Signer: explicit registration of signers
instead of toplevel side-effects and `-link-all`
This commit is contained in:
@ -74,6 +74,12 @@ let main select_commands =
ignore Clic.(setup_formatter Format.err_formatter
(if Unix.isatty Unix.stderr then Ansi else Plain) Short) ;
init_logger () >>= fun () ->
(module Tezos_signer_backends.Unencrypted) ;
(module Tezos_signer_backends.Encrypted) ;
(module Tezos_signer_backends.Remote) ;
Lwt.catch begin fun () -> begin
(new unix_full
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
@ -9,209 +9,204 @@
open Client_keys
module Encrypted_signer : SIGNER = struct
let scheme = "encrypted"
let scheme = "encrypted"
let title =
"Built-in signer using encrypted keys."
let title =
"Built-in signer using encrypted keys."
let description =
"If you try to import a secret key without additional argument, you will \
be asked to either generate a new key, or to import the elements \
from your fundraiser paper wallet.\n\
If you add an argument when importing a secret key, \
the format is the raw Base58-encoded key (starting with 'edsk').\n\
The format for importing public keys is the raw Base58-encoded \
key (starting with 'edpk')."
let description =
"If you try to import a secret key without additional argument, you will \
be asked to either generate a new key, or to import the elements \
from your fundraiser paper wallet.\n\
If you add an argument when importing a secret key, \
the format is the raw Base58-encoded key (starting with 'edsk').\n\
The format for importing public keys is the raw Base58-encoded \
key (starting with 'edpk')."
type secret_key = Signature.Secret_key.t
type public_key = Signature.Public_key.t
type secret_key = Signature.Secret_key.t
type public_key = Signature.Public_key.t
(* *)
let salt_len = 8
(* *)
let salt_len = 8
(* Fixed zero nonce *)
let nonce = Crypto_box.zero_nonce
(* Fixed zero nonce *)
let nonce = Crypto_box.zero_nonce
(* skloc -> Signature.Secret_key.t *)
let decrypted_sks = Hashtbl.create 13
(* skloc -> Signature.Secret_key.t *)
let decrypted_sks = Hashtbl.create 13
let pbkdf ~salt ~password =
let open Cstruct in
let salt = of_bigarray salt in
let password = of_bigarray password in
(Pbkdf.pbkdf2 ~prf:`SHA512 ~count:2048 ~dk_len:32l ~salt ~password)
let pbkdf ~salt ~password =
let open Cstruct in
let salt = of_bigarray salt in
let password = of_bigarray password in
(Pbkdf.pbkdf2 ~prf:`SHA512 ~count:2048 ~dk_len:32l ~salt ~password)
let rec decrypt_sk sk salt = function
| [] -> None
| password :: pws ->
let key = Crypto_box.Secretbox.unsafe_of_bytes (pbkdf ~password ~salt) in
match Crypto_box.Secretbox.box_open key sk nonce with
| None -> decrypt_sk sk salt pws
| Some sk -> Some sk
let rec decrypt_sk sk salt = function
| [] -> None
| password :: pws ->
let key = Crypto_box.Secretbox.unsafe_of_bytes (pbkdf ~password ~salt) in
match Crypto_box.Secretbox.box_open key sk nonce with
| None -> decrypt_sk sk salt pws
| Some sk -> Some sk
let salt_skenc_of_skloc skloc =
let open Cstruct in
let skloc = of_string skloc in
let len = len skloc in
let salt = sub skloc 0 salt_len in
let skenc = sub skloc salt_len (len - salt_len) in
to_bigarray salt, to_bigarray skenc
let salt_skenc_of_skloc skloc =
let open Cstruct in
let skloc = of_string skloc in
let len = len skloc in
let salt = sub skloc 0 salt_len in
let skenc = sub skloc salt_len (len - salt_len) in
to_bigarray salt, to_bigarray skenc
let rec passwd_ask_loop (cctxt : #Client_context.io_wallet) ~name ~salt ~skenc =
cctxt#prompt_password "Enter password for encrypted key %s: " name >>=? fun password ->
let key = pbkdf ~salt ~password in
let key = Crypto_box.Secretbox.unsafe_of_bytes key in
match Crypto_box.Secretbox.box_open key skenc nonce with
| None -> passwd_ask_loop cctxt ~name ~salt ~skenc
| Some decrypted_sk ->
return (password, (Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes_exn
let rec passwd_ask_loop (cctxt : #Client_context.io_wallet) ~name ~salt ~skenc =
cctxt#prompt_password "Enter password for encrypted key %s: " name >>=? fun password ->
let key = pbkdf ~salt ~password in
let key = Crypto_box.Secretbox.unsafe_of_bytes key in
match Crypto_box.Secretbox.box_open key skenc nonce with
| None -> passwd_ask_loop cctxt ~name ~salt ~skenc
| Some decrypted_sk ->
return (password, (Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes_exn
let ask_all_passwords (cctxt : #Client_context.io_wallet) sks =
fold_left_s begin fun a (name, skloc) ->
if Secret_key_locator.scheme skloc <> scheme then
return a
match Secret_key_locator.location skloc with
|location :: _ -> begin
match Base58.safe_decode location with
| None -> Exit
| Some payload ->
let salt, skenc = salt_skenc_of_skloc payload in
match decrypt_sk skenc salt a with
| Some sk ->
Hashtbl.replace decrypted_sks location
(Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes_exn Signature.Secret_key.encoding sk);
return a
| None ->
cctxt ~name ~salt ~skenc >>=? fun (passwd, decrypted_sk) ->
Hashtbl.replace decrypted_sks location decrypted_sk ;
return (passwd :: a)
|_ -> Exit
end [] sks
let ask_all_passwords (cctxt : #Client_context.io_wallet) sks =
fold_left_s begin fun a (name, skloc) ->
if Secret_key_locator.scheme skloc <> scheme then
return a
match Secret_key_locator.location skloc with
|location :: _ -> begin
match Base58.safe_decode location with
| None -> Exit
| Some payload ->
let salt, skenc = salt_skenc_of_skloc payload in
match decrypt_sk skenc salt a with
| Some sk ->
Hashtbl.replace decrypted_sks location
(Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes_exn Signature.Secret_key.encoding sk);
return a
| None ->
cctxt ~name ~salt ~skenc >>=? fun (passwd, decrypted_sk) ->
Hashtbl.replace decrypted_sks location decrypted_sk ;
return (passwd :: a)
|_ -> Exit
end [] sks
let init cctxt =
Secret_key.load cctxt >>=? fun sks ->
(fun () -> ask_all_passwords cctxt sks)
(fun _ -> return ())
(fun _ -> failwith "Corrupted secret key database. Aborting.")
let init cctxt =
Secret_key.load cctxt >>=? fun sks ->
(fun () -> ask_all_passwords cctxt sks)
(fun _ -> return ())
(fun _ -> failwith "Corrupted secret key database. Aborting.")
let input_new_passphrase (cctxt : #Client_context.io_wallet) =
cctxt#prompt_password "Enter passphrase to encrypt your key: " >>=? fun password ->
cctxt#prompt_password "Confirm passphrase: " >>=? fun confirm ->
if password <> confirm then
failwith "Passphrases do not match."
else return password
let input_new_passphrase (cctxt : #Client_context.io_wallet) =
cctxt#prompt_password "Enter passphrase to encrypt your key: " >>=? fun password ->
cctxt#prompt_password "Confirm passphrase: " >>=? fun confirm ->
if password <> confirm then
failwith "Passphrases do not match."
else return password
let encrypt_sk cctxt sk =
input_new_passphrase cctxt >>=? fun password ->
let salt = Rand.generate salt_len in
let key = Crypto_box.Secretbox.unsafe_of_bytes (pbkdf ~password ~salt) in
let msg = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Signature.Secret_key.encoding sk in
let encrypted_passwd = key msg nonce in
let payload = MBytes.(to_string (concat "" [salt; encrypted_passwd])) in
let location = Base58.safe_encode payload in
Hashtbl.replace decrypted_sks location sk ;
return (Secret_key_locator.create ~scheme ~location:[location])
let encrypt_sk cctxt sk =
input_new_passphrase cctxt >>=? fun password ->
let salt = Rand.generate salt_len in
let key = Crypto_box.Secretbox.unsafe_of_bytes (pbkdf ~password ~salt) in
let msg = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Signature.Secret_key.encoding sk in
let encrypted_passwd = key msg nonce in
let payload = MBytes.(to_string (concat "" [salt; encrypted_passwd])) in
let location = Base58.safe_encode payload in
Hashtbl.replace decrypted_sks location sk ;
return (Secret_key_locator.create ~scheme ~location:[location])
let rec get_boolean_answer (cctxt : #Client_context.io_wallet) ~default ~msg =
let prompt = if default then "(Y/n/q)" else "(y/N/q)" in
cctxt#prompt "%s %s: " msg prompt >>=? fun gen ->
match default, String.lowercase_ascii gen with
| default, "" -> return default
| _, "y" -> return true
| _, "n" -> return false
| _, "q" -> failwith "Exit by user request."
| _ -> get_boolean_answer cctxt ~msg ~default
let rec get_boolean_answer (cctxt : #Client_context.io_wallet) ~default ~msg =
let prompt = if default then "(Y/n/q)" else "(y/N/q)" in
cctxt#prompt "%s %s: " msg prompt >>=? fun gen ->
match default, String.lowercase_ascii gen with
| default, "" -> return default
| _, "y" -> return true
| _, "n" -> return false
| _, "q" -> failwith "Exit by user request."
| _ -> get_boolean_answer cctxt ~msg ~default
let rec sk_of_mnemonic (cctxt : #Client_context.io_wallet) =
cctxt#prompt "Enter the e-mail used for the paper wallet: " >>=? fun email ->
let rec loop_words acc i =
if i > 14 then return (List.rev acc) else
cctxt#prompt_password "Enter word %d: " i >>=? fun word ->
match Bip39.index_of_word (MBytes.to_string word) with
| None -> loop_words acc i
| Some wordidx -> loop_words (wordidx :: acc) (succ i) in
loop_words [] 0 >>=? fun words ->
match Bip39.of_indices words with
| None -> assert false
| Some t ->
"Enter the password used for the paper wallet: " >>=? fun password ->
(* TODO: unicode normalization (NFKD)... *)
let sk = Bip39.to_seed ~passphrase:(email ^ MBytes.to_string password) t in
let sk = Cstruct.(to_bigarray (sub sk 0 32)) in
let sk : Signature.Secret_key.t =
(Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes_exn Ed25519.Secret_key.encoding sk) in
let pk = Signature.Secret_key.to_public_key sk in
let pkh = Signature.Public_key.hash pk in
let msg = Format.asprintf
"Your public Tezos address is %a is that correct?"
Signature.Public_key_hash.pp pkh in
get_boolean_answer cctxt ~msg ~default:true >>=? function
| true -> return sk
| false -> sk_of_mnemonic cctxt
let rec sk_of_mnemonic (cctxt : #Client_context.io_wallet) =
cctxt#prompt "Enter the e-mail used for the paper wallet: " >>=? fun email ->
let rec loop_words acc i =
if i > 14 then return (List.rev acc) else
cctxt#prompt_password "Enter word %d: " i >>=? fun word ->
match Bip39.index_of_word (MBytes.to_string word) with
| None -> loop_words acc i
| Some wordidx -> loop_words (wordidx :: acc) (succ i) in
loop_words [] 0 >>=? fun words ->
match Bip39.of_indices words with
| None -> assert false
| Some t ->
"Enter the password used for the paper wallet: " >>=? fun password ->
(* TODO: unicode normalization (NFKD)... *)
let sk = Bip39.to_seed ~passphrase:(email ^ MBytes.to_string password) t in
let sk = Cstruct.(to_bigarray (sub sk 0 32)) in
let sk : Signature.Secret_key.t =
(Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes_exn Ed25519.Secret_key.encoding sk) in
let pk = Signature.Secret_key.to_public_key sk in
let pkh = Signature.Public_key.hash pk in
let msg = Format.asprintf
"Your public Tezos address is %a is that correct?"
Signature.Public_key_hash.pp pkh in
get_boolean_answer cctxt ~msg ~default:true >>=? function
| true -> return sk
| false -> sk_of_mnemonic cctxt
let sk_locator_of_human_input cctxt = function
| sk :: _ ->
Lwt.return (Signature.Secret_key.of_b58check sk) >>=? fun sk ->
encrypt_sk cctxt sk
| [] -> begin
cctxt ~msg:"Generate a new key" ~default:true >>=? function
| true ->
let _, _, sk = Signature.generate_key () in
encrypt_sk cctxt sk
| false ->
get_boolean_answer cctxt
~msg:"Import key from fundraiser" ~default:true >>=? function
| false -> failwith "Goodbye."
| true ->
sk_of_mnemonic cctxt >>=? fun sk ->
encrypt_sk cctxt sk
let sk_locator_of_human_input cctxt = function
| sk :: _ ->
Lwt.return (Signature.Secret_key.of_b58check sk) >>=? fun sk ->
encrypt_sk cctxt sk
| [] -> begin
cctxt ~msg:"Generate a new key" ~default:true >>=? function
| true ->
let _, _, sk = Signature.generate_key () in
encrypt_sk cctxt sk
| false ->
get_boolean_answer cctxt
~msg:"Import key from fundraiser" ~default:true >>=? function
| false -> failwith "Goodbye."
| true ->
sk_of_mnemonic cctxt >>=? fun sk ->
encrypt_sk cctxt sk
let pk_locator_of_human_input _cctxt = function
| [] -> failwith "Missing public key argument."
| pk :: _ -> return (Public_key_locator.create ~scheme ~location:[pk])
let pk_locator_of_human_input _cctxt = function
| [] -> failwith "Missing public key argument."
| pk :: _ -> return (Public_key_locator.create ~scheme ~location:[pk])
let sk_of_locator = function
| (Sk_locator { location = [location] }) -> begin
match Hashtbl.find decrypted_sks location with
| exception Not_found -> failwith "Unknown secret key location."
| sk -> return sk
| (Sk_locator { location = _ }) ->
failwith "Wrong location type."
let sk_of_locator = function
| (Sk_locator { location = [location] }) -> begin
match Hashtbl.find decrypted_sks location with
| exception Not_found -> failwith "Unknown secret key location."
| sk -> return sk
| (Sk_locator { location = _ }) ->
failwith "Wrong location type."
let pk_of_locator = function
|(Pk_locator { location = [location] }) ->
Lwt.return (Signature.Public_key.of_b58check location)
|(Pk_locator { location = _ }) ->
failwith "Wrong location type."
let pk_of_locator = function
|(Pk_locator { location = [location] }) ->
Lwt.return (Signature.Public_key.of_b58check location)
|(Pk_locator { location = _ }) ->
failwith "Wrong location type."
let sk_to_locator sk =
~scheme ~location:[Signature.Secret_key.to_b58check sk] |>
let sk_to_locator sk =
~scheme ~location:[Signature.Secret_key.to_b58check sk] |>
let pk_to_locator pk =
~scheme ~location:[Signature.Public_key.to_b58check pk] |>
let pk_to_locator pk =
~scheme ~location:[Signature.Public_key.to_b58check pk] |>
let neuterize x = Lwt.return (Signature.Secret_key.to_public_key x)
let public_key x = return x
let public_key_hash x = return (Signature.Public_key.hash x)
let sign ?watermark t buf = return (Signature.sign ?watermark t buf)
let () =
register_signer (module Encrypted_signer)
let neuterize x = Lwt.return (Signature.Secret_key.to_public_key x)
let public_key x = return x
let public_key_hash x = return (Signature.Public_key.hash x)
let sign ?watermark t buf = return (Signature.sign ?watermark t buf)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include Client_keys.SIGNER
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-open Tezos_client_base
-open Tezos_signer_services
-open Tezos_rpc_http
-linkall -w -9))))
-w -9))))
((name runtest_indent)
@ -166,5 +166,4 @@ module Remote_signer : SIGNER = struct
let () =
register_signer (module Remote_signer)
include Remote_signer
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include Client_keys.SIGNER
@ -9,65 +9,60 @@
open Client_keys
module Unencrypted_signer : SIGNER = struct
let scheme = "unencrypted"
let scheme = "unencrypted"
let title =
"Built-in signer using raw unencrypted keys."
let title =
"Built-in signer using raw unencrypted keys."
let description =
"Do not use this signer except for playing on the test chain.\n\
The format for importing secret keys is either no argument (will \
generate a key) or the raw Base58-encoded key (starting with \
The format for importing public keys is the raw Base58-encoded \
key (starting with 'edpk')."
let description =
"Do not use this signer except for playing on the test chain.\n\
The format for importing secret keys is either no argument (will \
generate a key) or the raw Base58-encoded key (starting with \
The format for importing public keys is the raw Base58-encoded \
key (starting with 'edpk')."
type secret_key = Signature.Secret_key.t
type public_key = Signature.Public_key.t
type secret_key = Signature.Secret_key.t
type public_key = Signature.Public_key.t
let init _wallet = return ()
let init _wallet = return ()
let sk_locator_of_human_input _cctxt = function
| sk :: _ ->
return (Secret_key_locator.create ~scheme ~location:[sk])
| [] ->
let _, _, sk = Ed25519.generate_key () in
return (Secret_key_locator.create ~scheme
~location:[Ed25519.Secret_key.to_b58check sk])
let sk_locator_of_human_input _cctxt = function
| sk :: _ ->
return (Secret_key_locator.create ~scheme ~location:[sk])
| [] ->
let _, _, sk = Ed25519.generate_key () in
return (Secret_key_locator.create ~scheme
~location:[Ed25519.Secret_key.to_b58check sk])
let pk_locator_of_human_input _cctxt = function
| [] -> failwith "Missing public key argument"
| pk :: _ -> return (Public_key_locator.create ~scheme ~location:[pk])
let pk_locator_of_human_input _cctxt = function
| [] -> failwith "Missing public key argument"
| pk :: _ -> return (Public_key_locator.create ~scheme ~location:[pk])
let sk_of_locator = function
|(Sk_locator { location = ( location :: _ ) }) ->
Lwt.return (Signature.Secret_key.of_b58check location)
|(Sk_locator { location = _ }) ->
failwith "Wrong type of location"
let sk_of_locator = function
|(Sk_locator { location = ( location :: _ ) }) ->
Lwt.return (Signature.Secret_key.of_b58check location)
|(Sk_locator { location = _ }) ->
failwith "Wrong type of location"
let pk_of_locator = function
|(Pk_locator { location = ( location :: _ ) }) ->
Lwt.return (Signature.Public_key.of_b58check location)
|(Pk_locator { location = _ }) ->
failwith "Wrong type of location"
let pk_of_locator = function
|(Pk_locator { location = ( location :: _ ) }) ->
Lwt.return (Signature.Public_key.of_b58check location)
|(Pk_locator { location = _ }) ->
failwith "Wrong type of location"
let sk_to_locator sk =
~scheme ~location:[Signature.Secret_key.to_b58check sk] |>
let sk_to_locator sk =
~scheme ~location:[Signature.Secret_key.to_b58check sk] |>
let pk_to_locator pk =
~scheme ~location:[Signature.Public_key.to_b58check pk] |>
let pk_to_locator pk =
~scheme ~location:[Signature.Public_key.to_b58check pk] |>
let neuterize x = Lwt.return (Signature.Secret_key.to_public_key x)
let public_key x = return x
let public_key_hash x = return (Signature.Public_key.hash x)
let sign ?watermark t buf = return (Signature.sign ?watermark t buf)
let () =
register_signer (module Unencrypted_signer)
let neuterize x = Lwt.return (Signature.Secret_key.to_public_key x)
let public_key x = return x
let public_key_hash x = return (Signature.Public_key.hash x)
let sign ?watermark t buf = return (Signature.sign ?watermark t buf)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include Client_keys.SIGNER
@ -616,3 +616,7 @@ let display_level block =
let endorsement_security_deposit block =
Constants_services.endorsement_security_deposit !rpc_ctxt block
let () =
(module Tezos_signer_backends.Unencrypted)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user