prepend the body of the lambda with let_in's
This commit is contained in:
@ -576,6 +576,7 @@ and simpl_fun_declaration :
bind_fold_right_list aux result body in
let expression : expression = e_lambda ~loc binder (Some input_type)
(Some output_type) result in
(* let _toto = Format.printf "TAMERE %a \n" Ast_simplified.PP.expression expression in *)
let type_annotation = Some (T_function (input_type, output_type)) in
ok ((name , type_annotation) , expression)
@ -1017,30 +1018,45 @@ and simpl_for_collect : Raw.for_collect -> (_ -> expression result) result = fun
block which will become the body of the lambda *)
let%bind block' = simpl_block fc.block.value in
let%bind block' = block' None in
let replace_with_record exp =
match exp.expression with
(* replace asignement *)
| E_assign ( name , path , expr ) ->
let path' = ( match path with
| [] -> [Access_tuple 0 ; Access_record name ] @ path
| [] -> [Access_record name]
(* This will fail for deep tuple access, see LIGO-131 *)
| _ -> [Access_tuple 0 ; Access_record name ] @ path ) in
ok @@ e_assign "arguments" path' expr
| _ -> ( (Access_record name) :: path )
) in
ok @@ e_assign "_COMPILER_acc" path' expr
| E_variable name ->
if (name = fc.var.value ) then
ok @@ e_accessor (e_variable "arguments") [Access_tuple 1]
(* replace reference to the collection element *)
ok @@ (e_variable "_COMPILER_collec_elt")
else if (List.mem name captured_list) then
let acc_arg = e_accessor (e_variable "arguments") [Access_tuple 0] in
ok @@ e_accessor (acc_arg) [Access_record name]
(* replace reference fold accumulator *)
ok @@ e_accessor (e_variable "_COMPILER_acc") [Access_record name]
else ok @@ exp
| _ -> ok @@ exp in
let%bind block'' = Self_ast_simplified.map_expression replace_with_record block' in
let%bind block' = Self_ast_simplified.map_expression replace_with_record block' in
(* append the return value *)
let rec add_return expr = match expr.expression with
| E_sequence (a,b) -> e_sequence a (add_return b)
| _ -> e_sequence expr (e_accessor (e_variable "arguments") [Access_tuple 0]) in
let block_with_return = add_return block'' in
| _ -> e_sequence expr (e_variable "_COMPILER_acc") in
let block' = add_return block' in
(* prepend the body with let accumulator = argument.0 in let collec_elt = argument.1 in*)
let%bind elt_type = simpl_type_expression fc.elt_type in
let acc = e_accessor (e_variable "arguments") [Access_tuple 0] in
let collec_elt = e_accessor (e_variable "arguments") [Access_tuple 1] in
let args_let_in = e_let_in ("_COMPILER_acc", None) acc @@
e_let_in ("_COMPILER_collec_elt", Some elt_type) collec_elt (e_skip ()) in
let block' = e_sequence args_let_in block' in
(* build the lambda*)
let lambda = e_lambda "_COMPILER_for_collect_lambda" None None block_with_return in
let lambda = e_lambda "_COMPILER_for_collect_lambda" None None block' in
let%bind collect = simpl_expression fc.expr in
let op_name = match fc.collection with
| Map _ -> "MAP_FOLD"
@ -1049,7 +1065,7 @@ and simpl_for_collect : Raw.for_collect -> (_ -> expression result) result = fun
let fold = e_constant op_name [collect ; init_record ; lambda] in
let folded_record = e_let_in ("_COMPILER_folded_record", None) fold (e_skip ()) in
(* build the sequence of assigments back to the original variables *)
(* append assigments of fold result to the original captured variables *)
let aux (prev : expression) (captured_varname : string) =
let access = e_accessor (e_variable "_COMPILER_folded_record")
[Access_record captured_varname] in
@ -1057,7 +1073,6 @@ and simpl_for_collect : Raw.for_collect -> (_ -> expression result) result = fun
e_sequence prev assign in
let ( final_sequence : expression ) = List.fold_left aux folded_record captured_list in
let _ = Format.printf "___ GEN ____\n %a \n" Ast_simplified.PP.expression final_sequence in
return_statement @@ final_sequence
Reference in New Issue
Block a user