Signer/Ledger: allow ledger://...
URIs without curve/path
This commit is contained in:
@ -126,14 +126,17 @@ let () =
(fun e -> LedgerError e)
type id =
| Animals of Ledger_names.t * Ledgerwallet_tezos.curve
| Animals of Ledger_names.t * Ledgerwallet_tezos.curve option
| Pkh of Signature.Public_key_hash.t
let pp_id ppf = function
| Pkh pkh -> Signature.Public_key_hash.pp ppf pkh
| Animals (cthd, curve) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a/%a" Ledger_names.pp cthd
Ledgerwallet_tezos.pp_curve curve
Format.fprintf ppf "%a%a" Ledger_names.pp cthd
(fun fmt -> function
| None -> Format.fprintf fmt ""
| Some a -> Format.fprintf fmt "/%a" Ledgerwallet_tezos.pp_curve a)
let parse_animals animals =
match String.split '-' animals with
@ -149,11 +152,19 @@ let id_of_uri uri =
match Option.apply host ~f:parse_animals,
Option.apply (List.hd_opt (String.split '/' (Uri.path uri)))
~f:Ledgerwallet_tezos.curve_of_string with
| Some animals, Some curve ->
| Some animals, curve ->
return (Animals (animals, curve))
| _ ->
failwith "No public key hash or animal names in %a"
| (ann, curr) ->
failwith "No public key hash or animal names in %a (%a, %a)"
Uri.pp_hum uri
(fun fmt -> function
| None -> Format.fprintf fmt "NONE"
| Some a -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Ledger_names.pp a)
(fun fmt -> function
| None -> Format.fprintf fmt "NONE"
| Some a -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Ledgerwallet_tezos.pp_curve a)
let id_of_pk_uri (uri : pk_uri) = id_of_uri (uri :> Uri.t)
let id_of_sk_uri (uri : sk_uri) = id_of_uri (uri :> Uri.t)
@ -362,18 +373,25 @@ let path_of_pk_uri (uri : pk_uri) =
|||| int32_of_path_element_exn path
| path -> int32_of_path_element_exn path
let unopt_curve annimal = function
| Some curve -> return curve
| None ->
failwith "A curve specification is required for this operation,@ e.g.@ \
\"ledger://%a/{ed25519,...}\"" Ledger_names.pp annimal
let public_key
?(interactive : Client_context.io_wallet option) (pk_uri : pk_uri) =
let find_ledger of_pkh = function
| Pkh pkh -> snd (List.assoc pkh of_pkh)
| Animals (_, curve) -> curve
let find_curve of_pkh = function
| Pkh pkh ->
protect (fun () -> return (snd (List.assoc pkh of_pkh)))
| Animals (a, curve_opt) -> unopt_curve a curve_opt
match Hashtbl.find_opt pks pk_uri with
| Some pk -> return pk
| None ->
id_of_pk_uri pk_uri >>=? fun id ->
with_ledger id begin fun ledger _version _of_curve of_pkh ->
let curve = find_ledger of_pkh id in
find_curve of_pkh id >>=? fun curve ->
let path = path_of_pk_uri pk_uri in
match interactive with
@ -404,8 +422,8 @@ let public_key_hash ?interactive pk_uri =
return (Hashtbl.find pkhs pk_uri, Some pk)
let curve_of_id = function
| Pkh pkh -> curve_of_pkh pkh
| Animals (_, curve) -> curve
| Pkh pkh -> return (curve_of_pkh pkh)
| Animals (a, curve_opt) -> unopt_curve a curve_opt
let sign ?watermark sk_uri msg =
id_of_sk_uri sk_uri >>=? fun id ->
@ -415,7 +433,7 @@ let sign ?watermark sk_uri msg =
MBytes.concat "" [Signature.bytes_of_watermark watermark ;
end in
let curve = curve_of_id id in
curve_of_id id >>=? fun curve ->
let path = tezos_root @ path_of_sk_uri sk_uri in
let msg_len = MBytes.length msg in
wrap_ledger_cmd begin fun pp ->
@ -498,7 +516,7 @@ let commands =
"tezos-client import secret key \
ledger_%s \"ledger://%a/0'/0'\""
(Sys.getenv "USER")
pp_id (Animals (animals, curve))))
pp_id (Animals (animals, Some curve))))
of_curve >>= fun () ->
end ledgers) ;
@ -578,7 +596,7 @@ let commands =
id_of_pk_uri pk_uri >>=? fun root_id ->
with_ledger root_id begin fun h _version _of_curve _of_pkh ->
let path = path_of_pk_uri pk_uri in
let curve = curve_of_id root_id in
curve_of_id root_id >>=? fun curve ->
get_public_key ~authorize_baking:true h curve path >>=? fun pk ->
let pkh = Signature.Public_key.hash pk in
@ -645,4 +663,3 @@ let commands =
) ;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user