RPC: split modules RPC/RPC_server
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,8 +31,9 @@ let main () =
port = parsed_config_file.node_port ;
tls = parsed_config_file.tls ;
} in
let ctxt = new Client_rpcs.rpc rpc_config in
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.protocol (new Client_rpcs.rpc rpc_config) parsed_args.block >>= function
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.protocol ctxt parsed_args.block >>= function
| Ok version -> begin
match parsed_args.protocol with
| None ->
@ -171,17 +171,17 @@ let editor_fill_in schema =
(*-- Nice list display ------------------------------------------------------*)
let rec count =
let open RPC.Description in
let open RPC_description in
| Empty -> 0
| Dynamic _ -> 1
| Static { services ; subdirs } ->
let service = RPC.MethMap.cardinal services in
let service = RPC_service.MethMap.cardinal services in
let subdirs =
match subdirs with
| None -> 0
| Some (Suffixes subdirs) ->
RPC.StringMap.fold (fun _ t r -> r + count t) subdirs 0
Resto.StringMap.fold (fun _ t r -> r + count t) subdirs 0
| Some (Arg (_, subdir)) -> count subdir in
service + subdirs
@ -191,10 +191,10 @@ let list url (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context) =
let args = String.split '/' url in
Client_node_rpcs.describe cctxt
~recurse:true args >>=? fun tree ->
let open RPC.Description in
let open RPC_description in
let collected_args = ref [] in
let collect arg =
if not (arg.RPC.Arg.descr <> None && List.mem arg !collected_args) then
if not (arg.RPC_arg.descr <> None && List.mem arg !collected_args) then
collected_args := arg :: !collected_args in
let display_paragraph ppf description =
Format.fprintf ppf "@, @[%a@]"
@ -202,14 +202,14 @@ let list url (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context) =
(String.split ' ' description)
let display_arg ppf arg =
match arg.RPC.Arg.descr with
| None -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" arg.RPC.Arg.name
match arg.RPC_arg.descr with
| None -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" arg.RPC_arg.name
| Some descr ->
Format.fprintf ppf "<%s>%a" arg.RPC.Arg.name display_paragraph descr
Format.fprintf ppf "<%s>%a" arg.RPC_arg.name display_paragraph descr
let display_service ppf (_path, tpath, service) =
Format.fprintf ppf "- %s /%s"
(RPC.string_of_meth service.meth)
(RPC_service.string_of_meth service.meth)
(String.concat "/" tpath) ;
match service.description with
| None | Some "" -> ()
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ let list url (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context) =
(fun ppf (_,s) -> display_service ppf (_path, tpath, s))
(RPC.MethMap.bindings services)
(RPC_service.MethMap.bindings services)
let rec display ppf (path, tpath, tree) =
match tree with
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ let list url (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context) =
| Static { services ; subdirs = None } ->
display_services ppf (path, tpath, services)
| Static { services ; subdirs = Some (Suffixes subdirs) } -> begin
match RPC.MethMap.cardinal services, RPC.StringMap.bindings subdirs with
match RPC_service.MethMap.cardinal services, Resto.StringMap.bindings subdirs with
| 0, [] -> ()
| 0, [ n, solo ] ->
display ppf (path @ [ n ], tpath @ [ n ], solo)
@ -262,16 +262,16 @@ let list url (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context) =
| Static { services ; subdirs = Some (Arg (arg, solo)) }
when RPC.MethMap.cardinal services = 0 ->
when RPC_service.MethMap.cardinal services = 0 ->
collect arg ;
let name = Printf.sprintf "<%s>" arg.RPC.Arg.name in
let name = Printf.sprintf "<%s>" arg.RPC_arg.name in
display ppf (path @ [ name ], tpath @ [ name ], solo)
| Static { services;
subdirs = Some (Arg (arg, solo)) } ->
collect arg ;
display_services ppf (path, tpath, services) ;
Format.fprintf ppf "@," ;
let name = Printf.sprintf "<%s>" arg.RPC.Arg.name in
let name = Printf.sprintf "<%s>" arg.RPC_arg.name in
display ppf (path @ [ name ], tpath @ [ name ], solo)
and display_list tpath =
@ -288,10 +288,10 @@ let list url (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context) =
let schema url (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context) =
let args = String.split '/' url in
let open RPC.Description in
let open RPC_description in
Client_node_rpcs.describe cctxt ~recurse:false args >>=? function
| Static { services } -> begin
match RPC.MethMap.find `POST services with
match RPC_service.MethMap.find `POST services with
| exception Not_found ->
"No service found at this URL (but this is a valid prefix)\n%!" >>= fun () ->
@ -313,10 +313,10 @@ let schema url (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context) =
let format url (cctxt : #Client_commands.logging_rpcs) =
let args = String.split '/' url in
let open RPC.Description in
let open RPC_description in
Client_node_rpcs.describe cctxt ~recurse:false args >>=? function
| Static { services } -> begin
match RPC.MethMap.find `POST services with
match RPC_service.MethMap.find `POST services with
| exception Not_found ->
"No service found at this URL (but this is a valid prefix)\n%!" >>= fun () ->
@ -352,10 +352,10 @@ let fill_in schema =
let call url (cctxt : Client_commands.full_context) =
let args = String.split '/' url in
let open RPC.Description in
let open RPC_description in
Client_node_rpcs.describe cctxt ~recurse:false args >>=? function
| Static { services } -> begin
match RPC.MethMap.find `POST services with
match RPC_service.MethMap.find `POST services with
| exception Not_found ->
"No service found at this URL (but this is a valid prefix)\n%!" >>= fun () ->
@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ let complete cctxt ?block prefix =
call_service2 cctxt Services.Blocks.complete block prefix ()
let describe config ?(recurse = true) path =
let { RPC.Service.meth ; uri } =
RPC.Service.forge_request Node_rpc_services.describe
((), path) { RPC.Description.recurse } in
let { RPC_service.meth ; uri } =
RPC_service.forge_request Node_rpc_services.describe
((), path) { RPC_description.recurse } in
let path = String.split_path (Uri.path uri) in (* Temporary *)
config#get_json meth path (`O []) >>=? fun json ->
match Data_encoding.Json.destruct (RPC.Service.output_encoding Node_rpc_services.describe) json with
match Data_encoding.Json.destruct (RPC_service.output_encoding Node_rpc_services.describe) json with
| exception msg ->
let msg =
Format.asprintf "%a" (fun x -> Data_encoding.Json.print_error x) msg in
@ -177,4 +177,4 @@ val complete:
val describe:
#Client_rpcs.ctxt ->
?recurse:bool -> string list ->
Data_encoding.json_schema RPC.Description.directory tzresult Lwt.t
Data_encoding.json_schema RPC_description.directory tzresult Lwt.t
@ -188,27 +188,27 @@ let fail config err = fail (RPC_error (config, err))
class type ctxt = object
method get_json :
RPC.meth ->
RPC_service.meth ->
string list -> Data_encoding.json -> Data_encoding.json tzresult Lwt.t
method get_streamed_json :
RPC.meth ->
RPC_service.meth ->
string list ->
Data_encoding.json ->
Data_encoding.json tzresult Lwt_stream.t tzresult Lwt.t
method make_request :
(Uri.t -> Data_encoding.json -> 'a Lwt.t) ->
RPC.meth ->
RPC_service.meth ->
string list ->
Data_encoding.json ->
('a * Cohttp.Code.status_code * Cohttp_lwt.Body.t) tzresult Lwt.t
method parse_answer :
'meth 'params 'input 'output.
([< Resto.meth ] as 'meth, unit, 'params, unit, 'input, 'output, unit) RPC.Service.t ->
([< Resto.meth ] as 'meth, unit, 'params, unit, 'input, 'output, unit) RPC_service.t ->
string list ->
Data_encoding.json -> 'output tzresult Lwt.t
method parse_err_answer :
'meth 'params 'input 'output.
([< Resto.meth ] as 'meth, unit, 'params, unit, 'input, 'output tzresult, unit) RPC.Service.t ->
([< Resto.meth ] as 'meth, unit, 'params, unit, 'input, 'output tzresult, unit) RPC_service.t ->
string list ->
Data_encoding.json -> 'output tzresult Lwt.t
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class rpc config : ctxt = object (self)
val config = config
method make_request :
type a. (Uri.t -> Data_encoding.json -> a Lwt.t) ->
RPC.meth ->
RPC_service.meth ->
string list ->
Data_encoding.json ->
(a * Cohttp.Code.status_code * Cohttp_lwt.Body.t) tzresult Lwt.t =
@ -276,11 +276,11 @@ class rpc config : ctxt = object (self)
method parse_answer
: 'm 'p 'i 'o.
([< Resto.meth ] as 'm, unit, 'p, unit, 'i, 'o, unit) RPC.Service.t ->
([< Resto.meth ] as 'm, unit, 'p, unit, 'i, 'o, unit) RPC_service.t ->
string list ->
Data_encoding.json -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t =
fun service path json ->
match Data_encoding.Json.destruct (RPC.Service.output_encoding service) json with
match Data_encoding.Json.destruct (RPC_service.output_encoding service) json with
| exception msg ->
let msg =
Format.asprintf "%a" (fun x -> Data_encoding.Json.print_error x) msg in
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ class rpc config : ctxt = object (self)
| v -> return v
method get_json : RPC.meth ->
method get_json : RPC_service.meth ->
string list -> Data_encoding.json -> Data_encoding.json tzresult Lwt.t =
fun meth service json ->
let Logger logger = config.logger in
@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ class rpc config : ctxt = object (self)
method parse_err_answer
: 'm 'p 'i 'o.
([< Resto.meth ] as 'm, unit, 'p, unit, 'i, 'o tzresult, unit) RPC.Service.t ->
([< Resto.meth ] as 'm, unit, 'p, unit, 'i, 'o tzresult, unit) RPC_service.t ->
string list ->
Data_encoding.json -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t =
fun service path json ->
match Data_encoding.Json.destruct (RPC.Service.output_encoding service) json with
match Data_encoding.Json.destruct (RPC_service.output_encoding service) json with
| exception msg -> (* TODO print_error *)
let msg =
Format.asprintf "%a" (fun x -> Data_encoding.Json.print_error x) msg in
@ -346,13 +346,13 @@ let make_request config log_request meth service json =
fail config (Connection_failed msg)
let forge_request (type i) (service: (_,_,_,_,i,_,_) RPC.Service.t) params body =
let { RPC.Service.meth ; uri } =
RPC.Service.forge_request service params () in
let forge_request (type i) (service: (_,_,_,_,i,_,_) RPC_service.t) params body =
let { RPC_service.meth ; uri } =
RPC_service.forge_request service params () in
let json =
match RPC.Service.input_encoding service with
| RPC.Service.No_input -> assert false (* TODO *)
| RPC.Service.Input input -> Data_encoding.Json.construct input body in
match RPC_service.input_encoding service with
| RPC_service.No_input -> assert false (* TODO *)
| RPC_service.Input input -> Data_encoding.Json.construct input body in
let path = String.split_path (Uri.path uri) in (* Temporary *)
meth, path, json
@ -25,28 +25,28 @@ and logger =
class type ctxt = object
method get_json :
RPC.meth ->
RPC_service.meth ->
string list -> Data_encoding.json ->
Data_encoding.json tzresult Lwt.t
method get_streamed_json :
RPC.meth ->
RPC_service.meth ->
string list ->
Data_encoding.json ->
Data_encoding.json tzresult Lwt_stream.t tzresult Lwt.t
method make_request :
(Uri.t -> Data_encoding.json -> 'a Lwt.t) ->
RPC.meth ->
RPC_service.meth ->
string list ->
Data_encoding.json ->
('a * Cohttp.Code.status_code * Cohttp_lwt.Body.t) tzresult Lwt.t
method parse_answer :
'meth 'params 'input 'output.
([< Resto.meth ] as 'meth, unit, 'params, unit, 'input, 'output, unit) RPC.Service.t ->
([< Resto.meth ] as 'meth, unit, 'params, unit, 'input, 'output, unit) RPC_service.t ->
string list ->
Data_encoding.json -> 'output tzresult Lwt.t
method parse_err_answer :
'meth 'params 'input 'output.
([< Resto.meth ] as 'meth, unit, 'params, unit, 'input, 'output tzresult, unit) RPC.Service.t ->
([< Resto.meth ] as 'meth, unit, 'params, unit, 'input, 'output tzresult, unit) RPC_service.t ->
string list ->
Data_encoding.json -> 'output tzresult Lwt.t
@ -62,56 +62,56 @@ val call_service0:
#ctxt ->
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, 'i,
'o, unit) RPC.Service.t ->
'o, unit) RPC_service.t ->
'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t
val call_service1:
#ctxt ->
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * 'a, unit, 'i,
'o, unit) RPC.Service.t ->
'o, unit) RPC_service.t ->
'a -> 'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t
val call_service2:
#ctxt ->
([ `POST ], unit,
(unit * 'a) * 'b, unit, 'i,
'o, unit) RPC.Service.t ->
'o, unit) RPC_service.t ->
'a -> 'b -> 'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t
val call_streamed_service0:
#ctxt ->
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, 'a,
'b, unit) RPC.Service.t ->
'b, unit) RPC_service.t ->
'a -> 'b tzresult Lwt_stream.t tzresult Lwt.t
val call_streamed_service1:
#ctxt ->
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * 'a, unit, 'b,
'c, unit) RPC.Service.t ->
'c, unit) RPC_service.t ->
'a -> 'b -> 'c tzresult Lwt_stream.t tzresult Lwt.t
val call_err_service0:
#ctxt ->
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, 'i,
'o tzresult, unit) RPC.Service.t ->
'o tzresult, unit) RPC_service.t ->
'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t
val call_err_service1:
#ctxt ->
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * 'a, unit, 'i,
'o tzresult, unit) RPC.Service.t ->
'o tzresult, unit) RPC_service.t ->
'a -> 'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t
val call_err_service2:
#ctxt ->
([ `POST ], unit,
(unit * 'a) * 'b, unit, 'i,
'o tzresult, unit) RPC.Service.t ->
'o tzresult, unit) RPC_service.t ->
'a -> 'b -> 'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t
type block = Node_rpc_services.Blocks.block
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(flags (:standard -w -9+27-30-32-40@8
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@
-open Tezos_storage
-open Tezos_node_p2p_base
-open Tezos_node_services
-open Tezos_node_http
-open Tezos_node_updater))))
@ -10,6 +10,12 @@ depends: [
"ocamlfind" { build }
"jbuilder" { build & >= "1.0+beta15" }
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ let arg =
match of_b58check hash with
| Error _ -> Error "Cannot parse contract id"
| Ok contract -> Ok contract in
~descr: "A contract identifier encoded in b58check."
~name: "contract_id"
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ val encoding : contract Data_encoding.t
val origination_nonce_encoding : origination_nonce Data_encoding.t
val arg : contract RPC.Arg.arg
val arg : contract RPC_arg.arg
module Index : sig
type t = contract
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ let arg =
match Int32.of_string str with
| exception _ -> Error "Cannot parse cycle"
| cycle -> Ok cycle in
~descr:"A cycle integer"
~name: "block_cycle"
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ type t
type cycle = t
include Compare.S with type t := t
val encoding: cycle Data_encoding.t
val arg: cycle RPC.Arg.arg
val arg: cycle RPC_arg.arg
val pp: Format.formatter -> cycle -> unit
val root: cycle
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ let arg =
match Int32.of_string str with
| exception _ -> Error "Cannot parse level"
| raw_level -> Ok raw_level in
~descr:"A level integer"
~name: "block_level"
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
type t
type raw_level = t
val encoding: raw_level Data_encoding.t
val arg: raw_level RPC.Arg.arg
val arg: raw_level RPC_arg.arg
val pp: Format.formatter -> raw_level -> unit
include Compare.S with type t := raw_level
@ -36,188 +36,188 @@ let wrap_tzerror encoding =
let operations custom_root =
~description: "All the operations of the block (fully decoded)."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
(list (list (dynamic_size Operation.encoding))))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "operations")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "operations")
let header custom_root =
~description: "The header of the block (fully decoded)."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror Block_header.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "header")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "header")
module Header = struct
let priority custom_root =
~description: "Baking priority of the block."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror uint16)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "header" / "priority")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "header" / "priority")
let seed_nonce_hash custom_root =
~description: "Hash of the seed nonce of the block."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror Nonce_hash.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "header" / "seed_nonce_hash")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "header" / "seed_nonce_hash")
module Constants = struct
let cycle_length custom_root =
~description: "Cycle length"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
describe ~title: "cycle length" int32)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "constants" / "cycle_length")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "constants" / "cycle_length")
let voting_period_length custom_root =
~description: "Length of the voting period"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
describe ~title: "voting period length" int32)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "constants" / "voting_period_length")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "constants" / "voting_period_length")
let time_before_reward custom_root =
~description: "Time before reward"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
describe ~title: "time before reward" Period.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "constants" / "time_before_reward")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "constants" / "time_before_reward")
let slot_durations custom_root =
~description: "Slot durations"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
describe ~title: "time between slots" (list Period.encoding))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "constants" / "time_between_slots")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "constants" / "time_between_slots")
let first_free_baking_slot custom_root =
~description: "First free baking slot"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
describe ~title: "first free baking slot" uint16)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "constants" / "first_free_baking_slot")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "constants" / "first_free_baking_slot")
let max_signing_slot custom_root =
~description: "Max signing slot"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
describe ~title: "max signing slot" uint16)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "constants" / "max_signing_slot")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "constants" / "max_signing_slot")
let instructions_per_transaction custom_root =
~description: "Instructions per transaction"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
describe ~title: "instructions per transaction" int31)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "constants" / "instructions_per_transaction")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "constants" / "instructions_per_transaction")
let proof_of_work_threshold custom_root =
~description: "Stamp threshold"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
describe ~title: "proof_of_work threshold" int64)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "constants" / "proof_of_work_threshold")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "constants" / "proof_of_work_threshold")
let errors custom_root =
~description: "Schema for all the RPC errors from this protocol version"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: json_schema
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "constants" / "errors")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "constants" / "errors")
module Context = struct
let level custom_root =
~description: "Detailled level information for the current block"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
describe ~title: "detailled level info" Level.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "level")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "level")
let next_level custom_root =
~description: "Detailled level information for the next block"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
describe ~title: "detailled level info" Level.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "next_level")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "next_level")
let roll_value custom_root =
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror Tez.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "roll_value")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "roll_value")
let next_roll custom_root =
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror int32)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "next_roll")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "next_roll")
let voting_period_kind custom_root =
~description: "Voting period kind for the current block"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
(wrap_tzerror @@
(req "voting_period_kind" Voting_period.kind_encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "voting_period_kind")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "voting_period_kind")
module Nonce = struct
@ -244,23 +244,23 @@ module Context = struct
let get custom_root =
~description: "Info about the nonce of a previous block."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror nonce_encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "nonce" /: Raw_level.arg)
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "nonce" /: Raw_level.arg)
let hash custom_root =
~description: "Hash of the current block's nonce."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
describe ~title: "nonce hash" Nonce_hash.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "nonce")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "nonce")
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ module Context = struct
match Ed25519.Public_key_hash.of_b58check_opt hash with
| None -> Error "Cannot parse public key hash"
| Some public_key_hash -> Ok public_key_hash in
~descr:"A public key hash"
~name: "public_key_hash"
@ -285,22 +285,22 @@ module Context = struct
(req "public_key" Ed25519.Public_key.encoding))
let list custom_root =
~description: "List the known public keys"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@ list pk_encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "keys")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "keys")
let get custom_root =
~description: "Fetch the stored public key"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@ pk_encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "keys" /: public_key_hash_arg )
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "keys" /: public_key_hash_arg )
@ -309,76 +309,76 @@ module Context = struct
module Contract = struct
let balance custom_root =
~description: "Access the balance of a contract."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror Tez.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "balance")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "balance")
let manager custom_root =
~description: "Access the manager of a contract."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror Ed25519.Public_key_hash.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "manager")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "manager")
let delegate custom_root =
~description: "Access the delegate of a contract, if any."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror (option Ed25519.Public_key_hash.encoding))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "delegate")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "delegate")
let counter custom_root =
~description: "Access the counter of a contract, if any."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror int32)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "counter")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "counter")
let spendable custom_root =
~description: "Tells if the contract tokens can be spent by the manager."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror bool)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "spendable")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "spendable")
let delegatable custom_root =
~description: "Tells if the contract delegate can be changed."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror bool)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "delegatable")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "delegatable")
let script custom_root =
~description: "Access the code and data of the contract."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror (option Script.encoding))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "script")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "script")
let storage custom_root =
~description: "Access the data of the contract."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror (option Script.expr_encoding))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "storage")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg / "storage")
type info = {
manager: public_key_hash ;
@ -390,9 +390,9 @@ module Context = struct
let get custom_root =
~description: "Access the complete status of a contract."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
(wrap_tzerror @@
@ -411,17 +411,17 @@ module Context = struct
(opt "script" Script.encoding)
(req "counter" int32))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg)
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts" /: Contract.arg)
let list custom_root =
"All existing contracts (including non-empty default contracts)."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@ list Contract.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "context" / "contracts")
@ -432,14 +432,14 @@ end
module Helpers = struct
let minimal_timestamp custom_root =
~description: "Minimal timestamp for the next block."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj1 (opt "priority" int31))
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
obj1 (req "timestamp" Timestamp.encoding))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "minimal_timestamp")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "minimal_timestamp")
let run_code_input_encoding =
@ -451,21 +451,21 @@ module Helpers = struct
(opt "origination_nonce" Contract.origination_nonce_encoding))
let run_code custom_root =
~description: "Run a piece of code in the current context"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: run_code_input_encoding
~output: (wrap_tzerror
(req "storage" Script.expr_encoding)
(req "output" Script.expr_encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "run_code")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "run_code")
let apply_operation custom_root =
~description: "Applies an operation in the current context"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj4
(req "pred_block" Block_hash.encoding)
(req "operation_hash" Operation_hash.encoding)
@ -474,14 +474,14 @@ module Helpers = struct
~output: (wrap_tzerror
(obj1 (req "contracts" (list Contract.encoding))))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "apply_operation")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "apply_operation")
let trace_code custom_root =
~description: "Run a piece of code in the current context, \
keeping a trace"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: run_code_input_encoding
~output: (wrap_tzerror
@ -493,55 +493,55 @@ module Helpers = struct
(req "gas" int31)
(req "stack" (list (Script.expr_encoding)))))))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "trace_code")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "trace_code")
let typecheck_code custom_root =
~description: "Typecheck a piece of code in the current context"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: Script.expr_encoding
~output: (wrap_tzerror Script_ir_translator.type_map_enc)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "typecheck_code")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "typecheck_code")
let typecheck_data custom_root =
~description: "Check that some data expression is well formed \
and of a given type in the current context"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj2
(req "data" Script.expr_encoding)
(req "type" Script.expr_encoding))
~output: (wrap_tzerror empty)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "typecheck_data")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "typecheck_data")
let hash_data custom_root =
~description: "Computes the hash of some data expression \
using the same algorithm as script instruction H"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj1 (req "data" Script.expr_encoding))
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
obj1 (req "hash" string))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "hash_data")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "hash_data")
let level custom_root =
~description: "..."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj1
(opt "offset" int32))
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
describe ~title: "block level and cycle information" Level.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "level" /: Raw_level.arg)
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "level" /: Raw_level.arg)
let levels custom_root =
~description: "Levels of a cycle"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
describe ~title: "levels of a cycle"
@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ module Helpers = struct
(req "first" Raw_level.encoding)
(req "last" Raw_level.encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "levels" /: Cycle.arg)
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "levels" /: Cycle.arg)
module Rights = struct
@ -571,11 +571,11 @@ module Helpers = struct
(req "timestamp" Timestamp.encoding))
let baking_rights custom_root =
"List gelegates allowed to bake for the next level, \
ordered by priority."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj1 (opt "max_priority" int31))
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
@ -586,14 +586,14 @@ module Helpers = struct
(req "delegate" Ed25519.Public_key_hash.encoding)
(req "timestamp" Timestamp.encoding)))))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights" / "baking")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights" / "baking")
let baking_rights_for_level custom_root =
"List delegate allowed to bake for a given level, \
ordered by priority."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj1 (opt "max_priority" int31))
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
@ -601,49 +601,49 @@ module Helpers = struct
(req "delegates"
(list Ed25519.Public_key_hash.encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
/ "baking" / "level" /: Raw_level.arg )
let baking_levels custom_root =
"List level for which we might computed baking rights."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
obj1 (req "levels" (list Raw_level.encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
/ "baking" / "level" )
let baking_rights_for_delegate custom_root =
~description: "Future baking rights for a given delegate."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: slots_range_encoding
~output: (wrap_tzerror (Data_encoding.list baking_slot_encoding))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
/ "baking" / "delegate" /: Context.Key.public_key_hash_arg )
let baking_delegates custom_root =
"List delegates with baking rights."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
obj1 (req "delegates"
(list Ed25519.Public_key_hash.encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
/ "baking" / "delegate" )
let endorsement_rights custom_root =
"List delegates allowed to endorse for the current block."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj1 (opt "max_priority" int31))
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
@ -651,13 +651,13 @@ module Helpers = struct
(req "delegates"
(list Ed25519.Public_key_hash.encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights" / "endorsement")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights" / "endorsement")
let endorsement_rights_for_level custom_root =
"List delegates allowed to endorse blocks for a given level."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj1 (opt "max_priority" int31))
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
@ -665,42 +665,42 @@ module Helpers = struct
(req "delegates"
(list Ed25519.Public_key_hash.encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
/ "endorsement" / "level" /: Raw_level.arg )
let endorsement_levels custom_root =
"List level for which we might computed endorsement rights."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
obj1 (req "levels" (list Raw_level.encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
/ "endorsement" / "level" )
let endorsement_rights_for_delegate custom_root =
~description: "Compute endorsement rights for a given delegate."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: slots_range_encoding
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@ Data_encoding.list endorsement_slot_encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
/ "endorsement" / "delegate" /: Context.Key.public_key_hash_arg )
let endorsement_delegates custom_root =
"List delegates with endorsement rights."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (wrap_tzerror @@
obj1 (req "delegates"
(list Ed25519.Public_key_hash.encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "rights"
/ "endorsement" / "delegate" )
@ -708,9 +708,9 @@ module Helpers = struct
module Forge = struct
let operations custom_root =
~description:"Forge an operation"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: Operation.unsigned_operation_encoding
(wrap_tzerror @@
@ -718,16 +718,16 @@ module Helpers = struct
(req "operation" @@
describe ~title: "hex encoded operation" bytes)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "forge" / "operations" )
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "forge" / "operations" )
let empty_proof_of_work_nonce =
(String.make Constants_repr.proof_of_work_nonce_size '\000')
let block_proto_header custom_root =
~description: "Forge the protocol-specific part of a block header"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
(req "priority" uint16)
@ -738,16 +738,16 @@ module Helpers = struct
~output: (wrap_tzerror bytes)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "forge" / "block_proto_header")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "forge" / "block_proto_header")
module Parse = struct
let operations custom_root =
~description:"Parse operations"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
(req "operations" (list (dynamic_size Operation.raw_encoding)))
@ -755,16 +755,16 @@ module Helpers = struct
(wrap_tzerror (list (dynamic_size Operation.encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "parse" / "operations" )
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "parse" / "operations" )
let block custom_root =
~description:"Parse a block"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: Block_header.raw_encoding
~output: (wrap_tzerror Block_header.proto_header_encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "parse" / "block" )
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "parse" / "block" )
@ -26,34 +26,34 @@ let rpc_init
Tezos_context.init ~level ~timestamp ~fitness context >>=? fun context ->
return { block_hash ; block_header ; operation_hashes ; operations ; context }
let rpc_services = ref (RPC.Directory.empty : Updater.rpc_context RPC.Directory.t)
let rpc_services = ref (RPC_directory.empty : Updater.rpc_context RPC_directory.t)
let register0_fullctxt s f =
rpc_services :=
RPC.Directory.register !rpc_services (s RPC.Path.open_root)
RPC_directory.register !rpc_services (s RPC_path.open_root)
(fun ctxt q () ->
( rpc_init ctxt >>=? fun ctxt ->
f ctxt q) >>= RPC.Answer.return)
f ctxt q) >>= RPC_answer.return)
let register0 s f = register0_fullctxt s (fun { context ; _ } -> f context)
let register1_fullctxt s f =
rpc_services :=
RPC.Directory.register !rpc_services (s RPC.Path.open_root)
RPC_directory.register !rpc_services (s RPC_path.open_root)
(fun ctxt q arg ->
( rpc_init ctxt >>=? fun ctxt ->
f ctxt q arg ) >>= RPC.Answer.return)
f ctxt q arg ) >>= RPC_answer.return)
let register1 s f = register1_fullctxt s (fun { context ; _ } x -> f context x)
let register1_noctxt s f =
rpc_services :=
RPC.Directory.register !rpc_services (s RPC.Path.open_root)
(fun _ q arg -> f q arg >>= RPC.Answer.return)
RPC_directory.register !rpc_services (s RPC_path.open_root)
(fun _ q arg -> f q arg >>= RPC_answer.return)
let register2_fullctxt s f =
rpc_services :=
RPC.Directory.register !rpc_services (s RPC.Path.open_root)
RPC_directory.register !rpc_services (s RPC_path.open_root)
(fun (ctxt, arg1) q arg2 ->
( rpc_init ctxt >>=? fun ctxt ->
f ctxt q arg1 arg2 ) >>= RPC.Answer.return)
f ctxt q arg1 arg2 ) >>= RPC_answer.return)
let register2 s f = register2_fullctxt s (fun { context ; _ } q x y -> f context q x y)
@ -214,12 +214,12 @@ let () =
let () =
let register2 s f =
rpc_services :=
RPC.Directory.register !rpc_services (s RPC.Path.open_root)
RPC_directory.register !rpc_services (s RPC_path.open_root)
(fun (ctxt, contract) () arg ->
( rpc_init ctxt >>=? fun { context = ctxt ; _ } ->
Contract.exists ctxt contract >>=? function
| true -> f ctxt contract arg
| false -> raise Not_found ) >>= RPC.Answer.return) in
| false -> raise Not_found ) >>= RPC_answer.return) in
let register2' s f = register2 s (fun ctxt a1 () -> f ctxt a1) in
register2' Services.Context.Contract.balance Contract.get_balance ;
register2' Services.Context.Contract.manager Contract.get_manager ;
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ module Raw_level : sig
include BASIC_DATA
type raw_level = t
val arg: raw_level RPC.Arg.arg
val arg: raw_level RPC_arg.arg
val diff: raw_level -> raw_level -> int32
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ module Cycle : sig
include BASIC_DATA
type cycle = t
val arg: cycle RPC.Arg.arg
val arg: cycle RPC_arg.arg
val root: cycle
val succ: cycle -> cycle
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ module Voting_period : sig
include BASIC_DATA
type voting_period = t
val arg: voting_period RPC.Arg.arg
val arg: voting_period RPC_arg.arg
val root: voting_period
val succ: voting_period -> voting_period
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ module Contract : sig
include BASIC_DATA
type contract = t
val arg: contract RPC.Arg.arg
val arg: contract RPC_arg.arg
val to_b58check: contract -> string
val of_b58check: string -> contract tzresult
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ let arg =
match Int32.of_string str with
| exception _ -> Error "Cannot parse voting period"
| voting_period -> Ok voting_period in
~descr:"A voting period"
~name: "voting_period"
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
type t
type voting_period = t
val encoding: voting_period Data_encoding.t
val arg: voting_period RPC.Arg.arg
val arg: voting_period RPC_arg.arg
val pp: Format.formatter -> voting_period -> unit
include Compare.S with type t := voting_period
@ -32,34 +32,34 @@ let wrap_tzerror encoding =
let echo_service custom_root =
~description: "An dummy echo service"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "msg" string))
~output: Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "msg" string))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "echo")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "echo")
let failing_service custom_root =
~description: "A failing service"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "arg" int31))
~output: (wrap_tzerror Data_encoding.empty)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "failing")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "failing")
let rpc_services : Updater.rpc_context RPC.Directory.t = let dir = RPC.Directory.empty in
let rpc_services : Updater.rpc_context RPC_directory.t = let dir = RPC_directory.empty in
let dir =
(failing_service RPC.Path.open_root)
(fun _ctxt () x -> Error.demo_error x >>= RPC.Answer.return)
(failing_service RPC_path.open_root)
(fun _ctxt () x -> Error.demo_error x >>= RPC_answer.return)
let dir =
(echo_service RPC.Path.open_root)
(fun _ctxt () x -> RPC.Answer.return x)
(echo_service RPC_path.open_root)
(fun _ctxt () x -> RPC_answer.return x)
@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ let wrap_tzerror encoding =
module Forge = struct
let block custom_root =
let open Data_encoding in
~description: "Forge a block"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ module Forge = struct
~output: (obj1 (req "payload" bytes))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "forge" / "block")
RPC_path.(custom_root / "helpers" / "forge" / "block")
let int64_to_bytes i =
@ -60,16 +60,16 @@ let int64_to_bytes i =
let operations_hash =
Operation_list_list_hash.compute []
let rpc_services : Updater.rpc_context RPC.Directory.t =
let dir = RPC.Directory.empty in
let rpc_services : Updater.rpc_context RPC_directory.t =
let dir = RPC_directory.empty in
let dir =
(Forge.block RPC.Path.open_root)
(Forge.block RPC_path.open_root)
(fun _ctxt () ((_net_id, level, proto_level, predecessor,
timestamp, fitness), command) ->
let shell = { Block_header.level ; proto_level ; predecessor ;
timestamp ; fitness ; validation_passes = 0 ; operations_hash } in
let bytes = Data.Command.forge shell command in
RPC.Answer.return bytes) in
RPC_answer.return bytes) in
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include Resto_directory.Answer
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include module type of (struct include Resto_directory.Answer end)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(* *)
module Client = Resto_cohttp.Client.Make(RPC.Data)
module Client = Resto_cohttp.Client.Make(RPC_encoding)
module type LOGGER = Client.LOGGER
type logger = (module LOGGER)
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ type rest_error =
| Connection_failed of string
| Not_found
| Bad_request of string
| Method_not_allowed of RPC.meth list
| Method_not_allowed of RPC_service.meth list
| Unsupported_media_type of string option
| Not_acceptable of { proposed: string ; acceptable: string }
| Unexpected_status_code of { code: Cohttp.Code.status_code ;
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ let rest_error_encoding =
case ~tag: 3
(req "kind" (constant "method_not_allowed"))
(req "allowed" (list RPC.meth_encoding)))
(req "allowed" (list RPC_service.meth_encoding)))
(function Method_not_allowed meths -> Some ((), meths) | _ -> None)
(function ((), meths) -> Method_not_allowed meths) ;
case ~tag: 4
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ let pp_rest_error ppf err =
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>The requested service only accepts the following method:@ %a@]"
(fun ppf m -> Format.pp_print_string ppf (RPC.string_of_meth m)))
(fun ppf m -> Format.pp_print_string ppf (RPC_service.string_of_meth m)))
| Unsupported_media_type None ->
Format.fprintf ppf
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ let pp_rest_error ppf err =
"Generic error"
type error +=
| Request_failed of { meth: RPC.meth ;
| Request_failed of { meth: RPC_service.meth ;
uri: Uri.t ;
error: rest_error }
@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ let () =
\ - meth: %s@ \
\ - uri: %s@ \
\ - error: %a@]"
(RPC.string_of_meth meth)
(RPC_service.string_of_meth meth)
(Uri.to_string uri)
pp_rest_error error)
(req "meth" RPC.meth_encoding)
(req "meth" RPC_service.meth_encoding)
(req "uri" uri_encoding)
(req "error" rest_error_encoding))
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ let () =
(fun (meth, uri, error) -> Request_failed { uri ; meth ; error })
let request_failed meth uri error =
let meth = ( meth : [< RPC.meth ] :> RPC.meth) in
let meth = ( meth : [< RPC_service.meth ] :> RPC_service.meth) in
fail (Request_failed { meth ; uri ; error })
let generic_call ?logger ?accept ?body ?media meth uri : (content, content) rest_result Lwt.t =
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ let generic_call ?logger ?accept ?body ?media meth uri : (content, content) rest
request_failed meth uri
(Unexpected_status_code { code ; content ; media_type })
| `Method_not_allowed allowed ->
let allowed = List.filter_map RPC.meth_of_string allowed in
let allowed = List.filter_map RPC_service.meth_of_string allowed in
request_failed meth uri (Method_not_allowed allowed)
| `Unsupported_media_type ->
let media = Option.map media ~f:Media_type.name in
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ let handle accept (meth, uri, ans) =
Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string content >>= fun content ->
request_failed meth uri (Unexpected_status_code { code ; content ; media_type })
| `Method_not_allowed allowed ->
let allowed = List.filter_map RPC.meth_of_string allowed in
let allowed = List.filter_map RPC_service.meth_of_string allowed in
request_failed meth uri (Method_not_allowed allowed)
| `Unsupported_media_type ->
let name =
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ let handle accept (meth, uri, ans) =
let call_streamed_service
(type p q i o )
accept ?logger ~base (service : (_,_,p,q,i,o,_) RPC.Service.t)
accept ?logger ~base (service : (_,_,p,q,i,o,_) RPC_service.t)
~on_chunk ~on_close
(params : p) (query : q) (body : i) : (unit -> unit) tzresult Lwt.t =
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ let call_streamed_service
let call_service
(type p q i o )
accept ?logger ~base (service : (_,_,p,q,i,o,_) RPC.Service.t)
accept ?logger ~base (service : (_,_,p,q,i,o,_) RPC_service.t)
(params : p)
(query : q) (body : i) : o tzresult Lwt.t =
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ type rest_error =
| Connection_failed of string
| Not_found
| Bad_request of string
| Method_not_allowed of RPC.meth list
| Method_not_allowed of RPC_service.meth list
| Unsupported_media_type of string option
| Not_acceptable of { proposed: string ; acceptable: string }
| Unexpected_status_code of { code: Cohttp.Code.status_code ;
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ type rest_error =
| Generic_error (* temporary *)
type error +=
| Request_failed of { meth: RPC.meth ;
| Request_failed of { meth: RPC_service.meth ;
uri: Uri.t ;
error: rest_error }
@ -64,27 +64,27 @@ val generic_call :
?accept:Media_type.t list ->
?body:Cohttp_lwt.Body.t ->
?media:Media_type.t ->
[< RPC.meth ] ->
[< RPC_service.meth ] ->
Uri.t -> (content, content) rest_result Lwt.t
val generic_json_call :
?logger:logger ->
?body:Data_encoding.json ->
[< RPC.meth ] -> Uri.t ->
[< RPC_service.meth ] -> Uri.t ->
(Data_encoding.json, Data_encoding.json option) rest_result Lwt.t
val call_service :
Media_type.t list ->
?logger:logger ->
base:Uri.t ->
([< Resto.meth ], unit, 'p, 'q, 'i, 'o, 'e) RPC.Service.t ->
([< Resto.meth ], unit, 'p, 'q, 'i, 'o, 'e) RPC_service.t ->
'p -> 'q -> 'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t
val call_streamed_service :
Media_type.t list ->
?logger:logger ->
base:Uri.t ->
([< Resto.meth ], unit, 'p, 'q, 'i, 'o, 'e) RPC.Service.t ->
([< Resto.meth ], unit, 'p, 'q, 'i, 'o, 'e) RPC_service.t ->
on_chunk: ('o -> unit) ->
on_close: (unit -> unit) ->
'p -> 'q -> 'i -> (unit -> unit) tzresult Lwt.t
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include Resto_directory.Make(RPC_encoding)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include module type of (struct include Resto_directory.Make(RPC_encoding) end)
@ -12,7 +12,4 @@ type cors = Resto_cohttp.Cors.t = {
allowed_origins : string list ;
include Resto_directory
module Directory = Resto_directory.Make(RPC.Data)
include Resto_cohttp.Server.Make(RPC.Data)(Logging.RPC)
include Resto_cohttp.Server.Make(RPC_encoding)(Logging.RPC)
@ -7,11 +7,6 @@
(* *)
module Directory :
(module type of struct include Resto_directory.Make(RPC.Data) end)
include (module type of struct include Resto_directory end)
(** Typed RPC services: server implementation. *)
type cors = {
@ -28,7 +23,7 @@ val launch :
?cors:cors ->
media_types:Media_type.t list ->
Conduit_lwt_unix.server ->
unit Directory.t ->
unit RPC_directory.t ->
server Lwt.t
(** Kill an RPC server. *)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(* *)
include Resto_cohttp.Media_type.Make(RPC.Data)
include Resto_cohttp.Media_type.Make(RPC_encoding)
let json = {
name = Cohttp.Accept.MediaType ("application", "json") ;
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(* *)
type t = Resto_cohttp.Media_type.Make(RPC.Data).t = {
type t = Resto_cohttp.Media_type.Make(RPC_encoding).t = {
name: Cohttp.Accept.media_range ;
q: int option ;
pp: 'a. 'a Data_encoding.t -> Format.formatter -> string -> unit ;
@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
let meth_encoding =
[ "GET", `GET ;
"PUT", `PUT ;
module Data = struct
type 'a t = 'a Data_encoding.t
type schema = Data_encoding.json_schema
let unit = Data_encoding.empty
let untyped = Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "untyped" string))
let conv f g t = Data_encoding.conv ~schema:(Data_encoding.Json.schema t) f g t
let schema = Data_encoding.Json.schema
module StringMap = Resto.StringMap
let arg_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun {Resto.Arg.name; descr} -> (name, descr))
(fun (name, descr) -> {name; descr})
(obj2 (req "name" string) (opt "descr" string))
open Resto.Description
let path_item_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
union [
case ~tag:0 string
(function PStatic s -> Some s | _ -> None)
(fun s -> PStatic s) ;
case ~tag:1 arg_encoding
(function PDynamic s -> Some s | _ -> None)
(fun s -> PDynamic s) ;
let query_kind_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
union [
case ~tag:0 (obj1 (req "single" arg_encoding))
(function Single s -> Some s | _ -> None)
(fun s -> Single s) ;
case ~tag:1 (obj1 (req "optional" arg_encoding))
(function Optional s -> Some s | _ -> None)
(fun s -> Optional s) ;
case ~tag:2 (obj1 (req "flag" unit))
(function Flag -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Flag) ;
case ~tag:3 (obj1 (req "multi" arg_encoding))
(function Multi s -> Some s | _ -> None)
(fun s -> Multi s) ;
let query_item_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { name ; description ; kind } -> (name, description, kind))
(fun (name, description, kind) -> { name ; description ; kind })
(req "name" string)
(opt "description" string)
(req "kind" query_kind_encoding))
let service_descr_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { meth ; path ; description ; query ; input ; output ; error } ->
(meth, path, description, query, input, output, error))
(fun (meth, path, description, query, input, output, error) ->
{ meth ; path ; description ; query ; input ; output ; error })
(req "meth" meth_encoding)
(req "path" (list path_item_encoding))
(opt "description" string)
(req "query" (list (dynamic_size query_item_encoding)))
(opt "input" json_schema)
(req "output" json_schema)
(req "erro" json_schema))
let directory_descr_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
mu "service_tree" @@ fun directory_descr_encoding ->
let static_subdirectories_descr_encoding =
union [
case ~tag:0 (obj1 (req "suffixes"
(list (obj2 (req "name" string)
(req "tree" directory_descr_encoding)))))
(function Suffixes map ->
Some (StringMap.bindings map) | _ -> None)
(fun m ->
let add acc (n,t) = StringMap.add n t acc in
Suffixes (List.fold_left add StringMap.empty m)) ;
case ~tag:1 (obj1 (req "dynamic_dispatch"
(req "arg" arg_encoding)
(req "tree" directory_descr_encoding))))
(function Arg (ty, tree) -> Some (ty, tree) | _ -> None)
(fun (ty, tree) -> Arg (ty, tree))
] in
let static_directory_descr_encoding =
(fun { services ; subdirs } ->
let find s =
try Some (Resto.MethMap.find s services) with Not_found -> None in
(find `GET, find `POST, find `DELETE,
find `PUT, find `PATCH, subdirs))
(fun (get, post, delete, put, patch, subdirs) ->
let add meth s services =
match s with
| None -> services
| Some s -> Resto.MethMap.add meth s services in
let services =
|> add `GET get
|> add `POST post
|> add `DELETE delete
|> add `PUT put
|> add `PATCH patch in
{ services ; subdirs })
(opt "get_service" service_descr_encoding)
(opt "post_service" service_descr_encoding)
(opt "delete_service" service_descr_encoding)
(opt "put_service" service_descr_encoding)
(opt "patch_service" service_descr_encoding)
(opt "subdirs" static_subdirectories_descr_encoding)) in
union [
case ~tag:0 (obj1 (req "static" static_directory_descr_encoding))
(function Static descr -> Some descr | _ -> None)
(fun descr -> Static descr) ;
case ~tag:1 (obj1 (req "dynamic" (option string)))
(function Dynamic descr -> Some descr | _ -> None)
(fun descr -> Dynamic descr) ;
let description_request_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { recurse } -> recurse)
(function recurse -> { recurse })
(obj1 (dft "recursive" bool false))
let description_answer_encoding = directory_descr_encoding
include Resto
module Service = Resto.MakeService(Data)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include Resto.Arg
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include (module type of struct include Resto.Arg end)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include Resto.Description
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include (module type of struct include Resto.Description end)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type 'a t = 'a Data_encoding.t
type schema = Data_encoding.json_schema
let unit = Data_encoding.empty
let untyped = Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "untyped" string))
let conv f g t = Data_encoding.conv ~schema:(Data_encoding.Json.schema t) f g t
let schema = Data_encoding.Json.schema
module StringMap = Resto.StringMap
let arg_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun {Resto.Arg.name; descr} -> (name, descr))
(fun (name, descr) -> {name; descr})
(obj2 (req "name" string) (opt "descr" string))
open Resto.Description
let meth_encoding =
[ "GET", `GET ;
"PUT", `PUT ;
let path_item_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
union [
case ~tag:0 string
(function PStatic s -> Some s | _ -> None)
(fun s -> PStatic s) ;
case ~tag:1 arg_encoding
(function PDynamic s -> Some s | _ -> None)
(fun s -> PDynamic s) ;
let query_kind_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
union [
case ~tag:0
(obj1 (req "single" arg_encoding))
(function Single s -> Some s | _ -> None)
(fun s -> Single s) ;
case ~tag:1
(obj1 (req "optional" arg_encoding))
(function Optional s -> Some s | _ -> None)
(fun s -> Optional s) ;
case ~tag:2
(obj1 (req "flag" empty))
(function Flag -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Flag) ;
case ~tag:3
(obj1 (req "multi" arg_encoding))
(function Multi s -> Some s | _ -> None)
(fun s -> Multi s) ;
let query_item_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { name ; description ; kind } -> (name, description, kind))
(fun (name, description, kind) -> { name ; description ; kind })
(req "name" string)
(opt "description" string)
(req "kind" query_kind_encoding))
let service_descr_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { meth ; path ; description ; query ; input ; output ; error } ->
(meth, path, description, query, input, output, error))
(fun (meth, path, description, query, input, output, error) ->
{ meth ; path ; description ; query ; input ; output ; error })
(req "meth" meth_encoding)
(req "path" (list path_item_encoding))
(opt "description" string)
(req "query" (list query_item_encoding))
(opt "input" json_schema)
(req "output" json_schema)
(req "erro" json_schema))
let directory_descr_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
mu "service_tree" @@ fun directory_descr_encoding ->
let static_subdirectories_descr_encoding =
union [
case ~tag:0 (obj1 (req "suffixes"
(list (obj2 (req "name" string)
(req "tree" directory_descr_encoding)))))
(function Suffixes map ->
Some (StringMap.bindings map) | _ -> None)
(fun m ->
let add acc (n,t) = StringMap.add n t acc in
Suffixes (List.fold_left add StringMap.empty m)) ;
case ~tag:1 (obj1 (req "dynamic_dispatch"
(req "arg" arg_encoding)
(req "tree" directory_descr_encoding))))
(function Arg (ty, tree) -> Some (ty, tree) | _ -> None)
(fun (ty, tree) -> Arg (ty, tree))
] in
let static_directory_descr_encoding =
(fun { services ; subdirs } ->
let find s =
try Some (Resto.MethMap.find s services) with Not_found -> None in
(find `GET, find `POST, find `DELETE,
find `PUT, find `PATCH, subdirs))
(fun (get, post, delete, put, patch, subdirs) ->
let add meth s services =
match s with
| None -> services
| Some s -> Resto.MethMap.add meth s services in
let services =
|> add `GET get
|> add `POST post
|> add `DELETE delete
|> add `PUT put
|> add `PATCH patch in
{ services ; subdirs })
(opt "get_service" service_descr_encoding)
(opt "post_service" service_descr_encoding)
(opt "delete_service" service_descr_encoding)
(opt "put_service" service_descr_encoding)
(opt "patch_service" service_descr_encoding)
(opt "subdirs" static_subdirectories_descr_encoding)) in
union [
case ~tag:0 (obj1 (req "static" static_directory_descr_encoding))
(function Static descr -> Some descr | _ -> None)
(fun descr -> Static descr) ;
case ~tag:1 (obj1 (req "dynamic" (option string)))
(function Dynamic descr -> Some descr | _ -> None)
(fun descr -> Dynamic descr) ;
let description_request_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { recurse } -> recurse)
(function recurse -> { recurse })
(obj1 (dft "recursive" bool false))
let description_answer_encoding = directory_descr_encoding
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include Resto.ENCODING with type 'a t = 'a Data_encoding.t
and type schema = Data_encoding.json_schema
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include Resto.Path
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include (module type of struct include Resto.Path end)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include Resto.Query
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
include (module type of struct include Resto.Query end)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type meth = [ `GET | `POST | `DELETE | `PUT | `PATCH ]
let string_of_meth = Resto.string_of_meth
let meth_of_string = Resto.meth_of_string
let meth_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun m ->
match meth_of_string m with
| None -> Pervasives.failwith "Cannot parse methods"
| Some s -> s)
module MethMap = Resto.MethMap
include Resto.MakeService(RPC_encoding)
@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
(* *)
(** Typed RPC services: definition, binding and dispatch. *)
module Data : Resto.ENCODING with type 'a t = 'a Data_encoding.t
and type schema = Data_encoding.json_schema
include (module type of struct include Resto end)
module Service : (module type of struct include Resto.MakeService(Data) end)
type meth = [ `GET | `POST | `DELETE | `PUT | `PATCH ]
val string_of_meth: [< meth ] -> string
val meth_of_string: string -> [> meth ] option
val meth_encoding: meth Data_encoding.t
module MethMap = Resto.MethMap
include (module type of struct include Resto.MakeService(RPC_encoding) end)
@ -12,23 +12,23 @@ open Data_encoding
module Error = struct
let service =
~description: "Schema for all the RPC errors from the shell"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: Data_encoding.empty
~output: Data_encoding.json_schema
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "errors")
RPC_path.(root / "errors")
let encoding =
let { RPC.Service.meth ; uri ; _ } =
RPC.Service.forge_request service () () in
let { RPC_service.meth ; uri ; _ } =
RPC_service.forge_request service () () in
"The full list of error is available with \
the global RPC `%s %s`"
(RPC.string_of_meth meth) (Uri.path_and_query uri))
(RPC_service.string_of_meth meth) (Uri.path_and_query uri))
(fun exn -> `A (List.map json_of_error exn))
@ -144,84 +144,84 @@ module Blocks = struct
of 'head' or 'test_head'." in
let construct = to_string in
let destruct = parse_block in
RPC.Arg.make ~name ~descr ~construct ~destruct ()
RPC_arg.make ~name ~descr ~construct ~destruct ()
let block_path : (unit, unit * block) RPC.Path.path =
RPC.Path.(root / "blocks" /: blocks_arg )
let block_path : (unit, unit * block) RPC_path.path =
RPC_path.(root / "blocks" /: blocks_arg )
let info =
~description:"All the information about a block."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj1 (dft "operations" bool true))
~output: block_info_encoding
~error: Data_encoding.empty
let net_id =
~description:"Returns the net of the chain in which the block belongs."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (obj1 (req "net_id" Net_id.encoding))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(block_path / "net_id")
RPC_path.(block_path / "net_id")
let level =
~description:"Returns the block's level."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (obj1 (req "level" int32))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(block_path / "level")
RPC_path.(block_path / "level")
let predecessor =
~description:"Returns the previous block's id."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (obj1 (req "predecessor" Block_hash.encoding))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(block_path / "predecessor")
RPC_path.(block_path / "predecessor")
let predecessors =
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj1 (req "length" Data_encoding.uint16))
~output: (obj1
(req "blocks" (Data_encoding.list Block_hash.encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(block_path / "predecessors")
RPC_path.(block_path / "predecessors")
let hash =
~description:"Returns the block's id."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (obj1 (req "hash" Block_hash.encoding))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(block_path / "hash")
RPC_path.(block_path / "hash")
let fitness =
~description:"Returns the block's fitness."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (obj1 (req "fitness" Fitness.encoding))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(block_path / "fitness")
RPC_path.(block_path / "fitness")
let timestamp =
~description:"Returns the block's timestamp."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (obj1 (req "timestamp" Time.encoding))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(block_path / "timestamp")
RPC_path.(block_path / "timestamp")
type operations_param = {
contents: bool ;
@ -238,9 +238,9 @@ module Blocks = struct
(dft "monitor" bool false))
let operations =
~description:"List the block operations."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: operations_param_encoding
~output: (obj1
(req "operations"
@ -250,25 +250,25 @@ module Blocks = struct
(opt "contents"
(dynamic_size Operation.encoding)))))))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(block_path / "operations")
RPC_path.(block_path / "operations")
let protocol =
~description:"List the block protocol."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (obj1 (req "protocol" Protocol_hash.encoding))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(block_path / "protocol")
RPC_path.(block_path / "protocol")
let test_network =
~description:"Returns the status of the associated test network."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: Test_network_status.encoding
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(block_path / "test_network")
RPC_path.(block_path / "test_network")
let pending_operations =
let operation_encoding =
@ -276,10 +276,10 @@ module Blocks = struct
(obj1 (req "hash" Operation_hash.encoding))
Operation.encoding in
(* TODO: branch_delayed/... *)
"List the not-yet-prevalidated operations."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
@ -297,10 +297,10 @@ module Blocks = struct
(Preapply_result.encoding Error.encoding))
(obj1 (req "unprocessed" (list (dynamic_size operation_encoding))))))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(block_path / "pending_operations")
RPC_path.(block_path / "pending_operations")
let proto_path =
RPC.Path.(block_path / "proto")
RPC_path.(block_path / "proto")
type preapply_param = {
timestamp: Time.t ;
@ -338,30 +338,30 @@ module Blocks = struct
(Preapply_result.encoding Error.encoding))))
let preapply =
"Simulate the validation of a block that would contain \
the given operations and return the resulting fitness."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: preapply_param_encoding
~output: (Error.wrap preapply_result_encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(block_path / "preapply")
RPC_path.(block_path / "preapply")
let complete =
let prefix_arg =
let destruct s = Ok s
and construct s = s in
RPC.Arg.make ~name:"prefix" ~destruct ~construct () in
RPC_arg.make ~name:"prefix" ~destruct ~construct () in
~description: "Try to complete a prefix of a Base58Check-encoded data. \
This RPC is actually able to complete hashes of \
block, operations, public_keys and contracts."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (list string)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(block_path / "complete" /: prefix_arg )
RPC_path.(block_path / "complete" /: prefix_arg )
type list_param = {
include_ops: bool ;
@ -429,23 +429,23 @@ module Blocks = struct
let list =
"Lists known heads of the blockchain sorted with decreasing fitness. \
Optional arguments allows to returns the list of predecessors for \
known heads or the list of predecessors for a given list of blocks."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: list_param_encoding
~output: (obj1 (req "blocks" (list (list block_info_encoding))))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "blocks")
RPC_path.(root / "blocks")
let list_invalid =
"Lists blocks that have been declared invalid along with the errors\
that led to them being declared invalid"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ module Blocks = struct
(req "level" int32)
(req "errors" Error.encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "invalid_blocks")
RPC_path.(root / "invalid_blocks")
@ -467,18 +467,18 @@ module Protocols = struct
let destruct h =
try Ok (Protocol_hash.of_b58check_exn h)
with _ -> Error "Can't parse hash" in
RPC.Arg.make ~name ~descr ~construct ~destruct ()
RPC_arg.make ~name ~descr ~construct ~destruct ()
let contents =
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
(obj1 (req "data"
(describe ~title: "Tezos protocol"
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "protocols" /: protocols_arg)
RPC_path.(root / "protocols" /: protocols_arg)
type list_param = {
contents: bool option ;
@ -494,8 +494,8 @@ module Protocols = struct
(opt "monitor" bool))
let list =
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: list_param_encoding
@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ module Protocols = struct
(dynamic_size Protocol.encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "protocols")
RPC_path.(root / "protocols")
@ -515,8 +515,8 @@ module Network = struct
open P2p_types
let (peer_id_arg : P2p_types.Peer_id.t RPC.Arg.arg) =
let (peer_id_arg : P2p_types.Peer_id.t RPC_arg.arg) =
~descr:"A network global identifier, also known as an identity."
~destruct:(fun s -> try
@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ module Network = struct
let point_arg =
~descr:"A network point (ipv4:port or [ipv6]:port)."
@ -534,99 +534,99 @@ module Network = struct
let versions =
~description:"Supported network layer versions."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (list P2p_types.Version.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "network" / "versions")
RPC_path.(root / "network" / "versions")
let stat =
~description:"Global network bandwidth statistics in B/s."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: P2p_types.Stat.encoding
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "network" / "stat")
RPC_path.(root / "network" / "stat")
let events =
~description:"Stream of all network events"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: P2p_types.Connection_pool_log_event.encoding
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "network" / "log")
RPC_path.(root / "network" / "log")
let connect =
~description:"Connect to a peer"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj1 (dft "timeout" float 5.))
~output: (Error.wrap @@ empty)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "network" / "connect" /: point_arg)
RPC_path.(root / "network" / "connect" /: point_arg)
let monitor_encoding = obj1 (dft "monitor" bool false)
module Connection = struct
let list =
~description:"List the running P2P connection."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (list P2p_types.Connection_info.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "network" / "connection")
RPC_path.(root / "network" / "connection")
let info =
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (option P2p_types.Connection_info.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
~description:"Details about the current P2P connection to the given peer."
RPC.Path.(root / "network" / "connection" /: peer_id_arg)
RPC_path.(root / "network" / "connection" /: peer_id_arg)
let kick =
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj1 (req "wait" bool))
~output: empty
~error: Data_encoding.empty
~description:"Forced close of the current P2P connection to the given peer."
RPC.Path.(root / "network" / "connection" /: peer_id_arg / "kick")
RPC_path.(root / "network" / "connection" /: peer_id_arg / "kick")
module Point = struct
let info =
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (option P2p_types.Point_info.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
~description: "Details about a given `IP:addr`."
RPC.Path.(root / "network" / "point" /: point_arg)
RPC_path.(root / "network" / "point" /: point_arg)
let events =
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: monitor_encoding
~output: (list P2p_connection_pool_types.Point_info.Event.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
~description: "Monitor network events related to an `IP:addr`."
RPC.Path.(root / "network" / "point" /: point_arg / "log")
RPC_path.(root / "network" / "point" /: point_arg / "log")
let list =
let filter =
obj1 (dft "filter" (list P2p_types.Point_state.encoding) []) in
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: filter
(list (tup2
@ -635,35 +635,35 @@ module Network = struct
~error: Data_encoding.empty
~description:"List the pool of known `IP:port` \
used for establishing P2P connections ."
RPC.Path.(root / "network" / "point")
RPC_path.(root / "network" / "point")
module Peer_id = struct
let info =
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (option P2p_types.Peer_info.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
~description:"Details about a given peer."
RPC.Path.(root / "network" / "peer_id" /: peer_id_arg)
RPC_path.(root / "network" / "peer_id" /: peer_id_arg)
let events =
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: monitor_encoding
~output: (list P2p_connection_pool_types.Peer_info.Event.encoding)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
~description:"Monitor network events related to a given peer."
RPC.Path.(root / "network" / "peer_id" /: peer_id_arg / "log")
RPC_path.(root / "network" / "peer_id" /: peer_id_arg / "log")
let list =
let filter =
obj1 (dft "filter" (list P2p_types.Peer_state.encoding) []) in
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: filter
(list (tup2
@ -671,20 +671,20 @@ module Network = struct
~error: Data_encoding.empty
~description:"List the peers the node ever met."
RPC.Path.(root / "network" / "peer_id")
RPC_path.(root / "network" / "peer_id")
let forge_block_header =
~description: "Forge a block header"
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: Block_header.encoding
~output: (obj1 (req "block" bytes))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "forge_block_header")
RPC_path.(root / "forge_block_header")
type inject_block_param = {
raw: MBytes.t ;
@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ let inject_block_param =
(list (list (dynamic_size Operation.encoding))))))
let inject_block =
"Inject a block in the node and broadcast it. The `operations` \
embedded in `blockHeader` might be pre-validated using a \
@ -731,16 +731,16 @@ let inject_block =
(e.g. '/blocks/head/context/preapply'). Returns the ID of the \
block. By default, the RPC will wait for the block to be \
validated before answering."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: inject_block_param
(Error.wrap @@
(obj1 (req "block_hash" Block_hash.encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "inject_block")
RPC_path.(root / "inject_block")
let inject_operation =
"Inject an operation in node and broadcast it. Returns the \
ID of the operation. The `signedOperationContents` should be \
@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ let inject_operation =
the operation to be (pre-)validated before answering. See \
RPCs under /blocks/prevalidation for more details on the \
prevalidation context."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
(req "signedOperationContents"
@ -775,13 +775,13 @@ let inject_operation =
~title: "Hash of the injected operation" @@
(obj1 (req "injectedOperation" Operation_hash.encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "inject_operation")
RPC_path.(root / "inject_operation")
let inject_protocol =
"Inject a protocol in node. Returns the ID of the protocol."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
(req "protocol"
@ -804,35 +804,35 @@ let inject_protocol =
~title: "Hash of the injected protocol" @@
(obj1 (req "injectedProtocol" Protocol_hash.encoding)))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "inject_protocol")
RPC_path.(root / "inject_protocol")
let bootstrapped =
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (obj2
(req "block" Block_hash.encoding)
(req "timestamp" Time.encoding))
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "bootstrapped")
RPC_path.(root / "bootstrapped")
let complete =
let prefix_arg =
let destruct s = Ok s
and construct s = s in
RPC.Arg.make ~name:"prefix" ~destruct ~construct () in
RPC_arg.make ~name:"prefix" ~destruct ~construct () in
~description: "Try to complete a prefix of a Base58Check-encoded data. \
This RPC is actually able to complete hashes of \
block and hashes of operations."
~query: RPC.Query.empty
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (list string)
~error: Data_encoding.empty
RPC.Path.(root / "complete" /: prefix_arg )
RPC_path.(root / "complete" /: prefix_arg )
let describe =
~description: "RPCs documentation and input/output schema"
RPC.Path.(root / "describe")
RPC_path.(root / "describe")
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
module Error : sig
val service:
([ `POST ], unit, unit, unit, unit, Json_schema.schema, unit) RPC.Service.t
([ `POST ], unit, unit, unit, unit, Json_schema.schema, unit) RPC_service.t
val encoding: error list Data_encoding.t
val wrap: 'a Data_encoding.t -> 'a tzresult Data_encoding.encoding
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Blocks : sig
| `Test_head of int | `Test_prevalidation
| `Hash of Block_hash.t
val blocks_arg : block RPC.Arg.arg
val blocks_arg : block RPC_arg.arg
val parse_block: string -> (block, string) result
val to_string: block -> string
@ -46,35 +46,35 @@ module Blocks : sig
val info:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * block, unit, bool,
block_info, unit) RPC.Service.t
block_info, unit) RPC_service.t
val net_id:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * block, unit, unit,
Net_id.t, unit) RPC.Service.t
Net_id.t, unit) RPC_service.t
val level:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * block, unit, unit,
Int32.t, unit) RPC.Service.t
Int32.t, unit) RPC_service.t
val predecessor:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * block, unit, unit,
Block_hash.t, unit) RPC.Service.t
Block_hash.t, unit) RPC_service.t
val predecessors:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * block , unit, int,
Block_hash.t list, unit) RPC.Service.t
Block_hash.t list, unit) RPC_service.t
val hash:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * block, unit, unit,
Block_hash.t, unit) RPC.Service.t
Block_hash.t, unit) RPC_service.t
val timestamp:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * block, unit, unit,
Time.t, unit) RPC.Service.t
Time.t, unit) RPC_service.t
val fitness:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * block, unit, unit,
MBytes.t list, unit) RPC.Service.t
MBytes.t list, unit) RPC_service.t
type operations_param = {
contents: bool ;
@ -83,20 +83,20 @@ module Blocks : sig
val operations:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * block, unit, operations_param,
(Operation_hash.t * Operation.t option) list list, unit) RPC.Service.t
(Operation_hash.t * Operation.t option) list list, unit) RPC_service.t
val protocol:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * block, unit, unit,
Protocol_hash.t, unit) RPC.Service.t
Protocol_hash.t, unit) RPC_service.t
val test_network:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * block, unit, unit,
Test_network_status.t, unit) RPC.Service.t
Test_network_status.t, unit) RPC_service.t
val pending_operations:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * block, unit, unit,
error Preapply_result.t * Operation.t Operation_hash.Map.t, unit) RPC.Service.t
error Preapply_result.t * Operation.t Operation_hash.Map.t, unit) RPC_service.t
type list_param = {
include_ops: bool ;
@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ module Blocks : sig
val list:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, list_param,
block_info list list, unit) RPC.Service.t
block_info list list, unit) RPC_service.t
val list_invalid:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, unit,
(Block_hash.t * int32 * error list) list, unit) RPC.Service.t
(Block_hash.t * int32 * error list) list, unit) RPC_service.t
type preapply_param = {
timestamp: Time.t ;
@ -131,14 +131,14 @@ module Blocks : sig
val preapply:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * block, unit, preapply_param,
preapply_result tzresult, unit) RPC.Service.t
preapply_result tzresult, unit) RPC_service.t
val complete:
([ `POST ], unit,
(unit * block) * string, unit, unit,
string list, unit) RPC.Service.t
string list, unit) RPC_service.t
val proto_path: (unit, unit * block) RPC.Path.path
val proto_path: (unit, unit * block) RPC_path.path
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ module Protocols : sig
val contents:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * Protocol_hash.t, unit, unit,
Protocol.t, unit) RPC.Service.t
Protocol.t, unit) RPC_service.t
type list_param = {
contents: bool option ;
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ module Protocols : sig
val list:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, list_param,
(Protocol_hash.t * Protocol.t option) list, unit) RPC.Service.t
(Protocol_hash.t * Protocol.t option) list, unit) RPC_service.t
@ -167,39 +167,39 @@ module Network : sig
val stat :
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, unit,
P2p_types.Stat.t, unit) RPC.Service.t
P2p_types.Stat.t, unit) RPC_service.t
val versions :
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, unit,
P2p_types.Version.t list, unit) RPC.Service.t
P2p_types.Version.t list, unit) RPC_service.t
val events :
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, unit,
P2p_types.Connection_pool_log_event.t, unit) RPC.Service.t
P2p_types.Connection_pool_log_event.t, unit) RPC_service.t
val connect :
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * P2p_types.Point.t, unit, float,
unit tzresult, unit) RPC.Service.t
unit tzresult, unit) RPC_service.t
module Connection : sig
val list :
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, unit,
P2p_types.Connection_info.t list, unit) RPC.Service.t
P2p_types.Connection_info.t list, unit) RPC_service.t
val info :
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * P2p_types.Peer_id.t, unit, unit,
P2p_types.Connection_info.t option, unit) RPC.Service.t
P2p_types.Connection_info.t option, unit) RPC_service.t
val kick :
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * P2p_types.Peer_id.t, unit, bool,
unit, unit) RPC.Service.t
unit, unit) RPC_service.t
@ -207,15 +207,15 @@ module Network : sig
val list :
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, P2p_types.Point_state.t list,
(P2p_types.Point.t * P2p_types.Point_info.t) list, unit) RPC.Service.t
(P2p_types.Point.t * P2p_types.Point_info.t) list, unit) RPC_service.t
val info :
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * P2p_types.Point.t, unit, unit,
P2p_types.Point_info.t option, unit) RPC.Service.t
P2p_types.Point_info.t option, unit) RPC_service.t
val events :
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * P2p_types.Point.t, unit, bool,
P2p_connection_pool_types.Point_info.Event.t list, unit) RPC.Service.t
P2p_connection_pool_types.Point_info.Event.t list, unit) RPC_service.t
module Peer_id : sig
@ -223,17 +223,17 @@ module Network : sig
val list :
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, P2p_types.Peer_state.t list,
(P2p_types.Peer_id.t * P2p_types.Peer_info.t) list, unit) RPC.Service.t
(P2p_types.Peer_id.t * P2p_types.Peer_info.t) list, unit) RPC_service.t
val info :
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * P2p_types.Peer_id.t, unit, unit,
P2p_types.Peer_info.t option, unit) RPC.Service.t
P2p_types.Peer_info.t option, unit) RPC_service.t
val events :
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * P2p_types.Peer_id.t, unit, bool,
P2p_connection_pool_types.Peer_info.Event.t list, unit) RPC.Service.t
P2p_connection_pool_types.Peer_info.Event.t list, unit) RPC_service.t
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ end
val forge_block_header:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, Block_header.t,
MBytes.t, unit) RPC.Service.t
MBytes.t, unit) RPC_service.t
type inject_block_param = {
raw: MBytes.t ;
@ -255,26 +255,26 @@ type inject_block_param = {
val inject_block:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, inject_block_param,
Block_hash.t tzresult, unit) RPC.Service.t
Block_hash.t tzresult, unit) RPC_service.t
val inject_operation:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, (MBytes.t * bool * Net_id.t option * bool option),
Operation_hash.t tzresult, unit) RPC.Service.t
Operation_hash.t tzresult, unit) RPC_service.t
val inject_protocol:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, (Protocol.t * bool * bool option),
Protocol_hash.t tzresult, unit) RPC.Service.t
Protocol_hash.t tzresult, unit) RPC_service.t
val bootstrapped:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit, unit, unit,
Block_hash.t * Time.t, unit) RPC.Service.t
Block_hash.t * Time.t, unit) RPC_service.t
val complete:
([ `POST ], unit,
unit * string, unit, unit,
string list, unit) RPC.Service.t
string list, unit) RPC_service.t
val describe: (unit, unit) RPC.Service.description_service
val describe: (unit, unit) RPC_service.description_service
@ -522,8 +522,8 @@ module RPC = struct
| Some rpc_context ->
Context.get_protocol rpc_context.context >>= fun protocol_hash ->
let (module Proto) = State.Registred_protocol.get_exn protocol_hash in
let dir = RPC_server.Directory.map (fun () -> rpc_context) Proto.rpc_services in
Lwt.return (Some (RPC_server.Directory.map (fun _ -> ()) dir))
let dir = RPC_directory.map (fun () -> rpc_context) Proto.rpc_services in
Lwt.return (Some (RPC_directory.map (fun _ -> ()) dir))
let heads node =
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state node.mainnet_validator in
@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ module RPC = struct
end in
let shutdown () = Lwt_watcher.shutdown stopper in
RPC_server.Answer.{ next ; shutdown }
RPC_answer.{ next ; shutdown }
module Network = struct
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ module RPC : sig
t -> (Protocol_hash.t * Protocol.t) Lwt_stream.t * Lwt_watcher.stopper
val context_dir:
t -> block -> 'a RPC_server.Directory.t option Lwt.t
t -> block -> 'a RPC_directory.t option Lwt.t
val preapply:
t -> block ->
@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ module RPC : sig
(Block_header.shell_header * error Preapply_result.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val context_dir:
t -> block -> 'a RPC_server.Directory.t option Lwt.t
t -> block -> 'a RPC_directory.t option Lwt.t
val complete:
t -> ?block:block -> string -> string list Lwt.t
val bootstrapped:
t -> (Block_hash.t * Time.t) RPC_server.Answer.stream
t -> (Block_hash.t * Time.t) RPC_answer.stream
module Network : sig
@ -36,70 +36,70 @@ let monitor_operations node contents =
Lwt.return_some @@
List.map (List.map (fun h -> h, None)) hashes
end in
RPC_server.Answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown }
RPC_answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown }
let register_bi_dir node dir =
let dir =
let implementation b () include_ops =
Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi ->
RPC_server.Answer.return (filter_bi include_ops bi) in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir
RPC_answer.return (filter_bi include_ops bi) in
RPC_directory.register1 dir
Services.Blocks.info implementation in
let dir =
let implementation b () () =
Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi ->
RPC_server.Answer.return bi.hash in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir
RPC_answer.return bi.hash in
RPC_directory.register1 dir
implementation in
let dir =
let implementation b () () =
Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi ->
RPC_server.Answer.return bi.net_id in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir
RPC_answer.return bi.net_id in
RPC_directory.register1 dir
Services.Blocks.net_id implementation in
let dir =
let implementation b () () =
Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi ->
RPC_server.Answer.return bi.level in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir
RPC_answer.return bi.level in
RPC_directory.register1 dir
Services.Blocks.level implementation in
let dir =
let implementation b () () =
Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi ->
RPC_server.Answer.return bi.predecessor in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir
RPC_answer.return bi.predecessor in
RPC_directory.register1 dir
Services.Blocks.predecessor implementation in
let dir =
let implementation b () len =
Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi ->
Node.RPC.predecessors node len bi.hash >>= fun hashes ->
RPC_server.Answer.return hashes in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir
RPC_answer.return hashes in
RPC_directory.register1 dir
Services.Blocks.predecessors implementation in
let dir =
let implementation b () () =
Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi ->
RPC_server.Answer.return bi.fitness in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir
RPC_answer.return bi.fitness in
RPC_directory.register1 dir
Services.Blocks.fitness implementation in
let dir =
let implementation b () () =
Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi ->
RPC_server.Answer.return bi.timestamp in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir
RPC_answer.return bi.timestamp in
RPC_directory.register1 dir
Services.Blocks.timestamp implementation in
let dir =
let implementation b () () =
Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi ->
RPC_server.Answer.return bi.protocol in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir
RPC_answer.return bi.protocol in
RPC_directory.register1 dir
Services.Blocks.protocol implementation in
let dir =
let implementation b () () =
Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi ->
RPC_server.Answer.return bi.test_network in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir
RPC_answer.return bi.test_network in
RPC_directory.register1 dir
Services.Blocks.test_network implementation in
let dir =
let implementation b () { Node_rpc_services.Blocks.contents ; monitor } =
@ -110,19 +110,19 @@ let register_bi_dir node dir =
Node.RPC.operation_hashes node b >>= fun hashes ->
if contents then
Node.RPC.operations node b >>= fun ops ->
RPC_server.Answer.return @@
RPC_answer.return @@
List.map2 (List.map2 (fun h op -> h, Some op)) hashes ops
RPC_server.Answer.return @@
RPC_answer.return @@
List.map (List.map (fun h -> h, None)) hashes
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir
RPC_directory.register1 dir
Services.Blocks.operations implementation in
let dir =
let implementation b () () =
Node.RPC.pending_operations node b >>= fun res ->
RPC_server.Answer.return res in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir
RPC_answer.return res in
RPC_directory.register1 dir
implementation in
let dir =
@ -133,15 +133,15 @@ let register_bi_dir node dir =
Node.RPC.preapply node b
~timestamp ~proto_header ~sort_operations operations >>= function
| Ok (shell_header, operations) ->
(Ok { Services.Blocks.shell_header ; operations })
| Error _ as err -> RPC_server.Answer.return err in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir
| Error _ as err -> RPC_answer.return err in
RPC_directory.register1 dir
Services.Blocks.preapply implementation in
let ops_dir _node =
let ops_dir = RPC_server.Directory.empty in
let ops_dir = RPC_directory.empty in
let rec insert_future_block (bi: Services.Blocks.block_info) = function
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ let list_blocks
(List.map (filter_bi include_ops))
requested_blocks in
RPC_server.Answer.return infos
RPC_answer.return infos
else begin
let (bi_stream, stopper) = Node.RPC.block_watcher node in
let stream =
@ -326,12 +326,12 @@ let list_blocks
List.map (List.map (filter_bi include_ops)) requested_blocks in
Lwt.return (Some infos)
end in
RPC_server.Answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown }
RPC_answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown }
let list_invalid node () () =
Node.RPC.list_invalid node >>= fun l ->
RPC_server.Answer.return l
RPC_answer.return l
let list_protocols node () {Services.Protocols.monitor; contents} =
let monitor = match monitor with None -> false | Some x -> x in
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ let list_protocols node () {Services.Protocols.monitor; contents} =
Lwt.return (hash, None))
protocols >>= fun protocols ->
if not monitor then
RPC_server.Answer.return protocols
RPC_answer.return protocols
let stream, stopper = Node.RPC.protocol_watcher node in
let shutdown () = Lwt_watcher.shutdown stopper in
@ -362,20 +362,20 @@ let list_protocols node () {Services.Protocols.monitor; contents} =
first_request := false ;
Lwt.return (Some protocols)
end in
RPC_server.Answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown }
RPC_answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown }
let get_protocols node hash () () =
Node.RPC.protocol_content node hash >>= function
| Ok bytes -> RPC_server.Answer.return bytes
| Ok bytes -> RPC_answer.return bytes
| Error _ -> raise Not_found
let build_rpc_directory node =
let dir = RPC_server.Directory.empty in
let dir = RPC_directory.empty in
let dir =
RPC_server.Directory.register0 dir Services.Blocks.list
RPC_directory.register0 dir Services.Blocks.list
(list_blocks node) in
let dir =
RPC_server.Directory.register0 dir Services.Blocks.list_invalid
RPC_directory.register0 dir Services.Blocks.list_invalid
(list_invalid node) in
let dir = register_bi_dir node dir in
let dir =
@ -384,23 +384,23 @@ let build_rpc_directory node =
Node.RPC.context_dir node block >>= function
| None -> Lwt.fail Not_found
| Some context_dir -> Lwt.return context_dir)
(fun _ -> Lwt.return RPC_server.Directory.empty) in
(fun _ -> Lwt.return RPC_directory.empty) in
"All the RPCs which are specific to the protocol version."
dir Services.Blocks.proto_path implementation in
let dir =
RPC_server.Directory.register0 dir Services.Protocols.list
RPC_directory.register0 dir Services.Protocols.list
(list_protocols node) in
let dir =
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir Services.Protocols.contents
RPC_directory.register1 dir Services.Protocols.contents
(get_protocols node) in
let dir =
let implementation () header =
let res =
Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes Block_header.encoding header in
RPC_server.Answer.return res in
RPC_server.Directory.register0 dir Services.forge_block_header
RPC_answer.return res in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Services.forge_block_header
implementation in
let dir =
let implementation ()
@ -410,88 +410,88 @@ let build_rpc_directory node =
node ~force
raw operations >>=? fun (hash, wait) ->
(if blocking then wait else return ()) >>=? fun () -> return hash
end >>= RPC_server.Answer.return in
RPC_server.Directory.register0 dir Services.inject_block implementation in
end >>= RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Services.inject_block implementation in
let dir =
let implementation () (contents, blocking, net_id, force) =
node ?force ?net_id contents >>= fun (hash, wait) ->
(if blocking then wait else return ()) >>=? fun () -> return hash
end >>= RPC_server.Answer.return in
RPC_server.Directory.register0 dir Services.inject_operation implementation in
end >>= RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Services.inject_operation implementation in
let dir =
let implementation () (proto, blocking, force) =
Node.RPC.inject_protocol ?force node proto >>= fun (hash, wait) ->
(if blocking then wait else return ()) >>=? fun () -> return hash
end >>= RPC_server.Answer.return in
RPC_server.Directory.register0 dir Services.inject_protocol implementation in
end >>= RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Services.inject_protocol implementation in
let dir =
let implementation () () =
RPC_server.Answer.return_stream (Node.RPC.bootstrapped node) in
RPC_server.Directory.register0 dir Services.bootstrapped implementation in
RPC_answer.return_stream (Node.RPC.bootstrapped node) in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Services.bootstrapped implementation in
let dir =
let implementation () () =
Data_encoding.Json.(schema Error_monad.error_encoding) in
RPC_server.Directory.register0 dir Services.Error.service implementation in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Services.Error.service implementation in
let dir =
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir Services.complete
RPC_directory.register1 dir Services.complete
(fun s () () ->
Node.RPC.complete node s >>= RPC_server.Answer.return) in
Node.RPC.complete node s >>= RPC_answer.return) in
let dir =
RPC_server.Directory.register2 dir Services.Blocks.complete
RPC_directory.register2 dir Services.Blocks.complete
(fun block s () () ->
Node.RPC.complete node ~block s >>= RPC_server.Answer.return) in
Node.RPC.complete node ~block s >>= RPC_answer.return) in
(* Network : Global *)
let dir =
let implementation () () =
Node.RPC.Network.stat node |> RPC_server.Answer.return in
RPC_server.Directory.register0 dir Services.Network.stat implementation in
Node.RPC.Network.stat node |> RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Services.Network.stat implementation in
let dir =
let implementation () () =
RPC_server.Answer.return Distributed_db.Raw.supported_versions in
RPC_server.Directory.register0 dir Services.Network.versions implementation in
RPC_answer.return Distributed_db.Raw.supported_versions in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Services.Network.versions implementation in
let dir =
let implementation () () =
let stream, stopper = Node.RPC.Network.watch node in
let shutdown () = Lwt_watcher.shutdown stopper in
let next () = Lwt_stream.get stream in
RPC_server.Answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown } in
RPC_server.Directory.register0 dir Services.Network.events implementation in
RPC_answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown } in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Services.Network.events implementation in
let dir =
let implementation point () timeout =
Node.RPC.Network.connect node point timeout >>= RPC_server.Answer.return in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir Services.Network.connect implementation in
Node.RPC.Network.connect node point timeout >>= RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register1 dir Services.Network.connect implementation in
(* Network : Connection *)
let dir =
let implementation peer_id () () =
Node.RPC.Network.Connection.info node peer_id |> RPC_server.Answer.return in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir Services.Network.Connection.info implementation in
Node.RPC.Network.Connection.info node peer_id |> RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register1 dir Services.Network.Connection.info implementation in
let dir =
let implementation peer_id () wait =
Node.RPC.Network.Connection.kick node peer_id wait >>= RPC_server.Answer.return in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir Services.Network.Connection.kick implementation in
Node.RPC.Network.Connection.kick node peer_id wait >>= RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register1 dir Services.Network.Connection.kick implementation in
let dir =
let implementation () () =
Node.RPC.Network.Connection.list node |> RPC_server.Answer.return in
RPC_server.Directory.register0 dir Services.Network.Connection.list implementation in
Node.RPC.Network.Connection.list node |> RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Services.Network.Connection.list implementation in
(* Network : Peer_id *)
let dir =
let implementation () state =
Node.RPC.Network.Peer_id.list node ~restrict:state |> RPC_server.Answer.return in
RPC_server.Directory.register0 dir Services.Network.Peer_id.list implementation in
Node.RPC.Network.Peer_id.list node ~restrict:state |> RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Services.Network.Peer_id.list implementation in
let dir =
let implementation peer_id () () =
Node.RPC.Network.Peer_id.info node peer_id |> RPC_server.Answer.return in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir Services.Network.Peer_id.info implementation in
Node.RPC.Network.Peer_id.info node peer_id |> RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register1 dir Services.Network.Peer_id.info implementation in
let dir =
let implementation peer_id () monitor =
if monitor then
@ -505,21 +505,21 @@ let build_rpc_directory node =
first_request := false ;
Lwt.return_some @@ Node.RPC.Network.Peer_id.events node peer_id
end in
RPC_server.Answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown }
RPC_answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown }
Node.RPC.Network.Peer_id.events node peer_id |> RPC_server.Answer.return in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir Services.Network.Peer_id.events implementation in
Node.RPC.Network.Peer_id.events node peer_id |> RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register1 dir Services.Network.Peer_id.events implementation in
(* Network : Point *)
let dir =
let implementation () state =
Node.RPC.Network.Point.list node ~restrict:state |> RPC_server.Answer.return in
RPC_server.Directory.register0 dir Services.Network.Point.list implementation in
Node.RPC.Network.Point.list node ~restrict:state |> RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register0 dir Services.Network.Point.list implementation in
let dir =
let implementation point () () =
Node.RPC.Network.Point.info node point |> RPC_server.Answer.return in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir Services.Network.Point.info implementation in
Node.RPC.Network.Point.info node point |> RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register1 dir Services.Network.Point.info implementation in
let dir =
let implementation point () monitor =
if monitor then
@ -533,10 +533,10 @@ let build_rpc_directory node =
first_request := false ;
Lwt.return_some @@ Node.RPC.Network.Point.events node point
end in
RPC_server.Answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown }
RPC_answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown }
Node.RPC.Network.Point.events node point |> RPC_server.Answer.return in
RPC_server.Directory.register1 dir Services.Network.Point.events implementation in
Node.RPC.Network.Point.events node point |> RPC_answer.return in
RPC_directory.register1 dir Services.Network.Point.events implementation in
let dir =
RPC_server.Directory.register_describe_directory_service dir Services.describe in
RPC_directory.register_describe_directory_service dir Services.describe in
@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
(* *)
val build_rpc_directory: Node.t -> unit RPC_server.Directory.t
val build_rpc_directory: Node.t -> unit RPC_directory.t
@ -56,10 +56,12 @@ module Make(Param : sig val name: string end)() = struct
module Block_header = Block_header
module Protocol = Protocol
module RPC = struct
include RPC
include RPC_server
module RPC_arg = RPC_arg
module RPC_path = RPC_path
module RPC_query = RPC_query
module RPC_service = RPC_service
module RPC_answer = RPC_answer
module RPC_directory = RPC_directory
module Micheline = Tezos_micheline.Micheline
module Fitness = Fitness
module Error_monad = struct
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ module Node_protocol_environment_sigs = struct
and type Tezos_data.Operation.t = Operation.t
and type Tezos_data.Block_header.shell_header = Block_header.shell_header
and type Tezos_data.Block_header.t = Block_header.t
and type 'a RPC.Directory.t = 'a RPC_server.Directory.t
and type 'a RPC_directory.t = 'a RPC_directory.t
and type Updater.validation_result = validation_result
and type Updater.rpc_context = rpc_context
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ module type RAW_PROTOCOL = sig
validation_state -> operation -> validation_state tzresult Lwt.t
val finalize_block:
validation_state -> validation_result tzresult Lwt.t
val rpc_services: rpc_context RPC_server.Directory.t
val rpc_services: rpc_context RPC_directory.t
val configure_sandbox:
Context.t -> Data_encoding.json option -> Context.t tzresult Lwt.t
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ module type RAW_PROTOCOL = sig
validation_state -> operation -> validation_state tzresult Lwt.t
val finalize_block:
validation_state -> validation_result tzresult Lwt.t
val rpc_services: rpc_context RPC_server.Directory.t
val rpc_services: rpc_context RPC_directory.t
val configure_sandbox:
Context.t -> Data_encoding.json option -> Context.t tzresult Lwt.t
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ module Node_protocol_environment_sigs : sig
and type Tezos_data.Operation.t = Operation.t
and type Tezos_data.Block_header.shell_header = Block_header.shell_header
and type Tezos_data.Block_header.t = Block_header.t
and type 'a RPC.Directory.t = 'a RPC_server.Directory.t
and type 'a RPC_directory.t = 'a RPC_directory.t
and type Updater.validation_result = validation_result
and type Updater.rpc_context = rpc_context
@ -40,7 +40,12 @@
;; Tezos specifics
@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** View over the RPC service, restricted to types. A protocol
implementation can define a set of remote procedures which are
registered when the protocol is activated via its [rpcs]
function. However, it cannot register new or update existing
procedures afterwards, neither can it see other procedures. *)
(** HTTP methods. *)
type meth = [
| `GET
| `PUT
(** Typed path argument. *)
module Arg : sig
type 'a t
type 'a arg = 'a t
val make:
?descr:string ->
name:string ->
destruct:(string -> ('a, string) result) ->
construct:('a -> string) ->
unit -> 'a arg
type descr = {
name: string ;
descr: string option ;
val descr: 'a arg -> descr
val int: int arg
val int32: int32 arg
val int64: int64 arg
val float: float arg
(** Parametrized path to services. *)
module Path : sig
type ('prefix, 'params) t
type ('prefix, 'params) path = ('prefix, 'params) t
type 'prefix context = ('prefix, 'prefix) path
val root: unit context
val open_root: 'a context
val add_suffix:
('prefix, 'params) path -> string -> ('prefix, 'params) path
val (/):
('prefix, 'params) path -> string -> ('prefix, 'params) path
val add_arg:
('prefix, 'params) path -> 'a Arg.t -> ('prefix, 'params * 'a) path
val (/:):
('prefix, 'params) path -> 'a Arg.t -> ('prefix, 'params * 'a) path
val add_final_args:
('prefix, 'params) path -> 'a Arg.t -> ('prefix, 'params * 'a list) path
val (/:*):
('prefix, 'params) path -> 'a Arg.t -> ('prefix, 'params * 'a list) path
val prefix:
('prefix, 'a) path -> ('a, 'params) path -> ('prefix, 'params) path
val map:
('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'a) -> ('prefix, 'a) path -> ('prefix, 'b) path
module Query : sig
type 'a t
type 'a query = 'a t
val empty: unit query
type ('a, 'b) field
val field:
?descr: string ->
string -> 'a Arg.t -> 'a -> ('b -> 'a) -> ('b, 'a) field
type ('a, 'b, 'c) open_query
val query: 'b -> ('a, 'b, 'b) open_query
val (|+):
('a, 'b, 'c -> 'd) open_query ->
('a, 'c) field -> ('a, 'b, 'd) open_query
val seal: ('a, 'b, 'a) open_query -> 'a t
type untyped = (string * string) list
exception Invalid of string
val parse: 'a query -> untyped -> 'a
(** Services. *)
module Service : sig
type (+'meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) t
constraint 'meth = [< meth ]
type (+'meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service =
('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) t
val query:
('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service ->
'query Query.t
type _ input =
| No_input : unit input
| Input : 'input Data_encoding.t -> 'input input
val input_encoding:
('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service ->
'input input
val output_encoding:
('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service ->
'output Data_encoding.t
val error_encoding:
('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service ->
'error Data_encoding.t
val prefix:
('prefix, 'inner_prefix) Path.t ->
('meth, 'inner_prefix, 'params, 'query,
'input, 'output, 'error) service ->
('meth, 'prefix, 'params,
'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service
val map:
('a -> 'b) ->
('b -> 'a) ->
('meth, 'pr, 'a, 'q, 'i, 'o, 'e) service ->
('meth, 'pr, 'b, 'q, 'i, 'o, 'e) service
val get_service:
?description: string ->
query: 'query Query.t ->
output: 'output Data_encoding.t ->
error: 'error Data_encoding.t ->
('prefix, 'params) Path.t ->
([ `GET ], 'prefix, 'params, 'query, unit, 'output, 'error) service
val post_service:
?description: string ->
query:'query Query.t ->
input: 'input Data_encoding.t ->
output: 'output Data_encoding.t ->
error: 'error Data_encoding.t ->
('prefix, 'params) Path.t ->
([ `POST ], 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service
val delete_service:
?description: string ->
query:'query Query.t ->
output: 'output Data_encoding.t ->
error: 'error Data_encoding.t ->
('prefix, 'params) Path.t ->
([ `DELETE ], 'prefix, 'params, 'query, unit, 'output, 'error) service
val patch_service:
?description: string ->
query:'query Query.t ->
input: 'input Data_encoding.t ->
output: 'output Data_encoding.t ->
error: 'error Data_encoding.t ->
('prefix, 'params) Path.t ->
([ `PATCH ], 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service
val put_service:
?description: string ->
query:'query Query.t ->
input: 'input Data_encoding.t ->
output: 'output Data_encoding.t ->
error: 'error Data_encoding.t ->
('prefix, 'params) Path.t ->
([ `PUT ], 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service
module Answer : sig
(** Return type for service handler *)
type ('o, 'e) t =
[ `Ok of 'o (* 200 *)
| `OkStream of 'o stream (* 200 *)
| `Created of string option (* 201 *)
| `No_content (* 204 *)
| `Unauthorized of 'e option (* 401 *)
| `Forbidden of 'e option (* 403 *)
| `Not_found of 'e option (* 404 *)
| `Conflict of 'e option (* 409 *)
| `Error of 'e option (* 500 *)
and 'a stream = {
next: unit -> 'a option Lwt.t ;
shutdown: unit -> unit ;
val return: 'o -> ('o, 'e) t Lwt.t
val return_stream: 'o stream -> ('o, 'e) t Lwt.t
module Directory : sig
(** Dispatch tree *)
type 'prefix t
type 'prefix directory = 'prefix t
(** Empty list of dispatch trees *)
val empty: 'prefix directory
val map: ('a -> 'b) -> 'b directory -> 'a directory
val prefix: ('pr, 'p) Path.path -> 'p directory -> 'pr directory
val merge: 'a directory -> 'a directory -> 'a directory
(** Possible error while registring services. *)
type step =
| Static of string
| Dynamic of Arg.descr
| DynamicTail of Arg.descr
type conflict =
| CService of meth | CDir | CBuilder | CTail
| CTypes of Arg.descr *
| CType of Arg.descr * string list
exception Conflict of step list * conflict
(** Registring handler in service tree. *)
val register:
'prefix directory ->
('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) Service.t ->
('params -> 'query -> 'input -> [< ('output, 'error) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
(** Registring handler in service tree. Curryfied variant. *)
val register0:
unit directory ->
('m, unit, unit, 'q, 'i, 'o, 'e) Service.t ->
('q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
unit directory
val register1:
'prefix directory ->
('m, 'prefix, unit * 'a, 'q , 'i, 'o, 'e) Service.t ->
('a -> 'q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register2:
'prefix directory ->
('m, 'prefix, (unit * 'a) * 'b, 'q , 'i, 'o, 'e) Service.t ->
('a -> 'b -> 'q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register3:
'prefix directory ->
('m, 'prefix, ((unit * 'a) * 'b) * 'c, 'q , 'i, 'o, 'e) Service.t ->
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register4:
'prefix directory ->
('m, 'prefix, (((unit * 'a) * 'b) * 'c) * 'd, 'q , 'i, 'o, 'e) Service.t ->
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register5:
'prefix directory ->
('m, 'prefix, ((((unit * 'a) * 'b) * 'c) * 'd) * 'e, 'q , 'i, 'o, 'e) Service.t ->
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** Return type for service handler *)
type ('o, 'e) t =
[ `Ok of 'o (* 200 *)
| `OkStream of 'o stream (* 200 *)
| `Created of string option (* 201 *)
| `No_content (* 204 *)
| `Unauthorized of 'e option (* 401 *)
| `Forbidden of 'e option (* 403 *)
| `Not_found of 'e option (* 404 *)
| `Conflict of 'e option (* 409 *)
| `Error of 'e option (* 500 *)
and 'a stream = {
next: unit -> 'a option Lwt.t ;
shutdown: unit -> unit ;
val return: 'o -> ('o, 'e) t Lwt.t
val return_stream: 'o stream -> ('o, 'e) t Lwt.t
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type 'a t
type 'a arg = 'a t
val make:
?descr:string ->
name:string ->
destruct:(string -> ('a, string) result) ->
construct:('a -> string) ->
unit -> 'a arg
type descr = {
name: string ;
descr: string option ;
val descr: 'a arg -> descr
val int: int arg
val int32: int32 arg
val int64: int64 arg
val float: float arg
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** Dispatch tree *)
type 'prefix t
type 'prefix directory = 'prefix t
(** Empty list of dispatch trees *)
val empty: 'prefix directory
val map: ('a -> 'b) -> 'b directory -> 'a directory
val prefix: ('pr, 'p) RPC_path.path -> 'p directory -> 'pr directory
val merge: 'a directory -> 'a directory -> 'a directory
(** Possible error while registring services. *)
type step =
| Static of string
| Dynamic of RPC_arg.descr
| DynamicTail of RPC_arg.descr
type conflict =
| CService of RPC_service.meth | CDir | CBuilder | CTail
| CTypes of RPC_arg.descr *
| CType of RPC_arg.descr * string list
exception Conflict of step list * conflict
(** Registring handler in service tree. *)
val register:
'prefix directory ->
('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) RPC_service.t ->
('params -> 'query -> 'input -> [< ('output, 'error) RPC_answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
(** Registring handler in service tree. Curryfied variant. *)
val register0:
unit directory ->
('m, unit, unit, 'q, 'i, 'o, 'e) RPC_service.t ->
('q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) RPC_answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
unit directory
val register1:
'prefix directory ->
('m, 'prefix, unit * 'a, 'q , 'i, 'o, 'e) RPC_service.t ->
('a -> 'q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) RPC_answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register2:
'prefix directory ->
('m, 'prefix, (unit * 'a) * 'b, 'q , 'i, 'o, 'e) RPC_service.t ->
('a -> 'b -> 'q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) RPC_answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register3:
'prefix directory ->
('m, 'prefix, ((unit * 'a) * 'b) * 'c, 'q , 'i, 'o, 'e) RPC_service.t ->
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) RPC_answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register4:
'prefix directory ->
('m, 'prefix, (((unit * 'a) * 'b) * 'c) * 'd, 'q , 'i, 'o, 'e) RPC_service.t ->
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) RPC_answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register5:
'prefix directory ->
('m, 'prefix, ((((unit * 'a) * 'b) * 'c) * 'd) * 'e, 'q , 'i, 'o, 'e) RPC_service.t ->
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'q -> 'i -> [< ('o, 'e) RPC_answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type ('prefix, 'params) t
type ('prefix, 'params) path = ('prefix, 'params) t
type 'prefix context = ('prefix, 'prefix) path
val root: unit context
val open_root: 'a context
val add_suffix:
('prefix, 'params) path -> string -> ('prefix, 'params) path
val (/):
('prefix, 'params) path -> string -> ('prefix, 'params) path
val add_arg:
('prefix, 'params) path -> 'a RPC_arg.t -> ('prefix, 'params * 'a) path
val (/:):
('prefix, 'params) path -> 'a RPC_arg.t -> ('prefix, 'params * 'a) path
val add_final_args:
('prefix, 'params) path -> 'a RPC_arg.t -> ('prefix, 'params * 'a list) path
val (/:*):
('prefix, 'params) path -> 'a RPC_arg.t -> ('prefix, 'params * 'a list) path
val prefix:
('prefix, 'a) path -> ('a, 'params) path -> ('prefix, 'params) path
val map:
('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'a) -> ('prefix, 'a) path -> ('prefix, 'b) path
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type 'a t
type 'a query = 'a t
val empty: unit query
type ('a, 'b) field
val field:
?descr: string ->
string -> 'a RPC_arg.t -> 'a -> ('b -> 'a) -> ('b, 'a) field
val opt_field:
?descr: string ->
string -> 'a RPC_arg.t -> ('b -> 'a option) -> ('b, 'a option) field
val flag:
?descr: string ->
string -> ('b -> bool) -> ('b, bool) field
val multi_field:
?descr: string ->
string -> 'a RPC_arg.t -> ('b -> 'a list) -> ('b, 'a list) field
type ('a, 'b, 'c) open_query
val query: 'b -> ('a, 'b, 'b) open_query
val (|+):
('a, 'b, 'c -> 'd) open_query ->
('a, 'c) field -> ('a, 'b, 'd) open_query
val seal: ('a, 'b, 'a) open_query -> 'a t
type untyped = (string * string) list
exception Invalid of string
val parse: 'a query -> untyped -> 'a
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** HTTP methods. *)
type meth = [
| `GET
| `PUT
module MethMap : Map.S with type key = meth
type (+'meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) t
constraint 'meth = [< meth ]
type (+'meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service =
('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) t
val query:
('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service ->
'query RPC_query.t
type _ input =
| No_input : unit input
| Input : 'input Data_encoding.t -> 'input input
val input_encoding:
('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service ->
'input input
val output_encoding:
('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service ->
'output Data_encoding.t
val error_encoding:
('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service ->
'error Data_encoding.t
val prefix:
('prefix, 'inner_prefix) RPC_path.t ->
('meth, 'inner_prefix, 'params, 'query,
'input, 'output, 'error) service ->
('meth, 'prefix, 'params,
'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service
val map:
('a -> 'b) ->
('b -> 'a) ->
('meth, 'pr, 'a, 'q, 'i, 'o, 'e) service ->
('meth, 'pr, 'b, 'q, 'i, 'o, 'e) service
val get_service:
?description: string ->
query: 'query RPC_query.t ->
output: 'output Data_encoding.t ->
error: 'error Data_encoding.t ->
('prefix, 'params) RPC_path.t ->
([ `GET ], 'prefix, 'params, 'query, unit, 'output, 'error) service
val post_service:
?description: string ->
query:'query RPC_query.t ->
input: 'input Data_encoding.t ->
output: 'output Data_encoding.t ->
error: 'error Data_encoding.t ->
('prefix, 'params) RPC_path.t ->
([ `POST ], 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service
val delete_service:
?description: string ->
query:'query RPC_query.t ->
output: 'output Data_encoding.t ->
error: 'error Data_encoding.t ->
('prefix, 'params) RPC_path.t ->
([ `DELETE ], 'prefix, 'params, 'query, unit, 'output, 'error) service
val patch_service:
?description: string ->
query:'query RPC_query.t ->
input: 'input Data_encoding.t ->
output: 'output Data_encoding.t ->
error: 'error Data_encoding.t ->
('prefix, 'params) RPC_path.t ->
([ `PATCH ], 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service
val put_service:
?description: string ->
query:'query RPC_query.t ->
input: 'input Data_encoding.t ->
output: 'output Data_encoding.t ->
error: 'error Data_encoding.t ->
('prefix, 'params) RPC_path.t ->
([ `PUT ], 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ module type PROTOCOL = sig
validation_state -> validation_result tzresult Lwt.t
(** The list of remote procedures exported by this implementation *)
val rpc_services: rpc_context RPC.Directory.t
val rpc_services: rpc_context RPC_directory.t
(** An ad-hoc context patcher. It used only for debugging protocol
while running in the "sandbox" mode. This function is never used
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ val string_of_meth: [< meth ] -> string
val meth_of_string: string -> [> meth ] option
module MethMap : Map.S with type key = meth
module StringMap : Map.S with type key = string
module StringMap : Map.S with type 'a t = 'a Map.Make(String).t
and type key = string
(** Typed path argument. *)
module Arg : sig
Reference in New Issue
Block a user