Merge branch 'refactor/simplifier' into 'dev'
Redesign Pascaligo simplifier See merge request ligolang/ligo!678
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let%expect_test _ =
run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "bad_michelson_insertion_2.ligo" ; "main" ] ;
run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "bad_michelson_insertion_2.ligo" ; "main" ] ;
ligo: error
ligo: error
in file "bad_michelson_insertion_2.ligo", line 3, character 0 to line 5, character 41
in file "bad_michelson_insertion_2.ligo", line 3, characters 9-13
Constant declaration 'main'
Constant declaration 'main'
Bad types: expected nat got ( nat * nat )
Bad types: expected nat got ( nat * nat )
@ -161,8 +161,7 @@ and attr_decl = string reg ne_injection reg
and const_decl = {
and const_decl = {
kwd_const : kwd_const;
kwd_const : kwd_const;
name : variable;
name : variable;
colon : colon;
const_type : (colon * type_expr) option;
const_type : type_expr;
equal : equal;
equal : equal;
init : expr;
init : expr;
terminator : semi option;
terminator : semi option;
@ -209,8 +208,7 @@ and type_tuple = (type_expr, comma) nsepseq par reg
and fun_expr = {
and fun_expr = {
kwd_function : kwd_function;
kwd_function : kwd_function;
param : parameters;
param : parameters;
colon : colon;
ret_type : (colon * type_expr) option;
ret_type : type_expr;
kwd_is : kwd_is;
kwd_is : kwd_is;
return : expr
return : expr
@ -220,8 +218,7 @@ and fun_decl = {
kwd_function : kwd_function;
kwd_function : kwd_function;
fun_name : variable;
fun_name : variable;
param : parameters;
param : parameters;
colon : colon;
ret_type : (colon * type_expr) option;
ret_type : type_expr;
kwd_is : kwd_is;
kwd_is : kwd_is;
block_with : (block reg * kwd_with) option;
block_with : (block reg * kwd_with) option;
return : expr;
return : expr;
@ -238,15 +235,13 @@ and param_decl =
and param_const = {
and param_const = {
kwd_const : kwd_const;
kwd_const : kwd_const;
var : variable;
var : variable;
colon : colon;
param_type : (colon * type_expr) option
param_type : type_expr
and param_var = {
and param_var = {
kwd_var : kwd_var;
kwd_var : kwd_var;
var : variable;
var : variable;
colon : colon;
param_type : (colon * type_expr) option
param_type : type_expr
and block = {
and block = {
@ -274,8 +269,7 @@ and data_decl =
and var_decl = {
and var_decl = {
kwd_var : kwd_var;
kwd_var : kwd_var;
name : variable;
name : variable;
colon : colon;
var_type : (colon * type_expr) option;
var_type : type_expr;
assign : assign;
assign : assign;
init : expr;
init : expr;
terminator : semi option;
terminator : semi option;
@ -413,18 +407,14 @@ and for_loop =
| ForCollect of for_collect reg
| ForCollect of for_collect reg
and for_int = {
and for_int = {
kwd_for : kwd_for;
kwd_for : kwd_for;
assign : var_assign reg;
binder : variable;
kwd_to : kwd_to;
assign : assign;
bound : expr;
init : expr;
step : (kwd_step * expr) option;
kwd_to : kwd_to;
block : block reg
bound : expr;
step : (kwd_step * expr) option;
block : block reg
and var_assign = {
name : variable;
assign : assign;
expr : expr
and for_collect = {
and for_collect = {
@ -633,6 +623,7 @@ and pattern =
| PTuple of tuple_pattern
| PTuple of tuple_pattern
and constr_pattern =
and constr_pattern =
(*What is a unit pattern what does it catch ? is it like PWild ? *)
PUnit of c_Unit
PUnit of c_Unit
| PFalse of c_False
| PFalse of c_False
| PTrue of c_True
| PTrue of c_True
@ -645,6 +636,7 @@ and tuple_pattern = (pattern, comma) nsepseq par reg
and list_pattern =
and list_pattern =
PListComp of pattern injection reg
PListComp of pattern injection reg
| PNil of kwd_nil
| PNil of kwd_nil
(* Currently hd # tl is PCons, i would expect this to have type pattern * cons * pattern just like PParCons*)
| PParCons of (pattern * cons * pattern) par reg
| PParCons of (pattern * cons * pattern) par reg
| PCons of (pattern, cons) nsepseq reg
| PCons of (pattern, cons) nsepseq reg
@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ type_decl:
terminator = $5}
terminator = $5}
in {region; value} }
in {region; value} }
type_expr_colon: ":" type_expr { $1,$2 }
fun_type | sum_type | record_type { $1 }
fun_type | sum_type | record_type { $1 }
@ -239,52 +240,49 @@ field_decl:
"function" parameters ":" type_expr "is" expr {
"function" parameters type_expr_colon? "is" expr {
let stop = expr_to_region $6 in
let stop = expr_to_region $5 in
let region = cover $1 stop
let region = cover $1 stop
and value = {kwd_function = $1;
and value = {kwd_function = $1;
param = $2;
param = $2;
colon = $3;
ret_type = $3;
ret_type = $4;
kwd_is = $4;
kwd_is = $5;
return = $5}
return = $6}
in {region; value} }
in {region; value} }
(* Function declarations *)
(* Function declarations *)
ioption ("recursive") "function" fun_name parameters ":" type_expr "is"
ioption ("recursive") "function" fun_name parameters type_expr_colon? "is"
block "with" expr {
block "with" expr {
Scoping.check_reserved_name $3;
Scoping.check_reserved_name $3;
let stop = expr_to_region $10 in
let stop = expr_to_region $9 in
let region = cover $2 stop
let region = cover $2 stop
and value = {kwd_recursive= $1;
and value = {kwd_recursive= $1;
kwd_function = $2;
kwd_function = $2;
fun_name = $3;
fun_name = $3;
param = $4;
param = $4;
colon = $5;
ret_type = $5;
ret_type = $6;
kwd_is = $6;
kwd_is = $7;
block_with = Some ($7, $8);
block_with = Some ($8, $9);
return = $9;
return = $10;
terminator = None;
terminator = None;
attributes = None}
attributes = None}
in {region; value}
in {region; value}
| ioption ("recursive") "function" fun_name parameters ":" type_expr "is"
| ioption ("recursive") "function" fun_name parameters type_expr_colon? "is"
expr {
expr {
Scoping.check_reserved_name $3;
Scoping.check_reserved_name $3;
let stop = expr_to_region $8 in
let stop = expr_to_region $7 in
let region = cover $2 stop
let region = cover $2 stop
and value = {kwd_recursive= $1;
and value = {kwd_recursive= $1;
kwd_function = $2;
kwd_function = $2;
fun_name = $3;
fun_name = $3;
param = $4;
param = $4;
colon = $5;
ret_type = $5;
ret_type = $6;
kwd_is = $6;
kwd_is = $7;
block_with = None;
block_with = None;
return = $8;
return = $7;
terminator = None;
terminator = None;
attributes = None}
attributes = None}
in {region; value} }
in {region; value} }
@ -300,28 +298,26 @@ parameters:
in Scoping.check_parameters params; $1 }
in Scoping.check_parameters params; $1 }
"var" var ":" param_type {
"var" var param_type? {
Scoping.check_reserved_name $2;
Scoping.check_reserved_name $2;
let stop = type_expr_to_region $4 in
let stop = match $3 with None -> $2.region | Some (_,t) -> type_expr_to_region t in
let region = cover $1 stop
let region = cover $1 stop
and value = {kwd_var = $1;
and value = {kwd_var = $1;
var = $2;
var = $2;
colon = $3;
param_type = $3}
param_type = $4}
in ParamVar {region; value}
in ParamVar {region; value}
| "const" var ":" param_type {
| "const" var param_type? {
Scoping.check_reserved_name $2;
Scoping.check_reserved_name $2;
let stop = type_expr_to_region $4 in
let stop = match $3 with None -> $2.region | Some (_,t) -> type_expr_to_region t in
let region = cover $1 stop
let region = cover $1 stop
and value = {kwd_const = $1;
and value = {kwd_const = $1;
var = $2;
var = $2;
colon = $3;
param_type = $3}
param_type = $4}
in ParamConst {region; value} }
in ParamConst {region; value} }
fun_type { $1 }
":" fun_type { $1,$2 }
"begin" sep_or_term_list(statement,";") "end" {
"begin" sep_or_term_list(statement,";") "end" {
@ -352,11 +348,10 @@ open_data_decl:
"const" unqualified_decl("=") {
"const" unqualified_decl("=") {
let name, colon, const_type, equal, init, stop = $2 in
let name, const_type, equal, init, stop = $2 in
let region = cover $1 stop
let region = cover $1 stop
and value = {kwd_const = $1;
and value = {kwd_const = $1;
@ -366,11 +361,10 @@ open_const_decl:
"var" unqualified_decl(":=") {
"var" unqualified_decl(":=") {
let name, colon, var_type, assign, init, stop = $2 in
let name, var_type, assign, init, stop = $2 in
let region = cover $1 stop
let region = cover $1 stop
and value = {kwd_var = $1;
and value = {kwd_var = $1;
@ -378,10 +372,10 @@ open_var_decl:
in {region; value} }
in {region; value} }
var ":" type_expr OP expr {
var type_expr_colon? OP expr {
Scoping.check_reserved_name $1;
Scoping.check_reserved_name $1;
let region = expr_to_region $5
let region = expr_to_region $4
in $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, region }
in $1, $2, $3, $4, region }
open_const_decl ";"? {
open_const_decl ";"? {
@ -616,26 +610,30 @@ while_loop:
in While {region; value} }
in While {region; value} }
"for" var_assign "to" expr block {
"for" var ":=" expr "to" expr block {
let region = cover $1 $5.region in
let value = {kwd_for = $1;
assign = $2;
kwd_to = $3;
bound = $4;
step = None;
block = $5}
in For (ForInt {region; value})
| "for" var_assign "to" expr "step" expr block {
let region = cover $1 $7.region in
let region = cover $1 $7.region in
let value = {kwd_for = $1;
let value = {kwd_for = $1;
assign = $2;
binder = $2;
kwd_to = $3;
assign = $3;
bound = $4;
init = $4;
step = Some ($5, $6);
kwd_to = $5;
bound = $6;
step = None;
block = $7}
block = $7}
in For (ForInt {region; value})
in For (ForInt {region; value})
| "for" var ":=" expr "to" expr "step" expr block {
let region = cover $1 $9.region in
let value = {kwd_for = $1;
binder = $2;
assign = $3;
init = $4;
kwd_to = $5;
bound = $6;
step = Some ($7, $8);
block = $9}
in For (ForInt {region; value})
| "for" var arrow_clause? "in" collection expr block {
| "for" var arrow_clause? "in" collection expr block {
Scoping.check_reserved_name $2;
Scoping.check_reserved_name $2;
let region = cover $1 $7.region in
let region = cover $1 $7.region in
@ -653,13 +651,6 @@ collection:
| "set" { Set $1 }
| "set" { Set $1 }
| "list" { List $1 }
| "list" { List $1 }
var ":=" expr {
Scoping.check_reserved_name $1;
let region = cover $1.region (expr_to_region $3)
and value = {name=$1; assign=$2; expr=$3}
in {region; value} }
"->" var { Scoping.check_reserved_name $2; ($1,$2) }
"->" var { Scoping.check_reserved_name $2; ($1,$2) }
@ -64,6 +64,11 @@ let print_sepseq :
None -> ()
None -> ()
| Some seq -> print_nsepseq state sep print seq
| Some seq -> print_nsepseq state sep print seq
let print_option : state -> (state -> 'a -> unit ) -> 'a option -> unit =
fun state print -> function
None -> ()
| Some opt -> print state opt
let print_token state region lexeme =
let print_token state region lexeme =
let line =
let line =
sprintf "%s: %s\n"(compact state region) lexeme
sprintf "%s: %s\n"(compact state region) lexeme
@ -126,12 +131,11 @@ and print_decl state = function
| AttrDecl decl -> print_attr_decl state decl
| AttrDecl decl -> print_attr_decl state decl
and print_const_decl state {value; _} =
and print_const_decl state {value; _} =
let {kwd_const; name; colon; const_type;
let {kwd_const; name; const_type;
equal; init; terminator; _} = value in
equal; init; terminator; _} = value in
print_token state kwd_const "const";
print_token state kwd_const "const";
print_var state name;
print_var state name;
print_token state colon ":";
print_option state print_colon_type_expr const_type;
print_type_expr state const_type;
print_token state equal "=";
print_token state equal "=";
print_expr state init;
print_expr state init;
print_terminator state terminator
print_terminator state terminator
@ -155,6 +159,10 @@ and print_type_expr state = function
| TVar type_var -> print_var state type_var
| TVar type_var -> print_var state type_var
| TString str -> print_string state str
| TString str -> print_string state str
and print_colon_type_expr state (colon, type_expr) =
print_token state colon ":";
print_type_expr state type_expr;
and print_cartesian state {value; _} =
and print_cartesian state {value; _} =
print_nsepseq state "*" print_type_expr value
print_nsepseq state "*" print_type_expr value
@ -203,14 +211,13 @@ and print_type_tuple state {value; _} =
print_token state rpar ")"
print_token state rpar ")"
and print_fun_decl state {value; _} =
and print_fun_decl state {value; _} =
let {kwd_function; fun_name; param; colon;
let {kwd_function; fun_name; param;
ret_type; kwd_is; block_with;
ret_type; kwd_is; block_with;
return; terminator; _} = value in
return; terminator; _} = value in
print_token state kwd_function "function";
print_token state kwd_function "function";
print_var state fun_name;
print_var state fun_name;
print_parameters state param;
print_parameters state param;
print_token state colon ":";
print_option state print_colon_type_expr ret_type;
print_type_expr state ret_type;
print_token state kwd_is "is";
print_token state kwd_is "is";
(match block_with with
(match block_with with
None -> ()
None -> ()
@ -221,12 +228,11 @@ and print_fun_decl state {value; _} =
print_terminator state terminator;
print_terminator state terminator;
and print_fun_expr state {value; _} =
and print_fun_expr state {value; _} =
let {kwd_function; param; colon;
let {kwd_function; param;
ret_type; kwd_is; return} : fun_expr = value in
ret_type; kwd_is; return} : fun_expr = value in
print_token state kwd_function "function";
print_token state kwd_function "function";
print_parameters state param;
print_parameters state param;
print_token state colon ":";
print_option state print_colon_type_expr ret_type;
print_type_expr state ret_type;
print_token state kwd_is "is";
print_token state kwd_is "is";
print_expr state return
print_expr state return
@ -249,18 +255,16 @@ and print_param_decl state = function
| ParamVar param_var -> print_param_var state param_var
| ParamVar param_var -> print_param_var state param_var
and print_param_const state {value; _} =
and print_param_const state {value; _} =
let {kwd_const; var; colon; param_type} = value in
let {kwd_const; var; param_type} = value in
print_token state kwd_const "const";
print_token state kwd_const "const";
print_var state var;
print_var state var;
print_token state colon ":";
print_option state print_colon_type_expr param_type
print_type_expr state param_type
and print_param_var state {value; _} =
and print_param_var state {value; _} =
let {kwd_var; var; colon; param_type} = value in
let {kwd_var; var; param_type} = value in
print_token state kwd_var "var";
print_token state kwd_var "var";
print_var state var;
print_var state var;
print_token state colon ":";
print_option state print_colon_type_expr param_type
print_type_expr state param_type
and print_block state block =
and print_block state block =
let {enclosing; statements; terminator} = block.value in
let {enclosing; statements; terminator} = block.value in
@ -283,12 +287,11 @@ and print_data_decl state = function
| LocalFun decl -> print_fun_decl state decl
| LocalFun decl -> print_fun_decl state decl
and print_var_decl state {value; _} =
and print_var_decl state {value; _} =
let {kwd_var; name; colon; var_type;
let {kwd_var; name; var_type;
assign; init; terminator} = value in
assign; init; terminator} = value in
print_token state kwd_var "var";
print_token state kwd_var "var";
print_var state name;
print_var state name;
print_token state colon ":";
print_option state print_colon_type_expr var_type;
print_type_expr state var_type;
print_token state assign ":=";
print_token state assign ":=";
print_expr state init;
print_expr state init;
print_terminator state terminator
print_terminator state terminator
@ -403,9 +406,11 @@ and print_for_loop state = function
| ForCollect for_collect -> print_for_collect state for_collect
| ForCollect for_collect -> print_for_collect state for_collect
and print_for_int state ({value; _} : for_int reg) =
and print_for_int state ({value; _} : for_int reg) =
let {kwd_for; assign; kwd_to; bound; step; block} = value in
let {kwd_for; binder; assign; init; kwd_to; bound; step; block} = value in
print_token state kwd_for "for";
print_token state kwd_for "for";
print_var_assign state assign;
print_var state binder;
print_token state assign ":=";
print_expr state init;
print_token state kwd_to "to";
print_token state kwd_to "to";
print_expr state bound;
print_expr state bound;
(match step with
(match step with
@ -415,12 +420,6 @@ and print_for_int state ({value; _} : for_int reg) =
print_expr state expr);
print_expr state expr);
print_block state block
print_block state block
and print_var_assign state {value; _} =
let {name; assign; expr} = value in
print_var state name;
print_token state assign ":=";
print_expr state expr
and print_for_collect state ({value; _} : for_collect reg) =
and print_for_collect state ({value; _} : for_collect reg) =
let {kwd_for; var; bind_to;
let {kwd_for; var; bind_to;
kwd_in; collection; expr; block} = value in
kwd_in; collection; expr; block} = value in
@ -927,7 +926,7 @@ and pp_fun_decl state decl =
let () =
let () =
let state = state#pad arity (start + 2) in
let state = state#pad arity (start + 2) in
pp_node state "<return type>";
pp_node state "<return type>";
pp_type_expr (state#pad 1 0) decl.ret_type in
print_option (state#pad 1 0) pp_type_expr @@ snd decl.ret_type in
let () =
let () =
let state = state#pad arity (start + 3) in
let state = state#pad arity (start + 3) in
pp_node state "<body>";
pp_node state "<body>";
@ -945,7 +944,7 @@ and pp_fun_decl state decl =
and pp_const_decl state decl =
and pp_const_decl state decl =
let arity = 3 in
let arity = 3 in
pp_ident (state#pad arity 0);
pp_ident (state#pad arity 0);
pp_type_expr (state#pad arity 1) decl.const_type;
print_option (state#pad arity 1) pp_type_expr @@ snd decl.const_type;
pp_expr (state#pad arity 2) decl.init
pp_expr (state#pad arity 2) decl.init
and pp_type_expr state = function
and pp_type_expr state = function
@ -1014,7 +1013,7 @@ and pp_fun_expr state (expr: fun_expr) =
let () =
let () =
let state = state#pad 3 1 in
let state = state#pad 3 1 in
pp_node state "<return type>";
pp_node state "<return type>";
pp_type_expr (state#pad 1 0) expr.ret_type in
print_option (state#pad 1 0) pp_type_expr @@ snd expr.ret_type in
let () =
let () =
let state = state#pad 3 2 in
let state = state#pad 3 2 in
pp_node state "<return>";
pp_node state "<return>";
@ -1042,11 +1041,11 @@ and pp_param_decl state = function
ParamConst {value; region} ->
ParamConst {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node state "ParamConst" region;
pp_loc_node state "ParamConst" region;
pp_ident (state#pad 2 0) value.var;
pp_ident (state#pad 2 0) value.var;
pp_type_expr (state#pad 2 1) value.param_type
print_option (state#pad 2 1) pp_type_expr @@ snd value.param_type
| ParamVar {value; region} ->
| ParamVar {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node state "ParamVar" region;
pp_loc_node state "ParamVar" region;
pp_ident (state#pad 2 0) value.var;
pp_ident (state#pad 2 0) value.var;
pp_type_expr (state#pad 2 1) value.param_type
print_option (state#pad 2 1) pp_type_expr @@ snd value.param_type
and pp_statements state statements =
and pp_statements state statements =
let statements = Utils.nsepseq_to_list statements in
let statements = Utils.nsepseq_to_list statements in
@ -1334,13 +1333,15 @@ and pp_for_loop state = function
pp_for_collect state value
pp_for_collect state value
and pp_for_int state for_int =
and pp_for_int state for_int =
let {assign; bound; step; block; _} = for_int in
let {binder; init; bound; step; block; _} = for_int in
let arity =
let arity =
match step with None -> 3 | Some _ -> 4 in
match step with None -> 3 | Some _ -> 4 in
let () =
let () =
let state = state#pad arity 0 in
let state = state#pad arity 0 in
pp_node state "<init>";
pp_node state "<init>";
pp_var_assign state assign.value in
pp_ident (state#pad 2 0) binder;
pp_expr (state#pad 2 1) init
let () =
let () =
let state = state#pad arity 1 in
let state = state#pad arity 1 in
pp_node state "<bound>";
pp_node state "<bound>";
@ -1359,10 +1360,6 @@ and pp_for_int state for_int =
pp_statements state statements
pp_statements state statements
in ()
in ()
and pp_var_assign state asgn =
pp_ident (state#pad 2 0);
pp_expr (state#pad 2 1) asgn.expr
and pp_for_collect state collect =
and pp_for_collect state collect =
let () =
let () =
let state = state#pad 3 0 in
let state = state#pad 3 0 in
@ -1450,7 +1447,7 @@ and pp_data_decl state = function
and pp_var_decl state decl =
and pp_var_decl state decl =
pp_ident (state#pad 3 0);
pp_ident (state#pad 3 0);
pp_type_expr (state#pad 3 1) decl.var_type;
print_option (state#pad 3 1) pp_type_expr @@ snd decl.var_type;
pp_expr (state#pad 3 2) decl.init
pp_expr (state#pad 3 2) decl.init
and pp_expr state = function
and pp_expr state = function
@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ let pp_braces : ('a -> document) -> 'a braces reg -> document =
fun printer {value; _} ->
fun printer {value; _} ->
string "{" ^^ nest 1 (printer value.inside ^^ string "}")
string "{" ^^ nest 1 (printer value.inside ^^ string "}")
let pp_option : ('a -> document) -> 'a option -> document =
fun printer -> function
None -> empty
| Some opt -> printer opt
let rec print ast =
let rec print ast =
let app decl = group (pp_declaration decl) in
let app decl = group (pp_declaration decl) in
let decl = Utils.nseq_to_list ast.decl in
let decl = Utils.nseq_to_list ast.decl in
@ -35,11 +40,11 @@ and pp_attr_decl decl = pp_ne_injection pp_string decl
and pp_const_decl {value; _} =
and pp_const_decl {value; _} =
let {name; const_type; init; attributes; _} = value in
let {name; const_type; init; attributes; _} = value in
let start = string ("const " ^ name.value) in
let start = string ("const " ^ name.value) in
let t_expr = pp_type_expr const_type in
let t_expr = const_type in
let attr = match attributes with
let attr = match attributes with
None -> empty
None -> empty
| Some a -> hardline ^^ pp_attr_decl a in
| Some a -> hardline ^^ pp_attr_decl a in
group (start ^/^ nest 2 (string ": " ^^ t_expr))
group (start ^/^ pp_option (fun (_, d) -> nest 2 (string ": " ^^ pp_type_expr d)) t_expr)
^^ group (break 1 ^^ nest 2 (string "= " ^^ pp_expr init))
^^ group (break 1 ^^ nest 2 (string "= " ^^ pp_expr init))
^^ attr
^^ attr
@ -123,10 +128,9 @@ and pp_fun_expr {value; _} =
let {param; ret_type; return; _} : fun_expr = value in
let {param; ret_type; return; _} : fun_expr = value in
let start = string "function" in
let start = string "function" in
let parameters = pp_par pp_parameters param in
let parameters = pp_par pp_parameters param in
let return_t = pp_type_expr ret_type in
let expr = pp_expr return in
let expr = pp_expr return in
group (start ^^ nest 2 (break 1 ^^ parameters))
group (start ^^ nest 2 (break 1 ^^ parameters))
^^ group (break 1 ^^ nest 2 (string ": " ^^ return_t))
^^ pp_option (fun (_,d) -> group (break 1 ^^ nest 2 (string ": " ^^ pp_type_expr d))) ret_type
^^ string " is" ^^ group (nest 4 (break 1 ^^ expr))
^^ string " is" ^^ group (nest 4 (break 1 ^^ expr))
and pp_fun_decl {value; _} =
and pp_fun_decl {value; _} =
@ -138,7 +142,6 @@ and pp_fun_decl {value; _} =
| Some _ -> string "recursive" ^/^ string "function" in
| Some _ -> string "recursive" ^/^ string "function" in
let start = start ^^ group (break 1 ^^ nest 2 (pp_ident fun_name)) in
let start = start ^^ group (break 1 ^^ nest 2 (pp_ident fun_name)) in
let parameters = pp_par pp_parameters param in
let parameters = pp_par pp_parameters param in
let return_t = pp_type_expr ret_type in
let expr = pp_expr return in
let expr = pp_expr return in
let body =
let body =
match block_with with
match block_with with
@ -150,7 +153,7 @@ and pp_fun_decl {value; _} =
None -> empty
None -> empty
| Some a -> hardline ^^ pp_attr_decl a in
| Some a -> hardline ^^ pp_attr_decl a in
prefix 2 1 start parameters
prefix 2 1 start parameters
^^ group (nest 2 (break 1 ^^ string ": " ^^ nest 2 return_t ^^ string " is"))
^^ group (nest 2 (pp_option (fun (_, d) -> break 1 ^^ string ": " ^^ nest 2 (pp_type_expr d)) ret_type ^^ string " is"))
^^ body ^^ attr
^^ body ^^ attr
and pp_parameters p = pp_nsepseq ";" pp_param_decl p
and pp_parameters p = pp_nsepseq ";" pp_param_decl p
@ -161,15 +164,13 @@ and pp_param_decl = function
and pp_param_const {value; _} =
and pp_param_const {value; _} =
let {var; param_type; _} : param_const = value in
let {var; param_type; _} : param_const = value in
let name = string ("const " ^ var.value) in
let name = string ("const " ^ var.value)
let t_expr = pp_type_expr param_type
in prefix 2 1 name @@ pp_option (fun (_,d) -> string ": " ^^ pp_type_expr d) param_type
in prefix 2 1 (name ^^ string " :") t_expr
and pp_param_var {value; _} =
and pp_param_var {value; _} =
let {var; param_type; _} : param_var = value in
let {var; param_type; _} : param_var = value in
let name = string ("var " ^ var.value) in
let name = string ("var " ^ var.value)
let t_expr = pp_type_expr param_type
in prefix 2 1 name @@ pp_option (fun (_,d) -> string ": " ^^ pp_type_expr d) param_type
in prefix 2 1 (name ^^ string " :") t_expr
and pp_block {value; _} =
and pp_block {value; _} =
string "block {"
string "block {"
@ -191,8 +192,7 @@ and pp_data_decl = function
and pp_var_decl {value; _} =
and pp_var_decl {value; _} =
let {name; var_type; init; _} = value in
let {name; var_type; init; _} = value in
let start = string ("var " ^ name.value) in
let start = string ("var " ^ name.value) in
let t_expr = pp_type_expr var_type in
group (start ^/^ pp_option (fun (_,d) -> nest 2 (string ": " ^^ pp_type_expr d)) var_type)
group (start ^/^ nest 2 (string ": " ^^ t_expr))
^^ group (break 1 ^^ nest 2 (string ":= " ^^ pp_expr init))
^^ group (break 1 ^^ nest 2 (string ":= " ^^ pp_expr init))
and pp_instruction = function
and pp_instruction = function
@ -330,19 +330,15 @@ and pp_for_loop = function
| ForCollect l -> pp_for_collect l
| ForCollect l -> pp_for_collect l
and pp_for_int {value; _} =
and pp_for_int {value; _} =
let {assign; bound; step; block; _} = value in
let {binder; init; bound; step; block; _} = value in
let step =
let step =
match step with
match step with
None -> empty
None -> empty
| Some (_, e) -> prefix 2 1 (string " step") (pp_expr e) in
| Some (_, e) -> prefix 2 1 (string " step") (pp_expr e) in
prefix 2 1 (string "for") (pp_var_assign assign)
prefix 2 1 (string "for") (prefix 2 1 (pp_ident binder ^^ string " :=") (pp_expr init))
^^ prefix 2 1 (string " to") (pp_expr bound)
^^ prefix 2 1 (string " to") (pp_expr bound)
^^ step ^^ hardline ^^ pp_block block
^^ step ^^ hardline ^^ pp_block block
and pp_var_assign {value; _} =
let {name; expr; _} = value in
prefix 2 1 (pp_ident name ^^ string " :=") (pp_expr expr)
and pp_for_collect {value; _} =
and pp_for_collect {value; _} =
let {var; bind_to; collection; expr; block; _} = value in
let {var; bind_to; collection; expr; block; _} = value in
let binding =
let binding =
@ -827,18 +827,6 @@ interactive_expr: Function LPAR Var Ident COLON Ident VBAR
interactive_expr: Function LPAR Var Ident COLON With
## Ends in an error in state: 74.
## param_decl -> Var Ident COLON . param_type [ SEMI RPAR ]
## The known suffix of the stack is as follows:
## Var Ident COLON
interactive_expr: Function LPAR Var Ident With
interactive_expr: Function LPAR Var Ident With
## Ends in an error in state: 73.
## Ends in an error in state: 73.
@ -2828,18 +2816,6 @@ contract: Const Ident COLON String VBAR
contract: Const Ident COLON With
## Ends in an error in state: 495.
## unqualified_decl(EQ) -> Ident COLON . type_expr EQ expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ]
## The known suffix of the stack is as follows:
## Ident COLON
contract: Const Ident With
contract: Const Ident With
## Ends in an error in state: 494.
## Ends in an error in state: 494.
@ -4010,18 +3986,6 @@ contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin
contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Var Ident COLON With
## Ends in an error in state: 418.
## unqualified_decl(ASS) -> Ident COLON . type_expr ASS expr [ SEMI RBRACE End ]
## The known suffix of the stack is as follows:
## Ident COLON
contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Var Ident With
contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Var Ident With
## Ends in an error in state: 417.
## Ends in an error in state: 417.
@ -4174,19 +4138,6 @@ contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String VBAR
contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON With
## Ends in an error in state: 463.
## open_fun_decl -> Function Ident parameters COLON . type_expr Is block With expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ]
## open_fun_decl -> Function Ident parameters COLON . type_expr Is expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ]
## The known suffix of the stack is as follows:
## Function Ident parameters COLON
contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR With
contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR With
## Ends in an error in state: 462.
## Ends in an error in state: 462.
@ -4284,19 +4235,6 @@ contract: Recursive Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON Strin
contract: Recursive Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON With
## Ends in an error in state: 87.
## open_fun_decl -> Recursive Function Ident parameters COLON . type_expr Is block With expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ]
## open_fun_decl -> Recursive Function Ident parameters COLON . type_expr Is expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ]
## The known suffix of the stack is as follows:
## Recursive Function Ident parameters COLON
contract: Recursive Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR With
contract: Recursive Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR With
## Ends in an error in state: 86.
## Ends in an error in state: 86.
@ -4836,4 +4774,3 @@ contract: With
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ and compile_fun lamb' : (expr , abs_error) result =
let aux ((var : Raw.variable) , ty_opt) =
let aux ((var : Raw.variable) , ty_opt) =
match var.value , ty_opt with
match var.value , ty_opt with
| "storage" , None ->
| "storage" , None ->
ok (var , t_variable "storage")
ok (var , t_variable ~loc @@ Var.fresh ~name:"storage" ())
| _ , None ->
| _ , None ->
fail @@ untyped_fun_param var
fail @@ untyped_fun_param var
| _ , Some ty -> (
| _ , Some ty -> (
@ -10,32 +10,38 @@ type abs_error = [
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_predefined_type of Raw.constr
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_predefined_type of Raw.constr
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_non_var_pattern of Raw.pattern
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_non_var_pattern of Raw.pattern
| `Concrete_pascaligo_only_constructors of Raw.pattern
| `Concrete_pascaligo_only_constructors of Raw.pattern
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_pattern_type of Raw.pattern list
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_pattern_type of Raw.pattern
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_tuple_pattern of Raw.pattern
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_tuple_pattern of Raw.pattern
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_string_singleton of Raw.type_expr
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_string_singleton of Raw.type_expr
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_some_pattern of Raw.pattern
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_some_pattern of Raw.pattern
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_list_pattern of (Raw.pattern, Raw.wild) Parser_shared.Utils.nsepseq Raw.reg
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_list_pattern of Raw.pattern
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_tuple_pattern of (Raw.pattern, Raw.wild) Parser_shared.Utils.nsepseq Raw.par Raw.reg
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_built_in of string
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_built_in of string
| `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong of Raw.type_expr * string
| `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong of Raw.type_expr * string
| `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong_arity of Location.t * string
| `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong_arity of Location.t * string
| `Concrete_pascaligo_instruction_tracer of Raw.instruction * abs_error
| `Concrete_pascaligo_instruction_tracer of Raw.instruction * abs_error
| `Concrete_pascaligo_program_tracer of Raw.declaration list * abs_error
| `Concrete_pascaligo_program_tracer of Raw.declaration list * abs_error
| `Concrete_pascaligo_recursive_fun of Location.t
| `Concrete_pascaligo_block_attribute of Raw.block Region.reg
let unsupported_cst_constr p = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_constant_constr p
let unsupported_cst_constr p = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_constant_constr p
let unknown_predefined_type name = `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_predefined_type name
let unknown_predefined_type name = `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_predefined_type name
let unsupported_non_var_pattern p = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_non_var_pattern p
let unsupported_non_var_pattern p = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_non_var_pattern p
let untyped_recursive_fun loc = `Concrete_pascaligo_recursive_fun loc
let only_constructors p = `Concrete_pascaligo_only_constructors p
let only_constructors p = `Concrete_pascaligo_only_constructors p
let unsupported_pattern_type pl = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_pattern_type pl
let unsupported_pattern_type pl = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_pattern_type pl
let unsupported_tuple_pattern p = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_tuple_pattern p
let unsupported_tuple_pattern p = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_tuple_pattern p
let unsupported_string_singleton te = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_string_singleton te
let unsupported_string_singleton te = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_string_singleton te
let unsupported_deep_some_patterns p = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_some_pattern p
let unsupported_deep_some_patterns p = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_some_pattern p
let unsupported_deep_list_patterns cons = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_list_pattern cons
let unsupported_deep_list_patterns cons = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_list_pattern cons
let unsupported_deep_tuple_patterns t = `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_tuple_pattern t
let unknown_built_in name = `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_built_in name
let unknown_built_in name = `Concrete_pascaligo_unknown_built_in name
let michelson_type_wrong texpr name = `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong (texpr,name)
let michelson_type_wrong texpr name = `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong (texpr,name)
let michelson_type_wrong_arity loc name = `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong_arity (loc,name)
let michelson_type_wrong_arity loc name = `Concrete_pascaligo_michelson_type_wrong_arity (loc,name)
let abstracting_instruction_tracer i err = `Concrete_pascaligo_instruction_tracer (i,err)
let abstracting_instruction_tracer i err = `Concrete_pascaligo_instruction_tracer (i,err)
let program_tracer decl err = `Concrete_pascaligo_program_tracer (decl,err)
let program_tracer decl err = `Concrete_pascaligo_program_tracer (decl,err)
let block_start_with_attribute block = `Concrete_pascaligo_block_attribute block
let rec error_ppformat : display_format:string display_format ->
let rec error_ppformat : display_format:string display_format ->
Format.formatter -> abs_error -> unit =
Format.formatter -> abs_error -> unit =
@ -51,7 +57,7 @@ let rec error_ppformat : display_format:string display_format ->
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_pattern_type pl ->
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_pattern_type pl ->
Format.fprintf f
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Currently, only booleans, lists, options, and constructors are supported in patterns@]"
"@[<hv>%a@Currently, only booleans, lists, options, and constructors are supported in patterns@]"
Location.pp_lift (List.fold_left (fun a p -> Region.cover a (Raw.pattern_to_region p)) Region.ghost pl)
Location.pp_lift @@ Raw.pattern_to_region pl
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_tuple_pattern p ->
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_tuple_pattern p ->
Format.fprintf f
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@The following tuple pattern is not supported yet:@\"%s\"@]"
"@[<hv>%a@The following tuple pattern is not supported yet:@\"%s\"@]"
@ -76,7 +82,11 @@ let rec error_ppformat : display_format:string display_format ->
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_list_pattern cons ->
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_list_pattern cons ->
Format.fprintf f
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Currently, only empty lists and x::y are supported in list patterns@]"
"@[<hv>%a@Currently, only empty lists and x::y are supported in list patterns@]"
Location.pp_lift @@ cons.Region.region
Location.pp_lift @@ Raw.pattern_to_region cons
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_tuple_pattern tuple ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Currently, nested tuple pattern is not suppoerted@]"
Location.pp_lift @@ tuple.Region.region
| `Concrete_pascaligo_only_constructors p ->
| `Concrete_pascaligo_only_constructors p ->
Format.fprintf f
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Currently, only constructors are supported in patterns@]"
"@[<hv>%a@Currently, only constructors are supported in patterns@]"
@ -105,6 +115,14 @@ let rec error_ppformat : display_format:string display_format ->
"@[<hv>%a@Abstracting program@%a@]"
"@[<hv>%a@Abstracting program@%a@]"
Location.pp_lift (List.fold_left (fun a d -> Region.cover a (Raw.declaration_to_region d)) Region.ghost decl)
Location.pp_lift (List.fold_left (fun a d -> Region.cover a (Raw.declaration_to_region d)) Region.ghost decl)
(error_ppformat ~display_format) err
(error_ppformat ~display_format) err
| `Concrete_pascaligo_recursive_fun loc ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Untyped recursive functions are not supported yet@]"
Location.pp loc
| `Concrete_pascaligo_block_attribute block ->
Format.fprintf f
"@[<hv>%a@Attributes have to follow the declaration it is attached@]"
Location.pp_lift @@ block.region
@ -125,9 +143,16 @@ let rec error_jsonformat : abs_error -> J.t = fun a ->
("location", `String loc);
("location", `String loc);
("type", t ) ] in
("type", t ) ] in
json_error ~stage ~content
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_recursive_fun loc ->
let message = `String "Untyped recursive functions are not supported yet" in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp loc in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message );
("location", `String loc);] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_pattern_type pl ->
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_pattern_type pl ->
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a"
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a"
Location.pp_lift (List.fold_left (fun a p -> Region.cover a (Raw.pattern_to_region p)) Region.ghost pl) in
Location.pp_lift @@ Raw.pattern_to_region pl in
let message = `String "Currently, only booleans, lists, options, and constructors are supported in patterns" in
let message = `String "Currently, only booleans, lists, options, and constructors are supported in patterns" in
let content = `Assoc [
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message );
("message", message );
@ -172,7 +197,14 @@ let rec error_jsonformat : abs_error -> J.t = fun a ->
json_error ~stage ~content
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_list_pattern cons ->
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_list_pattern cons ->
let message = `String "Currently, only empty lists and x::y are supported in list patterns" in
let message = `String "Currently, only empty lists and x::y are supported in list patterns" in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ cons.Region.region in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ Raw.pattern_to_region cons in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message );
("location", `String loc);] in
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_unsupported_deep_tuple_pattern tuple ->
let message = `String "Currently, nested tuple pattern is not supported" in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ tuple.Region.region in
let content = `Assoc [
let content = `Assoc [
("message", message );
("message", message );
("location", `String loc);] in
("location", `String loc);] in
@ -224,4 +256,11 @@ let rec error_jsonformat : abs_error -> J.t = fun a ->
("message", message );
("message", message );
("location", `String loc);
("location", `String loc);
("children", children) ] in
("children", children) ] in
json_error ~stage ~content
json_error ~stage ~content
| `Concrete_pascaligo_block_attribute block ->
let message = Format.asprintf "Attributes have to follow the declaration it is attached" in
let loc = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift block.region in
let content = `Assoc [
("message", `String message );
("location", `String loc); ] in
json_error ~stage ~content
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
(** Converts PascaLIGO programs to the Simplified Abstract Syntax Tree. *)
(** Converts PascaLIGO programs to the Simplified Abstract Syntax Tree. *)
open Trace
open Trace
open Ast_imperative
module Raw = Parser.Pascaligo.AST
module AST = Ast_imperative
module SMap = Map.String
module CST = Parser.Pascaligo.AST
(** Convert a concrete PascaLIGO expression AST to the imperative
(** Convert a concrete PascaLIGO expression AST to the imperative
expression AST used by the compiler. *)
expression AST used by the compiler. *)
val compile_expression : Raw.expr -> (expr , Errors_pascaligo.abs_error) result
val compile_expression : CST.expr -> (AST.expr , Errors_pascaligo.abs_error) result
(** Convert a concrete PascaLIGO program AST to the miperative program
(** Convert a concrete PascaLIGO program AST to the miperative program
AST used by the compiler. *)
AST used by the compiler. *)
val compile_program : Raw.ast -> (program, Errors_pascaligo.abs_error) result
val compile_program : CST.ast -> (AST.program, Errors_pascaligo.abs_error) result
@ -97,8 +97,13 @@ let rec fold_expression : ('a, 'err) folder -> 'a -> expression -> ('a, 'err) re
let ab = (expr1,expr2) in
let ab = (expr1,expr2) in
let%bind res = bind_fold_pair self init' ab in
let%bind res = bind_fold_pair self init' ab in
ok res
ok res
| E_assign {variable=_;access_path=_;expression} ->
| E_assign {variable=_;access_path;expression} ->
let%bind res = self init' expression in
let aux res a = match a with
| Access_map e -> self res e
| _ -> ok res
let%bind res = bind_fold_list aux init' access_path in
let%bind res = self res expression in
ok res
ok res
| E_for {body; _} ->
| E_for {body; _} ->
let%bind res = self init' body in
let%bind res = self init' body in
@ -246,6 +251,13 @@ let rec map_expression : 'err exp_mapper -> expression -> (expression, 'err) res
return @@ E_sequence {expr1;expr2}
return @@ E_sequence {expr1;expr2}
| E_assign {variable;access_path;expression} -> (
| E_assign {variable;access_path;expression} -> (
let aux a = match a with
| Access_map e ->
let%bind e = self e in
ok @@ Access_map e
| e -> ok @@ e
let%bind access_path = bind_map_list aux access_path in
let%bind expression = self expression in
let%bind expression = self expression in
return @@ E_assign {variable;access_path;expression}
return @@ E_assign {variable;access_path;expression}
@ -437,7 +449,14 @@ let rec fold_map_expression : ('a, 'err) fold_mapper -> 'a -> expression -> ('a
ok (res, return @@ E_sequence {expr1;expr2})
ok (res, return @@ E_sequence {expr1;expr2})
| E_assign {variable;access_path;expression} ->
| E_assign {variable;access_path;expression} ->
let%bind (res, expression) = self init' expression in
let aux res a = match a with
| Access_map e ->
let%bind (res,e) = self res e in
ok @@ (res,Access_map e)
| e -> ok @@ (res,e)
let%bind (res, access_path) = bind_fold_map_list aux init' access_path in
let%bind (res, expression) = self res expression in
ok (res, return @@ E_assign {variable;access_path;expression})
ok (res, return @@ E_assign {variable;access_path;expression})
| E_for {binder; start; final; increment; body} ->
| E_for {binder; start; final; increment; body} ->
let%bind (res, body) = self init' body in
let%bind (res, body) = self init' body in
@ -7,4 +7,11 @@ let peephole_expression : expression -> (expression , self_ast_imperative_error)
match e.expression_content with
match e.expression_content with
| E_constructor {constructor=Constructor "Some";element=e} -> return @@ E_constant {cons_name=C_SOME;arguments=[ e ]}
| E_constructor {constructor=Constructor "Some";element=e} -> return @@ E_constant {cons_name=C_SOME;arguments=[ e ]}
| E_constructor {constructor=Constructor "None"; _} -> return @@ E_constant {cons_name=C_NONE ; arguments=[]}
| E_constructor {constructor=Constructor "None"; _} -> return @@ E_constant {cons_name=C_NONE ; arguments=[]}
| E_matching {matchee;cases=Match_variant [((Constructor "None", _),none_expr);((Constructor "Some", some),some_expr)]}
| E_matching {matchee;cases=Match_variant [((Constructor "Some", some),some_expr);((Constructor "None", _),none_expr)]}
let match_none = none_expr in
let match_some = some,some_expr in
let cases = Match_option {match_none;match_some} in
return @@ E_matching {matchee;cases}
| e -> return e
| e -> return e
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ let rec compile_expression : I.expression -> (O.expression , sugar_to_core_error
| I.Access_record a -> ok @@ O.e_record_update ?loc s (Label a) e
| I.Access_record a -> ok @@ O.e_record_update ?loc s (Label a) e
| I.Access_map k ->
| I.Access_map k ->
let%bind k = compile_expression k in
let%bind k = compile_expression k in
ok @@ O.e_constant ?loc C_UPDATE [k;O.e_some (e);s]
ok @@ O.e_constant ?loc C_MAP_ADD [k;e;s]
let aux (s, e : O.expression * _) lst =
let aux (s, e : O.expression * _) lst =
let%bind s' = accessor ~loc:s.location s lst in
let%bind s' = accessor ~loc:s.location s lst in
@ -20,25 +20,24 @@ let t_key_hash ?loc () : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_constant (TC_key_
let t_timestamp ?loc () : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_constant (TC_timestamp)
let t_timestamp ?loc () : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_constant (TC_timestamp)
let t_option ?loc o : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_operator (TC_option, [o])
let t_option ?loc o : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_operator (TC_option, [o])
let t_list ?loc t : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_operator (TC_list, [t])
let t_list ?loc t : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_operator (TC_list, [t])
let t_variable ?loc n : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_variable (Var.of_name n)
let t_constant ?loc c : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_constant c
let t_variable ?loc n : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_variable n
let t_variable_ez ?loc n : type_expression = t_variable ?loc @@ Var.of_name n
let t_record ?loc record : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_record record
let t_record_ez ?loc lst =
let t_record_ez ?loc lst =
let lst = List.mapi (fun i (k, v) -> (Label k, {field_type=v;field_decl_pos=i})) lst in
let lst = List.mapi (fun i (k, v) -> (Label k, {field_type=v;field_decl_pos=i})) lst in
let m = LMap.of_list lst in
let record = LMap.of_list lst in
make_t ?loc @@ T_record (m:field_content label_map)
t_record ?loc (record:field_content label_map)
let t_record ?loc m : type_expression =
let lst = Map.String.to_kv_list m in
t_record_ez ?loc lst
let t_tuple ?loc lst : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_tuple lst
let t_tuple ?loc lst : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_tuple lst
let t_pair ?loc (a , b) : type_expression = t_tuple ?loc [a; b]
let t_pair ?loc (a , b) : type_expression = t_tuple ?loc [a; b]
let ez_t_sum ?loc (lst:(string * type_expression) list) : type_expression =
let t_sum ?loc sum : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_sum sum
let t_sum_ez ?loc (lst:(string * type_expression) list) : type_expression =
let aux (prev,i) (k, v) = (CMap.add (Constructor k) {ctor_type=v;ctor_decl_pos=i} prev, i+1) in
let aux (prev,i) (k, v) = (CMap.add (Constructor k) {ctor_type=v;ctor_decl_pos=i} prev, i+1) in
let (map,_) = List.fold_left aux (CMap.empty,0) lst in
let (map,_) = List.fold_left aux (CMap.empty,0) lst in
make_t ?loc @@ T_sum (map: ctor_content constructor_map)
t_sum ?loc (map: ctor_content constructor_map)
let t_sum ?loc m : type_expression =
let lst = Map.String.to_kv_list m in
ez_t_sum ?loc lst
let t_operator ?loc op lst: type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_operator (op, lst)
let t_operator ?loc op lst: type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_operator (op, lst)
let t_annoted ?loc ty str : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_annoted (ty, str)
let t_annoted ?loc ty str : type_expression = make_t ?loc @@ T_annoted (ty, str)
@ -86,14 +85,13 @@ let e'_bytes b : expression_content option =
let bytes = Hex.to_bytes (`Hex b) in
let bytes = Hex.to_bytes (`Hex b) in
Some (E_literal (Literal_bytes bytes))
Some (E_literal (Literal_bytes bytes))
with _ -> None
with _ -> None
let e_bytes_hex ?loc b : expression option =
let e_bytes_hex_ez ?loc b : expression option =
match e'_bytes b with
match e'_bytes b with
| Some e' -> Some (make_e ?loc e')
| Some e' -> Some (make_e ?loc e')
| None -> None
| None -> None
let e_bytes_raw ?loc (b: bytes) : expression =
let e_bytes_raw ?loc (b: bytes) : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_literal (Literal_bytes b)
make_e ?loc @@ E_literal (Literal_bytes b)
let e_bytes_hex ?loc b : expression = e_bytes_raw ?loc @@ Hex.to_bytes b
let e_bytes_string ?loc (s: string) : expression =
let e_bytes_string ?loc (s: string) : expression = e_bytes_hex ?loc @@ Hex.of_string s
make_e ?loc @@ E_literal (Literal_bytes (Hex.to_bytes (Hex.of_string s)))
let e_some ?loc s : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_constant {cons_name = C_SOME; arguments = [s]}
let e_some ?loc s : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_constant {cons_name = C_SOME; arguments = [s]}
let e_none ?loc () : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_constant {cons_name = C_NONE; arguments = []}
let e_none ?loc () : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_constant {cons_name = C_NONE; arguments = []}
let e_string_cat ?loc sl sr : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_constant {cons_name = C_CONCAT; arguments = [sl ; sr ]}
let e_string_cat ?loc sl sr : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_constant {cons_name = C_CONCAT; arguments = [sl ; sr ]}
@ -102,13 +100,18 @@ let e_binop ?loc name a b = make_e ?loc @@ E_constant {cons_name = name ; argum
let e_constant ?loc name lst = make_e ?loc @@ E_constant {cons_name=name ; arguments = lst}
let e_constant ?loc name lst = make_e ?loc @@ E_constant {cons_name=name ; arguments = lst}
let e_variable ?loc v = make_e ?loc @@ E_variable v
let e_variable ?loc v = make_e ?loc @@ E_variable v
let e_variable_ez ?loc v = e_variable ?loc @@ Var.of_name v
let e_application ?loc a b = make_e ?loc @@ E_application {lamb=a ; args=b}
let e_application ?loc a b = make_e ?loc @@ E_application {lamb=a ; args=b}
let e_lambda ?loc binder input_type output_type result : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_lambda {binder; input_type; output_type; result}
let e_lambda ?loc binder input_type output_type result : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_lambda {binder; input_type; output_type; result}
let e_recursive ?loc fun_name fun_type lambda = make_e ?loc @@ E_recursive {fun_name; fun_type; lambda}
let e_recursive ?loc fun_name fun_type lambda = make_e ?loc @@ E_recursive {fun_name; fun_type; lambda}
let e_let_in ?loc (binder, ascr) inline rhs let_result = make_e ?loc @@ E_let_in { let_binder = (binder, ascr) ; rhs ; let_result; inline }
let e_recursive_ez ?loc fun_name fun_type lambda = e_recursive ?loc (Var.of_name fun_name) fun_type lambda
let e_let_in ?loc let_binder inline rhs let_result = make_e ?loc @@ E_let_in { let_binder; rhs ; let_result; inline }
let e_let_in_ez ?loc binder ascr inline rhs let_result = e_let_in ?loc (Var.of_name binder, ascr) inline rhs let_result
let e_raw_code ?loc language code = make_e ?loc @@ E_raw_code {language; code}
let e_raw_code ?loc language code = make_e ?loc @@ E_raw_code {language; code}
let e_constructor ?loc s a : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_constructor { constructor = Constructor s; element = a}
let e_constructor ?loc s a : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_constructor { constructor = Constructor s; element = a}
let e_true ?loc (): expression = e_constructor ?loc "true" @@ e_unit ?loc ()
let e_false ?loc (): expression = e_constructor ?loc "false" @@ e_unit ?loc ()
let e_matching ?loc a b : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_matching {matchee=a;cases=b}
let e_matching ?loc a b : expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_matching {matchee=a;cases=b}
let e_accessor ?loc record path = make_e ?loc @@ E_accessor {record; path}
let e_accessor ?loc record path = make_e ?loc @@ E_accessor {record; path}
@ -132,26 +135,28 @@ let e_while ?loc condition body = make_e ?loc @@ E_while {condition; body}
let e_for ?loc binder start final increment body = make_e ?loc @@ E_for {binder;start;final;increment;body}
let e_for ?loc binder start final increment body = make_e ?loc @@ E_for {binder;start;final;increment;body}
let e_for_each ?loc binder collection collection_type body = make_e ?loc @@ E_for_each {binder;collection;collection_type;body}
let e_for_each ?loc binder collection collection_type body = make_e ?loc @@ E_for_each {binder;collection;collection_type;body}
let e_for_ez ?loc binder start final increment body = e_for ?loc (Var.of_name binder) start final increment body
let e_for_each_ez ?loc (b,bo) collection collection_type body = e_for_each ?loc (Var.of_name b, Var.of_name bo) collection collection_type body
let e_bool ?loc b : expression = e_constructor ?loc (string_of_bool b) (e_unit ())
let e_bool ?loc b : expression = e_constructor ?loc (string_of_bool b) (e_unit ())
let ez_match_variant (lst : ((string * string) * 'a) list) =
let e_matching_variant ?loc a lst = e_matching ?loc a @@ Match_variant lst
let lst = (fun ((c,n),a) -> ((Constructor c, Var.of_name n), a) ) lst in
Match_variant lst
let e_matching_variant ?loc a (lst : ((string * string)* 'a) list) =
e_matching ?loc a (ez_match_variant lst)
let e_matching_record ?loc m lst ty_opt expr = e_matching ?loc m @@ Match_record (lst,ty_opt, expr)
let e_matching_record ?loc m lst ty_opt expr = e_matching ?loc m @@ Match_record (lst,ty_opt, expr)
let e_matching_tuple ?loc m lst ty_opt expr = e_matching ?loc m @@ Match_tuple (lst,ty_opt, expr)
let e_matching_tuple ?loc m lst ty_opt expr = e_matching ?loc m @@ Match_tuple (lst,ty_opt, expr)
let e_matching_variable ?loc m var ty_opt expr = e_matching ?loc m @@ Match_variable (var,ty_opt, expr)
let e_matching_variable ?loc m var ty_opt expr = e_matching ?loc m @@ Match_variable (var,ty_opt, expr)
let e_matching_tuple_ez ?loc m lst ty_opt expr =
let lst = Var.of_name lst in
e_matching_tuple ?loc m lst ty_opt expr
let ez_match_variant (lst : ((string * string) * 'a) list) =
let lst = (fun ((c,n),a) -> ((Constructor c, Var.of_name n), a) ) lst in
Match_variant lst
let e_record ?loc map = make_e ?loc @@ E_record map
let e_record_ez ?loc (lst : (string * expr) list) : expression =
let e_record_ez ?loc (lst : (string * expr) list) : expression =
let map = List.fold_left (fun m (x, y) -> LMap.add (Label x) y m) LMap.empty lst in
let map = List.fold_left (fun m (x, y) -> LMap.add (Label x) y m) LMap.empty lst in
make_e ?loc @@ E_record map
e_record ?loc map
let e_record ?loc map =
let lst = Map.String.to_kv_list map in
e_record_ez ?loc lst
let make_option_typed ?loc e t_opt =
let make_option_typed ?loc e t_opt =
match t_opt with
match t_opt with
@ -175,8 +180,9 @@ let e_typed_set ?loc lst k = e_annotation ?loc (e_set lst) (t_set k)
let e_assign ?loc variable access_path expression =
let e_assign ?loc variable access_path expression = make_e ?loc @@ E_assign {variable;access_path;expression}
make_e ?loc @@ E_assign {variable;access_path;expression}
let e_assign_ez ?loc variable access_path expression = e_assign ?loc (Var.of_name variable) access_path expression
let get_e_accessor = fun t ->
let get_e_accessor = fun t ->
match t with
match t with
@ -17,15 +17,17 @@ val t_key_hash : ?loc:Location.t -> unit -> type_expression
val t_timestamp : ?loc:Location.t -> unit -> type_expression
val t_timestamp : ?loc:Location.t -> unit -> type_expression
val t_signature : ?loc:Location.t -> unit -> type_expression
val t_signature : ?loc:Location.t -> unit -> type_expression
val t_list : ?loc:Location.t -> type_expression -> type_expression
val t_list : ?loc:Location.t -> type_expression -> type_expression
val t_variable : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> type_expression
val t_constant : ?loc:Location.t -> type_constant -> type_expression
val t_variable : ?loc:Location.t -> type_variable -> type_expression
val t_variable_ez : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> type_expression
val t_pair : ?loc:Location.t -> ( type_expression * type_expression ) -> type_expression
val t_pair : ?loc:Location.t -> ( type_expression * type_expression ) -> type_expression
val t_tuple : ?loc:Location.t -> type_expression list -> type_expression
val t_tuple : ?loc:Location.t -> type_expression list -> type_expression
val t_record : ?loc:Location.t -> type_expression Map.String.t -> type_expression
val t_record : ?loc:Location.t -> field_content label_map -> type_expression
val t_record_ez : ?loc:Location.t -> (string * type_expression) list -> type_expression
val t_record_ez : ?loc:Location.t -> (string * type_expression) list -> type_expression
val t_sum : ?loc:Location.t -> type_expression Map.String.t -> type_expression
val t_sum : ?loc:Location.t -> ctor_content constructor_map -> type_expression
val ez_t_sum : ?loc:Location.t -> ( string * type_expression ) list -> type_expression
val t_sum_ez : ?loc:Location.t -> ( string * type_expression ) list -> type_expression
val t_function : ?loc:Location.t -> type_expression -> type_expression -> type_expression
val t_function : ?loc:Location.t -> type_expression -> type_expression -> type_expression
val t_map : ?loc:Location.t -> type_expression -> type_expression -> type_expression
val t_map : ?loc:Location.t -> type_expression -> type_expression -> type_expression
@ -65,8 +67,11 @@ val e_key_hash : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_chain_id : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_chain_id : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_mutez_z : ?loc:Location.t -> Z.t -> expression
val e_mutez_z : ?loc:Location.t -> Z.t -> expression
val e_mutez : ?loc:Location.t -> int -> expression
val e_mutez : ?loc:Location.t -> int -> expression
val e_true : ?loc:Location.t -> unit -> expression
val e_false : ?loc:Location.t -> unit -> expression
val e'_bytes : string -> expression_content option
val e'_bytes : string -> expression_content option
val e_bytes_hex : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression option
val e_bytes_hex_ez : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression option
val e_bytes_hex : ?loc:Location.t -> Hex.t -> expression
val e_bytes_raw : ?loc:Location.t -> bytes -> expression
val e_bytes_raw : ?loc:Location.t -> bytes -> expression
val e_bytes_string : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_bytes_string : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
@ -78,21 +83,27 @@ val e_map_add : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression -> ex
val e_constant : ?loc:Location.t -> constant' -> expression list -> expression
val e_constant : ?loc:Location.t -> constant' -> expression list -> expression
val e_variable : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable -> expression
val e_variable : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable -> expression
val e_variable_ez : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression
val e_application : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_application : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_lambda : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable -> type_expression option -> type_expression option -> expression -> expression
val e_lambda : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable -> type_expression option -> type_expression option -> expression -> expression
val e_recursive : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable -> type_expression -> lambda -> expression
val e_recursive : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable -> type_expression -> lambda -> expression
val e_recursive_ez : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> type_expression -> lambda -> expression
val e_let_in : ?loc:Location.t -> ( expression_variable * type_expression option ) -> bool -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_let_in : ?loc:Location.t -> ( expression_variable * type_expression option ) -> bool -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_let_in_ez : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> type_expression option -> bool -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_raw_code : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression -> expression
val e_raw_code : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression -> expression
val e_constructor : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression -> expression
val e_constructor : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression -> expression
val e_matching : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> matching_expr -> expression
val e_matching : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> matching_expr -> expression
val ez_match_variant : ((string * string ) * expression) list -> matching_expr
val ez_match_variant : ((string * string ) * expression) list -> matching_expr
val e_matching_variant : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> ((string * string) * expression) list -> expression
val e_matching_variant : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> ((constructor' * expression_variable) * expression) list -> expression
val e_matching_record : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> (label * expression_variable) list -> type_expression list option -> expression -> expression
val e_matching_record : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> (label * expression_variable) list -> type_expression list option -> expression -> expression
val e_matching_tuple : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression_variable list -> type_expression list option -> expression -> expression
val e_matching_tuple : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression_variable list -> type_expression list option -> expression -> expression
val e_matching_variable: ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression_variable -> type_expression option -> expression -> expression
val e_matching_variable: ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression_variable -> type_expression option -> expression -> expression
val e_record : ?loc:Location.t -> expr Map.String.t -> expression
val e_matching_tuple_ez: ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> string list -> type_expression list option -> expression -> expression
val e_record : ?loc:Location.t -> expr label_map -> expression
val e_record_ez : ?loc:Location.t -> ( string * expr ) list -> expression
val e_record_ez : ?loc:Location.t -> ( string * expr ) list -> expression
val e_accessor : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> access list -> expression
val e_accessor : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> access list -> expression
val e_update : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> access list -> expression -> expression
val e_update : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> access list -> expression -> expression
@ -112,11 +123,15 @@ val e_map : ?loc:Location.t -> ( expression * expression ) list -> expression
val e_big_map : ?loc:Location.t -> ( expr * expr ) list -> expression
val e_big_map : ?loc:Location.t -> ( expr * expr ) list -> expression
val e_assign : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable -> access list -> expression -> expression
val e_assign : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable -> access list -> expression -> expression
val e_assign_ez : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> access list -> expression -> expression
val e_while : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_while : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_for : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable -> expression -> expression -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_for : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable -> expression -> expression -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_for_each : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable * expression_variable option -> expression -> collect_type -> expression -> expression
val e_for_each : ?loc:Location.t -> expression_variable * expression_variable option -> expression -> collect_type -> expression -> expression
val e_for_ez : ?loc:Location.t -> string -> expression -> expression -> expression -> expression -> expression
val e_for_each_ez : ?loc:Location.t -> string * string option -> expression -> collect_type -> expression -> expression
val make_option_typed : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> type_expression option -> expression
val make_option_typed : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> type_expression option -> expression
val e_typed_none : ?loc:Location.t -> type_expression -> expression
val e_typed_none : ?loc:Location.t -> type_expression -> expression
@ -410,13 +410,13 @@ let string_arithmetic_religo () : (unit, _) result =
let bytes_arithmetic () : (unit, _) result =
let bytes_arithmetic () : (unit, _) result =
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/bytes_arithmetic.ligo" in
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/bytes_arithmetic.ligo" in
let%bind foo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "0f00" in
let%bind foo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "0f00" in
let%bind foototo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "0f007070" in
let%bind foototo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "0f007070" in
let%bind toto = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "7070" in
let%bind toto = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "7070" in
let%bind empty = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "" in
let%bind empty = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "" in
let%bind tata = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "ff7a7aff" in
let%bind tata = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "ff7a7aff" in
let%bind at = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "7a7a" in
let%bind at = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "7a7a" in
let%bind ba = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "ba" in
let%bind ba = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "ba" in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "concat_op" foo foototo in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "concat_op" foo foototo in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "concat_op" empty toto in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "concat_op" empty toto in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "slice_op" tata at in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "slice_op" tata at in
@ -454,8 +454,8 @@ let comparable_mligo () : (unit, _) result =
let crypto () : (unit, _) result =
let crypto () : (unit, _) result =
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/crypto.ligo" in
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/crypto.ligo" in
let%bind foo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "0f00" in
let%bind foo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "0f00" in
let%bind foototo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "0f007070" in
let%bind foototo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "0f007070" in
let%bind b1 = Test_helpers.run_typed_program_with_imperative_input program "hasherman512" foo in
let%bind b1 = Test_helpers.run_typed_program_with_imperative_input program "hasherman512" foo in
let%bind () = expect_eq_core program "hasherman512" foo b1 in
let%bind () = expect_eq_core program "hasherman512" foo b1 in
let%bind b2 = Test_helpers.run_typed_program_with_imperative_input program "hasherman512" foototo in
let%bind b2 = Test_helpers.run_typed_program_with_imperative_input program "hasherman512" foototo in
@ -468,8 +468,8 @@ let crypto () : (unit, _) result =
let crypto_mligo () : (unit, _) result =
let crypto_mligo () : (unit, _) result =
let%bind program = mtype_file "./contracts/crypto.mligo" in
let%bind program = mtype_file "./contracts/crypto.mligo" in
let%bind foo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "0f00" in
let%bind foo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "0f00" in
let%bind foototo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "0f007070" in
let%bind foototo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "0f007070" in
let%bind b1 = Test_helpers.run_typed_program_with_imperative_input program "hasherman512" foo in
let%bind b1 = Test_helpers.run_typed_program_with_imperative_input program "hasherman512" foo in
let%bind () = expect_eq_core program "hasherman512" foo b1 in
let%bind () = expect_eq_core program "hasherman512" foo b1 in
let%bind b2 = Test_helpers.run_typed_program_with_imperative_input program "hasherman512" foototo in
let%bind b2 = Test_helpers.run_typed_program_with_imperative_input program "hasherman512" foototo in
@ -482,8 +482,8 @@ let crypto_mligo () : (unit, _) result =
let crypto_religo () : (unit, _) result =
let crypto_religo () : (unit, _) result =
let%bind program = retype_file "./contracts/crypto.religo" in
let%bind program = retype_file "./contracts/crypto.religo" in
let%bind foo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "0f00" in
let%bind foo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "0f00" in
let%bind foototo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "0f007070" in
let%bind foototo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "0f007070" in
let%bind b1 = Test_helpers.run_typed_program_with_imperative_input program "hasherman512" foo in
let%bind b1 = Test_helpers.run_typed_program_with_imperative_input program "hasherman512" foo in
let%bind () = expect_eq_core program "hasherman512" foo b1 in
let%bind () = expect_eq_core program "hasherman512" foo b1 in
let%bind b2 = Test_helpers.run_typed_program_with_imperative_input program "hasherman512" foototo in
let%bind b2 = Test_helpers.run_typed_program_with_imperative_input program "hasherman512" foototo in
@ -496,13 +496,13 @@ let crypto_religo () : (unit, _) result =
let bytes_arithmetic_mligo () : (unit, _) result =
let bytes_arithmetic_mligo () : (unit, _) result =
let%bind program = mtype_file "./contracts/bytes_arithmetic.mligo" in
let%bind program = mtype_file "./contracts/bytes_arithmetic.mligo" in
let%bind foo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "0f00" in
let%bind foo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "0f00" in
let%bind foototo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "0f007070" in
let%bind foototo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "0f007070" in
let%bind toto = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "7070" in
let%bind toto = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "7070" in
let%bind empty = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "" in
let%bind empty = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "" in
let%bind tata = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "ff7a7aff" in
let%bind tata = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "ff7a7aff" in
let%bind at = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "7a7a" in
let%bind at = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "7a7a" in
let%bind ba = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "ba" in
let%bind ba = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "ba" in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "concat_op" foo foototo in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "concat_op" foo foototo in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "concat_op" empty toto in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "concat_op" empty toto in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "slice_op" tata at in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "slice_op" tata at in
@ -516,13 +516,13 @@ let bytes_arithmetic_mligo () : (unit, _) result =
let bytes_arithmetic_religo () : (unit, _) result =
let bytes_arithmetic_religo () : (unit, _) result =
let%bind program = retype_file "./contracts/bytes_arithmetic.religo" in
let%bind program = retype_file "./contracts/bytes_arithmetic.religo" in
let%bind foo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "0f00" in
let%bind foo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "0f00" in
let%bind foototo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "0f007070" in
let%bind foototo = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "0f007070" in
let%bind toto = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "7070" in
let%bind toto = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "7070" in
let%bind empty = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "" in
let%bind empty = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "" in
let%bind tata = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "ff7a7aff" in
let%bind tata = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "ff7a7aff" in
let%bind at = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "7a7a" in
let%bind at = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "7a7a" in
let%bind ba = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex "ba" in
let%bind ba = trace_option (test_internal __LOC__) @@ e_bytes_hex_ez "ba" in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "concat_op" foo foototo in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "concat_op" foo foototo in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "concat_op" empty toto in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "concat_op" empty toto in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "slice_op" tata at in
let%bind () = expect_eq program "slice_op" tata at in
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