @@ and print_string_expr state = function
print_expr state arg2
| String s ->
print_string state s
| Verbatim v ->
print_verbatim state v
and print_logic_expr state = function
BoolExpr e -> print_bool_expr state e
@ -693,6 +702,9 @@ and pp_pattern state = function
| PString s ->
pp_node state "PString";
pp_string (state#pad 1 0) s
| PVerbatim v ->
pp_node state "PVerbatim";
pp_string (state#pad 1 0) v
| PUnit {region; _} ->
pp_loc_node state "PUnit" region
| PFalse region ->
@ -992,6 +1004,9 @@ and pp_string_expr state = function
| String s ->
pp_node state "String";
pp_string (state#pad 1 0) s
| Verbatim v ->
pp_node state "Verbatim";
pp_string (state#pad 1 0) v
and pp_arith_expr state = function
Add {value; region} ->
@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ let rec vars_of_pattern env = function
PConstr p -> vars_of_pconstr env p
| PUnit _ | PFalse _ | PTrue _
| PInt _ | PNat _ | PBytes _
| PString _ | PWild _ -> env
| PString _ | PVerbatim _
| PWild _ -> env
| PVar var ->
if VarSet.mem var env then
raise (Error (Non_linear_pattern var))
@ -555,8 +555,9 @@ and arith_expr =
| Mutez of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
and string_expr =
Cat of cat bin_op reg
| String of Lexer.lexeme reg
Cat of cat bin_op reg
| String of Lexer.lexeme reg
| Verbatim of Lexer.lexeme reg
and list_expr =
ECons of cons bin_op reg
@ -726,8 +727,9 @@ and arith_expr_to_region = function
| Mutez {region; _} -> region
and string_expr_to_region = function
Cat {region; _}
| String {region; _} -> region
Cat {region; _}
| String {region; _}
| Verbatim {region; _} -> region
and annot_expr_to_region {region; _} = region
@ -36,13 +36,14 @@ type attribute = {
type t =
(* Literals *)
String of lexeme Region.reg
| Bytes of (lexeme * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Int of (lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg
| Ident of lexeme Region.reg
| Constr of lexeme Region.reg
String of lexeme Region.reg
| Verbatim of lexeme Region.reg
| Bytes of (lexeme * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Int of (lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg
| Ident of lexeme Region.reg
| Constr of lexeme Region.reg
(* Symbols *)
@ -149,17 +150,18 @@ type sym_err = Invalid_symbol
type attr_err = Invalid_attribute
type kwd_err = Invalid_keyword
val mk_int : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_nat : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, nat_err) result
val mk_mutez : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_ident : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, ident_err) result
val mk_sym : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, sym_err) result
val mk_kwd : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, kwd_err) result
val mk_string : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val eof : Region.t -> token
val mk_int : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_nat : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, nat_err) result
val mk_mutez : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_ident : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, ident_err) result
val mk_sym : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, sym_err) result
val mk_kwd : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, kwd_err) result
val mk_string : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_verbatim : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val eof : Region.t -> token
(* Predicates *)
@ -24,13 +24,14 @@ type attribute = {
type t =
(* Literals *)
String of lexeme Region.reg
| Bytes of (lexeme * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Int of (lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg
| Ident of lexeme Region.reg
| Constr of lexeme Region.reg
String of lexeme Region.reg
| Verbatim of lexeme Region.reg
| Bytes of (lexeme * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Int of (lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg
| Ident of lexeme Region.reg
| Constr of lexeme Region.reg
(* Symbols *)
@ -121,7 +122,11 @@ let proj_token = function
(* Literals *)
String Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "String %s" value
region, sprintf "String %S" value
| Verbatim Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Verbatim {|%s|}" value
| Bytes Region.{region; value = s,b} ->
sprintf "Bytes (\"%s\", \"0x%s\")" s ( b)
@ -221,6 +226,7 @@ let to_lexeme = function
(* Literals *)
String s -> String.escaped s.Region.value
| Verbatim v -> String.escaped v.Region.value
| Bytes b -> fst b.Region.value
| Int i
| Nat i
@ -442,6 +448,8 @@ and scan_constr region lexicon = parse
let mk_string lexeme region = String Region.{region; value=lexeme}
let mk_verbatim lexeme region = Verbatim Region.{region; value=lexeme}
let mk_bytes lexeme region =
let norm = Str.(global_replace (regexp "_") "" lexeme) in
let value = lexeme, `Hex norm
@ -5,13 +5,14 @@
(* Literals *)
%token <LexToken.lexeme Region.reg> String "<string>"
%token <(LexToken.lexeme * Hex.t) Region.reg> Bytes "<bytes>"
%token <(LexToken.lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg> Int "<int>"
%token <(LexToken.lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg> Nat "<nat>"
%token <(LexToken.lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg> Mutez "<mutez>"
%token <LexToken.lexeme Region.reg> Ident "<ident>"
%token <LexToken.lexeme Region.reg> Constr "<constr>"
%token <LexToken.lexeme Region.reg> String "<string>"
%token <LexToken.lexeme Region.reg> Verbatim "<verbatim>"
%token <(LexToken.lexeme * Hex.t) Region.reg> Bytes "<bytes>"
%token <(LexToken.lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg> Int "<int>"
%token <(LexToken.lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg> Nat "<nat>"
%token <(LexToken.lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg> Mutez "<mutez>"
%token <LexToken.lexeme Region.reg> Ident "<ident>"
%token <LexToken.lexeme Region.reg> Constr "<constr>"
(* Symbols *)
@ -849,6 +849,7 @@ core_expr:
| "<mutez>" { EArith (Mutez $1) }
| "<ident>" | module_field { EVar $1 }
| "<string>" { EString (String $1) }
| "<verbatim>" { EString (Verbatim $1) }
| "<bytes>" { EBytes $1 }
| "False" { ELogic (BoolExpr (False $1)) }
| "True" { ELogic (BoolExpr (True $1)) }
@ -592,6 +592,8 @@ and print_string_expr state = function
print_expr state arg2
| String s ->
print_string state s
| Verbatim v ->
print_string state v
and print_list_expr state = function
ECons {value = {arg1; op; arg2}; _} ->
@ -1572,6 +1574,9 @@ and pp_string_expr state = function
| String s ->
pp_node state "String";
pp_string (state#pad 1 0) s
| Verbatim v ->
pp_node state "Verbatim";
pp_string (state#pad 1 0) v
and pp_annotated state (expr, t_expr) =
pp_expr (state#pad 2 0) expr;
@ -81,14 +81,15 @@ type t =
(* Identifiers, labels, numbers and strings *)
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Verbatim of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
(* Keywords *)
@ -141,17 +142,18 @@ type sym_err = Invalid_symbol
type attr_err = Invalid_attribute
type kwd_err = Invalid_keyword
val mk_int : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_nat : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, nat_err) result
val mk_mutez : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_ident : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, ident_err) result
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val mk_sym : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, sym_err) result
val mk_kwd : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, kwd_err) result
val mk_string : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val eof : Region.t -> token
val mk_int : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_nat : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, nat_err) result
val mk_mutez : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_ident : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, ident_err) result
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val mk_sym : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, sym_err) result
val mk_kwd : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, kwd_err) result
val mk_string : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_verbatim : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val eof : Region.t -> token
(* Predicates *)
@ -67,14 +67,15 @@ type t =
(* Identifiers, labels, numbers and strings *)
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Verbatim of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
(* Keywords *)
@ -108,6 +109,8 @@ let proj_token = function
String Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "String %s" value
| Verbatim Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Verbatim {|%s|}" value
| Bytes Region.{region; value = s,b} ->
sprintf "Bytes (\"%s\", \"0x%s\")" s ( b)
@ -172,6 +175,7 @@ let to_lexeme = function
(* Literals *)
String s -> s.Region.value
| Verbatim v -> String.escaped v.Region.value
| Bytes b -> fst b.Region.value
| Int i
| Nat i
@ -385,6 +389,8 @@ let line_comment_start lexeme = lexeme = "//"
let mk_string lexeme region = String Region.{region; value=lexeme}
let mk_verbatim lexeme region = Verbatim Region.{region; value=lexeme}
let mk_bytes lexeme region =
let norm = Str.(global_replace (regexp "_") "" lexeme) in
let value = lexeme, `Hex norm
@ -5,14 +5,15 @@
(* Literals *)
%token <string Region.reg> String "<string>"
%token <(LexToken.lexeme * Hex.t) Region.reg> Bytes "<bytes>"
%token <(string * Z.t) Region.reg> Int "<int>"
%token <(string * Z.t) Region.reg> Nat "<nat>"
%token <(string * Z.t) Region.reg> Mutez "<mutez>"
%token <string Region.reg> Ident "<ident>"
%token <string Region.reg> Constr "<constr>"
%token <string Region.reg> Attr "<attr>"
%token <string Region.reg> String "<string>"
%token <string Region.reg> Verbatim "<verbatim>"
%token <(LexToken.lexeme * Hex.t) Region.reg> Bytes "<bytes>"
%token <(string * Z.t) Region.reg> Int "<int>"
%token <(string * Z.t) Region.reg> Nat "<nat>"
%token <(string * Z.t) Region.reg> Mutez "<mutez>"
%token <string Region.reg> Ident "<ident>"
%token <string Region.reg> Constr "<constr>"
%token <string Region.reg> Attr "<attr>"
(* Symbols *)
@ -357,19 +357,20 @@ sub_pattern:
| core_pattern { $1 }
"<ident>" { PVar $1 }
| "_" { PWild $1 }
| unit { PUnit $1 }
| "<int>" { PInt $1 }
| "<nat>" { PNat $1 }
| "<bytes>" { PBytes $1 }
| "true" { PTrue $1 }
| "false" { PFalse $1 }
| "<string>" { PString $1 }
| par(ptuple) { PPar $1 }
"<ident>" { PVar $1 }
| "_" { PWild $1 }
| unit { PUnit $1 }
| "<int>" { PInt $1 }
| "<nat>" { PNat $1 }
| "<bytes>" { PBytes $1 }
| "true" { PTrue $1 }
| "false" { PFalse $1 }
| "<string>" { PString $1 }
| "<verbatim>" { PVerbatim $1 }
| par(ptuple) { PPar $1 }
| list__(sub_pattern) { PList (PListComp $1) }
| constr_pattern { PConstr $1 }
| record_pattern { PRecord $1 }
| constr_pattern { PConstr $1 }
| record_pattern { PRecord $1 }
"{" sep_or_term_list(field_pattern,",") "}" {
@ -802,6 +803,7 @@ common_expr:
| "_" { EVar {value = "_"; region = $1} }
| update_record { EUpdate $1 }
| "<string>" { EString (String $1) }
| "<verbatim>" { EString (Verbatim $1) }
| unit { EUnit $1 }
| "false" { ELogic (BoolExpr (False $1)) }
| "true" { ELogic (BoolExpr (True $1)) }
@ -69,16 +69,17 @@ module type TOKEN =
(* Injections *)
val mk_int : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_nat : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, nat_err) result
val mk_mutez : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_ident : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, ident_err) result
val mk_sym : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, sym_err) result
val mk_string : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val eof : Region.t -> token
val mk_int : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_nat : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, nat_err) result
val mk_mutez : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_ident : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, ident_err) result
val mk_sym : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, sym_err) result
val mk_string : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_verbatim : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val eof : Region.t -> token
(* Predicates *)
@ -33,16 +33,17 @@ module type TOKEN =
(* Injections *)
val mk_int : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_nat : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, nat_err) result
val mk_mutez : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_ident : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, ident_err) result
val mk_sym : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, sym_err) result
val mk_string : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val eof : Region.t -> token
val mk_int : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_nat : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, nat_err) result
val mk_mutez : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_ident : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, ident_err) result
val mk_sym : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, sym_err) result
val mk_string : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_verbatim : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val eof : Region.t -> token
(* Predicates *)
@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ module Make (Token : TOKEN) : (S with module Token = Token) =
| Unexpected_character of char
| Undefined_escape_sequence
| Unterminated_string
| Unterminated_verbatim
| Unterminated_comment of string
| Non_canonical_zero
| Broken_string
@ -133,6 +135,9 @@ module Make (Token : TOKEN) : (S with module Token = Token) =
| Unterminated_string ->
"Unterminated string.\n\
Hint: Close with double quotes."
| Unterminated_verbatim ->
"Unterminated verbatim.\n\
Hint: Close with \"|}\"."
| Unterminated_comment ending ->
sprintf "Unterminated comment.\n\
Hint: Close with \"%s\"." ending
@ -179,6 +184,14 @@ module Make (Token : TOKEN) : (S with module Token = Token) =
let token = Token.mk_string lexeme region
in state#enqueue token
let mk_verbatim (thread, state) =
let start = thread#opening#start in
let stop = state#pos in
let region = Region.make ~start ~stop in
let lexeme = thread#to_string in
let token = Token.mk_verbatim lexeme region
in state#enqueue token
let mk_bytes bytes state buffer =
let region, _, state = state#sync buffer in
let token = Token.mk_bytes bytes region
@ -414,10 +427,14 @@ and scan state = parse
(* String *)
| '"' { let opening, lexeme, state = state#sync lexbuf in
let thread = LexerLib.mk_thread opening lexeme in
| '"' { let opening, _, state = state#sync lexbuf in
let thread = LexerLib.mk_thread opening "" in
scan_string thread state lexbuf |> mk_string }
| "{|" { let opening, _, state = state#sync lexbuf in
let thread = LexerLib.mk_thread opening "" in
scan_verbatim thread state lexbuf |> mk_verbatim }
(* Comments *)
| block_comment_openings {
@ -484,7 +501,7 @@ and scan_string thread state = parse
{ let region, _, _ = state#sync lexbuf
in fail region Invalid_character_in_string }
| '"' { let _, _, state = state#sync lexbuf
in thread#push_char '"', state }
in thread, state }
| esc { let _, lexeme, state = state#sync lexbuf in
let thread = thread#push_string lexeme
in scan_string thread state lexbuf }
@ -493,6 +510,13 @@ and scan_string thread state = parse
| _ as c { let _, _, state = state#sync lexbuf in
scan_string (thread#push_char c) state lexbuf }
and scan_verbatim thread state = parse
| eof { fail thread#opening Unterminated_verbatim}
| "|}" { let _, _, state = state#sync lexbuf
in thread, state }
| _ as c { let _, _, state = state#sync lexbuf in
scan_verbatim (thread#push_char c) state lexbuf }
(* Finishing a block comment
(For Emacs: ("(*") The lexing of block comments must take care of
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ and eval_literal : Ast_typed.literal -> value result = function
| Literal_int i -> ok @@ V_Ct (C_int i)
| Literal_nat n -> ok @@ V_Ct (C_nat n)
| Literal_timestamp i -> ok @@ V_Ct (C_timestamp i)
| Literal_string s -> ok @@ V_Ct (C_string s)
| Literal_string s -> ok @@ V_Ct (C_string (Ligo_string.extract s))
| Literal_bytes s -> ok @@ V_Ct (C_bytes s)
| Literal_mutez t -> ok @@ V_Ct (C_mutez t)
| Literal_address s -> ok @@ V_Ct (C_address s)
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ let rec transpile_literal : AST.literal -> value = fun l -> match l with
| Literal_timestamp n -> D_timestamp n
| Literal_mutez n -> D_mutez n
| Literal_bytes s -> D_bytes s
| Literal_string s -> D_string s
| Literal_string s -> D_string (Ligo_string.extract s)
| Literal_address s -> D_string s
| Literal_signature s -> D_string s
| Literal_key s -> D_string s
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ let rec untranspile (v : value) (t : AST.type_expression) : AST.expression resul
let%bind n =
trace_strong (wrong_mini_c_value "string" v) @@
get_string v in
let n = Ligo_string.Standard n in
return (E_literal (Literal_string n))
| TC_bytes -> (
@ -246,6 +247,7 @@ let rec untranspile (v : value) (t : AST.type_expression) : AST.expression resul
let%bind n =
trace_strong (wrong_mini_c_value "lambda as string" v) @@
get_string v in
let n = Ligo_string.Standard n in
return (E_literal (Literal_string n))
| T_variable _ ->
fail @@ corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "trying to untranspile at variable type"
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ open Operators.Concrete_to_imperative.Cameligo
let r_split = Location.r_split
let get_t_string_singleton_opt = function
| Raw.TStringLiteral s -> Some (String.(sub s.value 1 ((length s.value)-2)))
| Raw.TStringLiteral s -> Some s.value
| _ -> None
let rec pattern_to_var : Raw.pattern -> _ = fun p ->
@ -583,11 +583,11 @@ let rec compile_expression :
| EArith (Neg e) -> compile_unop "NEG" e
| EString (String s) -> (
let (s , loc) = r_split s in
let s' =
let s = s in
String.(sub s 1 ((length s) - 2))
return @@ e_literal ~loc (Literal_string s')
return @@ e_literal ~loc (Literal_string (Standard s))
| EString (Verbatim v) -> (
let (v , loc) = r_split v in
return @@ e_literal ~loc (Literal_string (Verbatim v))
| EString (Cat c) ->
let (c, loc) = r_split c in
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ let return_statement expr = ok @@ fun expr'_opt ->
| Some expr' -> ok @@ e_sequence expr expr'
let get_t_string_singleton_opt = function
| Raw.TStringLiteral s -> Some (String.(sub s.value 1 ((length s.value)-2)))
| Raw.TStringLiteral s -> Some s.value
| _ -> None
@ -384,11 +384,10 @@ let rec compile_expression (t:Raw.expr) : expr result =
| EArith (Neg e) -> compile_unop "NEG" e
| EString (String s) ->
let (s , loc) = r_split s in
let s' =
(* S contains quotes *)
String.(sub s 1 (length s - 2))
return @@ e_literal ~loc (Literal_string s')
return @@ e_literal ~loc (Literal_string (Standard s))
| EString (Verbatim v) ->
let (v , loc) = r_split v in
return @@ e_literal ~loc (Literal_string (Verbatim v))
| EString (Cat bo) ->
let (bo , loc) = r_split bo in
let%bind sl = compile_expression bo.arg1 in
@ -17,21 +17,23 @@ let peephole_expression : expression -> expression result = fun e ->
match e.expression_content with
| E_ascription {anno_expr=e'; type_annotation=t} as e -> (
match (e'.expression_content , t.type_content) with
| (E_literal (Literal_string s) , T_constant (TC_key_hash)) -> return @@ E_literal (Literal_key_hash s)
| (E_literal (Literal_string s) , T_constant (TC_signature)) -> return @@ E_literal (Literal_signature s)
| (E_literal (Literal_string s) , T_constant (TC_key)) -> return @@ E_literal (Literal_key s)
| (E_literal (Literal_int i) , T_constant (TC_timestamp)) -> return @@ E_literal (Literal_timestamp i)
| (E_literal (Literal_string s) , T_constant (TC_key_hash)) -> return @@ E_literal (Literal_key_hash (Ligo_string.extract s))
| (E_literal (Literal_string s) , T_constant (TC_signature)) -> return @@ E_literal (Literal_signature (Ligo_string.extract s))
| (E_literal (Literal_string s) , T_constant (TC_key)) -> return @@ E_literal (Literal_key (Ligo_string.extract s))
| (E_literal (Literal_int i) , T_constant (TC_timestamp)) -> return @@ E_literal (Literal_timestamp i)
| (E_literal (Literal_string str) , T_constant (TC_timestamp)) ->
let str = Ligo_string.extract str in
let%bind time =
trace_option (bad_string_timestamp str e'.location)
@@ Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Timestamp.of_notation str in
let itime = Z.of_int64 @@ Tezos_utils.Time.Protocol.to_seconds time in
return @@ E_literal (Literal_timestamp itime)
| (E_literal (Literal_string str) , T_constant (TC_address)) -> return @@ E_literal (Literal_address str)
| (E_literal (Literal_string str) , T_constant (TC_address)) -> return @@ E_literal (Literal_address (Ligo_string.extract str))
| (E_literal (Literal_string str) , T_constant (TC_bytes)) -> (
let%bind e' = e'_bytes str in
return e'
let str = Ligo_string.extract str in
let%bind e' = e'_bytes str in
return e'
| _ -> return e
| e -> return e
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ let self_typing : contract_pass_data -> expression -> (bool * contract_pass_data
match e.expression_content , e.type_expression with
| E_constant {cons_name=C_SELF ; arguments=[entrypoint_exp]}, {type_content = T_operator (TC_contract t) ; type_meta=_} ->
let%bind entrypoint = match entrypoint_exp.expression_content with
| E_literal (Literal_string ep) -> check_entrypoint_annotation_format ep entrypoint_exp
| E_literal (Literal_string ep) -> check_entrypoint_annotation_format (Ligo_string.extract ep) entrypoint_exp
| _ -> fail @@ Errors.entrypoint_annotation_not_literal entrypoint_exp.location in
let%bind entrypoint_t = match dat.contract_type.parameter.type_content with
| T_sum cmap ->
@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ let e_nat_z ?loc n : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_literal (Literal_nat n)
let e_nat ?loc n : expression = e_nat_z ?loc @@ Z.of_int n
let e_timestamp_z ?loc n : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_literal (Literal_timestamp n)
let e_timestamp ?loc n : expression = e_timestamp_z ?loc @@ Z.of_int n
let e_string ?loc s : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_literal (Literal_string s)
let e_string ?loc s : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_literal (Literal_string (Standard s))
let e_verbatim ?loc v : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_literal (Literal_string (Verbatim v))
let e_address ?loc s : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_literal (Literal_address s)
let e_mutez_z ?loc s : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_literal (Literal_mutez s)
let e_mutez ?loc s : expression = e_mutez_z ?loc @@ Z.of_int s
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ val e_nat : ?loc:Location.t -> int -> expression
val e_timestamp : ?loc:Location.t -> int -> expression
val e_bool : ?loc:Location.t -> bool -> expression
val e_string : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_verbatim : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_address : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_signature : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_key : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ val e_int : ?loc:Location.t -> Z.t -> expression
val e_nat : ?loc:Location.t -> Z.t -> expression
val e_timestamp : ?loc:Location.t -> Z.t -> expression
val e_bool : ?loc:Location.t -> bool -> expression
val e_string : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_string : ?loc:Location.t -> ligo_string -> expression
val e_address : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_signature : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_key : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ val e_int : ?loc:Location.t -> Z.t -> expression
val e_nat : ?loc:Location.t -> Z.t -> expression
val e_timestamp : ?loc:Location.t -> Z.t -> expression
val e_bool : ?loc:Location.t -> bool -> expression
val e_string : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_string : ?loc:Location.t -> ligo_string -> expression
val e_address : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_signature : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_key : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ let literal ppf (l : literal) =
| Literal_nat z -> fprintf ppf "+%a" Z.pp_print z
| Literal_timestamp z -> fprintf ppf "+%a" Z.pp_print z
| Literal_mutez z -> fprintf ppf "%amutez" Z.pp_print z
| Literal_string s -> fprintf ppf "%S" s
| Literal_string s -> fprintf ppf "%a" Ligo_string.pp s
| Literal_bytes b -> fprintf ppf "0x%a" Hex.pp (Hex.of_bytes b)
| Literal_address s -> fprintf ppf "@%S" s
| Literal_operation _ -> fprintf ppf "Operation(...bytes)"
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ let needs_parens = {
int = (fun _ _ _ -> false) ;
z = (fun _ _ _ -> false) ;
string = (fun _ _ _ -> false) ;
ligo_string = (fun _ _ _ -> false) ;
bytes = (fun _ _ _ -> false) ;
unit = (fun _ _ _ -> false) ;
packed_internal_operation = (fun _ _ _ -> false) ;
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ let op ppf = {
bool = (fun _visitor () b -> fprintf ppf "%s" (if b then "true" else "false")) ;
z = (fun _visitor () i -> fprintf ppf "%a" Z.pp_print i) ;
string = (fun _visitor () str -> fprintf ppf "\"%s\"" str) ;
ligo_string = (fun _visitor () str -> fprintf ppf "%a" Ligo_string.pp str) ;
bytes = (fun _visitor () _bytes -> fprintf ppf "bytes...") ;
unit = (fun _visitor () () -> fprintf ppf "()") ;
packed_internal_operation = (fun _visitor () _op -> fprintf ppf "Operation(...bytes)") ;
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ val e_int : Z.t -> expression_content
val e_nat : Z.t -> expression_content
val e_mutez : Z.t -> expression_content
val e_bool : bool -> environment -> expression_content
val e_string : string -> expression_content
val e_string : ligo_string -> expression_content
val e_bytes : bytes -> expression_content
val e_timestamp : Z.t -> expression_content
val e_address : string -> expression_content
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ val e_a_int : Z.t -> environment -> expression
val e_a_nat : Z.t -> environment -> expression
val e_a_mutez : Z.t -> environment -> expression
val e_a_bool : bool -> environment -> expression
val e_a_string : string -> environment -> expression
val e_a_string : ligo_string -> environment -> expression
val e_a_address : string -> environment -> expression
val e_a_pair : expression -> expression -> environment -> expression
val e_a_some : expression -> environment -> expression
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ val e_a_empty_int : Z.t -> expression
val e_a_empty_nat : Z.t -> expression
val e_a_empty_mutez : Z.t -> expression
val e_a_empty_bool : bool -> expression
val e_a_empty_string : string -> expression
val e_a_empty_string : ligo_string -> expression
val e_a_empty_address : string -> expression
val e_a_empty_pair : expression -> expression -> expression
val e_a_empty_some : expression -> expression
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ type literal =
| Literal_nat of z
| Literal_timestamp of z
| Literal_mutez of z
| Literal_string of string
| Literal_string of ligo_string
| Literal_bytes of bytes
| Literal_address of string
| Literal_signature of string
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ type expression_variable = Stage_common.Types.expression_variable
type type_ = Stage_common.Types.type_
type type_variable = Stage_common.Types.type_variable
type z = Z.t
type ligo_string = Stage_common.Types.ligo_string
type constructor' =
| Constructor of string
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ let literal ppf (l : literal) =
| Literal_nat z -> fprintf ppf "+%a" Z.pp_print z
| Literal_timestamp z -> fprintf ppf "+%a" Z.pp_print z
| Literal_mutez z -> fprintf ppf "%amutez" Z.pp_print z
| Literal_string s -> fprintf ppf "%S" s
| Literal_string s -> fprintf ppf "%a" Ligo_string.pp s
| Literal_bytes b -> fprintf ppf "0x%a" Hex.pp (Hex.of_bytes b)
| Literal_address s -> fprintf ppf "@%S" s
| Literal_operation _ -> fprintf ppf "Operation(...bytes)"
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ and expression_variable = expression_ Var.t
type type_
and type_variable = type_ Var.t
type ligo_string = Simple_utils.Ligo_string.t
type constructor' = Constructor of string
type label = Label of string
@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ type literal =
| Literal_nat of Z.t
| Literal_timestamp of Z.t
| Literal_mutez of Z.t
| Literal_string of string
| Literal_string of ligo_string
| Literal_bytes of bytes
| Literal_address of string
| Literal_signature of string
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
const s : string = "toto"
const x : string = s ^ "bar"
const y : string = "foo" ^ x
const v : string = {|deadbeef|}
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module TestExpressions = struct
let unit () : unit result = test_expression I.(e_unit ()) O.(t_unit ())
let int () : unit result = test_expression I.(e_int (Z.of_int 32)) O.(t_int ())
let bool () : unit result = test_expression I.(e_bool true) O.(t_bool ())
let string () : unit result = test_expression I.(e_string "s") O.(t_string ())
let string () : unit result = test_expression I.(e_string (Standard "s")) O.(t_string ())
let bytes () : unit result =
let%bind b = I.e_bytes_hex "0b" in
test_expression b O.(t_bytes ())
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ module TestExpressions = struct
let tuple () : unit result =
I.(e_record @@ LMap.of_list [(Label "0",e_int (Z.of_int 32)); (Label "1",e_string "foo")])
I.(e_record @@ LMap.of_list [(Label "0",e_int (Z.of_int 32)); (Label "1", e_string (Standard "foo"))])
O.(make_t_ez_record [("0",t_int ()); ("1",t_string ())])
let constructor () : unit result =
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ module TestExpressions = struct
let record () : unit result =
I.(e_record @@ LMap.of_list [(Label "foo", e_int (Z.of_int 32)); (Label "bar", e_string "foo")])
I.(e_record @@ LMap.of_list [(Label "foo", e_int (Z.of_int 32)); (Label "bar", e_string (Standard "foo"))])
O.(make_t_ez_record [("foo", t_int ()); ("bar", t_string ())])
@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ module Tree = Tree
module Region = Region
module Pos = Pos
module Var = Var
module Ligo_string = X_string
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
type t =
Standard of string
| Verbatim of string
let pp ppf = function
Standard s -> Format.fprintf ppf "%S" s
| Verbatim v -> Format.fprintf ppf "{|%s|}" v
let extract = function
Standard s -> s
| Verbatim v -> v
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Ligo_string represent string as they are writen in a ligo program,
delimited either with double quotes (standard) or with `{|...|}` (Varbatim)
type t =
Standard of string
| Verbatim of string
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val extract : t -> string
Reference in New Issue
Block a user