Alpha: richer block receipt
Added: - nonce_hash - consumed_gas - deactivated delegats at end cycle - unfrozen balances at end cycle
This commit is contained in:
@ -634,7 +634,8 @@ module Delegate : sig
context -> public_key_hash -> Tez.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val cycle_end:
context -> Cycle.t -> Nonce.unrevealed list -> context tzresult Lwt.t
context -> Cycle.t -> Nonce.unrevealed list ->
(context * balance_updates * Signature.Public_key_hash.t list) tzresult Lwt.t
type frozen_balance = {
deposit : Tez.t ;
@ -686,10 +686,10 @@ let apply_contents_list
let level = Level.from_raw ctxt level in
return (ctxt, Single_result
{ balance_updates =
[ Contract (Contract.implicit_contract delegate), Debited deposit;
Deposits (delegate, level.cycle), Credited deposit;
Rewards (delegate, level.cycle), Credited reward; ] ;
{ balance_updates = Delegate.cleanup_balance_updates
[ Contract (Contract.implicit_contract delegate), Debited deposit;
Deposits (delegate, level.cycle), Credited deposit;
Rewards (delegate, level.cycle), Credited reward; ] ;
delegate ; slots }))
| Single (Seed_nonce_revelation { level ; nonce }) ->
let level = Level.from_raw ctxt level in
@ -733,11 +733,12 @@ let apply_contents_list
add_rewards ctxt reward >>=? fun ctxt ->
let current_cycle = (Level.current ctxt).cycle in
return (ctxt, Single_result
(Double_endorsement_evidence_result [
Deposits (delegate1, level.cycle), Debited balance.deposit ;
Fees (delegate1, level.cycle), Debited balance.fees ;
Rewards (delegate1, level.cycle), Debited balance.rewards ;
Rewards (baker, current_cycle), Credited reward ]))
(Delegate.cleanup_balance_updates [
Deposits (delegate1, level.cycle), Debited balance.deposit ;
Fees (delegate1, level.cycle), Debited balance.fees ;
Rewards (delegate1, level.cycle), Debited balance.rewards ;
Rewards (baker, current_cycle), Credited reward ])))
| _, _ -> fail Invalid_double_endorsement_evidence
| Single (Double_baking_evidence { bh1 ; bh2 }) ->
@ -786,11 +787,12 @@ let apply_contents_list
add_rewards ctxt reward >>=? fun ctxt ->
let current_cycle = (Level.current ctxt).cycle in
return (ctxt, Single_result
(Double_baking_evidence_result [
Deposits (delegate, level.cycle), Debited balance.deposit ;
Fees (delegate, level.cycle), Debited balance.fees ;
Rewards (delegate, level.cycle), Debited balance.rewards ;
Rewards (baker, current_cycle), Credited reward ; ]))
(Delegate.cleanup_balance_updates [
Deposits (delegate, level.cycle), Debited balance.deposit ;
Fees (delegate, level.cycle), Debited balance.fees ;
Rewards (delegate, level.cycle), Debited balance.rewards ;
Rewards (baker, current_cycle), Credited reward ; ])))
| Single (Activate_account { id = pkh ; activation_code }) -> begin
let blinded_pkh =
Blinded_public_key_hash.of_ed25519_pkh activation_code pkh in
@ -851,13 +853,13 @@ let may_snapshot_roll ctxt =
let may_start_new_cycle ctxt =
Baking.dawn_of_a_new_cycle ctxt >>=? function
| None -> return ctxt
| None -> return (ctxt, [], [])
| Some last_cycle ->
Seed.cycle_end ctxt last_cycle >>=? fun (ctxt, unrevealed) ->
Roll.cycle_end ctxt last_cycle >>=? fun ctxt ->
Delegate.cycle_end ctxt last_cycle unrevealed >>=? fun ctxt ->
Delegate.cycle_end ctxt last_cycle unrevealed >>=? fun (ctxt, update_balances, deactivated) ->
Bootstrap.cycle_end ctxt last_cycle >>=? fun ctxt ->
return ctxt
return (ctxt, update_balances, deactivated)
let begin_full_construction ctxt pred_timestamp protocol_data =
@ -905,7 +907,8 @@ let begin_application ctxt chain_id block_header pred_timestamp =
let finalize_application ctxt protocol_data delegate =
let deposit = Constants.block_security_deposit ctxt in
add_deposit ctxt delegate deposit >>=? fun ctxt ->
add_rewards ctxt (Constants.block_reward ctxt) >>=? fun ctxt ->
let reward = (Constants.block_reward ctxt) in
add_rewards ctxt reward >>=? fun ctxt ->
(fun delegate deposit ctxt ->
ctxt >>=? fun ctxt ->
@ -928,6 +931,21 @@ let finalize_application ctxt protocol_data delegate =
ctxt protocol_data.priority >>=? fun ctxt ->
(* end of cycle *)
may_snapshot_roll ctxt >>=? fun ctxt ->
may_start_new_cycle ctxt >>=? fun ctxt ->
may_start_new_cycle ctxt >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates, deactivated) ->
Amendment.may_start_new_voting_cycle ctxt >>=? fun ctxt ->
return ctxt
let cycle = (Level.current ctxt).cycle in
let balance_updates =
([ Contract (Contract.implicit_contract delegate), Debited deposit ;
Deposits (delegate, cycle), Credited deposit ;
Rewards (delegate, cycle), Credited reward ] @ balance_updates)) in
let consumed_gas = Z.sub (Constants.hard_gas_limit_per_block ctxt) (Alpha_context.Gas.block_level ctxt) in
Alpha_context.Vote.get_current_period_kind ctxt >>=? fun voting_period_kind ->
let receipt = Apply_results.{ baker = delegate ;
level = Level.current ctxt;
voting_period_kind ;
nonce_hash = protocol_data.seed_nonce_hash ;
consumed_gas ;
deactivated ;
balance_updates } in
return (ctxt, receipt)
@ -912,17 +912,29 @@ type block_metadata = {
baker: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ;
level: Level.t ;
voting_period_kind: Voting_period.kind ;
nonce_hash: Nonce_hash.t option ;
consumed_gas: Z.t ;
deactivated: Signature.Public_key_hash.t list ;
balance_updates: Delegate.balance_updates ;
let block_metadata_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
def "block_header.alpha.metadata" @@
(fun { baker ; level ; voting_period_kind} ->
(baker, level, voting_period_kind))
(fun (baker, level, voting_period_kind) ->
{ baker ; level ; voting_period_kind})
(fun { baker ; level ; voting_period_kind ; nonce_hash ;
consumed_gas ; deactivated ; balance_updates } ->
( baker, level, voting_period_kind, nonce_hash,
consumed_gas, deactivated, balance_updates ))
(fun ( baker, level, voting_period_kind, nonce_hash,
consumed_gas, deactivated, balance_updates ) ->
{ baker ; level ; voting_period_kind ; nonce_hash ;
consumed_gas ; deactivated ; balance_updates })
(req "baker" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)
(req "level" Level.encoding)
(req "voting_period_kind" Voting_period.kind_encoding))
(req "voting_period_kind" Voting_period.kind_encoding)
(req "nonce_hash" (option Nonce_hash.encoding))
(req "consumed_gas" (check_size 10 n))
(req "deactivated" (list Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding))
(req "balance_updates" Delegate.balance_updates_encoding))
@ -131,5 +131,9 @@ type block_metadata = {
baker: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ;
level: Level.t ;
voting_period_kind: Voting_period.kind ;
nonce_hash: Nonce_hash.t option ;
consumed_gas: Z.t ;
deactivated: Signature.Public_key_hash.t list ;
balance_updates: Delegate.balance_updates ;
val block_metadata_encoding: block_metadata Data_encoding.encoding
@ -411,46 +411,53 @@ let unfreeze ctxt delegate cycle =
get_frozen_fees ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun fees ->
get_frozen_rewards ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun rewards ->
Storage.Contract.Balance.get ctxt contract >>=? fun balance ->
Lwt.return Tez_repr.(balance +? deposit) >>=? fun balance ->
Lwt.return Tez_repr.(balance +? fees) >>=? fun balance ->
Lwt.return Tez_repr.(balance +? rewards) >>=? fun balance ->
Lwt.return Tez_repr.(deposit +? fees) >>=? fun unfrozen_amount ->
Lwt.return Tez_repr.(unfrozen_amount +? rewards) >>=? fun unfrozen_amount ->
Lwt.return Tez_repr.(balance +? unfrozen_amount) >>=? fun balance ->
Storage.Contract.Balance.set ctxt contract balance >>=? fun ctxt ->
Roll_storage.Delegate.add_amount ctxt delegate rewards >>=? fun ctxt ->
Storage.Contract.Frozen_deposits.remove (ctxt, contract) cycle >>= fun ctxt ->
Storage.Contract.Frozen_fees.remove (ctxt, contract) cycle >>= fun ctxt ->
Storage.Contract.Frozen_rewards.remove (ctxt, contract) cycle >>= fun ctxt ->
return ctxt
return (ctxt, (cleanup_balance_updates
[(Deposits (delegate, cycle), Debited deposit) ;
(Fees (delegate, cycle), Debited fees) ;
(Rewards (delegate, cycle), Debited rewards) ;
(Contract (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate), Credited unfrozen_amount)]))
let cycle_end ctxt last_cycle unrevealed =
let preserved = Constants_storage.preserved_cycles ctxt in
match Cycle_repr.pred last_cycle with
| None -> return ctxt
| None -> return (ctxt,[])
| Some revealed_cycle ->
(fun ctxt (u : Nonce_storage.unrevealed) ->
ctxt >>=? fun ctxt ->
(fun acc (u : Nonce_storage.unrevealed) ->
acc >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) ->
ctxt u.delegate revealed_cycle u.fees >>=? fun ctxt ->
ctxt u.delegate revealed_cycle u.rewards >>=? fun ctxt ->
return ctxt)
(return ctxt) unrevealed
end >>=? fun ctxt ->
let bus = [(Fees (u.delegate, revealed_cycle), Debited u.fees);
(Rewards (u.delegate, revealed_cycle), Debited u.rewards)] in
return (ctxt, bus @ balance_updates))
(return (ctxt,[])) unrevealed
end >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) ->
match Cycle_repr.sub last_cycle preserved with
| None -> return ctxt
| None -> return (ctxt, balance_updates, [])
| Some unfrozen_cycle ->
fold ctxt
~init:(Ok ctxt)
~f:(fun delegate ctxt ->
Lwt.return ctxt >>=? fun ctxt ->
unfreeze ctxt delegate unfrozen_cycle >>=? fun ctxt ->
~init:(Ok (ctxt, balance_updates, []))
~f:(fun delegate acc ->
Lwt.return acc >>=? fun (ctxt, bus, deactivated) ->
unfreeze ctxt delegate unfrozen_cycle >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) ->
Storage.Contract.Delegate_desactivation.get ctxt
(Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) >>=? fun cycle ->
if Cycle_repr.(cycle <= last_cycle) then
Roll_storage.Delegate.set_inactive ctxt delegate
Roll_storage.Delegate.set_inactive ctxt delegate >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, balance_updates @ bus, delegate::deactivated)
return ctxt)
return (ctxt, balance_updates @ bus, deactivated))
let punish ctxt delegate cycle =
let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in
@ -106,12 +106,13 @@ val freeze_rewards:
Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t
(** Trigger the context maintenance at the end of cycle 'n', i.e.:
unfroze deposit/fees/rewards from 'n - preserved_cycle' ; punish the
provided unrevealed seeds (tipically seed from from cycle 'n -
1'). *)
unfreeze deposit/fees/rewards from 'n - preserved_cycle' ; punish the
provided unrevealed seeds (tipically seed from cycle 'n - 1').
Returns a list of account with the amount that was unfrozen for each
and the list of deactivated delegates. *)
val cycle_end:
Raw_context.t -> Cycle_repr.t -> Nonce_storage.unrevealed list ->
Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t
(Raw_context.t * balance_updates * Signature.Public_key_hash.t list) tzresult Lwt.t
(** Burn all then frozen deposit/fees/rewards for a delegate at a given
cycle. Returns the burned amounts. *)
@ -192,16 +192,28 @@ let finalize_block { mode ; ctxt ; op_count } =
(Alpha_context.get_deposits ctxt)
(return ctxt) >>=? fun ctxt ->
let ctxt = Alpha_context.finalize ctxt in
return (ctxt, Apply_results.{ baker ; level ; voting_period_kind })
return (ctxt, Apply_results.{ baker ;
level ;
voting_period_kind ;
nonce_hash = None ;
consumed_gas = ;
deactivated = [];
balance_updates = []})
| Partial_application { baker ; _ } ->
let level = Alpha_context. Level.current ctxt in
Alpha_context.Vote.get_current_period_kind ctxt >>=? fun voting_period_kind ->
let ctxt = Alpha_context.finalize ctxt in
return (ctxt, Apply_results.{ baker ; level ; voting_period_kind })
return (ctxt, Apply_results.{ baker ;
level ;
voting_period_kind ;
nonce_hash = None ;
consumed_gas = ;
deactivated = [];
balance_updates = []})
| Application
{ baker ; block_header = { protocol_data = { contents = protocol_data ; _ } ; _ } }
| Full_construction { protocol_data ; baker ; _ } ->
Apply.finalize_application ctxt protocol_data baker >>=? fun ctxt ->
Apply.finalize_application ctxt protocol_data baker >>=? fun (ctxt, receipt) ->
let level = Alpha_context.Level.current ctxt in
let priority = protocol_data.priority in
let raw_level = Alpha_context.Raw_level.to_int32 level.level in
@ -210,9 +222,8 @@ let finalize_block { mode ; ctxt ; op_count } =
"lvl %ld, fit %Ld, prio %d, %d ops"
raw_level fitness priority op_count in
Alpha_context.Vote.get_current_period_kind ctxt >>=? fun voting_period_kind ->
let ctxt = Alpha_context.finalize ~commit_message ctxt in
return (ctxt, Apply_results.{ baker ; level ; voting_period_kind })
return (ctxt, receipt)
let compare_operations op1 op2 =
let open Alpha_context in
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ val init:
val for_cycle:
Raw_context.t -> Cycle_repr.t -> Seed_repr.seed tzresult Lwt.t
(** If it is the end of the cycle, computes and stores the seed of cycle at
distance [preserved_cycle+2] in the future using the seed of the previous
cycle and the revelations of the current one. *)
val cycle_end:
Raw_context.t -> Cycle_repr.t ->
(Raw_context.t * Nonce_storage.unrevealed list) tzresult Lwt.t
Reference in New Issue
Block a user