Rewrite scope loader
This commit is contained in:
@ -173,12 +173,12 @@ rangeToJRange (Range (a, b, _) (c, d, _)) = J.Range (J.Position a b) (J.Position
rangeToLoc :: Range -> J.Range
rangeToLoc (Range (a, b, _) (c, d, _)) = J.Range (J.Position a b) (J.Position c d)
loadByURI :: J.Uri -> IO (Pascal (Product [Env, Range, [Text]]))
loadByURI :: J.Uri -> IO (Pascal (Product [[ScopedDecl], Range, [Text]]))
loadByURI uri = do
case J.uriToFilePath uri of
Just fin -> do
(tree, _) <- runParser contract fin
return $ ascribeEnv tree
return $ addLocalScopes tree
:: Core.LspFuncs ()
@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
name: squirrel
name: ligo-squirrel
- base
- bytestring
- containers
- data-default
- fastsum
- mtl
- pretty
- template-haskell
- text
- tree-sitter
- fastsum
- AllowAmbiguousTypes
- ApplicativeDo
- BangPatterns
- BlockArguments
- ConstraintKinds
- DataKinds
- DeriveFoldable
- DeriveFunctor
@ -23,9 +26,11 @@ default-extensions:
- DerivingVia
- FlexibleContexts
- FlexibleInstances
- FunctionalDependencies
- GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving
- LambdaCase
- MagicHash
- MultiParamTypeClasses
- NamedFieldPuns
- OverloadedStrings
@ -33,15 +38,11 @@ default-extensions:
- ScopedTypeVariables
- StandaloneDeriving
- TemplateHaskell
- TypeApplications
- TypeFamilies
- TypeOperators
- UndecidableInstances
- FunctionalDependencies
- ViewPatterns
- ConstraintKinds
- TypeApplications
- AllowAmbiguousTypes
- MagicHash
ghc-options: -freverse-errors -Wall -threaded
@ -58,12 +59,12 @@ library:
- lens
- stm
- haskell-lsp
- squirrel
- hslogger
- interpolate
- lens
- ligo-squirrel
- stm
main: Main.hs
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Pretty
import Debug.Trace
:: ( HasEnv info
:: ( HasLocalScope info
, HasRange info
=> Range
@ -24,11 +24,10 @@ findScopedDecl
-> Maybe ScopedDecl
findScopedDecl pos tree = do
point <- lookupTree pos tree
let env = getEnv (infoOf point)
lookupEnv (ppToText $ void point) env
lookupEnv (ppToText $ void point) (getLocalScope (infoOf point))
:: ( HasEnv info
:: ( HasLocalScope info
, HasRange info
=> Range
@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ definitionOf pos tree =
_sdOrigin <$> findScopedDecl pos tree
:: ( HasEnv info
:: ( HasLocalScope info
, HasRange info
=> Range
@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ typeOf pos tree =
_sdType =<< findScopedDecl pos tree
:: ( HasEnv info
:: ( HasLocalScope info
, HasRange info
=> Range
@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ implementationOf pos tree =
_sdBody =<< findScopedDecl pos tree
:: ( HasEnv info
:: ( HasLocalScope info
, HasRange info
=> Range
@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ typeTuple = do
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/address.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/amount.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/annotation.ligo"
example = "../../../src/test/contracts/arithmetic.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/arithmetic.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/assign.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/attributes.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/bad_timestamp.ligo"
@ -858,10 +858,10 @@ example = "../../../src/test/contracts/arithmetic.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/bytes_arithmetic.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/bytes_unpack.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/chain_id.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/coase.ligo"
example = "../../../src/test/contracts/coase.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/failwith.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/loop.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/application.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/redeclaration.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/application.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/application.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/application.ligo"
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
{-# language Strict #-}
{- | /The/ scope resolution system.
module AST.Scope
-- ( -- * Monad
-- ScopeM
-- , evalScopeM
-- CollectM
-- , evalCollectM
-- , collectEnv
-- -- * Scope
@ -24,13 +26,17 @@ module AST.Scope
-- )
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict hiding (Alt, Product)
import Data.Function
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, listToMaybe)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Range
import AST.Types
@ -40,113 +46,220 @@ import Tree
import Comment
import Pretty
import Product
import Lattice
import Debug.Trace
-- | Scope-holding monad.
type ScopeM = State [Scopes]
class HasLocalScope x where
getLocalScope :: x -> [ScopedDecl]
instance Contains [ScopedDecl] xs => HasLocalScope (Product xs) where
getLocalScope = getElem
type CollectM = State (Product [FullEnv, [Range]])
type AddRefsM = State FullEnv
type FullEnv = Map Range [ScopedDecl]
:: HasRange (Product xs)
=> Pascal (Product xs)
-> Pascal (Product ([ScopedDecl] : xs))
addLocalScopes tree =
fmap (\xs -> Cons (envAt envWithREfs $ getRange xs) xs) tree
envWithREfs = flip execState env do
flip traverseOnly tree \r (Name t) -> do
modify $ addRef (getRange r) t
return (Name t)
= execCollectM
$ traverseTree pure tree
envAt :: FullEnv -> Range -> [ScopedDecl]
envAt env pos =
Map.elems scopes
ranges = List.sortBy partOrder $ filter isCovering $ Map.keys env
scopes = Map.unions $ (map.foldMap) toScopeMap $ map (env Map.!) ranges
isCovering = (pos <?)
toScopeMap sd@ScopedDecl {_sdName} = Map.singleton (ppToText _sdName) sd
addRef :: Range -> Text -> FullEnv -> FullEnv
addRef r n env = Map.union (go range) env
go (r' : rest) =
let decls = env Map.! r'
case updateOnly n r addRefToDecl decls of
(True, decls) -> Map.singleton r' decls
(False, decls) -> Map.insert r' decls (go rest)
go [] = Map.empty
= List.sortBy partOrder
$ filter (r <?)
$ Map.keys env
-- decls' list = do
-- r' <- range
-- decls <- Map.lookup r' env
-- return $ (r', updateOnly n r addRefToDecl decls)
addRefToDecl sd = sd
{ _sdRefs = r : _sdRefs sd
:: Text
-> Range
-> (ScopedDecl -> ScopedDecl)
-> [ScopedDecl]
-> (Bool, [ScopedDecl])
updateOnly name r f = go
go = \case
d : ds
| ppToText (_sdName d) == name ->
if r == _sdOrigin d
then (True, d : ds)
else (True, f d : ds)
| otherwise -> second (d :) (go ds)
[] -> (False, [])
enter :: Range -> CollectM ()
enter r = do
modify $ modElem (r :)
define :: ScopedDecl -> CollectM ()
define sd = do
r <- gets (head . getElem)
$ modElem @FullEnv
$ Map.insertWith (++) r [sd]
leave :: CollectM ()
leave = modify $ modElem @[Range] tail
-- | Run the computation with scope starting from empty scope.
evalScopeM :: ScopeM a -> a
evalScopeM action = evalState action []
execCollectM :: CollectM a -> FullEnv
execCollectM action = getElem $ execState action $ Cons Map.empty (Cons [] Nil)
type Scopes = Tree '[ScopeTree] Range
data ScopeTree it
= ScopeTree Env [it]
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
deriving stock Show
instance Pretty1 ScopeTree where
pp1 (ScopeTree e cs) =
pp e `indent` block cs
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Pretty (Map Text ScopedDecl) where
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Pretty FullEnv where
pp = block . map aux . Map.toList
aux (n, ScopedDecl o b t rs) =
pp o <+> (pp n <> ":") <+> pp t <+> "=" <+> pp b <+> "/" <+> (list rs <> ";")
-- | The environment.
type Env = Map Text ScopedDecl
-- deriving Show via PP Env
-- instance Pretty Env where
-- pp = vcat . map pp . _eDecls
aux (r, decls) =
pp r `indent` block decls
-- | The type/value declaration.
data ScopedDecl = ScopedDecl
{ _sdOrigin :: Range
, _sdBody :: Maybe Range
, _sdType :: Maybe (Either (Pascal ()) Kind)
, _sdRefs :: [Range]
{ _sdName :: Pascal ()
, _sdOrigin :: Range
, _sdBody :: Maybe Range
, _sdType :: Maybe (Either (Pascal ()) Kind)
, _sdRefs :: [Range]
deriving Show via PP ScopedDecl
instance Pretty ScopedDecl where
pp (ScopedDecl o b t refs) = pp o <+> "-" <+> maybe "?" (either pp pp) t <+> "=" <+> pp o
pp (ScopedDecl n o b t refs) = color 3 (pp n) <+> pp o <+> ":" <+> color 4 (maybe "?" (either pp pp) t) <+> "=" <+> pp refs
-- | The kind.
data Kind = Star
deriving Show via PP Kind
instance Pretty Kind where
pp _ = "*"
pp _ = "TYPE"
lookupEnv :: Text -> Env -> Maybe ScopedDecl
lookupEnv name = Map.lookup name
-- observe :: String -> CollectM a -> CollectM a
-- observe what act = do
-- s <- get
-- traceShowM (what, "BEFORE", s)
-- a <- act
-- s1 <- get
-- traceShowM (what, "AFTER", s1)
-- return a
-- | Make a new scope out of enclosing parent one.
enter :: Range -> ScopeM ()
enter r =
modify \rest ->
mk r (ScopeTree Map.empty []) : rest
lookupEnv :: Text -> [ScopedDecl] -> Maybe ScopedDecl
lookupEnv name = listToMaybe . filter ((name ==) . ppToText . _sdName)
-- | Leave current scope, return to parent one.
leave :: ScopeM ()
leave =
modify \(a : parent : rest) ->
fromJust do
(r, ScopeTree e cs) <- match parent
return $ mk r (ScopeTree e (a : cs)) : rest
-- -- | Make a new scope out of enclosing parent one.
-- enter :: Range -> CollectM ()
-- enter r = observe "enter" do
-- modify \rest ->
-- mk r (ScopeTree Map.empty []) : rest
-- | Add a declaration to the current scope.
define :: Text -> ScopedDecl -> ScopeM ()
define name d =
modify \(top : rest) ->
fromJust do
(r, ScopeTree a cs) <- match top
return $ mk r (ScopeTree (Map.insert name d a) cs) : rest
-- -- | Leave current scope, return to parent one.
-- leave :: CollectM ()
-- leave = observe "leave" do
-- modify \case
-- (a : parent : rest) ->
-- fromJust do
-- -- traceShowM ("MOVE", a)
-- -- traceShowM ("TO ", parent)
-- (r, ScopeTree e cs) <- match parent
-- -- traceShowM ("== ", mk r (ScopeTree e (a : cs)))
-- -- traceShowM ("--")
-- return $ mk r (ScopeTree e (a : cs)) : rest
-- [x] -> error $ "trying to leave \n" ++ show x
-- -- | Add a declaration to the current scope.
-- define :: Text -> ScopedDecl -> CollectM ()
-- define name d = observe "define" do
-- s <- get
-- traceShowM ("DEFINE", s)
-- modify \(top : rest) ->
-- fromJust do
-- (r, ScopeTree a cs) <- match top
-- return $ mk r (ScopeTree (Map.insert name d a) cs) : rest
-- | Add a type declaration to the current scope.
defType :: HasRange a => Pascal a -> Kind -> Pascal a -> ScopeM ()
defType :: HasRange a => Pascal a -> Kind -> Pascal a -> CollectM ()
defType name kind body = do
define (ppToText $ void name)
$ ScopedDecl
(void name)
(getRange $ infoOf name)
(Just $ getRange $ infoOf body)
(Just (Right kind))
addRef :: Text -> Range -> [Scopes] -> [Scopes]
addRef _ _ [] = error "addRef: empty env stack"
addRef name pos stack@(topmost : _)
| Just (r, ScopeTree top cs) <- match topmost =
case Map.lookup name top of
Just ScopedDecl {_sdOrigin} -> go _sdOrigin stack
Nothing -> stack
observe :: Pretty i => Pretty res => Text -> i -> res -> res
observe msg i res
= traceShow (pp msg, "INPUT", pp i)
$ traceShow (pp msg, "OUTPUT", pp res)
$ res
go _ [] = []
go range initial@(topmost : rest)
| Just (r, ScopeTree e cs) <- match topmost =
case Map.lookup name e of
Just it | _sdOrigin it == range ->
mk r (ScopeTree (pushRef pos e) cs) : go range rest
_ ->
-- addRef
-- :: Pascal ()
-- -> Range
-- -> FullEnv
-- -> FullEnv
-- addRef name pos (AppendMap envs) =
-- AppendMap $ envs <> affected''
-- where
-- ranges = Map.keys envs
-- (affected, other) = List.partition (pos <?) ranges
-- affected' = foldMap (\r -> Map.singleton r (envs Map.! r)) affected
-- affected'' = (\decls -> observe "addRef" decls $ addRefScopedDecls decls) affected'
pushRef pos' = Map.adjust (\sd -> sd { _sdRefs = pos' : _sdRefs sd }) name
-- addRefScopedDecls :: [ScopedDecl] -> [ScopedDecl]
-- addRefScopedDecls decls =
-- case after of
-- decl : after -> before ++ [addRefScopedDecl decl] ++ after
-- [] -> before
-- where
-- (before, after) = break (\sd -> ppToText (_sdName sd) == ppName) decls
-- addRefScopedDecl :: ScopedDecl -> ScopedDecl
-- addRefScopedDecl decl = decl { _sdRefs = pos : _sdRefs decl }
-- ppName = ppToText name
-- | Add a value declaration to the current scope.
@ -154,25 +267,26 @@ def
=> Pascal a
-> Maybe (Pascal a)
-> Maybe (Pascal a)
-> ScopeM ()
-> CollectM ()
def name ty body = do
define (ppToText $ void name)
$ ScopedDecl
(void name)
(getRange $ infoOf name)
((getRange . infoOf) <$> body)
((Left . void) <$> ty)
instance UpdateOver ScopeM Contract (Pascal a) where
instance UpdateOver CollectM Contract (Pascal a) where
before r _ = enter r
after _ _ = leave
after _ _ = skip
instance HasRange a => UpdateOver ScopeM Declaration (Pascal a) where
instance HasRange a => UpdateOver CollectM Declaration (Pascal a) where
before _ = \case
TypeDecl ty body -> defType ty Star body
_ -> skip
instance HasRange a => UpdateOver ScopeM Binding (Pascal a) where
instance HasRange a => UpdateOver CollectM Binding (Pascal a) where
before r = \case
Function recur name _args ty body -> do
when recur do
@ -190,15 +304,15 @@ instance HasRange a => UpdateOver ScopeM Binding (Pascal a) where
unless recur do
def name (Just ty) (Just body)
instance HasRange a => UpdateOver ScopeM VarDecl (Pascal a) where
instance HasRange a => UpdateOver CollectM VarDecl (Pascal a) where
after _ (Decl _ name ty) = def name (Just ty) Nothing
instance UpdateOver ScopeM Mutable (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver ScopeM Type (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver ScopeM Variant (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver ScopeM TField (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver CollectM Mutable (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver CollectM Type (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver CollectM Variant (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver CollectM TField (Pascal a)
instance HasRange a => UpdateOver ScopeM Expr (Pascal a) where
instance HasRange a => UpdateOver CollectM Expr (Pascal a) where
before r = \case
Let {} -> enter r
Lambda {} -> enter r
@ -220,78 +334,84 @@ instance HasRange a => UpdateOver ScopeM Expr (Pascal a) where
ForBox {} -> leave
_ -> skip
instance HasRange a => UpdateOver ScopeM Alt (Pascal a) where
instance HasRange a => UpdateOver CollectM Alt (Pascal a) where
before r _ = enter r
after _ _ = leave
instance UpdateOver ScopeM LHS (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver ScopeM MapBinding (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver ScopeM Assignment (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver ScopeM FieldAssignment (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver ScopeM Constant (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver CollectM LHS (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver CollectM MapBinding (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver CollectM Assignment (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver CollectM FieldAssignment (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver CollectM Constant (Pascal a)
instance HasRange a => UpdateOver ScopeM Pattern (Pascal a) where
instance HasRange a => UpdateOver CollectM Pattern (Pascal a) where
before _ = \case
IsVar n -> def n Nothing Nothing
_ -> skip
instance UpdateOver ScopeM QualifiedName (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver ScopeM Path (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver ScopeM Name (Pascal a) where
instance UpdateOver CollectM QualifiedName (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver CollectM Path (Pascal a)
instance UpdateOver CollectM Name (Pascal a) where
before range (Name raw) = do
modify $ addRef raw range
-- traceShowM ("name", raw)
-- modify $ modElem $ addRef range (mk () (Name raw))
class HasEnv a where
getEnv :: a -> Env
-- class HasEnv a where
-- getEnv :: a -> Env
instance HasEnv Env where
getEnv = id
-- instance HasEnv Env where
-- getEnv = id
instance Contains Env xs => HasEnv (Product xs) where
getEnv = getElem
-- instance Contains Env xs => HasEnv (Product xs) where
-- getEnv = getElem
data Scope = Scope { unScope :: [Text] }
-- data Scope = Scope { unScope :: [Text] }
instance HasComments Scope where
getComments = unScope
-- instance HasComments Scope where
-- getComments = unScope
-- pinEnv :: Product xs -> ScopeM (Product (Env : xs))
-- pinEnv xs = (`Cons` xs) <$> gets head
-- -- pinEnv :: Product xs -> CollectM (Product (Env : xs))
-- -- pinEnv xs = (`Cons` xs) <$> gets head
collectEnv :: Contains Range xs => Product xs -> ScopeM (Product (Scopes : xs))
collectEnv xs = do
gets \case
st : _ -> Cons st xs
[] -> Cons (mk (getRange xs) $ ScopeTree Map.empty []) xs
-- collectEnv :: Contains Range xs => Product xs -> CollectM (Product (Scopes : xs))
-- collectEnv xs = do
-- gets \case
-- st : _ -> Cons st xs
-- [] -> Cons (mk (getRange xs) $ ScopeTree Map.empty []) xs
instance UpdateOver (State [Env]) ScopeTree Scopes where
before r (ScopeTree e _) = modify (e :)
after r _ = modify tail
-- instance UpdateOver (State [Env]) ScopeTree Scopes where
-- before r (ScopeTree e _) = modify (e :)
-- after r _ = modify tail
distributeEnv :: ScopeTree Scopes -> State [Env] (ScopeTree Scopes)
distributeEnv (ScopeTree e' cs) = do
e <- gets (Map.unions . (e' :))
traceShowM ("distribute", e', e)
return $ ScopeTree e cs
-- distributeEnv :: ScopeTree Scopes -> State [Env] (ScopeTree Scopes)
-- distributeEnv (ScopeTree e' cs) = do
-- e <- gets (Map.unions . (e' :))
-- return $ ScopeTree e cs
pinEnv :: Contains Range xs => Scopes -> Product xs -> ScopeM (Product (Env : xs))
pinEnv scopes info = do
let (_, ScopeTree e _) = fromJust $ match =<< lookupTree (getElem info) scopes
return (Cons e info)
-- pinEnv :: Contains Range xs => Scopes -> Product xs -> CollectM (Product (Env : xs))
-- pinEnv scopes info = do
-- let (_, ScopeTree e _) = fromJust $ match =<< lookupTree (getElem info) scopes
-- return (Cons e info)
instance HasComments Range where
getComments _ = []
-- instance HasComments Range where
-- getComments _ = []
instance Pretty (Product xs) => HasComments (Product xs) where
getComments xs = if Text.null $ Text.strip x then [] else [x]
x = ppToText $ color 3 $ pp $ xs
-- instance Pretty (Product xs) => HasComments (Product xs) where
-- getComments xs = if Text.null $ Text.strip x then [] else [x]
-- where
-- x = ppToText $ color 3 $ pp $ xs
ascribeEnv :: (Contains Range xs, Pretty (Product xs)) => Pascal (Product xs) -> Pascal (Product (Env : xs))
ascribeEnv tree =
Cons scopes _ = traceShowId $ infoOf $ evalScopeM $ traverseTree collectEnv tree
distributed = evalState (traverseOnly distributeEnv scopes) []
-- distributed
evalScopeM $ traverseTree (pinEnv distributed) tree
-- ascribeEnv :: (Contains Range xs, Pretty (Product xs)) => Pascal (Product xs) -> Scopes -- Pascal (Product (Env : xs))
-- ascribeEnv tree =
-- let
-- scopes =
-- evalCollectM do
-- traverseTree collectEnv tree
-- gets head
-- -- distributed = evalState (traverseOnly distributeEnv scopes) []
-- in
-- scopes
-- -- distributed
-- -- evalCollectM $ traverseTree (pinEnv distributed) tree
@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ c i d =
instance HasComments () where
getComments () = []
-- instance (Contains [Text] xs) => HasComments (Product xs) where
-- getComments = getElem
instance (Contains [Text] xs) => HasComments (Product xs) where
getComments = getElem
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
module Lattice
( Lattice(..)
, partOrder
@ -15,4 +16,11 @@ class Lattice l where
(?>) = flip (<?)
(<?) = flip (?>)
{-# minimal (?>) | (<?) #-}
{-# minimal (?>) | (<?) #-}
partOrder :: Lattice l => l -> l -> Ordering
partOrder a b | a <? b && b <? a = EQ
partOrder a b | a <? b = LT
partOrder a b | b <? a = GT
partOrder a b = error "partOrder: Non-orderable"
@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ instance Pretty1 Maybe where
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (Either a b) where
pp = either pp pp
instance Pretty Int where
pp = int
-- | Common instance.
instance Pretty Text where
pp = text . Text.unpack
@ -108,7 +111,7 @@ train sep' = fsep . punctuate sep' . map pp
-- | Pretty print as a vertical block.
block :: Pretty p => [p] -> Doc
block = vcat . map pp
block = foldr ($+$) empty . map pp
-- | For pretty-printing qualified names.
sepByDot :: Pretty p => [p] -> Doc
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ instance Contains x xs => Contains x (y : xs) where
getElem (Cons _ xs) = getElem xs
putElem x (Cons y xs) = Cons y (putElem x xs)
modifyElem :: Contains x xs => (x -> x) -> Product xs -> Product xs
modifyElem f xs = putElem (f $ getElem xs) xs
modElem :: Contains x xs => (x -> x) -> Product xs -> Product xs
modElem f xs = putElem (f $ getElem xs) xs
instance Pretty (Product '[]) where
pp _ = "{}"
@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ instance (Pretty x, Pretty (Product xs)) => Pretty (Product (x : xs)) where
then pp xs
else pp ppx <+> "&" <+> pp xs
ppx = ppToText x
ppx = ppToText x
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ data Range = Range
, rFinish :: (Int, Int, Int) -- ^ ... End: line, col, byte-offset).
deriving (Show) via PP Range
deriving stock (Ord)
-- | TODO: Ugh. Purge it.
diffRange :: Range -> Range -> Range
@ -32,8 +33,9 @@ diffRange (Range ws wf) (Range ps _) = Range (max ws ps) wf
instance Pretty Range where
pp (Range (ll, lc, _) (rl, rc, _)) =
brackets do
int ll <> ":" <> int lc <> "-" <> int rl <> ":" <> int rc
color 2 do
brackets do
int ll <> ":" <> int lc <> "-" <> int rl <> ":" <> int rc
-- | Ability to get range out of something.
class HasRange a where
@ -68,6 +68,22 @@ instance Apply Foldable layers => Foldable (Tree layers) where
go (Tree (Left err)) = foldMap f err
go (Tree (Right (a, rest))) = f a <> foldMap go rest
( Apply Traversable layers
, Apply Foldable layers
, Apply Functor layers
Traversable (Tree layers)
traverse f = go
go (Tree (Left err)) = (Tree . Left) <$> traverse f err
go (Tree (Right (a, rest))) = do
a' <- f a
rest' <- (traverse.traverse) f rest
return $ Tree $ Right (a', rest')
( Apply Functor layers
, HasComments info
@ -140,38 +156,63 @@ traverseTree act = go
return (Tree (Left err'))
:: forall f fs m a
. ( UpdateOver m f (Tree fs a)
, UpdateOver m (Sum fs) (Tree fs a)
:: forall f a b fs m
. ( Monad m
, Monad m
, Element f fs
, Apply Foldable fs
, Apply Functor fs
, Apply Traversable fs
, Traversable f
, HasRange a
, Show (f (Tree fs a))
, Show a
=> (f (Tree fs a) -> m (f (Tree fs a)))
-> Tree fs a -> m (Tree fs a)
=> (a -> f (Tree fs a) -> m (f (Tree fs a)))
-> Tree fs a -> m (Tree fs a)
traverseOnly act = go
go (match -> Just (r, fa)) = do
traceShowM ("traversingA", fa)
before (getRange r) fa
fb <- act fa
fb <- act r fa
fc <- traverse go fb
after (getRange r) fa
return $ mk r fc
pure $ mk r fc
go tree@(Tree (Right (r, union))) = do
traceShowM ("traversingB", ())
before (getRange r) union
union' <- traverse go union
after (getRange r) union
return $ Tree $ Right (r, union')
pure $ Tree $ Right (r, union')
go tree = return tree
go tree = pure tree
data Visit fs a m where
:: (Element f fs, Traversable f)
=> (a -> f (Tree fs a) -> m (f (Tree fs a)))
-> Visit fs a m
:: ( Apply Functor fs
, Apply Foldable fs
, Apply Traversable fs
, Monad m
=> [Visit fs a m]
-> Tree fs a
-> m (Tree fs a)
traverseMany visitors = go
go tree = aux visitors
aux (Visit visitor : rest) = do
case match tree of
Just (r, fa) -> do
fa' <- visitor r fa
fa'' <- traverse go fa'
return $ mk r fa''
Nothing -> do
aux rest
aux [] = do
case tree of
Tree (Right (r, union)) -> do
union' <- traverse go union
return $ Tree (Right (r, union'))
-- | Make a tree out of a layer and an info.
mk :: (Functor f, Element f fs) => info -> f (Tree fs info) -> Tree fs info
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