Refactoring of the test contracts.
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ let%expect_test _ =
[%expect {| 3231 bytes |}] ;
run_ligo_good [ "measure-contract" ; contract "vote.mligo" ; "main" ] ;
[%expect {| 642 bytes |}] ;
[%expect {| 589 bytes |}] ;
run_ligo_good [ "compile-parameter" ; contract "coase.ligo" ; "main" ; "Buy_single (record card_to_buy = 1n end)" ] ;
[%expect {| (Left (Left 1)) |}] ;
@ -948,40 +948,27 @@ let%expect_test _ =
run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; contract "vote.mligo" ; "main" ] ;
[%expect {|
{ parameter
(or (pair %init
(pair (timestamp %beginning_time) (timestamp %finish_time))
(string %title))
(string %vote)) ;
(or (pair %reset (pair (timestamp %finish_time) (timestamp %start_time)) (string %title))
(or %vote (unit %nay) (unit %yea))) ;
(pair (pair (pair (timestamp %beginning_time) (map %candidates string int))
(pair (timestamp %finish_time) (string %title)))
(set %voters address)) ;
(pair (pair (pair (timestamp %finish_time) (nat %nay))
(pair (timestamp %start_time) (string %title)))
(pair (set %voters address) (nat %yea))) ;
code { DUP ;
{ DUP ;
DIP { DIP { DUP } ; SWAP ; CDR } ;
DIP { PUSH int 0 ;
DIP { PUSH int 0 ;
EMPTY_MAP string int ;
PUSH string "Yes" ;
PUSH string "No" ;
DIP { DUP ; CAR ; CAR ; CDR ; DIP { DUP ; CAR ; CDR } ; PAIR } ;
EMPTY_SET address ;
PUSH nat 0 ;
DIP { DUP ; CAR ; CDR ; DIP { DUP ; CDR } ; PAIR } ;
DIP { PUSH nat 0 ; EMPTY_SET address ; PAIR } ;
NIL operation ;
DIP { DROP 2 } }
@ -989,41 +976,56 @@ let%expect_test _ =
DIP { DIP { DUP } ; SWAP ; CDR } ;
DIP { DUP } ;
DIP { DUP ; CDR ; CAR ; CAR ; CDR } ;
IF_NONE { PUSH string "MAP FIND" ; FAILWITH } {} ;
{ DIP { DUP } ;
DIP 2 { DUP } ;
DIG 2 ;
PUSH nat 1 ;
DIP { DROP } }
{ DIP { DUP } ;
DIP 2 { DUP } ;
DIG 2 ;
PUSH nat 1 ;
DIP { DUP ; CAR ; SWAP ; CDR ; CAR } ;
DIP { DROP } } ;
DIP { DUP } ;
DIP { DIP { DUP } ;
PUSH int 1 ;
DIP { DIP { DUP } ; SWAP ; CDR ; CAR ; CAR ; CDR } } ;
PUSH bool True ;
DIP { DUP ; CAR ; SWAP ; CDR ; CDR } ;
DIP { DIP { DUP } ;
DIP { DIP { DUP } ; SWAP ; CDR ; CAR ; CDR ; CDR } ;
PAIR } ;
DIP { DIP { DUP } ; SWAP ; CDR ; CDR ; PUSH bool True ; SENDER ; UPDATE } ;
NIL operation ;
DIP { DROP 3 } } ;
DIP { DROP } } } |}]
DIP { DROP 4 } } ;
DIP { DROP 2 } } } |}]
let%expect_test _ =
run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; contract "implicit.mligo" ; "main" ] ;
@ -1064,7 +1066,7 @@ let%expect_test _ =
let%expect_test _ =
run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; contract "bad_address_format.religo" ; "main" ] ;
[%expect {|
ligo: in file "bad_address_format.religo", line 2, characters 25-47. Badly formatted literal: @"KT1badaddr" {"location":"in file \"bad_address_format.religo\", line 2, characters 25-47"}
ligo: in file "bad_address_format.religo", line 2, characters 26-48. Badly formatted literal: @"KT1badaddr" {"location":"in file \"bad_address_format.religo\", line 2, characters 26-48"}
If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can
@ -325,9 +325,9 @@ module Simplify = struct
| "Bytes.pack" -> ok C_BYTES_PACK
| "Bytes.unpack" -> ok C_BYTES_UNPACK
| "Bytes.length" -> ok C_SIZE
| "Bytes.size" -> ok C_SIZE
| "Bytes.size" -> ok C_SIZE (* Deprecated *)
| "Bytes.concat" -> ok C_CONCAT
| "Bytes.slice" -> ok C_SLICE
| "Bytes.slice" -> ok C_SLICE (* Deprecated *)
| "Bytes.sub" -> ok C_SLICE
(* List module *)
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
let main (p : key_hash) =
let c : unit contract = Current.implicit_account p
in Current.address c
let c : unit contract = Tezos.implicit_account p
in Tezos.address c
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
let main = (p : key_hash) : address => {
let c : contract(unit) = Current.implicit_account(p) ;
Current.address(c) ;
let c : contract (unit) = Tezos.implicit_account (p);
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
function check (const p : unit) : int is
block {
var result : int := 0;
if amount = 100tz then result := 42 else result := 0
if amount = 100tez then result := 42 else result := 0
} with result
@ -1 +1 @@
let check_ (p : unit) : int = if Tezos.amount = 100tz then 42 else 0
let check_ (p : unit) : int = if Tezos.amount = 100tez then 42 else 0
@ -1,7 +1,2 @@
let check_ = (p: unit) : int =>
if (Current.amount == 100tz) {
else {
let check_ = (p : unit) : int =>
if (Tezos.amount == 100tez) { 42; } else { 0; };
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
// Test PascaLIGO arithmetic operators
function mod_op (const n : int) : nat is n mod 42
function plus_op (const n : int) : int is n + 42
function minus_op (const n : int) : int is n - 42
@ -1,17 +1,8 @@
// Test CameLIGO arithmetic operators
let mod_op (n : int) : nat = n mod 42
let plus_op (n : int) : int = n + 42
let mod_op (n : int) : nat = n mod 42
let plus_op (n : int) : int = n + 42
let minus_op (n : int) : int = n - 42
let times_op (n : int) : int = n * 42
let div_op (n : int) : int = n / 2
let neg_op (n : int) : int = -n
let foo (n : int) : int = n + 10
let div_op (n : int) : int = n / 2
let neg_op (n : int) : int = -n
let foo (n : int) : int = n + 10
let neg_op_2 (b : int) : int = -(foo b)
@ -1,24 +1,10 @@
/* Test ReasonLIGO arithmetic operators */
let mod_op = (n: int): nat => n mod 42;
let plus_op = (n: int): int => n + 42;
let minus_op = (n: int): int => n - 42;
let times_op = (n: int): int => n * 42;
let div_op = (n: int): int => n / 2;
/* TODO (?): Support conversion from nat to int and back
let int_op (n : nat) : int =
Int n
let neg_op = (n: int): int => - n;
let foo = (n: int): int => n + 10;
let neg_op_2 = (b: int): int => - foo(b);
let mod_op = (n : int) : nat => n mod 42;
let plus_op = (n : int) : int => n + 42;
let minus_op = (n : int) : int => n - 42;
let times_op = (n : int) : int => n * 42;
let div_op = (n : int) : int => n / 2;
let neg_op = (n : int): int => - n;
let foo = (n : int): int => n + 10;
let neg_op_2 = (b : int): int => -foo(b);
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
let main = (p: bool, s: unit) => {
let u: unit = assert(p);
([]: list(operation), s);
let main = (p, s : bool, unit) => {
let u : unit = assert (p);
([]: list (operation), s);
@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
let x = 1 [@@inline]
let foo (a : int): int =
(let test = 2 + a [@@inline] in test) [@@inline]
let y = 1 [@@inline][@@other]
let bar (b : int): int =
let test = fun (z : int) -> 2 + b + z [@@inline][@@foo][@@bar]
in test b
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
let x = 1;
let foo = (a: int): int => {
let foo = (a : int) : int => {
let test = 2 + a;
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ let foo = (a: int): int => {
let y = 1;
let bar = (b: int): int => {
let bar = (b : int) : int => {
let test = (z: int) => 2 + b + z;
let test = (z : int) => 2 + b + z;
test (b);
@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
let main = (parameter: int, storage: address) => {
([]:list(operation), "KT1badaddr" : address);
let main = (parameter : int, storage : address) =>
([] : list (operation), "KT1badaddr" : address);
@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ generated. unrecognized constant: {"constant":"BALANCE","location":"generated"}
type parameter = unit
type storage = tez
type return = operation list * storage
let main (p, s : unit * storage) =
([] : operation list), balance
let main (p, s : parameter * storage) : return =
([] : operation list), Tezos.balance
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ generated. unrecognized constant: {"constant":"BALANCE","location":"generated"}
type storage = tez;
let main2 = (p: unit, storage) => ([]: list(operation), balance);
let main2 = (p : unit, storage) =>
([]: list (operation), Tezos.balance);
let main = (x: (unit, storage)) => main2(x[0],x[1]);
let main = (x : (unit, storage)) => main2 (x[0], x[1]);
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
type foo = (int, int) big_map
let set_ (n, m: int * foo) : foo = Big_map.update 23 (Some n) m
let add (n, m : int * foo) : foo = Big_map.add 23 n m
let rm (m : foo) : foo = Big_map.remove 42 m
let gf (m : foo) : int = Big_map.find 23 m
let get (m : foo): int option = Big_map.find_opt 42 m
@ -13,7 +11,6 @@ let get (m : foo): int option = Big_map.find_opt 42 m
let empty_map : foo = Big_map.empty
let map1 : foo = Big_map.literal [(23,0); (42,0)]
let map1 : foo = Big_map.literal [(23,0); (42,0)]
let mutimaps (m : foo) (n : foo) : foo =
@ -1,24 +1,22 @@
type foo = big_map(int, int);
let set2 = (n: int, m: foo): foo => Big_map.update(23, Some(n), m);
let set2 = (n : int, m : foo) : foo => Big_map.update (23, Some (n), m);
let set_ = (x: (int, foo)): foo => set2(x[0], x[1]);
let set_ = (x : (int, foo)) : foo => set2 (x[0], x[1]);
let add = ((n,m): (int, foo)): foo => Big_map.add(23, n, m);
let add = ((n,m) : (int, foo)) : foo => Big_map.add (23, n, m);
let rm = (m: foo): foo => Big_map.remove(42, m);
let rm = (m : foo) : foo => Big_map.remove (42, m);
let gf = (m: foo): int => Big_map.find(23, m);
let gf = (m : foo) : int => Big_map.find (23, m);
let get = (m: foo): option(int) => Big_map.find_opt(42, m);
let get = (m : foo) : option (int) => Big_map.find_opt (42, m);
let empty_map: foo = Big_map.empty;
let empty_map : foo = Big_map.empty;
let map1: foo = Big_map.literal([(23, 0), (42, 0)]);
let map1: foo = Big_map.literal([(23, 0), (42, 0)]);
let map1 : foo = Big_map.literal ([(23,0), (42,0)]);
let mutimaps = (m: foo, n: foo): foo => {
let bar: foo = Big_map.update(42, Some(0), m);
Big_map.update(42, get(bar), n);
let bar : foo = Big_map.update (42, Some (0), m);
Big_map.update (42, get (bar), n);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(* Test CameLIGO bitwise operators *)
let or_op (n : nat) : nat = Bitwise.lor n 4n
let and_op (n : nat) : nat = n 7n
let xor_op (n : nat) : nat = Bitwise.lxor n 7n
let or_op (n : nat) : nat = Bitwise.or n 4n
let and_op (n : nat) : nat = Bitwise.and n 7n
let xor_op (n : nat) : nat = Bitwise.xor n 7n
let lsl_op (n : nat) : nat = Bitwise.shift_left n 7n
let lsr_op (n : nat) : nat = Bitwise.shift_right n 7n
@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
// Test CameLIGO boolean operators
let or_true (b : bool) : bool = b || true
let or_false (b : bool) : bool = b || false
let and_true (b : bool) : bool = b && true
let or_true (b : bool) : bool = b || true
let or_false (b : bool) : bool = b || false
let and_true (b : bool) : bool = b && true
let and_false (b : bool) : bool = b && false
let not_bool (b : bool) : bool = not b
let not_bool (b : bool) : bool = not b
@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
// Test ReasonLIGO boolean operators
let or_true = (b: bool): bool => b || true;
let or_false = (b: bool): bool => b || false;
let and_true = (b: bool): bool => b && true;
let and_false = (b: bool): bool => b && false;
let not_bool = (b: bool): bool => !b;
let or_true = (b : bool) : bool => b || true;
let or_false = (b : bool) : bool => b || false;
let and_true = (b : bool) : bool => b && true;
let and_false = (b : bool) : bool => b && false;
let not_bool = (b : bool) : bool => !b;
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
let concat_op (s : bytes) : bytes = Bytes.concat s 0x7070
let slice_op (s : bytes) : bytes = Bytes.slice 1n 2n s
let slice_op (s : bytes) : bytes = Bytes.sub 1n 2n s
let hasherman (s : bytes) : bytes = Crypto.sha256 s
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
let id_string = (p: string) : option(string) => {
let packed : bytes = Bytes.pack(p);
((Bytes.unpack(packed)): option(string));
let id_string = (p : string) : option(string) => {
let packed : bytes = Bytes.pack (p);
((Bytes.unpack (packed)) : option (string));
let id_int = (p: int) : option(int) => {
let packed: bytes = Bytes.pack(p);
((Bytes.unpack(packed)): option(int));
let id_int = (p : int) : option (int) => {
let packed : bytes = Bytes.pack (p);
((Bytes.unpack (packed)) : option (int));
let id_address = (p: address) : option(address) => {
let packed: bytes = Bytes.pack(p);
((Bytes.unpack(packed)): option(address));
let id_address = (p : address) : option (address) => {
let packed : bytes = Bytes.pack (p);
((Bytes.unpack (packed)) : option (address));
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
let check_signature = (param: (key, signature, bytes)) : bool => {
let check_signature = (param : (key, signature, bytes)) : bool => {
let pk, signed, msg = param;
Crypto.check(pk, signed, msg);
Crypto.check (pk, signed, msg);
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(* Test whether closures retain values in CameLIGO *)
(* Test whether closures capture variables in CameLIGO *)
let test (k : int) : int =
let j : int = k + 5 in
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
/* Test whether closures retain values in ReasonLIGO */
let test = (k: int): int => {
let j: int = k + 5;
let close: (int => int) = (i: int) => i + j;
let test = (k : int) : int => {
let j : int = k + 5;
let close : (int => int) = (i : int) => i + j;
let j: int = 20; /* Shadow original variable to see if value close'd */
let j : int = 20; /* Shadow original variable */
close (20);
@ -1,6 +1,2 @@
let main = (i: int) =>
if (((i == 2): bool)) {
(42: int);
} else {
(0: int);
let main = (i : int) =>
if (((i == 2) : bool)) { (42 : int); } else { (0 : int); };
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
let main (i : int) =
let result = 0 in
if i = 2 then
let result = 42 in result
let result = 0 in result
if i = 2
then let result = 42 in result
else let result = 0 in result
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
/* Test conditional in ReasonLIGO */
let main = (i: int) =>
if (i == 2) {
} else {
let main = (i : int) => if (i == 2) { 42; } else { 0; };
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
type storage = int
let main (ps : int * storage) =
([] : operation list), ps.0 + ps.1
let main (p, s : int * storage) = ([] : operation list), p + s
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
type storage = int;
let main2 = (p: int, storage): string => ([]: list(operation), p + storage);
let main = (x: (int, storage)) : string => main2(x[0],x[1]);
let main = ((p, s) : (int, storage)) : (list (operation), storage) =>
([] : list (operation), p + s);
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
let hasherman512 = (s: bytes) => Crypto.sha512(s);
let hasherman_blake = (s: bytes) => Crypto.blake2b(s);
let hasherman512 = (s : bytes) => Crypto.sha512 (s);
let hasherman_blake = (s : bytes) => Crypto.blake2b (s);
@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
let conv_test (j : int) (k : int) = j + k
let main (i : int) : int = conv_test i 10
let partial (a : int) (b : int) : int = a + b
let mk_partial (j : int) : int -> int = partial j
let partial_apply (i : int) : int = mk_partial 10 i
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
type foo =
| Bar(int)
| Baz;
| Bar (int)
| Baz;
let main = (f: foo): int =>
let main = (f : foo) : int =>
switch (f) {
| Bar(i) => i
| Baz => (-1)
| Bar (i) => i
| Baz => (-1)
@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
/* Test boolean comparison in ReasonLIGO */
let main = ((a , b) : (bool , bool)) =>
if (a == b) {
} else {
let main = ((a, b) : (bool, bool)) =>
if (a == b) { 999; } else { 1; };
@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
type storage = unit;
let main = (p: unit, storage) =>
if (true) {
failwith("This contract always fails");
} else {
if (true) { failwith("This contract always fails"); };
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
type storage = unit
let main (p : unit; store : storage) : operation list * storage =
let main (p, store : unit * storage) : operation list * storage =
let n =
(fun (f : int * int -> int) (x : int) (y : int) -> f (y,x))
(fun (x : int) (y : int) -> x + y)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
type storage = unit
let main (p : unit; store : storage) : operation list * storage =
let main (p, s : unit * storage) : operation list * storage =
let n =
(fun (f : int -> int -> int) (x : int) (y : int) -> f y (x+y))
(fun (x : int) (y : int) -> x + y)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
type storage = unit
let main (p: unit) storage =
(fun (f: int -> int) (x: int) -> f x)
(fun (x: int) -> x)
let main (p, s : unit * storage) =
(fun (f : int -> int) (x : int) -> f x)
(fun (x : int) -> x)
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
(* Test use of multiple subroutines in a CameLIGO function *)
let foo (i : int) : int = i + 20
let bar (i : int) : int = i + 50
let foobar (i : int) : int = foo i + bar i
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
/* Test use of multiple subroutines in a ReasonLIGO function */
let foo = (i: int): int => i + 20;
let bar = (i: int): int => i + 50;
let foobar = (i: int): int => foo(i) + bar(i);
let foo = (i : int) : int => i + 20;
let bar = (i : int) : int => i + 50;
let foobar = (i : int) : int => foo (i) + bar (i);
@ -9,10 +9,14 @@ type param = {
type return = operation list * storage
let attempt (p: param; store : storage) : return =
let attempt (p, store : param * storage) : return =
(* if p.attempt <> store.challenge then failwith "Failed challenge" else *)
let contract : unit contract = Operation.get_contract sender in
let contract : unit contract =
match (Tezos.get_contract_opt Tezos.sender : unit contract option) with
Some contract -> contract
| None -> (failwith "No contract" : unit contract)
let transfer : operation =
Operation.transaction (unit, contract, 10.00tez) in
Tezos.transaction (unit, contract, 10.00tez) in
let store : storage = {challenge = p.new_challenge}
in ([] : operation list), store
@ -1,56 +1,67 @@
type commit = {
date: timestamp;
salted_hash: bytes;
date : timestamp;
salted_hash : bytes;
type commit_set = (address, commit) big_map
type storage = {
hashed: bytes;
unused: bool;
commits: commit_set;
hashed : bytes;
unused : bool;
commits : commit_set
type reveal = {
hashable: bytes;
message: unit -> operation list;
hashable : bytes;
message : unit -> operation list
type parameter =
| Commit of bytes
Commit of bytes
| Reveal of reveal
(* We use hash-commit so that a baker can't steal *)
let commit ((p,s): bytes * storage) : operation list * storage =
let commit: commit = {date = Current.time + 86400; salted_hash = p;} in
let updated_map: commit_set = Big_map.update sender (Some commit) s.commits in
let s = {hashed = s.hashed; unused = s.unused; commits = updated_map} in
(([]: operation list), s)
type return = operation list * storage
let reveal ((p,s): reveal * storage) : operation list * storage =
(* We use hash-commit so that a baker can not steal *)
let commit (p, s : bytes * storage) : return =
let commit : commit =
{date = + 86_400; salted_hash = p} in
let updated_map: commit_set =
Big_map.update Tezos.sender (Some commit) s.commits in
let s = {s with commits = updated_map}
in ([] : operation list), s
let reveal (p, s : reveal * storage) : return =
if not s.unused
then (failwith "This contract has already been used.": operation list * storage)
let commit: commit =
match (Big_map.find_opt sender s.commits) with
| Some c -> c
| None -> (failwith "You haven't made a commitment to hash against yet.": commit)
if Current.time <
then (failwith "It hasn't been 24 hours since your commit yet.": operation list * storage)
let salted = Crypto.sha256 (Bytes.concat p.hashable (Bytes.pack sender)) in
if (salted <> commit.salted_hash)
then (failwith "This reveal doesn't match your commitment.": operation list * storage)
if (s.hashed = Crypto.sha256 p.hashable)
let s: storage = {hashed = s.hashed; unused = false; commits = s.commits} in
((p.message ()), s)
else (failwith "Your commitment did not match the storage hash.":
operation list * storage)
(failwith "This contract has already been used." : return)
let commit : commit =
match Big_map.find_opt sender s.commits with
| Some c -> c
| None ->
(failwith "You have not made a commitment to hash against yet."
: commit)
if <
(failwith "It has not been 24 hours since your commit yet.": return)
let salted =
Crypto.sha256 (Bytes.concat p.hashable (Bytes.pack sender)) in
if salted <> commit.salted_hash
(failwith "This reveal does not match your commitment.": return)
if s.hashed = Crypto.sha256 p.hashable
let s : storage = {s with unused = false}
in p.message (), s
else (failwith "Your commitment did not match the storage hash."
: return)
let main ((p,s): parameter * storage) : operation list * storage =
let main (p, s : parameter * storage) : return =
match p with
| Commit c -> commit (c, s)
| Reveal r -> reveal (r, s)
| Commit c -> commit (c,s)
| Reveal r -> reveal (r,s)
@ -1,30 +1,24 @@
(* Test a function which takes another function as an argument *)
let foobar (i : int) : int =
let foo: (int -> int) =
fun (i : int) -> i
let bar: ((int -> int) -> int) =
fun (f : int -> int) -> f i
bar foo
let foo: (int -> int) = fun (i : int) -> i in
let bar: ((int -> int) -> int) = fun (f : int -> int) -> f i
in bar foo
(* higher order function with more than one argument *)
let higher2 (i: int) (f: int -> int): int =
let higher2 (i : int) (f : int -> int): int =
let ii: int = f i in ii
let foobar2 (i : int) : int =
let foo2: (int -> int) =
fun (i : int) -> i
higher2 i foo2
let foo2 : (int -> int) = fun (i : int) -> i
in higher2 i foo2
let a : int = 0
let foobar3 (i : int) : int =
let foo2: (int -> int) =
fun (i : int) -> a + i
higher2 i foo2
let foo2 : (int -> int) = fun (i : int) -> a + i
in higher2 i foo2
let f (i : int) : int = i
@ -32,15 +26,11 @@ let g (i : int) : int = f i
let foobar4 (i : int) : int = g (g i)
let higher3 (i: int) (f: int -> int) (g: int -> int) : int =
let ii: int = f (g i) in ii
let higher3 (i : int) (f : int -> int) (g : int -> int) : int =
let ii : int = f (g i) in ii
let foobar5 (i : int) : int =
let a : int = 0 in
let foo: (int -> int) =
fun (i : int) -> a + i
let goo: (int -> int) =
fun (i : int) -> foo i
higher3 i foo goo
let foo : (int -> int) = fun (i : int) -> a + i in
let goo : (int -> int) = fun (i : int) -> foo i
in higher3 i foo goo
@ -1,48 +1,44 @@
/* Test a function which takes another function as an argument */
let foobar = (i: int): int => {
let foobar = (i : int): int => {
let foo: int => int = (i: int) => i;
let bar: ((int => int) => int) = (f: (int => int)) => f(i);
let bar: ((int => int) => int) = (f : (int => int)) => f (i);
bar (foo);
/* higher order function with more than one argument */
let higher2 = (i: int, f: (int => int)): int => {
let ii: int = f(i);
let higher2 = (i : int, f : (int => int)) : int => {
let ii : int = f (i);
let foobar2 = (i: int): int => {
let foo2: int => int = (i: int) => i;
higher2(i, foo2);
let foobar2 = (i : int) : int => {
let foo2 : int => int = (i : int) => i;
higher2 (i, foo2);
let a: int = 0;
let a : int = 0;
let foobar3 = (i: int): int => {
let foo2: int => int = (i: int) => a + i;
higher2(i, foo2);
let foobar3 = (i : int) : int => {
let foo2: int => int = (i : int) => a + i;
higher2 (i, foo2);
let f = (i: int): int => i;
let f = (i : int) : int => i;
let g = (i: int): int => f(i);
let g = (i : int) : int => f (i);
let foobar4 = (i: int): int => g(g(i));
let foobar4 = (i : int) : int => g (g (i));
let higher3 = (i: int, f: (int => int), g: (int => int)): int => {
let ii: int = f(g(i));
let higher3 = (i : int, f : (int => int), g : (int => int)) : int => {
let ii : int = f (g (i));
let foobar5 = (i: int): int => {
let a: int = 0;
let foo: int => int = (i: int) => a + i;
let goo: int => int = (i: int) => foo(i);
higher3(i, foo, goo);
let foobar5 = (i : int) : int => {
let a : int = 0;
let foo : int => int = (i : int) => a + i;
let goo : int => int = (i : int) => foo (i);
higher3 (i, foo, goo);
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ type id = int
type id_details = {
owner: address;
controller: address;
profile: bytes;
profile: bytes
type buy = bytes * address option
@ -14,126 +14,118 @@ type action =
| Buy of buy
| Update_owner of update_owner
| Update_details of update_details
| Skip of unit
| Skip
(* The prices kept in storage can be changed by bakers, though they
should only be adjusted down over time, not up. *)
(* The prices kept in storage can be changed by bakers, though they should only be
adjusted down over time, not up. *)
type storage = (id, id_details) big_map * int * (tez * tez)
(** Preliminary thoughts on ids:
type return = operation list * storage
I very much like the simplicity of
5 three letter words means you have a 15 character identity, not actually more
annoying than an IP address and a lot more memorable than the raw digits. This
can be stored as a single integer which is then translated into the corresponding
series of 5 words.
(* Preliminary thoughts on ids:
I in general like the idea of having a 'skip' mechanism, but it does need to cost
something so people don't eat up the address space. 256 ^ 5 means you have a lot
of address space, but if people troll by skipping a lot that could be eaten up.
Should probably do some napkin calculations for how expensive skipping needs to
be to deter people from doing it just to chew up address space.
I very much like the simplicity of 5 three
letter words means you have a 15 character identity, not actually more
annoying than an IP address and a lot more memorable than the raw
digits. This can be stored as a single integer which is then
translated into the corresponding series of 5 words.
I in general like the idea of having a 'skip' mechanism, but it does
need to cost something so people don't eat up the address space. 256^5
means you have a lot of address space, but if people troll by skipping
a lot that could be eaten up. Should probably do some napkin
calculations for how expensive skipping needs to be to deter people
from doing it just to chew up address space. *)
let buy (parameter, storage: (bytes * address option) * storage) =
let void: unit =
if amount = storage.2.0
then ()
else (failwith "Incorrect amount paid.": unit)
let void : unit =
if Tezos.amount <> storage.2.0
then (failwith "Incorrect amount paid.": unit) in
let profile, initial_controller = parameter in
let identities, new_id, prices = storage in
let controller: address =
let controller : address =
match initial_controller with
| Some addr -> addr
| None -> sender
| None -> sender in
let new_id_details: id_details = {
owner = sender ;
controller = controller ;
profile = profile ;
let updated_identities: (id, id_details) big_map =
owner = sender;
controller = controller;
profile = profile} in
let updated_identities : (id, id_details) big_map =
Big_map.update new_id (Some new_id_details) identities
([]: operation list), (updated_identities, new_id + 1, prices)
in ([]: operation list), (updated_identities, new_id + 1, prices)
let update_owner (parameter, storage: (id * address) * storage) =
if (amount <> 0mutez)
then (failwith "Updating owner doesn't cost anything.": (operation list) * storage)
let update_owner (parameter, storage : (id * address) * storage) =
if amount <> 0tez
then (failwith "Updating owner doesn't cost anything.": return)
let id, new_owner = parameter in
let identities, last_id, prices = storage in
let current_id_details: id_details =
match Big_map.find_opt id identities with
| Some id_details -> id_details
| None -> (failwith "This ID does not exist.": id_details)
let is_allowed: bool =
if sender = current_id_details.owner
then true
else (failwith "You are not the owner of this ID.": bool)
let updated_id_details: id_details = {
let id, new_owner = parameter in
let identities, last_id, prices = storage in
let current_id_details : id_details =
match Big_map.find_opt id identities with
| Some id_details -> id_details
| None -> (failwith "This ID does not exist." : id_details) in
let is_allowed : bool =
if Tezos.sender = current_id_details.owner
then true
else (failwith "You are not the owner of this ID." : bool) in
let updated_id_details : id_details = {
owner = new_owner;
controller = current_id_details.controller;
profile = current_id_details.profile;
let updated_identities = Big_map.update id (Some updated_id_details) identities in
([]: operation list), (updated_identities, last_id, prices)
profile = current_id_details.profile} in
let updated_identities =
Big_map.update id (Some updated_id_details) identities
in ([]: operation list), (updated_identities, last_id, prices)
let update_details (parameter, storage: (id * bytes option * address option) * storage) =
if (amount <> 0mutez)
then (failwith "Updating details doesn't cost anything.": (operation list) * storage)
if Tezos.amount <> 0tez
(failwith "Updating details doesn't cost anything." : return)
let id, new_profile, new_controller = parameter in
let identities, last_id, prices = storage in
let current_id_details: id_details =
match Big_map.find_opt id identities with
| Some id_details -> id_details
| None -> (failwith "This ID does not exist.": id_details)
let is_allowed: bool =
if (sender = current_id_details.controller) || (sender = current_id_details.owner)
then true
else (failwith ("You are not the owner or controller of this ID."): bool)
let owner: address = current_id_details.owner in
let profile: bytes =
match new_profile with
| None -> (* Default *) current_id_details.profile
| Some new_profile -> new_profile
let controller: address =
match new_controller with
| None -> (* Default *) current_id_details.controller
| Some new_controller -> new_controller
let updated_id_details: id_details = {
owner = owner;
controller = controller;
profile = profile;
let id, new_profile, new_controller = parameter in
let identities, last_id, prices = storage in
let current_id_details: id_details =
match Big_map.find_opt id identities with
| Some id_details -> id_details
| None -> (failwith "This ID does not exist.": id_details) in
let is_allowed : bool =
if Tezos.sender = current_id_details.controller
|| Tezos.sender = current_id_details.owner
then true
(failwith ("You are not the owner or controller of this ID.")
: bool) in
let owner : address = current_id_details.owner in
let profile : bytes =
match new_profile with
| None -> (* Default *) current_id_details.profile
| Some new_profile -> new_profile in
let controller : address =
match new_controller with
| None -> (* Default *) current_id_details.controller
| Some new_controller -> new_controller in
let updated_id_details: id_details = {
owner = owner;
controller = controller;
profile = profile} in
let updated_identities: (id, id_details) big_map =
Big_map.update id (Some updated_id_details) identities in
([]: operation list), (updated_identities, last_id, prices)
Big_map.update id (Some updated_id_details) identities
in ([]: operation list), (updated_identities, last_id, prices)
(* Let someone skip the next identity so nobody has to take one that's undesirable *)
let skip (p,storage: unit * storage) =
let void: unit =
if amount = storage.2.1
then ()
else (failwith "Incorrect amount paid.": unit)
(* Let someone skip the next identity so nobody has to take one that's
undesirable *)
let skip (p, storage: unit * storage) =
let void : unit =
if Tezos.amount <> storage.2.1
then (failwith "Incorrect amount paid." : unit) in
let identities, last_id, prices = storage in
([]: operation list), (identities, last_id + 1, prices)
let main (action, storage: action * storage) : operation list * storage =
let main (action, storage : action * storage) : return =
match action with
| Buy b -> buy (b, storage)
| Update_owner uo -> update_owner (uo, storage)
| Update_details ud -> update_details (ud, storage)
| Skip s -> skip ((), storage)
| Skip -> skip ((), storage)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
let main2 (p : key_hash) (s : unit) =
let c : unit contract = Current.implicit_account p in
(([] : operation list), unit)
let c : unit contract = Tezos.implicit_account p
in ([] : operation list), unit
let main (t: key_hash * unit) = main2 t.0 t.1
let main (p,s : key_hash * unit) = main2 p s
@ -1 +1 @@
let main (kh: key_hash) : unit contract = Current.implicit_account kh
let main (kh : key_hash) : unit contract = Tezos.implicit_account kh
@ -1 +1,2 @@
let main = (kh: key_hash): contract(unit) => Current.implicit_account(kh);
let main = (kh : key_hash) : contract (unit) =>
Tezos.implicit_account (kh);
@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
type storage = int
(* variant defining pseudo multi-entrypoint actions *)
type action =
type parameter =
Increment of int
| Decrement of int
let add (a: int) (b: int) : int = a + b
let sub (a: int) (b: int) : int = a - b
type return = operation list * storage
(* real entrypoint that re-routes the flow based on the action provided *)
let add (a : int) (b : int) : int = a + b
let sub (a : int) (b : int) : int = a - b
let main (p: action) storage =
let storage =
match p with
let main (action, store : parameter * storage) : return =
let store =
match action with
Increment n -> add s n
| Decrement n -> sub s n
in ([] : operation list), storage
in ([] : operation list), store
@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
let lambda_call =
let a = 3 in
let foo = fun (i : int) -> i * i in
foo (a + 1)
let foo = fun (i : int) -> i * i
in foo (a + 1)
let higher_order1 =
let a = 2 in
let foo = fun (i:int) (j:int) (k:int) ->
a + i + j + 0 in
let bar = (foo 1 2) in
bar 3
let foo = fun (i : int) (j : int) (k : int) -> a + i + j + 0 in
let bar = (foo 1 2)
in bar 3
let higher_order2 =
let a = 2 in
let foo = fun (i:int) ->
let b = 2 in
let bar = fun (i:int) -> i + a + b
in bar i
let foo = fun (i : int) ->
let b = 2 in
let bar = fun (i : int) -> i + a + b
in bar i
in foo 1
let higher_order3 =
let foo = fun (i:int) -> i + 1 in
let bar = fun (f:int->int) (i:int) -> (f i) + 1 in
let baz : (int -> int ) = bar foo in
baz 3
let foo = fun (i : int) -> i + 1 in
let bar = fun (f : int -> int) (i : int) -> f i + 1 in
let baz : int -> int = bar foo
in baz 3
let higher_order4 =
let a = 3 in
let foo = fun (i : int) -> a + i in
let bar: (int -> int) = fun (i : int) -> foo i in
bar 2
let concats =
0x70 ^ 0x70
let bar : int -> int = fun (i : int) -> foo i
in bar 2
let concats = 0x70 ^ 0x70
type foo_record = {
a : string ;
b : string ;
a : string;
b : string
let record_concat =
let ab : foo_record = { a = "a" ; b = "b" } in
ab.a ^ ab.b
let ab : foo_record = {a="a"; b="b"}
in ab.a ^ ab.b
let record_patch =
let ab : foo_record = { a = "a" ; b = "b" } in
{ab with b = "c"}
let ab : foo_record = {a="a"; b="b"}
in {ab with b = "c"}
type bar_record = {
f : int -> int ;
arg : int ;
f : int -> int;
arg : int
let record_lambda =
let a = 1 in
let foo : (int -> int) = fun (i:int) -> a+(i*2) in
let farg : bar_record = { f = foo ; arg = 2 } in
farg.f farg.arg
let foo : int -> int = fun (i : int) -> a + i*2 in
let farg : bar_record = {f = foo; arg = 2}
in farg.f farg.arg
type foo_variant =
| Foo
| Bar of int
| Baz of string
let variant_exp =
(Foo, Bar 1, Baz "b")
let variant_exp = Foo, Bar 1, Baz "b"
let variant_match =
let a = Bar 1 in
match a with
| Foo -> 1
| Bar(i) -> 2
| Baz(s) -> 3
| Foo -> 1
| Bar i -> 2
| Baz s -> 3
(* UNSUPPORTED: No deep patterns yet.
type bar_variant =
| Baz
| Buz of int * int
| Biz of int * int * string
let long_variant_match =
let a = Biz (1,2,"Biz") in
match a with
| Baz -> "Baz"
| Buz(a,b) -> "Buz"
| Biz(a,b,c) -> c
| Buz (a,b) -> "Buz"
| Biz (a,b,c) -> c
let bool_match =
let b = true in
@ -90,149 +90,145 @@ let bool_match =
| false -> 2
let list_match =
let a = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ] in
let a = [1; 2; 3; 4] in
match a with
| hd :: tl -> hd::a
| hd::tl -> hd::a
| [] -> a
let tuple_proj =
let (a,b) = (true,false) in
a or b
let a, b = true, false
in a or b
let list_const =
let a = [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4] in
0 :: a
let a = [1; 2; 3; 4]
in 0::a
type foobar = int option
let options_match_some =
let a = Some 0 in
match a with
| Some(i) -> i
| Some i -> i
| None -> 1
let options_match_none =
let a : foobar = None in
match a with
| Some(i) -> i
| Some i -> i
| None -> 0
let is_nat_nat =
let i : int = 1 in
let j : int = -1 in
(Michelson.is_nat i, Michelson.is_nat j)
let j : int = -1
in is_nat i, is_nat j
let abs_int = abs (-5)
let nat_int = int (5n)
let nat_int = int 5n
let map_list =
let a = [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4] in
let add_one: (int -> int) = fun (i : int) -> i + 1 in
|||| add_one a
let a = [1; 2; 3; 4] in
let add_one : (int -> int) = fun (i : int) -> i + 1
in add_one a
let fail_alone = failwith "you failed"
let iter_list_fail =
let a = [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4] in
let check_something: (int -> unit) = fun (i : int) ->
if i = 2 then failwith "you failed"
else ()
List.iter check_something a
let a = [1; 2; 3; 4] in
let check_something : int -> unit =
fun (i : int) ->
if i = 2 then failwith "you failed"
in List.iter check_something a
let fold_list =
let a = [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4] in
let acc : (int * int -> int) =
fun (prev, el : int * int) -> prev + el in
List.fold acc a 0
let a = [1; 2; 3; 4] in
let acc : int * int -> int =
fun (prev, el : int * int) -> prev + el
in List.fold acc a 0
let comparison_int =
(1 > 2, 2 > 1, 1 >=2 , 2 >= 1)
let comparison_int = 1 > 2, 2 > 1, 1 >=2, 2 >= 1
let comparison_string =
("foo" = "bar", "baz" = "baz")
let comparison_string = "foo"="bar", "baz"="baz"
let divs : (int * nat * tez * nat) =
(1/2 , 1n/2n , 1tz/2n , 1tz/2tz)
let divs : int * nat * tez * nat = 1/2, 1n/2n, 1tez/2n, 1tez/2tez
let var_neg =
let a = 2 in
let a = 2 in -a
let sizes =
let a = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ] in
let a = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] in
let b = "12345" in
let c = Set.literal [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ] in
let d = Map.literal [ (1,1) ; (2,2) ; (3,3) ] in
let c = Set.literal [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] in
let d = Map.literal [(1,1); (2,2); (3,3)] in
let e = 0xFFFF in
(List.size a, String.size b, Set.size c, Map.size d, Bytes.size e)
List.length a,
String.length b,
Set.cardinal c,
Map.size d,
Bytes.length e
let modi = 3 mod 2
let fold_while =
let aux : int -> bool * int = fun (i:int) ->
if i < 10 then continue (i + 1) else stop i in
(Loop.fold_while aux 20, Loop.fold_while aux 0)
let aux : int -> bool * int =
fun (i : int) ->
if i < 10 then Loop.resume (i + 1) else Loop.stop i
in (Loop.fold_while aux 20, Loop.fold_while aux 0)
let assertion_pass =
assert (1=1)
let assertion_pass = assert (1=1)
let assertion_fail =
assert (1=2)
let assertion_fail = assert (1=2)
let lit_address = ("KT1ThEdxfUcWUwqsdergy3QnbCWGHSUHeHJq" : address)
let map_finds =
let m = Map.literal [ ("one" , 1) ; ("two" , 2) ; ("three" , 3) ] in
Map.find_opt "two" m
let m = Map.literal [("one", 1); ("two", 2); ("three", 3)]
in Map.find_opt "two" m
let map_finds_fail =
let m = Map.literal [ ("one" , 1) ; ("two" , 2) ; ("three" , 3) ] in
Map.find "four" m
let m = Map.literal [("one", 1); ("two", 2); ("three", 3)]
in Map.find "four" m
let map_empty =
((Map.empty : (int,int) map) , (Map.literal [] : (int,int) map))
((Map.empty : (int, int) map), (Map.literal [] : (int, int) map))
let m = Map.literal [ ("one" , 1) ; ("two" , 2) ; ("three" , 3) ]
let m = Map.literal [("one", 1); ("two", 2); ("three", 3)]
let map_fold =
let aux = fun (i: int * (string * int)) -> i.0 + i.1.1 in
Map.fold aux m (-2)
let aux = fun (i : int * (string * int)) -> i.0 + i.1.1
in Map.fold aux m (-2)
let map_iter =
let aux = fun (i: string * int) -> if (i.1=12) then failwith "never" else () in
Map.iter aux m
let aux =
fun (i : string * int) -> if i.1 = 12 then failwith "never"
in Map.iter aux m
let map_map =
let aux = fun (i: string * int) -> i.1 + (String.size i.0) in
|||| aux m
let aux = fun (i : string * int) -> i.1 + String.length i.0
in aux m
let map_mem = (Map.mem "one" m , Map.mem "four" m)
let map_mem = Map.mem "one" m, Map.mem "four" m
let map_remove = (Map.remove "one" m, Map.remove "four" m)
let map_remove = Map.remove "one" m, Map.remove "four" m
let map_update = (
Map.update "one" (Some(1)) (Map.literal [ "one", 2 ]),
Map.update "one" (None : int option) (Map.literal [ "one", 1]),
Map.update "one" (None : int option) (Map.literal []:(string,int) map),
Map.update "one" (Some(1)) (Map.literal []:(string,int) map)
let map_update =
Map.update "one" (Some 1) (Map.literal ["one", 2]),
Map.update "one" (None : int option) (Map.literal ["one", 1]),
Map.update "one" (None : int option) (Map.empty : (string, int) map),
Map.update "one" (Some 1) (Map.literal [] : (string, int) map)
let s = Set.literal [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ]
let s = Set.literal [1; 2; 3]
let set_add = (
let set_add =
Set.add 1 s,
Set.add 4 s,
Set.add 1 (Set.literal [] : int set)
Set.add 1 (Set.empty : int set)
let set_iter_fail =
let aux = fun (i:int) -> if i = 1 then failwith "set_iter_fail" else () in
Set.iter aux (Set.literal [1 ; 2 ; 3])
let aux = fun (i : int) -> if i = 1 then failwith "set_iter_fail"
in Set.iter aux (Set.literal [1; 2; 3])
let set_mem = (
let set_mem =
Set.mem 1 s,
Set.mem 4 s,
Set.mem 1 (Set.literal [] : int set)
Set.mem 1 (Set.empty : int set)
@ -1 +1 @@
let main (i: int) : nat option = Michelson.is_nat i
let main (i : int) : nat option = is_nat i
@ -1 +1 @@
let main = (i: int): option(nat) => Michelson.is_nat(i);
let main = (i : int): option (nat) => is_nat (i);
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
let check_hash_key (kh1, k2: key_hash * key) : bool * key_hash =
let kh2 : key_hash = Crypto.hash_key k2 in
if kh1 = kh2
then (true, kh2)
else (false, kh2)
let check_hash_key (kh1, k2 : key_hash * key) : bool * key_hash =
let kh2 : key_hash = Crypto.hash_key k2
in kh1 = kh2, kh2
@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
let check_hash_key = (kh1_k2: (key_hash, key)) : (bool, key_hash) => {
let check_hash_key = (kh1_k2 : (key_hash, key)) : (bool, key_hash) => {
let kh1, k2 = kh1_k2;
let kh2 : key_hash = Crypto.hash_key(k2);
if (kh1 == kh2) {
(true, kh2);
else {
(false, kh2);
let kh2 : key_hash = Crypto.hash_key (k2);
((kh1 == kh2), kh2)
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
type storage = unit
(* not supported yet
let main (p:unit) storage =
(fun x -> ()) ()
let main (p, s : unit * storage) = (fun x -> ()) ()
let main (ps: unit * storage) = (fun (_: unit) -> ()) ()
let main (p, s : unit * storage) = (fun (_ : unit) -> ()) ()
@ -5,6 +5,4 @@ type storage = unit;
(fun x -> ()) ()
let main2 = ((p: unit), storage) => (((xxx: unit)) => ())();
let main = (x: (unit, storage)) => main2(x[0], x[1]);
let main = ((p,s) : (unit, storage)) => (((useless : unit)) => ()) ();
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
type storage = unit
(* Not supported yet:
let main (p:unit) storage = (fun x -> ()) ()
let main (a, s : unit * storage) = (fun x -> ()) ()
let main (_: unit * storage) =
(fun (f: unit -> unit) -> f ()) (fun (_: unit) -> unit)
let main (a, s : unit * storage) =
(fun (f : unit -> unit) -> f ()) (fun (_ : unit) -> unit)
@ -4,7 +4,5 @@ type storage = unit;
let main (p:unit) storage = (fun x -> ()) ()
let main2 = (z: unit, storage) =>
((f: (unit => unit)) => f())((z: unit) => unit);
let main = (x: (unit, storage)) => main2(x[0],x[1]);
let main = ((a, s) : (unit, storage)) : (operation (list), storage) =>
((f : (unit => unit)) => f ()) ((useless : unit) => unit);
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
let sum (p: int * int) : int =
let sum (p : int * int) : int =
let i, result = p in i + result
let sum2 (p: string * string * string * string) : int =
let sum2 (p : string * string * string * string) : int =
let a, b, c, d = p in a ^ b ^ c ^ d
@ -1,38 +1,36 @@
(* Simple test of binding multiple values *)
let (x: int), (y: int) = 1,2
let (x : int), (y : int) = 1,2
let main (p: unit) : int = x + y
let main (p : unit) : int = x + y
let ((x : int) , (y :int)) = 3,3
let ((x : int) , (y : int)) = 3,3
let main_paren (p: unit) : int = x + y
let main_paren (p : unit) : int = x + y
let foobar : (int * int) = (23 , 42)
let (foo : int) , (bar : int) = foobar
(* Here to prevent a regression of *)
let correct_values_bound (p: unit) : int * int =
foo, bar
let correct_values_bound (p : unit) : int * int = foo, bar
let non_tuple_rhs (p: unit) : int =
bar - foo
let non_tuple_rhs (p : unit) : int = bar - foo
(* Here to prevent a regression of *)
let big_tuple : (int * int * int * int * int) = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
let big_tuple : int * int * int * int * int = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
let (a: int), (b: int), (c: int), (d: int), (e: int) = big_tuple
let correct_values_big_tuple (p: unit) : int * int * int * int * int =
let correct_values_big_tuple (p : unit) : int * int * int * int * int =
a, b, c, d, e
(* Here to prevent a regression of *)
let different_types: (int * string) = 10, "hello"
let different_types : int * string = 10, "hello"
let (greet_num: int), (greeting: string) = different_types
let (greet_num : int), (greeting : string) = different_types
let correct_values_different_types (p: unit) : int * string =
let correct_values_different_types (p : unit) : int * string =
greet_num, greeting
@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
/* Simple test of binding multiple values */
let ((x: int), (y: int)) = (1, 2);
let ((x : int), (y : int)) = (1,2);
let main = (p: unit): int => x + y;
let main = (p : unit): int => x + y;
let ((x: int), (y: int)) = (3, 3);
let ((x : int), (y : int)) = (3,3);
let main_paren = (p: unit): int => x + y;
let main_paren = (p : unit): int => x + y;
let foobar: (int, int) = (23, 42);
let ((foo: int), (bar: int)) = foobar;
let foobar : (int, int) = (23, 42);
let non_tuple_rhs = (p: unit): int => foo + bar;
let ((foo : int), (bar : int)) = foobar;
let non_tuple_rhs = (p : unit) : int => foo + bar;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
type storage = int * int
let main (n: int * storage) =
let main (n : int * storage) : operation list * storage =
let x : int * int =
let x : int = 7
in x + n.0, n.1.0 + n.1.1
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
type storage = (int, int);
let main2 = ((n : int), storage) => {
let x: (int, int) = {
let x: int = 7;
(x + n, storage[0] + storage[1]);
let main = (n : (int, storage)) : (list (operation), storage) => {
let x : (int, int) = {
let x : int = 7;
(x + n[0], n[1][0] + n[1][1]);
([]: list(operation), x);
([]: list (operation), x);
let main = (x: (int, storage)) => main2(x[0],x[1]);
@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
type storage = int * int list
type param = int list
type parameter = int list
type return = operation list * storage
let x : int list = []
let y : int list = [3; 4; 5]
let z : int list = 2::y
let main (p, s: param * storage) =
let main (p, s: parameter * storage) : return =
let storage =
match p with
[] -> s
| hd::tl -> s.0 + hd, tl
in ([] : operation list), storage
let size_ (s: int list) : nat = List.size s
let size_ (s : int list) : nat = List.length s
let fold_op (s: int list) : int =
let aggregate = fun (t: int * int) -> t.0 + t.1
let fold_op (s : int list) : int =
let aggregate = fun (t : int * int) -> t.0 + t.1
in List.fold aggregate s 10
let map_op (s: int list) : int list =
|||| (fun (cur: int) -> cur + 1) s
let map_op (s : int list) : int list =
|||| (fun (cur : int) -> cur + 1) s
let iter_op (s : int list) : unit =
let do_nothing = fun (_: int) -> unit
let do_nothing = fun (_ : int) -> unit
in List.iter do_nothing s
@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
type storage = (int, list(int));
type storage = (int, list (int));
type param = list(int);
type parameter = list (int);
let x: list(int) = [];
let y: list(int) = [3, 4, 5];
let z: list(int) = [2, ...y];
type return = (list (operation), storage);
let main2 = (p: param, storage) => {
let x : list (int) = [];
let y : list (int) = [3, 4, 5];
let z : list (int) = [2, ...y];
let main = ((p,s) : (parameter, storage)) : return => {
let storage =
switch (p) {
| [] => storage
| [hd,] => (storage[0] + hd, tl)
| [] => s
| [hd,] => (s[0] + hd, tl)
([]: list(operation), storage);
let main = (x: (param, storage)) => main2(x[0],x[1]);
let size_ = (s : list (int)) : nat => List.length (s);
let size_ = (s: list(int)): nat => List.size(s);
let fold_op = (s: list(int)): int => {
let aggregate = (prec_cur: (int, int)) => prec_cur[0] + prec_cur[1];
List.fold(aggregate, s, 10);
let fold_op = (s : list (int)) : int => {
let aggregate = (t: (int, int)) => t[0] + t[1];
List.fold (aggregate, s, 10);
let map_op = (s: list(int)): list(int) =>
|||| int) => cur + 1, s);
let map_op = (s : list (int)) : list (int) =>
|||| ((cur : int) => cur + 1, s);
let iter_op = (s: list(int)): unit => {
let do_nothing = (z: int) => unit;
List.iter(do_nothing, s);
let iter_op = (s : list (int)) : unit => {
let do_nothing = (useless : int) => unit;
List.iter (do_nothing, s);
@ -1,33 +1,37 @@
(* Test loops in CameLIGO *)
(* Test functional iterators in CameLIGO *)
let aux_simple (i: int) : bool * int =
if i < 100 then continue (i + 1) else stop i
let aux_simple (i : int) : bool * int =
if i < 100 then Loop.resume (i + 1) else Loop.stop i
let counter_simple (n: int) : int =
let counter_simple (n : int) : int =
Loop.fold_while aux_simple n
type sum_aggregator = {
counter : int ;
sum : int ;
counter : int;
sum : int
let counter (n : int) : int =
let initial : sum_aggregator = { counter = 0 ; sum = 0 } in
let out : sum_aggregator = Loop.fold_while (fun (prev: sum_aggregator) ->
let initial : sum_aggregator = {counter=0; sum=0} in
let aggregate = fun (prev : sum_aggregator) ->
if prev.counter <= n then
continue ({ counter = prev.counter + 1 ; sum = prev.counter + prev.sum })
Loop.resume {counter = prev.counter + 1;
sum = prev.counter + prev.sum}
stop ({ counter = prev.counter ; sum = prev.sum }) )
initial in out.sum
Loop.stop {counter = prev.counter; sum = prev.sum} in
let out : sum_aggregator =
Loop.fold_while aggregate initial
in out.sum
let aux_nest (prev: sum_aggregator) : bool * sum_aggregator =
let aux_nest (prev : sum_aggregator) : bool * sum_aggregator =
if prev.counter < 100 then
continue ({ counter = prev.counter + 1 ;
sum = prev.sum + Loop.fold_while aux_simple prev.counter})
let sum : int =
prev.sum + Loop.fold_while aux_simple prev.counter
in Loop.resume {counter = prev.counter + 1; sum = sum}
stop ({ counter = prev.counter ; sum = prev.sum })
Loop.stop {counter = prev.counter; sum = prev.sum}
let counter_nest (n: int) : int =
let initial : sum_aggregator = { counter = 0 ; sum = 0 } in
let counter_nest (n : int) : int =
let initial : sum_aggregator = {counter=0; sum=0} in
let out : sum_aggregator = Loop.fold_while aux_nest initial
in out.sum
@ -1,46 +1,41 @@
/* Test loops in ReasonLIGO */
let aux_simple = (i: int): (bool, int) =>
if (i < 100) {
continue(i + 1);
} else {
let aux_simple = (i : int) : (bool, int) =>
if (i < 100) { Loop.resume (i + 1); } else { Loop.stop (i); };
let counter_simple = (n: int): int => Loop.fold_while(aux_simple, n);
let counter_simple = (n : int) : int => Loop.fold_while (aux_simple, n);
type sum_aggregator = {
counter: int,
sum: int,
counter : int,
sum : int,
let counter = (n: int): int => {
let initial: sum_aggregator = {counter: 0, sum: 0};
let out: sum_aggregator =
(prev: sum_aggregator) =>
if (prev.counter <= n) {
continue({counter: prev.counter + 1, sum: prev.counter + prev.sum});
} else {
stop({counter: prev.counter, sum: prev.sum});
let counter = (n : int) : int => {
let initial : sum_aggregator = {counter: 0, sum: 0};
let aggregate = (prev : sum_aggregator) =>
if (prev.counter <= n) {
Loop.resume ({counter : prev.counter + 1,
sum : prev.counter + prev.sum});
} else {
Loop.stop ({counter: prev.counter, sum: prev.sum});
let out : sum_aggregator =
Loop.fold_while (aggregate, initial);
let aux_nest = (prev: sum_aggregator): (bool, sum_aggregator) =>
let aux_nest = (prev : sum_aggregator) : (bool, sum_aggregator) =>
if (prev.counter < 100) {
counter: prev.counter + 1,
sum: prev.sum + Loop.fold_while(aux_simple, prev.counter),
let sum : int =
prev.sum + Loop.fold_while (aux_simple, prev.counter);
Loop.resume ({counter: prev.counter + 1,
sum: sum});
} else {
stop({counter: prev.counter, sum: prev.sum});
Loop.stop ({counter: prev.counter, sum: prev.sum});
let counter_nest = (n: int): int => {
let initial: sum_aggregator = {counter: 0, sum: 0};
let out: sum_aggregator = Loop.fold_while(aux_nest, initial);
let counter_nest = (n : int) : int => {
let initial : sum_aggregator = {counter: 0, sum: 0};
let out : sum_aggregator = Loop.fold_while (aux_nest, initial);
@ -7,47 +7,48 @@ let map1 : foobar =
let map2 : foobar = Map.literal [(23,0); (42,0)]
let set_2 (n: int) (m: foobar) : foobar = Map.update 23 (Some n) m
let set_2 (n : int) (m : foobar) : foobar = Map.update 23 (Some n) m
let set_ (t: int * foobar) : foobar = set_2 t.0 t.1
let set_ (t : int * foobar) : foobar = set_2 t.0 t.1
let add (n,m: int * foobar) : foobar = Map.add 23 n m
let add (n,m : int * foobar) : foobar = Map.add 23 n m
let rm (m: foobar) : foobar = Map.remove 42 m
let rm (m : foobar) : foobar = Map.remove 42 m
(* Dummy test so that we can add the same test for PascaLIGO *)
let patch_ (m: foobar) : foobar = Map.literal [(0,5); (1,6); (2,7)]
let patch_ (m : foobar) : foobar = Map.literal [(0,5); (1,6); (2,7)]
(* Second dummy test, see above *)
let patch_empty (m: foobar) : foobar = Map.literal [(0,0); (1,1); (2,2)]
let patch_empty (m : foobar) : foobar = Map.literal [(0,0); (1,1); (2,2)]
(* Third dummy test, see above *)
let patch_deep (m: foobar * nat) : foobar * nat =
let patch_deep (m : foobar * nat) : foobar * nat =
Map.literal [(0,0); (1,9); (2,2)], 10n
let size_ (m: foobar) : nat = Map.size m
let size_ (m : foobar) : nat = Map.size m
let gf (m: foobar) : int = Map.find 23 m
let get (m : foobar) : int option = Map.find_opt 42 m
let get_ (m : foobar) : int option = Map.find_opt 42 m
let get (m: foobar) : int option = Map.find_opt 42 m
let get_ (m: foobar) : int option = Map.find_opt 42 m
let mem (k,m: int * foobar) : bool = Map.mem k m
let mem (k,m : int * foobar) : bool = Map.mem k m
let iter_op (m : foobar) : unit =
let assert_eq = fun (i: int * int) -> assert (i.0 = i.1)
let assert_eq = fun (a, b : int * int) -> assert (a = b)
in Map.iter assert_eq m
let map_op (m : foobar) : foobar =
let increment = fun (i: int * int) -> i.1 + 1
let increment = fun (i : int * int) -> i.1 + 1
in increment m
let fold_op (m : foobar) : foobar =
let aggregate = fun (i: int * (int * int)) -> i.0 + i.1.0 + i.1.1
let aggregate = fun (i : int * (int * int)) -> i.0 + i.1.0 + i.1.1
in Map.fold aggregate m 10
let deep_op (m: foobar) : foobar =
let coco = 0,m in
let coco = 0, m in
let coco = 0, Map.remove 42 coco.1 in
let coco = 0, Map.update 32 (Some 16) coco.1
in coco.1
@ -1,59 +1,60 @@
type foobar = map(int, int);
type foobar = map (int, int);
let empty_map: foobar = Map.empty;
let map1: foobar =
Map.literal([(144, 23), (51, 23), (42, 23), (120, 23), (421, 23)]);
let map1 : foobar =
Map.literal ([(144, 23), (51, 23), (42, 23), (120, 23), (421, 23)]);
let map2: foobar = Map.literal([(23, 0), (42, 0)]);
let map2 : foobar = Map.literal ([(23, 0), (42, 0)]);
let set_ = (n: int, m: foobar): foobar => Map.update(23, Some(n), m);
let set_ = (n: int, m: foobar) : foobar => Map.update (23, Some (n), m);
let add = (n: int, m: foobar) : foobar => Map.add(23, n, m);
let add = (n: int, m: foobar) : foobar => Map.add (23, n, m);
let rm = (m: foobar): foobar => Map.remove(42, m);
let rm = (m: foobar) : foobar => Map.remove (42, m);
/* Dummy test so that we can add the same test for PascaLIGO */
let patch_ = (m: foobar): foobar => Map.literal([(0, 5), (1, 6), (2, 7)]);
let patch_ = (m : foobar) : foobar =>
Map.literal ([(0, 5), (1, 6), (2, 7)]);
/* Second dummy test, see above */
let patch_empty = (m: foobar): foobar =>
Map.literal([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)]);
let patch_empty = (m : foobar) : foobar =>
Map.literal ([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)]);
/* Third dummy test, see above */
let patch_deep = (m: (foobar, nat)): (foobar, nat) => (
let patch_deep = (m : (foobar, nat)) : (foobar, nat) => (
Map.literal([(0, 0), (1, 9), (2, 2)]),
let size_ = (m: foobar): nat => Map.size(m);
let size_ = (m : foobar) : nat => Map.size (m);
let gf = (m: foobar): int => Map.find(23, m);
let get = (m: foobar): option(int) => Map.find_opt(42, m);
let get = (m: foobar): option(int) => Map.find_opt (42, m);
let get_ = (m: foobar): option(int) => Map.find_opt(42, m);
let mem = (km: (int, foobar)): bool => Map.mem(km[0], km[1]);
let mem = (km: (int, foobar)): bool => Map.mem (km[0], km[1]);
let iter_op = (m: foobar): unit => {
let assert_eq = (i: int, j: int) => assert(i == j);
Map.iter(assert_eq, m);
let assert_eq = (i: int, j: int) => assert (i == j);
Map.iter (assert_eq, m);
let map_op = (m: foobar): foobar => {
let map_op = (m: foobar) : foobar => {
let increment = (z: int, j: int) => j + 1;
||||, m);
|||| (increment, m);
let fold_op = (m: foobar): foobar => {
let aggregate = (i: int, j: (int, int)) => i + j[0] + j[1];
Map.fold(aggregate, m, 10);
Map.fold (aggregate, m, 10);
let deep_op = (m: foobar): foobar => {
let deep_op = (m: foobar) : foobar => {
let coco = (0, m);
let coco = (0, Map.remove(42, coco[1]));
let coco = (0, Map.update(32, Some(16), coco[1]));
let coco = (0, Map.remove (42, coco[1]));
let coco = (0, Map.update (32, Some (16), coco[1]));
@ -1,28 +1,30 @@
type storage = int
type param =
type parameter =
Add of int
| Sub of int
let main (p, s: param * storage) =
let storage =
s +
(match p with
Add n -> n
| Sub n -> 0-n)
in ([] : operation list), storage
type return = operation list * storage
let match_bool (b: bool) : int =
let main (action, store : parameter * storage) =
let store =
store +
(match action with
Add n -> n
| Sub n -> -n)
in ([] : operation list), store
let match_bool (b : bool) : int =
match b with
true -> 10
| false -> 0
let match_list (l: int list) : int =
let match_list (l : int list) : int =
match l with
hd :: tl -> hd
hd::tl -> hd
| [] -> 10
let match_option (i: int option) : int =
let match_option (i : int option) : int =
match i with
Some n -> n
| None -> 0
@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
type storage = int;
type param =
| Add(int)
| Sub(int);
type parameter =
| Add (int)
| Sub (int);
let main2 = ((p: param), storage) => {
let storage =
+ (
switch (p) {
| Add(n) => n
| Sub(n) => 0 - n
type return = (list (operation), storage);
let main = ((action, store): (parameter, storage)) => {
let store =
store +
(switch (action) {
| Add (n) => n
| Sub (n) => -n
(([]: list(operation)), storage);
(([]: list(operation)), store);
let main = (x: (param, storage)) => main2(x[0],x[1]);
@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
type storage = int
(* variant defining pseudo multi-entrypoint actions *)
type action =
type parameter =
Increment of int
| Decrement of int
let add (a: int) (b: int) : int = a + b
let sub (a: int) (b: int) : int = a - b
type return = operation list * storage
(* real entrypoint that re-routes the flow based on the action provided *)
let add (a : int) (b : int) : int = a + b
let sub (a : int) (b : int) : int = a - b
let main (p, s: action * storage) =
let storage =
match p with
Increment n -> add s n
| Decrement n -> sub s n
in ([] : operation list), storage
let main (action, store : parameter * storage) : return =
let store =
match action with
Increment n -> add store n
| Decrement n -> sub store n
in ([] : operation list), store
@ -1,24 +1,17 @@
type storage = int;
/* variant defining pseudo multi-entrypoint actions */
type action =
| Decrement(int);
type parameter =
Increment (int)
| Decrement (int);
let add = ((a: int), (b: int)) => a + b;
let sub = ((a: int), (b: int)) => a - b;
let subtract = ((a: int), (b: int)) => a - b;
/* real entrypoint that re-routes the flow based on the action provided */
let main2 = ((p: action), storage) => {
let storage =
switch (p) {
| Increment(n) => add(storage, n)
| Decrement(n) => subtract(storage, n)
let main = ((action, store) : (parameter, storage)) => {
let store =
switch (action) {
| Increment (n) => add (store, n)
| Decrement (n) => sub (store, n)
(([]: list(operation)), storage);
(([]: list (operation)), store);
let main = (x: (action, storage)) => main2(x[0],x[1]);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(* Test function with several parameters *)
let abcde_curried (a : int) (b : int) (c : int) (d : int) (e : int) : int =
(c + e + 3)
c + e + 3
let abcde (x : int * int * int * int * int) : int =
abcde_curried x.0 x.1 x.2 x.3 x.4
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
/* Test function with several parameters */
let abcde_curried = (a: int, b: int, c: int, d: int, e: int): int => c + e + 3;
let abcde = (x: (int , int , int , int , int)): int => abcde_curried(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]);
let abcde_curried =
(a: int, b: int, c: int, d: int, e: int): int => c + e + 3;
let abcde = (x: (int , int , int , int , int)) : int =>
abcde_curried (x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]);
@ -2,65 +2,63 @@
type counter = nat
type threshold = nat
type authorized_keys = (key) list
type authorized_keys = key list
type id = string
type storage = {
id : id;
counter : counter;
threshold : threshold;
auth : authorized_keys
id : id;
counter : counter;
threshold : threshold;
auth : authorized_keys
// I/O types
type message = unit -> (operation) list
type message = unit -> operation list
type signatures = (key_hash * signature) list
type signatures = (key_hash*signature) list
type check_message_pt = {
counter : counter;
message : message;
signatures : signatures
counter : counter;
message : message;
signatures : signatures
type return = (operation) list * storage
type return = operation list * storage
type parameter = CheckMessage of check_message_pt
let check_message (param,s : check_message_pt * storage) : return =
let check_message (param, s : check_message_pt * storage) : return =
let message : message = param.message in
let s =
if (param.counter <> s.counter) then
let coco = failwith ("Counters does not match") in s
else (
let packed_payload : bytes = Bytes.pack ((message, param.counter,, chain_id)) in
let valid : nat = 0n in
let keys : authorized_keys = s.auth in
let aux = fun (vk, pkh_sig: (nat* authorized_keys) * (key_hash*signature)) ->
let (valid,keys) = vk in
match (keys) with
| [] -> (valid,keys)
| key::tl -> (
let keys = tl in
if (pkh_sig.0 = Crypto.hash_key (key)) then
let valid =
if (Crypto.check key pkh_sig.1 packed_payload) then valid + 1n
else let coco = failwith ("Invalid signature") in valid
else (valid,keys)
let (valid,keys) = List.fold aux param.signatures (valid,keys) in
if (valid < s.threshold) then
let coco = failwith ("Not enough signatures passed the check") in
{s with counter = s.counter + 1n}
if param.counter <> s.counter then
(failwith "Counters does not match" : storage)
let packed_payload : bytes =
Bytes.pack (message, param.counter,, chain_id) in
let valid : nat = 0n in
let keys : authorized_keys = s.auth in
let aux =
fun (vk, pkh_sig: (nat * authorized_keys)*(key_hash * signature)) ->
let valid, keys = vk in
match keys with
| [] -> vk
| key::keys ->
if pkh_sig.0 = Crypto.hash_key key
let valid =
if Crypto.check key pkh_sig.1 packed_payload
then valid + 1n
else (failwith "Invalid signature" : nat)
in valid, keys
else valid, keys in
let valid, keys =
List.fold aux param.signatures (valid, keys) in
if valid < s.threshold then
(failwith ("Not enough signatures passed the check") : storage)
else {s with counter = s.counter + 1n}
in message unit, s
let main (param, s: parameter * storage) : return =
match (param) with
| CheckMessage (p) -> check_message (p,s)
let main (action, store : parameter * storage) : return =
match action with
CheckMessage (p) -> check_message (p, store)
@ -6,75 +6,72 @@ type authorized_keys = list (key);
type id = string;
type storage = {
id : id,
counter : counter,
threshold : threshold,
auth : authorized_keys
id : id,
counter : counter,
threshold : threshold,
auth : authorized_keys
// I/O types
type message = unit => list (operation);
type dummy = (key_hash,signature);
type signatures = list (dummy);
type signatures = list (dummy); /* Waiting to be fixed */
type check_message_pt = {
counter : counter,
message : message,
signatures : signatures
counter : counter,
message : message,
signatures : signatures
type return = (list (operation),storage);
type return = (list (operation),storage);
type parameter = CheckMessage (check_message_pt);
let check_message = ((param,s) : (check_message_pt, storage)) : return => {
let check_message = ((param, s): (check_message_pt, storage)) : return =>
let message : message = param.message;
let s =
if (param.counter != s.counter) {
let coco = failwith ("Counters does not match");
else {
let packed_payload : bytes = Bytes.pack ((message, param.counter,, chain_id));
let valid : nat = 0n;
let keys : authorized_keys = s.auth;
let aux = ((vk,pkh_sig) : ((nat, authorized_keys),(key_hash,signature))):(nat,authorized_keys) => {
let (valid,keys) = vk;
switch(keys) {
| [] => (valid,keys);
| [key,] => {
let keys = tl;
if (pkh_sig[0] == Crypto.hash_key (key)){
let valid =
if (Crypto.check (key, pkh_sig[1], packed_payload)){
valid + 1n ;
else {
let coco = failwith ("Invalid signature");
else {
if (param.counter != s.counter) {
(failwith ("Counters does not match") : storage);
} else {
let packed_payload : bytes =
Bytes.pack ((message, param.counter,, chain_id));
let valid : nat = 0n;
let keys : authorized_keys = s.auth;
let aux = ((vk, pkh_sig) :
((nat, authorized_keys), (key_hash, signature)))
: (nat, authorized_keys) => {
let (valid, keys) = vk;
switch (keys) {
| [] => vk;
| [key, ...keys] =>
if (pkh_sig[0] == Crypto.hash_key (key)) {
let valid =
if (Crypto.check (key, pkh_sig[1], packed_payload)) {
valid + 1n;
else { (failwith ("Invalid signature") : nat) };
(valid, keys);
else { (valid, keys); };
let (valid,keys) = List.fold (aux, param.signatures, (valid,keys));
let (valid, keys) =
List.fold (aux, param.signatures, (valid, keys));
if (valid < s.threshold) {
let coco = failwith ("Not enough signatures passed the check");
(failwith ("Not enough signatures passed the check") : storage);
else {
{...s,counter : s.counter + 1n};
(message (unit),s)
let main = ((param, s) : (parameter,storage)) : return =>
switch(param) {
| CheckMessage (p) => check_message ((p,s))
let main = ((action, store) : (parameter,storage)) : return =>
switch (action) {
| CheckMessage (p) => check_message ((p, store))
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
let foo (u: unit) : address =
let main (ps: unit * address): (operation list * address) =
( ([] : operation list) , foo)
( ([] : operation list) , foo)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
type foobar = option(int);
type foobar = option (int);
let s: foobar = Some(42);
let n: foobar = None;
let s : foobar = Some (42);
let n : foobar = None;
@ -1,24 +1,10 @@
type foobar = {
foo : int ;
bar : int ;
type foobar = {foo : int; bar : int}
let fb : foobar = {
foo = 0 ;
bar = 0 ;
let fb : foobar = {foo=0; bar=0}
type abc = {
a : int ;
b : int ;
c : int
type abc = {a : int; b : int; c : int}
let abc : abc = {
a = 42 ;
b = 142 ;
c = 242
let abc : abc = {a=42; b=142; c=242}
let a : int = abc.a
let b : int = abc.b
@ -28,26 +14,25 @@ let projection (r : foobar) : int = +
let modify (r : foobar) : foobar = {foo = 256; bar =}
let modify_abc (r : abc) : abc = let c = 42 in {r with b = 2048; c = c}
let modify_abc (r : abc) : abc = let c = 42 in {r with b=2048; c=c}
type big_record = {
a : int ;
b : int ;
c : int ;
d : int ;
e : int ;
a : int;
b : int;
c : int;
d : int;
e : int
let br : big_record = {
a = 23 ;
b = 23 ;
c = 23 ;
d = 23 ;
e = 23 ;
a = 23;
b = 23;
c = 23;
d = 23;
e = 23
type double_record = {
inner : abc;
type double_record = {inner : abc}
let modify_inner (r : double_record) : double_record = {r with inner.b = 2048 }
let modify_inner (r : double_record) : double_record =
{r with inner.b = 2048}
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
type foobar = {
foo : int ,
bar : int ,
foo : int,
bar : int
let fb : foobar = {
foo : 0 ,
bar : 0 ,
foo : 0,
bar : 0
type abc = {
a : int ,
b : int ,
a : int,
b : int,
c : int
let abc : abc = {
a : 42 ,
b : 142 ,
a : 42,
b : 142,
c : 242
@ -24,30 +24,31 @@ let a : int = abc.a;
let b : int = abc.b;
let c : int = abc.c;
let projection = (r : foobar) : int => +;
let projection = (r: foobar) : int => +;
let modify = (r : foobar) : foobar => {foo : 256, bar :};
let modify = (r: foobar) : foobar => {foo: 256, bar:};
let modify_abc = (r : abc) : abc => {...r,b : 2048 , c:42};
let modify_abc = (r: abc) : abc => {...r, b: 2048, c: 42};
type big_record = {
a : int ,
b : int ,
c : int ,
d : int ,
e : int ,
a : int,
b : int,
c : int,
d : int,
e : int
let br : big_record = {
a : 23 ,
b : 23 ,
c : 23 ,
d : 23 ,
e : 23 ,
a : 23,
b : 23,
c : 23,
d : 23,
e : 23
type double_record = {
inner : abc,
let modify_inner = (r : double_record) : double_record => {...r,inner.b : 2048 };
let modify_inner =
(r: double_record) : double_record => {...r, inner.b : 2048};
@ -1 +1 @@
function main (const p : unit) : address is self_address
function main (const p : unit) : address is Tezos.self_address
@ -1 +1 @@
let main (p: unit) : address = Current.self_address
let main (p : unit) : address = Tezos.self_address
@ -1 +1 @@
let main = (p: unit): address => Current.self_address;
let main = (p: unit) : address => Tezos.self_address;
@ -2,5 +2,4 @@
let aggregate (i : int) (j : int) : int = i + j
let fold_op (s : int set) : int =
Set.fold aggregate s 15
let fold_op (s : int set) : int = Set.fold aggregate s 15
@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ let patch_op_deep (s: string set * nat) : string set * nat =
begin patch s.0 with set ["foobar"]; end with s
let mem_op (s : string set) : bool =
Set.mem "foobar" s
let mem_op (s : string set) : bool = Set.mem "foobar" s
let size_op (s: string set) : nat =
Set.size s
let size_op (s: string set) : nat = Set.cardinal s
@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
/* Test set operations in ReasonLIGO */
let literal_op = (p: unit) : set(string) => Set.literal(["foo", "bar", "foobar"]);
let literal_op = (p: unit) : set (string) =>
Set.literal (["foo", "bar", "foobar"]);
let add_op = (s: set(string)): set(string) => Set.add("foobar", s);
let add_op = (s: set (string)) : set (string) =>
Set.add ("foobar", s);
let remove_op = (s: set(string)): set(string) => Set.remove("foobar", s);
let remove_op = (s: set (string)) : set(string) =>
Set.remove ("foobar", s);
let remove_deep = (s: (set(string), nat)): (set(string), nat) =>
Set.remove("foobar", s[0]);
let remove_deep = (s: (set (string), nat)): (set (string), nat) =>
Set.remove ("foobar", s[0]);
let patch_op (s: string set) : string set =
begin patch s with set ["foobar"]; end with s
let mem_op = (s: set (string)) : bool =>
Set.mem ("foobar", s);
let patch_op_deep (s: string set * nat) : string set * nat =
begin patch s[0] with set ["foobar"]; end with s
let mem_op = (s: set(string)): bool => Set.mem("foobar", s);
let size_op = (s: set(string)): nat => Set.size(s);
let size_op = (s: set (string)): nat =>
Set.cardinal (s);
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
let main (p: key_hash) : operation list =
let unused: operation = (Operation.set_delegate (Some p)) in ([]: operation list)
let main (p : key_hash) : operation list =
let useless : operation = Tezos.set_delegate (Some p)
in ([] : operation list)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
let main = (p: key_hash) : list(operation) => {
let unused: operation = (Operation.set_delegate(Some(p)));
([]: list(operation));
let main = (p: key_hash) : list (operation) => {
let unused : operation = (Tezos.set_delegate (Some (p)));
([] : list (operation));
} ;
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
(* Test that the string concatenation syntax in CameLIGO works *)
let size_op (s: string) : nat = String.size s
let slice_op (s: string) : string = String.slice 1n 2n s
let concat_syntax (s: string) = s ^ "test_literal"
let size_op (s : string) : nat = String.length s
let slice_op (s : string) : string = String.sub 1n 2n s
let concat_syntax (s : string) = s ^ "test_literal"
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
/* Test that the string concatenation syntax in ReasonLIGO works */
let size_op = (s: string): nat => String.size(s);
let slice_op = (s: string): string => String.slice(1n, 2n, s);
let size_op = (s: string) : nat => String.length (s);
let slice_op = (s: string) : string => String.sub (1n, 2n, s);
let concat_syntax = (s: string) => s ++ "test_literal";
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
let main (ps : unit * unit) =
let main (_ : unit * unit) =
if true
then failwith "This contract always fails"
else failwith "This contract still always fails"
@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
type action =
| Increment of int
type parameter =
Increment of int
| Decrement of int
let test_param = Increment(1)
type storage = int
type return = operation list * storage
let test_param = Increment 1
let test_storage = 2
let main (ps : action * int) : (operation list * int) =
let storage =
match ps.0 with
| Increment n -> ps.1 + n
| Decrement n -> ps.1 - n in
(([] : operation list) , storage)
let main (action, store : parameter * storage) : return =
let store =
match action with
| Increment n -> store + n
| Decrement n -> store - n
in ([] : operation list), store
@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
type action =
| Increment(int)
| Decrement(int);
type parameter =
Increment (int)
| Decrement (int);
let main = (p: action, s: int): (list(operation), int) => {
let storage =
switch (p) {
| Increment(n) => s + n
| Decrement(n) => s - n
type storage = int;
type return = (list (operation), storage);
let main = ((action, store): (parameter, storage) : return => {
let store =
switch (action) {
| Increment (n) => store + n
| Decrement (n) => store - n
([]: list(operation), storage);
([] : list (operation), store);
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
let add_tez : tez = 21mutez + 0.000021tz
let sub_tez : tez = 0.000021tz - 0.000020tz
let not_enough_tez : tez = 4611686018427.387903tz
let add_tez : tez = 21mutez + 0.000_021tez
let sub_tez : tez = 0.000021tez - 0.000_020tez
let not_enough_tez : tez = 461_168_601_842_738_7903mutez
let add_more_tez : tez = 100tz + 10tz + 1tz + 0.1tz + 0.01tz + 0.001tz
let add_more_tez : tez =
100tez + 10tez + 1tez + 0.1tez + 0.01tez + 0.001tez
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
type parameter = unit
type storage = {
next_use: timestamp;
interval: int;
execute: unit -> operation list;
next_use : timestamp;
interval : int;
execute : unit -> operation list
let main (p,s: unit * storage) : operation list * storage =
(* Multiple calls to Current.time give different values *)
let now: timestamp = Current.time in
if now > s.next_use
type return = operation list * storage
let main (action, store : parameter * storage) : return =
(* Multiple evaluations of give different values *)
let my_now : timestamp = in
if my_now > store.next_use
let s: storage = {
next_use = now + s.interval;
interval = s.interval;
execute = s.execute;
(s.execute (), s)
let store : storage =
{store with next_use = my_now + store.interval}
in store.execute (), store
(* TODO: Add the time until next use to this message *)
(failwith "You have to wait before you can execute this contract again.":
operation list * storage)
(failwith "You have to wait before you can execute this contract again."
: return)
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ let projection_abc (tpl : abc) : int = tpl.1
type foobar = int * int
let fb : foobar = (0, 0)
let fb : foobar = (0,0)
let projection (tpl : foobar) : int = tpl.0 + tpl.1
@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
let g (b: int) = b + 3
let g (b : int) = b + 3
let f (b: int * int) : int -> int = g
let f (b : int * int) : int -> int = g
let a (b: int * int -> int -> int) : int = (b (5,3)) 5
let a (b : int * int -> int -> int) : int = (b (5,3)) 5
let test1 (_: int) =
a f
let test1 (_: int) = a f
let n (a, b: int * int): int = a + b
let n (a, b : int * int) : int = a + b
let o (p: int * int -> int): int = p((3, 9))
let o (p : int * int -> int) : int = p (3, 9)
let test2 (ignore: int) = o(n)
let test2 (ignore : int) = o (n)
@ -1,49 +1,43 @@
The difference between tuples and arguments is subtle in ReasonLIGO.
`f(a, b);`
The difference between tuples and arguments is subtle in ReasonLIGO.
`f(a, b);`
f is called with two arguments
`f((a, b));`
`f((a, b));`
f is called with a tuple.
type fun_type = (int, int) => int;
let arguments = (b: int, c: int) => {
b + c;
let arguments = (b: int, c: int) => { b + c; };
let arguments_type_def = (b: fun_type) => b(5, 3);
let arguments_type_def = (b: fun_type) => b (5, 3);
let arguments_test = (ignore: int) => arguments_type_def(arguments);
let arguments_test = (ignore: int) => arguments_type_def (arguments);
type tuple_type = ((int, int)) => int;
let tuple = ((a, b): (int, int)) => {
a + b;
let tuple = ((a, b): (int, int)) => { a + b; };
let tuple_type_def = (b: tuple_type) => b((5, 3));
let tuple_type_def = (b: tuple_type) => b ((5, 3));
let tuple_test = (ignore: int) => tuple_type_def(tuple);
let tuple_test = (ignore: int) => tuple_type_def (tuple);
/* inline */
let arguments_inline = (b: int, c: int) => {
b + c;
let arguments_inline = (b: int, c: int) => { b + c; };
let arguments_type_def_inline = (b: (int, int) => int) => b(5, 3);
let arguments_type_def_inline = (b: (int, int) => int) => b (5, 3);
let arguments_test_inline = (ignore: int) => arguments_type_def_inline(arguments_inline);
let arguments_test_inline = (ignore: int) =>
arguments_type_def_inline (arguments_inline);
let tuple_inline = ((a, b): (int, int)) => {
a + b;
let tuple_inline = ((a, b): (int, int)) => { a + b; };
let tuple_type_def_inline = (b: ((int, int)) => int) => b((5, 3));
let tuple_type_def_inline = (b: ((int, int)) => int) => b ((5, 3));
let tuple_test_inline = (ignore: int) => tuple_type_def_inline(tuple_inline);
let tuple_test_inline = (ignore: int) =>
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