New typer: constants: use a tuple of arguments, + typechecking rules for constants
This commit is contained in:
@ -346,6 +346,16 @@ module Wrap = struct
P_variable unification_body]))
P_variable unification_body]))
] @ arg' @ body' , whole_expr
] @ arg' @ body' , whole_expr
(* This is pretty much a wrapper for an n-ary function. *)
let constant : O.type_value -> T.type_value list -> (constraints * T.type_variable) =
fun f args ->
let whole_expr = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
let args' = type_expression_to_type_value args in
let args_tuple = O.P_constant (C_tuple , args') in
C_equation (f , P_constant (C_arrow , [args_tuple ; P_variable whole_expr]))
] , whole_expr
(* begin unionfind *)
(* begin unionfind *)
@ -727,47 +737,7 @@ let selector_break_ctor : (type_constraint_simpl, output_break_ctor) selector =
| SC_Poly _ -> WasNotSelected (* TODO: ??? (beware: symmetry) *)
| SC_Poly _ -> WasNotSelected (* TODO: ??? (beware: symmetry) *)
| SC_Typeclass _ -> WasNotSelected
| SC_Typeclass _ -> WasNotSelected
let propagator_break_ctor : output_break_ctor propagator =
(* TODO: move this to a more appropriate place and/or auto-generate it. *)
fun selected dbs ->
let () = ignore (dbs) in (* this propagator doesn't need to use the dbs *)
let a = selected.a_k_var in
let b = selected.a_k'_var' in
(* produce constraints: *)
(* = *)
let eq1 = C_equation (P_variable, P_variable in
(* a.c_tag = b.c_tag *)
if a.c_tag <> b.c_tag then
failwith "type error: incompatible types, not same ctor"
(* a.tv_list = b.tv_list *)
if List.length a.tv_list <> List.length b.tv_list then
failwith "type error: incompatible types, not same length"
let eqs3 = List.map2 (fun aa bb -> C_equation (P_variable aa, P_variable bb)) a.tv_list b.tv_list in
let eqs = eq1 :: eqs3 in
(eqs , []) (* no new assignments *)
(* TODO : with our selectors, the selection depends on the order in which the constraints are added :-( :-( :-( :-(
We need to return a lazy stream of constraints. *)
type output_specialize1 = { poly : c_poly_simpl ; a_k_var : c_constructor_simpl }
let (<?) ca cb =
if ca = 0 then cb () else ca
let rec compare_list f = function
| hd1::tl1 -> (function
[] -> 1
| hd2::tl2 ->
f hd1 hd2 <? fun () ->
compare_list f tl1 tl2)
| [] -> (function [] -> 0 | _::_ -> -1) (* This follows the behaviour of for lists of different length *)
let compare_type_variable a b =
|||||| a b
let compare_label = function
| L_int a -> (function L_int b -> a b | L_string _ -> -1)
| L_string a -> (function L_int _ -> 1 | L_string b -> a b)
let compare_simple_c_constant = function
let compare_simple_c_constant = function
| C_arrow -> (function
| C_arrow -> (function
(* N/A -> 1 *)
(* N/A -> 1 *)
@ -866,6 +836,83 @@ let compare_simple_c_constant = function
| C_chain_id -> 0
| C_chain_id -> 0
(* N/A -> -1 *)
(* N/A -> -1 *)
(* Using a pretty-printer from the module creates a dependency
loop, so the one that we need temporarily for debugging purposes
has been copied here. *)
let debug_pp_constant : _ -> constant_tag -> unit = fun ppf c_tag ->
let ct = match c_tag with
| Core.C_arrow -> "arrow"
| Core.C_option -> "option"
| Core.C_tuple -> "tuple"
| Core.C_record -> failwith "record"
| Core.C_variant -> failwith "variant"
| Core.C_map -> "map"
| Core.C_big_map -> "big_map"
| Core.C_list -> "list"
| Core.C_set -> "set"
| Core.C_unit -> "unit"
| Core.C_bool -> "bool"
| Core.C_string -> "string"
| Core.C_nat -> "nat"
| Core.C_mutez -> "mutez"
| Core.C_timestamp -> "timestamp"
| Core.C_int -> "int"
| Core.C_address -> "address"
| Core.C_bytes -> "bytes"
| Core.C_key_hash -> "key_hash"
| Core.C_key -> "key"
| Core.C_signature -> "signature"
| Core.C_operation -> "operation"
| Core.C_contract -> "contract"
| Core.C_chain_id -> "chain_id"
Format.fprintf ppf "%s" ct
let debug_pp_c_constructor_simpl ppf { tv; c_tag; tv_list } =
Format.fprintf ppf "CTOR %a %a(%a)" Var.pp tv debug_pp_constant c_tag PP_helpers.(list_sep Var.pp (const " , ")) tv_list
let propagator_break_ctor : output_break_ctor propagator =
fun selected dbs ->
let () = ignore (dbs) in (* this propagator doesn't need to use the dbs *)
let a = selected.a_k_var in
let b = selected.a_k'_var' in
(* produce constraints: *)
(* = *)
let eq1 = C_equation (P_variable, P_variable in
(* a.c_tag = b.c_tag *)
if (compare_simple_c_constant a.c_tag b.c_tag) <> 0 then
failwith (Format.asprintf "type error: incompatible types, not same ctor %a vs. %a (compare returns %d)" debug_pp_c_constructor_simpl a debug_pp_c_constructor_simpl b (compare_simple_c_constant a.c_tag b.c_tag))
(* a.tv_list = b.tv_list *)
if List.length a.tv_list <> List.length b.tv_list then
failwith "type error: incompatible types, not same length"
let eqs3 = List.map2 (fun aa bb -> C_equation (P_variable aa, P_variable bb)) a.tv_list b.tv_list in
let eqs = eq1 :: eqs3 in
(eqs , []) (* no new assignments *)
(* TODO : with our selectors, the selection depends on the order in which the constraints are added :-( :-( :-( :-(
We need to return a lazy stream of constraints. *)
type output_specialize1 = { poly : c_poly_simpl ; a_k_var : c_constructor_simpl }
let (<?) ca cb =
if ca = 0 then cb () else ca
let rec compare_list f = function
| hd1::tl1 -> (function
[] -> 1
| hd2::tl2 ->
f hd1 hd2 <? fun () ->
compare_list f tl1 tl2)
| [] -> (function [] -> 0 | _::_ -> -1) (* This follows the behaviour of for lists of different length *)
let compare_type_variable a b =
| a b
let compare_label = function
| L_int a -> (function L_int b -> a b | L_string _ -> -1)
| L_string a -> (function L_int _ -> 1 | L_string b -> a b)
let rec compare_typeclass a b = compare_list (compare_list compare_type_value) a b
let rec compare_typeclass a b = compare_list (compare_list compare_type_value) a b
and compare_type_value = function
and compare_type_value = function
| P_forall { binder=a1; constraints=a2; body=a3 } -> (function
| P_forall { binder=a1; constraints=a2; body=a3 } -> (function
@ -889,6 +889,7 @@ and type_expression : environment -> Solver.state -> ?tv_opt:O.type_value -> I.e
let e' = Environment.add_ez_binder (fst binder) fresh e in
let e' = Environment.add_ez_binder (fst binder) fresh e in
let%bind (result , state') = type_expression e' state result in
let%bind (result , state') = type_expression e' state result in
let () = Printf.printf "this does not make use of the typed body, this code sounds buggy." in
let wrapped = Wrap.lambda fresh input_type' output_type' in
let wrapped = Wrap.lambda fresh input_type' output_type' in
(E_lambda {binder = fst binder; body=result}) (* TODO: is the type of the entire lambda enough to access the input_type=fresh; ? *)
(E_lambda {binder = fst binder; body=result}) (* TODO: is the type of the entire lambda enough to access the input_type=fresh; ? *)
@ -897,8 +898,17 @@ and type_expression : environment -> Solver.state -> ?tv_opt:O.type_value -> I.e
| E_constant (name, lst) ->
| E_constant (name, lst) ->
let () = ignore (name , lst) in
let () = ignore (name , lst) in
let _t = Operators.Typer.Operators_types.constant_type name in
let%bind t = Operators.Typer.Operators_types.constant_type name in
Pervasives.failwith (Format.asprintf "TODO: E_constant (%a(%a))" Stage_common.PP.constant name (Format.pp_print_list Ast_simplified.PP.expression) lst)
let aux acc expr =
let (lst , state) = acc in
let%bind (expr, state') = type_expression e state expr in
ok (expr::lst , state') in
let%bind (lst , state') = bind_fold_list aux ([], state) lst in
let lst_annot = (fun (x : O.value) -> x.type_annotation) lst in
let wrapped = Wrap.constant t lst_annot in
(E_constant (name, lst))
state' wrapped
let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ (type_expression e) lst in
let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ (type_expression e) lst in
let tv_lst = get_type_annotation lst' in
let tv_lst = get_type_annotation lst' in
@ -320,51 +320,52 @@ module Typer = struct
let tc_addargs a b c = tc [a;b;c] [ (*TODO…*) ]
let tc_addargs a b c = tc [a;b;c] [ (*TODO…*) ]
let t_none = forall "a" @@ fun a -> option a
let t_none = forall "a" @@ fun a -> option a
let t_sub = forall3_tc "a" "b" "c" @@ fun a b c -> [tc_subarg a b c] => a --> b --> c (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_sub = forall3_tc "a" "b" "c" @@ fun a b c -> [tc_subarg a b c] => tuple2 a b --> c (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_some = forall "a" @@ fun a -> a --> option a
let t_some = forall "a" @@ fun a -> a --> option a
let t_map_remove = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> src --> map src dst --> map src dst
let t_map_remove = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> tuple2 src (map src dst) --> map src dst
let t_map_add = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> src --> dst --> map src dst --> map src dst
let t_map_add = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> tuple3 src dst (map src dst) --> map src dst
let t_map_update = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> src --> option dst --> map src dst --> map src dst
let t_map_update = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> tuple3 src (option dst) (map src dst) --> map src dst
let t_map_mem = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> src --> map src dst --> bool
let t_map_mem = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> tuple2 src (map src dst) --> bool
let t_map_find = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> src --> map src dst --> dst
let t_map_find = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> tuple2 src (map src dst) --> dst
let t_map_find_opt = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> src --> map src dst --> option dst
let t_map_find_opt = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> tuple2 src (map src dst) --> option dst
let t_map_fold = forall3 "src" "dst" "acc" @@ fun src dst acc -> ( ( (src * dst) * acc ) --> acc ) --> map src dst --> acc --> acc
let t_map_fold = forall3 "src" "dst" "acc" @@ fun src dst acc -> tuple3 ( ( (src * dst) * acc ) --> acc ) (map src dst) acc --> acc
let t_map_map = forall3 "k" "v" "result" @@ fun k v result -> ((k * v) --> result) --> map k v --> map k result
let t_map_map = forall3 "k" "v" "result" @@ fun k v result -> tuple2 ((k * v) --> result) (map k v) --> map k result
(* TODO: the type of map_map_fold might be wrong, check it. *)
(* TODO: the type of map_map_fold might be wrong, check it. *)
let t_map_map_fold = forall4 "k" "v" "acc" "dst" @@ fun k v acc dst -> ( ((k * v) * acc) --> acc * dst ) --> map k v --> (k * v) --> (map k dst * acc)
let t_map_map_fold = forall4 "k" "v" "acc" "dst" @@ fun k v acc dst -> tuple3 ( ((k * v) * acc) --> acc * dst ) (map k v) (k * v) --> (map k dst * acc)
let t_map_iter = forall2 "k" "v" @@ fun k v -> ( (k * v) --> unit ) --> map k v --> unit
let t_map_iter = forall2 "k" "v" @@ fun k v -> tuple2 ( (k * v) --> unit ) (map k v) --> unit
let t_size = forall_tc "c" @@ fun c -> [tc_sizearg c] => c --> nat (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_size = forall_tc "c" @@ fun c -> [tc_sizearg c] => tuple1 c --> nat (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_slice = nat --> nat --> string --> string
let t_slice = tuple3 nat nat string --> string
let t_failwith = string --> unit
let t_failwith = tuple1 string --> unit
let t_get_force = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> src --> map src dst --> dst
let t_get_force = forall2 "src" "dst" @@ fun src dst -> tuple2 src (map src dst) --> dst
let t_int = nat --> int
let t_int = tuple1 nat --> int
let t_bytes_pack = forall_tc "a" @@ fun a -> [tc_packable a] => a --> bytes (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_bytes_pack = forall_tc "a" @@ fun a -> [tc_packable a] => tuple1 a --> bytes (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_bytes_unpack = forall_tc "a" @@ fun a -> [tc_packable a] => bytes --> a (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_bytes_unpack = forall_tc "a" @@ fun a -> [tc_packable a] => tuple1 bytes --> a (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_hash256 = bytes --> bytes
let t_hash256 = tuple1 bytes --> bytes
let t_hash512 = bytes --> bytes
let t_hash512 = tuple1 bytes --> bytes
let t_blake2b = bytes --> bytes
let t_blake2b = tuple1 bytes --> bytes
let t_hash_key = key --> key_hash
let t_hash_key = tuple1 key --> key_hash
let t_check_signature = key --> signature --> bytes --> bool
let t_check_signature = tuple3 key signature bytes --> bool
let t_sender = address
let t_chain_id = tuple0 --> chain_id
let t_source = address
let t_sender = tuple0 --> address
let t_unit = unit
let t_source = tuple0 --> address
let t_amount = mutez
let t_unit = tuple0 --> unit
let t_address = address
let t_amount = tuple0 --> mutez
let t_now = timestamp
let t_address = tuple0 --> address
let t_transaction = forall "a" @@ fun a -> a --> mutez --> contract a --> operation
let t_now = tuple0 --> timestamp
let t_get_contract = forall "a" @@ fun a -> contract a
let t_transaction = forall "a" @@ fun a -> tuple3 a mutez (contract a) --> operation
let t_abs = int --> nat
let t_get_contract = forall "a" @@ fun a -> tuple0 --> contract a
let t_cons = forall "a" @@ fun a -> a --> list a --> list a
let t_abs = tuple1 int --> nat
let t_assertion = bool --> unit
let t_cons = forall "a" @@ fun a -> a --> tuple1 (list a) --> list a
let t_times = forall3_tc "a" "b" "c" @@ fun a b c -> [tc_timargs a b c] => a --> b --> c (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_assertion = tuple1 bool --> unit
let t_div = forall3_tc "a" "b" "c" @@ fun a b c -> [tc_divargs a b c] => a --> b --> c (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_times = forall3_tc "a" "b" "c" @@ fun a b c -> [tc_timargs a b c] => tuple2 a b --> c (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_mod = forall3_tc "a" "b" "c" @@ fun a b c -> [tc_modargs a b c] => a --> b --> c (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_div = forall3_tc "a" "b" "c" @@ fun a b c -> [tc_divargs a b c] => tuple2 a b --> c (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_add = forall3_tc "a" "b" "c" @@ fun a b c -> [tc_addargs a b c] => a --> b --> c (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_mod = forall3_tc "a" "b" "c" @@ fun a b c -> [tc_modargs a b c] => tuple2 a b --> c (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_set_mem = forall "a" @@ fun a -> a --> set a --> bool
let t_add = forall3_tc "a" "b" "c" @@ fun a b c -> [tc_addargs a b c] => tuple2 a b --> c (* TYPECLASS *)
let t_set_add = forall "a" @@ fun a -> a --> set a --> set a
let t_set_mem = forall "a" @@ fun a -> tuple2 a (set a) --> bool
let t_set_remove = forall "a" @@ fun a -> a --> set a --> set a
let t_set_add = forall "a" @@ fun a -> tuple2 a (set a) --> set a
let t_not = bool --> bool
let t_set_remove = forall "a" @@ fun a -> tuple2 a (set a) --> set a
let t_not = tuple1 bool --> bool
let constant_type : constant -> Typesystem.Core.type_value result = function
let constant_type : constant -> Typesystem.Core.type_value result = function
| C_INT -> ok @@ t_int ;
| C_INT -> ok @@ t_int ;
@ -438,7 +439,7 @@ module Typer = struct
| C_BLAKE2b -> ok @@ t_blake2b ;
| C_BLAKE2b -> ok @@ t_blake2b ;
| C_HASH_KEY -> ok @@ t_hash_key ;
| C_HASH_KEY -> ok @@ t_hash_key ;
| C_CHECK_SIGNATURE -> ok @@ t_check_signature ;
| C_CHECK_SIGNATURE -> ok @@ t_check_signature ;
| C_CHAIN_ID -> ok @@ failwith "t_chain_id" ;
| C_CHAIN_ID -> ok @@ t_chain_id ;
| C_CONTRACT -> ok @@ t_get_contract ;
| C_CONTRACT -> ok @@ t_get_contract ;
| C_CONTRACT_ENTRYPOINT -> ok @@ failwith "t_get_entrypoint" ;
| C_CONTRACT_ENTRYPOINT -> ok @@ failwith "t_get_entrypoint" ;
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ let mutez = P_constant (C_mutez , [])
let timestamp = P_constant (C_timestamp , [])
let timestamp = P_constant (C_timestamp , [])
let int = P_constant (C_int , [])
let int = P_constant (C_int , [])
let address = P_constant (C_address , [])
let address = P_constant (C_address , [])
let chain_id = P_constant (C_chain_id , [])
let bytes = P_constant (C_bytes , [])
let bytes = P_constant (C_bytes , [])
let key = P_constant (C_key , [])
let key = P_constant (C_key , [])
let key_hash = P_constant (C_key_hash , [])
let key_hash = P_constant (C_key_hash , [])
@ -61,3 +62,9 @@ let signature = P_constant (C_signature , [])
let operation = P_constant (C_operation , [])
let operation = P_constant (C_operation , [])
let contract t = P_constant (C_contract , [t])
let contract t = P_constant (C_contract , [t])
let ( * ) a b = pair a b
let ( * ) a b = pair a b
(* These are used temporarily to de-curry functions that correspond to Michelson operators *)
let tuple0 = P_constant (C_tuple , [])
let tuple1 a = P_constant (C_tuple , [a])
let tuple2 a b = P_constant (C_tuple , [a; b])
let tuple3 a b c = P_constant (C_tuple , [a; b; c])
Reference in New Issue
Block a user