split Logging.Tag out and add documentation
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,166 +7,6 @@
(* *)
(* *)
module Tag = struct
type _ selector = ..
module type DEF_ARG = sig
val name : string
type t
val doc : string
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module type DEF = sig
include DEF_ARG
type id
val id: id
type _ selector += Me : t selector
val uid : int
module Def (X : DEF_ARG): DEF with type t = X.t = struct
include X
type id = Id
let id = Id
type _ selector += Me : t selector
let uid = Obj.(extension_id @@ extension_constructor @@ Me)
type 'a def = (module DEF with type t = 'a)
let def (type a) ?(doc = "undocumented") name pp =
(module Def(struct let name = name type t = a let doc = doc let pp = pp end): DEF with type t = a)
type (_,_) eq = Refl : ('a,'a) eq
let maybe_eq : type a b. a def -> b def -> (a,b) eq option =
fun s t ->
let module S = (val s) in
let module T = (val t) in
match S.Me with
| T.Me -> Some Refl
| _ -> None
let selector_of : type a. a def -> a selector = fun d -> let module D = (val d) in D.Me
let name : type a. a def -> string = fun d -> let module D = (val d) in D.name
let doc : type a. a def -> string = fun d -> let module D = (val d) in D.doc
let printer : type a. a def -> Format.formatter -> a -> unit = fun d -> let module D = (val d) in D.pp
let pp_def ppf d = Format.fprintf ppf "tag:%s" (name d)
module Key = struct
type t = V : 'a def -> t
type s = S : 'a selector -> s
let compare (V k0) (V k1) = compare (S (selector_of k0)) (S (selector_of k1))
module TagSet = Map.Make(Key)
type t = V : 'a def * 'a -> t
type binding = t
type set = binding TagSet.t
let pp ppf (V (tag, v)) =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<1>(%a@ @[%a@])@]" pp_def tag (printer tag) v
let option_map f = function
| None -> None
| Some v -> Some (f v)
let option_bind f = function
| None -> None
| Some v -> f v
let reveal2 : type a b. a def -> b def -> b -> a option = fun t u v ->
match maybe_eq t u with
| None -> None
| Some Refl -> Some v
let reveal : 'a. 'a def -> binding -> 'a option = fun tag -> function
| V (another, v) -> reveal2 tag another v
let unveil : 'a. 'a def -> binding option -> 'a option = fun tag -> option_bind @@ reveal tag
let conceal : 'a. 'a def -> 'a -> binding = fun tag v -> V (tag, v)
let veil : 'a. 'a def -> 'a option -> binding option = fun tag -> option_map @@ conceal tag
let empty = TagSet.empty
let is_empty = TagSet.is_empty
let mem tag = TagSet.mem (Key.V tag)
let add tag v = TagSet.add (Key.V tag) (V (tag, v))
let update tag f = TagSet.update (Key.V tag) (fun b -> veil tag @@ f @@ unveil tag b)
let singleton tag v = TagSet.singleton (Key.V tag) (V (tag, v))
let remove tag = TagSet.remove (Key.V tag)
let rem = remove
type merger = { merger : 'a. 'a def -> 'a option -> 'a option -> 'a option }
let merge f = TagSet.merge @@ function
| Key.V tag -> fun a b -> veil tag @@ f.merger tag (unveil tag a) (unveil tag b)
type unioner = { unioner : 'a . 'a def -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a }
let union f = merge { merger = fun tag a b ->
match (a,b) with
| (Some aa, Some bb) -> Some (f.unioner tag aa bb)
| (Some _, None) -> a
| (None, _) -> b
(* no compare and equal, compare especially makes little sense *)
let iter f = TagSet.iter (fun _ -> f)
let fold f = TagSet.fold (fun _ -> f)
let for_all p = TagSet.for_all (fun _ -> p)
let exists p = TagSet.exists (fun _ -> p)
let filter p = TagSet.filter (fun _ -> p)
let partition p = TagSet.partition (fun _ -> p)
let cardinal = TagSet.cardinal
let bindings s = List.map snd @@ TagSet.bindings s
let min_binding s = snd @@ TagSet.min_binding s
let min_binding_opt s = option_map snd @@ TagSet.min_binding_opt s
let max_binding s = snd @@ TagSet.max_binding s
let max_binding_opt s = option_map snd @@ TagSet.max_binding_opt s
let choose s = snd @@ TagSet.choose s
let choose_opt s = option_map snd @@ TagSet.choose_opt s
let split tag s = (fun (l,m,r) -> (l,unveil tag m,r)) @@ TagSet.split (Key.V tag) s
(* XXX find should be different from find_opt but Logs has find_opt called find *)
let find tag s = option_bind (reveal tag) @@ TagSet.find_opt (Key.V tag) s
let find_opt tag s = option_bind (reveal tag) @@ TagSet.find_opt (Key.V tag) s
let get tag s = find_opt tag s |> function
| None -> invalid_arg (Format.asprintf "tag named %s not found in set" (name tag))
| Some v -> v
let find_first p s = snd @@ TagSet.find_first p s
let find_first_opt p s = option_map snd @@ TagSet.find_first_opt p s
let find_last p s = snd @@ TagSet.find_last p s
let find_last_opt p s = option_map snd @@ TagSet.find_last_opt p s
let map = TagSet.map
let mapi = TagSet.map
let pp_set ppf s = Format.(
fprintf ppf "@[<1>{";
pp_print_list pp ppf (bindings s);
Format.fprintf ppf "}@]")
module DSL = struct
type (_,_,_,_) arg = | A : ('x def * 'x) -> (('b -> 'x -> 'c) -> 'x -> 'd, 'b, 'c, 'd) arg
| S : ('x def * 'x) -> ('x -> 'd, 'b, 'c, 'd) arg
| T : ('x def * 'x) -> ('d, 'b, 'c, 'd) arg
let a tag v = A (tag,v)
let s tag v = S (tag,v)
let t tag v = T (tag,v)
let pp_of_def (type a) tag = let module Tg = (val tag : DEF with type t = a) in Tg.pp
let (-%): type a d. (?tags:set -> a) -> (a,Format.formatter,unit,d) arg -> (?tags:set -> d) = fun f -> function
| A (tag,v) -> (fun ?(tags=empty) -> f ~tags:(add tag v tags) (pp_of_def tag) v) [@warning "-16"]
| S (tag,v) -> (fun ?(tags=empty) -> f ~tags:(add tag v tags) v) [@warning "-16"]
| T (tag,v) -> (fun ?(tags=empty) -> f ~tags:(add tag v tags)) [@warning "-16"]
type ('a, 'b) msgf =
type ('a, 'b) msgf =
(('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> ?tags:Tag.set -> 'a) -> ?tags:Tag.set -> 'b
(('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> ?tags:Tag.set -> 'a) -> ?tags:Tag.set -> 'b
@ -7,70 +7,6 @@
(* *)
(* *)
module Tag : sig
type _ def
val def : ?doc:string -> string -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a def
val name : 'a def -> string
val doc : 'a def -> string
val printer : 'a def -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit)
val pp_def : Format.formatter -> 'a def -> unit
type t = V : 'a def * 'a -> t
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module Key : sig
type t = V : 'a def -> t
type set
val empty : set
val is_empty : set -> bool
val mem : 'a def -> set -> bool
val add : 'a def -> 'a -> set -> set
val update : 'a def -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> (set -> set)
val singleton : 'a def -> 'a -> set
val remove : 'a def -> set -> set
val rem : 'a def -> set -> set
type merger = { merger : 'a. 'a def -> 'a option -> 'a option -> 'a option }
val merge : merger -> set -> set -> set
type unioner = { unioner : 'a. 'a def -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a }
val union : unioner -> set -> set -> set
val iter : (t -> unit) -> set -> unit
val fold : (t -> 'b -> 'b) -> (set -> 'b -> 'b)
val for_all : (t -> bool) -> (set -> bool)
val exists : (t -> bool) -> (set -> bool)
val filter : (t -> bool) -> set -> set
val partition : (t -> bool) -> set -> (set * set)
val cardinal : set -> int
val min_binding : set -> t
val min_binding_opt : set -> t option
val max_binding : set -> t
val max_binding_opt : set -> t option
val choose : set -> t
val choose_opt : set -> t option
val split : 'a def -> set -> set * 'a option * set
val find : 'a def -> set -> 'a option
val get : 'a def -> set -> 'a
val find_first : (Key.t -> bool) -> set -> t
val find_first_opt : (Key.t -> bool) -> set -> t option
val find_last : (Key.t -> bool) -> set -> t
val find_last_opt : (Key.t -> bool) -> set -> t option
val map : (t -> t) -> set -> set
val mapi : (t -> t) -> set -> set
val pp_set : Format.formatter -> set -> unit
module DSL : sig
type (_,_,_,_) arg
val a : 'v def -> 'v -> (('b -> 'v -> 'c) -> 'v -> 'd, 'b, 'c, 'd) arg
val s : 'v def -> 'v -> ('v -> 'd, 'b, 'c, 'd) arg
val t : 'v def -> 'v -> ('d, 'b, 'c, 'd) arg
val (-%) : (?tags:set -> 'a) -> ('a,Format.formatter,unit,'d) arg -> (?tags:set -> 'd)
type log_section = private ..
type log_section = private ..
type log_message = {
type log_message = {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type _ selector = ..
module type DEF_ARG = sig
val name : string
type t
val doc : string
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module type DEF = sig
include DEF_ARG
type id
val id: id
type _ selector += Me : t selector
val uid : int
module Def (X : DEF_ARG): DEF with type t = X.t = struct
include X
type id = Id
let id = Id
type _ selector += Me : t selector
let uid = Obj.(extension_id @@ extension_constructor @@ Me)
type 'a def = (module DEF with type t = 'a)
let def (type a) ?(doc = "undocumented") name pp =
(module Def(struct let name = name type t = a let doc = doc let pp = pp end): DEF with type t = a)
type (_,_) eq = Refl : ('a,'a) eq
let maybe_eq : type a b. a def -> b def -> (a,b) eq option =
fun s t ->
let module S = (val s) in
let module T = (val t) in
match S.Me with
| T.Me -> Some Refl
| _ -> None
let selector_of : type a. a def -> a selector = fun d -> let module D = (val d) in D.Me
let name : type a. a def -> string = fun d -> let module D = (val d) in D.name
let doc : type a. a def -> string = fun d -> let module D = (val d) in D.doc
let printer : type a. a def -> Format.formatter -> a -> unit = fun d -> let module D = (val d) in D.pp
let pp_def ppf d = Format.fprintf ppf "tag:%s" (name d)
module Key = struct
type t = V : 'a def -> t
type s = S : 'a selector -> s
let compare (V k0) (V k1) = compare (S (selector_of k0)) (S (selector_of k1))
module TagSet = Map.Make(Key)
type t = V : 'a def * 'a -> t
type binding = t
type set = binding TagSet.t
let pp ppf (V (tag, v)) =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<1>(%a@ @[%a@])@]" pp_def tag (printer tag) v
let option_map f = function
| None -> None
| Some v -> Some (f v)
let option_bind f = function
| None -> None
| Some v -> f v
let reveal2 : type a b. a def -> b def -> b -> a option = fun t u v ->
match maybe_eq t u with
| None -> None
| Some Refl -> Some v
let reveal : 'a. 'a def -> binding -> 'a option = fun tag -> function
| V (another, v) -> reveal2 tag another v
let unveil : 'a. 'a def -> binding option -> 'a option = fun tag -> option_bind @@ reveal tag
let conceal : 'a. 'a def -> 'a -> binding = fun tag v -> V (tag, v)
let veil : 'a. 'a def -> 'a option -> binding option = fun tag -> option_map @@ conceal tag
let empty = TagSet.empty
let is_empty = TagSet.is_empty
let mem tag = TagSet.mem (Key.V tag)
let add tag v = TagSet.add (Key.V tag) (V (tag, v))
let update tag f = TagSet.update (Key.V tag) (fun b -> veil tag @@ f @@ unveil tag b)
let singleton tag v = TagSet.singleton (Key.V tag) (V (tag, v))
let remove tag = TagSet.remove (Key.V tag)
let rem = remove
type merger = { merger : 'a. 'a def -> 'a option -> 'a option -> 'a option }
let merge f = TagSet.merge @@ function
| Key.V tag -> fun a b -> veil tag @@ f.merger tag (unveil tag a) (unveil tag b)
type unioner = { unioner : 'a . 'a def -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a }
let union f = merge { merger = fun tag a b ->
match (a,b) with
| (Some aa, Some bb) -> Some (f.unioner tag aa bb)
| (Some _, None) -> a
| (None, _) -> b
(* no compare and equal, compare especially makes little sense *)
let iter f = TagSet.iter (fun _ -> f)
let fold f = TagSet.fold (fun _ -> f)
let for_all p = TagSet.for_all (fun _ -> p)
let exists p = TagSet.exists (fun _ -> p)
let filter p = TagSet.filter (fun _ -> p)
let partition p = TagSet.partition (fun _ -> p)
let cardinal = TagSet.cardinal
let bindings s = List.map snd @@ TagSet.bindings s
let min_binding s = snd @@ TagSet.min_binding s
let min_binding_opt s = option_map snd @@ TagSet.min_binding_opt s
let max_binding s = snd @@ TagSet.max_binding s
let max_binding_opt s = option_map snd @@ TagSet.max_binding_opt s
let choose s = snd @@ TagSet.choose s
let choose_opt s = option_map snd @@ TagSet.choose_opt s
let split tag s = (fun (l,m,r) -> (l,unveil tag m,r)) @@ TagSet.split (Key.V tag) s
(* XXX find should be different from find_opt but Logs has find_opt called find *)
let find tag s = option_bind (reveal tag) @@ TagSet.find_opt (Key.V tag) s
let find_opt tag s = option_bind (reveal tag) @@ TagSet.find_opt (Key.V tag) s
let get tag s = find_opt tag s |> function
| None -> invalid_arg (Format.asprintf "tag named %s not found in set" (name tag))
| Some v -> v
let find_first p s = snd @@ TagSet.find_first p s
let find_first_opt p s = option_map snd @@ TagSet.find_first_opt p s
let find_last p s = snd @@ TagSet.find_last p s
let find_last_opt p s = option_map snd @@ TagSet.find_last_opt p s
let map = TagSet.map
let mapi = TagSet.map
let pp_set ppf s = Format.(
fprintf ppf "@[<1>{";
pp_print_list pp ppf (bindings s);
Format.fprintf ppf "}@]")
module DSL = struct
type (_,_,_,_) arg = | A : ('x def * 'x) -> (('b -> 'x -> 'c) -> 'x -> 'd, 'b, 'c, 'd) arg
| S : ('x def * 'x) -> ('x -> 'd, 'b, 'c, 'd) arg
| T : ('x def * 'x) -> ('d, 'b, 'c, 'd) arg
let a tag v = A (tag,v)
let s tag v = S (tag,v)
let t tag v = T (tag,v)
let pp_of_def (type a) tag = let module Tg = (val tag : DEF with type t = a) in Tg.pp
let (-%): type a d. (?tags:set -> a) -> (a,Format.formatter,unit,d) arg -> (?tags:set -> d) = fun f -> function
| A (tag,v) -> (fun ?(tags=empty) -> f ~tags:(add tag v tags) (pp_of_def tag) v) [@warning "-16"]
| S (tag,v) -> (fun ?(tags=empty) -> f ~tags:(add tag v tags) v) [@warning "-16"]
| T (tag,v) -> (fun ?(tags=empty) -> f ~tags:(add tag v tags)) [@warning "-16"]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** Tags and tag sets. Tags are basically similar to a plain extensible
variant type, but wrapped with metadata that enables them to be printed
generically and combined into tag sets where each tag is either not
present or associated with a specific value.
They are primarily intended for use with the `Logging` module but it
would probably be reasonable to use them for other purposes. *)
(** Type of tag definitions. Analogous to a constructor of an extensible
variant type, but first-class. *)
type _ def
(** Define a new tag with a name, printer, and optional documentation string.
This is generative, not applicative, so tag definitions created with
identical names and printers at different times or places will be
different tags! You probably do not want to define a tag in a local
scope unless you have something really tricky in mind. Basically all
the caveats you would have if you wrote [type t +=] apply. *)
val def : ?doc:string -> string -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a def
val name : 'a def -> string
val doc : 'a def -> string
val printer : 'a def -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit)
(** Print the name of a tag definition. *)
val pp_def : Format.formatter -> 'a def -> unit
(** A binding consisting of a tag and value. If a `def` is a constructor
of an extensible variant type, a `t` is a value of that type. *)
type t = V : 'a def * 'a -> t
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module Key : sig
type t = V : 'a def -> t
(** Tag sets. If `t` is an extensible variant type, `set` is a set of `t`s
no two of which have the same constructor. Most ordinary set and map
operations familiar from the Ocaml standard library are provided.
`equal` and `compare` are purposely not provided as there is no
meaningful ordering on tags and their arguments may not even have a
meaningful notion of equality. *)
type set
val empty : set
val is_empty : set -> bool
val mem : 'a def -> set -> bool
val add : 'a def -> 'a -> set -> set
val update : 'a def -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> (set -> set)
val singleton : 'a def -> 'a -> set
val remove : 'a def -> set -> set
val rem : 'a def -> set -> set
type merger = { merger : 'a. 'a def -> 'a option -> 'a option -> 'a option }
val merge : merger -> set -> set -> set
type unioner = { unioner : 'a. 'a def -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a }
val union : unioner -> set -> set -> set
val iter : (t -> unit) -> set -> unit
val fold : (t -> 'b -> 'b) -> (set -> 'b -> 'b)
val for_all : (t -> bool) -> (set -> bool)
val exists : (t -> bool) -> (set -> bool)
val filter : (t -> bool) -> set -> set
val partition : (t -> bool) -> set -> (set * set)
val cardinal : set -> int
val min_binding : set -> t
val min_binding_opt : set -> t option
val max_binding : set -> t
val max_binding_opt : set -> t option
val choose : set -> t
val choose_opt : set -> t option
val split : 'a def -> set -> set * 'a option * set
val find : 'a def -> set -> 'a option
val get : 'a def -> set -> 'a
val find_first : (Key.t -> bool) -> set -> t
val find_first_opt : (Key.t -> bool) -> set -> t option
val find_last : (Key.t -> bool) -> set -> t
val find_last_opt : (Key.t -> bool) -> set -> t option
val map : (t -> t) -> set -> set
val mapi : (t -> t) -> set -> set
val pp_set : Format.formatter -> set -> unit
module DSL : sig
type (_,_,_,_) arg
val a : 'v def -> 'v -> (('b -> 'v -> 'c) -> 'v -> 'd, 'b, 'c, 'd) arg
val s : 'v def -> 'v -> ('v -> 'd, 'b, 'c, 'd) arg
val t : 'v def -> 'v -> ('d, 'b, 'c, 'd) arg
val (-%) : (?tags:set -> 'a) -> ('a,Format.formatter,unit,'d) arg -> (?tags:set -> 'd)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user